Siena College Democrats

I. The name of this club shall be known as the Siena College Democrats

II. Purpose The Purpose of this Club: A. To cultivate interest in the Democratic Party, Democratic Politics and general political advocacy. B. To make students more aware and understanding of the Democratic Party’s positions and further this awareness among the Siena College community. C. To help foster not just one-party politics at Siena, but two parties through discussion and political advocacy. D. To create a friendly environment at Siena for those with progressive/liberal beliefs and create an avenue for people sharing those beliefs to speak their mind openly. E. To help the Siena community address important political issues in everyday life. F. To help offer political opportunities and services to the Siena College community.

III. Membership A. Membership shall be determined by general enrollment. All Siena students interested in Democratic politics, political discussion, and the workings of the Democratic Party are highly encouraged to become members. The Siena College Democrats shall be welcoming to students of all political backgrounds and opinions and encourage the desire to become more politically active and knowledgeable. B. Members must attend at least 4 meetings per semester to stay in good standing in the club. C. Inactive members or members failing to communicate with the club will be eligible for suspension.

IV. Officers A. Officers shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and Public Relations Officer.

1. The President shall call meetings, run e-board meetings, direct policy, bring up issues and lead discussion. The President will be responsible for communicating and coordinating with the Political Science Society and in further our clubs’ missions and program opportunities. The President will also be responsible for maintaining communications with the College Democrats of New York and renewing our club’s chapter with CDNY every year. The President may create ad hoc committees and positions as they see fit, in accordance with the mission of the club. The President will be responsible for attending House of Clubs meetings monthly, as per the Student Senate. The President is required to attend club training each semester.

2. The Vice President will be in charge of bringing up new club business and advising the President on any options he/she has in policy decision. The Vice President will also be responsible for assisting the Public Relations Officer with publicizing all club events. The Vice President will be responsible for organizing club discussions and current events topics.

3. The Secretary will record club business, bring up any missed items of discussion, maintain the club roster and records, and assist in the running of club functions and event planning including club fundraisers and club speaking events and file reports to the Senate as needed on club activity. The Secretary is also responsible for keeping an updated email list of the club’s membership, updated attendance records, and sending out emails to the club announcing meetings, in coordination with the President.

4. The Treasurer will keep track of club finances, make sure the club is financially within its obligations, propose the club’s budget, and oversee any financial dealings the club has with outside groups. They will also be responsible for communicating with the budget allocation committee, as needed. The treasurer will be required to attend each semester’s club training and keep up-to-date on all financial policies regarding student organizations.

5. The Public Relations Officer will be responsible for maintaining and increasing campus awareness of the Siena College Democrats and their activities. They will be expected to post information about meetings and club events to the Student Digest. The Public Relations Officer will be expected to maintain any social media outlets the club is using.

6. In the event the President cannot attend a meeting, resigns, or is impeached, the responsibility of running club functions shall go in the following succession: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations.

7. An E-Board member must be present for a meeting to be valid.

B. Any resignations must be handed in 3 weeks beforehand with a notice.

C. In case of any major abuses/club violations that are considered threatening to the survival of the club by officers will result in an impeachment process. If violations are found, the remaining members of the executive board and 4 members in good standing with the club will form the impeachment committee. The 4 regular members put to the vote will be chosen by a discreet lottery where their names will be pulled out of a hat.

D. During an impeachment trial the 8 members of the impeachment committee will hear the arguments for and against impeachment. It takes a 2/3rds vote by the impeachment committee to remove a member on an impeachment charge. Elections for the vacated position will follow within 2 weeks of removal from office.

E. In the event of an officer’s impeachment or resignation, the line of succession will be followed to immediately fill the position of question. The president may appoint another member to fill their previous position, or hold a special election if they so choose.

F. Failure to attend 4 meetings or more during a semester in a way which is deemed inexcusable by the majority of the club membership is grounds for automatic impeachment and forfeiture of office.

V. Election Law A. Members must attend at least 2 meetings prior to the election to vote or run for office. B. General elections will be held in the month of April. C. Members may run for President as long as they are in attendance at Siena for the year they will be serving. Members must be in regular standing for at least one academic year to run for President, at least one semester to run for Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. D. The current President of the Siena Democrats will be in charge of elections. This member will be responsible for creating ballots. If the president is running for re-election and is contested, another club member may be appointed to count the ballots. E. The method of voting shall be paper ballots which the current President will count and report the results to the group. In the case of a tie a coin will be flipped to determine the winner. F. The newly elected President and cabinet will take control at the last club meeting of the school year.

V. Meetings A. Meetings of the Siena College Democrats shall take place once a week as decided by the President. B. Emergency meetings shall be decided by a vote from the officers.

VI. Organizational Procedures A. General operating rules and procedures as dictated by the Student Senate shall apply. B. At the end of the officers’ terms, the Secretary will file a report as to the general status of the club as a whole. C. As the club is a chartered chapter of the College Democrats of New York, the club will also abide by CDNY’s rules and by-laws.

VII. Advisor A. The Siena College Democrats shall have an Advisor who is a faculty member or in a position with the college and can seek advice/help with the Advisor at any time over policy and positions. B. The Advisor can come to any meeting they find fit to attend or are asked to. The treasurer will be required to attend each semester’s club training and keep up-to-date on all financial policies regarding student organizations. VIII. By-Laws By-Laws can be amended with a 2/3 majority vote.

IX. Amendment Process Amendments shall be filed as follows: A. A written amendment shall be brought before all officers. B. If felt to be serious among members; a 2/3 majority vote should be implemented by the President.

X. Dissolution A ¾ majority vote through a petition can decide whether the club shall be dissolved. If inactive for 2 years, a new constitution and approval procedure must be followed.

XI. Ratification The Siena College Democrats Constitution becomes effective when ratified by the Student Senate and amendments are effective with Student Senate approval.

XII. Effective Date/Renewal A. The constitution is approved by members in Spring 2016. B. Student Senate ratification in ______. C. Constitution will be revaluated by members in ______. D. Constitution will be revaluated by Senate and CCM in ______.