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California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle (1984-) Arthur E. Nelson University Archives 5-3-1995 May 3rd 1995 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle Recommended Citation CSUSB, "May 3rd 1995" (1995). Coyote Chronicle (1984-). 399. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/coyote-chronicle/399 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Arthur E. Nelson University Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle (1984-) by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. California State University, San Bernardino TPie Coyote CPironicte Volume 29. Issue 12 May 3. 1995— Faculty Appreciation Day Gives a Chance to the Athletes By Darren Polino and Audra D. of eight representatives from Men's and Alexander Women's Basketball, Men's and Women's Coyoto Chronicle Staff Writers Soccer, Women's Volleyball, Men's Golf, Men's Baseball, and Women's Softball were chosen to represent a link between student Student Athletes were given the oppcxtu- athletes and administration. The Council nity to say, "Thank you" on Tuesday, April meets once a mcmth in order to provide up 25. dates on the development of each spcxt and Faculty Appreciation Day, under the di nard^no show concern for the community with such rection of Athletics Director Nancy Simpson, things as a trip to visit a local nursing home was held immediately before the baseball in December. game between the Coyotes and the UC Riv- ^ril 6 was National Student Athlete Day, ^ide Highlanders at Fiscalini Field. The and the Council offered their teams the Department of Athletics, the Student-Life c^portunity to show appreciation to an out Council, and the school's eight intercolle- standing faculty member who they felt h^ touched their life in some way. Faculty members Dr. Jenny Zom w^ given free admis sion to the ball game and a different atmosphere (than other institu were asked to stand up tions) here." Moises Hemandez and be recognized. Six Efr. R J. Charkins, professw of Econom fessor in Psychology; and frcxn the Men's teen members were cho ics, was nominated by the Men's Soccer Basketball team, Don Woodford, professor sen toreceivespecial rec team. Moises Hernandez, from the Spanish of Art ognition for their efforts Department was nominated by the Men's Simpson hopes to make this an anuual and energy in providing Soccer team as well. Hernandez, who is in event. She hopes that over time, the event the student athletes with his second year at Cal State, stated that "It's will gain prece^nce and show the bond that guidance in the pursuit wonderful that 1 have contributed in a posi athletics and education can productively of a degree. tive way to students." share. Dr. Jenny Zom, Dr. Jennie Gilbert, associate professcM- of nominated by the Riysical Education, was nominated by the Women's Volleyball Women's Soccer team. The team also nomi team felt, "very honored nated Dr. Linda Norman, anassistantprofes- becauseit came from the sor of Political Science, who felt "very hon students." Z^n, assis ored by the student athletes action." Coyote Chronicle tant (M^ofessor of Geog The Women's Basketball team nominated raphy, received her de Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff, from the Psychology Index gree from Ohio State department, and Dr. Mary Smith, associate University. She and her professor of marketing. Dr. Smith felt it was •Page 2* husband are expecting "a wonderful opportunity to show (the) stu Calendar of Events theit second child in July. dents' apfM^eciation." Dr. Linda Norman John Pate, also The other nominees weretfrom the Men's nominated by the Baseball team- KurtSmith, from the Philoso Women's Volleyball team, teaches Commu •Pages 3 and 4* giate teams took the time to show their appre phy department; Sarah Boeh, professor of nications at CSUSB, and feels that being ciation for faculty members that have made Physic^ Education.; from Men's Golf- Dr. Commentary and nominatedby thestudentathletesis, "cool! It outstanding contributions to the educational Janice Loutzenhiser,associate professor of lets you know there's something you're doing Letters to the Editor experiences of our student athletes. Management and Sue Strain, from the Physi right" When asked about his feelings on our The Student Athlete Council, comprised cal Education Department; from Women's campus. Pate said, "Hike thecommunity. It's Softball- Dr. Joanna Worthley, assistant pro- •Pages 8 and 9^ Economic News •Pages I0-13^ Arts & Entertainment •Pages 14 and 15^ Sports •Page 19^ Classified Ads Dr. Mary Smith (foreground) John Pate Presented by Events From Wednesday, May 3 to Wednesday, May 17,1995 Wednesd.u M'U ^ L! © ©IF L®©i?\TO©o^: JAPANESE ANIMATION FEST - Events CenterB & C, 12 Noon - 8 pm. ADMINsAdministration BIdg. LOWER COMMONS MCCaMuldculturai Center BASEBALL:CSUSB v. ARENA^u»»ouH$ Arena EUCsEucalyptua Room SENaSenate Chembera MULTICULTURAL GUEST CONCORDIA UNIV. FISC, 1 p.m. ARTGALL'Art Gallery PANOsPanorama Room WRAARCaWomen'a Reaouree A BIOsBiological Science PtNEsPine Room Adult Re-Enby Center SPEAKER:Pe4fro Santonl MCC, 2 TCaTemporary Gaaarooma ZETA TAU ALPHA RUSH INFOR CAMCREATIVE ARTS SYCsSycamore Room p.m. TOaTemporary Officea MATION TABLES. In front of Jack RECITMRecital Hah PE»Phy$icai Education (Old Gym) PFAU^Pfau Ubrary IMaUniveraity Hall Brown Hall, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. THEATER'ib}iveraity Theater LECTURE: Current State of Com FISCBFIacalini Reld PHYSaiPhysioM Science CAREERaCareer Development mercial Real Estate Markets by Dave Center (UH-324) (Highland Av. A Harriaon St) SIERRA^Sierra Hall Jones, Regional Manager, Sperry Van CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRA SSDaServicea to Studenta with FIELD^SoHball Field STUDENT UNION Ness. 1 pm. - 2:30 pm. TION - COURT. U a.m. - 3 pjn. Diaabilltiea (UH-23S) CAREER, HPsHealth & f^ytical Education COURT^ourtyard Free to students and CSUSB Alumni GAMaGame Room VISARTSaViaual Arta JBmJack Brown Hah Assn. members. Thursd.n, \1av 4 STUDY PRESENTATION: Fre IS EVERYTHING BLACK & "Time Management"with Gary Rose. quency ofSexualHarrassment Across WHITE?:Topic:"Are 'Just Say No' Jfl-258, 4 p.m. TALK SOUP: Union or ZETA TAU ALPHA RUSH INFOR College Campuses by Dr. Jan Kottke Programs Effective?" MCC, I p.m. Separation.'Fraternities & Sororities MATION TABLES. In front of Stu- and student Kathryn Paget. LECTURE: "Theory of Intersection: on Campus. MCC, 12 Noon. ctenf Union, 9:30 am. - 4:30 p.m. WR&ARC,12 Noon -1 pjn. MULTICULTURAL GUEST Ethnography, Performance & Minor SPEAKER: Carolyn Johnson. ity Discourse" by Dr. Dorine Kondo, ZETATAVALPHA:Strawberry Fes professor of Anthropology and y^ORKSHOPiHowtolnterview with FrlddV, Mcl\ T SUEC-C, 6 p.m. tival Party. SUEC-A, 1 p.m. Chris Amrhein, Wallace Computer Women's Studies, ClaremontCollege. Services, CAREER, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. WORKSHOP: Job Search With Re J0-1O2,12 Noon. INTERNATIONAL NIGHT. Inter Wednesday, Mav 10 Free to students and CSUSB Alumni sults with Paui Esposito, Jr., Coordi national Buffet: 5:30 pjn. - 7 pan. Assn. members. nator, Placement Services, CAREER CONCERT: CSUSB JAZZ EN Cultural Performances: 7:30 p.m. - DevelopmentCenter. CAREER,1 p.m. SEMBLE. RECIT, 8:15 p.m. $5 Gen BROWN BAG LUNCH LECTURE 10;30p.m. Creative Arts /?£C/T.Tidc- FlljM:*'Desert Hearts." Sponsored - 2 p.m. Free to students and CSUSB eral Admission, $3 Students/Seniors. SERIES:"A/riean*AmerjeaR eUSlO. Womanism with Dr. Mary Texeira, by the University Diversity Commit Alumni Assn. members. tee. UH-106, 6 p.m. Free FEMINISTS FOR ACTION. professor of sociology, CSUSB. Mond.u. Nt,i\ ^ ZEJATAVALPHA-"CelebrateZTA Two meetings: 9 a.m. -10 a.m., 12 WR&ARC,\2pm.-\ p.m. MULTICULTURAL GUEST Party." All women welcome to Rush. Noon -1 p.m. WR&ARC. WORKSHOP: Entreprenuership SPEAKERiSaulCastro. MCC,3pjn. BROWN BAG LUNCH LECTURE SUEC-A, 7 p.m. SERIES'Adolescent Beliefs HEALTH FAIR. Health screenings, Skills, with Gene Bohatch, ENCON MUSIC RECITAL.Riverside Com TowardsCauses of Rape with Dr. Tuesd.n,M.n" educational materials, entertainment munity College Chamber Singers. Gloria Cowan, professor of psychol and more. Lower Commons Plaza, 11 see CAMPUS CALENDAR, RECIT, 12 Noon. Free. ogy, CSUSB. WR&ARC, 12 p.m.-l a.m. - 3 p.m. continued on page 18 ACCOUNTING ASSN. SPEAKER: p.m. ZETATAU ALPHA FRATERmlF/. WEDN1NI>A\S OPEN AIR MARKET. COURT 8 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR SINGLE PARENTS SUPPORT TC - 006,1 p.m. a.m. - 6 pm. CHRIST. "Coffee Talk" Discussion GROUP. WR&ARC,1:30 p.m. - 2:30 BIBLE STUDY. Sponsored by Cam Group. EUC, 6:15 pm. - 7:30 p.m. p.m. MONDAYS pus Crusade fcff Christ. SEN, 1 p.m. - FRENCH TABLE CLUB. PINE,12 3 p.m. Noon. VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE SUNOMg' ADVENTURE GAMING GUILD. CLASS. Sponsored by Vietnamese Shi- SYC, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. CIRCLE K INTERNATIONAL. BIBLE TALK- Weekly meeting of dent Assn. PS-207, 6 pm. - 8 p.m. ALPHA DELTAHSORORITY. TC SEN, 6 p.m. Triumph. PINE 12 Noon. Free. - 001,1 p.m. ALANON:12 STEPS AND TRADI TIONS. SEN, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AFDC SUPPORT GROUP (BI ALniA PHI SORORITY. EUC, 6 UNION. WR&ARC, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. ASSN. - Regular meeting, UH- 252,4 WEEKLY). May 11 & 25, WR&ARC, p.m. p.m. - 5 pm. 6 pm.- 7 p.m. TUFSDAYS AFRICAN-AMERICAN MEN'S PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY. SUPPORT GROUP. MCC,5 p.m. - 6 SPANISH TABLE CLUB. SEN, 12 HISPANIC WOMEN'S EMPOW PINE, 1 pm. ACCOUNTING ASSN. Business p.m. Noon -1 p.m.. ERMENT GROUP. Thursdays, meeting. HP-124,4 p.m. WR&ARC, 3 p.m.