
A Dissertation

Presented to

the Faculty of

Trinity School of Natural Health


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

Naturopathic Doctor Certification



Rebecca A. Plotner

April 2014

The intestinal tract is a long tube filled with good and bad bacteria working together in perfect balance creating a state of homeostasis. If something kills off the good bacteria, the bad bacteria grows unchecked and can become pathogenic.

This is the source of illness in the body affecting each person according to their genetic weakness and according to the specific pathogen overgrowth.

A healthy microbiome will process pathogens and toxins as they pass through the body. A compromised microbiome can not. Each person responds differently to toxins and chemicals according to their body's weakest link. For some this imbalance shows up as illnesses like toenail fungus or cracked heels for others it is fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis. Each is connected to the health of the intestinal tract and the bacteria that lies within the 30 feet that make up our digestion.

"In healthy individuals there is a thick bacterial band attached to gut mucosa, keeping it intact and healthy. In inflammatory bowel disease different pathogens are found in the mucosa, even inside the gut cells," says Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.1

McBride is the leading forerunner in autoimmune disease, , psychological issues and all other gut related diseases which she believes are all caused by an imbalance in the microbiome.

McBride is a Medical Doctor, neurologist, neurosurgeon and holds a degree in Human Nutrition. She is considered the pioneer of gut healing. Other findings and studies have sourced from her clinical experience, verifying her work. Studies performed in 2015 only confirm McBride's clinical findings from 2004 and earlier.

Rebuilding the microbiome can be accomplished through introducing the proper beneficial bacteria for that person's weakness while eliminating all factors that cause the pathogens to grow.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports, "There are qualitative and quantitative differences in the composition of gut microbiota between patients affected by FA (food allergy) and healthy infants. These findings prompted the concept that specific beneficial bacteria from the human intestinal microflora, designated probiotics, could restore intestinal homeostasis and prevent or alleviate allergy, at least in part by interacting with the intestinal immune cells."2

If the intestines were spread out flat it would cover the size of a tennis court. The mucus lining itself weighs three pounds, the same weight as a brick. A healthy mucosal lining is vital to a healthy body.

All aspects of the body are connected to the gut. If the gut is sick, the body is sick. If the gut is healthy, the body is healthy. Each person can tolerate different toxins or chemicals, even if ingested, according to the state of their intestinal flora that covers the walls of the intestines.

When this mucosal lining is compromised, due to pathogen overgrowth, different illnesses will manifest in the body, according the that person's weakness. This weakness can be because the good mucosa was not passed down from the mother, creating weak strains of necessary beneficial bacteria or it can be because something has killed off the proper balance.

McBride's clinical experience with the gut microbiome shows irrefutable evidence that the overgrowth of bad bacteria is the root cause of disease. Her protocol to heal the damage and recover health, even for the most damaged cases, is done through anti-inflammatory, easy to digest foods accompanied with building the flora with probiotics.

The intestinal tract is considered the area between the stomach and the anus, however, when the microbiome is not in balance the mucosal lining in all areas including the stomach, esophagus and mouth, is compromised. This means when food enters the mouth the saliva that normally starts to break down food, is not able to perform its job.

When this happens there are signs, showing the imbalance and damage is present. If the microbiome of the intestinal tract has pathogen overgrowth this will be evident through several factors including gas, bloating, pain, diarrhea or constipation, acid reflux, GERD, H. pylori, hiccups and burping, as well as other complications.

There should not be gas in the intestinal tract, flatulence is a sign something is wrong.

This could be food fermenting in the intestines, it could be yeast, it could be worms passing out of the body releasing toxic gasses as they pass or it could be die off from other pathogens.

Gas should be evident in a healthy gut if the fecal matter is in the final stages of transit and you are not able to evacuate in a timely manner. At all other times the tract should not produce gas.

When the stomach is compromised stomach acid does not function properly. This can take different forms. When there is low stomach acid the secretion glands in the stomach go into overdrive producing hydrochloric acid to compensate for the deficiency. This low stomach acid can present in two ways – as low stomach acid or as the secretion glands overproduce acid to accommodate for the deficiency, too much acid.

McBride says if the stomach wall is overgrown with pathogens, "They produce toxins which have an ability to paralyze the muscles of the stomach, causing gastro-paresis with slow emptying. The same situation happens in the bowel causing slow transit of food and constipation."3

When this happens a person can experience acid reflux, burning in the throat and food spurting up from the stomach as the overactive acid sloshes against the sphincter. This will happen if certain pathogens that paralyze the muscles are present. When there is low stomach acid the secretion glands in the stomach go into overdrive producing hydrochloric acid to compensate. This is the source of too much acid. In rare cases the person will get pain in their lungs as the stomach acid splashes up and falls back into the lungs. This causes a lot of pain as the stomach acid is caustic to the lining of the lungs.

If the damage affects the salivary glands the person will be picky with food, specifically food textures as the pathogens release toxic gasses. McBride says, "Toxins get secreted through saliva. This contributes to the toxic load in the mouth, altering the taste and feel of foods."4

The child in this situation will refuse food if the texture is not right, but there is a reason.

He's not just being naughty or defiant. Certain foods are cleaning foods which cleanse the body of toxins. Raw fruit, vegetables, herbs, uncooked nuts and seeds, cold pressed oils and other foods kill off pathogens. When the child eats foods that kill the pathogens in their saliva the food does not taste like food. When the pathogens are killed they release toxic gasses. Different foods kill off different pathogens, specific to each person. Some toxic gasses are chemically acetone, others are acetaldehyde, the chemical in your body which gives you the hangover feeling. When these toxins are in your food the food doesn't taste good. This can cause the child to become a picky eater, spit out their food or refuse to eat.

For a child in this situation if they put a spoonful of healing food in their mouth it kills these toxic pathogens, killing them. When they die the acetone, or methane, or hydrogen gas, or many other toxins fill the mouth. Not the child is not tasting pastured egg yolk they are tasting broken glass or nail polish remover. This child will not like that food for clear reasons.

Even twins who have the same make up have a different pathogen load. One child may love a certain food while it causes texture issues for another. Texture issues range in food types according to the pathogens.

McBride describes it well saying, "Foods have strong detoxifying substances, which bind to the toxins in the mouth trying to remove them. This can feel far from nice, ranging from stinging, itching and burning to simply an unpleasant taste."5

“We’re all being slowly poisoned in some ways, some advertently, some inadvertently. The food is really tricky these days,” says Dr. Robynne Chutkan, author of Gutbliss A 10-Day Plan To Ban

Bloat, Flush Toxins, And Dump Your Digestive Baggage.6 Gastroenterology issues are regularly healed through health and nutrition.

Chutkan is a Medical Doctor and Integrative Gastroenterologist who says, "There are more than one billion bacteria in each drop of fluid in your colon." She says her paradigm that pills fix everything has changed. “There is so much that we don’t know in medicine. A lot of the evidence is not compelling. What continues to cause me a great deal of anguish is looking at the commercial aspect of medicine. So much of what we do is based on who is providing our medication.”67

Acid suppressing drugs block stomach acids but also create a hospitable environment for bad bacteria. This is a direct cause of boating caused by possible overgrowth of bacteria and yeast. The next step is skin issues, eczema, allergies and food intolerances.

She goes on to say, “Unfortunately these days pharmaceutical companies are the ones providing much of the medical education. Therefore there is often a pharmaceutical fix for something that could very often easily be treated with a lifestyle fix.”78

McBride says, "Once you heal and seal your gut lining, once you make your digestive system healthy and working properly again, you'll be surprised how many various symptoms in your body, far removed from your digestive system will start disappearing. The health and the disease are usually born inside the digestive system."9

Patients with an autoimmune disease often have issues with other autoimmune diseases, they cluster. This happens because the pathogens in gut microbiome are the cause. The problem is no one’s going to spend millions of dollars performing double blind randomized studies or advertising campaigns to tell you to eat broccoli or the fat on your steak.

On the other hand food manufacturers will spend thousands of dollars telling you why their processed food is beneficial for you, especially when they make millions for the effort. Pharmaceutical companies are the same, they spend millions of dollars telling you how great their medicine is because it earns them billions in sales.

The female colon is different than the male colon. Females has an extra 10 centimeters in the colon. Although this appears to be a small difference there is a large effect. The shape of the reproductive organs also make a difference. The male colon is shaped like a horseshoe making it easier for food, gas and toxins to be released. This is why bloating is frequently more prevalent in females than in males.

When the microbiome is damaged in this way, with pathogen overgrowth, the rebuilding process needs to begin to create homeostasis. Removing inflammatory foods is vital, this is why so many people see success with an elimination diet. However, if the pathogen overgrowth is not addressed while feeding the body nutrient dense foods, the body will continue to decline eliminating more foods for the person.

Dr. Amy Myers says, “Having one autoimmune condition triples the risk of having others.

80% of your immune system is in your gut. The gut is the gateway to your health, so if your gut isn't healthy, your immune system won't be either.” As a Doctor Myers says, “If you suffer from an autoimmune system, inflammation provokes your symptoms and makes your condition worse. If you are on the autoimmune spectrum, increased inflammation can push you over the edge into a full-blown autoimmune disorder.”10

Nutrient dense foods are vital to nourishing the body. When a person has a damaged microbiome like this their body is very toxic as it tries to cope with the overwhelming number of pathogens. Detoxing in this situation takes a lot of . This energy comes from nutrients. If the body is not getting those nutrients it can not detoxify well. There are many ways to heal a body and repair the tract. Some diets say drop the FODMAP foods while other say high fat, low carbohydrate and some say eating all raw vegetables will repair the damage. The truth is the solution is different for each person, according to their specific damage.

Adding raw vegetables in this situation, for the clients with the deepest damage, is more difficult on the digestive system.

When the saliva enzymes are compromised and the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is compromised, the intestinal mucosa is compromised. These people can not digest the fiber from raw foods because they do not have the enzymes or digestive juices to do the job.

These raw vegetables are not broken down and sit in the track undigested. This undigested food feeds the pathogens, causing further damage for the person.

“Fiber feeds microbes. The human digestive system has not been designed to break down fiber, it's indigestible,” McBride says.

In her patients she says she sees this every single time with intestinal damage. “It finishes up, undigested, in the bowel. If your bowel is dominated by pathogenic microbes, pathogenic microbes will feed on the fiber. They will proliferate. They will grow in numbers. Your disease will get worse.”11

On the flip side, if your intestines are healthy, fiber will be beneficial for you, these are the people who can tolerate raw vegetables. McBride says, “If your gut flora is healthy, if it is predominantly dominated by beneficial probiotic species of microbes, these microbes will feed on fiber. They will grow in number. They will feast on it. You will get wonderful benefits from it.”12

Sometime people follow what they see in nature and feel they should follow the pattern the animals show us. The concept that animals eat vegetables so we should eat vegetables really has not basis as different animals eat different foods. Manatees are very large sea swelling mammals that eat sea vegetables all day long, yet they appear fat. This appearance is a misconception as they are solid muscle. Elephants eat vegetation of many sorts, even pine trees. Lions, however, attack their kill and devour it raw.

Some animals don't really eat what they appear to eat as their bodies break down the food differently. If a cat ate grass they could cough it back up as a ball, indigestible. If a cow eats the same grass it's a different story. It is a misconception that certain animals, like cows, eat only grass, making them the perfect example of eating only vegetables. When the cow eats the grass the microbes that live in the rumen convert the grass into a Volitile Fatty Acid. Specifically, the grass is converted into a healthy fat to nourish the cow.13 This is true for cows, deer, sheep, zebras, giraffes and other herbivores, they are all on a high fat diet, nourishing foods, even though they are eating grass.

Humans picked up vegetarianism and veganism from monks that lived in isolation in monasteries. Some say when the monks found when they eliminated the meat and animal products their sexual urges were no longer a concern enabling them to exist. McBride says, “In order for us to produce sex hormones we need cholesterol because they're made from cholesterol. In order to produce sex hormones we have to eat meat, eggs, animal fat.”14

When the pathogens dominate the tract different things happen to different people according to the pathogens present.

When yeast is overgrowing it feeds on the undigested food as well as many other things, including other gasses from other pathogens.

There are 250 yeasts in the body, one of which is Candida albicans. In the C. albicans family there are 110 different strains of C. albicans. Each strain presents differently with different symptoms.

Some lead towards foot fungus, some towards dry skin other towards ticks or obsessive compulsive tendencies.

If there are 110 variations of one strain of yeast, there are most likely many variations of the other 249 yeasts also. They collectively live together in an ecosystem, each supporting the others. This is true for all the pathogens in the body. They live together as an ecosystem growing pathogenically together. They grow together to support each other. They die in the same manner.

This pattern is true for all ecosystems. This is true for the ocean environment, the atmosphere, the desert, the mountains, the tropical rain forests, all of them work together collectively supporting each other.

Yeasts like C. albicans are adaptive to their environment. They are considered opportunistic yeasts. As their environment and food source change, they change. This situation can easily be explained. When C. albicans start in the body they are much like the shape of a golf ball, however when they experience a change in their environment, a diminishing food source, they change form stretching themselves out gaining more surface area. This enables them to pull in more food. This also makes them stronger. They are larger, more rooted in the environment. They have tripled in size becoming more of a bully.

If they again go through an altered period, where their environment or food supply is pressed, they change, adapting again to meet their environment. This is common when a person says

I'm getting healthy and dropping sugar. When the yeast is starving it stretches itself out again, growing in size, gaining surface area to absorb more food. This time it stretches itself from the size of a cucumber to the size of a tube sock. Out of one side of the tube sock it grows tentacles that are longer than the tube sock itself. This yeast then stretches itself through the intestinal wall, slapping the tentacles on the side wall, holding itself in place looking for food.

When the yeast stretches through the wall of the intestines it creates tiny ulcers in the gut wall. This is thought to be the source of Intestinal Permeability.

When the yeast is this large, going from a golf ball in size to a tube sock with tentacles in size it's a completely different being. It's bigger. It's stronger. It's more powerful. It's like a bully on the playground.

When it exhales it releases a lot more toxic gas than when the golf ball size yeast exhales.

When the yeast is this size it releases so much toxic gas, demanding to be fed, that it has actual power over the host. The person isn't eating because of a lack of willpower, they are eating because the damaging yeasts are taking over, demanding food. When these clients are taken off yeast feeding foods the yeast get hungry. They get angry. They shout from the inside, demanding food like a toddler in a tantrum.

This specific yeast gets most angry on day three of not being fed.

It is common for a mom, starving the yeast in her child, to find her three-year-old in the kitchen at 3 o'clock in the morning , up on the cabinet, shoving raisins in his face.

It's common to find a child hiding in the closet eating a banana for the same reason. These kids will throw themselves on the ground throwing a monumental fit, looking to be fed, like a drug addict needing a fix. It works the same way, sending signals to the opiate receptors of the brain, demanding food.

Dr. Natasha says treat these kids like a drug addict as they are responding the same way and in the same physiological manner. The yeast needs to be fed.

If this is indeed the root cause of the ulcers that grow in the intestinal tract it is

Those with intestinal damage should see a qualified practitioner or medical doctor who specializes in Intestinal Permeability, to determine the proper steps to take.

Healing comes from a systematic way of removing inflammatory foods, eliminating sugar swings, starving the pathogens while killing the pathogens, building the beneficial microbes and reintroducing foods step by step in order of digestibility for your body. As these foods are reintroduced you will be rebuilding your digestive tract and repopulating your good flora at the same time.

Inflammation In The Gut Many fingers are pointed at potential sources that reduce the good bacteria in our gut. The normal suspects are sugar, grains, processed oils, processed and packaged food, food additives, fillers, preservatives, genetically modified foods (GMOs) and pasteurized dairy, especially from cows modified to produce massive amounts of milk and then administered antibiotics and hormones.

Antibiotics, both medicinally and through ingestion from eating meat, fish and poultry fed antibiotics, remains at the top of the list for potential causes of gut damage. Estimations currently show over 80% of the antibiotics used in America are for factory farm use, added to animal feed as a preventative measure.

Other potential sources that are considered as good flora eradicators are birth control pills, chemical toxicity and GMO foods.

Rob Mason, Head of Regulatory Policy, Chemicals Regulation Directorat, says, “In August

2013, we had samples of water tested for glyphosate. There was glyphosate in our drinking water and six times the level in the Clyne River draining from previous industrial areas where glyphosate had been used on Japanese knotweed. Although there were only low concentrations in our tap water, these were of the order of concentrations found in a study in 2013 which showed that breast cancer cell proliferation is accelerated by glyphosate in extremely low concentrations.”15

Mason further says, “Glyphosate was patented in the US as an antibiotic, acting against a wide range of pathogenic organisms. That is why it kills off many beneficial bacteria in the guts of humans and animals and allows toxic ones such as clostridium spp. to prevail. In January 2013 the

Chief Medical Officer for England Dame Sally Davies announced that antibiotic-resistant diseases posed an 'apocalyptic' threat.”16

Mason points out, “Glyphosate was patented in the US, first as an antibiotic in 20025 then as an antiprotozoal agent in 2003.”17

Problematic foods that inflame the gut and cause bloating are soy, artificial sweeteners, dairy, grains, corn, starches like unripe fruit, potato and sweet potato, alcohol and sugars. The only sweetener that doesn't feed intestinal pathogens is local honey, however, if you have yeast issues honey should be used sparingly. Too much will feed yeast.

Alcohol irritates the stomach lining. Sweet wine and beer feed yeasts. When the stomach lining is irritated, enzyme production is decreased causing food to go undigested. This causes damage to the liver negatively impacting detoxification. For those with a healthy gut, less than one glass a day is acceptable, more is damaging to the microbiome. For those trying to repair dysbiosis alcohol should be omitted so that pathogens are not fed. The liver is the foremost detoxer in our bodies. Once the liver starts to struggle the whole system show stress. The second largest detoxifier is the lungs. Once the liver is malfunctioning, from toxic overload, the lungs begin to do the same. This is where inhaled allergies and asthma develops.

Sugar and wheat go hand in hand because they both release glucose into the blood stream.

Sugar is highly addictive and negatively affects the gut bacteria by feeding the bad bacteria.

When the microbiome is imbalanced the bad bacteria can become dominant. These pathogens want to be fed.

Chutkan says, “I find these patients frequently have uncontrollable sugar and starchy food cravings and it’s really your gut bacteria that’s sending you in search of some of this stuff. I will see parents who need help with a child who is a picky eater and all they want is sugar and bagels and the older child, good vegetable eater, doesn’t have these cravings.” She goes on to say, “Invariably one kid, the picky eater, had a lot of antibiotics.”18

The foods that feed the pathogenic bacteria should be avoided at all costs in this situation.

“Processed soy used as a filler is cheap and genetically modified. It can manifest an estrogen like effect in the body. This is very concerning for women who are estrogen dominant. In some of my vegetarian patients who are eating soy patties and using soy milk and soy yogurt it’s a real problem,”

Chutkan says.19

Another cause of inflammation is artificial sweeteners as they do not digest. They hit the small intestines where they ferment and cause a lot of bloating, cramping and diarrhea. Insulin levels are triggered by sweetness not by calories. Insulin spikes store fat.

Artificial sweeteners are all products other than local honey or organic evaporated cane juice. Sweeteners classified as sugar alcohols, which respond with the same negative impact, are sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, erythritol and hydrogenated starch hydrolysates. These products are derived from cornstarch. One common sugar alcohol, xylitol, is made from corn cobs, the stalk residue of sugar cane after extraction which is called bagasse or birch wood waste. Isomalt and lactitol are made from sucrose and whey.20

PubMed says, "Scientists disagree about the relationships between sweeteners and lymphomas, leukemias, cancers of the bladder and brain, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, and systemic lupus. Recently these substances have received increased attention due to their effects on glucose regulation."21

A damaged intestinal tract can not heal while sugar alcohols are being used.

Gluten free products are another source of inflammation.

It is not beneficial to eliminate gluten and switch to gluten-free products.

“You are swapping one refined carbohydrate for another and that’s not a great idea. You probably won’t notice a big difference in your symptoms,” Chutkan says.”22

Damage from gluten-free packaged products builds over time and the patient ends up with worse symptoms years later. Gluten free packaged products, gluten free fours, gluten free sweets and treats are often made from high starch flours which feed pathogens in the gut. Rice flour, brown rice flour, garbanzo bean flour, tapioca starch, arrowroot powder, corn starch, baking powder, potato starch, xanthan gum, corn flour, oat flour, soy bean flour, sweet potato flour, sorghum flour and black bean flour are all high starch flours or have a high surface area making them difficult to digest. Adding to the burden is the high quantity of sugars added to these pre-packaged products.

The best source for flour substitutes are almond flour and coconut flour, if they are tolerated. Coconut flour is a high fiber food, which can not be digested easily for some. McBride says people with a lot of gut damage can not digest fiber. Rebuilding the system will assist with this process.23

Patients who are encouraged to eat gluten free to cure their illnesses often find themselves in a worse situation. This is especially true for autistic individuals, those who suffer from depression or anxiety and those with irritable bowel issues.

Gluten free foods contain prolamines which are indigestible to a damaged intestinal tract.

Certain individuals do not have the prolyl oligopeptidase enzyme which breaks down prolamines.

Jordan Reasoner, co-founder of SCD Lifestyle and author, is a recovered celiac sufferer and advocate for eating real food to cure disease. Once he was diagnosed with celiac disease he switched to a gluten free diet and continually got sicker over the following two years. His testimony is one of thousands.

For most patients suffering from any illness, gluten free diets do not work long-term. For some they work short-term, however they feed pathogens slowly but surely.

On August 2, 2013, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) published in the Federal

Register and announced, “In order to use the term ‘gluten-free’, ‘no gluten’, ‘free of gluten’, and

‘without gluten’ on its label, a food must meet all of the requirements of the definition, including that the food must contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten.” This new rule was directed to the FDA by the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA).24

Manufacturers had one year to come into compliance with this new rule. Gluten free products jumped in sales 18% in 2012 selling over $12 billion in sales. Other products that have joined the trend going gluten free are playdough, stickers and finger paints.

The fact remains, however, that gluten free foods cause inflammation which directly, although silently, causes illness.

Gluten free foods continue the sickness cycle because many gluten free foods are composed of high starch flours that feed bad bacteria in the gut. These ingredients are indigestible and do not nourish the body. It is an empty food that perpetuates the cycle of sickness.

Reasoner says gluten free foods are junk food in disguise which is making us sicker. When the average gluten free diet is built on the same foundation as the Standard American Diet (SAD), whether it be low fat diets or highly processed food both are highly toxic. These foods are low in nutrients and high in toxins.25

Dr. William Davis says going gluten free replaces one problem with another problem. He says the process of drying these products increases the surface area for digestion. This then raises the blood sugars to a horrific high which is directly linked to heart disease, hypertension, visceral fat, diabetes, dementia, cancer and cataracts.26

Davis is considered one of the top ranked heart surgeons in America and says if you are looking for a one time treat, but not a staple in your diet, rice flour and sorghum are better choices. He considers them not healthy, but better options.27

Safer options are almond flour and coconut flour.

Starch foods, whether pulverized into flour or eaten in their natural state, feed the bad bacteria overgrowth in the intestinal track. This has a direct impact on health issues.

People who choose to eat gluten free flours end up with leaky gut, irritable bowel disease, dementia, excessive bloating and weight gain. Davis speaks of this as if this outcome is not a potential problem but an inevitable problem. It’s just a matter of time. Davis goes on to say, "We do have this new issue of arsenic. Arsenates, at very high levels, are in all rice products. And the lectin of rice overlaps significantly with wheat germiglutinin (the lectin of wheat)."28

The newly found heavy metal presence of tungsten in rice flours is remarkable. The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, Forensic Food Lab tested 10 different rice proteins in 2014 and found the average rice protein tested contained 3,994.4 ppm of tungsten. The generally acceptable concentration is 50 ppm.29

Tungsten is a heavy metal with the atomic number 74, symbol W, which possesses a remarkably high melting point. Its existence in rice and rice flour is unsettling. Tungsten poisoning used to be rare. French artillery soldiers often encountered high tungsten levels as they were found to be using their gun barrel, recently fired, as a shot glass- celebrating their recent activities with some quality liquor or beer. Currently, tungsten toxicity is sourced from rice protein.

Further testing from The Consumer Wellness Center showed rice further contained high levels of lead, cadmium, aluminum, arsenic and mercury. Zinc and copper levels were also found, however, these metals are beneficial to the body.30

Prolamines: Wheat and grains are not beneficial to people who suffer from celiac, chrones, ulcerative colitis, autism, ADHD, anxiety and bipolar disorder because they contain prolamines. Prolamines are highly indigestible to a damaged intestinal tract. Prolamines are indigestible because these patients specifically do not have the prolyl oligopeptidase enzyme which breaks down prolamines.

Gliadin is the prolamine specifically found in gluten. Corn contains a prolamine zein. Rice contains the prolamine orzanin. Oats contain the prolamine avenin. These prolamines feed inflammation.

Inflammation leads to Intestinal Permeability, also known as Leaky Gut.

Corn comes in different variations, organic popcorn being the safest, others, like StarLink

Corn being the worst. StarLink Corn is a Bt product, meaning Bacillus thuringiensis a "naturally occurring" bacteria in soil, toxic to insects, is injected into the corn. This corn is registered with the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a pesticide and is used in animal feed.

The EPA says, "StarLink acts as a pesticide, protecting the plant from pests. StarLink corn was registered for use in animal feed only. EPA did not register the product for human consumption due to unresolved questions concerning StarLink's potential allergenicity. "In September 2000, some nongovernmental organizations tested taco shells and found traces of StarLink corn DNA. Confirmed by the FDA, this detection of StarLink caused a number of food companies to implement a voluntary recall of taco shells and other products manufactured with yellow corn meal.”31

GMO wheat, to date, has not been approved for commercial use. However, on May 3, 2013, a random wheat field in Oregon found they had GMO wheat growing in their field. Investigators from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) closed the case with no findings as to how the unapproved GMO wheat got in the field. The investigative report

12,842 was pages long.32

The wheat was developed by Monsanto to be resistant to the herbicide glyphosate,


It was deemed as an isolated incident until another random finding of GMO wheat was discovered on July 14, 2014, at Montana State University's Southern Agricultural Research Center

(SARC) in Huntley, Montana. Monsanto and researchers grew genetically engineered wheat at this

Montana location as field trials from 2000 and 2003. The GM wheat had not been approved or used since the trials. APHIS reported, “GE wheat from the facility has not been allowed to enter commercial channels this year and GE wheat grown as part of authorized field trials at this research facility between 2000 and 2003 was likewise not allowed to enter commercial channels. None of the wheat is sold as seed.”33

A study performed in Finland on cardiac disease used nearly 2,500 test subjects, starting as children but since the study lasted 20 years they grew into adulthood. Blood was drawn repetitively and stored in the freezer. Other scientists looking for information on a larger test base wanting to search gluten sensitivities tested the blood and found just over 50% had elevated antibodies to wheat, indicators of celiac disease.

These kids were from the same neighborhoods, same socioeconomic backgrounds, same educational base, same income brackets.

They tracked down the young adults and found in the group of people who tested for silent celiac disease, 5% went onto college for an advanced education. Of the group that did not have silent celiac, 25% went onto college for further education. Of the silent celiac subjects 26% were in managerial or supervisory fields, of the non-celiac group 48% of them were in managerial or supervisory positions.

PubMed published a story on 15 untreated celiac patients showing no conditions of the brain including no neurological or psychiatric disorders other than anxiety or depression. In addition they used 15 patients with celiac disease who had already been on a gluten-free diet for almost 1 year. A third group of 24, similar sex and age, were used.34

The study reported, “Of the 15 untreated celiac patients, 11 (73%) had at least one hypoperfused brain region, compared with only 1 (7%) of the 15 celiac patients on a gluten-free diet and none of the controls (P = 0.01). Cerebral perfusion was significantly lower (P <0.05) in untreated celiac patients, compared with healthy controls, in 7 of 26 brain regions. No significant differences in cerebral perfusion were found between celiac patients on a gluten-free diet and healthy controls.”35

Dr. Christine Zioudriou, along with the University of Maryland, found the gliadin protein in wheat to be an opiate that causes appetite stimulation. Gliadin is the elasticity that makes wheat stretchy. The study was done with a group of psychiatric patients who were taken off wheat and their psychiatric issues subsequently dissipated. They added the wheat back into their diet and the problems returned. This was done several times.36

At the time the Case Reports In Gastroenterology reported a study searching for what was causing the behavior changes. They too found gliadin as the source. They found it binds to the opiate centers of the brain and directly causes appetite stimulation as an opiate.37

The FDA took immediate action and promptly didn’t block wheat sales. Instead, they tested a couple of drugs, specifically opiate blocking drugs. According to the NIH the drugs tested were neloxone and neltrexone. Neloxone is an opiate blocking drug commonly used in cases of morphine overdose. Neltrexone is the oral equivalent of meloxone, a blocker of the opiate which originates from gliadin.38

While taking these drugs test subjects on average ate 400 calories less daily, the equivalent calories of one full meal. Ironically while eating the 400 more calories the extra intake was consistently from white flour foods. The conclusive results pointed directly to subjects craving more opiate responding foods, like a junkie getting their fix on flour.

Sayer Ji wrote, “These ‘food opiates’ are heavily concentrated in wheat and dairy products, especially cows milk.” They then list a tally of gluten exorphins, A5, B4, B5, C and gliadorphin. They say food addictions are not the result of psychological problems or the standard blamed causes of poor self control and laziness. Instead they say food addictions are a direct result of foods containing,

“Narcotic properties associates with the presence of psychoactive chemicals that bind to opioid receptors in the nervous system.”39

Interestingly, this information is still not common knowledge. As a result we unknowingly eat a full meal only to find ourselves wanting more food a short time later, long before our bodies should need food.

In addition to the opiate affect there is a sugar boomerang. On the glycemic index sucrose, table sugar, raises blood sugar levels to 59 while two slices of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar levels to 72. In fact the glycemic index for two slices of wheat bread is higher than almost all the other food tested.

Dr. William Davis calls wheat lethal to many people. He considers the “food” a deadly poison and blames it for human illness, obesity, and suffering.40

If tolerated, ancient wheat grains like Emmer or Einkhorn are optimal choices. These varieties have not been altered like the other varieties in 1970 when wheat changed from a 4-foot-tall plant to a 2-foot semi-dwarf plant that was altered, hybridized and modified to create a ten times higher yield. These grains, freshly ground from wheat berries and eaten within 48 hours of the grind are generally tolerated. Some people need to sprout these grains to reduce the phytic acid content.

Others need to build their microbiome before ingesting.

Soy: “Roundup Ready® Soybeans were commercialized in 1996, followed by alfalfa, corn, cotton, spring canola, sugar beets and winter canola, which contain in-plant tolerance to Roundup® agricultural herbicides. This means you can spray Roundup agricultural herbicides in-crop from emergence through flowering for unsurpassed weed control,” states the Monsanto Weed Management

Pages on the Monsanto website.41

This means the soy bean itself has Roundup agricultural herbicides in the bean and as the plant pollinates you are “spraying” Roundup herbicide. The soybean contains Roundup in it when it is planted, the plant pollinates Roundup in the wind and you eat Roundup when you eat soy. This is why soy leads to inflammation and causes other intestinal damage.

The soy referenced here is all soy sourced and prepped in this manner, changing it through fermentation, eating it raw, drying it and making it into flour is only changing the form, it's still the same soy.

Environmental Health News reported, “Scientists found that Roundup’s inert ingredients amplified the toxic effect on human cells—even at concentrations much more diluted than those used on farms and lawns.”42

In essence every time you eat a soybean you are taking a sip straight from the bottle of


Reasoner says, “Soy is filled with toxins and it screws up your hormones because of the presence of phytoestrogens and this is important because phytoestrogens are linked to cancer, infertility, hypothyroidism and potentially thyroid cancer.”43

Soy inhibits thyroid function.

The solution to gut inflammation is removing inflammatory foods and healing the gut microbiome with copious amounts of home-made fermented foods like sauerkraut, milk kefir and yogurt as well as adding commercial quality probiotics. This rebuilds the microbiome.

Rebuilding foods Several diets exist which assist in feeding the body appropriately while starving pathogens.

Although, not all of them rebuild the body or work with the severe damage that some people encounter. Some people, with mild damage see success on The Feingold Diet, Failsafe, FODMAPS

(Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccharides and Polyols).Those with more aggressive damage need to follow a Paleo Diet or Autoimmune Paleo (AIP). The gold standard for repair and rebuilding is GAPS

(Gut and Psychology Syndrome). Each person needs to do what fits their lifestyle. Rebuilding a malfunctioning digestive tract can only be done through healing foods. Items purchased in the grocery store that are man-made, prepackaged, easy cook boxes and bagged meals are not food. These are food-like substances that often have too much refined and therefore not beneficial salt, too much bad fat and too much sugar. To top it all off these food items are “fortified” with synthetic vitamins which are unabsorbed by the damaged digestive tract.

If it's not food, don't put it in your mouth.

Beneficial foods are animal products and vegetable products. Animal products should be sourced from a local farmer preferably where animals spend their day on pasture eating grass, bugs or foraging for food. Vegetables should also be purchased from a local farmer who uses organic practices and heirloom seeds.

Asking the farmer how they raise their crops is often not enough, most times a person will tell you the buzz words they think you want to hear. The best method to see how the food is raised is to visit the farm yourself and ask exact questions regarding these practices.

Animal foods nourish, vegetables cleanse.

McBride says, “Animal foods, meat, fish, dairy are building foods, the feeding foods. They build your bones, muscles, brain, immune system and all the organs in your body. Plant foods are cleansers, they do not build, they do not nourish. They keep us clean and detoxify us. Both are important.”44

Constipation VS Diarrhea, Protocol To Resolution Constipation and diarrhea have the same root source, pathogen overgrowth in the bowel.

However, each are handled differently, both require diligent attention as they are not healthy.

Diarrhea usually heals faster than constipation and generally doesn't resurface as readily as constipation. Many practitioners say diarrhea and constipation are opposite ends of the spectrum reflective of the same imbalance in the microbiome.

If diarrhea is the challenge, eat raw yogurt sourced from whole milk.

If yogurt is not tolerated follow the dairy introduction protocol to rebuild the enzymes and microbes so that dairy is digested properly. This begins with organic ghee, home brewed and strained whey, pastured butter, home brewed sour cream and home brewed yogurt then home brewed kefir. Constipation is a much more complex issue.

McBride recommends beginning with Full GAPS if constipation is the issue, not the introductory stages.45

This enables ample doses of high fat dairy, fiber, lots of animal fats and copious amounts of fermented vegetables, as tolerated. From there, after several months of feeding, detoxing and cleansing on Full GAPS, the individual can determine if they progress into the introductory stages.

High fat dairy is one of the best options for lubricating the bowel as well as gently squeezing the gallbladder causing it to release lubricating bile which assists transit time. Selecting gelatinous meats instead of muscle meats will help resolve the problem at the core, healing the intestinal lining.

Gelatinous meats are the cuts of meat next to the bone. Muscle meats are further away from the bone and are more fibrous making them more difficult to digest.

When things are not moving, when the back door is sealed up tight, there are many tools which are effective. It is very important to keep the stool moving. When transit time is too slow, compaction often results. When matter sits in the bowel it leaches toxins back into the body. In this case people recycle their own toxins.

Enemas were long ago brushed under the rug as non-negotiable and disgusting. The thought repulses many, however, historically, there was nothing better for daily healthcare. were a regularly documented health practice c. 1600 BC. They were common among the aristocracy in the early 1500s. King

Louis XIV was famous for loving his , was nicknamed The Enema King and was documented as doing thousands of enemas throughout his lifetime. He even did them while in meetings with advisers and assistants, lounging on his day bed in full work-mode while fully engaging in a good back-door cleansing enema.

Enema kits can be purchased online while Fleet enema bottles can be used for children.

Fleet enemas come filled with liquid which is better discarded so that pathogens are not fed by the contents. The bottle should be washed thoroughly with sterilized and cooled water before you refill it for use. The desired method for an adult is to first cleanse the bowel with one liter of filtered water brought to a boil with one teaspoon baking soda and one teaspoon mineral salt. Allow this mixture to cool before adding to your enema bag. After boiling, the pan will cool faster if you set it in an ice water bath. Add the liquid to an enema bag using home brewed sour cream or coconut oil as a lubricant for the tube.

Coffee enemas should be administered after the cleansing enema. To prepare the add three tablespoons organic fresh ground coffee to the liter of water. Bring this to a boil for two minutes then turn the heat off and cover tightly for 15 minutes. Cool and administer in the same method as the cleansing enema.

It is highly beneficial to add probiotics to the water once it has cooled. This can be done with kraut juice, starting with 1/4 teaspoon for extremely sensitive people, 1 teaspoon for others and building from there. Look for die off to determine your tolerable amount. Other options are adding a probiotic capsule, kefir or yogurt to the cooled water. This method adds essential probiotics directly to the source.

Drinking coffee causes caffeine to go directly into the bloodstream, giving you a caffeine high. Coffee through an enema has a completely different result, absorbing through the bowel wall and going to the liver. This causes the liver to hiccup. This hiccup flushes toxins from the liver.

It is best to walk around, doing household chores, for a couple of hours after the enema.

This will help clear the passageway. Some people feel the need to use the toilet again not long after the cleaning treatment and experience evacuation of worms or yeast colonies. This is normal and desired.

Enema cleansing was a common practice up until the 1940s and 1950s. At that time every household had an enema bag hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Today noses are snubbed at the practice.

Castor oil packs placed on the abdomen can help soften the stool. Some people choose to saturate a washcloth with castor oil and lay it on the intestinal area then lay a heating pad on top, on low, or a warm towel, and go to sleep. Upon waking things are moving as they should.

Magnesium sprayed on topically can show the same effects. Magnesium chloride flakes and salts, like most ingredients on the market today, are often treated with chemicals, free flowing agents and other additives that should not be place on the skin or in the mouth. Taking magnesium internally has shown to lower blood pressure, alleviate restless leg syndrome, calm hyperactivity, joint pain, muscle pain and many other symptoms. Stress, exercise and sweating deplete magnesium stores.

One of the easiest ways to lubricate the bowel is the get the gallbladder moving through

GAPS shakes made up of fresh pressed green vegetables, a little bit of beet with optional sour apple or pineapple to taste. Press these ingredients into juice, through a juicer, and consume within 30 minutes of juicing as the nutritional content diminishes with time. Before drinking add in one to two raw pastured yolks and a large dollop of home brewed sour cream. This combination has many beneficial aspects. It is high in magnesium as the center molecule of chlorophyll is magnesium in its highest absorbable form. Chlorophyll is what makes green vegetables green. Juicing greens macrobiotically thrusts magnesium into the cells of the body.

Suppositories can be used in emergency situations and should not be used regularly.

Pathogen Patterns When the pathogens in the gut are overgrown, proliferating from a lack of beneficial bacteria keeping them in check the body will absorb toxins readily. When the beneficial bacteria is dominant the body will flush out toxins readily.

When these pathogenic bacteria pass through the intestinal wall due to Intestinal

Permeability, it can lead to bacteremia, bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment.

People with Intestinal Permeability have whole, undigested food, passing through ulcerations in their intestinal tract walls. If pathogenic bacteria is present in that environment it can pass through also.

In a healthy person bacteria in the blood stream is removed by the body naturally. When the body is bombarded, over run with pathogens leaking through the intestinal wall, it can become overwhelmed. Bacteremia, in its most advanced stages, can turn to sepsis which often includes a fever, rapid heart rate, weakness, rapid breathing and an abnormal white blood cell count.

On May 20, 1921, the monthly meeting of professional healthcare minds was held at the

State Hospital For The Insane, Danville. These meetings were regularly attended by medical doctors, dentists, and dental surgeons with roughly 40 in attendance. This meeting covered the “Symposium

On Syphilis of the Central Nervous System” and the “Pathology and Serologic Reactions.”

Their findings showed, “Syphilis, in the beginning, was local. The progress of the invasion is a slow one, requiring days, even weeks due to the slow migration of the organism. When the natural defenses are overcome, the disease becomes a true bacteremia, virulent in its insistence and widespread invasion, but low in toxemia. As the resistance to the invasion of the disease is overcome, the disease becomes systemic.”46

The bacteria can enter the bloodstream, compromising homeostasis, from many different entry points.

In 1923 Dr. Weston A. Price, published, “Bacteremia are coming to be recognized as of frequent occurrence. Their symptoms may be very definite from the early stages, having much the appearance of an approaching febrile disturbance, the severity increasing progressively or intermittently, with or without evidences of heart involvement.”47

Price was a dentists who studied dental deformities, dental caries and the bacteria therein.

He went on to say, “The diagnosis seems to be most easily established by blood culture. The attacks may, however, come on violently and seem to be related to tonsilitis (sic), surgical operation, an abscessed tooth, or some such acute process. The most significant thing is that they occur in individuals with an abnormally low defense for streptococcal infection, for those organism involved is very frequently the streptococcus.”48

In once case study Price described a patient with a translucent granuloma, nodular inflammation, at the apex of a molar. At the time she had been suffering from rheumatism and presented with a mild fever.

Price said, “Her symptoms became rapidly worse after the extraction of the tooth and curettement of the socket. She was kept in bed in our private ward and blood cultures showed organisms in abundance in the blood stream. The lymphatics showed marked involvement, and cellulitis developed, involving the neck.”49

He marked her blood on slides and studied her situation as she developed worse symptoms.

Microscopy showed, “Organisms grown out by culture from the aspirated blood on three different occasions. The culture grown from this tooth was inoculated into rabbits. One (after one single dose) developed acute rheumatism of the wrist joints and fore paws, which later developed into a typical deforming arthritis. The legs were bowed sideways and the rabbit walked on the sides of its forefeet, for a long period was unable to hop, stubbing along with great difficulty.”50

The rabbit lived in visibly fair health with this disease for 25 months and was studied within minutes upon death.

Price documented the blood, “Showed in culture a streptococcus growing in diploid forms similar to that injected, in the multiple adhesions of the viscera and peritoneum. It is of interest that we never have found this type of infection in the animals dying spontaneously that have not been previously inoculated with streptococcal strains.”51

Other case study rabbits were inoculated from another patient whose eyes presented with redness, always. Other symptoms were described as very severe reoccurring attacks, with seldom seen relief. Her symptoms followed a pattern beginning with sensitivity to light that progressed into dimness of vision. When inoculated into the rabbits, they too experienced the eye troubles, acute rheumatism, marked intermittent edema, enlarged lymphatics and nephratic kidney.

Price said, “It is important to note that this patient's symptoms were very general and diffuse, which tends to be true of the systemic expressions of bacteremia.”52

Price concluded, “It would seem probable that this streptococcal invasion of the blood stream in so abundant a form as we have found it, would make possible the securing of the organism in almost any tissue of the body. If any tissue were capable of becoming, because of degeneration, a pabulum for the growth of the organisms. In this sense, it may probably be said that, the systemic infection, or bacteremia, has caused the dental infection rather than that, the dental infection caused the bacteremia.”53

When the bacteria in the intestinal tract is overgrown with pathogens the body has a very difficult time healing. When you feed the good bacteria, the good bacteria grow which fights the bad.

When we eliminate, or wipe out, the good bacteria our bodies can not fight ingested or environmental dangers. McBride describes a study done on two groups of rats where one group was fed high doses of an antibiotic cocktail, the other had healthy gut flora. Then both groups were fed organic mercury.

Scientists dissected and analyzed their systems and found the group that had the antibiotics had absorbed over 90 percent of the mercury while the group that had the healthy gut flora absorbed less than one percent of the mercury.54

When you feed the good bacteria in your gut it kills the bad pathogens. As pathogens die they release toxic gasses. These toxins are evacuated from the body through urine, fecal matter and all other detox channels including the skin, mucus in the lungs and nasal passages. If too many of these toxins are loose in the system and the body can not eliminate them fast enough, they will try to get out any way they can.

This reaction can be evident through a headache, runny nose, cold-like symptoms, flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, hives, rash, red bumps, pink eye, depression, anxiety, joint pain, body aches, confusing thoughts, brain fog, tooth pain from an inflamed nerve, irritability, scratchy throat, eczema, etc. Pulling yourself out of a healing crisis, otherwise known as a

Herxheimer reaction, Herxing or die off is simple and should not be feared.

Finding the bacteria strains you are weak in, evidenced through die off, is the goal for healing a damaged gut. Sadly, die off is often confused for deeper illness or intolerance to a healing food which the person then omits – this will extend the healing time.

Once you find your weak strains, evidenced through die off, you have hit your target. Those are the strains that need support, feed those strains in a slow and controlled manner building the dosage of probiotic foods or probiotic capsules until you are taking the therapeutic dose. This dosage can be different for each person. Only your body can tell you what food you need, only your body can tell you what probiotic strains you need to achieve homeostasis.

Therapeutic strength probiotics are aggressive strains, appropriate for your body, which can attack pathogens accordingly. The therapeutic strength is individual for each person, specific to your body, your pathogens, your situation, your weak strains. There is no regulation on the term

“therapeutic strength” just as there is no regulation on the term “natural ingredients.” This means any company can use this term, no matter what product they offer. Therapeutic strength refers to the probiotic creating some sort of therapy, some refer to it as healing, for that specific person.

Again, no one can tell you which probiotic to take, only your body can do that through die off symptoms.

Manufactured probiotics that contain fillers like wheat, rice flour, starches, binders, free- flowing agents or any other added ingredients should be avoided at all costs - these ingredients feed pathogens.

Many people are wasting hundreds of dollars on probiotics that are not worth a dime for their body. Knowing exactly what is happening in your body is key to healing your gut. Watching and listening to what your body is telling you is vital to healing. Each thing means something. Finding the strains your body is weak in is imperative to the process. A compromised gut is evident through illness, allergies, even auto-immune diseases. Both over-the-counter probiotics and home brewed probiotics are important in this process.

Probiotic foods, such as fermented coconut water, sauerkraut, kraut juice, kefir, kombucha, yogurt, kimchi, etc. are easy to make. The biggest challenge is your own fear. In his book Wild

Fermentation, Sandor Katz says there is no danger in fermenting fruits and vegetables, meats and fish are a different story due to botulism, vegetables are safe. Most importantly there has never been a reported death to the FDA from fermented fruit and vegetable products.55

Ferments rank high in probiotic strains and give the person preparing the food the ability to introduce more strains that are specifically deficient for that person’s intestinal tract. For example, fermented coconut water, a probiotic drink, is beneficial at building up the good bacteria in the gut enabling it to fight off pathogens. Many people with yeast overgrowth say they see powerful die off symptoms specific to killing off yeast strains like candida through fermented coconut water, sauerkraut and kraut juice due to the high Lactobacillus content.

This, however, depends on the strains of yeast. There are over 250 different strains of yeast, one of which is Candida albicans. Then there are over 110 different strains of Candida albicans.

At the same time some say eating fermented foods feed yeasts and should be avoided resulting in a dire point of confusion for many people. This point of controversy can easily be addressed through those with the most severely damaged guts, these people are called canaries-in-the-coal-mine. When they eat a food they should not have their body’s respond immediately. When a canary-in-the-coal-mine person eats a food they should not eat they respond with symptoms specific to their body, exposing the weak link in their genetic make-up: stimming, attention issues, anxiety, yeast effects, rashes, dyslexia, brain fog, exhaustion, etc.

While you are building the gut it is necessary to introduce new probiotic strains looking for your specific die off symptoms.

Usually die off symptoms follow the same pattern of symptoms caused by the illness initially. For example, if your child is autistic and stims with drooling, once you give him the right probiotic with strains he is weak in, his die off may be stimming and drooling. If a woman suffers from anxiety, depression and negative thoughts, her die off will be anxiety, depression and negative thoughts.

Taking probiotics in the form of food as well as commercial strain probiotics are vital to rebuilding the microbiome. McBride recommends the therapeutic dosage for each person be taken for six months time then move to other weak strains. She recommends:

* Adults 15-20 billion cells per day

* 12-16 years of age, 12-15 billion cells per day

*4-10 years of age, 8-12 billion cells per day

*2-4 years of age, 4-8 billion cells per day

*1-2 years of age, 2-4 billion cells per day

*infant- 12 months, 1-2 billion cells per day56

Probiotic Rebuilding In the early stages of probiotic introduction, it is difficult to tell what is the symptom from pathogen overgrowth and what is the die off symptom. Each person needs to figure this out for themselves. Some push the probiotic slowly looking for the symptoms to subside. Then they continue to push the probiotic looking for the die off stage. When you reach the die off stage back off on the amount of probiotic until you no longer feel the die off symptoms.

Your body can not heal in a state of inflammation. Die off symptoms are accompanied with inflammation. Healing and inflammation do not work well together. It is important to keep inflammation down so healing can take place, therefore, it is important to keep the amount of die off down to just below a noticeable level.

The individual needs to become a detective as healing the gut is sometimes confusing. Those with the most damaged guts can only tolerate one drop of a probiotic liquid under their tongue before they experience die off symptoms. Others can only tolerate one drop in a glass of water sipped throughout the day. That is their starting point. After a couple of weeks or a month, whatever their body will tolerate, they build to two drops a day, increasing from there.

Others can drink a whole quart or two of the same probiotic liquid and not experience die

0ff until they drink over 2 quarts. If you can tolerate that much of those specific strains you do not need to build those strains. Look further for other weak strains through other probiotic foods or over- the-counter strains.

If you are having a difficult time tolerating probiotic fermented foods like kraut juice, start by fermenting vegetables that your body really wants to eat and tolerates well. If you feel a pull towards onions, cauliflower and broccoli, and they are well tolerated by your digestive system, put those vegetables in a mason quart jar with a tablespoon of mineral salt. Cover the vegetables completely and let them sit on the counter for four to twelve days. Then consume the liquid with the same introductory schedule, slowly then building in quantity. Introducing fermented vegetables this way will build your microbiome gently.

Again, the goal is to look for die off and progress by building those weak strains.

The Herxheimer die off reaction is your marker telling you if you are just wasting time with that probiotic or actually rebuilding your microbiome. You want this. You are looking for this.

When making your own home ferments, for variety in strains, add a few drops of the probiotic your body needs. This will directly feed your weakest strains. For example if you find you have pronounced die off with Living Streams Probiotic liquid, which rebuilds against yeast overgrowth as it is strong in Lactobacillus strains, add a few drops of the Living Streams Probiotic to your fermented vegetables. It will make those fermented veggies more potent to your pathogens.

Some people take a fermented food, experience die 0ff, and say “I have histamine issues, I can’t have that.” Sometimes this is the case but oftentimes this is not the case and the person is experiencing die off, or Herxing. This is what you want, you have found the strains deficient in your body and you need to focus on them, building them. When you find this weakness, go back and start slow building from there.

It is very important that you do not remain in the stage of die 0ff, a status involving a lot of internal inflammation. The body can not heal properly in an inflamed state.

The proper method of rebuilding the system through probiotic foods, probiotics and foods that are most digestible takes time. As the intestinal tract builds, more probiotic can be introduced, in a certain order according to digestibility and killing off pathogens.57

Taking the same probiotic daily is often a waste of money, especially if you have not tested your weaknesses in those strains. Some people in the process of healing build up to numerous capsules a day of each product, then hold that dosage for a month and move to other potentially weak strains. It can be a good idea to revisit some of the previously built strains to be sure they remain strong.

If you are taking a probiotic you should be increasing your dosage in a controlled manner watching die off symptoms to build those strains.

Taking one capsule daily for years will not rebuild the gut if you are not experiencing die off symptoms.

Sauerkraut was recently reported as topping the charts of probiotics, surpassing that of over-the -counter probiotics purchased.

Dr. Joseph Mercola sent his sauerkraut off to a lab and reported the findings of probiotics saying, “We had it analyzed. We found in a 4-6 ounce serving of the fermented vegetables there were literally ten trillion bacteria.”58

That means 2 ounces of home fermented sauerkraut had more probiotics than a bottle of

100 count probiotic capsules. Translated this means one 16 ounce jar of sauerkraut is equal to 8 bottles of probiotics. He says there’s two ways a lab can analyze the microbial presence in the sauerkraut, “One is to measure the quantity of bacteria growing and then the more expensive process is to speciate the different types of bacteria. We’re in the process of doing that now.”59

McBride told Dr. Tom O’Bryan, “With every mouthful of sauerkraut you’re consuming billions of beneficial microbes which will be killing the pathogens in your gut driving them out and replenishing the beneficial flora in your digestive tract.”60

The probiotic count of store-bought, shelf stable sauerkraut does not compare to home- brewed sauerkraut. Canned, shelf stable sauerkraut has been pasteurized to be shelf stable. Heating up the product through pasteurization kills the probiotic count. Brewing sauerkraut at home will give you the optimal probiotic count.

Cabbage is high in anti-inflammatory properties, vitamins A and C. Cabbage also reduces lipids in the bloodstream. When cabbage is fermented into sauerkraut the fermentation process opens up the cell walls accessing a higher ratio of vitamins. It has been said that sauerkraut has 200 times more vitamin C than the head of cabbage before fermentation.

Sauerkraut is high in tyrosine, an amino acid that affects many aspects of the body including blood pressure regulation and dopamine.

The African Journal of Science and Research (AJSR) said, “Healthy colons of humans contain some beneficial bacteria which feed on digestive wastes, thereby producing lactic acid.

Without these beneficial bacteria, the digestive tracts become a thriving zone for pathogenic bacteria and yeasts, resulting in candidiasis. It is suggested that the consumption of lacto-fermented sauerkraut could help re-establish lactobacilli.”61

The International Journal of Colorectal Disease reports, “Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with intestinal oxidative stress.” So they performed a rat study where they induced colitis to test recover of the microbiome. They found, “Lactobacillus fermentum, a probiotic that produces per se glutathione. L. fermentum treatment resulted in an amelioration of the inflammatory response.”62 Inflammation in the gut was found to reduce the glutathione levels. Lactobacillus fermentum recovered the balance, reduced the inflammation and brought the tract back to a state of homeostasis.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a beneficial bacteria, was found by Australian Murdoch

Children’s Research Institute to accidentally relieve peanut allergies.

The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported an accidental finding with 62 children, looking to see if their intolerance would increase over an 18-month test period, adding peanut protein gradually to the mixture. " A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial of the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus CGMCC 1.3724 and peanut OIT (probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy [PPOIT]) in children (1-10 years) with peanut allergy. The primary outcome was induction of sustained unresponsiveness 2 to 5 weeks after discontinuation of treatment. Secondary outcomes were desensitization, peanut skin prick test, and specific IgE and specific IgG4 measurements."63

Medical Daily reported, "Over 80 percent of the children who received the treatment were no longer severely allergic to peanuts by the end of the 18 months, when compared to four percent of the placebo group."64

The NIH reported, "There are qualitative and quantitative differences in the composition of gut microbiota between patients affected by FA (food allergy) and healthy infants. These findings prompted the concept that specific beneficial bacteria from the human intestinal microflora, designated probiotics, could restore intestinal homeostasis and prevent or alleviate allergy, at least in part by interacting with the intestinal immune cells."65

They go on to say, "Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are found more commonly in the composition of the intestinal microflora of non-allergic children and the enhanced presence of these probiotic bacteria in the intestinal microflora seems to correlate with protection against atopy."66

Lactobacillus rhamnosus, is a beneficial bacteria often used in probiotic strains of yogurt.

This study, with the potential threat of dangerous allergy symptoms, was performed with observant medical monitoring and should not be tried outside of proper medical care. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 adheres to intestinal lining as well as the bladder and vaginal walls. Specifically it combats the attachment of pathogenic yeasts. L. rhamnosus produces acid which kills viruses and attacks biofilms but also is anti-inflammatory.

The Lawson Health Research Group at the Canadian Research and Development Centre for

Probiotics, says, "Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 was originally isolated in 1980 from the distal urethra of a healthy woman. Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 was originally isolated in 1985 from the vagina of a healthy woman. It was first classified as L. acidophilus RC-14, then renamed as

Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. As the way that bacteria are classified changes with time, the strain was re-named Lactobacillus reuteri in recent years. All the publications with this organism RC-14, were performed on the same bacterium."67

Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 follows the same properties. They go on to say, "It produces hydrogen peroxide that many believe is important in vaginal health. It also produces signaling factors that disarm toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus, the bacterium that causes so many hospital infections and death (the superbug)."68

Administration of probiotics needs to be repetitive and deliberate in action, looking for die off symptoms to be sure you are tackling weak strains. Probiotics do not remain in the body long term, they all pass through, feeding good bacteria and killing the bad in the process.

The British Journal Of Nutrition reported a study showing L. rhamnosus, "Induced weight loss in women was associated not only with significant reductions in fat mass and circulating leptin concentrations but also with the relative abundance of bacteria of the Lachnospiraceae family in faeces. The present study shows that the Lactobacillus rhamnosus CGMCC1.3724 formulation helps obese women to achieve sustainable weight loss."69

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says, "L. rhamnosus are usually associated with dairy products whereas L. plantarum is found in fermented foods of plant origin."70

Specific strain identification is not as important as following die off signs looking for weak strains while pushing through to build up the microbiome. Most people see remarkable benefits from feeding the good and slowing healing. When you are stuck for an extended period of time without progress it is important to consult with a knowledgeable practitioner to decipher the potential protocol.

Bacteria in your body outnumber your cells by about 10 to 1.

In 1807, French psychiatrist Phillipe Pinel said insanity is sourced from the gut and the stomach. Pinel is known as the father of modern psychiatry and came to this quote after working with mental patients for many years.

Feeding the good fights the bad which, when in balance, establishes homeostatis.

Soil based organisms, SBOs, come from beneficial bacteria that live in the soil. These microorganisms are transient meaning they pass through the tract without setting up a permanent ongoing establishment. As they pass through they set up small colonies for brief periods of time.71

Like most bacteria, SBOs come in many forms and varieties. The most common are Bacillus laterosporus (B. laterosporus), Bacillus Subtilis (B. subtilis), Bacillus Coagulans (L. sporogenes), and

Streptococcus Thermophilis.

Bacillus laterosporus (B. laterosporus) has powerful antibiotic qualities. “In recent clinical studies, it has been demonstrated to provide phenomenal relief from symptoms of disease and ill health particularly those symptoms associated with suppressed immune system function i.e., chronic fatigue syndrome, Candida infections, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, Crohn's disease, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, parasitic infections.”72

McBride says Soil Based Organisms, “Have a real ability to kill pathogens, to stimulate immunity. That's why I like probiotics which contains soil rich bacteria, not only lactobaccili and bifido bacteria, not only human strains.”73

SBOs stimulate production of 20 sub-species of alpha-interferon. When this stimulation takes place it regulates the immune system response directly affecting chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, herpes, hepatitis-B, hepatitis-C, viruses, ADHD, autism, depression and other autoimmune diseases.74

Lactobacillus bacteria produce vitamin K2, B12, B6 and biotin.75

The gut flora itself is a detoxifyer all on its own. When it is healthy it can function properly, eliminating the toxins within your system.“These beneficial bacteria in your gut (can) actually help facilitate the excretion of toxins and heavy metals,” says Mercola.76 “The beneficial bacteria in our gut are the strongest chelators of toxic metals that are known to humanity,” says McBride.77

Pathogenic Strains The primary pathogenic strains include, but are not limited to, Bacterioides, Peptococci,

Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacilli, Clostridia, Enterobacteria and yeasts.

Howard Loomis, Jr., D.C., F.I.A.CA says, “Unfriendly bacteria feed on food that has not been adequately digested.”78

Germs and bacteria are designed to live in our body, creating homeostasis. They job is to kill diseased or weak tissue.

Yeasts primarily live in the bowel and work as waste recyclers. The bowel escorts toxins from the body. The yeasts in the bowel work specifically on toxins. There are over 250 variations of yeast in the body, one of which is Candida albicans. In Candida albicans there are over 110 different strains. When a person dies Candida albicans is what decomposes the body. We were made to have C. albicans for this purpose, however, we were not made for it to be pathogenic, fed to the point of transformation and mutation.

Yeasts protect our bodies from heavy metal toxicity. Some scientists say there is no evidence of this, however, many people who suffer greatly from heavy metal toxins see the results when they begin the proper chelation treatment for their body. This pattern often follows a pattern during and after chelation including brain fog, slurring words, the inability to recall thoughts, handwriting that doesn’t flow nicely no matter how hard the person tries, irritation, anxiety, depression, followed by yeast flares which can include a yeast infection, rash and even pink eye.

When Candida dies it releases over 79 toxic gasses including acetaldehyde which is an ethanal, the same ethanal responsible for giving you a hangover.

Acetaldehyde prevents T4 from becoming T3.79 This negatively disrupts thyroid function.

McBride says, “Many opportunistic bacteria, when in small numbers and under control, fulfill beneficial functions in the gut, like taking part in the digestion of food, breaking down lipids and bile acids.”80 Pathogens can be introduced into your system through numerous routes including the skin, food, air or drink. Once pathogens are thriving the potential for further pathogen growth is higher.

Bacteria can change form, altering their medium, altering their shape, altering their structure and even altering their environment to meet their needs. Once the environment has been altered they can change again into different, more adaptable variations. The perfect example is pneumococcus which can change to streptococcus. Streptococcus can change to a staphylococcus.81

Nematodes cause symptoms such as the host desiring to eat dirt, laundry powder, stool and nasal discharge.

People who have more Firmicutes bacteria present with obesity. This bacteria is considered the fat bacteria. Those with more Bacteroides bacteria present thinner.

However, specific strains perform different outcomes. The NIH says Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron shows a 23% increase in body fat. They reported, “Transplant of gut microbiota from conventional animals (animals raised under normal, microbiota associated conditions) into germ-free mice led to 60% increased body fat and insulin resistance within 14 days despite reduced food intake.

Colonization with the common mammalian anaerobic commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron alone also led to a 23% increase in the total body fat. This bacterial species has a very high capacity of degrading plant polysaccharides, the major constituent of dietary fiber, which are not broken down by host-encoded enzymes.”82

McBride says, “Candida albicans is never alone in the human body.”83

“Dental infections involving root canals and their apices and supporting structures practically always contain streptococci, of which, biologically, there are many types or strains, any one owhich may be the important causative factor of the various types of rheumatic group lesions, regardless of biological classification,” Dr. Weston A. Price says.84

Certain toxins such as butulinum toxin can paralyze the sphincter which keeps stomach acid in the stomach.85 It can also paralyze peristalsis, which is the action of intestinal muscles squeezing fecal matter out of the tract.

If the person has difficulty moving fecal matter through the tract butulinum toxin should be addressed testing to see if it is paralyzing peristalsis.

Controversial Thoughts Some professionals are alarmingly suggesting high fat diets suppress or kill off bifida bacteria in the gut causing Bilophila wadsworthia to flare while others are saying the exact opposite.

Wadsworthia is specifically connected to intestinal inflammation.

Many people with extreme gut damage, including McBride say the exact opposite is true.

Donna Gates, author of Body Ecology Diet told her listeners in the Healthy Gut Summit high fat diets cause all sorts of issues, including pathogen overgrowth of wadsworthia. She goes into further detail on her website saying, “Someone with a gut disorder cannot efficiently break down cooked fat, so the undigested fats will feed pathogens.”

McBride says those with the worst gut damage should consume the highest amounts of animal fat, up to 90% if possible. The reason for this is animal fats are very similar in structure to the human body making it easy to absorb, allowing you to assimilate the nutrition.

The University of Chicago performed a study and found, “Concentrated milk fats, which are abundant in processed and confectionery foods, alter the composition of bacteria in the intestines.”86

A rat study, done by Eugene B. Chang, M.D. and Martin Boyer, Professor of Medicine at the

University of Chicago, sheds light on the debate over fat feeding the strain. They reported, “Bilophila wadsworthia levels were almost undetectable in mice on a low-fat or unsaturated-fat diet, the bacteria made up about 6 percent of all gut bacteria in mice fed a high milk-fat diet.”87

The challenge with these tests is they use store bought pasteurized milk, produced from what is termed Frankenstein cows which are additionally treated with antibiotics and growth hormones. However, using raw milk from grass fed cows which is then fermented into whey, yogurt, sour cream and kefir gives a completely different outcome.

McBride sees the opposite results when working with autistic children and those with severe autoimmune disease, reversing their illnesses after rebuilding the gut flora and digestion.

McBride has found, time and time again without fail, “Fats are essential for the healing process,” since the molecular structure is so similar to our own it is easily absorbable nutrition high in nutrient density. In fact she recommends, some patients, with great damage in their intestinal tract, eat a diet that is 90% fat. The more fat these patients eat the faster they heal. The NIH reported on the high consumption of fats and the remarkable benefits specifically with those who suffer from epilepsy and mental challenges. They concluded there is, “A wide variety of evidence suggests that the ketogenic diet could have beneficial disease-modifying effects.”88

Healing this situation has been proven clinically by McBride’s patients thousands upon thousands of times. She says, “As your gut starts healing and your gut flora starts changing you will find that you can gradually introduce various plant foods rich in oxalates. Animal fats are an important part of GAPS Nutritional Protocol. They are essential for restoring the detoxification system and immunity in the person.”89

If fat digestion is the problem, addressing the gall bladder for stones will clean the liver and allow the body to detoxify better.

Dr. Todd LePine says Oxalobacter formigenes is, “A specific bacteria that will metabolize oxylate in the digestive tract.”90

LePine is an M.D. who practices Integrative Functional Medicine and believes you can shift the body's biochemistry.

The American Society For Microbiology says, “Oxalate-degrading activity cannot be detected in the gut flora of some individuals, possibly because Oxalobacter is susceptible to commonly used antimicrobials. Oxalate is formed in the liver by amino acid catabolism.”91

They go on to say, “The main known bacterial species involved in oxalate degradation in the gut is the anaerobe Oxalobacter formigenes. First isolated from ruminants, O. formigenes has been found in many animal species and in humans.” People can obtain Oxalobacter formingenes through eating animal meats and fats, fats from grass feed pastured animals carry the most nutrient density.92

Hyperoxaluria is the overproduction of oxalates, or oxalic acid.

ASM says using probiotics to combat hyperoxaluria shows promising results.

The FEMS Microbiology Letters says, “Oxalate degradation seems to offer an ecological niche in the human colonic ecosystem as well as in the gut of animals. Such a niche should offer an excellent opportunity for the use of probiotic preparations of Oxalobacter for replacement therapy.”93 The Journal of American Society of Nephrology says, “Up to 80% of kidney stones are predominantly composed of calcium oxalate (CaOx).Urinary oxalate is a major risk factor for CaOx stone formation.”94

People with autism and those with kidney stones show deficiencies in Oxalobacter, giving them the inability to digest oxylates. This bacteria develops in the intestinal tract at the same time the baby learns to crawl. Antibiotics wipe out Oxalobacter formingenes. Clarithromycin and doxycycline are found to be particularly inhibitory. Chloramphenicol, colistin, tetracycline and clindamycin also showed problematic.95

PubMed says, “O. formigenes can establish in the gut and reduce the urinary oxalate concentration following an oxalate load, hence reducing the likely incidence of calcium oxalate kidney stone formation.”96

Chronic diarrhea proves to flush out O. formingenes.97

McBride recommends home brewed quality yogurts, made with whole milk and live cultures, as extremely effective means for stopping diarrhea. Fage, Stoneyfield, Seven Stars and

Nancy's made from whole milk, not low-fat, are all highly favored brands. Dannon and Yoplait are not due to their starter cultures and fermentation process.

Dannon was sued in a class action lawsuit in 2008 for unsubstantiated claims referring to their Activia, Activia Lite and Dan Active products as probiotics and saying they were healthier than regular yogurt.98

One large problem was Dannon was claiming their product affects constipation, even though they hinted at the idea. The FDA classifies constipation and diarrhea as diseases. If a product treats the disease it must have an FDA-approved health claim.

PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) awarded Dannon with the SICK award (Social Irresponsibility Towards Consumers and Kids) in 2013. Dannon paid $50 million to those damaged by their claims.99

For real yogurt to qualify as a probiotic it has live cultures. Live cultures grow from a starter culture and the product is left to culture at anywhere from 90-110 degrees for eight hours. If you have a lactose issue, culturing the yogurt for 24-27 hours will ensure the absence of lactose. The live brands listed above, Fage to Nancy's, all work as live starter cultures.

Restablishing O. formingenes takes more time than eliminating them.

The NIH says O. formingenes are, “Antibiotic sensitive, repeated antibiotic therapies could eradicate it.”100

The NIH concludes, “Our observations confirm a direct association between antibiotic consumption and absence of O. formigenes.”101

Oxylates are high in nuts, seeds, chocolate, spinach, chard, beets, collards, okra, parsley, leeks, celery, green beans, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and purple fruits like grapes, figs and plums. If you are struggling to digest these foods consider low O. formigenes and rebuilding these strains with healthy fats and probiotic foods.

Other signs exist when the intestinal tract is compromised.

McBride says, “The majority of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions look pale and pasty. When tested they show various stages of anemia, which is not surprising. To have healthy blood we require many different nutrients: vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12,

K, A, D, etc), minerals (Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, Co, Se, boron, etc.), essential amino-acids and fats. These patients not only cannot absorb these nutrients from food, but their own production of many of them in the body is damaged.”102

She goes on to say, “People with damaged gut flora often have particular groups of pathogenic bacteria growing in their gut, which are iron-loving bacteria (Actinomyces spp.,

Mycobacterium spp., pathogenic strains of E.Coli, Corynebacterium spp. and many others). They consume whatever iron the person gets from the diet, leaving that person deficient in iron.

Unfortunately, supplementing iron only makes these bacteria grow stronger and does not remedy anaemia.”103

This is why introducing foods in particular stages and patterns is necessary, most importantly while building up the microbiome with specific probiotics, again building in order to reestablish homeostasis. McBride says people who suffer digestive issues from oxalates is evidence their body is not processing oxalates properly. “Once antibiotics wipe (O. formigenes) out the person cannot process oxalates, so these salts build up in the body and cause symptoms.”104

She says another factor is, “Ample supply of sulfur is a vital part of the detox system, and people with GAPS are deficient in sulfur. So, they cannot process oxalates and many other substances in the body.”105

Oxylic acid is removed from the body escorted by magnesium oxylate. McBride goes on to say, “When there is not enough magnesium the body uses calcium instead which makes the person prone to forming kidney stones. Excreting this substance in urine can cause chronic inflammation in the bladder and urethra, causing burning and painful urination.”106

Assisting a healing crisis Experiencing die off is a normal part of balancing the microbiome, finding yourself in a healing crisis is a different, potentially painful and debilitating story.

When you feed the good bacteria in your gut it kills the bad pathogens. Once dead, they release toxic gasses, endotoxins, byproducts which can make you very ill. These responses may include headache, runny nose, cold-like symptoms, flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, hives, rash, red bumps, pink eye, depression, anxiety, tachycardia, drooling, stimming, hyperactive behavior and more.

This healing crisis or die off reaction is also referred to as a Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction,

Herxheimer reaction or herxing.

Adolf Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer were dermatologists who saw syphilis patients respond to antibiotic treatment in this manner. They connected the reaction to the mercury in their treatment or antibiotics and believed the response was due to the spirochete shape of the pathogens.

Now it is known many types of pathogens release a die off reaction.

Pulling yourself out of a healing crisis is simple and should not be feared.

Finding your weak bacteria strains is the goal for healing a damaged gut. Building the weak strains leads to a balanced microbiome. This is done by trying different probiotic strains looking for die off symptoms to determine your weak strains. Sadly, the die off reaction is often confused for deeper illness or intolerance to a healing food which the person then omits extending the healing time.

Once you find your weak strains you need to feed those strains in a slow and controlled manner building the dosage of probiotic foods or probiotic capsules until you are taking the therapeutic dose. This dosage can be different for each person. Only your body can tell you what food you need to heal, only your body can tell you what probiotic strains you need to achieve homeostasis.

McBride recommends reaching the therapeutic dose and holding that level for three months before moving onto another probiotic finding other weak strains.

One of the biggest problems today is many probiotics contain ingredients which feed pathogens like rice flour, potato starch, free flowing agents, anti caking agents, sugar alcohols like xylitol, isomalt, sorbitol and mannitol or chickory root. Chickory root is considered by manufacturers as a prebiotic, however, if you have a specific heavy pathogen load chickory root will cause more damage extending healing. Apple pectin would be a better choice in this case, however, a prebiotic is in no way necessary or more beneficial than a probiotic alone. This has been proven time and time again by McBride in her clinical studies. Feeding pathogens should be avoided at all costs.

When pathogens die they release toxins specific to the pathogen itself.

When you find yourself in a healing crisis there are tools in the toolbox you can use to pull yourself out of the situation fast and naturally.

Rescue Remedy is a Bach Flower remedy which ranks number one for halting a healing crisis. Rescue Remedy is considered the first aid, or emergency remedy. It is revered as immediately restoring calm and stress. It works because it addresses the transcending archetypal reaction.

Rescue Remedy is a combination of five different Bach Flowers including Impatiens, Star of

Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis. Impatiens calms an immediacy reaction, Star of

Bethlehem affects the reflex of losing consciousness, Cherry Plum relieves tension and trembling,

Clematis assists in preventing the desire to lose yourself.107

The Encyclopedia Of Bach Flower Therapy describes Rescue Remedy as helpful, “When you're extremely disturbed, if you have to face a difficult situation, when you're frightened, if you work in a stressful environment. Rescue Remedy should be taken only on occasion and not on a regular basis. Rescue Remedy can alleviate a strong healing crisis.”108

It can be used in a crisis situation when the proper Bach Flower is not available or if the proper remedy is unknown.

One dose consists of four drops under the tongue, repeating every 15 minutes until symptoms subside. Normal dosage patterns for many extreme cases follow this type of pattern: take a dose, 15 minutes later take a dose, 15 minutes later take a dose, 30 minutes later take a dose, 45 minutes later take a dose, 1 hour and 15 minutes later take a dose, 2 and a half hours later take a dose, etc. Once the symptoms are gone, the remedy has done its job, if they return take another dose. The remedy can also be taken in a glass of water.

The drops need to absorb into your blood stream through the mucus membranes, this is why the remedy is dropped under the tongue. If the remedy is swallowed it is not effective as it is negated by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Dr. Edward Bach says the only reason a remedy doesn’t work appropriately is because you are not taking enough of it or you’re not taking it frequently enough.

Be aware not all forms or Rescue Remedy are beneficial to healing. Pastilles contain sugar alcohols as well as other ingredients which feed pathogens in the gut making your issue worse in the long run. Even remedies applied to the skin need to be clean of pathogen feeding ingredients. If you wouldn't eat it, don't apply it to your skin.

Drinking hot herbal tea will also assist in pulling toxins out of the body. Be sure to use loose leaf herbal teas like mint, chamomile or stinging nettles. Making tea out of freshly grated ginger is also beneficial. The standard measure for tea in dried herbal form is one teaspoon per dried herb or ginger to one cup of water, steeped preferably for ten minutes. Herbal tea does not contain caffeine by nature. Caffeinated teas stress the endocrine system and should be avoided while healing.

Mint teas like Peppermint, Mint Balm or Field Mint aid digestion. Peppermint specifically is highly prized for reducing inflammation of the mouth and throat, infections of the sinus and respiratory tract, intestinal and bile support including attacking bacterial overgrowth.109

Chamomile tea is specifically known for pulling toxins out through the urine. This can be evidenced through not feeling the need to urinate then suddenly, like a light switch was flipped on, the need to urinate is imperative and immediate. This generally happens due to the toxins overburdening the bladder so the bladder contracts immediately trying to eliminate the toxic liquid, the same way vomiting is the stomach gets rid of toxins immediately.

When this occurs it is important to void the urine as quickly as possible. Left, or held, this toxic urine can eat the mucosal lining of the bladder wall, possibly leading to a urinary tract infection.

Ginger warms the insides benefiting digestion while cleansing. It works as a diuretic and anti-parasitic. Ginger works as an antacid, relieves gas and is a mild laxative. It is thought to reduce inflammation with a direct effect on the stomach and intestines.110

Using untreated loose leaf tea is best. Manufacturers often treat their product with ingredients that can feed pathogens such as free flowing agents, natural flavors or any other pathogen feeding ingredient commonly added to tea bags.

Tea has a greater effect when consumed as hot tea, which will stimulate circulation, having a greater therapeutic outcome.

Another way to remedy a healing crisis is detox baths. Taking detox baths every day opens the detox pathways through the skin, the largest organ of the body. Detox baths should consist of a half to one cup of epsom salts, mineral salts, apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay, baking soda or sea weed on a rotation cycle. Many people lean toward epsom salts one night, mineral salt the next night, epsom salts, apple cider vinegar, epsom salts, baking soda, epsom salts, sea weed, epsom salts and repeat the cycle. Only your body can tell you what to use for your detox bath. McBride says the more toxic your body the lower the measure of salts, vinegar, etc. Some people start with half a cup, others with an extreme toxic burden start with less.111

Taking a detox bath during a healing crisis with help pull out some of the toxins the body is trying to eradicate.

Meat stock will also assist the body through a healing crisis.

Histamine reactions Histamine reactions are common in people who have a compromised microbiome. The worse the damage in the gut the more prevalent the issue. The amino acid L-histidine turns into histamine, glutamate and haemoglobin in the intestinal tract, according to the body's need. The people affected the most are those with the greatest intestinal damage. Illnesses such as FPIES, PANDAS, autism, schizophrenia, fibromyalgia, ME and chronic fatigue syndrome must step lightly, progressing slowly with healing non-inflammatory foods while rebuilding with proper probiotics, rebuilding the imbalance.

For those in this situation the gold standard, GAPS Diet, is the optimal choice as it rebuilds the foundation successfully step by step. The worse the gut damage for the individual the more clean their food source needs to be, as in they can not buy a chicken from the store but instead they need to buy a chicken from a farmer where the bird eats only bugs, grass and worms. After you have successfully healed in stage one and two of GAPS, you should not have any further histamine reactions because the L-histidine and other amines are kept in proper balance from the rebuilding repair.

As GAPS heals the body speaks to you. If your body is not recovering from histamine issues there is something you are eating that is stopping the healing, working with a knowledgeable practitioner can assist in this situation.

Histidine is a semi-essential amino acid which plays a part in the formation of proteins and influences metabolic reactions. Stress, poor diet or improper absorption of nutrients can cause nutritional deficiencies. This can deplete your histidine levels, depleted levels can cause susceptibility to reactors. Toxins, an Open Access Toxinology Journal, says, “Biogenic amines are normally formed in humans by normal cellular metabolism. The main biogenic amines in food are histamine, tyramine cadaverine, putrescine, spermidine and spermine. The two biogenic amines that have been associated with acute toxicity are histamine and tyramine. Putresine, spermine, sperimidine and cadaverine are not toxic in and of themselves, but may react with nitrite or nitrate to form nitrosamines.”112 The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition says, “Histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine serve as indicators of hygienic food quality. Tyramine and putrescine also may lead to intolerance reactions in combination with histamine.”113

Allergies are the body’s normal response, the body is doing what it is designed to do – create an inflammatory response as protection from the offender. This inflammation is sourced from the mast cells and basophils (white blood cells) which both contain histamine. When a person is dehydrated the process is exasperated. This means if you are dehydrated you may experience worse histamine issues.

Water Cures says with dehydration, “Your histamine levels are elevated. This results in suppressed white blood cell production, the very things that help you eliminate allergy responses.”

When the body is dehydrated it will release more histamine as a method of guarding the body to prevent further dehydration.114 There are more factors involved in the process including pathogens instigating reactions.

Dr. David Jernigan, Lyme specialist, says, “The presence of ammonia and the worsening of symptoms can be histamine mediated. If a person with Lyme disease (LD) is taking a medication that they are allergic to, such as an antibiotic, unfortunately the resulting worsening of symptoms is often thought of as being a Herxheimer reaction from the toxicity of the bacterial die-off substances.

Unfortunately, our clinical testing reveals that the person is often suffering from a (sic) allergic reaction that is stimulating a histamine release. The histamine release exponentially increases the amount of ammonia in the tissues.”115

He goes on to say, “The people this histamine/ammonia complex affects the most are those with SNP mutations and those who have impaired methylation pathways. "If methylation is low and T cell production is low, then histamine levels tend to be high. Histamine is linked to inflammation, a contributing factors to leaky gut as well as allergies."

The histamine issue is not a simple process as it functions on different levels from different sources and can even enter your system on food that has been cooked too long or is not fresh. Eating food that has been in the refrigerator too long can cause what is referred to as a histamine reaction, however, this area is under debate among professionals. Some say it is not necessarily a histamine reaction but instead a response to the pathogens growing on the food when it is not fresh. The older food is, the less nutrition it contains. Cooked food grows pathogens the longer it stays around. This is not necessarily a histamine reaction but is a reaction to the pathogens growing on older food, even though it was kept in the refrigerator or cooked appropriately. Toxins says, “In food, biogenic amines are mainly formed from microbial decarboxylation of amino acids. They are commonly found in fermented meat, beverages and dairy products, sauerkraut, and spoiled fish.”116

Additionally, as previously stated, histamine, tyramine, putrescine, and cadaverine grow on food after it has been cooked negatively effecting food quality.

The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition says, “Free amino acids either occur as such in foods or may be liberated by proteolysis during processing or storage. Numerous bacterias and some yeast display high HDC activity and thus have the capacity to form histamine. Histidine is generated from autolytic or bacterial processes. Therefore, high concentrations of histamine are found mainly in products of microbial fermentation, such as aged cheese, sauerkraut, wine, and processed meat or in microbially spoiled food.”117

Myers describes histamine as, “A chemical involved in your immune system, proper digestion, and your central nervous system. As a neurotransmitter, it communicates important messages from your body to your brain. It is also a component of stomach acid, which is what helps you break down food in your stomach.”118

She says, “Histamine causes your blood vessels to swell, or dilate, so that your white blood cells can quickly find and attack the infection or problem. If you don’t break down histamine properly, you could develop what we call histamine intolerance.”119

Histamine is released by the body to ward off an offender, inflammation is there acting like bubble wrap protecting what’s underneath. The job of histamine is to inflame the system, waving a flag to the immune system, screaming Attackers are here! Fight! Fight to the death!

Amino Acid Studies says, “Histidine regulates the immune defense in the body, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes, so a deficiency of L-histidine can lead to an increased tendency towards infection and the aggravation of symptoms of allergies.”120

Histidine is known to be ambiguous. It prefers a comfortable secure location, like burrowed deep in a protein core. It also functions as a solvent out and about in the body.121 The body releases histamine to do exactly that, work as a solvent against offenders. When the solvent is released and the bubble wrap coating is in place the body is doing its job. However, when there is too much, and the body is in overdrive, more is released than the body can handle – this is an allergic reaction. This histamine response comes in the form of itchy eyes, runny nose, cold symptoms, flu symptoms, tightness in the chest, hives, rash, stomach upset, gas and bloating as well as others.

This response is much like the response of low stomach acid where the body releases more hydrochloric acid to make up for the deficiency, pumping it out, secreting more, to the point where there is too much stomach acid.

Histamine reactions follow the same type of responses a person gets from die off of pathogens, however it's lower in grade. A die off reaction is often fully felt while a histamine reaction feels more like a muffled response from deep within the system. Determining which is happening to your body at that time can only be done by you. Histamine responses will follow food, die off will follow probiotics or probiotic foods. Some foods give die off responses but carry histamine causing confusion. Sauerkraut and wine fall into this catagory and are the biggest offenders for most people. If sauerkraut causes a histamine issue it is a good sign and shows you are weak in these strains. The fix is easy. Rebuilding the underlying enzymes and microbiome structure can be done by introducing kraut juice first, building up your strains until sauerkraut is tolerated.

Again, this is a good sign and is evidence that you need these strains, not that you should drop the food altogether. Rebuilding is done by going back a step and feeding those strains. If you experience this, follow the proper introductory stage for probiotics, laid out in full detail in McBride's

GAPS program, beginning with kraut juice fermented for 12 days with the cabbage pieces fully submerged under the brine. The quantity you can handle is specific to your pathogen overload and no one can tell you what to start with, only your body can do that.

Most people begin with one teaspoon of kraut juice and build up from there. Others with severe reactions, like the situation described above, need to start with one drop under their tongue.

Still, others with the greatest gut damage usually accompanied with clogged detox pathways, have to put one drop in a glass of water and take one sip a day. Wherever your starting point is, it is vital to rebuild with kraut juice progressing to sauerkraut as tolerated, again, the quantity should be so low that no die off symptoms are present. Stopping sauerkraut juice because it gives you a reaction will only prolong the pathogen overgrowth. Building slowly, with the guidance of a skilled practitioner in this area is important to healing. Histamine can be put in check with proper rebuilding.

Amino Acid Studies adds, “Once formed, histamine is either stored or broken down by an enzyme. Histamine in the central nervous system is broken down primarily by histamine N- methyltransferase (HMT), while histamine in the digestive tract is broken down primarily by diamine oxidase (DAO). Both enzymes play an important role in histamine break down.”

The American Society for Clinical Nutrition says the enzyme DAO breaks down histamine introduced through the mouth, in food. Eating foods that are not fresh will create a histamine response in those with great intestinal damage. For this reason, while healing the body of the histamine response it is vital to eat fresh nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory food diligently while building with the proper probiotic strains.122

They go on to say, “Possible explanations may be the inhibition of DAO by other amines or the promotion of histamine liberation from the mucosa by putrescine.”123

If you are having an issue with histamine from food, you are low in diamine oxidase.

When histidine releases histamine it is known to throw off the zinc and cooper balance in the body making repair without support more difficult. If you find yourself in this situation a good method of checking your zinc levels are with a zinc assay, like the one from Premier Research Labs.

This liquid zinc should be taken orally but not swallowed, instead held in the mouth for two minutes. If the taste is horrid the person's zinc levels are fine, if the assay takes like water the person is zinc deficient. If that is the case the assay can be swallowed as a supplement.

If you suffer from histamine issues make your healing meat stock and freeze what you will not use in two days time. Be sure you are using meat stock and not bone broth. Meat stock is high in the amino acids proline and glycine, bioten, collagen, elastin, glucosamine and gelatin. These are the elements that feed the enterocytes, the building blocks of the gut lining, including histidine.

Histidine can be replaced through protein rich foods and by building the microflora creating homeostasis. The most common mistake made on a gut healing protocol, with a histamine intolerance, is the method of making the healing meat stock. Meat stock includes a slow cooking time, bringing the pot to a boil then covering for a 3-hour simmer for beef bones, 2-hour simmer for chicken. Bone broth is cooked for many hours, usually 6-48 hours then drained. The bones are recooked for another day, and so on for five days or until the bones crush under your fingers like a sponge.

Nourishing meat stock with kraut juice rebuilding will strengthen the foundation of the tract.

Slow gradual introduction of kraut juice, rebuilds the weakness. Those with the most severe damage see success starting with kraut juice in whatever amount tolerable and building up to sauerkraut months or years later.

Allergies begin in the gut from a damaged micorbiome.124 Sealing and healing the gut with meat stock while building up the good bacteria prevents the reaction and cycle of histamine halting the allergen response at the source.

As with all food prep, the more damaged the microbiome, the more precise and slower the rebuilding process.

The longer the fermentation process the more predigested the vegetables making the drink more digestible. Longer fermentation has shown to assist in diminishing any adverse reactions from histamines. Those with the most aggressive situations find success with three to four month fermentation. These cases are rare. When following this protocol the fermenting cabbage should be fully submerged under the brine for the duration of fermentation.

Die off symptoms are often mistakenly confused as a histamine response.

Histamines can accumulate in your body and then have a resulting explosive reaction often times through a raised red rash that resembles a burn. Histamine responses can be flushing of the face and body, nausea, burning in the mouth, headache, feeling faint, blurred vision, abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhea, wheezing, respiratory issues, cold-like symptoms, flu-like symptoms, swelling or inflammation, hives, eczema or other similar responses.

When dealing with GAPS the intestinal tract is loaded with pathogenic bacteria which is killed off by probiotic foods and capsules. When too many pathogens are killed off the patient experiences what is called die off. Die off symptoms are a raised red rash that resembles a burn, flushing of the face and body, nausea, burning in the mouth, headache, feeling faint, blurred vision, abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhea, wheezing, respiratory issues, cold-like symptoms, flu-like symptoms, swelling or inflammation, hives, eczema, acne, red ant type looking bites, exhaustion, irritation, anger and short temper. Notice the similarity in symptoms between die off reactions and histamine reactions. This is because the two are related.

Dr. Judy Safrir, says, “FODMAPS and Histamine Intolerance are not primary conditions, but rather secondary manifestations which have resulted from gut inflammation and damage via dysbiosis.”125

Safrir is an M.D. who also believes gut healing can and should be done naturally, through healing foods and rebuilding the microbiome. She sees the same clinical results as McBride.

McBride recommends introducing fermented foods and probiotics slowly to avoid uncomfortable die off symptoms. It is best to add probiotics until you feel die off, then step back a small amount on the dosage and maintain that level for at least a week before you increase your dosage. Increasing in small amounts is vital if you experience die off or histamine responses.

Most probiotics purchased in the store are filled with ingredients not conducive to gut healing but instead feed bad bacteria in the gut making the matter worse.

The only way to know how much probiotic your body should take is to try some and see how your body responds.

People who have mild gut damage can tolerate larger doses of fermented foods. It is more beneficial to take smaller amounts of probiotic foods like kraut juice or whey throughout the day than it is to take one large dose and encounter histamine issues or die off. Kraut juice and whey are both good introductory probiotic foods for damaged guts, especially those that experience these symptoms.

McBride says people with histamine issues have particular species of pathogens that are overgrown in the intestinal tract. These pathogenic microbes, “Produce histamine and block the enzyme (diamine oxidase), which is supposed to process histamine. GAPS Program will allow you to change your gut flora and remove this condition permanently.”126 When the enzxyme diamine oxidase is blocked the histamine does not break down properly.

Left uncontrolled with the proper building strains the reaction escalates.

There is no way of predicting how long your body will take to replenish the microbiome and rebuild the flora to a healthy level. Each person is individual and responds individually. It is important to listen carefully to the signs the body shows and respond to those needs accordingly.

All people who have a certain depth of gut damage will encounter a histamine reaction that is why is it important to rebuild the flora in a systematic method. A histamine reaction is simply reflecting a certain depth of gut damage. Pathogenic microbes perpetually produce toxins as part of their life-cycle. Some of these pathogens produce amines which then produce histamines.

Ray Sahelian, M.D, says, “When two or more (amino acids) are put together, it is called a peptide. They play a central roles both as building blocks of proteins and as intermediates in metabolism. Amino acids join together to form a protein structure. Protein is needed by the body to repair muscles, bones, organs, glands, hair, and connective tissue. The body continually breaks down proteins into individual amino acids and then puts the them back together again in chains to form countless different proteins and enzymes.”127

“Some amines produced by pathogenic microbes from amino acids like choline, lecithin, methylamine, lysine, arginine, ornithine, and tyrosine have been shown to cause intellectual regression, behavior and emotional issues, and withdrawal symptoms.”

The remedy histaminum is designed to stop a histamine reaction. Most importantly, there are no adverse effects known with homeopathy and it will not cause drowsiness, or slow microbiome reestablishment, like over-the-counter antihistamine products. Histaminum is recommended for any antihistamine needs, where histamines are an issue. This includes sneezing, watery eyes, congestion, itching, hives, food allergies and burning eyes or throat due to allergens.

This homeopathic antihistamine is reported safe for any age by homeopaths. The proper dosage for homeopathy is 4 tablets under the tongue. If symptoms remain 15 minutes later homeopathy dosage should be repeated. Continue this process, repeating again 15 minutes later if needed. Back off as needed. Repeat as needed. Be cautious, some people experience wheezing if they take homeopathic histaminum hydrochloricum with belladonna.

A study on homeopathic histaminum and cat saliva with regards to cat allergies tested 30 individuals positive to a cat allergy on the skin prick test (SPT) through a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study.

Science Direct reported, “Cat saliva 9cH and Histaminum 9cH produced a highly statistically significant reduction in the wheal diameter of the cat allergen SPT at the end of week 4.

The placebo group showed no statistically significant change. The homeopathic medicine reduced the sensitivity reaction of cat allergic adults to cat allergen, according to the SPT.”128

Liver Support The liver is the primary detoxing organ that gets overloaded once bombarded. When someone suffers from any disease the liver is effected, overloaded with toxins.129

Keeping the liver healthy will help the body flush out toxins readily

Once the liver is overloaded, toxins back up into the lungs. This is often evident through spitting up mucus clumps first thing in the morning. If this is the case it is beneficial to drink hot stinging nettles tea or mullein tea for relief.130

Dr. Karl Maret says, “The liver is so basic to health that unless its function can be improved, many patients will not experience significant and lasting improvement on a nutritional or holistic healing program. The liver is important because a person's nutritional level is not only determined by what he or she eats, but by what the liver processes.”131

Maret is a medical doctor and engineer who practices Alternative and Integrative Medicine.

An endotoxin is a toxin inside the bacterial cell. When the cell disintegrates the endotoxin is released. Endotoxins are often blamed for being the root cause of the disease, living inside pathogenic cells.

PubMed lists information from the Department of Surgery, at the New York Hospital –

Cornell Medical Center, “Braude, et al, found the liver to be the primary organ involved in the clearance of endotoxin.”132 They go on to say, “The phagocytes lining the pulmonary arteries constituted the first filter encountered by the endotoxin. The rate of endotoxin clearance and detoxification by the cells of this filter may be very slow and allows the spilling over of endotoxin into the rest of circulation.”133

The liver is strategically located between the intestinal tract and systemic circulation.

“Hepatic failure would be expected to result in development of a chronic, low grade endotoxemia,” the Department of Surgery said.134

This occurs when large parts of the liver become so toxic that the organ can no longer function properly. Malnutrition, weather it be from lack of food or lack of absorbing the nutrition from your food due to pathogenic overgrowth, is one of the main causes of liver strain. Other causes include viruses (which thrive only in an unhealthy microbiome), acetaminophen and processed nutritionally weak food. Initial signs of liver stress are nausea, diarrhea and little to no appetite where, in some cases, the person does not lose weight and possibly gains weight.135

Maret says, “The liver is most active in rebuilding the body during the night. Within the context of the daily circadian rhythm, we note that the liver has a biphasic rhythm, with the assimilatory phase beginning at 3 p.m. in the afternoon and reaching its maximum at 3 a.m., where- upon the liver begins to enter its secretory phase for the next 12 hours. That is one of the reasons why it is unhealthy to eat our main meal or very large meals, late at night, for this is the time when the liver wants to be active in healing us and cleansing the body of accumulated metabolites and toxins.”136

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the liver meridian is at it's highest peak between the hours of 1 and 3 a.m.

Biofilms, Parasites And Worms "Stress will cause declines in bifido bacteria populations. Some toxigenic E. coli are able to perceive that the host is stressed and in response to that they activate genes that make the toxins," says

Dr. Stephen Olmstead.137

Olmstead is an M.D. and says, "Someone who is not stressed and consumes a pathogenic E. coli just fine where somebody who's stressed consumes it and the E.coli makes a toxin, the person gets sick. Bifido bacteria is one of the most beneficial and important good bacteria species in the intestinal tract. Yet, they are highly sensitive to stress.

“A lot of bacteria can form biofilm, which is an extracellular matrix where they share nutrients and even DNA. The biofilm protects the bacteria inside it from our innate immune defenses.

It’s much more difficult for us to get rid of biofilm than it is bacteria in other states,” says Chris

Kresser, acupuncturist and columnist for the Huffington Post.138

Killing off biofilms internally is always accompanied with die off symptoms. Eliminated biofilms look like rubbery well formed mucus often times with visible pathogens at the center.

The Medical Dictionary defines a biofilm as, “A slimy matrix of extracellular polymericsubstances produced by bacteria which protects them when aggregated, as in dental plaque, theear, intestine, skin, etc. (It contains) biologically active agents, which coats the surface of structures such as teeth or the inner surfaces of catheter, tube, or other implanted or indwelling device. It contains viable and nonviable microorganisms that adhere to the surface and are trapped within a matrix of organic matter (for example, proteins, glycoproteins, and carbohydrates).”139

Biofilms are most commonly found encasing gastrointestinal pathogens, parasites or worms. People struggling with intestinal pathogens see the most biofilm colonies when they proactively pursue colon elimination routines combined with foods or supplements that disrupt the biofilm. They are most visible to the eye after cleansing enemas, as the fecal matter is not present.

Biofilms look like a thick gel like substance which could be encasing a darker form, yeast colonies, a long worm-like form, parasite form, or similar pathogens. Biofilms live in many places, colonizing where needed to protect pathogens.

When healthy bacteria is compromised pathogenic strains propagate. One of the most common pathogens to propagate is the pathogenic yeast Candida. When the pathogens are advanced the resulting disease is more chronic. When disease is chronic it is accompanied with pathogens encased in a clear layer of biofilm.

Olmstead says, "There's increasing evidence showing chronic reoccurring sinus infections, chronic recurring otis media (ear infection) are in fact biofilm problems. There's a great enzyme, serratia peptidase, that has very broad antibiofilm activities. It works against gram positive organisms like staph. It works against gram negative organisms, fungi and it's well absorbed. You can use high doses, you can swallow it and it'll go where it needs to be to make an effect."140

Serratia peptidase, originally discovered in Japan, is made from a bacteria in silk worms and enables them to escape their cocoon to turn into a butterfly. Many products today source their product from soy beans, a genetically modified starch which feeds pathogens in the gut.

Olmstead recommends taking 4 tablets of serratia peptidase twice a day to eradicate biofilms.141

McBride says pathogens are the root source of illness. Pathogens in biofilm are flushed out through nourishing foods and probiotics both in food form and therapeutic grade probiotic capsules.142

Donna Gates sees fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kraut juice and others have the ability to break up biofilms.

People who have cavities, oral infections, hip replacements, breast implants, yeast, pathogen overgrowth, worms in any form including pin worms and rope worms have biofilms which encase pathogens which will not flush out of the body unless they are actively removed. Everyone has biofilm at any given time. Biofilms grow on our teeth between brushing. Problematic biofilms are those protecting pathogens, parasites or worms in various forms.

Actual activity and speculation on bacteria, pathogens, biofilm and life cycles is still undergoing research. They do not survive freely in flasks and on agar plates yet in biofilms, within the body, they are hearty.143

The National Institute of Health (NIH) says biofilms develop when, “(The) host’s immune system becomes suppressed, facilitating colonization and infection of (weak spots or wounds) with micro-organisms. Within the wound, bacteria often develop biofilms, which protect the bacteria from the immune response and enhance their resistance to antibiotics.”144

On February 26, 2009, Olmstead lectured on gastrointestinal biofilm at a Physicians'

Roundtable meeting where he said, "Microbes within biofilms communicate with each other, display metabolic specialization, and even sometimes appear to undergo apoptotic programmed cell death so as to benefit the greater biofilm community."145 He went on to say, "Depending on the species and antibiotic, biofilm phenotypes are from

10 to over 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics than their planktonic comrades. The mechanisms of antibiotic resistance are not well understood. In some organisms such as Candida albicans, surface adhesion and biofilm formation activate expression of genes mediating classical antimicrobial resistance. All of these mechanisms combine to provide biofilm communities with a multifaceted defense system."146

Microbes encased within the biofilm are protected.

These microbes are able to sense the metabolic status and stress levels of the host, adapting and thriving in a weak environment.

This is the reason people who suffer from chronic issues such as the ear infections or sinus infections have recurring issues.

Biomed Research International says, “This form of growth poses a threat to chronically infected or immunocompromised patients. Biofilm-forming microbes are held together by a self- produced matrix that consists of polysaccharides, proteins and extracellular DNA. It is now well known that infections are mainly associated with biofilm formation.”147

Olmstead says, "Candida species ubiquitously form biofilm communities, and most manifestations of candidiasis are associated with biofilm formation. Beta-glucan secreted by Candida cells within biofilms significantly increases the organisms' resistance to antifungals, and enzymatic breakdown of beta-glucan can make Candida more susceptible to treatment."148

He goes on to say, "The use of cellulase is critical to an antibiofilm enzyme preparation, as cellulose is found in most biofilms. Much of the ability of probiotics to interfere with pathogen adhesion and displace them may be due to specific antibiofilm activities."149

The Genome News Network, GNN, says, “Biofilms are the squatters of chronic infection.

They congregate, slime and linger on surfaces in the human body—places like hip replacements, contact lenses, catheters and wounds. Biofilms are resistant to even the most aggressive antibiotics.”150

They go on to say, “The biofilm can consist of one or more microbial (bacterial or fungal) species. Biofilm-growing microorganisms cause chronic infections which share clinical characteristics, like persistent inflammation and tissue damage. A large number of chronic bacterial infections involve bacterial biofilms, making these infections very difficult to be eradicated.”151

Oil of oregano and berberine are effective and common forms of breaking down the protective biofilm layers. Following the GAPS protocol is least invasive and most natural method.

Many people say they see biofilms after proper coffee enemas.

Olmstead says, "A combination of hydrolytic enzymes represent a viable approach to degrading pathogenic biofilms by lysing biofilm exopolymers. Hydrolytic enzymes may be combined with chelating agents for a synergistic antibiofilm effect. It is essential to administer enzymes and chelators together with antimicrobial agents, apart from food. Probiotics support the healthy intestinal microflora, displace pathogens, and disrupt pathogenic biofilm." 152 Dr. David Jernigan says, “Lyme spirochetes cause the accumulation of ammonia. Direct Resonance Testing (DRT) was used to test for the presence of ammonia in the brain, heart, and liver of over 2000 previously diagnosed LD, MS, CFS, ALS, and other chronically ill patients; all patients were positive for ammonia over these areas. Severe liver disease is a well recognized producer of global or systemic ammonia.”153 Dr. Jernigan is a specialist in Lyme Disease working with patients who appear to see little success with traditional methods. He says he has done countless, “Clinical testing for accumulations of ammonia in people with confirmed Lyme disease, and found that all of these people had localized ammonia accumulations primarily in the brain, heart, liver, and jaws caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent in Lyme disease.”154

Ammonia has a direct negative impact on cognitive function and energy levels. Getting tired or exhausted quickly is common with ammonia from pathogens.

Professor Alex Volinsky is considered one of the pioneers with studying, testing and uncovering findings on parasitic activity, biofilms and rope worms specifically determining what they are, what is their function and what is the source of their structure.

Americans generally have the paradigm that worms and parasites only exist for those overseas living in impoverished conditions. At the same time, everyone that proactively eradicates them, sees evidence of existence as well as their demise. For some they see die off of the parasites and worms, for others they see them in their stool. Volinsky is a professor and Electron Microscopist who proactively did a parasite cleanse with a zapper and a sauna. The zapper runs a low grade electrical current through the body killing parasites and worms. After his treatment he became very ill and then passed a three-foot-long worm.

He submitted his findings to a scientific paper and was told they couldn't publish the findings as there was no evidence, no scientific proof that it was a parasite. The editor requested electron microscopy and a DNA test.

Which, as an Electron Microscopist, Professor Volinsky performed both in the United States and in China. He said, "I would say the results were inconclusive. One test showed human DNA, and the other test showed human pseudo-gene which is not used by the human body. At the same time there was a match with a seed bug. Nobody knows what it is. It's definitely some feature of the human anatomy.155

He found another Russian, Nikolai Gubarev, to continue researching with his findings. Five different stages of the organism were identified. Volinsky said, "It's some feature of the human anatomy. This organism definitely has a cellular structure, you can clearly see that under the microscope or you can stain the cells to see the DNA."156

Science Based Medicine says, "They have never yet found a single patient who didn’t have these parasites."157

His findings were published with an unexpected yet shocking result.

Following the publication, Volinsky received 141 contacts by strangers wanting to tell him they had similar findings.

Volinsky found the pattern that people who did oxydative studies such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ozone treatments, hydrogen peroxide treatments or showed similar results.

His theory is the worms feeds off fecal content in the bowel and moves through released gases from the micro-channels viewed under the microscope. "It twists like a mop trying to squeeze the nutrients out of the humus in the intestinal tract."158

Doctors refer to this type of thing as mucosal lymphoid tissue.

Volinsky says, “Rope worms can be located almost anywhere in the human body, but prefer

(the) intestines. They twist like a corkscrew, increasing their cross section, blocking the lumen of the intestine. This is also how rope worms squeeze the juice out of the fecal matter, and feed on it osmotically. To achieve this, the rope worm has multiple channels running along its length. The parasites emit gas bubbles inside these channels utilizing jet propulsion.”159

He goes onto say, “Rope worms are capable of producing toxic slime. This happens when they are irritated by spicy food, heat or cold, etc. Adult rope worms also produce fecal stones, which resemble sesame seeds. Fecal stones leave intestines with water enemas with small amounts of vinegar.”160

Rope worms are more active from 1 to 6 am.

Volinsky is currently proceeding with further testing measures.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya, from Japan, developed the colonoscopy in 1968 and then a year later developed a snare devise for colonic polypectomy. Through performing over 300,000 colonic examinations Shinya says there is a definite relationship to disease and the state of the colon saying the connection is linked to what the patient eats.161

Colonoscopys often show parasites and worms actively swimming in the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract. This happens even though colonoscopy preparation includes complete evacuation of the colon through enemas and oral saline flushes. However, these worms are still there visible to the naked eye, attached to the intestinal lining itself.

Testing for parasites or worms are not often reliable as the tests only assess certain worms and parasites, not all varieties. If you have a worm not analyzed on the test, the results will be negative.

Many people test free of parasites and worms while worms are visible in the stool sample being tested.

For this reason it is often viable to consider symptoms instead of test results.

Many fungal and parasite infections go undetected. This gives them the ability to grasp a stronghold on the host. Once established, fungal and parasite infections are often very difficult to eradicate.

Improper diet, undigested food, chemicals and preservatives feed fungi, pathogens and worms. Undigested food can come from overeating, however, a more common cause is from a damaged digestive tract. Elimination protocol involves starving them, killing them and feeding the good to fight the bad. Often times eliminating them involves actively helping the body flush them out of the system. Sugars feed pathogens and fungi.

Paul Chek, a specialist in the parasite and worm eradication community, says each species has the ability to change form, adapting to their environment, enabling them to survive harsh conditions. This adaptation makes their elimination difficult for certain cases since, when pressed, the worms and parasite burrow deeper into soft tissues within the body.162

Chek has found improper eradication of parasites and worms dangerous. Improper eradication can make future eradication more difficult as the parasites and worms are stronger, more adaptive to a harsher environment.

Professor Volinsky says, "The currently known dehimnimthation methods include enemas with milk and salt, soda, eucalyptus, followed by the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Rope worms can possibly feed on human blood, thus special care should be taken upon dehilminthation to avoid internal bleeding."163

Beneficial bacteria sources that disturb biofilms can be found from the proper food.

Lactoferrin (apolactoferrin) which is found in whey made from goat’s milk or cow’s milk. In fact over the counter lactoferrin supplements are made from bovine whey. Dr. Bernard Jensen says in one of the most nutritionally comprehensive books of all time, Chemistry Of Man, whey is very high in chlorine. Just like when you sanitize your clothes in chlorine to bleach them, chlorine in foods will sanitize your cells, including biofilms. When you combine chlorine foods with flushing of the colon, biofilms can be adversely effected.

The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition says, “Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron- binding glycoprotein and is the second most abundant protein in human milk. Bovine LF (bLF) inhibits the growth of a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.”164

The British Journal of Nutrition found, “Bioactive milk proteins may be important in protecting preterm infants from developing inflammation and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and inflammation.”165

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid, a precursor to glutathione which disrupts biofilms. BMS Microbiology says, “Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common pathogen in chronic respiratory tract infections. It typically makes a biofilm, which makes treatment of these infections difficult.” N-acetylcysteine has showed promising results of disrupting biofilms produced by P. aeruginosa.166

Stirring NAC into some homemade yogurt is a good way to introduce it to your system without fillers, binders or capsules that contain pathogen feeding ingredients.

The NIH says, “NAC has anti-bacterial properties against P. aeruginosa and may detach P. aeruginosa biofilms. Use of NAC may be a new strategy for the treatment of biofilm-associated chronic respiratory infections due to P. aeruginosa.”167

Garlic is particularly powerful containing antistaphylococcal activity. The NIH studied garlic in 2012 concluding it effective in disrupting established staphylococcal biofilms. They used a garlic based ointment, “to examine the antibiofilm activity of garlic (Allium sativum). Wound pathogens were inoculated on sterile cellulose discs, exposed to formulated garlic ointment (GarO) or ointment base, and incubated to allow biofilm development. Biofilms were quantified and visualized microscopically. GarO prevented biofilm development by Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and caused a 2-5 log reduction of the bioburden within Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. Additionally, GarO disrupted partially developed biofilms produced by S. aureus, S. epidermidis and A. baumannii.”168

Enzymes exist on raw foods, meats and milks. Enzymes eradicate biofilms. When we have a diet deficient in enzymes, while we eat processed packaged foods we are feeding pathogens and promoting biofilm growth. Lumbrokinase, nattokinase, Glucoamylase, Chitosanase, Cellulase,

Hemicellulase, Pectinase, Beta-Glucanase, Protease, Peptidase, Endopeptidase, Exopeptidase and

Lysozyme all break the biofilm barrier. Lysozyme is found in raw egg whites.

Several natural remedies can help eradicate parasitic overgrowth including bentonite clay which works as an absorptive and an adsorptive eliminator. Absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate was renamed bentonite clay in 1898, after Cretaceous Benton Shale.

Clay acts like a sponge absorbing toxins and foreign bodies. Most importantly clay has an electromagnetic property, through covalent bonding sharing electron rings, that attracts heavy metals and other toxins in the body. It pulls toxins from the body and absorbs them. Hot spices, garlic and things like Oil of Oregano and cayenne pepper mixed with honey are powerful parasite and worm eradicators. Some say the honey draws them in while the cayenne kills them. is hotter, frequently causing extreme discomfort.

Cayenne peppers and honey mixed together are powerful killers. The honey attracts the parasites, luring them in, while the cayenne pepper kills them.

Frozen cod liver oil capsules taken on an empty stomach with lots of water is a strong weapon. Freezing the capsules slows down the dissolving time allowing it to enter the small intestines when it releases the cod liver oil. This enables the oil to coat the parasites and worms like a blanket and suffocates them. Ginger, garlic, turmeric and wormwood kill and remove parasites and fungus infections. Wormwood and black walnut together are credited as being one of the most powerful remedies.

Food grade diatomaceous earth (FDGE) is the fossilized remains of diatoms. It is another powerhouse just like clay, is made from earth and chelates heavy metals in addition to eradicating parasites. Starting slow and building up is often recommended to prevent constipation. FGDE can potentially rob you of nutrition as it can absorb nutrients. For this reason take FGDE on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and late at night.

Heavy metals are a natural part of diatomaceous earth from the mineral base of natural antidote, selenium, which allows otherwise accumulative heavy metals to be eliminated.

Worms, parasites and fungi can come from many different areas. Grains that sit in silos get damp and grow fungus. These grains are not approved, at that point, for human consumption so it is fed to livestock. The problem then is it’s been fed to livestock, which humans eat. This is directly linked to parasitic over growth in humans.

Die off symptoms from parasites, fungi and worms are similar to other die off. Usually the die off presents in the same manner as the symptoms only amplified.

General Parasites and Pathogens H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori previously known as Campylobacter pylori) is a bacterial infection that causes overactive acid, inflammation, malabsorption from undigested food and candida, yet is relatively easy to eradicate, with the proper protocol. As an infectious disease that can be transmitted from person to person through kissing it is generally acquired by eating improperly cooked meats or food that has been left out too long. It is estimated that 50 percent of the population suffers from H. pylori. Most people with great gut damage have this pesky parasite.

Looking at H. pylori in the stomach resembles looking at an infected wound outside the body. It's red, swollen and full of puss.

Olmstead says, “Seven of nine human studies have shown that probiotics decrease H. pylori populations and improve gastritis.”169

Other symptoms of H. pylori include a bloated belly, ulcers, bleeding ulcers, bad breath, heartburn, GERD, indigestion and burning in the chest. The bacteria paralyzes the muscles and sphincters so overactive stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus. This pesky bacteria has shown to suppress the adrenal glands, the fight or flight system that handles stress in the body. The low grade infection causes perpetual exhaustion because you are not getting nutrients while the body puts its effort toward eradicating a disease that is going nowhere. When the stomach isn't functioning properly the pancreas doesn't secrete the proper juices allowing the food to sit undigested and move along into the intestines undigested.

Left untreated H. pylori leads to stomach cancer.

Suffering from severe acid is a sure sign that you should be tested for H. pylori. Blood tests are the standard method for testing, however, the false negative rate is high. The reason for this is the bacteria is a chronic infection which measures antibodies. If you have had H. pylori in the past the body creates antibodies to fight the bacteria. Once the bacteria is gone the antibodies remain. The test shows these antibodies even though the disease is eradicated. Other tests can potentially show negative results because the H. pylori bacteria have numbed the activity that would show up in a blood test.

A stool test, antigen test, is relatively unused but a reliable test for H. pylori. Some doctors use this method but most doctors still test the conventional way through antibody testing. "The antigen is a portion of the organism itself. If you can see the antigen positive on the test it means you must have the active infective right now. It's like an eye witness seeing the bacteria," said Dr. Daniel

Kalish.170 Kalish is a doctor of health and teaches practitioners how to build a successful functional medicine practice. He goes on to say, "Even though it's the most accurate, you could have a stool sample that does not have the bacteria in that particular portion of stool (BH #401 stool test through Biodia) yet another test will reveal the bacteria."

Dr. Barry J. Marshall, a pathologist, and J. Robin Warren, a fellow, wonTe Nobel Peace

Prize in Physiology in 2005 for their findings on the interaction between H. pylori and the human host.

Marshall believed bacteria, not stress as previously believed, caused the ulcers. He was so convinced he drank a glass full of H. pylori to prove it. He purposely infected himself with H. pylori then sent a camera down his esophagus to document the effects. He captured on film bleeding ulcers, puss, red inflammation, reactive stomach acid that shot up the esophagus and a generally angry stomach.171

"H. pylori always causes inflammation in the stomach but doesn't always cause symptoms,"

Kalish says.

Stomach acid blockers are not beneficial to H. pylori because they suppresses the symptoms while the bacteria continues to do more damage.

Conventional treatment for H. pylori is antibiotics, however, some H. pylori is resistant to the antibiotics. Naturopaths use herbal remedies that take longer but are not as damaging overall to the microbiome, yet show great effectivity. Antibiotic protocol for H. pylori generally lasts a few weeks while herbal treatment takes two months, longer for deeply persistent infections.

Many people use herbal remedies based on symptoms and see success without testing.

Mastica gum is highly effective on reversing H. pylori and the most favored herb however it needs to be used following a couple of months of building up the body through nutrient dense foods and low grade exercise. During this time absolutely no processed or prepackaged food should be eaten- only real organic food in whole form, cooked and warm.

Eating warm foods has shown to increase the white blood cell count in the stomach and intestines. This is not the case with raw foods. White blood cells fight infection.172

Eliminating all grains, sugars, caffeine and dairy is vital to rebuilding a strong immune system. The root cause of H. pylori is a weak immune system and just treating the H. pylori with mastica gum will only result in another infection following the eradication of the bacteria as the weakness in the chain starts with the suppressed immune system.173

Oregano Oil or Olive Leaf Extract are excellent for reversal of bacteria. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) and licorice174 aid in prevention as anti-inflammatory. The body can not heal while in an inflamed state. The majority of people respond to two months of mastica gum, Oil of Oregano or olive leaf extract and DGL with negative testing after two months of the herbal program. If you treat one person in the family, everyone in the family should be treated as it can get passed back and forth through kissing.175


There are over 250 different varieties of yeast in the body, one of which is Candida albicans.

In the Candida albicans umbrella there exists over 110 different varieties.

Only the most common strains are tested in the laboratory. If a person presents with yeast signs but the test comes back negative for yeast the variation may be one not on the test.

Olmstead says, “Streptococcus thermophilus has been found to secrete a surfactant that impairs C. albicans surface adhesion. In the management of pathogenic lower gastrointestinal biofilms, probiotics represents the most comprehensive strategy for the displacement of pathogens and their replacement by healthful microbes.”176

Deciphering Nutritional Deficiencies Caused By Malabsorption When the microbiome is out of balance nutrients are often not absorbed properly. This creates nutritional deficiencies. This is true for those who are overweight as well as underweight, when the body is not functioning properly the weight will not come into balance properly.

Zinc and iron levels are key to a healthy system. Vegetarians are generally more susceptible to low iron and B12 levels, however, people who are deficient in hydrochloric acid may be eating a more balanced diet but are not absorbing their nutrition. Monitoring these levels is important to vibrant heath. There are simple ways to check these levels naturally, in the privacy of your own home.

"Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin which carries the oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body. It builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress. Those suffering from anemia are always tired and can hemorrhage easier (for example in childbirth)," says

Katherine Tarr in A Guide to Motherhood.177

Tarr says, "There is a 15 to 20 percent reduction of oxygen to the brain when you are anemic. This causes low energy, difficulty making decisions and makes you feel easily discouraged."178 1) Check your capillary refill by pressing down on one of your fingernails firmly for a few seconds making sure you are pressing hard enough that the color under the nail goes white, then release. If the area turns pink again quickly, with no delay, this shows a healthier iron level. 2) Pull the lower eyelid down and observe the color of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane layer on the inside of the lower lid. If it is red, full of color the iron levels are more stable, if it is pale the levels are low. 3) Check yourself for pallor, evident in your skin tone or the palms of your hands. The hue should have a normal skin tone to a healthier dark color, full of life. A light color, called pallor, is a sign of a lower red blood cell count or decreased blood flow. 4) Yawning is the body's response when it needs more oxygen, which is indicative of a low iron level.

Testing your zinc levels can be observed on your fingernails. White spots on the fingernails and ridges on the fingernails are both reflective of low zinc levels.

“Zinc deficiencies are more common than most pharmaceutical reliant doctors give credit.

Zinc and B6 are the foundation to neurotransmitters like serotonin, melatonin, GABA, and aceylcholene,” says Greg Emerson, MD.179

Serotonin is the hormone that makes us feel happiness. Melatonin assists hormonally with sleep and circadian rhythms. GABA is a hormone responsible for relaxation. Aceylcholene is a memory molecule.

Emmerson is a holistic physician from Australia who specializes in Lyme, parasites and mold. He says zinc deficiencies are always present in those with violent behavior. “Zinc and copper are like a seesaw. When zinc levels go down copper goes up. As zinc goes up copper goes down. High copper is a disaster for the thyroid.”180

Copper is considered the emotional mineral.

High copper and low zinc has been connected to tumor formation and post natal depression.

Vitamin C and zinc have shown to lower copper levels. Other symptoms are tiredness, an overactive mind, PMS, hormonal swings, migraine headaches, depression, craving chocolate, avocados and nuts.181

Low zinc is evidenced through signs like knee pain, grinding of the teeth, patches of no hair or hair loss, brain fog, Pyroluria, acne, anemia, angina, body odor, anorexia, bulimia, cavities, depression, herpes, hypertension, susceptibility to viruses, obesity, paranoia, PMS, urinary track infections, tumors and alterations of the fingernails. White spots on the fingernails, ridges in the fingernails, splitting down the nail and misshapen fingernails are all signs of a zinc deficiency.

Natural detoxing can be done through juicing as a supplement. When juicing, it’s best to take it with a dollop of home brewed sour cream and an egg yolk to increase healing cholesterol impacts and prevent blood sugar swings.182 Other good sources for detox are ginger, turmeric, glutathione, dandelion and dandelion extracts.

Beneficial aspects of detoxing are sweating, food sources of vitamin C from a local farmer who does not treat with pesticides, and medicinal clay like zeolite or bentanite clay as well as detox baths which open the detox channel through the skin. Baths like sea salt, Epsom salts, sea weed, baking soda, clay, mineral salts and apple cider vinegar are beneficial and should be rotated nightly.

Microtoxins have the ability to damage the myelin sheath affecting autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, depression, bipolar disease. If you have a severe zinc deficiency on top of it the potential for an infection is higher. In situations like this repair will take place slowly.

Foods high in zinc are oysters, liver, pumpkin seeds, tahini, Alaskan king crab, lamb and grass-fed red meat. These foods will boost your mood as a result of increasing your deficiencies.

Taking too much zinc can be dangerous.

If you sense your zinc levels are low the zinc assay can help.

Research shows conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), found in grass-fed red meat, is beneficial for fighting cancer. The NIH says, "Numerous beneficial effects are attributed to CLA, as in slowing down or even preventing tumor development. CLAs are the only natural fatty acids accepted by the National

Academy of Sciences of USA as exhibiting consistent anti-tumor properties."183

If you are vegetarian and see signs of these low levels your body is showing you there is a need for iron, zinc and most likely B12. If you are eating a more balanced diet, one that includes animal fats and meats, but still show signs of deficiencies consider adding HCl with pepsin to assist in absorption of your nutrients.184

Anemia can be caused by parasitic or worm infections that attach to the inner linings feeding on the host's iron. Eradicating worms and parasites will assist in the root cause.185

The GAPS protocol has shown to be most effective in this situation. Seek guidance from your qualified medical professional.

Adrenaline uses up magnesium stores at an excessive rate. This is considered a magnesium dump.186

Malabsorption Which Leads To Deficiencies Common ailments like anxiety, depression, diarrhea, irritability and the appearance of sunburn are all linked to the same nutritional deficiency.

Health Grades says, "Pellagra is a disease that affects your digestive system, skin, and nerves. Symptoms of pellagra can be constant or occur periodically. Pellagra varies among individuals. Some people have mild symptoms, such as fatigue, while others may develop severe depression and anxiety."187

Vitamin B, specifically B3, is considered one of the main sources of prevention for pellagra. Medline Plus describes pellagra as, "Having too little niacin or tryptophan in the diet. It can also occur if the body fails to absorb these nutrients. It may develop after gastrointestinal diseases or with alcoholism. The disease is common in parts of the world where people have a lot of corn in their diet."188

Common signs of pellagra are diarrhea, inflammation of the skin, skin eruptions and rashes such as dermatitis, reddened skin, scaly skin, sunburn looking skin, rashes with clear outlines (much like hook worm), cracked hard skin, crusty skin that bleeds. Mental deviations such as apathy, depression, anxiety, dementia, schizophrenia, irritability, headaches, confusion, restlessness, tremor, delusions, disorientation and psychosis have all been linked to B3 deficiencies.

DermNetNZ says, "Since tryptophan in the diet can be converted to niacin in the body, both of these need to be deficient for pellagra to develop."189

In Putting It All Together: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, says, "Vitamin B3 is important for the proper functioning of (the) nervous system. Prevents pellagra. Promotes growth. Maintains normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. Necessary for metabolism of sugar. Maintains normal skin conditions."190

He goes on to say pellagra was nearly wiped out by the enrichment of flour with vitamin B3 in 1942.191

Dr. Hoffer says, "There are two chemicals with vitamin B3 properties, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Both are converted into coenzyme one or nicotinamide as niacinamide. Both are similar members of the B-complex."192

WebMD says, "Niacin is an FDA-approved treatment for pellagra, a rare condition that develops from niacin deficiency."193 However, people today trying to heal gut damage through microflora repair, such as GAPS, often see skin challenges that are eradicated with B3 supplementation.

They go on to say, "Niacin has also been studied as a treatment for many other health problems. There's some evidence that it might help lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, osteoarthritis, and type 1 diabetes. However, more research needs to be done."194

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, neurologist, neurosurgeon and author of GAPS, says damage to the microflora in the intestinal tract is the root cause of autoimmune diseases, metal toxicity and inflammation afflictions such as Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, osteoarthritis and type 1 diabetes.195

Dr. David Williams says, "Niacin causes the blood vessels to dilate or open up near the skin, which results in a hot, tingling sensation accompanied by a red flushing of the skin. Generally, by starting with low amounts of niacin (50 to 100 mg a day) and gradually increasing the dosage, a person can quickly build up a tolerance and avoid the flush. Taking niacin immediately following a meal will also lessen the flushing sensation. (Niacinamide, the alkaline form of niacin, doesn’t cause flushing and it works just as well for most things.)"196

Dr. Hoffer says, "(Nicotinic acid - vitamin B3) are usually bound in the mono- or dinucleotide form. Sometimes they are so tightly bound that they are not hydrolyzed by the intestinal enzymes, and are therefore not utilized by the body. The vitamin B3 in corn is so bound."

Taking niacinamide tablets allows for a slow release, eliminating the possibility of flushing. This is preferred by those who take 1,000 mg three times daily and are visible to coworkers or public in the workplace. Flushing is evidenced through heat and a red flushing face causing embarrassment.

For those who experience mental confusion and take niacinamide the slow release can lead to a slow and steady relief of symptoms when a desired immediacy is the goal. Taking more niacinamide in this case will result in an excess in the long run causing it to be excreted through urine which some considered wasteful. Niacin would be the optimal choice in this situation if the flush is tolerated.

Dr. Hoffer adds, "We suspect that niacin may also work because it is the best known antagonist to adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is made in the heart muscle by oxidation of adrenaline."197

In the book Oxydative Stress And Neurodegenerative Disorders, G. Ali Qureshi and S. Hasan Parvez say, "In the early 1950s, Osmond and Smythies realized that pink (which is deteriorated) adrenaline sprays were making some asthmatics psychotic, causing them to hallucinate." It was later found, "The oxidation of adrenaline created the indole adrenochrome."198

Use of B3 is proving to reduce cancer tumors and causes a better recovery for those undergoing chemotherapy. Dr. Hoffer says, "According to one study, mice were injected with mammary adenocaricinoma cells and then given niacinamide, 0.2 gram/kg body weight, thirty minutes before they were given radiation. This is equivalent to 12 grams per day of niacinamide for an average human adult. Although the vitamin had no effect on tumor volume in these animals, the tumor volume decreased 86 percent after irradiation in niacinamide-treated mice and remained 79 percent lower at four weeks."

Scientists believe the success with tumors is because the niacin enhances blood flow to tumors.

Dr. Gerson, famous for his research and cure rate of cancer patients through cleansing with juicing and coffee enemas four times a day saw enormous success using 50 mg of vitamin B3 eight to ten times a day, dicalcium phosphate with vitamin D, vitamin A & D as well as liver capsules.

The Gerson Institute says, "Niacin helps to bring back sufficient glycogen into the liver cells. It also helps in protein metabolism, acts to open small arteries and capillaries (of course it would be discontinued with any bleeding problems.) It raises electrical potential in cells."

Side effects are noted by all of the above as nausea and rarely vomiting, which are remedied by backing off on the dosage.

Dosage is specific to the person. Dr. Hoffer says, "One of my chronic female patients who is schizophrenic required 30 grams per day for a year. On 24 grams her symptoms came back. For the past seen years, however, a gradually reduced dosage to 3 grams has been adequate."

In regards to histamine B3 is key.

Dr. Hoffer says, "It is necessary to give enough (B3) to empty the histamine storage sites to a level at which there is no time to replenish them by the time the next dose is taken. It may require 6 to 8 grams per day for some people."

Dr. Ben Lynch, a research medical doctor considered the forerunner on MTHFR genetic mutations said on May 13, 2015, "If you are taking any amount of methylfolate I have found it is very useful to take niacin. Niacin is very useful in getting rid of glutamate in the brain, along with magnesium and B6. Niacin uses methylation. Methylfolate and niacin sucks up a kind of a methyl sponge. To what degree I don't know, but I know it works. I recommend people take 50 mg of niacin every 20-30 minutes until their symptoms go away. The second dose of methylfolate is 4 hours so most side effects should go away in 4 hours."

He goes on to say, "Anxiety is just a symptom of dysfunction."

Trudy Scott, certified nutritionist said on May 13, 2015, "It's showing you there's something underlying that you need to address."

Foods high in vitamin B3 are liver, organ meats, meat, yeast, green vegetables and beans.

Taking niacin supplements should be done with care. Supplemental fillers and binders like rice starch, potato starch and vegetable stearate sourced from soy feed pathogens in the intestinal tract.

Choosing supplements that do not feed pathogens Many people are falling ill then find out when they remove the toxic burden and inflammation causing triggers from their lifestyles, their health improves. Removing toxicity from our lives is healthful yet different for each person, according to the damage going on inside their system.

Some people see success by simply dropping their soda intake while others need to go to more drastic measures.

Still, others need to also remove the chemicals burden absorbed through their skin, the largest organ in the body. Chemicals in beauty products contain toxic heavy metals which "assist" the body in absorbing the product, preservatives, synthetic fragrances, any ingredient you wouldn't eat, as well as watching the clothes you wear since you absorb toxins through your skin.

Taking supplements and probiotics does not always benefit the body. Often times these items are filled with preservatives, free-flowing agents, fillers and other additives that feed pathogens. This is most concerning when a person is taking probiotics because they are spending a lot of money to do the exact opposite of what they intended to do.

Inulin is usually derived with the base of chickory root, a starch with a high surface area which feeds pathogens. Chickory root is usually used in prebiotics with the idea that they are feeding the bad to attract the bad pathogens. Apple peels are a more natural prebiotic if one is absolutely necessary. McBride says prebiotics feed the good and the bad equally and are not desired for healing.

Labels that list polysaccharide complex as an ingredient are telling you there is a double sugar in the product. Biochemist and Cell Biologist Elaine Gotschall, originator of the Specific

Carbohydrate Diet found people with damaged intestinal tracts can only digest monosaccharides, single sugars.199

Rice maltodextrin is a product which feeds pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal tract due to the starch and sugars. This is often derived from GMO corn.

Dicalcium Phosphate causes upset to the gastrointestinal system according to the

National Library of Medication,200 National Institutes of Health with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, stomach pain, thirst, dry mouth and increased urination.

Potato starch is a filler which feeds bad bacteria in the gut as it is a starch.

FOS (a form of sugar) and Ascorbyl Palmitate.

Hypromellose, Sodium Carbonate, is a product considered as a soda ash or washing soda. It is used to absorb moisture from the air. Eastacryl 30D Kollicoat MAE 30 is a pharmaceutically acceptable film-forming polymers made by the chemical company BASF.

Propylene glycol is a plasticizer.

Maltodextrin is a corn derived product, a starch which feeds pathogens.

Tapioca starch is a starch and feeds bad bacteria in the gut.

In addition to the additives in the capsules or pills that could be making you sick, you may actually not be getting any of the benefits claimed to be in the product.

Reuters reported, “A group of 14 state attorneys general on Thursday asked the U.S.

Congress to investigate the herbal supplements industry after a New York probe of the products turned up ingredients that were not listed on labels and raised safety concerns.”201

They further said, “Four major retailers, GNC Holdings Inc, Target Corp, Walgreens and

Wal Mart Stores Inc, halted sales of certain supplements after being subpoenaed by the New York attorney general. DNA tests had failed to detect plant materials listed on the majority of products tested.”202

It is always best to get your nutrition from food, especially food that is grown naturally with healthy soil.

The Diet Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 requires the FDA to prove a supplement unsafe in order for it to be removed from the marketplace. This regulation covers vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, organ tissues and hormonal aids.

These items can be sold as diet supplements where the manufacturer is under no obligation for safety of efficacy.

Adverse effects, such as death, are required reporting by the manufacturer. Everything else is less vague. This means

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are required by law to offer a non-adulterated product. Misbranding is forbidden. The FDA says, “That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of DSHEA and FDA regulations.”203 The FDA is then responsible for finding and prosecuting adulterated or misbranded supplements once they reach the marketplace.204

One study running five to eight years of 29,133 male smokers, including asbestos workers were tested with vitamin E and beta carotene, looking to see if the supplementation had an effect on cancer. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled primary-prevention trial.

During the trial 876 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed and no reduction of incidence was observed.

The New England Journal of Medicine reported the trial saying, “No evidence of an interaction between alpha-tocopherol and beta carotene with respect to the incidence of lung cancer.

Fewer cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed among those who received alpha-tocopherol than among those who did not. Beta carotene had little or no effect on the incidence of cancer other than lung cancer. More deaths from hemorrhagic stroke were observed among the men who received this supplement than among those who did not.”205

They concluded, “This trial raises the possibility that these supplements may actually have harmful as well as beneficial effects.”206

WebMD Health News reported the trials were, “Testing whether beta-carotene and vitamin

A could prevent lung cancer. Nearly everybody thought it would work. And they were wrong. Lung cancer, heart disease, and death from all causes shot up in those who took high-dose beta-carotene.”207

They go on to say, “Years after they stopped taking high-dose beta-carotene supplements,

(the) group of smokers still suffer extra-high rates of lung cancer and death.”208

However, alpha-tocopherol vitamin E is synthetic, man made. Vitamin E from d-Alpha

Tocopherol is natural and readily absorbable by the body. When choosing the right Vitamin E supplement d-Alpha Tocopherol will benefit your body while alpha-tocopherol can be considered a potty pellet.

To make matters worse some E is derived from wheat, which is often intolerant to those who present with illness. When food is found naturally, made by God perfectly designed for absorption and nutrition, it never contains one isolated vitamin. Vitamins in food always exist synergistically in food for a reason, they work together assisting in absorption.

When chemical derivatives of an isolated vitamin are put into the body the result is not the same as putting organic nutrient dense food into the body.

Dr. Howard Loomis says, “Any time you take a chemical out of a food, be it beta-carotene or some other nutrient, and concentrate it into a very large dose there must be the other synergistic ingredients created within the food in order for the body to be able to utilize it. If these ingredients are not readily available in the body, the body must either tear down its own tissues to provide them or the nutrition goes right through the body unused.”209

McBride says, “Synthetic vitamins have a very low absorption rate, which means that most of them go throuh and out of your digestive tract without doing you any good.”210

Even if food products are used for supplementation, the type of food product is an important variable.

“If the label reads 1,000 mg of vitamin C with rosehips it is usually a corn C in a base of rose hips. No way can a 1,000 mg vitamin C pill be of rose hips in a one tablet size. This is a natural C but if you allergic to corn, this could be a disastrous situation.”211

Not all vitamin supplementation should be avoided. It is important to watch the source of the supplement as well as the fillers and additives that could be causing you damage.

Dr. Neal Barnard says there is one vitamin that should be supplemented, vitamin B12, as it is not made by plants or animals but is instead made by bacteria residing in the intestinal tract. The B vitamins absorb from the intestinal tract into the body of the animal, including the cuts of meat. Those who eat meat can get B12 from eating animals with the bacteria in their intestinal tract while those who abstain are deficient.

In addition to things put in our body one of the most important things to consider as damaging to the intestinal tract is the BPAs (bisphenol A) absorbed through our skin by wearing clothes made from plastic bottles. The struggle for many people is removing the offending toxic overload as it is everywhere, including in the air we breathe. Some people throw their hands up in the air and say things like,

"Forget it, I'm not even going to try." However, for those who are very sick, with severe autism, auto- immune diseases, FPIES or PANDAS babies, there is no other option. Searching for health offenders is the only path to success.

This opens the debate regarding BPA plastics that make up our polyester or fleece clothing.

Our stores are filled with clothing made from recycled plastic bottles. The same people who are removing plastics from their lives, in an effort to remove damaging BPA toxins, an estrogenic releasing toxin, may not be aware they are wearing the same plastic bottles which make up their clothing.

Inexpensive fleece clothing and blankets are potentially the most common offender for the

BPA toxin.

Polyester used to be made from coal, air, water, and petroleum through a chemical reaction process between alcohol and an acid. Today it's made mostly from plastic bottles. The National

Geographic produced a video on how polyester clothing is made from recycled plastic bottles start to finish.212

Discovery News says, "When scientists conducted lab tests on more than 20 top-brand baby bottles along with more than 450 plastic food and beverage-packages, virtually all leached chemicals that acted like the hormone estrogen, even though many were free of BPA."213

The NIH says, "More than 800 studies were published on the health effects of BPA between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s." Further studies are ongoing.214

In another publishing the NIH said, "BPA was found to migrate from polycarbonate water bottles at rates ranging from 0.20 to 0.79 ng per hour. At room temperature the migration of BPA was independent of whether or not the bottle had been previously used. Exposure to boiling water (100°C) increased the rate of BPA migration by up to 55-fold."215

No studies have been done on the leaching of these chemicals into our bodies through our largest organ, the skin. The NIH published a study on, "Permethrin, an agricultural insecticide, applied to clothing in an effort to protect military personnel from infectious insects. "Leaching and/or absorption were evaluated, the presence of sweat, different fabric types, and the effects of prelaundering. Results showed that fabric treated with permethrin at a rate of 0.125 mg/cm2 lost the substance to the skin surface at an average rate of 0.49%/d. At the end of the 7-d exposures in rabbits, about 3.2% of the available permethrin had reached the skin, 2% having been recovered from excreta (absorbed) and

1.2% remaining on the skin surface."216

If chemicals from the fabric leaches into the skin, chemicals within the fabric itself could do the same.

When plastics are heated they release toxins whether they are in water bottle form and we drink the toxins or if they are in the form of clothing as holding plastic against your skin could have the same effect. The biggest concern may be fleece pajamas where the material is pressed directly against the skin for an 8-hour stretch, under warm blankets. If the person is sick with the flu, including a fever, lying in bed holding in heat could be potentially more dangerous.

Science Daily says, "Prior to boiling water exposure, the rate of release from individual bottles ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 nanograms per hour. After exposure, rates increased to 8 to 32 nanograms per hour,"217 giving specific numbers to the NIH publishing.

Given this information, a safer option may be to wear a layer of organic cotton between your skin and polyester or fleece fabrics made from recycled plastic bottles.

Deciphering Medical Necessities VS Misled Business JAMA Internal Medicine published a story in early 2015 on research misconduct in clinical trials uncovered by the FDA. Cross-sectional analysis were preformed from studies dated January 1,

1998, to September 30, 2013, looking for objectionable methodologies, findings and conclusions.218

The FDA performs these types of reviews all the time. The problem is when they find discrepancies their findings are often dead in the water as the FDA claims to have no way of getting the incorrect information back to the scientists through peer reviewed literature.219 Charles Seife, a journalist and professor, led the team which found falsified information in over 600 clinical studies but was never reported back to the scientists as incorrect. This happens roughly 2% of the time. The FDA takes different action depending on the violation.

The main source of the problem is conclusions based upon falsified findings. The trial, if published, then republished in scientific literature for medical personnel education, pharmaceutical applications, scientific analysis, and other standard business practices. Then the FDA finds discrepancies in the concluded studies, showing falsified claims and the updated corrections are never processed in the scientific mainstream.

JAMA Internal Medicine reported, “The 57 clinical trials in our analysis resulted in 78 articles published in the peer-reviewed literature. Of these 78 articles, only 3 publications (4%) included any mention of the FDA inspection violations despite the fact that for 59 of those 78 articles

(76%), the inspection was completed at least 6 months before the article was published. Researchers are usually given a form 483 within a day of the inspection, with the form detailing any problems found by the inspector.”220

One study was testing blood clot treatments and concluded positive results, “legs were getting a lot better,” when in fact one patient had to have his foot amputated.221

Another showed, “A researcher caught falsifying documents in a number of trials, those falsifications led to the death of a patient undergoing treatment in a clinical trial comparing 2 chemotherapy regimens. The researcher had falsified laboratory test results to hide the patient’s impaired kidney and liver function, and the first dose of the treatment proved to be fatal.”222

The researcher was sentenced to prison for 71 months yet, “None of the publications in the peer-reviewed literature associated with the chemotherapy study in which the patient died have any mention of the falsification, fraud, or homicide.”223

“I now realize the docs that were rep friendly, loved the reps coming in, I don’t know if I’d go see them. I have a new respect for those doctors that didn’t want drug reps in their office,” says Blair

Hamrick in Jeff Hays' documentary Bought. Hamrick is a former executive pharmaceutical sales representative for Glaxosmithkline who exposed fraudulent activity of Big Pharm in a court case resulting in a $3 billion settlement.224 Hays also produced the documentary Doctored: The Film the AMA Does Not Want You To

See another informative eye opener to the world of medicine. Doctored covers the underlying

“influencers” you experience at the doctor’s office along with an investigation that goes all the way to the AMA exposing these tactics.

Hamrick says the education the drug reps get is what pushes the doctors to lean toward those drugs. He says, “These guys have four-year degrees, public relations, media, whatever – but they’re not scientists. They’re given these three-week crash courses, they’re told exactly, verbatim, what to say. It’s always about more money.”225

Hamrick became a whistle-blower when he saw the drug company selling drugs to children, off label, meaning the drug was meant for people 18 years old or above but the drug company was marketing it to children, an unapproved market. He says he asked the wrong question and found his job compromised. That was when he became a whistle-blower. He says, “The question, ‘hey, is this legal'?” cost him his career.226

When the court case was settled, US Attorney Carmen Ortiz announced the settlement with pharmaceutical company Glaxosmithkline on C-SPAN. She said, “GSK sales force bribed physicians to prescribe GSK products using every imaginable form of high-priced entertainment.” The bribes included dinner meetings, spa programs, five-star restaurant meals and lavish weekend conferences to resorts in Puerto Rico and Hawaii.227

Attorney General James Cole said it was a historic resolution.

Treble damages and civil penalties were sought through the False Claims Act for false and fraudulent claims as well as publishing and promoting those false and fraudulent claims in an effort to promote faulty medications to physicians. The specific medications promoted fraudulently were the antidepressants Paxil and Wellbutrin as well as Advair.228

There was a time where pharmaceutical clinical trails were based on scientific studies.

Today the funding is run by the pharmaceutical companies accompanied with marketing and PR for the product.

It is common practice to see drugs hit the market with extensive side effect lists. It is also common to see a class action lawsuit over a pharmaceutical drug. Another common occurrence is drugs are pulled from the marketplace after damaging patients to a remarkable level including paralyzation, heart troubles, debilitating irreversible muscle and joint damage and even death.

Dr. Tami Meraglia says clinical trials on pharmaceuticals are no longer useful for doctors.

She says, “In the 1950s and the 1960s, clinical trials were based on science. There was not funding from pharmaceutical companies. Marketing and PR companies were not involved. It was academic centers evaluating poisons used to treat diseases. That’s not the case anymore.”

Meraglia, M.D., who specializes in Integrative Medicine said, “Today the guidelines are used in order to promote the use of drugs for everyone. The drug companies don’t look at the success rates of the cure of the condition, they’re looking at their dollar amount.”229

She says their analysis is based upon, “If the segment of the population that was the treatment target isn’t giving them enough profit then they expand the target market.”230

Dr. Suzanne Humphries says, “We’re not taught about what’s in vaccines in medical school.

We’re really not taught anything about the downside of vaccines in medical school. We’re given the schedule, told when they’re due and we administer them. It wasn’t until later in my career until I began asking questions.”231

Humphries is an internist, a nephrologist and author of Dissolving Illusions, Disease,

Vaccines and the Forgotten History, “I saw three patients brought into the hospital with acute kidney failure. They weren’t making urine and they required immediate dialysis. They had just weeks to months before had perfectly normal kidney function. Two out of three of them volunteered to me ‘I was fine until I had that vaccine’.”232

She was concerned and took precautions. Humphries said, “I talked to the administration of the hospital but instead of them wanting to know, they actively rapidly refuted any potential correlation between the vaccine and the kidney failure.”233

Humphries says, “I have long had an intuitive distaste for vaccines. During my medical residency I saw many autoimmune diseases and silently wondered if the vaccines could be playing a role.”234

The connection between autism and vaccinations is evident to many people. In 1975 one in

5,000 had autism. At that time 23 doses of 7 vaccines were administered. In 2014 the rate was one child in every 68 had autism with 69 doses of 16 different vaccines starting immediately at birth. The

CDC recommends these vaccinations. We have tripled the quantity of vaccines in 30 years.

Dr. Gayle DeLong is a parent of two autistic girls. As a mom on a mission she began searching for answers and found the conflict of interest between pharmaceutical companies and the reporting research remarkable.

DeLong holds a Ph.D. in International Business & Finance. Her findings were published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health where she said, “One of those triggers (of autism) might be the battery of vaccinations that young children receive. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism.”235

PubMed pubished, “Sponsors of research have competing interests that may impede the objective study of vaccine side effects. Vaccine manufacturers, health officials, and medical journals may have financial and bureaucratic reasons for not wanting to acknowledge the risks of vaccines.

Conversely, some advocacy groups may have legislative and financial reasons to sponsor research that finds risks in vaccines.”236

Meanwhile the CDC says, “Over the years, some people have been concerned that autism might be linked to the vaccines children receive. Concerns have related to different aspects of vaccines, including vaccine ingredients. Evidence from several studies examining trends in vaccine use and changes in autism in children does not support such an association between thimerosal and autism.”237

McBride is an autism specialist and says she does not believe autism is caused by vaccinations. Instead she clinically sees confirmation that autism is a direct result of Intestinal

Permeability, leaky gut. Once the intestinal tract is leaky the mercury or aluminum from the vaccination leaches through the gut wall and has a negative impact on the person’s brain and body function. Specifically the heavy metals in the vaccination has a long-term negative effect after it has leaked through the gut wall.

Clinically she sees results for thousands upon thousands of her patients with her protocol of sealing and healing the gut while building the good flora. Clinically she has seen it happen thousands upon thousands of times. Her warning to parents is to look for potential signs of Intestinal

Permeability before getting the child vaccinated.

McBride says never take a child for vaccinations if they are ill or unwell in any way.

DeLong says the conflict of interest between the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC will prevent any real findings to be resolved. She says, “The pharmaceutical companies’ offering very nice jobs to CDC officials. Even the research that is done, the researchers, many of them, work for pharmaceutical companies.”238

Specifically her beliefs are connected to the pattern she saw in her autistic daughters, “I’m not saying vaccines cause autism, I’m saying there’s an association in developing autism.”

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