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The BG News March 12, 1987

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News March 12, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4636.

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by Don Lee Also in the grievance, inmates said that the wire editor inmate with hepatitis was not properly isolated from the other inmates. Randall said. The inmate An attorney representing several Wood County was put in a cell by himself, but full isolation Jail inmates in a grievance against the jail said facilities do not exist in the 86-year-old building. Cesterday that at least two inmates are on a The grievance is part of an on-going lawsuit linger strike in protest of health conditions there. brought against the jail in federal court last year, Jane Randall, an attorney for Advocates for Randall said. Basic Legal Equality, a Toledo-based civil-rights group, said that two immates yesterday had gone FORMER INMATE Kenneth Kerlin filed a without food since Feb. 25. She said the two were complaint in September 1986 in U.S. District Court Marc Griffin and Mark West. in Toledo charging that conditions in the jail make Randall said ABLE does not represent the it "unfit for human habitation" and "fall beneath inmates in the alleged hunger strike, but inmates the standards of human decency." are providing ABLE with information. Among the conditions listed in Rerun's com- A grievance signed by 13 inmates was delivered plaint, which was amended in October 1986 to to the ABLE offices Feb. 26. The grievance stated include the names of six other inmates or former that an inmate was kept in the jail for two to three inmates, was overcrowding, lack of recreational weeks before it was learned that he had hepatitis. facilities and inadequate medical care. Lt. Mick Shetzer, jail administrator, said that Kerlin was later transferred to a state prison. the inmate had been sent to Wood County Hospital The latest grievance adds to the list the inability on the orders of Dr. Roger Peatee "a few days" of the jail to "segregate and separate" ill inmates after he was brought to the jail, but the results of from the rest of the prisoners, and failure to tests conducted at the hospital did not come back screen incoming inmates for illness. for about a week. In addition, the jail has been cited for numerous state fire code violations, which Wood County RANDALL SAID that inmates had told her the Sheriff George Ginter has said have been reme- inmate complained of illness from the time he was died. incarcerated in January. Shetzer said there was no evidence of a hunger Kerlin's complaint sought to pressure the strike at the jail. county not to use the jail until all the conditions he "Hell, five minutes ago I passed food out in cited were remedied, but Ginter at the time said there (the jail) and they're (the inmates) eating," nothing more could be done to bring the jail fully he said. up to state standards. Randall said she had been told that the inmates In January, county commissioners unveiled who were refusing to eat said they had been told flans to build a new county jail northeast of the I- by jail officials that disciplinary action would 5-U.S. 6 interchange. The new facility, which is result if the prisoners did not take their food trays expected to cost between $6 million ana $8 million, when they were distributed. Therefore, the prison- will be able to house 100-125 inmates, commission- ers on the strike would take their trays and dump ers said. the food, Randall said, which she said allowed the The present jail has beds for 52 inmates, and is jailers to say that food was being consumed. frequently overcrowded. Trash fire spurs evacuation by Don Lee chute doors on the ninth or 10th duty truck were dispatched, but wire editor floor were opened. the ladder truck was not needed and returned to the station A trash fire in Offenhauer Joette Siertle, assistant hall shortly before 10 p.m. West forced the evacuation of director, said several smoke With East and West towers last alarms in the building went off Fire Chief Jack Gonyer said night. at once, and a resident adviser smoke spread throughout Offen- Helpful Hits Photo/Michelle Thornewell Bowling Green firefighters reported seeing smoke on the hauer West on the fifth floor and said a small fire started in the seventh floor. It was then that above, and smoke spread only Scotl Hirth, junior interpersonal and public communications major, watches the ball he just hit sail toward trash compactor on the first the buildings were evacuated into the rooms where the resi- pitcher Roger Start, junior finance major, at the second Annual Lambda Chi Alpha Whiffleball floor of West tower and smoke and firefighters called. dents had left the doors open Tournament held Saturday in Anderson Arena. Eleven fraternities and five sororities competed in the traveled upward through the Firefighters said they re- when leaving the building. tournament, which raised $240 for the "Saturday Morning Love Affair," a program designed to help trash chute. Smoke then spread ceived the alarm at 8:49 p.m. A Siertle said that the building the handicapped interact with others. to the upper floors when trash- pumper, aerial ladder and light- C See Fire, page 5. Board's decisions affect campus Ohio legislator Trustees' duties range from research grant reviews to renovations favors 21 law COLUMBUS (AP)-Ohio ing this bill," Suster said. Editor's Note: This is the first of may influence the lifestyles of governor for a Board of Trustee favor University alumni when should raise its minimum He cited figures showing a two-part series concerning the University employees by re- appointment. Each trustee rec- selecting Board of Trustee ap- drinking age from 19 to 21 that in 1985, 135 deaths and University Board of Trustees. viewing proposed salary recom- ommendation is screened by the pointments, although it is not a even if the federal govern- more than 5,000 injuries in Tomorrow's segment will dis- mendations; that supplement governor and Richard Murray, prerequisite. ment is not permittedby the Ohio were attributed to driv- cuss the backgrounds Of individ- and enhance education by re- Celeste's assistant on trustee "The governor prefers Uni- courts to mandate the reduc- ers between the ages of 11 and ual hnarrf mpmhers viewing research grants; that appointments. versity graduates for the board tion, the House State Govern- 20 who were under the influ- by Kate Foster improve the physical plant by Usher said individual recom- because you want someone who ment Committee was told ence of alcohol. Persons in staff reporter recommending building renova- mendations for members are has a real tie to the University, yesterday. that age group hold only 8 tion ; and other issues vital to the not measured against a specific but it is not necessary," he said. Rep. Ronald Suster, D- percent of Ohio's driver li- They make decisions which operation of the University. set of standards. Rather, the Cleveland, said the move is censes, he said. arouse controversy, stimulate Trustee recommendations for Sovernor attempts to achieve Usher said the governor at- needed to curb highway fatal- Gov. Richard Celeste and praise or sometimes go unno- state-supported universities lie Iversity in the board so the tempts to appoint a few mem- ities and injuries which can leaders of both houses of the in the hands of the governor. trustees may apply their spe- bers with strong business and be attributed in dispropor- Legislature have said they Brian Usher, press secretary for cific talents effectively in order finance backgrounds in order to tionate numbers to drunken wUT reluctantly support rais- The University Board of ing the age because the state Trustees are responsible for de- Ohio Governor Richard Celeste to carry out all of the functions successfully manage the Uni- drivers in their late teens and cisions that extend or terminate explained that anyone may sub- of the University. versity budget. early 20s. cannot afford to lose the fed- mit a recommendation to the He added the governor does See Board of TrusWes, page 5. Suster Is sponsor of a bill to eral funds. the president's contract; that bring Ohio into line with the demands of the federal gov- HOWEVER, OHIO, ernment to raise the drinking through Attorney General An- age or face loss of highway thony Celebreae Jr., has subsidies totaling up to $50 joined a lawsuit by the state House approves contra aid freeze million in the next two years. of South Dakota which seeks He said he shares with leg- to nullify the federal man- islative leaders and others date. That case is pending in WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted Democrats. at an end, sends the issue to the Senate. their resentment of "this fed- the U JS. Supreme Court, and Sesterday to freeze $40 million in aid for the Democrats said yesterday's action was A Senate vote is expected next week on a eral blackmail" but feels the Suster said he understands a icaraguan contras for six months and to justified by alleged corruption in the ranks resolution disapproving the $40 million out- legislation is justified on Us decision could come as soon order the Reagan administration to use the of Nicaragua's anti-leftist insurgents. But right. own merits. as esrly summer. time to account for millions of dollars in Republicans said the vote was a bid to break "Drunk driving is the No. 1 Suster said he does not allegedly missing previous aid. a promise made by Congress last year and Final congressional action to block the killer of under 21 drivers. think Ohio will act until the The 230-196 vote marked the first in a could "hand Central America over to the money would draw a certain veto from Studies show a direct correla- case is decided. series of expected congressional battles Soviet Union." President Reagan, and leaders of both par- tion. That is why I am propos- Ohio's voters rejected in over contra aid this year. The resolution was The House vote, heralded in advance by ties say such a veto would stand up. D See DrhttUBf Age, page 5. supported by 213 Democrats and 17 Republi- Democratic leaders as a signal that con- i ■ See Contras, page 6. cans and opposed by 156 Republicans and 40 gressional support for the contra program is Thursday News in brief

Q Getting nabbed on a drunk driving viola- tion isn't just Inconvenient; it can be down- Mott reading to benefit Al Freddie, Frieda, cheerleaders Jazz band takes overall, right expensive: See story, page 3. gearing up for 1987-88 individual awards at fest □ Ohio Sen. John Glenn wants to have University English professor Michael Mott "Star Wars" research done in Ohio: he be- will read from his latest book Sunday at 7 p.m. at There will be an organizational meeting Sun- The University Jazz Lab Band was named one of lieves using an existing research site in Ohio Is the United Christian Fellowship Center, 313 day at 6 p.m. for anyone interested in being a five outstanding bands at the Elmhurst (111.) more appropriate than using federal funds Thurstin Ave. Falcon cheerleader for 1987-88. The meeting will College Jazz Festival recently, in its 18th year to build a new one: See story, page 7. Corday is an observation in verse of women be held in 220 Mathematical Sciences. there. Individual awards went to vocalist Jenny who protest by using nonviolent means. Groman, tenor saxophonist Bob Esterle and □ It was a season every team dreams The reading is to raise proceeds for the Bowl- Applications for anyone interested in posing as pianist Eric Dickey. of— but all good things must come to an ing Green chapter of Amnesty International, a Freddie or Frieda Falcon, the anonymous side- Groman is a senior elementary education end. Illinois burled the Falcon women cagers worldwide group that works for the release of line mascots, next year are available at 405 major from Lakewood, Esterle is a Junior music In last night's opening round of the NCAA political prisoners. Student Services, March 16-20. They are due at education major from Painesville and Dickey is tournament: See story, page 9. - by Michael Asplan 405 Student Services by 5 p.m. March 20. a freshman from Oregon. Editorial BG News/March 12,1987 2 Throw in the towel One more plug for Great Ideas The muscleheads of the federal government have been strong-arming Ohio and other states by threatening to deliver a crushing blow to highways called great idea? Student: Well, no, actually he was, the world would never if states don't raise their drinking ages to 21. Student: Greek humanism. Biff told me it was hot. have known it. There would But some states don't plan to leave their guard All I remember was reading Instructor: I see. And is this have been no way for her to down. States such as South Dakota and Ohio are OUT "Antigone," about a stubborn the same Biff who said that the enter the theater. She would counter-punching with a lawsuit which seeks to girl and her stubborn brother. Browns would go all the way to have been home clearing away Instructor: Oh, this is truly the Super Bowl? And who said ye olde spicy bean dip. nullify the federal mandate to raise the drinking great. Sounds like an episode of that Paul Simon never had a Instructor: And where did you age. The case is pending in the Supreme Court. 'tjW** the Brady Bunch. And you're chance at winning a Grammy? learn of Shakespeare's sister? But the issue here is not only this battle. It has going to tell me that this section And who said that America's Student: (Sincere despite been sluggishly moving along since the federal was practical? number one food would someday sounding a bit contrived) In government announced it would cut highway subsi- Student: I guess not. be toffuti? Virginia Woolf's A Room of Instructor (Trying to get Aga- Student: Yes, cubed. One's Own in the feminism sec- dies of those states who do not comply. Until the by Craig Hergert thon, and a few readers, to see Instructor: Of course, there's tion ... judges render their decision this summer or even and Ron Coulter the point of the whole dialogue): no other way of knowing about Instructor: Of what class? later, it will be just another boring fight. No? Didn't Antigone have a that dip other than to rely on an Student: Of Great What is at issue is the fact that a state represen- The scene is an off-campus choice to make: to burv her authority such as Biff. No other Ideas! (Enter another student) tative from Cleveland thinks there shouldn't even party. Music is playing, beer is brother or obey the king? And way at all. (Arches eyebrow Tell me. Chip, have you decided being drunk liberally, and par- didn't the king handle his power expectantly.) what classes you're going to be a fight. And now that the battle is being waged, tiers are conversing. a little poorly/ Student (Catching on): Ex- register for tomorrow? he believes the state should give in even if it wins. Student: Yeah. I don't think cept for direct observation and Second student: Not yet. One Rep. Ronald Suster, D-Cleveland, believes Ohio Instructor: How are you? I either of them dealt with the experimentation. Why, if Fran- thing I have decided, though, is should raise the drinking age, even if the Supreme haven't seen you since last we situation very well. If I were in cis Bacon were ... that I'm not taking Great Ideas. Court decides the federal government cannot force talked about your experiences in the situation, I would have tried Instructor: Who? I mean, it doesn't sound interest- Great Ideas last semester. So to be a little more reasonable. Student: Francis Bacon. One ing or practical. it to do so. what did you ever conclude? Instructor (Smiling): And of the founders of the scientific Student (to second student): He brings up valid points about the high number Student: Oh, it was OK. I what kind of situation could you method I studied in the Scien- You're absolutely right. Cer- of auto fatalities for drivers between the ages of 16 guess, Mr. Socrates. Of course, possibly be in that would involve tific Revolution section. tainly Great Ideas could have no and 20 who were under the influence of alcohol. But as a business major I won't be such decision-making? Instructor: Oh? possible merit or connection to applying what I learned to any- Student (Looks defeated): I Student: Yes, if Francis Ba- real life. None whatsoever. At he fails to realize that alcohol plays an incredible guess you're right. (Then perks con were to encounter this very all. Nosirreebob. role in all auto fatalities, not just those of young Instructor: Apparently, a lot up) No, wait a minute. The busi- dip, why, he would probably... Second student: Er, that may people. of other people feel the same ness world is filled with situa- taste it! (He rams a Tostito into be a bit harsh. He also fails to realize that the arguments he way. Pre-registration numbers tions where one has to make the dip and munches conten- Student (Grinning at Instruc- offers were presented to voters in 1983. and voters are low. ethical decisions. Don't try and tedly. A young woman ap- tor): You can go now. (Instruc- Student: (Sensing that the in- tell me otherwise. proaches the table.) tor leaves, smiling) still overwhelmingly opted to keep the drinking age structor is collaborating in yet Instructor: Greetings, my Student (to second student): at 19. another mission for Great Ideas Instructor: All right. I won't. dear. You're obviously, by vir- Oh? Let's chat about it a bit. He thinks the issue was defeated in a wave of enrollment): How low are they? (Looking around in hopes of tue of your sex, here to clean up negative reaction to other proposals that appeared Instructor: They're so low finding a transition. Points to a after us male types. (To stu- Coulter, editorial editor for that year on the same ballot. Our answer: visit the they could slip under Gary Kru- bowl of dip on the table) Is this dent) Her place is, after all, in The News, took Great Ideas last zich's hockey stick. Certainly, any good? the home. fall. Hergert, a semi-regular University or any other college campus. If he did the low numbers prove beyond a Student: No, it's too hot. Student: People thought so at columnist for The News, is tea- so, he would realize the issue was defeated because shadow of a doubt that Great Instructor: Burned your one time. In fact, if Shakespeare ching a section of the course this the voters did not favor it. Ideas is a class that has absolu- tongue on it, did you? had had a sister as brilliant as spring. Suster is off base. He is wrong for betraying the tely nothing to offer Bowling public vote. And if he believes new evidence is so Green students. Am I not cor- rect in this assertion? compelling that our votes would change, let him put Student: Er, wait a minute. it on the ballot again. Maybe you're being a bit too In the meantime, we recommend that Suster strong. stays far away from the ring. Ohio needs only the Instructor: Then you'll have most faithful cornermen to win this bout. to show me the merits of the class. What was its name again? Student: Great Ideas. Instructor: And what was the first GREAT idea of the class? Student: The first section we Letters studied was Judeo-Christian thought. It dealt with the cove- fellow classmates would return nant between the Jews and their Divestment alone it," so I did not really worry. God and with the Christian view One week later after I re- that Christ is the son of God. can't be enough ported it missing, I got a phone Instructor: Certainly Ivan call from the bank asking if I Boesky has taught you that As a concerned American, had made such and such pur- there's no room for God in the wouldn't you like to do all you chases, which I had not. Some- marketplace. can to end apartheid? Divest- one was using my card. And the Student (Feeling beaten): ment is economic intimidation funny thing is, the person who Granted. that is equal to the McCarthy forged my name on one of the Instructor: And the next so- era blacklisting. If we really slips -signed "John Wakes" to want to effect a change in South the other two slips (each for Africa, why not use all means $200). Now my question - why possible? don't store clerks check for a Rather than having Bowling drivers license when the pur- Green State University divest chase is for so much? only to pacify our collective con- I understand about the new The ides of March ain't all bad science (without changing any- computer systems, but for a thing ), why not put our ideals on Siurchase that much, you would by Bruce Edwards Joe. Any edition of "20/20," "1986" song). the Tine with everything we've nink they would check to see if The Spinners. The Four Tops. or "60 Minutes" without a story Getting a chance to teach in got, including the lives of our the identity of the person is real. Contemplating some of the The Chiffons. The Drifters. on AIDS, crack, "the remarka- the Great Ideas program. young men and women? Thus And how can this person who modest but enduring pleasures Finding an abandoned, com- ble Amy Carter" or anybody's Learning that your children we could assure that the change signs "John Wake" to the slip of life on a partly cloudy March plete USA Today in the Union. lawsuit against anybody else. like the Beatles and Phil Collins in South Africa would be toward get away with it, especially morning . . . The underappreciated careers "SCTV.' "The (original) Twi- more than they like Bon Jovi or democracy, which divestment when the name on the card is The Monday Plain Dealer af- and vocal styles of Jennifer light Zone." "Hill Street Blues." David Lee Roth. cannot guarantee. obviously a woman's? And to the ter a big sports weekend. Warnes, Bonnie Raitt and Bruce Getting home late on Monday Unloading the dryer and find- By using our might to control person who used my card - Station-hopping on the car ra- Cockburn. night and discovering Al and ing all the socks have mates. the direction of change in South you're going to get caught, and dio, catching the last bars of Recalling Jose Feliciano's Frank are still on, the Dolphins Waking up and realizing, after Africa, we can show that Amer- when you do, I will prosecute Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the rendition of the national anthem and Bears are 45-45, and it's in all, that you don't live in Tehe- ica is still the Shining Light of you. So enjoy your GUESS Cradle," and realizing you won't at the 1968 World Series in De- overtime. ran, Kiev, Tripoli or Massachu- Democracy for all humankind jeans, $175 jacket, and $200 have to listen to it again the rest troit. Printing something on a La- setts. and is willing to do what it takes leather size 8V,j boots while you of the afternoon. Hating the Yankees, Mets, serWriter. Meeting still another person to secure freedom for repressed can. Watching the TV preachers Knicks, Jets, Giants, Rangers, Realizing there are still stu- who has read C. S. Lewis's people everywhere. Anne Tolsma beg for money and rejoicing in Islanders, St. John's University dents on campus from the left, Chronicles of Narnia. David A. Vaughan OCMB5509 the knowledge that most of the ... (you get the idea). the center and the right willing against the Douglas Kriegcr Christians you know aren't like Any movie script by Horton to protest social injustice. Celtics; Joan Benoit in the OCMBSM* them. Foote; any essay by Charles Discovering that the $100 Olympics; George Brett at bat Remembering that the best Krauthammer; any lyric by checkbook error is in your favor. in the playoffs. Respond ever TV magazine was Lloyd Joni Mitchell. Noting that one is avant-garde Learning that "Saturday Careful with credit The BG News editorial page is Dobyns' mid-70s, once-a-montn Observing your nine-year-old these days if she reads National Night Live" is pre-empted your campus forum. NBC series, "Weekend." Mary out-throw, out-hit, out- Review. again. Letters to the editor and guest Noticing suddenly that base- catch and out-run any boy (or Driving home from campus on Getting a column in the BG This letter is to remind credit columns should be typewritten, ball's opening pitch is less than girl) her age. a Thursday afternoon and rev- News without typos. card holders to please be careful double-spaced and signed. two months away. Watching Paul Simon, Bruce eling in the utter normality of with their cards; and is in refer- The News reserves the right to Hornsby and Barbara Streisand your household. Edwards is an assistant pro- ence to the person who found my reject submissions we consider Knowing the house is empty Set their due at the Grammy "Sledge Hammer" (the sit- fessor of English at the Univer- VISA card and proceeded to to be in bad taste, malicious or and you can play your Laura wards. com, not the Peter Gabriel sity. charge $500 on it. I lost my card libelous. Nyro albums as long and as loud here in Bowling Green and did Send submissions to: as you want to. SOCI€DV by Dovid Harris not discover it missing until two Editorial Editor A Craig Hergert column. weeks later. I thought to myself, The BG News A Craig Hergert dissertation. WOW IS THAT "For sure one of my honest 210 West Hall (I'm his adviser.) RtfibY. THIS IS THE SCU6A SUIT QOIH' J'M IOOKW Any short story by Flannery NEuesr in „ It) HELP TOO _ PICK UP A O'Connor or Alice Munro. Fe£t>e«cK,wnffr *LADY KlLLIhJ" flNO A MiTE.? HBAMAIO. THE BG NEWS Your discovery that, at age 12, IS wrrw THAT ATTIRE.. your 3on Matthew can out-gross Editc Ron Frit/ Asst Friday Editor Chr-stopnei gflMl Stephen King with a completely Manaomg Editor Muel Stewart Nl Cr*el Copy Editor John Nemec grotesque carnpfire story. Assl Man Ed M« M i v o»i « <, Chifl O r. I MOI BetnMurpn, N^wsEddo* M*e Mcinryte CooyFditor Kewi Hamme* Seeing students learning how Editorial Editor Ron Coutiet Copy tdilof Kim Garn to write with the textbook you Sports Editor Karl Smitn Con/ Editor jua Kopi. co-authored. Asst Sports Editor Jeff McSherry Copy Editor Betn Gifcert Any TV sitcom without Elliot Asnt Sports Editor Matt W twe^n Copy Fditor jufceBeii Gould, Mary Tyler Moore or Wire Editor Don Leo Prod sup'r Dave Kurw Lynn Redgrave. Photo Editor Peter FeBrnan Prod sup i Wendy Servey Edward Woodward's angst- Assl Pnoto Editor flob Upton Prod sup r Scott Smith ridden, ex-CIA character in FfKJay Editor Carofcne Langer BLOOM COUNTV by Bcrke Breathed "The Equalizer." The BG News >s pubttned dairy Tuesday through Friday during the academe year and James Taylor's, Ben E. King's PJK ooomess MV- weekly during the summer session Dy the Board ot Student Publications oi Bowing Green and Peter Cetera's ever-so- bOAT ten evcrvt.' Slate University smooth vocals. Jl%m NO NO wehHT meoCAN... eervtm vursme Opinions expressed Oy columnists do not necessarrfy retted the opinions ol the BG fVV re UKC A PKT simvcH noer/ lnj News The delicious, hilarious, but tneexetcise '■ MN WHICH MUMS m simoniy NOTHttlb The BG News and Bowing Green State University are equal opportun*y employers and ■to nemNA lAZtrt&, fttpveep MNSULf do not d*cnrntnate m hiring practices virtually unknown movie, "The The BG News wi not accept advertising mat is deemed discriminatory, degrading or Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai / 1 nautng on the basis ot race, sex or national origin Across the Eighth Dimension." ffS copyright 1966 by the BG News aM rights reserved Finally hearing the name of the song and artist you've been Bustess Office Editorial Office trying to track down for two 2(4 West Hal Ph {419)372-260t ?10 West Hal Ph (419)372 2603 weeks. Bowling Green State University Realizing that the main game Bowang Green. Ohio 434030276 is rained out and you get Costas Hours 8am to 5 p m Monday through Friday jJL and Kubak instead of Vin and BG News/March 12, 1987 3 Local m DCIIs carry high price First offenders face fines of $150 to $1,000 M by Caroline Langer Friday editor "It's not illegal to drive after Being caught driving under drinking, but it is illegal to the influence of alcohol or other drugs can be an expensive expe- drive after drinking a rience. Just ask Joey. "I ended up spending $1,000," prohibitive level." said Joey (not his real name). Joey said he was initially stopped by a police officer be- cause he had forgotten to put on Grant Tansel, BGPD crime his headlights. prevention officer Grant Tansel, Bowling Green Police Division crime preven- tion officer, said an officer rights, and taken to the station Services fee have the option of knows when the person he pulled for a breathalizer test, he said. being represented- by the Stu- over has been drinking because Refusing to take the test re- dent Legal Services lawyer at no "when the suspect rolls down sults in a one year driver's li- additional charge. the window, the (alcohol) fumes cense suspension, Tansel said. Those who decide on a trial by knock me over." "It's a big hammer we hold jury can expect to pay $750- He added that glazed-over or over everybody's head... driv- $1,000 in attorney's fees and blood shot eves and slurred ing is a privilege, not a right." $250-1500 for witness and jury speech were also indicators. After a person fails the brea- costs, according to the Ohio De- "It's not illegal to drive after thalizer test or is otherwise de- partment of Highway Safety. drinking, but it is illegal to drive termined to be under the Under the advice of the law- after drinking a prohibitive influence, a court date is set and yer, Joey pleaded guilty and was News/Pc,e Fellman level," he said. the person is free to be picked up fined $350, $30 in court fees, Lunch with the president ** A prohibitive alcohol content or spend the night in jail, he sentenced to three days in jail President Paul Olscamp answers a question as Gary Rifkin, assistant complex coordinator of Harshman (PAC) under Ohio law is consid- said. and had to get an alcohol/drug Quadrangle, and Brad Funkhouser. freshman hospitality management major, listen on. Olscamp had ered to be a .10 percent blood Driving under the influence is abuse assesment from the Wood lunch with members of the Harshman Quadrangle Advisory Board to discuss solutions to residence hall alcohol content and can be de- a misdemeanor of the first de- County Council on Alcoholism. problems. termined by a breathalizer test. gree. The penalty for first of- Tansel said each person found A person weighing 140 pounds fenders ranges from a $150- guilty of DUI in Bowling Green exceeds this level after four $1,000 fine, three days to six must go to the Wood County beers or the alcohol content months in jail as well as six Council on Alcoholism for a $70 equivalent. Joey's blood alcohol points put on the license (after assessment and a rehabilitation Greeks ahead in charity goals content was .192 percent, he 12 points in a two-year period, program suggestion. said. licenses are revoked), and a 60- The WCCA recommended money, but you have to do something else. For Tansel said a person can be day license suspention - usually that Joey participate in the two- by John Meola example, the Sigma Chi's painted this woman's charged with DUI without hit- with driving-to-and-from-work day 10-hour $130 DUI school. staff reporter house last year. You could not just give her ting the prohibitive alcohol con- privileges. Other recommendations the money, you had to help her. It's one thing to give tent, especially since drugs may WCCA can make include six It has been a banner year so far for the greek $100, it's another thing to take time out and do be involved. IN BOWLING GREEN, being weeks of out-patient treatment system's philanthropy projects, according to something," Price saia. charged with DUI could cost an followed by 12 weeks of follow- Cindy Price, assistant director of Greek Life. "Ill bet you 10 to one that if you went to Wood JOEY WAS charged with both average minimum of $580 in S) for $900 to $1,000 in Bowling "We're already up 8 percent in hours worked Lane and asked if they wanted $100 or 100 people, DUI and PAC-seperate court and drug/alcohol rehabili- reen or almost $2,000 in To- this year over last year, Price said. they probably would say 100 people," she saia. charges usually lumped to- tation fees and results in a man- ledo; a 28-day in-patient alcohol So far this year, the greeks have raised $13,025. During recent years, philanthropies have con- gether in court. datory 72-hour stay in jaU, as rehabilitation program for The total amount of money raised last year was sistently held more functions and raised more Through an interview and well as the aforementioned pe- $6,000; or$47-an-hour counseling $35,144. But, according to Price, the majority of money, according to Price. physical coordination tests, such nalties placed on the drivers sessions. the philanthropy evenfe occur in the spring. This During the 1984-85 academic year, 2,300 hours as walking heel-to-toe in a license. Joey, who believed the three is where the most money is raised, she said. were donated, 87 functions were held and straight line - a test Joey failed, "That's the going rate for first day jail sentence was a bit strin- But money is not the most important thing when $21,833 was raised. In the following academic an officer decides whether to time offenders," Tansel said. gent because he "screwed up" it comes to philanthropies, according to Lori year, the number of hours increased to 9,990, the arrest the person for DUI or to Joey hired a lawyer for $400 to rather than acted with the inten- Allen, assistant director of Greek Life. amount of money raised increased to $35,143 and let him go, Tansel said. represent him at court. A person tion of breaking a law, added, "What's important is the hours put in and the the number of events jumped to 113. If the person is suspected of can represent himself in court, "The 72 hours (spent in the charities benefited. Money is important, but it is being too intoxicated to drive, he and University students who Wood County Jail) were the not the main thing," she said. So far this year, there have been 63 events is arrested, read his Miranda have paid their $2 Student Legal worst in my life." "You get to the point where you raise all this $13,025 raised and 5,706 hours donated. There's a difference at Diamond you'll like. Our 24-Hour Cash Machine Keep that Florida tan! Accepts All These Cards • AnvtimeBank" • Handy-Bank Plus • Green Machine" • Tellerific" Order a 1987 KEY March 6-13 and • Pace/24 • Jeannie" be eligible for winning • Rainbow Teller • Money Center'" • Asset/InstaNet • Chase Bank • The Owl of Ohio -wo**- 4± - 250 minutes - at

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' TueMUy, March .7 *>. BOTANAS NIGHT Happy at: f^jfejK • Ribs. Tacos, Nachos Hour X&&SP (With Drink Purchase) 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. The Union Foyer (March 9-13) Wednesday, March 18 DRAFT BEER NIGHT or Thursday, March 19 SPAGHETTI EATING CONTEST H.PP, Hour 9:30 p.m. in the Cantlna Frlces The KEY office Prizes Awarded Until 9 p.m. 28 West Hall Friday, March 20 WHITE LEGS CONTEST [March 6-13) » 10:30 p.m. Males 6. Females Welcome Prizes Awarded Don't let your memories or your ton Saturday, March 21 BEST SUMMER ATTIRE 10:30 p.m. CONTEST fade away! Special Marathon Games, starting at 1 p.m. Order before 4 p.m. March 13 to be eligible for the raffle and the $2 discount ~ BG News/March 12,1967 4

Students experiment' with music Blotter by Kay Fisher o City police reported that and that the man had better staff reporter the locks to a residence in the watch his back because the 100 block of South Enterprise caller was going to kill him. John Cummings and Steve Street were tampered with He was referred to the tele- Zaborniak not only share the sometime Monday night or phone company's nuisance i same area of study in the field of I Tuesday morning. The resi- call bureau. biology, they also share the 1 dent of the apartment re- same love of music. ported the damage at 3:30 O A Bowling Green man Cummings, a graduate assis- a.m. Tuesday, police said. was charged with possession tant in biological sciences, and of marijuana early yester- Zaborniak, a Junior biology ma- day. City police said Steve jor, are both members of the D A University student re- Sawyer, 20, of 806 Greenbrier band Stryker. ported a stolen bicycle Mon- Court, was seen by an officer Stryker is a rock band that day at 4:30 p.m., police said. standing with two others in an was started five years ago by The green 10-speed girls' alley at the corner of North lead singer and guitarist Zabor- •i>^l bike, valued at $100, was Main and East Court streets niak, who is a native of Bowling ^H laPV taken from 720 Second St., with a marijuana cigarette in Green. police said. his hand and a small box of it if*' *i \ s-r% ■# r "Ever since I heard my first ^^H Br in one pocket at 12:28 a.m. rock album, I've wanted to be i A Buick Regal belonging able to go into music," Zabor- ^^^prMrOB to a University student was D A 17-year-old Bowling niak said. Vm vandalized Monday while Green boy was charged Tues- Cummings, also from Bowline parked at her apartment at day afternoon with the theft Green, is in charge of the sound 1 §24 Sixth St. Police said the of two cassette tapes and two system for Stryker. According mirror on the driver's side 45-rpm records from Mur- to Cummings, the two got the ' ^IftMk: ^ $ was torn off and the passen- phy's Mart, 1080 S. Main St., Hi* ' band together in their earlier V ^r •■ Ser's side mirror and rear police said. Total value of the years of college. cense plate were twisted. records and tapes was put at "Steve and I went to the same L ik There was no damage esti- $18.42. The boy was taken to high school together," Cum- mate available at the time of the police station and re- mings said. "Steve played gui- the report, police said. leased to his father. tar in high school and always wanted to get a band together. I : : A bicycle that may be D The city animal control don't know how I became in- r"* ^ \: one that had been reported officer was called at 2:52 p.m. volved other than by my ■/ '* //' \/ stolen in September was Tuesday to pick up an injured friends." Steve Zaborniak BG News/Pete Fellmar found outside State Discount ferret which a high school Kerry Gilbert, Stryker's Store, 902 E. Wooster St., student had found at Bowling drummer, was a fellow class- "I give the players one less Stryker has occasionally times," Cummings said. "We Monday afternoon. The bicy- Green Senior High School mate from a chemistry class, thing to worry about," Cum- played in Bowling Green. The want to go big eventually, cle is a girls' green Schwinn 3- Police said the male sable and is a 1964 University grad- mings said. audiences have been receptive though. We have sent demo speed. ferret, which appeared to uate. All bands have sound systems, for the most part, according to tapes to major labels, mostly to have recently worn a collar, according to Cummings. The Zaborniak and Cummings. Warner Brothers." D A second case of vandal- was taken to a veterinarian ZABORNIAK IS a self-taught bigger bands have five or six "We have played at Howard's Zaborniak said,"I eventually ism to a student's apartment for boarding. guitarist who has been playing people regulating the sound, he Club H and the Portage Quarry want massive albums out, but was reported over the week- for more than nine years. said. Blow-Out in the summer,' Cum- right now, we don't have the end. Three roommates in a □ A University student re- "My brother showed me three Stryker is described by Cum- mings said. "We'd like to play budget to put together every- Clough Street apartment ported Tuesday that her bicy- chords in the seventh grade and mings and Zaborniak as a " '90s more often, but we don't have an thing perfectly." building returned after the cle, a women's red Raleigh I just kept practicing, he said. rock band." agent and most places don't Two of Stryker's songs have weekend and discovered fur- 10-speed valued at $200, was Zaborniak said he never want to take a chance on a band been previewed on WIOT-FM niture, clothes and food stolen from 480 Lehman Ave. planned on doing the singing for if they don't have an agent, 104's ''Smash or Trash" pro- strewn about the apartment. last Sunday. The bicycle was "IT'S HARD to describe exac- especially if they play their own gram. Zaborniak and Cum- One of the roommates told locked with both wheels ve tried out other lead sing- tly what kind of music Stryker music." mings said they used their songs police the deadbolt had been chained to the frame, police ers, but I figured if I can sing does," Cummings said. "We are Stryker has big plans for the "Deviance," and "Sponta- locked when they left Friday. said. just as well, then we really don't a rock band that plays a little bit future, but for now other priori- neous," and they received a There was no sign of forced need to add one more person to of everything, but mostly we ties exist for the band members. "smash" from the 104 audience, entry and nothing seemed to □ Police found the front- the band," Zaborniak said. play our own music." Inconvenient schedules and lack at more than 90 percent. be missing, police said. door window of Pfisterer's- Cummings is the man respon- Zaborniak said when he plays, of cash are two reasons why "We could sell a lot of our Gladieux, at the corner of sible for maintaining the regula- he improvises extensively. Stryker doesn't push for fame songs right now," Cummings D A Bowling Green man North Main and West Wooster tion of volume of the band for "We do a lot of weird stuff," too fast. said. "But we want to save them reported a threatening tele- streets, broken Tuesday at audiences. he said, laughing. "WE FEEL held back some for ourselves." phone call between 11 a.m. 6:26 a.m. An employee was and noon Monday, police contacted to secure the store. said. The caller allegedly said Police said it did not appear he was watching the man, that entry was gained. 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Sire some places offer you one charge if you waited a week hour service on your prescription You get the highest quality Our apartments feature but check out the price Is it lenses and one of the area's two bedrooms, carpeted, gas heat, worth it to spend thai much largest selections of frames more' We don i think so laundry areas in each building, At Burlington Optical we offer We think our way of doing lots of closet space, 1 VJ baths. one day service on most pre business is sensible . scnpnons at the same price we'd so are our prices. WM ««i coupon a partKlpMIng Unit CMM On* ooupon pot cuMomor Cherry wood Health Spa Single Vision Bifocals All residents will be granted membership to W10MM Expire.: 3/23/ST $3488 $5488 the Health Spa. The facility features Hydro loppings include pepparoni. ham. bacon, ground beef. Italian sausoge. mushrooms, green peppers, onions Hot peppers and Spa Whirlpool, Sunlamps, Shower Massage, Includes glass lenses and frames lye exam pnced separately anchovies upon request (NO SUBSTITUTIONS OR DCIiTIONS) Indoor Heated Pool, Metos Sauna, Complete Exercise facilities and Equipment. Burlington Optical I lijrLjLlV JEJK. Bowling Green, OH ■ 1955 S Reynolds 3153 W Sytvania Stadium Plaza Stop in and see our listings Toi«io Toi«lo Bowling Own for summer rentals! 382-2020 472-1113 352 2533 |$ Uttle Caesais Pizza BG News/March 12, 1987 5 Mi9

Central America Fire :: Continued from page 1. staff expected to be able to let aided by G.S. taxes residents inside by 10:30 p.m. ASSISTANT HALL Director Foreign military gains most, activist says Lee Horton said at 10:38 p.m. that residents of Offenhauer by Jenny Dannery East were allowed back into reporter their rooms at about 10:10 p.m. Firefighters were still checking U.S. citizens need to know that their tax money is used to control each Door of Offenhauer West Central American "democracies," and is detrimental to the people but residents there were ex- there, two political activists said. pected to be allowed inside in a Ileana Matamoros and Lorry Thomas spoke recently at a Wom- few minutes, Horton said. en's Studies colloquium titled ''Bringing it all back home: the U.S. Offenhauer has about 850 resi- role in global militarism and its effects on women and children." dents in both buildings, but it Matamoros, a political science student from Costa Rica who was not known how many were resides in Cincinnati, represented the women's organizations in the in the building when the alarms Costa Rican peace movement. Thomas is a sanctuary worker went off. recently released from federal prison. Thurstin Avenue was closed to "Ronald Reagan calls these (Central American) countries the traffic between Ridge and Reed better 'democracies,' but since Reagan calls us a 'democracy,' streets for about an hour. anything else is communist. But we have contras, poverty, hunger, A dispatcher at the University death - we see it every day in our countries," Matamoros said of Public Safety department said Costa Rica. that a University police officer Matamoros said that the bulk of the U.S. aid sent to Costa Rica is had been taken by the Bowling pumped into the military, while hunger continues. About 70 percent Green rescue squad to Wood of the Costa Rican population is in poverty. County Hospital emergency "I talk about that because you pay the money to pay for that - room to be treated for smoke BG News/Jim Youll your taxes," Matamoros said. inhalation. Bowling Green Fire Chief Jack Gonyer stands near Offenhauer West's first-floor trash room. A small THOMAS WAS arrested for transporting Guatemalan and El The cause of the fire has not fire which started in the trash compactor spread smoke throughout the bu ilding and forced the evacuation Salvadoran refugees across the Mexican border. Rather than of residents of both Offenhauer East and West. agreeing to cease sanctuary work with the possibility of a lesser yet been determined. sentence, Thomas was sentenced to two years in federal prison. In response to voiced concern over Central American refugees taking American jobs, Thomas said, "The refugees don't want to stay here. They want to go home. They just ask tor intervention." Board of Trustees She read from a daily journal that she kept while in jail. Li Continued from page 1. " 'I'm so angry, but I welcome my anger. They try to make us into Some students and adminis- machines. Machines don't think,' Thomas wrote in the journal. Youth art spotlighted trators at the University have The experience deepened Thomas' conviction against the disappear- speculated that the appointment ances and imprisonings of Central American refugees. by Amanda Stein "Since the University is a "We want to promote the vi- Erocess is a highly political one. " 'We really get to know each other. We realize we'd die if we don't staff reporter training ground for future art sual arts and what is happening i other words, what you know is form a community,' " Thomas read. teachers, I think it is important in specific school programming. not as important as who you Marcia Bedard, organizer of the program, agreed that Americans Art displays, ceiling painting for them to see what children We also hope to expose the pub- know in gaining a trustee ap- need to realize the interlocking fates of people -men, women, races and cake decorating are just are capable of at different age lic to the curriculum and to show pointment. Usher agreed that a and countries. The U.S. government, businesses and citizens must part of the festivities taking levels. It's been many years the importance of art in a child's Srson who has close ties with realize the effect of their action or lack of action in Central America, ?lace in area schools during since they have been at that total education," she said. e governor may have a better she said. outh Art Month. level," she said. As another means of doing chance of gaining the governor'snrw For example, the Colgate Company, a U.S. company with a Throughout the month of this. Bowling Green students approval for a trustee a >'nt- branch in El Salvador, pays workers in that country 23 cents an March, Bowling Green schools The theme for this year's will be celebrating a couple of ment than someone who does hour, Bedard said. R.J. Reynolds, Del Monte, General Foods and are stressing the importance of Youth Art Month, "Art is famous birthdays this month. not; reason being that the gover- Bank of America also operate in Central America. art in a child's total education. Magic," originated with a Bowl- nor would know the person's "If you know about your country, you know about other countries. The University is contributing to ing Green High School student Last Friday was the birthday qualifications for the job on a I ask you, please think about it, ask questions," Matamoros said. this campaign by housing a dis- four years ago, according to of Michelangelo. In celebration personal level. play in the Fine Arts Building. Laabs. of the Italian artist and the The display features two-and famed Sistine Chapel, students Drinking Age three-dimensional art from "AS STATE art coordinator, I painted the ceiling in the art . Continued from page 1. negative reaction to other propo- Bowling Green schools, kinder- was in charge of coming up with room at the junior high building. 1983 by a wide margin a ballot sals that appeared that year on garten through grade 12. a theme. Bowling Green had issue that sought to raise the age the same ballot. "It's easy to get Becky Laabs, art teacher at used this one four years ago and Closing out the month is Vin- to 21. Suster said he realizes that a no vote on a ballot issue,"lie the junior high and high schools it seemed like a good idea for the cent Van Gogh's birthday on fact weighs in the minds of those said, adding there are recent and state art coordinator for state. I suggested it and they March 30. In his honor, Laabs who oppose his bill. polls showing that up to 70 per- Youth Art Month, said it is im- adopted it for 1987," she said. said students will decorate a cent of Ohioans support raising portant for University students Laabs said the month, which cake in his style of painting. But he said he thinks that the age. to see what the children today is sponsored by the National Art "We'll use multi-colored frost- issue was defeated in a wave of The hearings will continue. are doing in the field of art. Education Association, has ing and lots of simulated brush many different goals. strokes," she said. • • • Help bring the world together. • •• \t- Churchill's DdYTOrNA 87 With our wide aisles, clean floors, friendly cashiers, fast service and lower prices . . . You'll find that shopping at Churchill's is a very pleasant change in your grocery habits. Also while shopping at S^N*B»R»E»A«K '87 Churchill's you'll find one of the areas largest video selections with no membership cost and only a $1.89 overnight rental fee.

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Techniques ease test anxiety Reading theory studied by Deborah GotUchalk "When they announce 'only thirty reporter by Fonda Smith ing process. most definitely have a place in minutes left,' it takes five minutes to reporter He said Lewis believed that the context of debate on the Contrary to popular belief, when people read a book, they subject even though Lewis' students can learn to be calm recover." Each person who reads a book make meaning as well as ex- works are usually viewed in a and relaxed before a test in- —Rex Filer, counseling psychologist, brings different cultures, expe- tract meaning from it. different way," Edwards said. stead of anxiety-ridden, said riences and levels of maturity counseling psychologist Bex Counseling and Career Development Center and learning to the story. "Lewis took up the issue first "I want people to focus on Filer. For this reason, the reader in the late '50s. He was quite Lewis as a literary critic instead "When we hear the word brings as much meaning to what before his time in that he exam- of just as a children's and sci- test,' we have some reaction In class, i may not ration easy. It includes letting be reads as the author who ined the role that a reader plays ence fiction writer. A literary to it, and as the time for the help the situation. your shoulders sag, your eyes wrote it, said Bruce L. Edwards, in making meaning," Edwards critic who opened up a new test gets closer, anxiety in- '^Vhen they announce 'only sparkle, smoothing your fore- assistant professor of English at said. avenue dealing with the process creases," said Filer, a career thirty minutes left,' it takes head and smiling. the University. of reading a book," he said. coordinator at the University five minutes to recover," "It's harder to be tense EDWARDS SAID in the last Edwards believes Lewis' pop- Counseling and Career Devel- Filer added. when you smile, but we don't Edwards recently released a two decades, there has been a ularity as a children's writer opment Center. smile very much in this book which attempts to explain change in the way literary schol- and Christian apologist has Filer named several causes MANAGING STRESS, like world," Filer said. this philosophy. ars view what it means to read a overshadowed his career as a of stress and offered sugges- most things, takes time and When taking a test, Filer The book, A Rhetoric of Read- book. literary scholar and theorist. tions to control it practice. encourages students not to ing: C.S. Lewis' Defense of "If you dont do the work, "If you learn something, thumb through their notes western Literacy, examines the He says that Western tradition He hopes the book will correct you're in trouble, and have a you can unlearn it," he saicT frantically, searching for way contemporary literary of literacy is currently in a flux that imbalance and help clarify reason to feel anxiety," he Filer said students often last-minute answers. scholars and rhetoricians have as rhetoricians and literary crit- the issues literary scholars and said. encourage each other to "If you find one (answer), begun to define reading. ics redefine what it means to rhetoricians need to face in defi- But those who have pre- "psych up for the test," but you lose 12 because you are The idea had its roots in the read and understand a text. ning the act of reading. pared benefit, if they can using relaxation techniques anxious," be said. works of the late C.S. Lewis, He said that Lewis' earlier learn to relax for a test, he would be more beneficial. In addition, sitting next to former professor of medieval works might have gotten lost in Edwards, a lifelong student of said. Filer suggested both the an anxious student does not and renaissance literature at the shuffle. Lewis' works, has in recent There are many factors "dos" and donts" to ma- help. Cambridge University. "Some recent scholars seem years published articles and that contribute to the amount naging stress efficiently, par- "The environment ... has Edwards said the book is oblivious to Lewis' contribution presented numerous lectures of stress that University stu- ticularly in test situations. He some effect on how we feel meant to be an exposition of the to the study of readers and read- across the country about Lewis' dents, and freshmen in par- said it is important to relax about things," Filer said. way Lewis understood the read- ing. I feel that Lewis should literary theories. ticular, may feel, Filer said. when studying as well as dur- Filer said people do not He listed those as being away ing a test. care about managing their from home, new food and His "Four S" program is anxiety, but they should care, living with a roommate. designed to make test prepa- he said. Ski Team finishes season by Julie Wallace season with second and fourth Wide World of Sports, where the Contras staff reporter place for the men's and women's skier races against the clock 0 Continued from page 1. "I think the exercise is very David Bonior, D-Mich., leader of divisions, respectively. For down the hill and through the BUT HOUSE Speaker Jim useful... in awakening the ad- the House Democratic task Their competitions aren't ex- their second place finish, the gates, just not as dangerously," Wright of Texas made clear that ministration to the reality that force on contra aid, said a mora- actly like that shown in the intro- men qualified for the regional fie said. the real target is not the $40 they must focus on other ways to torium was essential because, of duction to Wide World of competition to be held in Minne- million - the last installment of find peace and secure our inter- the money previously provided Sports - with the fancy jumps sota. SCORING FOR the events is a $100 million aid package voted ests in Central America," the contras, "tens of millions and dangerous falls. But fast- Scott Weber, sophomore hos- based on five designated racers. last year - but the $105 million Wright said yesterday. and perhaps hundreds of mil- paced racing is what the Univer- pitality management major and The scores of the five racers are Reagan has requested for the lions of dollars cannot be ac- sity Ski Team is all about. member of the team, said the the only ones recorded, with contras for the fiscal year begin- AS THE debate began, Rep. counted for." The Ski Team finished its 1987 team will not be competing in only the three fastest times ning Oct. 1. the regional competetion, counting. The remaining mem- mainly due to the cost involved. bers of the team compete "It would be just too expen- against themselves and the sive for us to go... this ana the other team without the pressure # GET YOUR IRISH UP! I Going Home or fact that it is about a 20 hour of the time clock on them. drive and we'd be missing * at Pollyeyes classes because of it," Weber The team, a University club Need a Ride? said. sport, competes mainly against Competition is made up of two other Ohio colleges within its 11- -. Try Guiness on tap! events: the slalom and the giant team division. slalom. Open to all University stu- Over 80 Import Beers CaiiUSG Dial A Ride Robert Conibear, director of dents, the team requires mem- Guinness, Warsteiner. Bass & Molson on tap! club sports, explained the events bers to pay a set fee to cover the 5 as being the racing types that expenses of the lift tickets, Today 11-9 Lasagna Dinner 2°° 372-7522 are seen on television. transportation and lodging for "They are the types you see on the season.

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. John support any new construction in Colo- Glenn, D-Ohio, vowed yesterday to Senator favors existing Piketon structure rado until the panel is satisfied that the fight the release of $100 million for a location is the right one. And Glenn proposed "Star Wars" test facility in that it could not be better located in an evaluation of the Piketon site not to and the SDI office yesterday for further said Sasser told him he will support the Colorado until he is convinced that an existing facility at Piketon," Glenn help him decide between Ohio and comment went unreturned. Piketon site if it proves to be techni- abandoned centrifuge plant in southern said. Colorado, but to give him "the confi- Glenn said he has asked the U.S. cally feasible and cost effective. Ohio is not a better site. The senator added that a decision to dence (that) he made the right deci- General Accounting Office, the investi- Glenn said he has told Gen. James locate at the Gas Centrifuge Enrich- sion" by choosing Colorado Springs, gatory arm of Congress, to study the GLENN HAS MAINTAINED that the Abrahamson, director of the Strategic ment Plant could potentially save tax- said the spokesman, Maj. David Rigby. site selection process. test facility could be housed at the 300- Defense Initiative program, that he payers tens of millions of dollars in The original decision to build the "And I intend to hold up any money acre, $2.6 billion centrifuge plant, does not consider the siting of the construction costs. facility in Colorado had been made for the test facility until that study is which was abandoned in 1985, for much national test facility to be a closed Glenn released his statement after before Glenn asked Abrahamson in complete and we have an independent less than it would cost to build a new issue. being told by a reporter for the Akron December to consider the Piketon site, appraisal of which site would be bet- facility. "Specifically, I told him that I will Beacon Journal thai an SDI spokesman which Abrahamson visited in January. ter," Glenn said. Sen. William Armstrong, R-Colo., use my seat on the Senate Armed said Tuesday that Abrahamson "has Rigby said the Colorado choice was He also said Sen. Jim Sasser, D- has supported the Colorado site as the Services Committee to keep any money made a decision to go to Colorado." definite "unless something earth-shak- Tenn., chairman of the Senate Appro- natural location because of the military from being spent in Colorado for a new ing" developed during the evaluation. priations military construction sub- infrastructure already there, accord- facility unless and until I am convinced ABRAHAMSON HAD ORDERED an Numerous telephone calls to Rigby committee, has assured him he will not ing to an Armstrong aide. Ohio EPA criticizes uranium plant EPA makes move by the Associated Press she said. Warren Tyler, state EPA di- sites make it clear that DOE toward cleanup In a Feb. 17 letter, the EPA rector, said the agency was par- cannot police itself," Tyler said. The Ohio Environmental Pro- asked the attorney general to ticularly concerned about the Tim Matchett, a Martin Mari- tection Agency has asked the negotiate a compliance facility s lack of adequate etta spokesman, said any re- state attorney general to initiate agreement with a civil penalty ground water monitoring. sponse to the EPA's request of contamination legal action against the U.S. and to require the U.S. Depart- "PROTECTION OF this vital must come from the DOE. Department of Energy for alleg- ment of Energy, which owns the resource is a high priority and Jim Alexander, spokesman AKRON (AP)-The U.S. pounds found to have caused edly violating state hazardous plant, to show proof of compli- requires immediate attention," for the DOE's Oak Ridge, Term, Environmental Protection cancer in laboratory animals. waste regulations at its uranium ance. he said. office, which operates the plant, Agency has made its first The making of PCBs was enrichment plant in Piketon. Martin Marietta Energy Sys- The EPA contends there also declined comment. moves toward cleaning up banned about a decade ago EPA spokeswoman Carol Por- tems Inc. operates the plant are hazardous-waste problems "I'm not sure we can respond what officials called a major based on the laboratory ani- ter yesterday said the Ports- under contract with the DOE. at DOE plants in Fernald and at this point until we get word concentration of hazardous mal research. mouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant The plant enriches uranium to Miamisburg. The energy de- from our lawyers," he said. chemical PCBs that was dis- has been operating without state the point where it can sustain partment does not acknowledge Assistant Attorney General covered seven months ago. THE THREAT of cancer to hazardous waste permits. fission. Martin Marietta took that state hazardous waste laws Jack Van Kley said his office The EPA said this week it humans is unclear, but expo- "We want the facility to be over from Goodyear Atomic apply to the facilities. has received the EPA's request will spend about $300,000 to sure can cause skin lesions. brought into compliance with Corp., a subsidiary of Goodyear "DOE's careless and irre- and they will take action on the determine the extent of con- When absorbed through the Ohio s hazardous waste laws," Tire & Rubber Co., on Nov. 16. sponsible operation at all three complaint within the next week. tamination at Summit Equip- skin, the chemicals can cause ment and Supply near the nausea, vomiting, weight Akron-Barberton line. loss, jaundice, swelling and The EPA said the PCBs abdominal pain, the Bureau leaked from transformers on of National Affairs' Chemical the property over a number of Safety Data Guide says. Celebrezze: Reagan lax on mergers years. The EPA targets an area It could take up to 45 days for cleanup if the amount of WASHINGTON (AP)- The sulted in a tidal wave of merger comprehensive enforcement division, said the department is just to determine the extent of PCBs is 50 parts per million, Reagan administration has fol- activity, some of it with harmful policy regarding anti-compet- committed to sound antitrust contamination, William Rey- Reynolds said. lowed an "anything goes" policy effects. itive mergers and acquisitions. enforcement in the merger area. nolds, an EPA spokesman in In one area of the Summit on corporate mergers, forcing "To make matters worse," The administration s merger "The department has en- Chicago, said yesterday. Equipment property, the states to take an aggressive Celebrezze said, "federal anti- policy was also criticized by forced and will continue to en- The PCBs are also near Ohio EPA got a reading of stance against anti-competitive trust agencies have overstepped Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D- force the antitrust laws with Nesmith Lake on the city's 74,000 parts per million, he mergers, Ohio Attorney General their role by trying to fix merg- Ohio, chairman of the subcom- respect to mergers to ensure southwest side, and EPA offi- said. Anthony Celebrezze said yester- ers that won't work. The current mittee. that those transactions that cials said one test showed a day. climate here has forced the "THIS ADMINISTRATION threaten significant harm to high concentration of PCBs in And the agency also de- Celebrezze made his remarks states to take an aggressive has created the most permissive consumers are not permitted to a ditch leading to a marsh tected PCBs at 8,700 parts per on behalf of the National Asso- posture to object and challenge merger climate in the last 70 occur," Rule testified. that feeds into the lake. The million in a ditch leading to a ciation of Attorneys General in anti-competitive mergers." years," he said. "It's turned its And Daniel Oliver, chairman lake is used for fishing and marsh that leads to the Lake. testimony before the Senate Ju- On an unanimous voice vote at back on antitrust law." of the Federal Trade Commis- recreation. "The amounts are high, but diciary antitrust subcommittee. a meeting attended by 43 of the But Charles Rule, acting as- sion, said his agency took action PCBs, or polychlorinated they're not the highest we've He said the administration's nation's 50 state attorneys gen- sistant attorney general for the against more mergers in 1986 biphenyls, are chemical com- seen," he said. lax enforcement policy has re- eral, the association adopted a Justice Department's antitrust than in most prior years. 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MC Deadline: March 20,h VISA WELCOME Modeled by Pam Mazey & Becky Harris •••••••••••••••••••••••• BG News/March 12, 1987 8 I House panel investigates firings News Digest WASHINGTON (AP) - Altered work re- cords affecting 446 fired Chicago-area air traffic controllers were innocent mistakes, 'Mistakes' surface in dismissal of controllers Corporation presents grant Federal Aviation Administration officials told a House panel yesterday. cords-tampering scheme to justify the Gunter, said he made the post-strike deci- to Wapakoneta after closing Robert Miller, assistant manager of the dismissals when it otherwise could not prove sion as to who should be fired after review- Chicago Air Route Traffic Control Center, WAPAKONETA (AP) - Lt. communities. This should their clients took part in the strike. ing daily logs and oral testimony from Gov. Paul Leonard said Ohio send a signal to other cor- acknowledged that the work records erro- In a three-page letter to the subcommit- controllers notified of their pending dismiss- porations in the state of Ohio neously were changed to show vacationing tee. FAA Administrator Donald Engen con- als. businesses, especially Gen- air traffic controllers as absent without ceded that daily work records should not Although he could not cite specific exam- eral Motors, could take a hint who are going through this leave during a 1981 strike. have been altered. files, he said several controllers were al- from a company that has same metamorphosis," Leon- "In hindsight, it is readily apparent that owed to keep their jobs after his reviews. pulled up stakes in this west- ard said. mistakes were made," Miller said in testi- "WE WOULD have preferred that greater "It seems to me that a lot of corners were em Ohio city, but left it with a Then, noting GM's plans to mony before the Public Works and Trans- attention had been focused on maintaining being cut, that established policies were not $200,000 grant to attract new close its Norwood and portation oversight subcommittee. current and correctly annotated sign-in being met," said Rep. Norman Mineta, D- business. Fairfield plants, Leonard The subcommittee is holding hearings to logs," Engen wrote. "We also do not believe Calif "The fix was in, and you were march- The grant by Amfac Inc., said, "Fisher Cheese is set- determine if the rights of 446 Chicago con- that records should subsequently have been ing to that drummer." which closed its Fisher ting an example General Mo- trollers were violated when they were dis- changed bv our personnel." Cheese division Nov. 18, was tors can learn from." missed after an illegal August 1981 strike by But Miller said such changes remain a "MISTAKES WERE made in this proc- announced yesterday. Fisher Gary Rhodes, Amfac the Professional Air Traffic Controllers normal occurrence. ess," Gunter acknowledged. "I would make Cheese, with 411 jobs, was the spokesman and former Organization. "I believe they're changed daily," he said. it clear to the subcommittee that I did not city's largest employer. Re- Fisher president, said the "They were then, and they still are today." intend in any respect to improperly change maining Fisher assets were Wapakoneta Economic De- In all, 11,400 controllers were fired, but the Miller acknowledged, meanwhile, that he records, nor do I nave any belief that any of sold to Borden Inc. velopment Council will re- subcommittee said a disproportionately had no explanation for three differing ver- my employees were improperly moti- "They should serve as an ceive $100,000 when a full- high number were dismissed at the center sions of the same Aug. 7,1981, work log used vated." example of what vacating time economic development near Aurora, 111. as part of the documentation process for The dismissals, which were upheld by the companies should do for their director is hired. Lawyers for 163 former Chicago control- firing two controllers. federal Merit Systems Protection Board in lers contend that the FAA launched a re- The former chief of the center, George 1984, are under appeal in federal court here. Block sought against NAACP for recovery of legal fees CLEVELAND (AP)-A lawyer who served the federal judge was asked yes- NAACP as general counsel terday to block the NAACP's from 1975 until 1984, pre- attempt in Kansas City. Mo., viously obtained a temporary Pisanello's Pizza to recover nearly $2 million in restraining order against the legal fees paid to four lawyers NAACP. who handled cases related to Atkins filed his injunction AUTO SPECIALS school desegregation or em- motion in Cleveland largely GOOD NOW THRU because about half of the dis- SATURDAY. ployment discrimination. MARCH 14. 1987 After hearing oral argu- puted money resulted from a ments in his courtroom, U.S. desegregation case involving District Judge Frank Battisti the Cleveland schools. Cleve- UTO WORKS gave no indication when he land also was convenient for might ride on lawyer Thomas his action, he said. Atkins' request for a perma- Other desegregation cases DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS nent injunction against the came from Columbus, Detroit National Association for the and Buffalo, N.Y. The em- Advancement of Colored Peo- ployment discrimination case ple's lawsuit. involved the Eglin Air Force Atkins, a Brooklyn, N.Y., Base in Pensacola, Fla.

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3-8-0 Sports BG News/March 12, 1987 I ■ BG cagers fall in NCAA Falcon women close campaign with 27-3 mark

by Jeff McSherry nament. terror the entire first half. UI's- baskets to make the score 41-38. ; assistant sports editor Illinois coach Laura Golden, career scoring and rebounding But after that it was all downhill who herself took two Central leading hit for 16 of her game- for the Falcons. BG followed its ; CHAMPAIGN - It's over. Michigan teams to the NCAA high 28 points before the inter- two baskets with zero points for I After 21 straight victories- tournament, knows the feeling mission. almost six minutes. ; the second-longest win streak in well. the nation - and a 27-2 record, "I was at Central, and I think She was also an intimidating Meanwhile, the mini ran off 15 Bowling Green's women's bas- the main difference between the figure on the defensive end of straight points to up the score to ketball team has lost. MAC school and a Big 10 school the court. Polk blocked five of 56-38 at the 12:40 mark. UI's lead Unfortunately, last night's 80- is the support you receive from BG's Jackie Motycka's shots, climbed as high as 74-54 with 64 defeat to Illinois was a big your staff and other fringe bene- four in the first half. 3:40 left. one. The Falcons' loss knocked fits," Golden said. "Jonell was very intimidat- them out of the opening round of She noted much of the support ing," Golden said. "They (BG) "We tried a little bit of zone the Mideast regional in their comes in the form of money were always aware she was defense to stop them, but they first NCAA tournament appear- from the revenue sports like there, but they never knew shot the lights out. so that went ance ever. football and men's . where she was. awry," BG coach Fran Voll While the loss at Illinois' As- THE FALCONS began the Polk's dominance led to a 41- said. "Most things we tried to sembly Hall has eliminated BG game by exchanging blows with 34 UI lead at the end of the first do, Illinois answered the bell in its first-ever post-MAC tour- eighth-seeded Fighting mini. In half. well. nament appearance, it has also fact, the lead changed hands 13 Both teams shot 47 percent continued a long-held Mid- times before UI took the lead for from the field in the first half, "Once they got going, it was American Conference tradition. good when UI's Jonell Polk but the first 20 minutes were just pretty hard to shut the water BG. the ninth-seeded team in the scored on a layup 8:34 into the a warm-up for the Fighting II- off." Mideast region, was the sixth- first half. lini. Golden said the Falcons consecutive MAC team to lose in Polk, who averages 23.8 points In the second half, BG came looked as though they ran out of as many tries in the NCAA tour- per game this season, was a out and scored the first two gas in the second half. THE ILLINI shot only 48 per- cent from the field in the game, but BG countered with a meager Perchance to dream. . . 38 percent shooting percentage of its own. (AP)- Was it fair to favor Fairfield? Idiotic to Indiana at Indianapolis. BG was led by Motycka's 16 invite Idaho State? Peculiar to pick Penn? Silly to "I think it is a tremendous thing to play Bobby points and six rebounds while select Santa Clara? Knight in Indiana.. .the kids will be up for it." teammate Stephanie Coe These four have-nots - with a combined record No concession of defeat, however. That's a chipped in 14 points and seven of 61-56 - are in the NCAA Tournament will such theme sounded by coaches and players of all four rebounds. BG guard Dawn haves as Nevada-Las Vegas, North Carolina, teams. Brown also had 12 points and Indiana and Georgetown. "We wouldn't be very good competitors if we seven rebounds. The have-nots weren't invited to college basket- didn't think that we could go down there and try to ball's biggest shindig. They crashed the party as pull something off," Penn Coach Tom Schneider Polk was assisted by team- BG News/Pete Fellman automatic qualifiers from their respective confer- said. mates DeeDee Deken and Angle Bowling Green's Jackie Motycka. seen above in action earlier this season, scored ences. Where the Quakers, 13-13, are going is Char- McClellan. Deken tossed in 16 16 points in last night's 80-64 loss at Illinois. The Falcons found themselves in a But does that bother these teams? Is there a law lotte, N.C., and the team they'll be trying to pull points and grabbed eight re- much more physical game than those in the MidAmerican Conference. against dreaming? something off against is second-ranked North bounds while McClellan added Carolina. eight points and ten rebounds. "We're going to enjoy this trip," Santa Clara On paper, the Bengals of Idaho State, at 15-15. THURSDAY STUDENT NIGHT Athletic Director Tom O'Connor said of his team, face the biggest test having drawn top-ranked Voll, whose squad finished 27-3 c\tmtm WITH VALID ID ONLY $2 the West Coast Athletic Conference tournament Nevada-Las Vegas in a Thursday opener. this season, issued a warning £■3 champs who will take an 18-13 record into their Even if the four apparent misfits don't survive before leaving Assembly Hall. 2 AWARD NOMINATIONS game with Iowa on Friday. the weekend, they might end up winners. "It's been a good year, no OENE HACKMAN Mitch Buonaguro, coach of a Fairfield team that 'You just can't predict how (the tournament) doubt about it. Our women's PLAT#«N split 30 games, tried to put the best possible face will affect recruiting," Santa Clara Coach Carroll ?rogram is going very well, TT* fVti CMwaty of «HH !• innactnea. on the Stags' first-round assignment - No. 4 Williams said. otrre going to hear from us." It'll go straight to your heart. f«l 7:30 & 9:45 7:30 & 0:30 it; MONDAY & WEDNESDAY WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE CLA-ZEL OSCJ's Hopson Big Ten's best NUAINST STUDENT NIGHT ONLY $2 CONGRATULATIONS! WOODY ALLEN—MIA FARROW |PG OUTSTANDING STUDENT AFFAIRS STUDENT AWARDS Dennis Hopson of Ohio Hopson, the only unani- 0 DAYS State was named the Big mous choice on this year's FEBRUARY FINALISTS Ten's Most Valuable Player All-Big Ten team, was named DON MILLER • Graduate Asst., Student Activities and Orientation for the 1986-87 basketball sea- the MVP on 18 of 22 ballots SARAH GRIMES • Clerical Supervisor. University Placement Office son by The Associated Press. cast by a panel of sportswrit- DAVE FRIED • Complex Coordinator, Residential Services ers and sportscasters cover- Hopson, who led the league ing the Big Ten. All-America in scoring with a 28.3 aver- of Indiana re- BECAUSE YOU CARE, BOWLING GREEN IS A age, set an Ohio State career ceived the other 4 votes. BETTER PLACE scoring record of 2,044 points. -THE STUDENT AFFAIRS STAFF He has 906 points and needs 27 Alford was second in scor- in tournament play to break ing in the Big Ten with 21.7 WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE WE CARE the single season Big Ten average and set an Indiana mark of 932 set by Rick Mount career scoring record with 2,- of Purdue in 1969. 300 points. 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At least two big names still "vacationing" NCAA priorities Boys of summer laboring in sunshine are age-old green (AP)-Catcher Lance Parrish the unsigned and AWOL Clem- amount. He had sought $500,000 both attempting to bounce back Karl's Komments makes his pitch later this week ens $1,000. Clemens fired back and the team offered $350,000. from injury-riddled seasons, It's amazing what a to join the Philadelphia Phillies when agent Randy Hendricks In his first spring game Tues- each drove in two runs in a four- reputation can do for a club while Boston pitcher Roger said Tuesday that "starting day, Fernandez had a double run fifth inning as the unbeaten around tourney time. Clemens may be close to catch- Wednesday, our offer to the Red and a sacrifice fly in Toronto's 4- St. Louis Cardinals beat the De- BG has a couple of marks ing a plane home. Sox will increase by $1,500 a day. 3 victory over Boston. troit Tigers 9-7. Clark finished by Karl Smith against it in that respect. I'm tired of reading the Red Sox with four RBIs and Herr also jpocn editor Two of baseball's more promi- have the hammer. Other people Exhibition Results had a solo home run. nent spring soap operas took have hammers, too." First, the Falcons' tradition is - Lee Mazzilli's two-runhomer just beginning. This is the first new twists Tuesday when last- in the bottom of theeighth inning ditch negotiations to avoid a - Mike Scioscia's two-run sin- year BG has won the MAC Hendricks described Clemens gave the New York Mets a 5-4 gle capped a five-run second championship and it is their grievance arbitration and en- as "determined, disappointed victory over the Houston Astros The biggest debates able the Phillies to sign Parriah inning that carried the unbeaten inaugural NCAA tournament and insulted." for the defendingworld cham- Los Angeles Dodgers to a 5-4 concerning college sports appearance. collapsed, while one of Clemens' Slions' first spring triumph in nowadays involve money - you agents said that sitting out the victory after the Atlanta Braves Second, BG has one of the "We understand the conse- our games. scored four times in the first know, your wampum, worst basketball facilities in the 1967 season is an option being -Fred Lynn hit a two-run greenbacks, dough, bread, the "seriously considered" by the quences if he doesn't play all inning off Fernando Valenzuela. hemisphere. Anderson Arena is year," Hendricks added. "We homer as the Baltimore Orioles - George Wright, one of seve- loooooong green. great tor history and nostalgia. American League's MVP and defeated the Minnesota Twins The women's NCAA Cy Young winner. realize we'll lose bargaining po- ral outfielders competing for But it's also a terrible place for a sition and seniority. But he's 14-4 for their first victory in four jobs left vacant by Tim Raines basketball tournament is no basketball game by modem Srepared to take the most puni- games. and Andre Dawson, paced a 12- exception. standards. The arbitration to settle the That's why the Bowling Green dispute between Parrish and the ve action he can. Let the Red hit Montreal attack with a sin- Sox understand their commit- gle, double and homer as the had to travel to Champaign. 111. Phillies is scheduled for Thurs- - Joel Davis became the first last night. From what I gather, The seating, a meager 5,000, is day in Tampa, Fla. The Major ment to winning and putting Chicago pitcher to work three Expos and Red Sox played to an totally inadequate. The lighting, good players on the field." 8-8 tie. home sites are determined by rumored to involve at least a League Baseball Players Asso- innings, allowing one run as the what school can guarantee the ciation claims the Phillies White Sox edged the Pittsburgh most money from tickets, dozen or so candles, is agreed to a $1 million, one-year Hendricks called the Red Sox' Pirates 4-3. -Mike Schmidt hit his first parking, program sales and the substandard (just ask any contract with free agent Par- offer of $500,000 "ridiculously - Mike Diaz hit two home runs g homer as the Philadel- photographer i. The press rish, the former Detroit catcher, low." and drove in five runs as another EPhillies beat the Cincinnati facilities aren't the worst, but 10-7 for their first victory. Apparently, the numbers the they're not going to win any and then tried to insert a clause group of Pirates beat the Kansas University of Illinois gave the that Parrish would sue baseball City Royals 10-7. Cincinnati's Dave Parker also awards. Other Developments NCAA were higher than those for alleged collusion against - Tom Herr and Jack Clark, homered. from Bowling Green. I have no doubts the Falcons signing free agents. -Pitcher Kirk McCaskill said would have had a much better he will report back to the Cali- Being a member of the Big 10, chance of drawing an NCAA fornia Angels today, ending his the niini have superior game if they had a basketball Phillies President Bill Giles six-day holdout over a contract Intramural champs named facilities, playing in beautiful arena of decent quality. said the club never agreed to the dispute. The Angels had said 16,000-seat Assembly Hall. I Last year, MAC champion contract without the no-suit they would fine McCaskill $1,000 figured the place would be clause. The University Intramural office recently released their Fall packed and rocking. Ohio University played, of all a day beginning Monday. semester winners: teams, Illinois in the opening -The Toronto Blue Jays re- But when I tuned into the Softball: Middies (coed), Bat Boys (men's independent and Eame last night, I was shocked round at Athens. The Bobcats Today is the day the Red Sox newed shortstop Tony Fernan- all-campus), Kappa Sigma (fraternity A and all-fraternity), outstanding 13,000-capacity have promised to begin fining dez' contract for an undisclosed i hear that the Mini fans Sigma Chi (fraternity B), Lucky Star (women's independent), numbered only about 2,500. Convocation Center had Alpha Gamma Delta (sorority and all-campus). Apparently, someone from something to do with that. Ultimate Frisbee: Strohaus Gang. Illinois was a little optimistic. Bringing an NCAA game to Tennis: Avies/Knauss (women's independent doubles), Da- While I am not a hopeless ley (women's independent and all-campus singles), Overly optimist, I am confident that BG BG will involve three things: Be an exchange student. (sorority singles), Cobb/Cobb (sorority and all-campus dou- could have generated an equal, 1. The NCAA must re-evaluate bles), Ickes/Crisologo (men's independent doubles), Hook- the way it determines the if not greater, number of fans. tournament bracket. They must s/Harvey (fraternity and all-campus doubles). What other factors prompted Golf: Thomas/Willison (men's independent doubles), Waite- the NCAA to award Illinois a disregard reputation and look at /Roessing (fraternity doubles). the numbers (as in records, not home game over BG? dollars and cents). Special Flag football: Wolf pack (men's independent and all-cam- Certainly, the NCAA didn't 6us), Pi Kappa Alpha (fraternity), Delta Gamma (sorority), 2. The University must realize Friday Night Concert with take overall records into that, if it wants "big-time" ,U 12 (women's independent and all-campus). consideration. The Falcons 27-2 Wrestling (independent): 126-Billy, 132-Swartz, 138- ledger well outshone the mini's athletic status, it must have Colatruglio, 145-Wilson, 155-Duncan, 165-Nunner, 175-Robin- "big-time" athletic facilities. 18-9 mark. It's embarrassing to have son, 185-Hughart, Hvy.-Goedke. Apparently, the NCAA didn't Wrestling (fraternity): 126-Bennet, 132-Suter, 138-DeGran- takeBG's phenomenal 21-game visiting teams come to Bowling Tonight 8:00 -12:00 die, 145-Green, 155-Schaeffer, 165-Atkins, 175-Fender, 185-Hoo- Green and have them olay in winning streak into such an archaic, outdited Saturday Night Corns H«ar ver, Hvy.-Rhonemur. consideration. LOST KITES Cross-country: Bruce Bexler (independent), Dave structure. McAdams (fraternity). Clearly, the NCAA didn't 3. The women car.ers have to 9:00 - 1:00 Racquetball: Shull/Dunn (coed doubles), Wiegand (frater- worry about making BG play a win the MAC title again, since Mid-Am Room Harahman Quad nity), Kessler (men's independent). first round game while Old an at-large bid f> r a MAC school Sponsored By: The Commuter/Ofl-Campus Organization. The Dry Dock, Others: Phi Delta Theta (fraternity ice hockey), A Taste of Dominion, sporting an average- would have to \nvolve some sort Women tor Women, World Student Association, Women's Nuts & Honey (coed triples volleyball), Alpha Delta Pi (soror- at-best 17-12 mark, is off until of divine intervention. Of the Studies, Non-Traditional Student Association, GSS & ity bowling), Spike Force (coed Walleyball), The Juniors the second round. three, this is the only one that UAO (men's three player basketball, 6-foot and under), Hoops Obviously, the only thing that will happen in the next decade. Co-Sponaor*d by: IFC & Panhel (women's three player basketball/Schick Super Hoops), Viet- the NCAA took into For now. the NCAA is DI • Charlie Hawley namese Blind Snow Owls (men's three player basketball/S- consideration is the Mid- following the old adage, "money FREE ADMISSION! M«al Coupons Welcome chick Super Hoops). American Conference's label as talks and bullshit walks." And a "second class" operation. Bowling Green's walking.

945 S Main Free Delivery 352-7571 from 11 am Daily. POQliQi'S $ 3.50 Minimum Don't play games with your lungs. Sub of the Week: George's Special 3/9 thru 3/15 Sausage, Green Pepper, Onion, Pizza Sauce & Cheese Howard's club H ' HAIR ' 210 N. Main No Cover UNLIMITED $ 143W. Wooil.r 2.50 3S3-32S1 ^Xivrr-^efenss Swing Into Spring Thursday Night Special: Lasagna Dinner 11 a.m.-9 p.m. with a ... $2.50 Eat in or $2.75 pick up JJneed£oder^4i)Ttd1J^ Includes Lasagna, Salad & Garlic Bread NEW PERM The PRECISION CUT FRESH COLOR We have it all Hongliders for you! T»0»N«I«G«H»T Thurs-Fri-Sat Mon. t Tu«t. 9-6 Howard's is a designated W«d., Th.. Frl. 9-9 Presents driver participant Sat. f-4 f Ken Richters as THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO MARK BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. TWAIN And they're both repre- sented by the insignia you wear as a member of the Army Nurse Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center Corps. The caduceus on the left means you're pan of a health care 7:30 pm system in which educational and | TICKETS: $4.00 General Admission career advancement are the rule, _ not the exception. Trie gold bar $2.00 W/ BGSU Student l.D. on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're Tickets Available at the Kobacker Box Office at 6:00 pm earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Clifton, NJ 07015. Or call toll free 1.-800-USA-ARMY. • The First 15 People to arrive ai the Kobacker Box Of lice at 4.30 pm are invited to watch Ken Richters transform himself into Mark Twain ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALL YOU CAN BE. BG News/March 12,1987 11

Ex-NBA star tries to Netters even slate with pair of wins (AP)- The setting is different - Biloxi, Miss., instead of Hous- "I'm not here for the money. This is an ton - and so are the amenities - by Randy Maggard and Hawkes of Youngstown 6-4, 6-2 to win first an economy motel with vending opportunity to do what I do best, play sports reporter doubles. In second doubles, Falcons Peter machines instead of room serv- basketball. I feel good about that." Ellsworth and Ken Bruce beat Youngstown's ice in an expensive hotel. The The Bowling Green men's tennis team evened Clark Kent and Bob McGiven, 6-0, 6-1. To road trips are to Topeka, Rock- — Mitchell Wiggins its record at 2-2 by posting two impressive wins complete the sweep, BG's Hain and John Green ford and La Crosse, instead of over Akron University Friday and Youngstown defeated Youngstown's D'Andrea and Orlando State University Saturday at the Laurel Hill 6-0, 6-3 in third doubles. New York, Chicago and Los ardson is eligible to apply for NBA announced its ban of him Angeles. and Houston teammate Lewis Tennis Club in Toledo. The netters added another win on Saturday reinstatement next January but Lloyd, who is still under treat- The Falcon netters blanked Youngstown Fri- beating Akron University 7-2. BG's Rick Boy- But the rim is still 10 feet off his problems since being barred ment there. day W). For several pl,ntayers, it was their first sen, Mark Cavalier, Kurt Hammerschmidt, the floor and a jump shot is still may hurt his chances. "That day was the low point of win of the season. In singles' action, BG's Rick Ken Bruce and Peter Ellsworth all won their a jump shot. So Mitchell Wiggins Wiggins is clean and contrite my life," he said. "It was very Boysen defeated Rick Beachy of Youngstown 4- matches in singles as the Falcons only loss drives, stops and pops - and is and wonders how all this hap- humbling. Rehabilitation was an 6,6-1,6-3. Mark Cavalier of BG defeated Young- came in third singles. grateful for the opportunity to do pened to him. opportunity for me to realize the stown's Thad Hawkes 6-1, 7-5 in second singles BG took two of the three doubles matches, that, considering the circum- "I didn't have a history of seriousness of drugs and where I while Falcon Andy Sallee downed Clark Kent of winning first and second doubles in straight stances. drugs," he said, his voice soft was at and where I was going. It Youngstown 6-2,6-1 in third singles. BG's Kurt sets. Boysen and Cansfield teamed up to take and a little sad. "I had tried could have killed, me. I wanted Hammerschmidt defeated Youngstown's Al first doubles while Hammerschmidt and Cava- drugs, but it was no problem. Redmond 6-3,4-6,6-3 to win fourth singles while lier won the second doubles match. "Money-wise, it's not close," When Len Bias died, I thought it to get a grip on my life. Every- said Wiggins, who was barred thing happens for a reason. It Mike Cansfield of BG beat Larry D'Andrea of Coach Bob GUI expressed renewed confidence was a blessing in disguise tor a was time to back up and get Youngstown 6-0,6-2 in fifth singles. Falcon Mike about the team saying he thinks the team has from the NBA in January for lot of people. But that wasn't taking drugs, and now is playing more in touch with where I was Hain blanked Youngstown's Scott Orlando 6-0, §ood depth. "The strength of our team is in our me. I didn t have a problem or a 60 to win sixth singles. epth; we have a nine-player roster that I feel for the Mississippi Jets of the history of taking drugs. I hardly at. Continental Basketball Associa- "I feel good about myself now. Boysen and Cansfield of BG defeated Beachy comfortable with, " he said. ever used them. The last nine I feel good about where I am at. tion. months, you could count on the "I'm not here for the money. fingers of one hand the number This is an opportunity to do what of times I did drugs. There was I do best, play basketball. I feel so much time ana distance be- good about that."And it is the tween Lenny's dying and what I start of the road back. did. I used only a small amount." "I want to be back in the NBA Then the lessons of rehabilita- next year," Wiggins said. "It's a tion kicked in. realistic goal. T know the ban "An addict only has to do it says a two-year minimum but I once," Wiggins said, repeating am going to petition for an ear- something that the counselors lier return. I feel good about my dwelled on with him. "I'm an chances. I'm building a founda- addict. Drugs won't beat Mitch- tion to get back a year early. ell, though. Once you make a I've done everything they asked. mistake like that, there are a lot They can test me any time they of ways to go. You can deny it want. If I had disappeared, and disappear. I didn't do that. I there would be no basis for feel- went to treatment. I did that for ing this way. But I'm a good guy Mitchell, not for the NBA. I have who just made a mistake. I faced adversity. I will come faced that. There is so much back and live the life I want to more in life to be done. I am in live." touch with that part." For Wiggins the road back 1 No player banned by the NBA began at the ASAP rehabilita- for using drugs has yet returned tion facility in Van Nuys, Calif. off* to the league. Micheal Ray Rich- He enrolled the day after the w^Stf* Because Jesus still changes lives... *»**MV*** NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED

Financing as low as Fellowship of #9%+-*600 Rebate on 86 & '87 Escort, Christian Students Tempo & Mustang Welcomes Everyone to come and find out more. THURSDAY 7:00 p.m., Alumni Room, Student Union

GR€€N6RIAR INC. Financing low as CH€CK US OUT FOR SUMM6R R€NTfllS 516 €. MERRV AVENUE APTS. 3.9%ORE*600 FI€LD MANOR APAATMENTS Rebate on '86 & '87 Ranger, FRAZ€€ AVENUE APARTMENTS Bronco II, F-l50 &F-250. RIDGE MANOR APARTMENTS 501 PIK€ APARTMENTS TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE! plus manu other apartments and houses availablelll 224 €. WOOSTER 352-0717

CELLULAR ONE SEE US FOR AIDS PHONE *395 DETAILS information Session OFFER ENDS 3/31/87 Monday March 16 8-10 pm aish Film Theater Open to the Public *Ask about the Better Deal Dealer Promise HlMllll II lira MM. H. mt DincMr of Mining itnkm. IUCM County IW»W/Coon»no1of ToMo Ana ADS IAS Font 893-7651 Endorsed and/or sponsored by: fowling Grew MM. Carfbbm AMOdotton, Collet of HMMI and Hunan SantcM. 1369 C0NANT ST. • MAUMEE CAR SOURCE Co*—ling and Carwr DvrelopiMM CM*. Gradual. SanaM l.A O A. Cm* Madder toca Coolmon Prognmh* Sludmt OganrnHon. Sodd Jullla CaomHhM. HMkh Sank.. (MM Chmrion MIowiMp CnNr. Wom». Shdta.WcmwfeWomn. Classifieds BG News/March 12,1987 12

Bethany Armbruat. March 17 Pregnant? Concema? Free pregnancy teat, ob- WHO ARE YOU? Happy 22nd Birthday to the newest Who e tha! behmo those shedes drrvmg around FOR SALE CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS 7 30 p.m . Bowing Green student Home tecttve HruiraaBon By appointment or wafc-m (and ordeet) member of our tarraTy Economlca Aesoastion American Society of CM NOW 354 HOPE campus In ttast 67? Rendevoue with ua Love ya Jennie. Karla. Lisa A Patty ae>>iiweJI tas waekand ot Howarda. Wei be Interior Designers Joint Meeting. Home 1 Round tnp ticket to •-Attention OsEA PulVJcrly-• WOMEN S CLINIC looking How about a ride? Economlca living Center FLORIDA Meeting Irwrsday at 7:30 on Hw 2nd floor 2700 Monroe St . Toledo. Offering 5553 VOUR COLLEGE MAJOR Jama' by SHARK lion by elevator lor room Mo. March 18 gynecoiogicel services I pregnancy termination A workshop for FreeJvnan and Sophomoree Ckrvelend 10 Miami Rueael Sweets 8:00 p m , Fashion Merchandising AaaockMon. by acenaed rjhyatcran including prenatal, Cal 372-2081 tor more Information ONLY ma. ••Attention Ed Majors" Speedo Swlmsults Mcf al Aaaamory Room obetetnea. pregnancy taaBng. Pap teat (lor cer- Couneeing 8 Career Devasopmanl CoreetT must sal. cal Jett at Next HoMIng n TOM., Marc h 17in al • 00 In REC CENTER PRO SHOP vical cancer). VD screening, birth control Info.. 363-0312 121 West HaM. Louies KuU. OSEA's Slodom Mark Twain make-up demonstration I Thursday. Congrats BOau Panhel A VCII TuM Ugabon. termination of pregnancy up will speak on Iho Entry (MI Pro- March 12.1987 at 4 30 p m atKobeckor Hel Congratulations for outstanding national through 10 weeks (specie! ratea tor students ) erom. 'olio Elections- Be one of the Aral 15 people to wltnesa the, In- recogrwon at the MFCA-MAPCA Conference 1977 Kawasaki KZ-750 creceble transtormation' By appMraYnanl 1-241-2471 m. pest weekend' Rune Great! New Times Good Battery -CoHogoUn* WANTED Wordproceealng typing done, free dlak BG Greeks are delmrtery the greatest! 1450 Beat Offer Cal 352 5832 after 6 00 A now nomo a now peace SENIORS The Alpha Xl's but sta the same IF YOU PLAN TO PARTlCaPATE IN MAY. 1987 storage cal Sus In Maumee 893 4186 ■ VCR Excel cond phone 353-2329 EXCITEMENT COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES. YOUR CAP •••WAJllT0••• rvormnedona lor the Outstandklg CcntrDutor to KJrchen table with 4 iraVxMng chairs, very Thursdays--3rd Ftoor Union ANO GOWN ORDER MUST BE PLACED BY Corvjratuletkons Graduata Education award Fore more Info sturdy-good condition $60 must eat soon Cal Towns Room--7:30 PM APRIL 1, 1987 PLEASE PLACE YOUR Peg Warier and Angle Walker contact the GSS office (2-2426) 362-8366 after 6 00 pm sponsored by Campus Cnjaada lor Chnet ORDER AT THE ART COUNTER IN THE on making Rec Center Aerobic UNtVERSfTY BOOOSTORE OR BY PHONING PERSONALS toatruclore Love, Alpha Cm Omega I R£SPt3NST8LE, TRUSTWORTHY. YET FUN Need of good home for one male tenet make 372-2*81 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARE otter, any otter-eel 372-5847 ATTENTION1 RAPPEL! APARTMENT IN CAMPUS MANOR FOR FALL- Reminder lo aludanta going to Franca, FAI '87 Study Slula Center CONNIE BARROWS PIONEER CASSETTE DECK 135 SPRING SMESTER PLEASE CALL US AS Ortantallon mooting Sunday. March 15 3.00 Workshop Sanaa Location: Rm 213 Moeotey MEXICAN RESTAURANT PIONEER TURNTABLE $36 BOTH PM830E Wooeler Hal-Study Skua Center Regkurallon la srrstod- \ IS COMING TO TOWN! SOON AS POSSIBLE KATHYRN 2-5646 OR 1 YEAR OLD DORM SIZE cal 372-8640 Time. 3:30-4 30pm. Weds . LAURIE 2-5646 FRIDGE, EC $65. 354-4707 ATTENZIONE: 4 00-5 00pm, Thurs Please eel if Interested 'FALCON HOUSE* Design a logo lor the 1067 rtomacorneig and 2-3 nocmmales needed for traa SUMMER lo IL CIRCULO ITALIANO but unable to attend either lane Effective Test Jus) In time lor Spring Break!! win a $30 gift certificate to Kaufman's Tha aubtaeae 2 borm fury tumlaried apt VIEW Wars to DPMI up some exc»emenl In your He-- Convoraaton hour Coma practice your rtaaan Taking Strategies - Jan* Wats Time Saver III swlmsults ' aungloASSB theme la "Stars are arararig In Bowing Green" OVERLOOKINO POOL Cal 353-0037 buy a snare drum wth aland for only $86 Cal and moat others who are inlorostod m tha rtaaan Tips for ObMclfve Teals " Language at Poeyeyee, 9 pm, Thursday shorts ' tops ' tkjrrts Entries must be 8 1 2 by II and may be sub One nonsmoking femare roommate for summer 353-6612 and ask lor ERC tonight! maled to 315 or 406 Student Services '87 through false, own room, dose to BG Mows moating for votunteers--wrfters and UVE ON TOUR MARK TWAIN COMES TO FOUTS TYPING campus-cal now Anne 352-2895 pholographors-evary Sunday, 8 p.m., 210 KOBACKER HALL FOR ONLY ONE PERFOR- FOR RENT Wsst Hall For turthor Information call U-rJelver. E-Z to find. $80 per page One Quiet femare roommate needed tor 67-68 MANCE! 7 30 PM i $4 FOR GENERAL 699-2578 372 2603 PUBLIC • $2 FOR STUDENTS WITH VALID ID school yar. Apartment does to campus. For more Information cal Psm or Laura M CHRISTIANS IN COMMUNICATION 352-2082 Mooting Thursday. March 12 at 6 p m In Woat Gat excited Alpha Xl's lor Spring Awards JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Hal Commons Important meeting lor Mass LOST & FOUND Sweatshirts Wghtl' PLEASE HELP 1 or 2 persons to sublet my Assortment ot many apis Enhre Stock I lor summer t Comm week Anyone mternated m masa com- fflemoy Advanced Hair Clang Classes models room of s 2 bedroom rurraehed apt On the ears, tigers, ducks, frogs fan rentals. CALL NOW municabon * mvited. Can 352-6273 for mlor needed, men and woman March 17. 18. 24. edge of campus Now thru Aug I win rumlah motion S100 reward tor the return of my large coBsc- bunnies hearts, etc. . Dave 364 4808 tor ehosoe apta. 354-2210 tton of beautiful horse statues and terrartum 40* OFF 25. 362 5616 ^_^_ Office faceted at 91* E Wooeter COFFEE a CONVERSATION taken Irom my garage Feb 10-12 at 207 Byal Now thru Sat Government Homes from $1 (U repair I Deah- Two aberel lemeiee desire house tor 87-88 Come moat Rev Tom Green Ave.BQ Cat 353-8308 Of 362-7160 guent las property Repossessions Cal school year (co-ed O.K.). WI share room If from First Praabytartan Church 806-887-6000 Ext GM 9649 lor currant repo necessary Cal 352-1429 Thursday. March 12 Found a 40 pound tan dog with a red coear let WANTED • 1 fernere roommate to sublease 1-3 30 PM Rabksa lag from Blue Ash. Ofao 353-2972 WTTWMURAL SOCCER (MAW) entries due house. Avaasble immedietety and for summer UCF Center. Comer ThuraOn a Ridge LOST YELLOW CAT WITH WHITE COLLAR. March 17th by 4:00 PM In 108 SRC. Play Greet location, many extra Cal 353-0010after VtCtNITY OF ENTERPRISE 1 PALMER VERY CARTY RENTALS Oegme March 30th _^___ 6:30 p m Ask lor Use GRADUATE STUDENTS TAX WORKSHOPS PLAYFUL- IF FOUND. PLEASE CALL BE A PART OF MISTORY Apartments WANTED 2 lemeiee lo lubkwaw tor summer ARE COMtNQiQGoneral Seasons on the 353-4508 OR 353-1620 'SILVER STREAKIN"' WHEELCHAIR MTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED For 3-4 students Al IHreated MUST attend an omciela cMc Own rooms, greet, new furrashed apartmenta Office hours 10 a.m.-3 p.m I040E7. 1040A1 1040. and on the 1040NR LOST: AmWron watch. Hasan horn necklace BASKETBALL MUSIC VIDEO Tuee. March 17 at 5.00 PM In the Oo» Archery Cal 363-1406 Located 316 E. Marry, No 3 with an HdR Block consultant we be hold next Lost on March 1st Cat B* 352 0986 Centennial Hall (Toledo) week Watch nva space lor details, or chock Sat.. March 14 10:00 am-5:00 pm room m the SRC Ploy begins March JOtti WANTED: Cooka lor Porthole Restaurant on For more Wo. or apprxntment LOST Man s Of low brown leather waist Loat Phone 362-7365 enytlme with the GSS office after this Thursday DON'T BE LEFT OUTII WTRAMURAL BOWLING ICO-EDI entries due Kaly's Wand Send Resume to 16771 Thorpe on Sunday right In Ounbar Hal or parking lot. Contact Taml Apofegarth for further Also summer rentars March 18th by 4:00 pm In 108 SRC Play Bd Chagrin Fata. OH 44022 Cal Lnda 372-5067 Info. 353-3021 International Business Association begma March 30m WankM lemare to subleass apt. 12-mo lease Pre-Sprtng Break Warm-up Party You have my tean ktcket KATHY HAUXS (My reel slater) begins May 10 Only 51 15 per mo. - alec Friday March 13th 7 30 pm now mal me my driver rt Icensa •Reftle- HAPPY BaRTHDAYI Laura 2-3411 I A 2 bedroom furraahed apts lor summer I at Dave's Toledo members of Wr a 1 3 color remote control T V or a 1300 HAVE A OPET DAY! 1987-88 school year S A V Rentals. AIESEC wi be there Ouastlona? Wanted, one lemale roommate for the 87-88 cash scholar ship HeSj support the Wood Coun- LOVE, (Your real sitter) KAREN 352-7454. Please cat Shannon -372-6139 or ty Coundt on AJcohoasm and Drug Abuse school year Cozy, doee to campus, and free beet $118 s month emokere need not apply. 1 Bedroom apt tor summer 87 Air cond FREE Lort-353-0129 Sponsored by Sigma Alpha (-paeon Cal soon - Kely 354-0627 heal, water, gas Ctoae to Campus Cal nm or IBA IBA IBA IBA IBA IBA ISA IBA IBA RIDES MrKE WHITAKER Appscatkjns lor the 198788 mtrsmural Board it's your day to do a prairie fire Len 353-7907 are due Thursday. March 19. 1987 by noon in 1 INTRAMURAL BOWLING (CO-ED) entries due Happy Birthday 1 hope I can 2 bdrm. rum apt $400 for summer Ride needed lo-lrom Canton-Massson Navarre 108 SRC. Get Involved in your IM program make it very special r March 16th by 4 00 pm in 108 SRC Play HELP WANTED 2 bdrm. untum apt aval May or August Cal area Can leave ar/tune Thursday. March 19 bogine March 30th. ATTENTION LADIES OF B G S U Love. Jenna 352-3446 Wish lo return anytime Sunday March 22 One Now that hockey season la almost over and I'm 4 bdrm house hall block from Oflenhauer aval INTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED or both ways' Please Cal1 getting Bred of going out with the guys. I'm look- Ok) Peeuller Is finally In tel 1987 1 yr lease $620 mo 1-874-7874 Al interested MUST sttend an iiffn aasi druc Jan 372 6589 ing for a gel to spend my free time wrth H you at Campus PoMyoyeo alters TUBS March t 7 at 5 00 PM m the Golf Archery axe pktytng racquetbal. going to movies, and to WANTED room n the SRC Play negro March 30th Accounting Major Ride Needed to U ol Michigan anytime on Fri- have tun. cal me Jeff, 372-6404 838 Third Street OX BIKERS: Junior or Senior level Summer Orsy. Unfurnished INTRAMURAL SOCCER [M I W| entries due day 3-13 and return on Sunday 3-15 I wl pay ATTN Mr Jeff Johnston -a very neeralghted LET THE M DOG EATIII 6-8 rvs. a wk on buimeea recorde $310 per mon lh March 17th by 4 00 PM m 108 SRC Play tor your gas $ PLEASE CALL ROBIN agg-doner. bom May 2nd What's up mis SATURDAY AT THE OX RANCH. Bring Resume ' Good Wagea 352-4773 attar 8 PM begins March 30th 3726616 weekend? 352-2858 Journalism 300-Anokcaticni: now avasabie in Rebecca Room 319 West Hal Deadline March 18 Russel Sweats BUFF APARTMENTS NOW RENTING lor Speedo Swvnsurts school year 87-88. Furnished or unturrsshed 2 L AGA iarlX) Jama'by SHARK bedroom arxartmenta 9 or 12 month leases SERVICES OFFERED Jee-0 The Lesbian and Gsy Alllsncs meets REC CENTER PRO SHOP 120 COUNSELOR AND INSTRUCTOR ■BaaTe** Ram • $530 s month lor 9 month or rear!-O Thursdays 8 JO pm. m the Rehgious Ed Room POSIT ONS AVAILABLE Private Coed Summer $475 month for 12 month Summer rant * LortO at St Thomas More True week's meeting wi Alyour typing needs Camp m Pocono Mts . PA Contact Cayuga. $500 par apartment Cal Tan at 352-7182 or Thanks tor a memorable evening with Selected spring A summer merchandise be a ascusson about gay retationshos Alsup- Prompt I Profeaalonel P.O Box 234BQ, Kararworth, NJ 07033 364-1035 porttve persons are mvited lo attend Bring a Clara at 352-401 7 MeheoFO Pea-Wee would be proud' 20* - 50% OFF Jeans N Things 531 Ridge (2011-276-0106 _^______Check out the beet-kepi secret In BO aptal frtand"1 CeroFO Attention Coasge Studenta Go lo 802 6th St or eel 354-8616 and ta* to Pr* or Mat Speedo Swvnsurts National Company needs students lor rut-time summer employment Earn S2.000-S4.000 about a 4-paraon. 2 bdrm turn. apt. Russel Sweets plus scholsrshipe Work m your own hometown Jama' by SHARK A greet opoorhirvty. prua guarrarrteed income RFC CENTER PRO SHOP FALCON PLAZA APARTMENTS Appty n person Thursdsy March 1 2th or Friday Next ta Aspen Wine Reabwrant March 13th In Fort Rm Student Ureon at 1:00. OBM0HI0US At tv Art Price 2 bdrm --turn A untum SUPPORT KAPPA DELTAS SHAMROCK PRO- 2:00, 3:00. 4 00 P M Tooflrt SKCIHL: MflUT? CAN I Quoit JECT ON SATURDAY MARCH 14 BY HAVING Cat Tom 352 4873 days ExdDng Summer Job Oiwortunltiee 352-1800 evee Hou- TO QUOTE someone YOU ONLTrlflT? A FPJENO ARRESTED" PROCEEDS BENEFIT Toledo River Cnase Unea si looking for young f THE PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE FOR DlT lAlOMY MflPPflV adults with outgoing- excrang personalties MORE WF»JflMATION CALL THE KAPPA FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apt „ 6 bedroom house fKHlN,MfiU*. Jobs Blialsnkl In ticket resorvsttona. warier I DELTA HOUSE for Summer Term 1-267-3341 waltrassss, food prep , general utll \«mfc TAKE A STUDY BREAK i CHECK OUT OUR imexilenance. daaVary. etc.) Grumpa need not Four bedroom furnished house avaasble for UteOUE SPRING BREAK SHtRTS-ON SALE IN apply Write only send resume Den O'Connor summer errd-or tat of 1987 Greet locator' THE B A BUILDING! Toledo Rarer Crurae Unas. B16 Front St. $800 per month CM anytime 352 1159 Toledo. QUO 43605 Thanks to al volunteers House for aubleeae for summer $86 per month that heaped with the 1987 Men's Exp stable help wanted Part time Mon mm I ua par person max 5 Cal 363-3918 MkJ American Conference Frt 8:00 AM lo noon. Cal John 1-874-4241 a to sublease tor Bummer Swimming A Cwmg Championehipe Perryaburg Tim Stubba. Meet Director 5 bedrooms, for group of 6 or less Help Wanted Energetic, fun-loving people for Vary reasonable ratea Cal 372-3553 or bartender S floor waiter positions al Buttons 372-6558 lor more trio The officers and members of ASM reghtckib Appty after 8 00 pm Largo 2 bdrm. turn, apt tor lei dose to campua Would aXe k) thank their vtce-preaHont BARB Henry J'a Fundrlnkary GALLAGHER A downtown. $400 par mo. bid. id uH Is now ruing hosts hostessee. bartenders, bar- lor al her work on the Alumni ReceptionG 352-5389 weekdaya, 669 .1255 eves I maids. waereesM. croupiers and cleaning per- weekends The Slaters ol Alpha XI Deris would ske to con- sonnel Must be energetic, ambitious and have Classified Information Smel house does to campus The BG News gratiiate Geyle Stmad on her Alpha Xl-Oerta an outgoing personalty Al ooeMone are part Cal 352-2330 or 362-6764 after 6.00 p m Mail-In Form Tau Delta pmrwvj to T R Smith What a ana which Is great lor coasge students Apply BafpTM Wednesday Mondsy after 8 00 p.m 1532 S. Stave SrMh Apartment Rentals Houses and Love, DEADLINE: Two days « advance by 4 o m i The BG News is not responsible for postal service delays) Byrne Rd. Toledo. OH Duplexes tor 1987-86 school year 352-8917 Your Solera Looking lor e hwemrty-eorortty or student RATES: per ad are 65" per line. $1 95 minimum Two bedroom, (unvaried apartmenta for tha organlistlon that would Ills to make 87-88 school year 352-2863 50" extra per ad for Bold type TheU CM Halll Angel■ I500-J1500 lor one week for a one week long TVVO-STORY APARTMENT FOR SUMMER Approximately 35-45 spaces per line Saturday. March 14. 1987 on campus marketing project. Group must be SUBLEASE CLOSE TO CAMPUS. FOR FOUR Ladles ol BGSU-Get Reedy orgenlied and hard worklnc Call John PREPAYMENT is required for all non-university related business and individuals PEOPLE CALL 353-0075 OR 352-5004 1714767 NOTICE: The BG News will not be responsible for error due to aTegibMy or incomplete information Please come to 214 University vVeoe T" To THE Van Members of MIFCA-MAPCA Looking to earn good tl this term but your Groups ol 3 or 4 West Hal immediately if there is an error in your ad The BQ News wM not be responsible for typographical ' 'Steve. Dane Cretg. Kevin. Cortnna. Means. schedule precludes study hours? We have a Ranting lor summer A M '67 errors m classified ads for more than two consecutive insertions Ed. Nancy. Beth, JarMfer, John. Jeff. Hal. (feat (Ob for you representing mekx com- 362-0164 The BG News reserves the right to release the names of individuals who place advertising m The News The Becky and Jan" Thanks for an eraMrteMng penkM on campua wfth highly feilble hours. 1 decision on whether to release this information shall be made by (he management of The BG News The itde home from St Lours I lied a GREAT time! Call JOHN 17M707 Let's gat together soon1 (The Scenario- Urgent Meed someone to a aeume lesae i purpose of this pokey is to discourage me placement of advertising that may be cruel or unnecessarily Make hundreds weekly treeing ccuavsl No Mark's?!) Love. Kami 2 bedroom apL lor ir-'M Ctoae to campus embarrassing to individuals or organizations. Quotas! Umrta1 Rush aal-addresaed stamped us Can 2-1 $40. 2-1755. Try Dark 1 Tan envelope AM MAR 256 Robertson. Dept P7, at Campua Portyeyet Beverly HBs, CA 90211 Outness on lap OVERSEAS JOBS Summer, yr round. Europe, CO-OP CORNER CLASSIFIED MAIL ORDER FORM S. Amor.. Auetrala. Asia Al Ikstrja $900-2000 Typing and Word Processing Services and mo. Tajllullm Free Mo. VVrM UC. PO Bx Name .Phone # Resumes Thesis and dissertations AtoZData- 62-OH3 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 NEED A KAsssrER JOB M CLEVELAND? -acroaa from urvmen'e 362-5042 1 Opening tor Soph. Jr or Sr students rnejormg Resort Hotels. Cnaeosnss, Artnee. Amuse- an Acdg. IPCO. Ouetieoa or Mechanical Address UAO Sunbreek '17 ment Parka. NOW accepting aprjicaBoria. For Design Technology Pays 6 93-7.06 per hr Orgsnlrstlonsl Mealing more ^formation and an appscatlon: write Na- Social Security # or Account # 2 Hose-tarty Seres majors are needed at Hos- Monday, March 16 aonat Cnli aisle Recreation Service P O. Box dey km ss Desk Clerk. Conference Seles. Food (For billing purposes only) VERY IMPORTANT!!! 6074 Kaon Heed SC 29938 Preparation Faking Jr or Sr from Clove, area. ATTENOENCE 8TRONGLY ENCOURAQEDII Somewhere and aomethlng different for Sum- Pakl poaraoni! Please print your ad clearly. EXACTLY how you wish it lo appear mar Emrjloyment? Work on the downtown (Circle words you wish to appear in bold type) shoreene of Keasys Island M tha CASINO! Uve Expandbig rximpany In YouirsstrjwrfVVirren. entertainment 7 days a week Needed are Boerdinen Pokeid arse needs Fr or Soph to Heel & Sole txarssndors. warrara. wsXraeeea and cooks Ap- staff ratal ahowrooms Bus or Science matora ply to P.O. 26. Keasys Blend OH 43438 c-o welcome1 Paid position11 Tom Uanch 410-746-2323 Good pay Shoe Summer Employment PieaeiYlalUri given by oompany for studenta in- teresled In sales naming oooortunltlee lor sum Pul-ln-Bay Island Carryout Dal. 50-56 firs -wk mar • Tuesday. March 17, 4:00 PM In Co-op Saart nsd-May Prior food service esp helpful Repair Office. 238 Admin. Interview scheduk) to be ar- Cal trwtn Savermen (419) BB5-3793 rangad for toaOwkig day 504 Pearl St." Tutor needed 2 to 3 nights a week tor Fret Grader 1 1-2 lira per night. $46 a weak eel COOPERATTVE EDUCATION PROORAM Bowling Green 874-2347 as* for Joe or Coeeen IM MateX 372-2451 Tuee.- M. 9 - 3:30 Waapsoer helper PtWrvj and papering oontrac- Sot. 9 - noon tor needs a U or pert Itme hesjer Tranaporla- Classification In which you with your id to appear: ■on a MUST and must be darxsndable State deals