203 (2007) 346–365

Desalination by using alternative : Review and state-of-the-art

E. Mathioulakis*, V. Belessiotis, E. Delyannis National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”, Aghia Paraskevi, 153-10, Athens, Greece Tel. +30 (210) 6503817; Fax +30 (210) 6544592; email: [email protected]

Received 6 February 2006; accepted 15 March 2006

Abstract Energy is a critical parameter for economic and of vital importance in social and industrial development, as it is also quality water. Numerous low-density population areas lack not only availability, but in most of the cases electrical grid connection or any other energy source as well, except for renewable energy sources, mostly referring to solar radiation. For these regions desalination is a moderate solution for their needs. In using RE desalination there are two separate and different technologies involved: energy conversion and desalination systems. The real problem in these technologies is the optimum economic design and evaluation of the combined plants in order to be economically viable for remote or arid regions. Conversion of renewable , including solar, requires high investment cost and though the intensive R&D effort technology is not yet enough mature to be exploited through large-scale applications. This paper presents a review of the highlights that have been achieved during the recent years and the state-of-the-art for most important efforts in the field of desalination by renewable energies, with emphasis on solar energy applications. Keywords: Desalination; Alternative energy; Review

1. Introduction velopment agenda. The social and economic health of the modern world depends on sustainable Water and energy are two of the most important supply of both energy and water. These two critical topics on the international environment and de- resources are inextricably and reciprocally linked: the production of energy requires large volumes *Corresponding author.

Presented at EuroMed 2006 conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries: Cooperation between Mediterranean Countries of Europe and the Southern Rim of the Mediterranean. Sponsored by the European Desalination Society and the University of Montpellier II, Montpellier, France, 21–25 May 2006.

0011-9164/07/$– See front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 347 of water while the treatment and distribution of resources, the high land requirements and invest- water is equally dependent upon readily available, ment costs of renewable energy facilities. low-cost energy. The ability of nations to provide Apart from the referred reasonable arguments both clean, affordable energy and water is being for the use of RES towards the emerging and seriously challenged by a number of emerging stressing energy problems, there is a number of issues. reasons related to the more specific issue, the one Through the natural water cycle, one may have of the suitability of RES for seawater desalination: the wrong impression that fresh water is a renew- • Arid regions are often remote, coastal areas or able item, and in some way it is, even though the little islands where renewable energy sources availability of quality fresh water resources is are available and conventional energy supply decreasing dramatically due to the population in- is not always possible or at least easy to imple- crease, the irrational waste and especially to severe ment. In these cases RES represent the best contamination of the existing resources. There is energy supply option for autonomous desalina- a world-wide crisis concerning availability of tion systems. good quality water, and this goes to local, regional • Climatic reasons lead to remarkable agreement and national levels, despite the huge amount of on a time-basis, between the availability of water covering the earth’s surface. This situation RES, especially when referring to solar energy, leads to the application of cleaning methods or to and the intensive demand of water. Further- desalination of brackish and seawater. more, often freshwater demand increases due In most of the arid, semi-arid and remote re- to tourism, which is normally concentrated at gions fresh water is very scarce. This is especially times when the renewable energy availability true for the Mediterranean basin and the Middle is high. East regions where many big cities and small • Both renewable energy systems and desalina- villages suffer from lack of quality fresh water tion refer to self-sufficiency and local support. but, at the same time, they are blessed with abun- The operation and maintenance of related sys- dant salt-water sources. In seawater desalination tems in remote areas are often easier than con- the trend refers mainly to large centralized or dual- ventional energy ones. Furthermore, the imple- purpose desalination plants, as being more econo- mentation of RES-driven desalination systems mical and suitable for large density population enforces sustainable socioeconomic develop- areas, ignoring through this practice small poor ment by using local resources. communities. However, numerous low-density • Renewable energies allow diversification of population areas lack not only fresh water but, in energy resources and help to avoid external most the cases, electrical power grid connections dependence on energy supply. This has to be as well. For these regions renewable energy desali- seen through the prospect of the least develop- nation is the only solution. ed countries, where major water shortage Since ancient times humans have used renew- problems exist, considering as well the fact that able energy sources (RES), but the remarkable seawater desalination processes are highly development of renewable systems has taken place energy-consuming methods. after the petroleum crisis of 1973. At present, the increasing preoccupation for the environment has However, present situation does not reflect the consequently increased the interest for the use of obvious advantages of RES and desalination con- renewable energies. Naturally, one has to consider junction. More specifically, RES-driven desalina- the existing main limitations, related to the tem- tion systems are scarce, presenting usually limited poral and space-dependent character of these capacity. Accordingly, they only represent about 348 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365

0.02% of the total desalination capacity [1]. The problems arising. The criteria of analysis refer reasons for this are related to various, often corre- amongst others to RES availability, technological lated, aspects: maturity, simplicity, availability of local resources • Technology: The use in desalination systems for handling and maintenance, possibility to en- of alternative energy sources imposes the con- sure a given level of fresh water production, suit- junction of two separate and different techno- ability of the system to the characteristics of the logies: the energy conversion and the desalina- location, efficiency, etc. tion systems. Both are considered mature to a lesser or greater degree, even though there are 2. Matching renewable energies with desalina- still significant margins regarding the effici- tion units ency increase, as well as volume and costs de- crease. A real challenge for these technologies Renewable energies and desalination plants are would be the optimum technological design two different technologies, which can be com- of combined plants through a system-oriented bined in various ways. The interface between the approach. renewable energy system and the desalination sys- • Cost: Exploitation of RES and development tem is met at the place/subsystem where the energy of desalination plants represent capital-inten- generated by the RE system is promoted to the sive installations. By this time, renewable ener- desalination plant. This energy can be in different gy technologies are not considered totally ma- forms such as thermal energy, electricity or shaft ture and the various system components are power. Fig. 1 shows the possible combinations. still expensive. Even though prices decrease One has to note that in this figure, there have been continuously, still in many cases they are pro- introduced some changes regarding relevant hibiting for commercialization. references [2]. These changes concern the inser- • Availability: Renewable energies are unlimit- tion of direct solar distillation (SD), humidifica- ed, being though transient, thus presenting tion–dehumidification (HD) and membrane dis- intermittent character, leading to limitations tillation (MD) systems. concerning the maximum exploitation capaci- Renewable energy-driven desalination systems ties per time unit. Furthermore, the geographi- fall into two main categories: thermal processes cal distribution of RES potential does not al- and electromechanical processes. As regards the ways comply with the water stress intensity at energy source, a desalination plant powered by a local level. renewable energy is likely to be a stand-alone sys- • Sustainability: In most of the cases, the matu- tem at a location which has no electricity grid. rity of the associated technologies does not Stand-alone systems are often hybrid systems, match the low level of infrastructures which combining more than one type of renewable ener- often characterizes places with severe water gy sources, for instance, wind and solar energy or stress. Experience has shown that several including a diesel generator. In order to ensure attempts to integrate advanced desalination continuous or semi-continuous operation inde- solutions in isolated areas failed due to lack of pendent of weather conditions, stand-alone sys- reliable technical support. tems usually include a storage device. In recent years, due to intensive R&D efforts Through the above mentioned framework, the and to operation experience gained, advances in following discussion concentrates on the main conventional desalination plants, steam or elec- RES-driven desalination concepts, aiming to light trically driven, refer to a significant efficiency up their prospective characteristics and trace the increase and reduction of cost [3,4]. On the other E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 349


Geothermal Solar Wind

PV Solar Thermal Heat Electricity Electricity Shaft Electricity Solar ED RO Direct Collectors Process RO MVC MED ED MVC MSF RO TVC MVC SD MED MD HD MSF TVC MD

Fig. 1. Possible technological combinations of the main renewable energies and desalination methods. hand, the situation with renewable energy-driven Fig. 2 shows that the most popular combination desalination systems is quite different. At present is the use of PV with [6]. Table 1 time, these systems evolve through the R&D stage, gives an overview of recommended combinations or they are implemented as pilot plant size appli- depending on several input parameters, noting cations, presenting, in general, capacities from a though that other, additional combinations are also few m3 up to 100 m3. There have also been some possible [4]. Indeed, PV is considered a proper demonstration plants of medium size, mainly solution for small applications in sunny areas. For solar-powered, but a minority of those has pre- larger units, wind energy may be more attractive sented successful operation characteristics [4,5]. as it does not require anything like much ground. Not all the combinations of RES-driven desa- This is often the case on islands where there is a lination systems are considered to be suitable for good wind regime and often very limited flat practical applications; many of these possible ground. combinations may not be viable under certain cir- The general tendency is to combine thermal cumstances. The optimum or just simple specific energy technologies (solar thermal and geothermal technology combination must be studied in con- energy) with thermal desalination processes and nection to various local parameters as geogra- electromechanical energy technologies with phical conditions, topography of the site, capacity desalination processes requiring mechanical or and type of energy available in low cost, avail- electrical power. Therefore, the following combi- ability of local infrastructures (including electri- nations are the options most commonly used when city grid), plant size and feed water salinity. Gene- desalination units are powered by renewable ene- ral selection criteria may include robustness, sim- rgy [4]: plicity of operation, low maintenance, compact • PV or wind-powered reverse osmosis, electro- size, easy transportation to site, simple pre-treat- dialysis or vapour compression; ment and intake system to ensure proper operation • Solar thermal or and dis- and endurance of a plant at the often difficult con- tillation processes. ditions of the remote areas. 350 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365

Solar ED; 5% Thermal; MSF; 27% 10% Wind; 20%

MED; 14%

RO; Hybrid; VC; 5% 62% Solar PV; 10% Other; 43% 4%

Fig. 2. Renewable energy-driven desalination processes and energy sources.

Table 1 Recommended renewable energy–desalination combinations

Feed water Product RE resource System size Suitable combination quality water available Small Medium Large (1–50 m3d–1) (1–50 m3d–1) (1–50 m3d–1) Brackish Distillate Solar * Solar distillation water Potable Solar * PV–RO Potable Solar * PV–ED Potable Wind * * Wind–RO Potable Wind * * Wind–ED Seawater Distillate Solar * Solar distillation Distillate Solar * * Solar thermal–MED Distillate Solar * Solar thermal–MED Potable Solar * PV–RO Potable Solar * PV–ED Potable Wind * * Wind–RO Potable Wind * * Wind–ED Potable Wind * * Wind–MVC Potable Geothermal * * Geothermal–MED Potable Geothermal * Geothermal–MED

Although there do not exist any extensive tion installations being scarce, as a glass of drink- references concerning the real cost of water pro- ing water in remote and arid regions is actually duced by these installations, prices that have been precious and cost can be considered a matter of theoretically calculated [7–9] for large capacities minor weight. are higher than these from conventional desalina- The following analysis presents, in more detail, tion plants. In any case one has to wonder whether the potential RES-driven desalination systems. this is the main problem for RES-driven desalina- Emphasis is paid to the systems with the higher E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 351 prospects on a research and technological basis. specific application [15,16] or even evacuated tube Evidently, these systems comprise the most collectors [17] have been used as the external heat promising practical solutions within the medium- source. term time period. Within the category of indirect processes installations based on conventional thermal desalination technology, as MED and MSF, are 3. Thermal also included. For reasons related to the com- 3.1. Desalination powered by thermal solar energy plexity and the cost of desalination units, these plants are usually of greater size. Even though Thermal solar energy is considered to be one during last years the development of such instal- of the most promising applications of renewable lations has been rather abandoned, several MED energies to seawater desalination, as it is suitable and MSF pilot plants have been designed and for arid and sunny regions. A thermal solar distilla- tested during the past, especially in late 90s. These tion system usually consists of two main parts, installations have been driven by a flat plate, para- the collecting device and the distiller. Solar ther- bolic trough or vacuum solar collectors [17–19]. mal desalination processes are characterized as The evaluation of these plants has shown that direct processes when all parts are integrated into MED has greater potential than MSF for designs one system, while the case of indirect processes with high performance ratio and, moreover, the refers to the heat coming from a separate solar MED processes appear to be less sensitive to cor- collecting device, usually solar collectors or solar rosion and scaling than the MSF processes [4]. ponds. Solar thermal energy can be used, in principle, Solar stills belong to the case of direct pro- for the production of electricity or mechanical cesses, and due to the interest they present, they energy. Evidently, the process of thermal energy will be discussed thoroughly below. The low conversion is accompanied with a decreased effi- efficiency of the still, mainly due to the high heat ciency. During the past, only single attempts are loss from its glass cover, has led many researchers reported, as the case of a solar-assisted freezing through the survey of design concepts that would plant powered by a point-focusing solar collector decrease the loss of latent heat of condensation at field [20], a cogeneration hybrid MSF–RO system the glass cover or furthermore would partly re- driven by a dual-purpose solar plant [21], and an cover this energy. Thus, the idea of utilizing latent RO plant powered by flat-plate collectors with heat of condensation via multi-effect solar stills freon as the working fluid [22]. has come out. The basic principle imposes the use Finally, special reference has to be given to of condensation heat of the vapour from the n-th the solar pond-powered desalination plants, select- effect, for the evaporation of water at the n + 1st ed by some authors as amongst the most cost-ef- effect. Actually, one should talk of direct processes fective systems [23,24]. With relevance to this utilizing humidification–dehumidification tech- concept, different plants were implemented coupl- niques through a broad area of design solutions ing a solar pond to an MSF process [21,25–27]. [10–14], leading eventually to significantly im- proved performance, compared to a simple solar 3.2. Solar stills still. The indirect-type stills are based on the fact In solar distillation there exists a huge amount that heat is provided only at the first stage of such of bibliography describing all possible configura- a multi-effect unit, thus the use of external heat tions of solar stills, including theories, models and source is possible. Conventional solar thermal col- experimental results. Usually they are limited to lectors, corrosion-free collectors developed for the each special still design, while some of them 352 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 propose comprehensive reviews and cost analysis could be formulated as follows: What must be [8,10,28]. Most of the studies try to increase the done for further development, in order solar dis- efficiency by using latent heat of condensation or tillation plants to become viable and reliable in- coils to preheat the feed water and increase vapour stallations for small communities? condensation [29], separated evaporation and con- Through this approach, the following priority densing zones [30,31], capillary film techniques actions arise: [32]. Others try to increase feeding water temp- • To formulate a well-designed prototype still, erature by various techniques, as connection with and investigate the applicability of optimum solar collectors [33], use of intermediate storage design and mathematical models that are wide- in connection to collectors [34], or integration of ly applied in solar stills. Some authors have solar still in a multi-source, multi-use environment developed simple models to predict daily out- [35]. put depending on geometry of construction and Conventional simple greenhouse-type solar operational parameters of the still, being appli- distillation plants present specific disadvantages cable though to a wide range of single solar as low efficiency, high initial capital cost (counter- still configurations [34,36]. This has to be ex- balanced in part by lower operational cost), large tended for the case of multiple solar stills, as installation surface areas, vulnerability to extreme well. weather conditions (especially plastic covered • To find the best materials of construction. The stills), risk of formation of algae and scale on the term best should refer to materials that combine black surface and need for special care to avoid long life of the stills, resistant behaviour (e.g., problems related to dust deposition on the trans- no corrosion in fresh and salt water) with the parent cover. lower cost possible. This can be achieved only At present time, only a few small solar distilla- if global information is available. tion plants exist world-wide, referring amongst • To study and find the optimum operational others to the case of India. Despite the consider- conditions in order to avoid scale formation able number of plants developed in the past, and algae deposits into the basin and onto the including as well plants still existing, there are black surface, thus improving absorptivity of not available, at least published, analytical infor- solar radiation. mation about real operation conditions, cost of • To construct small plants in poor small com- produced water, cost of installation, operation and munities and collect all possible information maintenance or any other problem raised, i.e. in- about construction, operation and mainte- formation potentially important for the optimum nance, providing at the same time water to the design of new installations. people of dry regions. Solar distillation plants are not commercialized • To elaborate a reliable economic evaluation of yet, except for a few individual units. In fact, in a solar distillation plant. This should lead to many cases, one may use the term of semi-em- an optimum economical characterization of the pirical devices, thus characterizing the design system, comprising criteria of location, nece- level. Constructions are made with locally avail- ssary equipment size, labour cost and energy able materials resulting in economic figures varia- analysis. This type of analysis is considered tion from region to region. On the other hand, the to be complex and time consuming, mainly due overall economics and operation conditions are to the detailed meteorological data need. of major importance to be known. Considering the above mentioned status of Despite the problems and priority actions solar stills, the main question/problem that arises referred, even through an existing semi-empirical E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 353 design level, solar distillation plants may be the only solution for some small communities where f the only item that counts is fresh water production. e

3.3. Humidification–dehumidification c

As it has already been mentioned, the humidi- d fication–dehumidification (HD) principle has been developed while trying to solve the major g problem of solar stills, that is the energy loss in the form of latent heat of condensation. Solar f desalination based on the HD principle results in h j i an increase in the overall efficiency of the desa- lination plant and therefore appears to be the best method of water desalination with solar energy. Fig. 3. General layout of an HD unit:1 evaporation area, At present time, the HD desalination process is 2 condensation area, 3 heat source, 4 air circulation, considered a promising technique for small- 5 feed saline water, 6 distillate, 7 brine, 8 brine recircu- capacity, solar-driven desalination plants. Through lation reflux. this approach, one has to note the relevant signi- ficant bibliography, as well as the fact of various experimental units based on the principle of solar mixed with air may be recovered as condensate, powered HD being constructed in different parts by bringing the humid air in contact with a cooling of the world (for an comprehensive review see surface in another exchanger, in which saline feed [38,39]). water is preheated by the latent heat of conden- The process presents, indeed, several attractive sation. On the basis of this principle, there have features, including operation at low temperature, been proposed several configurations, differing ability to combine with renewable energy sources through the following points: the overall arrange- (i.e. solar, geothermal), modest level of technology ment of the main unit (open-air closed-water cycle employed, simplicity of design and ability to be and open-water closed-air cycle), the circulation manufactured locally. Furthermore, it has the ad- of the humid air between the evaporator and the vantage of separating the heating surface from the condenser (natural or forced), the packing material evaporation zone, therefore, the heating surface placed in the evaporator (Raschig rings, tissues, is relatively protected from corrosion or scale de- fleece, stems) and the way to bring the heat to the posits [11]. unit (heating of the feed water or heating of the The basic operation principle of the HD pro- circulating air) [38,39]. cess is the evaporation of seawater and con- The first specific bibliographic reference to the densation of water vapour from the humid air HD desalination is set by the year 1966 and con- taking place inside the unit at ambient pressure, cerns a pilot plant of 5000 US gallons (14.3 m3) while there is continuous humid air flow from the per day. It was called “Humidification Cycle Dis- evaporator to the condenser including recovery tillation”. The plant consisted of a condenser tow- of latent heat of condensation for the preheating er, an evaporator tower with Raschig rings and of the feed water (Fig. 3). More thoroughly, when long, plastic solar collectors [40]. A second refer- circulating air comes in contact with hot saline ence, in 1968, presents the parametric analysis of water in the evaporator, a certain quantity of va- two experimental units, of 3 L.d–1 and 196 L.d–1 pour is extracted by the air. Part of the vapour capacities, equipped with surface condenser and 354 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 with Raschig rings as the packing material in the the years and an average daily production of evaporator. Nevertheless, by the early 1960’s, the 11.8 L.m–2.d–1 has been obtained from the systems multi-effect humidity approach (MEH) has been without thermal storage, on an average gain output introduced, referring to the distillation by natural ratio (GOR) between 3 and 4.5. From this work or forced circulation of an air loop saturated with an improved concept has come out, including a water vapour [41]. It has to be noted that the term conventional heat storage tank and heat exchanger “multiple effect” does not necessary refer to well between the collector and the distillation circuit, distinguished stages, but to the fact that evapora- so as to enable 24-h operation of the distillation tion and condensation happen continuously over module [52]. Within the framework of the same the whole temperature range between the con- project (SODESA), a new collector with corro- denser inlet and evaporator outlet. sion-free absorbers was developed [15]. Since its introduction, the MEH process has The solar multiple condensation evaporation been evolved and various configurations have cycle (SMCEC) concept has been proposed as been investigated in different countries. Veza and well suited for developing countries with extended Ruiz [42] suggested the use of an external cooler rural areas, because of its simplified design, low in a direct, forced circulation process without maintenance, extended life time and low capital latent heat recovery. Investigation of an integrated cost [53]. The three main parts of the SMCEC collector, evaporator, and condenser [43] has desalination unit (solar collector, condensation shown that the efficiency of these desalination tower and evaporation tower filled with thorn units can be significantly higher than that of a trees), were optimized through a detailed modell- single-basin-still, while other studies refer to ty- ing, simulation and experimental validation. pical water production not more than 6 L.m–2d–1 Other relevant works present systems of closed [44], accompanied though to gain output ratio water circulation in contact with a continuous flow (GOR) values higher than 3 [45]. One may also of cold air in the evaporation chamber [54], open- note the existence of studies proving the positive air cycle systems [55] characterized by a high influence of the increase of the water temperature power requirement for air circulation, as well as a at the inlet to the evaporator of the MEH units, as solar operated HD desalination system driven by well as of air-circulation, on the desalination pro- a solar pond [56]. Recently, Nafey et al. presented ductivity [46]. A more consistent and systematic an experimental and numerical investigation investigation of forced or natural circulation units concluding that the productivity of HD systems has been attempted by Farid et al., reporting as is strongly affected by the saline water temperature well the development of a rigorous detailed model at the inlet the humidifier, the dehumidifier cool- that can be used to describe the performance of ing water flow rate and the recirculation air flow the desalination units working on the humidifica- rate [57]. In addition, Ettouney presented a critical tion–dehumidification principle [47–49]. analysis of the four main configurations of the Important can be considered the work referring dehumidification process, concluding to the need to the investigation of long-term performance and to fully optimize these configurations in order to the optimization of a compact, natural circulation, define the best design and operating conditions thermal solar-driven HD plant, constructed on the [58]. basis of the design originally developed by the University of Munich [50]. Two prototype plants 3.4. were installed and measured from October 1992 to March 1997 in the Canary Islands [51]. The Membrane distillation (MD) is a thermally performance of the units has been improved over driven, membrane-based process. It first appeared E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 355 at the end of 60s, and it constitutes the most recent temperature). The input heat, necessary to achieve development in the field of thermal desalination the required temperature gradient between the two processes. The process takes advantage of the channels (e.g., 80 – 65°C = 15°C), is introduced temperature difference between a supply solution, into the system between the condenser outlet and coming in contact with the surface, on one side, the evaporator inlet, by the heat medium. of the readily selected micro-porous membrane, The basic requirements for the membrane refer and the space, on the other side of the membrane to the negligible degree of liquid phase permeance, (Fig. 4). This temperature difference results in a while the opposite is required for the air phase, as vapor pressure difference, leading to the transfer well as to low thermal conductivity, sufficient but of the produced vapor, through the membrane, to not excessive thickness, long-time resistance to the condensation surface. The overall process is the seawater contact, low water absorbency, and based on the use of hydrophobic membranes, per- adequate level of porosity (70–80%). Materials meable by vapor only, thus excluding transition that have been used on a research level are PTFE, of liquid phase and potential dissolved particles PVDF, PE and PP. Typical sizes for the porosity [59,60]. are 0.06–0.85, for the pore sizes 0.2–1.0 µm and In a typical MD system, the feed water (e.g., for thickness 0.06–0.25 mm. 25°C inlet temperature) passes through the con- Despite the fact that the process has been denser channel, from its inlet to its outlet, while known for a considerable number of years, and warming up (e.g., 65°C outlet temperature). The the existing interest for commercial exploitation hot feed solution (e.g., Thigh = 80°C inlet tempera- in desalination applications, the high cost and the ture) is directed along this membrane, passing the problems associated with the use of membranes evaporator channel from its inlet to its outlet, while have prohibited the development of commercial cooling down (e.g., Tlow = 40°C evaporator outlet products. On the other hand, there has been imple-

Membrane Condensation plate

Hot feed Coolant solution Channel Condensation

Fig. 4. Principle of the MD process (left) and schematic diagram of a typical MD system (right). 356 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 mented considerable research activity, as depicted the same authors presented the first results from through the existing relevant bibliography. Sug- the on-going tests of a new compact, thermal solar- gestively, studies [61–71] are referred, as well as powered MD unit, installed in the Canary Island, a remarkable evaluation of the results obtained showing that distillate production rates of about up to now [72]. The relevant studies conclude that 25 l m–2 d–1 are realistic [76]. the feed water salt concentration has a very small A modified air gap MD process (Memstill pro- effect on the permeate flux and thermal efficiency. cess) aiming at presenting a low-cost alternative On the contrary, increasing the inlet temperature solution to both large- and small-scale RO, MSF of the hot solution has a major effect on the per- and MED practices, was developed by a con- meate flux. For instance an increase from 40 to sortium of nine parties. According to the author, 80°C would increase the flux by nearly an order MEMSTILL® houses a continuum of membrane of magnitude and the thermal efficiency by 12%. evaporation stages in an almost ideal counter cur- The selectivity of membrane desalination is higher rent flow process, making it possible to achieve a than this of any other membrane desalination pro- very high recovery of evaporation heat [77]. cess, and the produced water, as measured through Kullab et al. present results from the investigation the experiments, is proven to be purer even than of a stand-alone air-gap MD unit integrated with the water produced by MSF. non-concentrating solar collectors, aiming to the Within the field of desalination processes, one development of a commercial prototype for mass has to point out the MD process taking place on production. Scaling-up of the MD unit was accom- atmospheric pressure, and on temperatures not plished on the basis of experimental data obtained exceeding 80°C, raising energy demand to that from the prototype and a simulation was perform- of thermal energy only. For this reason, MD is a ed for a specific case study [78]. process with several advantages regarding the In summary, MD desalination seems to be a integration into a solar, thermally-driven, desalina- highly promising process, especially for situations tion system. In addition, integrating membrane where low-temperature solar, waste or other heat distillation with other distillation processes seems is available. When operating between the same to be promising, for example by using MD as a top and bottom temperatures as MSF plants, MD bottoming process for MSF or ME, so that the with heat recovery can operate at performance hot reject brine from MSF or ME could operate ratios about the same as the commercial MSF as the feed solution for the MD plant [73]. plants, but with much lower pumping power In bibliography specific reports to solar, ther- consumption. MD systems are very compact, mally driven, MD systems are detected. Bier and similar to RO ones, and at least 40-fold more com- Plantikow present the results for a prototype of pact than other distillation desalination systems an autonomous solar MD system, powered by a such as MSF. It is obvious though that a more in- 51 m2 collector field, and being installed on 1993 tensive research and development effort is needed, on the Island of Ibiza, Spain. A distillate produc- both in experimentation and modelling, focused tion of 40–85 l/h is reported for feed water flows on key issues such as long-term liquid/vapour of 0.8–1.7 m3/h [74]. Koschikowski et al. discuss selectivity, membrane aging and fouling, feed- the design and development of a stand-alone MD water contamination and heat recovery optimiza- system powered by 5.9 m2 of corrosion-tie, sea- tion. Scale-up studies and realistic assessment of water-resistant, thermal collectors. The maximum the basic working parameters on real pilot plants, of distillate gain during the test period of summer including cost and long-term stability are also 2002 was about 130 l/d under the meteorological considered to be necessary. conditions of Freiburg (Germany) [75]. Recently, E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 357

4. Electromechanical processes main problem of these technologies is the high cost and, for the time being, the availability of 4.1. PV-driven RO and ED processes PV cells. There are mainly two PV driven membrane With regard to the process selection, the choice processes, reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodia- of the most relevant technology mostly depends lysis (ED). The first one (RO) is a pressure-driven on the feed water quality, level of technical infra- membrane process where a feed stream flows structures (availability of skilled operators and of under pressure through a semi-permeable mem- chemical and membrane supplies) and user re- brane, separating two aqueous streams, one rich quirement: in salt and the other poor in salt. Water will pass • Both RO and ED can be used for brackish wa- through the membrane, when the applied pressure ter desalination, but RO constitutes a more rea- is higher than the osmotic pressure, while salt is listic choice for seawater desalination, since it retained. As a result, a low salt concentration per- presents higher energy efficiency than ED meate stream is obtained and a concentrated brine when feed water salinity is higher than, let us remains at the feed side. ED is an electricity-driven say, 2000 ppm. ED is preferable for brackish process where an ionic solution is pumped through water desalination, due to its relatively higher anion- and cation-exchange membranes arranged efficiency and robustness. in an alternating pattern between an anode and a • Considering the feed water quality, pre-treat- cathode. When an electrical potential is applied ment is often more strict in the case of RO, between the two electrodes, the cations migrate since RO membranes are very susceptible to towards the cathode but are retained by positively fouling. On the other hand, as ED only removes charged anion-exchange membranes, while the ions from the water, additional measures may anions migrate towards the anode and are retained be required (disinfection, removal of particles, by cation-exchange membranes. The described etc.) [84,85]. phenomenon results in ion concentration in alter- • Considering the energy supply, RO presents nate compartments (concentrate or brine compart- lower energy consumption but ED shows ment), while other compartments simultaneously better behaviour considering intermittent or become depleted (dilute compartment). Com- fluctuating electrical power, as a consequence paring RO and ED, one could say that in reverse of changes in solar resource intensity. osmosis the water is transported through the mem- brane and the electrolytes are retained, while in Several RO or ED desalination systems driven the electrolytes are transported by PV have been installed throughout the world through the membrane and water is more or less in the last decades, most of them being built as retained [79,80]. experimental or demonstration plants. An over- From a technical point of view, PV as well as view of technology options with reference to exist- RO and ED are mature and commercially avail- ing systems is given in [19]. Some authors present able technologies at present time. Besides that, experimental or simulation results [86–91], while RO represents 42% of world-wide desalination some others concentrate on cost analysis [92–94]. capacity and more than 88% of membrane pro- The challenge for the near future seems to be cesses production [81]. The feasibility of PV-pow- the development of small, autonomous, modular, ered RO or ED systems, as valid options for desali- flexible and reliable units, offering operation and nation at remote sites, has also been proven [82]. maintenance at reasonable cost, in order to serve Indeed, there are commercially available stand- the segment of isolated users [80]. On that level, alone, PV powered desalination systems [83]. The the development of battery-less systems, as well 358 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 as the use of recovery devices, is of special im- tion in real conditions still have to be reported, in portance. particular concerning fouling and scaling pheno- Obviously, batteries increase the overall mena. productivity of the PV system in an intermittent electrical power context induced by fluctuating 4.2. Wind power and hybrid wind power–PV solar radiation. However, they require careful maintenance and, hence, higher skills for sustain- The electrical or mechanical power generated able operation, conditions which are proved to be by a wind turbine can be used to power desalina- difficult at remote sites. For this reason, inter- tion plants. Like PV, wind turbines represent a mittent operation of direct connected PV–RO and mature, commercially available technology for PV–ED plant may be a promising option. This power production. A comprehensive review of requires modification of common design rules for wind technology has been proposed by Acker- the electronics and the water processing part of mann et al. [99]. Wind power is an interesting the plant. option for seawater desalination, especially for The battery-less option has been discussed by coastal areas presenting a high availability of wind some authors in PV desalination applications energy resources. Wind turbines may, for instance, [95,96]. Recently, Richards et al. presented results be coupled with RO and ED desalination units. from field performance test of a 1000 l/d PV According to some authors, wind powered RO powered hybrid ultrafiltration– or plants appear to be one of the most promising alter- RO system. The system operates without batteries, natives of renewable energy desalination [100]. and is designed to desalinate groundwater of Several simulation studies show the feasibility marginal and brackish water [97]. Advantages of of wind powered desalination technologies, battery-less systems with electronic power con- through the analysis of different types of mem- verters are simplified configuration, compact de- branes and feed water quality levels [101–103]. sign, improved robustness and long life of all com- There are also several installations powered by ponents of the power supply sub-system. Disad- wind turbines, either connected to a utility network vantages are higher cost and possible availability or operating in a stand-alone mode. Most of them problems of power electronics, longer periods in have been installed at Canary Islands, Spain: a ‘stand by’ mode with related risks of membrane 200 m3/d wind–RO plant for brackish water de- fouling, critical importance of optimized sizing salination [104], a 56 m3/d hybrid diesel–wind– of sub-systems. RO plant providing fresh water and electricity for Another promising option is that of the energy local people [19], a battery-less wind–RO [105] recovery devices. Pelton wheel turbines and pres- and a wind–ED experimental plant [106]. Based sure exchangers are commonly used in RO on the long-term experience accumulated at desalination to recover part of the feed pressure, Canary Islands, the Canary Islands Technological but both systems have been available for large Institute developed the concept AEROGEDESA, plants only. However, some authors have recently referring to a compact, stand-alone wind–RO sys- reported applications in which hydraulic motors tem with capacities between 5 and 50 m3/d. Fur- and a Spectra Clark Pump were used to recover thermore, experimental investigation of a shaft energy for smaller plants [96,98]. According to power-driven wind–RO system has been reported their conclusions, these systems may ensure by the same Institute [19]. higher efficiency over a wide range of flow rates Besides that, several other wind–RO desalina- and look very promising for PV–RO plants. tion plants have been reported in the literature Nevertheless, conclusions from long-term opera- [107–112] as well as some mechanical VC instal- E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 359 lations powered by wind turbines [22,113,114]. economic analysis showing that high-temperature In a recent paper, Carta et al. have presented a geothermal desalination plants could be a viable fully autonomous, battery-less system which option [122]. Karytsas proposed a technical and consists of a wind farm supplying the energy needs economic analysis of an MED plant, with a capa- of a group of eight RO modules [115]. The main city of 80 m3/d, powered by low-temperature geo- innovation of this system refers to the implemen- thermal source and installed in Kimolos, Greece tation of an automatic operation strategy, con- [123]. Bourouni et al presented results from an trolling the number of RO modules that have to experimental investigation of two polypropylene be connected in order to match the variable wind made HD plants powered by geothermal energy energy supply. [124]. Recently, Bouchekima discussed the per- The idea to use hybrid wind–solar systems for formances of a hybrid system, consisting of a solar desalinization is based on the fact that, for some still in which the feed water is brackish under- locations, wind and solar time profiles do not coin- ground geothermal water [125]. cide. Obviously, the opportunity to install such a Finally, the availability and/or suitability of hybrid system has to be carefully investigated by geothermal energy, and other RE resources, for means of simulation [116], using typical metro- desalination, are given by Belessiotis and Delya- logical data. Finally, it is to be noted that some nnis [126]. small-scale experimental pilot plants of this type are reported in the literature [88,99,117,118]. 6. Conclusions The use of renewable energies for desalination 5. Desalination powered by geothermal energy appears nowadays as a reasonable and technically Even though geothermal energy is not as com- mature option towards the emerging and stressing mon in use as solar (PV or solar thermal collectors) energy and water problems. However, and despite or wind energy, it presents a mature technology intensive research world-wide, the actual penetra- which can be used to provide energy for desalina- tion of RES-powered desalination installations is tion at a competitive cost. Furthermore, and com- too low. paratively to other RE technologies, the main ad- During the recent past, there has been a rather vantage of geothermal energy is that the thermal intense attempt to develop effective large-scale storage is unnecessary, since it is both continuous desalination plants, mainly powered by renewable and predictable [119]. A high-pressure geothermal sources. Through this activity, considerable expe- source allows the direct use of shaft power on rience has been gained, even if this option appears mechanically driven desalination, while high tem- to have entered a phase of relative stagnation. perature geothermal fluids can be used to power Yet, numerous low-density population areas electricity-driven RO or ED plants. However, the lack not only fresh water but, in most of the cases, most interesting option seems to be the direct use electrical power grid connections as well. For of geothermal fluid of sufficiently high tempera- these regions renewable energy desalination is ture in connection to thermal desalination techno- often the only solution. Through this situation logies [4]. there is a growing interest for the development of The first geothermal energy-powered desalina- small-scale autonomous solutions, also confirmed tion plants have been installed in the United States by the respective bibliography. by the 70s [120,121], through the testing of vari- Thus, what is important now is to move to- ous potential options for the desalination techno- wards the development of integrated solutions, logy, including MSF and ED. Ophir presents an ensuring reliability, robustness, sustainability in 360 E. Mathioulakis et al. / Desalination 203 (2007) 346–365 terms of local resources and effective performance gies (potentially including hydrogen), optimal at acceptable cost. From this point of view, there management of modular type desalination have been detected some promising technological units according to the energy availability, and options that have to be studied more thoroughly implementation of new control strategies, aiming to achieve optimum operation and over- supported by appropriate electronics, allowing come specific construction and operational prob- battery-less operation. Concerning efficiency, lems. Amongst the issues to be investigated, one a promising option appears to be the use of may mention the following: recovery devices, designed specifically for • The humidification–dehumidification process small scale applications. presents several attractive features, including the ability to combine with low temperature References renewable energy sources, modest level of technology employed, simplicity of design [1] E. Delyannis and V. 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