Geographica Timisiensis, vol. 19, nr. 1, 2010 (pp. 5157) ●


Florian BENłE, Corneliu BENłE University of

Abstract. Being one of the largest territorial administrative units of Bihor County, Tinca commune is the beneficiary of some favorable natural conditions, as it is located on Black Cri River in the area interpenetration area of the Western Hills with the Western Plains. Here there have been favorable conditions for practicing different branches of agriculture, for a long time where various craft and industrial activities appeared and develop. Meanwhile in the eastern part of the village there exist mineral and thermal springs, which have led to a development of a spas resort, but these resources are insufficient yet to be incorporated in a tourist circuit. Political and economical changes of recent decades were followed by the development of projects aiming at improving the infrastructure, the public services, the social assistance, the education, health, but also issues regarding recreational and environmental condition. Tinca commune, located at some distance from other cities in the county, has all the premise to strengthen the polarizing role for the area that fits and it is also a consequence completing the social and economic development projects.

Rezumat. Probleme actuale i viitoare în dezvoltarea socioeconomică a comunei Tinca (jud. Bihor). Aflânduse printre cele mai mari unităŃi administrativteritoriale ale judeŃului Bihor, comuna Tinca este beneficiara unor condiŃii naturale favorabile, ea fiind situată pe Criului Negru, în zona de întrepătrundere a Dealurilor de Vest cu Câmpia de Vest. Există aici premise adevărate pentru practicarea diferitelor ramuri ale agriculturii, dea lungul timpurilor apărând i dezvoltânduse diferite îndeletniciri meteugăreti i industriale. În acelai timp în partea de est a comunei sunt prezente izvoare minerale i termale, care au determinat apariŃia staŃiunii balneoclimaterice, dar aceste resurse sunt încă insuficient introduse în circuitul turistic. Schimbările politicoeconomice din ultimele decenii au fost urmate de realizarea unor proiecte ce urmăresc îmbunătăŃirea infrastructurii, a serviciilor publice, asistenŃei sociale, învăŃământului, a stării de sănătate, dar i probleme vizând agrementul i starea mediului. Comuna Tinca, găsinduse la oarecare distanŃă faŃă de alte orae ale judeŃului, prezintă toate premisele pentru ai întări rolul polarizator pentru arealul în care se integrează, aceasta i ca urmare a finalizării proiectelor de dezvoltare socialeconomică.

Keywords : local development, recreation, environment, infrastructure, mineral water, small industry, public services. Cuvinte cheie : dezvoltare locală, agrement, mediu, infrastructură, ape minerale, mică industrie, servicii publice.


Tinca is situated in the centralsouthern Bihor County, being crossed from east to west by the Black Cri River. The landscape is disposed in steps, the last extensions of 52 ● Current and future issues in the socio economical development of Tinca commune

Tăad Hills (part of the Western Hills) are continuing with the terraces and the broad meadow of Black Cri River. The area of the Tinca commune has important soil resources, which constitute the premises of social and economic development. Therefore, in the northwest of Tinca there were identified petroleum resources, and in the Black Cri River bed and the Gurbediu valley there are present significant amounts of gravel and sand, used by natives in construction and road paving. At the contact with the hilly establishments in the northern part of the village clay resources are found that have a local use. The biopedogeografice components are not to be neglected, broadleaf forests occupying about ¼ of the administrative territory of the commune while the agricultural area represents 68%. Meanwhile hunting fund have special qualities, being harnessed through frequent specific actions organized in this context. Black Cri River waters are representative for the important fish fauna, which attracts many fans in this area.

Fig. 1 The position of Tinca inside Bihor county PoziŃia comunei Tinca în cadrul judeŃului Bihor


Tinca and the neighboring village area are set up in an ancient human hearth habitation, excavations showing traces of settlements belonging to the Neolithic Cri culture. Far more numerous are the archaeological discoveries belonging to free Dacians, Roman and post Roman periods while at the beginning of the Middle Ages studied region is found the integrated in Menumorut ′s little country. Florian BENłE, Corneliu BENłE ● 53

This was followed by the instauration of the Hungarian domination, and in 1241 when the Tatars attacked Oradea, canonical Rogerius refuges to Tinca. The first official document is in a document entitled Hotărniciile and dates from 1338, and in 1474 the first Ottoman invasion took place. In the following centuries, these lands fall under Habsburg domination, when a part of the population became serfs. After 1792 the serfs in Tinca and surrounding villages received authority of foresters, which determined an increased deforestation and expansion of agricultural land. The commune becomes an important exchange centre, what causes in 1825 the building of stone roads to Oradea and to Ineu. In 1853 Tinca became a net residence, and in 1885 the town is elevated to the class of cityborough plain. The socialeconomical development of the region is highlighted by the fact that in 1900 the railroad Tinca is given in service. In the following period in Tinca there occurred processing units of local materials belonging to food and wood industry. Significant changes are also known in this village after the events of December 1989, when part of existing producing capacities are restricted or even cease operations. But it also appeared some local and foreign investors who oriented towards certain fields. The population of Tinca experienced characteristic changes in the last decades in most of the settlements in the country and first of all it has been a sharp decrease in the number of people from a maximum of 9775 inhabitants in 1930 to about 7500 inhabitants in the recent years. Negative demographic characteristics have widened in recent years and thus in 2002 the village population was 5.5% less compared to the previous census. Declining birth rates, increased migratory growth, aging population are only some of the demographic realities that characterize the commune Tinca. With the 4222 inhabitants in 2002 the joint center becomes one of the county towns of Bihor, its population representing 60% of the territorial administrative unit population. The other settlements belong to the medium category with a total of 1216 people in Gurbediu, 800 in Giriu Negru, 638 in Râpa and 570 inhabitants in Belfirul. The active population of the commune Tinca is 75% of the total population, of which 24% is included in the primary sector, 46% in the secondary, 30% in the tertiary.


Agriculture is one of the key sectors of local economy, the conditions for its practice being assessed as positive. The largest areas are used for sowing cereals, much lesser being those for industrial crops and fodder. Some areas are occupied with vines too (present in two areas of terrain) and fruit trees (recent orchard near Rapa), and for some specialized truck farming there are known some settlements in Tinca (in the meadow Black Cri River) and Belfirul. Among the industries best represented are those that process local agricultural products and timber, and in recent years there have also occurred light industries. An important part of the capacity of production in benefits of a capital belonging to local investors, less foreign investors (especially Italian). First of all in the joint center there are several units of milling and bakery products, the products being sold both in the village and in the neighborhood (, Calacea). Moreover, one of the companies owns a pig farm and 54 ● Current and future issues in the socio economical development of Tinca commune a microfarm for thoroughbred, slaughterhouses and shops for sale sausage and meat products in Tinca, Oradea, Beius, Vacău and Ineu. For processing of timber there are several specialized companies that produce among other modular series furniture, panels, noble essences furniture in unique variations and small series, entire production being for export (Italy, Austria, Germany, USA). Recently it has entered into service a new department specialized in chipboard furniture and a new dryer. For several decades in the northwestern commune of Tinca there operates a number of 14 wells for oil extraction, and here was also a collecting sedimentation point, refining being done in Suplacu de Barcău.

Fig. 2. Tinca and the component localities of the commune Tinca i localităŃile componente ale comunei

Town management ensure the requirements for drinking water for the commune center Tinca, but also for Belfir and Giri șu Negru villages, from these services also benefiting , Petid, Olcea and Calacea. The same company provides waste and garbage collecting (which are transported to the station of Oradea), serving it and cleaning station located downstream Tinca, in the Black Cri River meadow. It is mentioned the fact that even the joint center has no fully centralized drinking water supply, street network length nonexceeding 25 km.


Being situated at the contact of the high plain with the Western Hills, commune Tinca lacks a beautiful natural tourism potential. The main components that comprise physical and geographical here are the mineral and geothermal water from the Tinca Spa area, the Black Cri River, the reservation of narcissuses from Goronite (Gurbediu), broadleaf forest and interest in hunting animals. In Tinca spa, located on the right bank of Black Cri River, at the eastern extremity of the settlement, the presence of mineral water Florian BENłE, Corneliu BENłE ● 55 has been known for more than two centuries. Of the four mineral springs only two are used today. They have a bicarbonate, alkaline, lowiodine and burnt water. A drill conducted in 1980 in the south of the resort has found a pool of water with a temperature of 35 ° C, but it has never been used the work started for achieving a swimming pool was abandoned. The glade of narcissus from the forest near Gurbediu locality occupies an area of 1 ha, areals being spread between broadleaf forests. Here this plant is formed at the lowest elevation in the country (about 100m) and from May until June, the flowers are attractions for lovers of beauty. Among the anthropogenic objectives of tourist interest should be mentioned first of all the Museum of Natural Sciences, founded in 1956, with departments of geologypaleontology and zoology. Here are among other bronze axes, bone tools, hand mills, ancient pottery, furniture, craft plants, chests of drawers, popular costumes, icons on glass and wood, old books, manuscripts and many more. Tinca spa has its beginnings in the midnineteenth century (1840), when the mineral water here was used by people suffering from stomach or gall. It was made a modest house and furnished two bathrooms, heated water boiler valves were used as fuel wood. In subsequent years the number of visitors increased, baths becoming gradually a point of tourist interest. In recent decades there were made new bore holes, thereby being recorded other sources improving meanwhile the conditions of accommodation and treatment. Today the resort has warm baths with mineral water, bathroom facilities with light electrotherapy, galvanic baths, massage vibration, ionization, displacement underwater, plus paraffin and mud, aerosols. Mineral springs belong to the bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, sodium, soda, salt, spring no. 4 having a chemical composition very similar to those of the KarlovyVary (Czech Republic). The resort has two hotels of twostar with a capacity of 150 beds, the rooms are equipped with proper furniture, drinking water and central heating. Being operable throughout the year, the total number of those benefiting from treatment is beyond 7000 (over 200 per season) per year. Most applications are in the summer months, but the shelter climate with southwestern influences makes a fine weather to be kept until late autumn. Currently the resort has been privatized, with the prospects that this oasis of health to know important changes, as it is located within a park that covers an area of 10 ha. It is added the proximity to Black Cri River that increases the attractive elements.


Tinca represents and continues to represent a area of local polarization for the surrounding region. As an expression of this reality it may be referred to the existence (for decades) of the High School Academic Nicolae Jiga majoring in computer science, biology and philology where learn students from neighboring communes and territorial units (Cociuba Mare, Olcea, Husasău of Tinca, , Holod). It can be also added the weekly fair opportunity of disposing of agricultural products in the area and for sometimes here come to sell or buy people from Oradea, Cluj, Arad, Hunedoara, Bistria Năsăud, etc.. In the same direction is registered the opening of an notary office and even the existence of the Orthodox archpriest. The joint center has clothing stores for sale, restaurants, banking facilities, pharmacies, shops for luxury furniture, workshops for vulcanization, food, etc. In the health field, it is recalled that since 1989 changes have resulted in the closure of the Rural Hospital 56 ● Current and future issues in the socio economical development of Tinca commune of Tinca, nowadays in the joint center being located pediatrics offices, dentistry and medical centers, also laboratory for analyses. The former hospital building was equipped with a 50seat home for handicapped children. In the same area Romanian Relief Foundation arranged a family house for children who live here and they are cared for and educated by qualified staff. With the support of a missionary movement in the Netherlands it was built a home hospital for old persons which houses up to 30 people. For several years (in 2007) in the area of Râpa it was opened a social home office in which they live there age among a few dozen people who can not support themselves.


In the current stage of socioeconomic sustainable development for Tinca commune there are involved two major categories of problems: In terms of economic development there should be identified and emphasized those parts of existing administrativeterritorial unit level to ensure development as long as one is likely to lead to raising the quality of community life; In terms of environment, economic development directions must be accompanied by preservation of the environment, and ensuring a favorable living environment for future generations. And in this case we can add the fact that older people, generally economically inactive, have a considerable share. Thus it results the need to diversify economic activities in manufacturing and services, in order to best exploit natural resources of the studied human habitat. This can be achieved through actions involving investment in sectors such as infrastructure, environment, public services, housing, education, culture and art, health and welfare, recreation and leisure, sports, etc. For Tinca there are projects aiming to improve the infrastructure in the area and therefore they have the following objectives: rehabilitation and extension network for drinking water in Gurbediu village funding allocated (state budget plus local budget) 8.3 billion lei; reinforced concrete bridge over the Rătăel valley (Giriu Negru) fund allocated 3 billion lei (local budget); thermal rehabilitation of school buildings in Gurbediu (8 billion lei) and Giriu Negru (6 billion lei) State Budget; kindergarten for Tinca (31 billion lei) State Budget; extension of sewer and purifying plant Tinca ongoing phase; construction of a building with 30 ANL apartments project phase the state budget fund allocated 38 billion lei; rehabilitation Academic High School Nicolae Jiga from Tinca State budget fund allocated 13 billion lei; building gyms in Tinca SAPARD fund the budget allocated 13 billion lei; extension of water supply in Tinca SAPARD budget 28 billion lei; rehabilitation of old school in Tinca fund allocated 7 billion lei World Bank. By the geographical position of Tinca commune at the interpenetration of Western Hills with the Western Plain, and the location on the Black Cri River, as well as at the intersection of roads and rail communication routes, Tinca shows some perspectives in Florian BENłE, Corneliu BENłE ● 57 becoming an important polarizing center for the area in which it is integrated. The natural conditions allow the development of agricultural sector differenciated according to local conditions, the products obtained being processed in existing production units. To these it is added the presence of mineral and thermal springs from the Spa Tinca area, whose exploitation is required to be made. Through schools and health care units, Tinca has an important influence on the surrounding habitat, especially since the towns in the area are at a few tens of km away, the locality being the resident of a U.T.P. from Bihor county border.


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