Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta Edustajiston kokous 2/2013 Aalto-universitetets studentkår Delegationsmöte 2/2013 Student Union Representative Council meeting 2/2013

Kokousaika 28.2.2013 kello 17.15 Tidpunkt 28.2.2013 klockan 17.15 Time 28 February 2013 at 5.15 pm

Kokouspaikka Koulutuskeskus Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Mötesplats Utbildningscentret Dipoli, Otsvängen 24, Esbo Location Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan edustajisto kokoontuu kokoukseensa 2/2013 yllämainitun mukaisesti.

Kokouksessa käsitellään oheiseen esityslistaan merkityt asiat.

Aalto-universitetets studentkårs delegation sammanträder i mötet 2/2013 som ovannämnd.

I mötet behandlas de ärenden som nedtecknats i bifogade föredragningslistan.

Aalto University Student Union’s Representative Council convenes for its meeting 2/2013 as written above.

The meeting will address the matters on the attached agenda.

Espoossa 21.2.2013 I Esbo 21.2.2013 Espoo 21 February 2013

Martin Aalto

Edustajiston puheenjohtaja Delegationsordförande Chair of the Representative Council ESITYSLISTA DAGORDNING AGENDA

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta Edustajiston kokous 2/2013 Aalto-universitetets studentkår Delegationsmöte 2/2013 Aalto University Student Union Representative Council meeting 2/2013

Kokousaika 28.2.2013 kello 17.15 Tidpunkt 28.2.2013 klockan 17.15 Time 28 February 2013 at 5.15 pm

Kokouspaikka Koulutuskeskus Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo Mötesplats Utbildningscentret Dipoli, Otsvängen 24, Esbo Location Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Espoo

1. Kokouksen avaus Mötets öppnande Opening of the meeting

2. Estyneisyyksien, esteellisyyksien, vaalikelpoisuuden menetysten, eroamisten ja läsnä olevien jäsenten ja varajäsenten toteaminen Konstaterande av delegationsmedlemmar som är förhindrade att delta, jäviga, forlorandet av valbarhet, frånträdande och närvarande Recording members of the council who are unavailable, disqualified, ineligible, resigned and present

3. Kokouksen laillisuuden sekä kokouksen päätösvaltaisuuden toteaminen Konstaterande av stadgeenlighet och beslutförhet Recording lawfulness and quorum of the meeting

4. Kahden pöytäkirjantarkastajan valinta ja kahden ääntenlaskijan kutsuminen Kallandet av två protokolljusterare och två rösträknare Summoning two scrutinisers of the minutes and two vote counters

5. Kokouksen työjärjestyksen vahvistaminen Fastställande av dagordningen Confirming the agenda

6. Ilmoitusasiat Anmälningsärenden Announcements

7. Hallitusinformaatio (Näränen, Appendix 7) Styrelseinformation Information from the Board

In the meeting, the Board will present its latest news.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the Board's report on its activities.

8. Final report of Aino's recruitment committee (Pykäläinen/Lahti, Appendix 8) At its meeting 12/2012, the Representative Council appointed a recruitment committee for the recruitment of the chief editor of the student magazine Aino. The committee pre-interviewed the best candidates for the position and brought two best candidates to meet the Representative Council at the meeting 1/2013. A report was written on the operations of the recruitment committee.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the final report of Aino's recruitment committee.

9. Application of Prosessiteekkarit association for the position of a special status association (Kuosmanen, Appendix 9)

The Board has received a petition of Prosessiteekkarit association on the granting of a special status.

In accordance with the association regulation of Aalto University Student Union:

Section 8 Special status

An association operating within the Student Union may apply for special status.The Student Union Representative Council may grant a special status to the association which meets the conditions of the first register and, in addition

• Comprehensively represents students in one or several degree programmes

• Represents their interests in degree programmes, departments, faculties, academic and professional contexts

• Keeps in touch with the economic life and other actors in society

• Promotes diverse student union activities

• The association shall comply with these conditions in order to maintain its special status

The associations, which have special status, shall have the right and responsibility to arrange freshman education or similar guidance for new students and send representatives to cooperation forums offered by the Student Union. Special status associations shall have the right to support person in the Board and higher operating grants necessary for attending to their responsibilities. , jolla on erityisasema, on oikeus ja velvollisuus järjestää fuksikasvatusta tai vastaavaa opastusta uusi

Also, in accordance with Section 4 of the association regulation: ”An association in which at least 60 per cent of voting members, but at least seven members, are AYY's members shall be approved to the first register. In addition, all student union members shall be entitled to join the association as voting members if they wish to do so.”

Proposal The Representative Council decided to grant a special status to Prosessiteekkarit association

10. Application of Nuoret Designerit ry association for the position of a special status association (Kuosmanen, Appendix 10)

The Board has received a petition of Nuoret Designerit ry association on the granting of a special status.

In accordance with the association regulation of Aalto University Student Union:

Section 8 Special status

An association operating within the Student Union may apply for special status.The Student Union Representative Council may grant a special status to the association which meets the conditions of the first register and, in addition

• Comprehensively represents students in one or several degree programmes

• • Represents their interests in degree programmes, departments, faculties, academic and professional contexts • Keeps in touch with the economic life and other actors in society

• Promotes diverse student union activities

• The association shall comply with these conditions in order to maintain its special status

The associations, which have special status, shall have the right and responsibility to arrange freshman education or similar guidance for new students and send representatives to cooperation forums offered by the Student Union. Special status associations shall have the right to support person in the Board and higher operating grants necessary for attending to their responsibilities. , jolla on erityisasema, on oikeus ja velvollisuus järjestää fuksikasvatusta tai vastaavaa opastusta uusi

Also, in accordance with Section 4 of the association regulation: ”An association in which at least 60 per cent of voting members, but at least seven members, are AYY's members shall be approved to the first register. In addition, all student union members shall be entitled to join the association as voting members if they wish to do so.”

Proposal The Representative Council decided to grant a special status to Nuoret Designerit ry association.

11. Review on the sales project of Dipoli building (Kuosmanen)

The Student Union of the University of Technology constructed its student house in . The building, which was named Dipoli, was designed by architects Reija and Raili Pietilä and it was based on their contest entry Luolamiesten häämarssi . The building was completed in 1966. Along the decades, the building served not only as a student house but also as a conference centre and the scene for the preparatory meeting of the CSCE, among other things. The maintenance of the building was a considerable burden on the student union finances. As a result, the student union engaged in extensive and diverse business activities until the beginning of the 1990s. In the early 1990s, the building was rented to Helsinki University of Technology with a long-term lease, which was continued with fixed-term contracts for one year at a time in the years preceding the merger. Since then, the building has been rented to Aalto University.

The Representative Council of the Helsinki University of Technology decided the following at its meeting 5/2006: ”TKYE decided to authorise the board and the financial committee to continue the search for buyers and negotiations aimed at the selling of Dipoli building with potential buyers. In addition, TKYE obliged the board to take into account in negotiations as far as possible that the student union could continue to use Dipoli building in its activities in the current manner. The final sales decision with the total purchase prices must be submitted for the decision of the Representative Council.”

As a result of negotiations in the autumn of 2009, TKY's Representative Council decided the following at its meeting 10/2009: ” TKYE decided to authorise the board to sell on behalf of the student union the entire share capital of the real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Jämeränjälki and the plot No. 3 located in the block No. 10010 in the 10 th district of the City of Espoo to Aalto-Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy within the conditions referred to in Appendix 7.1 for the total purchase price of at least EUR 10.5 million, taking into account other terms and conditions considered appropriate. TKYE also decided to authorise the board to sign necessary agreements.”

The pre-agreement based on this selling authorisation of Dipoli building, signed in the year of 2009 (TKYH 46/2009) and continued in the years 2010 (AYYH 50 and 55/2010) and 2011 (AYYH 50/2011), on the selling of the entire share capital of the real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Jämeränjälki and the plot No. 3 located in the block No. 10010 in the 10th district of the City of Espoo to Aalto- Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy expired on 31 Dec 2012.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the current situation of the sales project of Dipoli building.

12. Possible selling of the entire share capital of the real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Jämeränjälki and the plot No. 3 in the block No. 10010 in the 10th district of the City of Espoo (Kuosmanen)

The Board specifies its decision. The Board has discussed the issue at its meetings 7/2013, 8/2013 and 9/2013. The financial committee has also discussed the issue at its meeting 2/2013. It was suggested that an advisory board should act as the implementing body for the sales negotiations of Dipoli building. The advisory board is authorised to look for suitable buyers for the building and negotiate on sales conditions, as well as search for a meaningful overall solution for the student union. Based on its work, the advisory board makes a proposal on follow-up measures to the Board which makes its proposal for a financially important decision in accordance with Section 38 of the student union rules.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to

1) authorise the Board and the Financial Committee to continue the promotion of the sales project of the entire share capital of Kiinteistö Oy Jämeränjälki and the plot No. 3 located in the block No. 10010 in the 10 th district of the City of Espoo;

2) establish an advisory board, which is authorised to look for potential buyers for the property, negotiate on the terms of a possible trade and form a meaningful overall solution for the student union. Based on its work, the advisory board makes a proposal on follow-up measures to the Board, which makes its proposal for a financially important decision in accordance with Section 38 of the student union rules.The President of the Student Union Board Piia Kuosmanen acts as the chair of the advisory board. Other members of the advisory board are Matti Carpén, Kari Inkinen, Tuomo Lähdesmäki, Reija Väätäinen, Jarno Lappalainen and Voitto Kangas. The chair of the student union's Representative Council has the right to be present and the right to speak in the advisory board meetings;

3) note that the advisory board is obliged to report on its activities to the Representative Council at the meeting 4/2013, where a possible next reporting date is decided on;

4) note that this decision is valid until 31 Dec 2013, after which the matter is to be reconsidered if the trade has not been implemented yet.

13. Approval of the additional costs of the renovation project at Jämeräntaival 6 in accordance with the appendix (Markkanen)

The Representative Council decided at its meeting 3/2011 on 13 Apr 2011 to approve the contract tendering on the renovation project of Jämeräntaival 6 with the total amount of €3.953.621, VAT 23 %.

Additional and alteration work related to the renovation were implemented as follows:

-construction contract Uudenmaan Mestari-Rakentajat Ltd €397.999,23 -plumbing contract, Talotekniikka 10 Ltd €24.173,53 -electricity contract, Korson Sähkö-Yksikkö Ltd €20.044,08 -ventilation contract, KJ-Ilmastointi Ltd €2.273,27 -automation contract, HK-Säätö Ltd €4.428

In total €448.918,11

Proposal The Representative Council decided to approve additional and alteration work related to the renovation as presented above.

14. Approval of the contractor for new construction at Otakaari 18 A and granting the authority to the Board for the renovation-related contract and loan agreements, as well as necessary mortgages (Appendix xx, Markkanen)

Staircases B and C in the residential building Otakaari 18 were constructed in 2004. The initial plan was to construct the staircase A for office use. In 2010, there were plans to construct Staircase A also for residential use. The actual project planning of the building began in the spring of 2012. The estimated costs of the project were €3.4 m. Based on this, ARA has granted the project the conditional subsidy of €340.450 and the interest-rate subsidy of €3.064.050.

Based on the plan, the contract was tendered. The offers received exceeded the estimated costs. The result of the comparison of contracts will be presented to the Financial Committee at the meeting on 25 Feb 2013. The result of tendering is presented in the following chart: Costs of Otakaari 18 A

Construction contract AW-Rakennus €3.402.587 Lift Kone Hissit Oy €44.750 Parking space (AYY's own project) €50.000 Planning, financing and construction €377.750 Estimated additional and alteration work €125.000

IN TOTAL €4.000.087

Proposal The Representative Council decided to approve the contract tendering for new construction at Otakaari 18 A and to authorise the Board to sign project-related contract and loan agreements and to decide on necessary mortgages.

15. Approval of the contractors for the renovation project of Jämeräntaival 1 and granting the authority to the Board for the renovation-related contract and loan agreements, as well as necessary mortgages (Appendices, Markkanen)

In accordance with Section 38 of the rules:

Significant financial decisions are made by the Representative Council. A motion concerning a significant financial decision can be made by the Board, the Financial Committee or the Representative Council. The Board and the Financial Committee must discuss motions concerning significant financial decisions prior to the final processing of the Representative Council.

Significant financial decisions of the Student Union involve buying, selling or mortgaging real estate, and starting construction projects or significantly tying up the Student Union's assets.

The project plan for the renovation project at Jämeräntaival 1 was completed based on LVV condition survey made in June 2012. Based on the cost estimate of the project plan of €6.2m, subsidies and the interest-rate subsidy were applied from ARA, which ARA approved subject to conditions on 13 Feb 2013. ARA allocated the subsidy of €655.906 and the interest subsidy for the loan amount of €5.903.157.

Contracts were put out to tender based on plans. The result of the comparison of contracts will be presented to the Financial Committee at its meeting on 25 Feb 2013. The result of tendering is presented in the following chart:


COSTS according to contract offers VAT 24 %

Construction contract 1.876.540 € Piping contract 1.222.640 € Electricity contract 376.000 € Ventilation contract 70.307 € Automation contract 15.500 € Lift contract 85.560 €

Planning costs 98.400 € Financing costs 140.000 Construction costs 104.550 € IN TOTAL 3,989,497 €

Reserve for additional work 1.037.300 €

Overall financing need 5.026.797 €

ARA subsidy 398 949,00 € ARA interest-rate subsidy 3191 599,00€ Self-financing share 398 949,00€ Reserve for additional work 1 037 300,00€ IN TOTAL 5 026 797,00€

ARA's subsidy and the amount of the interest-rate subsidy presented in the chart are based on received contract offers, which were lower in cost than the estimated cost of the project plan.

Reserve for additional work is justified in the attached material.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to approve the contract tendering on pipeline renovation at Jämeräntaival 1 and to authorise the Board to sign the project-related contract and loan agreements and to decide on necessary mortgages.

16. Housing regulation and the scoring of housing applicants to preliminary discussion (Laamanen, Appendix 13)

The housing regulation is being reformed in order to make it equal to all AYY members and function uniformly in accordance with the current practices. At the same time, the aim is to make the regulation clearer and to better serve residents.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the preliminary discussion on the housing regulation and the scoring of housing applicants.

17. Approval of the updating of Aalto policy paper (Salminen, Appendix 14)

The updating of Aalto policy paper began in the year of 2012, but the Board did not have time to present it to the Representative Council for decision during the year of 2012. The policy paper was in the preliminary discussion in the Representative Council meeting in January.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to approve updates to ”Aalto Policy” policy paper in accordance with Appendix 7.4.

18. Final report of SYL delegation (Salmi)

AYY participated in the union meeting of the National Union of University Students in in November 2012. The final report describing the operations of the delegation has been completed.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the final report of SYL delegation.

19. Board programme 2013 (Kuosmanen, Appendix 15)

The board programme is the implementation plan of the action plan approved by the Representative Council, or a description of which actions promote the objectives of the action plan in the year of 2013.

Based on the action plan, the Board, specialists, producers and volunteers have prepared a programme to support the planning, monitoring and reporting of their own operations. The board programme is primarily a tool for the student union operators and therefore its implementation will be monitored on a regular basis during the year.

The Board decided to shelve the matter at its meeting 7/2013.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the Board programme for the year 2013, called Talous ja Utopia .

20. Response to the resolution of Karppinen & Toivanen (Karjalainen, Appendix 16)

The Board decided to respond to the resolution in accordance with the appendix. Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the Board's response to the resolution.

21. Response to the resolution of Salmi & Laaki (Euro, Appendix 17)

The Board decided to respond to the resolution in accordance with the appendix.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the Board's response to the resolution.

22. Response to the resolution of Järvinen & Nyman (Jämsä, Appendix 18)

The Board decided to respond to the resolution in accordance with the appendix.

Proposal The Representative Council decided to place on record the Board's response to the resolution.

23. Muut esille tulevat asiat Övriga uppkommande ärenden Other emerging matters

24. Kokouksen päättäminen Mötets avslutande Closing of the meeting