Trinity Tripod, 2019-03-05
The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXIV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Number VI Curriculum Churchill Club SGA Men’s Hockey Wins Changes Proposal Draws Ire NESCAC Title AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 well as various student KIP LYNCH ’22 NEWS EDITOR and faculty speakers. The STAFF WRITER Sustainability Committee A working group The Student Govern- is also finalizing its plans has been formed page ment Association met on for implementing compost- to tackle expan- Sunday, Mar. 3, in order ing on Crescent Street. The sive changes to to discuss class initiatives, SGA also discussed the fu- Trinity’s curricu- the sponsorship of Enter- ture of the bus pass with lum. ing the Workforce During the Connecticut Depart- 3 #MeToo and International ment of Transportation, Women’s Day 2019: Around mandating that Trinity the World, and the future either join its UPass pro- Doctors With- of the Bantam Bus Pass. gram, which would result The Student Government in an increase in the stu- also heard committee up- dent activities fee, or can- out Borders dates and The Churchill cel its bus pass program. The Student Govern- SUZANNE CARPE ’22 Club’s request for approval. TRINITY COLLEGE ATHLETICS With the exception of the ment Association also STAFF WRITER lead, shutting down both graduating Class of 2019 heard a presentation by CAT MACLENNAN ’20 of the attempted shots. council, each class coun- The Churchill Club. Seek- STAFF WRITER page The Tripod high- Early in the second peri- cil has created an initia- ing the recognition and ap- lights Doctors Trinity men’s hockey od, the Continentals were tive aimed at meeting the proval of SGA, The Chur- Without Borders, played two fiercely com- able to capitalize on a needs of the student body, chill Club highlighted its a new organiza- petitive games this week- man up situation after a such as laundry, textbook focus on studying Western tion at Trinity.
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