Provided for:

Lancaster City Council

Date: February 2016

Provided by:

The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit Clarence Arcade Stamford Street Ashton-under-Lyne

Tameside OL6 7PT

Tel: 0161 342 4409



Author Suzanne Waymont CIEEM Checked By Stephen Atkins Approved By Derek Richardson Version 1.0 Draft for comment Reference LSA - 8

The survey was carried out in accordance with the Phase 1 habitat assessment methods (JNCC 2010) and Guidelines for Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (CIEEM 2013). All works associated with this report have been undertaken in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct for the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. (



















• A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal was commissioned by Lancaster City Council to identify possible ecological constraints that could affect the development of 8 sites and areas currently being considered as new site allocations under its Local Plan. This report looks at one of these sites: Dolphinholme.

• An ecological data search was undertaken of records held by the Local record Centre for , LERN, together with any additional sources such as the Magic website.

• An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of the site was undertaken on 17th December 2015 by two members of the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit. An assessment was also made of the potential of the sites to support protected and priority species.

• There are no national or internationally designated sites within 2km of the site but the proposed site allocations lie within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone. The site lie within 2km of the AONB and there are 16 Biological Heritage Sites within 2km. Two of these lie directly adjacent to one of the proposed allocations.

• A HRA will be required for this proposed allocation

• Many of the fields around Dolphinholme are agriculturally improved grassland of limited ecological value. However the boundary features and adjacent habitats have ecological value. Further habitat surveys are required to fully assess this interest.

• The proposed site allocations also have the potential to support protected species including bats, water vole, otter, badger and breeding birds. Additional surveys will also be required for these species before any detailed planning proposals can be brought forward.



The Greater Manchester Ecology Unit (GMEU) was commissioned by Lancaster City Council in November 2015 to identify possible ecological constraints that could affect the development of 8 sites and areas currently being considered as new site allocations under its Local Plan. This report looks at one of these sites: Dolphinholme.


The work commission involved:

• Desktop surveys for any existing ecological information relating to the sites and areas, particularly concerning the presence of specially protected sites or species.

• A ‘walkover’ site survey and appraisal.

• The preparation of Reports for each site appraising the ecological value of the sites and advising of any possible ecological constraints that may apply to future developments.

The Reports will include:

 plans showing any areas of potential nature conservation importance;  a description of the survey techniques employed and their limitations (if any);  the findings of the desktop and site surveys;  an appraisal of the nature conservation value of the study areas;  recommendations for further ecological surveys that would be required in support of any future planning applications for the sites and areas.


Dolphinholme is a small village located in the south of Lancaster City Council, on the border with the district of Wyre. The village is spilt into two parts a higher village and a lower part situated on the .

As part of its Local Plan, Lancaster City Council is proposing a number of strategic sites to meet the need for jobs and housing. The current proposal could provide sites for 500 new houses, along with rural employment land. Figure 1 shows the areas of land under consideration

The land identified at Dolphinholme is almost exclusively farmland (Figure 2)


All survey work was conducted by Suzanne Waymont MCIEEM Senior Ecologist and Mandy Elford MCIEEM, Ecologist (NE Bat License holder) with the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit. This report was written by Suzanne Waymont.


Figure 1 – Dolphinholme Strategic Site

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Figure 2 – Aerial View of Dolphinholme



The following UK legislation may be relevant to the proposed site allocations:

• The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended)

• The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended)

• The Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act (2006)

• Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000

• Protection of Badgers Act 1992

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012 acts as guidance for local planning authorities and decision-takers, both in drawing up plans and making decisions about planning applications.


3.1 Desk Study

The Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (MAGIC) collaborative database website ( was searched for information on key environmental schemes and statutory designations in January 2016.

An Ecological Data search was undertaken from the Local Record Centre covering Lancaster LERN. Information on all protected and priority species within 2km of the site allocations together with the citations for any BHS sites was requested. Therefore the North Lancashire Bat Group and the Lancashire Badger Group were also contacted for data.

The results of these studies is found in Section 4

3.2 Field Survey

The main survey of the site was undertaken using an extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey methodology. This survey method records habitat distributions, assesses the potential of the site to support protected and priority species and records flora and fauna present at the time of survey. However no detailed surveys for species were undertaken. Invasive non-native plant species stands, as listed under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended, were also noted, where present.

The survey was undertaken on the 17th December 2015 by Suzanne Waymont MCIEEM Senior Ecologist and Mandy Elford MCIEEM, Ecologist (NE Bat License holder) with the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit. The weather conditions at the time of survey were mild but with heavy rain showers.

3.3 Survey limitations

The timing of the survey in December is outside of the ideal time to undertake full ecological surveys. In addition the weather conditions at the time of survey included heavy rain and the area had been subject to heavy rainfall and flooding in the preceding weeks, meaning signs of protected species may have been washed away. Many invasive, non-native plant species die back over winter, although their remains are often visible.


However the nature of the survey was to provide an initial appraisal of the ecological value of the site, advise on any possible ecological constraints and to provide recommendations for any further ecological surveys that would be required. The limitations listed above did not therefore limit the primary purpose of the survey; areas that supported habitats of potential interest, and features that could be used by protected species requiring further survey could be identified.

The data search from LERN includes only data that they are at liberty to distribute. The absence of biological records for an area in no way implies that taxa are not present.



The desktop search results are shown in Appendix 1.

Designated Sites and Areas There are no statutory designated sites within 2km of the proposed site allocations. The closest site is Bowland Fells Special Protection Area for birds (SPA) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The citations for these designations can be found in Appendix 2

The SPA supports expansive blanket bog and heather dominated moorland which provides suitable habitat for a diverse range of upland breeding birds, including merlin (Falco columbarius), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) and lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus). The SSSI is also designated for its upland habitats and associated avifauna, together with the presence of a number of nationally or locally uncommon plant species

The proposed sites around Dolphinholme lie within a SSSI Impact Risk Zone, which are used to assess planning applications for likely impacts on SSSIs/SACs/SPAs & Ramsar sites (). The risks listed for the majority of the proposed sites include: • Aviation proposals • Wind turbines • Pig and poultry units as well as any other development/ industrial or commercial process that could cause air pollution. • General combustion process • Landfill • Discharge of water or liquid more than 20m2/day

The Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) lies with 2km of the proposed site allocations. Any proposals that come forward for the proposed sites may need to take into consideration the AONB in their design; however in ecological terms any impacts will be encompassed within the sections below. No further consideration is given to the AONB at this stage.

There are 16 Biological Heritage Sites (BHS) within 2km of the proposed sites. The citation for these sites can be found in Appendix 3. The table below lists the BHS and the reasons for selection.



Site Name Central Grid Reason for Selection Reference Mill Wood SD517530 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Dolphinholme Churchyard SD517533 Species rich, semi neutral grassland – Grassland (Gr3) Flowering Plants and Ferns (Ff4)? Fox’s Wood SD514520 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Wyre Wharf Wood SD515520 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Wyre Valley Gravel Pits SD505507 A large complex of water bodies together with associated semi-natural habitat - Artificial Habitats (Ar1) & Birds (Av8d) Cleveley Woods SD504509 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Brunstow Wood SD501552 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Cocker Clough Wood SD508559 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Starbank Wood SD523546 Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Ortner Wood (Sparrow Gill) SD530542 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Weir Wood SD528537 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Brigbank and Horse Holme SD535539 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub Woods (Wd1) Mill Wood SD540542 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Throstle Nest Wood (Caw SD537548 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub Brook) (Wd1) Long Wood SD544539 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Mark Holme Wood (Hall Gill) SD544538 Ancient Woodland - Woodland and Scrub (Wd1) Flowering Plants and Ferns (Ff4b) & Bryophytes (Br2)



Ancient Woodland There are a number of ancient woodlands within 2km of the proposed site allocations. Ancient woodland is any wooded area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600AD. All of these woodland sites are selected as BHS.

Species and Species Groups

Badgers The data search form LERN did not return any records for badgers, although their records do not include information from the Lancashire Badger Group. The badger group has been contacted separately for their information, although no reply has been received so far. Any results will be published in a separate confidential report.

Otters There are two records for otter within 2km of the proposed site allocations both on the River Wyre. The closest, and newest record, is within 150m of VE5.

Bats Eight species of bats have been recorded from within 5km of the site together with records of unidentified bat species. Five of these species are recorded as roosting, together with unidentified bat species and pipistrelle species. These are common pipistrelle, soprano pipistrelle, Daubenton’s bat, natterer’s bat and brown long-eared bat.

One roost record for soprano pipistrelle is shown as occurring within site VE2, in the middle of one of the fields. However the record is described as being in a converted mill building. This anomaly is probably due to the accuracy level of grid reference given for the record and the roost is likely to occur in one of the buildings in the village. A number of other roost records are recorded from properties outside of the proposed sites.

Brown Hare A number of records for brown hare were returned for the fields around Dolphinholme, although there were no records within the proposed sites.

Amphibians and Reptiles No records of great crested newt were returned. Records of common toad (Species of Principle Importance) and common frog are present.

A record for slow worm was also returned

Species of Principle Importance This group of species have been identified as being of Principle Importance for Conservation in England under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act which came into force on 1st Oct 2006. In additional to the species listed above records for 71 other species were returned, although none of these appear to have been recorded from the proposed sites. These were largely birds and . A full list can be found in Appendix 1

56 Lancashire BAP Long List Species occur within 2km of the proposed sites, although none are recorded from the sites. These are species which occur in Lancashire and are considered to be of significance. A full list can be found in Appendix 1


Invasive and Non-Native Species Invasive Species are considered to be any non-native or plant that has the ability to spread causing damage to the environment, the economy, our health and the way we live (GB Non-native Species Secretariat)

The data search returned records for 8 such species within 2km of the site. These are largely plant species and include: Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Canadian Waterweed, Giant Hogweed, Monkeyflower, Rhododendron, water fern and Ruddy Duck. None of these appear to have been recorded from the proposed sites.



The proposed sites around Dolphinholme are primarily agriculturally improved pastures with field boundaries of hedgerows and walls. A number of small streams or brooks occur on the sites and a number of woodlands are directly adjacent to the sites. The results of the survey can be found in Figure 3. The topography of the land is undulating with the land rising to the north west of the village and falling to the south east, towards the Rive Wyre.


Figure 3 – Phase 1 Habitat Map Dolphinholme


VE1 Two large agricultural improved fields in the east of the Dolphinholme upper village. Two small brooks form the boundary of the site in the east and west of the site. The boundary of the site along the road is a species poor hedgerow, a section of which supports mature trees. The boundary separating the two fields is a species poor defunct hedgerow.


VE2 A series of agriculturally improved grassland fields surrounded by species poor hedgerows, some of which also support mature trees. There is a small strip of broadleaved woodland along the boundary of one field (see Figure 3). The land rises upwards towards Croft Height Wood, in the north of the site. There is an area of rush pasture immediately to the south of the Wood (SD541537), although this appeared to be largely soft rush.


VE3 A small agriculturally improved field that appears to be used informally for football. The land slopes down towards the Rive Wyre. The land lies adjacent to an area of formal public open space.


VE4 This site consists of three agriculturally improved fields to the south west of the lower village. The fields are separated internally by species poor defunct hedges. A small stream forms the western boundary of the site separating the fields from the Pennington Wood, a conifer plantation. The northern boundary along Anyon Lane is a stone wall with the southern boundary being species poor intact hedgerow along Long Lane. There is a tree in the hedgerow close to the woodland.



A large agriculturally improved grassland field in the south of the lower village. The land slopes down from Long Lane toward the adjacent Mill Wood BHS. A small brook crosses the southern corner of the field, flowing in from VE4 into Redmond Wood. Redwood Wood is a mixed woodland with some broadleaved species and some areas of conifer plantation. The hedgerow along Long Lane is species poor intact hedgerow with mature oak trees in the southern most section. Several mature trees occur on the south eastern boundary of the site.


Protected and Priority Species

Water Vole A number of small streams are present around Dolphinholme, particularly in areas VE2, VE4 and VE5. At the time of survey the brooks had high flow rates and in places the banks had been washed out, particularly VE5. Any signs of the presence of water voles are likely to have been lost.

Bats The habitats around Dolphinholme are generally favourable for bats. The high number of hedges and small pockets of woodland provide good commuting and foraging routes for bats. In addition, many of the mature trees on site have features that could be used by roosting bats.

The mapped areas of the sites also included several buildings, although the mini-brief states that there are no built structures within the sites. Many of these buildings have features that could be used by bats as roosting sites.

Breeding Birds The hedgerows, trees, scrub and small pockets of woodland, as well as some of the buildings, are all likely be used by breeding birds.

Badgers No signs of badgers were observed during the survey but given the weather conditions, some signs may have been missed.

Invasive and Non Native Species No such species were recorded during the surveys but given the timing they may not have been visible, as many die back in the winter months.


Although large areas of the proposed site allocations support habitats of limited ecological value there are number of constraints on any future development at the sites.

SSSI Any proposals that come forward that are within the categories identified by Natural England in the SSSI Impact Risk Zone may need to undertake additional surveys and studies.

BHS As identified above there are 16 SBIs within 2km of the site allocations. Two (Mill Wood and Dolphinholme Churchyard) lie directly adjacent to VE5 and could be directly impacted by development at this location. The other sites may be impacted by increased recreational pressure or increased pollution from new traffic generated from any new development.

Woodlands Aside from the BHS woodland, there are a number of small woodlands directly adjacent to the proposed site allocations. The woodlands could be affected by diffuse pollution from any development in the form of surface water run-off, particularly in the case of Pennington Wood and Redmond Wood, as well as increased recreational pressure.

Hedgerows, Woodland Strip and scattered Trees The proposed allocation sites support a network of hedgerows, woodland strips and individual trees. As well as being valuable in their own right, these features provided important habitat for bats and birds (see below). As well as direct loss of these habitat features development could lead to deterioration of the habitats due to increased disturbance and diffuse pollution.


Aquatic Habitats and Species As the village of Dolphinholme lies above the River Wyre, any development at the sites could result in increased pollution through surface water run-off as well as direct habitat loss. The habitat or resting places of otters could also be affected.

A number of small streams are found on the sites these may be impacted through pollution, changes in water flow, and direct loss of habitat. The streams may also provide habitat for water voles.

Rush Pasture – VE2 Although the rush pasture identified within VE2 appeared to be species poor, it should be resurveyed at an appropriate time of year.

Bats There are numerous mature trees across the sites that have the potential to be used by roosting and foraging bats. There are a number of roost records recorded from nearby buildings. The network of hedgerows and woodland blocks may provide important foraging and commuting corridors across the landscape.

Birds The habitats across the site are likely to be used by nesting birds, particularly the woodlands, hedgerows and trees. Due to the large size of the proposed site allocations, there could be a cumulative impact.


TABLE 2 ECOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS Receptor Potential Driver Further Requirements Timing Ecological Implications Bowland Fells Loss of habitat for Legislation Dependant of requirements SSSI/SPA birds using the of the HRA Survey dependent SPA/SSSI Ecological surveys and/or pollution studies dependent on the nature of the detailed proposals brought forward Dolphinholme Disturbance to Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat Survey May to July Churchyard BHS species rich grassland and rare plants Mill Wood BHS Disturbance to Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat Survey March to May ancient Woodland weather dependent Woodlands Increased Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat Survey March to May disturbance to UK BAP during spring weather dependent woodland habitat, increased risk of pollution Introduction of non-native species Hedgerow, Direct loss of Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat Survey April to June woodland strips, habitat UK BAP (see also bats) inclusive scattered trees Aquatic Habitats Direct loss of Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat survey May to September habitat UK BAP Increased risk of pollution Rush Pasture – Direct loss of Planning Policy Phase 1 Habitat survey May to September VE2 habitat Bats Injury or harm to Legislation • Activity surveys across • May to bats site and adjacent September Loss of roosting habitats site • Detailed inspection of • October to March Loss of foraging mature trees (when leaves not habitat on trees Loss of commuter routes

Otter Inquiry or harm to Legislation Surveys of River Wyre may All year otter be necessary if any Loss of habitat proposal will affect the River. Water Vole Inquiry or harm to Legislation Surveys of all streams and March to October water vole ditches on site for water Loss of burrows voles and habitat Badger Inquiry or harm to Legislation Survey of all woodland All year badgers strips and adjacent Loss of foraging woodland areas habitat Breeding Birds Loss of nesting Legislation Breeding bird survey 3 surveys visits: habitat 1-March to April; 2- Loss of feeding Early April to mid habitat May;3- mid May to late June


Summary of On Site Ecological Constraints




6.1 Although many of the fields around Dolphinholme are agriculturally improved grassland of limited ecological value, the boundary features and adjacent habitats have ecological value. Further habitat surveys are required to fully assess this interest.

6.2 Additional surveys may be required to support the HRA required for development at this location.

6.3 The proposed site allocations also have the potential to support protected species including bats, water vole, otter, badger and breeding birds. Additional surveys will also be required for these species before any detailed planning proposals can be brought forward.


CIEEM (2013) Guidelines for preliminary ecological appraisal. pdf

CIEEM (2015) Guidelines for Ecological Report Writing

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (2010) Handbook For Phase 1 Habitat Survey – A Technique For Environmental Audit. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough





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©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016


TABLE 3 OTHER BAT RECORDS © LANCASHIRE ENVIRONMENT RECORD NETWORK 2016 COMMON NAME GRID ABUNDANCE COMMENT YEAR REFERENCE Bats SD48895399 2015 Bats SD502487 Observed through binoculars 1993 Bats SD527536 3 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Bats SD527536 3 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Bats SD527536 1 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Bats SD527536 2 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Bats SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Bats SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Bats SD5555 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Bats SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Bats SD480553 Sunrise Survey 2003 Bats SD483553 Already left 2009 Bats SD490499 1997 Bats SD465543

Bats SD500574 2003 Bats SD477555 1985 Bats SD493511 1986 Bats SD500490 104 Count of - 1991 Bats SD501490 1991 Bats SD481553 1994 Brandt's Bat SD485503 25 Count of - 2002 Brandt's Bat SD525482 1 Count of - 1994 Brown Long-eared 2008 Bat SD478522 40 Count of - Reroofing proposed Brown Long-eared 2009 Bat SD500576 2 Count of - Flew past SW to NE Brown Long-eared 2006 Bat SD481537 30 Count of - In tower Brown Long-eared 1992 Bat SD478522 40 Count of - Brown Long-eared 2009 Bat SD478522 5 Count of - Brown Long-eared 1990 Bat SD470513 Brown Long-eared 1998 Bat SD507538 4 Count of - Common Pipistrelle SD5056 6 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Common Pipistrelle SD5358 5 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5358 5 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5555 6 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 8 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 3 Count of - Field transect survey 1999


COMMON NAME GRID ABUNDANCE COMMENT YEAR REFERENCE Common Pipistrelle SD5056 6 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Common Pipistrelle SD5349 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Common Pipistrelle SD5349 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Common Pipistrelle SD5349 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2005 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 41 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 42 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 6 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 12 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 5 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5349 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2005 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5555 12 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5358 6 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5358 8 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5056 12 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 2 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 2 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 7 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Common Pipistrelle SD5451 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 1 Count of Adult; Sensitive. Flying over river close to Daubenton's Bat SD5150053500 2015 10+ Count of - road bridge Daubenton's Bat SD527536 21 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 21 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 43 Count of - Waterway transect survey 2000 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 45 Count of - Waterway transect survey 2000 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 41 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 41 Count of - Waterway transect survey 1998 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 74 Count of - Waterway transect survey 2000 Daubenton's Bat SD527536 76 Count of - Waterway transect survey 2000 Daubenton's Bat SD48305763 2007 Daubenton's Bat SD482576 14 Count of - 2003 Daubenton's Bat SD482576 32 Count of - 2009 Noctule Bat SD5555 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Noctule Bat SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Noctule Bat SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Noctule Bat SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2006


COMMON NAME GRID ABUNDANCE COMMENT YEAR REFERENCE Noctule Bat SD5555 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Noctule Bat SD5555 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Noctule Bat SD5555 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Noctule Bat SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Noctule Bat SD500576 1 Count of - Flew over 2009 Noctule Bat SD465537 2 Count of present Foraging 2012 Pipistrelle SD567552 2 Count of - Entered barn at dawn 2009 Pipistrelle SD520520 90 Count of - Exclusion requested 1989 Pipistrelle SD506487 Exclusion requested 1989 Pipistrelle SD519534 137 Count of - 143 bats on 19/7/85 1985 Pipistrelle SD465537 3 Count of present Commuting/Foraging 2012 Pipistrelle SD500490 Nil during count 1993 Pipistrelle SD52655437 VerifiedCertain 2013 Pipistrelle SD500586 1 Count of - Broken forearm 2010 Pipistrelle SD500576 3 Count of present Flying through 2011 Pipistrelle SD487512 Bats in school 2006 Pipistrelle SD503489 100 Count of - More than 100 1987 Pipistrelle SD487512 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD488513 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD488513 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD564545 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD486561 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD477555 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD486575 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Pipistrelle SD501490 170 Count of - at end June 1990 Pipistrelle SD483498 1 Count of present Commuting 2012 Pipistrelle SD521528 5 Count of present Commuting 2011 Pipistrelle SD483553 3 Count of present Foraging 2012 Pipistrelle SD485557 1 Count of - Grounded 2009 Pipistrelle SD511549 3 Count of present Feeding 2007 Pipistrelle SD524569 1 Count of present Feeding 2010 Pipistrelle SD485558 1 Count of present Feeding 2008 Pipistrelle SD500576 Feeding 2011 Pipistrelle SD500576 Feeding 2011 Pipistrelle SD483556 1 Count of - Died 2010 Pipistrelle SD464523 7 Count of - 1987 Pipistrelle SD502505 1988 Pipistrelle SD486576 7 Count of - 2007 Pipistrelle SD485579 1994 Pipistrelle SD502505 1 Count of - 1988 Pipistrelle SD464522 106 Count of - 1986 Pipistrelle SD519534 1985


COMMON NAME GRID ABUNDANCE COMMENT YEAR REFERENCE Pipistrelle SD518534 1985 Pipistrelle SD477557 1985 Pipistrelle SD487514 158 Count of - 1987 Pipistrelle SD487514 167 Count of - 1987 Pipistrelle SD513500 1990 Pipistrelle SD501490 1991 Pipistrelle SD480553 1991 Pipistrelle SD520520 1989 Pipistrelle SD477556 40 Count of - 1998 Pipistrelle SD500481 1991 Pipistrelle SD481554 150 Count of - 1993 Pipistrelle SD480519 1994 Pipistrelle SD501490 1991 Pipistrelle SD518534 1 Count of - 1985 Pipistrelle SD477557 126 Count of - 1985 Pipistrelle SD477557 1990 Pipistrelle SD480554 1985 Pipistrelle SD519535 578 Count of - 2003 Pipistrelle SD501490 1991 Pipistrelle SD489511 132 Count of - 1995 Pipistrelle SD477571 51 Count of - 2008 Pipistrelle SD519513 2004 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5555 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 5 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 7 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 6 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5451 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5451 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5555 4 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2008


COMMON NAME GRID ABUNDANCE COMMENT YEAR REFERENCE Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 3 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5358 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5555 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1998 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5451 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Pipistrelle Bat species SD5451 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2006 Soprano Pipistrelle SD497573 1 Count of - Caught on fish hook in tree 2010 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5451 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 8 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 11 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 13 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5451 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5451 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 2 Count of - Field transect survey 2008 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 8 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 9 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5056 8 Count of - Field transect survey 1999 Soprano Pipistrelle SD5451 1 Count of - Field transect survey 2007 Soprano Pipistrelle SD52655437 VerifiedCertain 2013 Soprano Pipistrelle SD536544 1 Count of present commuting 2012 Soprano Pipistrelle SD486489 1 Count of present Feeding 2010 Soprano Pipistrelle SD486501 1 Count of - Died 2008 Soprano Pipistrelle SD56705450 7 Count of - 2014 Whiskered Bat SD511521 1 Count of - On reception building 2009 Whiskered Bat SD494527 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005 Whiskered Bat SD504522 1 Count of - Grounded bat 2005



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016



©Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Tameside MBC Licence No LA100022697, 2016


TABLE 4 SECTION 41 SPECIES © LANCASHIRE ENVIRONMENT RECORD NETWORK 2016 Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group August Thorn Ennomos quercinaria 05/09/2007 SD529525 - Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 02/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 29/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 07/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 01/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 13/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 26/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 11/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 10/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 23/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 15/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 18/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 15/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 02/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 09/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 26/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 19/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 04/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 02/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 27/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 03/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 05/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 25/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 04/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 27/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 19/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 25/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 31/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 06/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 10/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 04/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 10/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 12/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa 11/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 23/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 04/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 18/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 07/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 22/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 24/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 31/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 25/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 07/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 28/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 29/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 12/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 07/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 14/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 31/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 10/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 06/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 28/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 04/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 09/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 15/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 17/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 26/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 10/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 11/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 31/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 26/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 19/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 24/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 10/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 12/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 05/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 15/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 08/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 27/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Broom Moth Melanchra pisi 24/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 20/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 21/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 20/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 21/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 05/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 11/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 15/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 30/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 11/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 15/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 19/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 04/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 16/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 23/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 19/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 23/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 04/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 23/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 19/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 19/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 23/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 17/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 15/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 18/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 20/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 13/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 20/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 13/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 27/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 18/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 15/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 05/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 25/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 15/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 14/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 09/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 21/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 11/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 09/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 31/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 17/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 19/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 09/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 16/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 22/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 21/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 13/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 09/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 27/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 05/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 28/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 22/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/07/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 28/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 30/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 30/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 30/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 22/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 25/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 28/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 18/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 29/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 09/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 05/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 07/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 14/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 16/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 20/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 27/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 25/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 27/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 27/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 24/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 05/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 17/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 08/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 02/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 01/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 23/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 12/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 03/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 26/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 30/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 16/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 22/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 28/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 10/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 04/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum 06/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 28/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 02/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 27/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 15/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 26/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 24/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 15/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 25/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 24/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 16/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago 01/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 19/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 13/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 22/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 28/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 31/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Common Toad Bufo bufo 2010 SD509509 amphibian Common Toad Bufo bufo 2010 SD509509 amphibian Common Toad Bufo bufo 2005 SD519533 amphibian Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1999 SD55H bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1999 SD55H bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1997 SD55A bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1999 SD55H bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1998 SD55C bird Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1997 SD55B bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1999 SD55H bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1999 SD55G bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1997 SD55A bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1999 SD55G bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1998 SD55C bird


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Curlew Numenius arquata 1999 SD55H bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1997 SD55B bird Curlew Numenius arquata 14/06/2014 SD5251 bird Curlew Numenius arquata 1998 SD5354 bird Curlew Numenius arquata 14/06/2014 SD5252 bird Curlew Numenius arquata 21/03/2014 SD5254 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5096853762 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5406853463 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5126752726 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5253652348 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5254352560 bird Curlew Numenius arquata June 1991 SD5175454555 bird Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 05/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 31/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 24/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 23/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 01/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 24/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 16/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 08/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 28/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 26/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 13/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark Brocade Blepharita adusta 31/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 22/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 21/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 28/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 08/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 21/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 26/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 23/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata 25/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae 16/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae 06/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae 18/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 16/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 29/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 07/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 16/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Double Dart Graphiphora augur 24/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 07/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 24/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Double Dart Graphiphora augur 29/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 15/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 29/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 19/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 04/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 17/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 17/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 07/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 01/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 21/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 04/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 13/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 24/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 27/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 04/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 24/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 02/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 09/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 02/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 12/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 17/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 10/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 20/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 28/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 18/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 05/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 27/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 12/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 16/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 10/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 26/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 01/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 12/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa 01/07/2002 SD514547 insect - moth Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria 26/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria 10/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Ear Moth Amphipoea oculea 10/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 29/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 18/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 27/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 03/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 17/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 24/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 22/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 02/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 23/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis 17/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 12/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 11/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 25/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 01/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 15/10/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 11/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 08/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 18/10/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala 07/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 24/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 25/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 25/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 22/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 07/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 15/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 10/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 24/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 18/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 10/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 14/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 10/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Garden Tiger Arctia caja 14/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 28/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 10/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 24/07/2001 SD514524 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 21/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 07/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 03/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 03/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 22/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 03/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 20/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 08/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 02/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 30/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 24/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 08/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 04/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 24/07/2001 SD514524 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 19/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 25/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 21/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 24/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 04/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 20/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 07/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 22/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 02/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 16/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 03/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 30/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 19/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 26/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 25/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 10/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli 28/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent oxyacanthae 23/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 15/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 10/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 11/10/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 12/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 09/10/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 22/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 23/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 11/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 28/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 24/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 27/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 24/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 06/10/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 14/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 28/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 28/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 04/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 01/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 12/10/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 29/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 22/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 05/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 15/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 26/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 10/10/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 26/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 25/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 25/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 29/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 19/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 12/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 10/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 11/10/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 13/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 30/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 13/10/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 06/10/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 16/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 10/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae 15/10/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 21/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 19/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 15/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 10/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 11/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Dagger Acronicta psi 17/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Grey Partridge Perdix perdix 1997 SD55B bird Grey Partridge Perdix perdix 1999 SD55G bird Grey Partridge Perdix perdix 1997 SD55A bird Grey Partridge Perdix perdix 1999 SD55G bird Grey Partridge Perdix perdix June 1991 SD5395753635 bird Haworth's Minor Celaena haworthii 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Haworth's Minor Celaena haworthii 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1997 SD55A bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 2000 SD55B bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1999 SD55H bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1997 SD55B bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1999 SD55G bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1999 SD55H bird House Sparrow Passer domesticus 1999 SD55G bird Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 12/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 06/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 21/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 02/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 02/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 10/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 24/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 30/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 28/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 26/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 07/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 02/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 06/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 10/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 01/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 29/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 03/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 11/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 09/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 17/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 30/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 01/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 06/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 25/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 22/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 23/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 08/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 12/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 25/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 04/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 29/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 28/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 03/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 17/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 05/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 07/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 02/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 22/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 29/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 08/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 25/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1999 SD55G bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1998 SD55C bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1997 SD55B bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1999 SD55H bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1999 SD55H bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1999 SD55G bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1997 SD55A bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 14/06/2014 SD5252 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 2002 SD5055 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 2002 SD5354 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 2002 SD5154 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1998 SD5354 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 2002 SD5151 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus June 1991 SD5385552648 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus June 1991 SD5254352560 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus June 1991 SD5177854278 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus June 1991 SD5116351966 bird Lapwing Vanellus vanellus June 1991 SD5063951849 bird Large Wainscot Rhizedra lutosa 01/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Large Wainscot Rhizedra lutosa 25/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Large Wainscot Rhizedra lutosa 12/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Large Wainscot Rhizedra lutosa 11/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Large Wainscot Rhizedra lutosa 14/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata 17/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata 20/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata 16/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Lesser Butterfly-orchid Platanthera bifolia 01/01/1862 SD55C flowering plant Lesser Redpoll Acanthis cabaret 1997 SD55A bird Lesser Redpoll Acanthis cabaret 1999 SD55H bird Lesser Redpoll Acanthis cabaret 1998 SD55C bird Lesser Redpoll Acanthis cabaret 1999 SD55H bird Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 14/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 25/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 12/06/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 22/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 07/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 28/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 25/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 04/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 05/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 03/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 23/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus 18/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis 11/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis 30/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Neglected Rustic Xestia castanea 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Neglected Rustic Xestia castanea 18/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 05/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 03/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 08/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 25/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 05/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oblique Carpet Orthonama vittata 06/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Oblique Carpet Orthonama vittata 09/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Oblique Carpet Orthonama vittata 28/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 24/04/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 06/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 23/04/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 24/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 10/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 13/04/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 01/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 06/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 19/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 25/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 23/04/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 22/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 04/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 18/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 21/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 10/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 18/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 26/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 25/04/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 28/04/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 15/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 01/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 30/04/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 21/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 12/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 20/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 24/04/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 05/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 24/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 29/04/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 16/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 12/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 18/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 14/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 17/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 23/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 08/04/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 14/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 10/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 13/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 11/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 22/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 12/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 05/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 22/04/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis 20/04/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Purple Ramping-fumitory Fumaria purpurea 1964 - 2002 SD55A flowering plant Purple Ramping-fumitory Fumaria purpurea 1976 - 1986 SD55A flowering plant Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus 1997 SD55B bird Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus 1997 SD55A bird Rosy Minor literosa 26/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor 31/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 22/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 25/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 03/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 28/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 02/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 27/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 13/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 16/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 21/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 31/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 31/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 02/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 15/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 14/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 22/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 29/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 15/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 01/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 11/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 17/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 31/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 01/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 29/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 27/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 02/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 20/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 14/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 22/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 19/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 25/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 10/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 18/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 09/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 04/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 28/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 04/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 07/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 16/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 18/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 23/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 04/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 11/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 28/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 31/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 02/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 20/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 25/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 27/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 04/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 05/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 20/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 30/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 24/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 07/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Minor Mesoligia literosa 03/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 14/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/10/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/10/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 06/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 01/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 06/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 14/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/10/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 06/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 17/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 14/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 16/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 14/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 06/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 03/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 04/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 26/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 08/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 12/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 27/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 28/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 15/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 21/09/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 05/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 02/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 29/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/10/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 13/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 22/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 19/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 31/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 07/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 18/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 25/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 30/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 24/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 09/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea 10/09/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 03/07/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 13/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 03/07/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Rustic Hoplodrina blanda 13/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 31/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 31/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 27/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 31/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 21/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 07/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 06/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 24/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 05/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Sallow Xanthia icteritia 22/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 06/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 04/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 10/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 26/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 23/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 25/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 01/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth September Thorn Ennomos erosaria 29/08/2008 SD508532 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 03/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 24/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 05/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 04/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 12/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 17/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 10/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 20/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 08/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 29/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 22/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 08/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 18/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 27/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 07/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 17/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 01/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 28/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 11/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 10/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 12/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 11/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 22/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 24/07/2001 SD514524 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 15/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 06/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 03/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 27/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 13/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 31/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 11/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 11/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 02/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 15/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 04/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 03/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 25/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 23/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 02/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 25/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 21/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 09/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 30/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 30/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 28/07/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata 02/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Shoulder-striped Wainscot Mythimna comma 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Shoulder-striped Wainscot Mythimna comma 04/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Skylark Alauda arvensis 1999 SD55G bird Skylark Alauda arvensis 1999 SD55G bird Skylark Alauda arvensis 1999 SD55H bird Skylark Alauda arvensis 1999 SD55H bird Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2005 SD519533 reptile Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 18/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 08/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 21/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 07/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 07/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 12/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 18/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 28/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 21/08/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 29/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/10/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/10/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/07/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/09/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 14/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/08/2010 SD518535 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 14/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 14/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/07/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/09/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 28/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 07/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/08/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/08/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/09/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 04/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 13/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 03/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 23/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/09/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 14/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 29/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 17/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 15/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 24/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 25/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 21/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 22/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 20/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 27/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/07/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/07/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 18/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 26/09/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 06/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 10/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/08/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 19/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 12/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/08/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 31/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 01/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 14/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 16/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 30/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/08/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 02/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 09/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 08/08/2005 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 11/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi 05/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth Spinach Eulithis mellinata 04/08/2004 SD529525 insect - moth Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1999 SD55G bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1999 SD55G bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1999 SD55H bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1997 SD55B bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1999 SD55H bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1998 SD55C bird Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1997 SD55A bird White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 29/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/09/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 21/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 29/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 21/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 29/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/04/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 29/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 21/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 02/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/07/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2010 SD518535 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 05/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 21/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 27/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 20/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/07/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 31/05/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 13/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/07/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 01/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 16/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 19/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 18/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 24/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth


Common Name Scientific Name DATE Grid Reference Group White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 28/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/05/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 04/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/05/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 10/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 17/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 30/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 21/05/2007 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 09/06/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 03/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/05/2011 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2004 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 22/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 07/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 15/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 06/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 14/06/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 12/06/2006 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 11/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 08/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 29/05/2009 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 23/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/05/2005 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 25/06/2008 SD529525 insect - moth White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda 26/06/2010 SD529525 insect - moth Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1999 SD55G bird Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1999 SD55G bird


TABLE 5 LANCASHIRE LONG LIST SPECIES © LANCASHIRE ENVIRONMENT RECORD NETWORK 2016 GRID COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME GROUP DATE REFERENCE Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 30/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 26/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 22/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 22/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 25/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 26/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 30/06/2005 Beautiful Snout Hypena crassalis insect - moth SD529525 25/06/2005 Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera flowering plant SD55A 09/06/2000 Bog Notchwort Cladopodiella fluitans liverwort SD55A 1978 - 1995 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 28/06/2009 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 07/06/2006 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 20/06/2011 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 22/06/2007 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 03/06/2007 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 24/06/2008 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 30/06/2009 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 23/06/2010 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 06/06/2008 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 11/06/2007 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 20/06/2005 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 29/06/2009 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 02/06/2011 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 20/06/2010 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 16/06/2009 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 25/06/2011 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea insect - moth SD529525 26/06/2011 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos bird SD55B 1997 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos bird SD55A 1997 Common Tern Sterna hirundo bird SD55A 1997 Crookneck Nodding-moss Pohlia camptotrachela moss SD55G 1978 - 1995 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 15/08/2010 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 04/09/2010 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 01/09/2006 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 02/09/2010 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 30/08/2004 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 15/08/2006 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 07/09/2010 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 05/08/2006 Dark Marbled Carpet Chloroclysta citrata insect - moth SD529525 16/08/2005 Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata insect - moth SD529525 07/08/2011


GRID COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME GROUP DATE REFERENCE Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata insect - moth SD529525 17/05/2011 Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata insect - moth SD529525 19/09/2010 Dotted Thyme-moss Rhizomnium punctatum moss SD55B 1978 - 1995 Dotted Thyme-moss Rhizomnium punctatum moss SD55A 1978 - 1995 Dotted Thyme-moss Rhizomnium punctatum moss SD55H 1978 - 1995 Dotted Thyme-moss Rhizomnium punctatum moss SD55C 1978 - 1995 Dotted Thyme-moss Rhizomnium punctatum moss SD55G 1978 - 1995 Dusky Groundling Aroga velocella insect - moth SD529525 04/08/2011 Egg Flapwort Jungermannia obovata liverwort SD55H 1978 - 1995 Fairy Beads Microlejeunea ulicina liverwort SD55B 1978 - 1995 Fine-leaved Water-dropwort Oenanthe aquatica flowering plant SD5165554838 June 1991 Flag-moss Discelium nudum moss SD55A 1978 - 1995 Fontinalis squamosa var. Fontinalis squamosa var. moss SD55G 1978 - 1995 squamosa squamosa insect - dragonfly Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata SD516522 13/07/1987 (Odonata) insect - dragonfly Four-spotted Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata SD516522 1987 (Odonata) Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 25/07/2006 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 27/07/2009 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 05/08/2006 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 20/07/2006 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 26/07/2005 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 28/07/2004 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 30/07/2008 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 31/07/2006 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 17/07/2008 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea insect - moth SD529525 22/07/2006 Golden Dock Rumex maritimus flowering plant SD55H 1964 - 2002 Golden Dock Rumex maritimus flowering plant SD5354 1981 - 1982 Heath Earwort Scapania irrigua liverwort SD55A 1978 - 1995 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55B 1997 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55H 1999 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55G 1999 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55H 1999 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55A 1997 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55G 1999 House Martin Delichon urbicum bird SD55C 2000 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55H 2000 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55H 1999 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55C 1998 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55B 1997 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55G 1999 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55H 1999 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55A 1997


GRID COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME GROUP DATE REFERENCE Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD55G 1999 Kestrel Falco tinnunculus bird SD5054 20/08/2013 Lesser Pondweed Potamogeton pusillus flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Marsh Helleborine Epipactis palustris flowering plant SD517533 28/06/2004 Marsh Oblique-barred Hypenodes humidalis insect - moth SD529525 18/08/2010 Marsh Oblique-barred Hypenodes humidalis insect - moth SD529525 18/08/2010 Marsh Tit Poecile palustris bird SD55A 1997 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55H 1999 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55G 1999 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55H 1999 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55A 1997 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55G 1999 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis bird SD55B 1997 Mountain Fork-moss Dicranum montanum moss SD55C 1978 - 1995 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55H 1999 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55A 1997 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55G 1999 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55B 1997 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55H 1999 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD55G 1999 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD5354 1998 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD5345053771 June 1991 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD5098252336 June 1991 Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus bird SD5172451451 July 1991 Prickly Sedge Carex muricata flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Raven Corvus corax bird SD5251 14/06/2014 Red Pondweed Potamogeton alpinus flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Red-necked Footman Atolmis rubricollis insect - moth SD529525 29/06/2009 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55B 1997 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55G 1999 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55H 1999 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55A 1997 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55G 1999 Redshank Tringa totanus bird SD55H 1999 Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula bird SD55A 1997 Sand Martin Riparia riparia bird SD55A 1997 Sand Martin Riparia riparia bird SD55C 1998 Sand Martin Riparia riparia bird SD55B 1997 Shelduck Tadorna tadorna bird SD55A 1997 Shelduck Tadorna tadorna bird SD55B 1997 Shelduck Tadorna tadorna bird SD55C 1998 Slender Stubble-moss Gyroweisia tenuis moss SD55B 1978 - 1995 Small-fruited Prickly-sedge Carex muricata subsp. pairae flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002


GRID COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME GROUP DATE REFERENCE Snipe Gallinago gallinago bird SD55A 1997 Snipe Gallinago gallinago bird SD55G 1999 Snipe Gallinago gallinago bird SD55B 1997 Snipe Gallinago gallinago bird SD55G 1999 St Winifrid's Other Moss Chiloscyphus pallescens liverwort SD55G 1978 - 1995 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55H 1999 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55H 1999 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55B 1997 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55G 1999 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55A 1997 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55G 1999 Swallow Hirundo rustica bird SD55C 1998 Swift Apus apus bird SD55B 1997 Swift Apus apus bird SD55A 2000 Swift Apus apus bird SD55G 2000 Teal Anas crecca bird SD55A 1997 Thread-leaved Water- Ranunculus trichophyllus flowering plant SD55B 02/09/2011 crowfoot Three-colour Groundling tricolorella insect - moth SD529525 2005 Three-colour Groundling Caryocolum tricolorella insect - moth SD529525 18/08/2008 Three-colour Groundling Caryocolum tricolorella insect - moth SD529525 05/08/2006 Touch-me-not Balsam Impatiens noli-tangere flowering plant SD55B 1964 - 2002 Touch-me-not Balsam Impatiens noli-tangere flowering plant SD55B 1976 - 1986 Touch-me-not Balsam Impatiens noli-tangere flowering plant SD519534 05/09/1967 Touch-me-not Balsam Impatiens noli-tangere flowering plant SD519531 31/07/1969 Wall Thread-moss Bryum radiculosum moss SD55B 1978 - 1995 Wall Thread-moss Bryum radiculosum moss SD55A 1978 - 1995 Water Rail Rallus aquaticus bird SD55A 2000 Water-purslane Lythrum portula flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Water-purslane Lythrum portula flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Water-purslane Lythrum portula flowering plant SD516516 1981 Western Pouncewort Lejeunea lamacerina liverwort SD55G 1978 - 1995 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55C 1998 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55H 1999 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55G 1999 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55B 1997 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55G 1999 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55A 1997 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus bird SD55H 1999 Wood Fescue Festuca altissima flowering plant SD55G 1976 - 1986 Wood Fescue Festuca altissima flowering plant SD55G 1964 - 2002 Wood Fescue Festuca altissima flowering plant SD55A 1964 - 2002 Wood Fescue Festuca altissima flowering plant SD533539 04/06/1969 Yellow Feather-moss Homalothecium lutescens moss SD55B 1978 - 1995






LHS - 8 FEBRUARY 2016 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Mill Wood

Site Ref: 55SW05 Approved: 08 September 1993 Area (ha): 4.28 Date written/last updated: 01 July 1996

Grid Ref: SD517530 Owner/Occupier: Private

Districts: Parishes: Lancaster Ellel

Description: The site comprises a small, ancient semi-natural wood situated on an east facing slope close to the River Wyre. This woodland is included in the Lancashire Inventory of Ancient Woodland (Provisional) (English Nature 1994).

The canopy is dominated by oak and sycamore, with frequent ash and , and occasional alder, larch and beech. The wood has a well developed understorey of holly, hazel and bird cherry, together with hawthorn, rowan, birch, elder, aspen and blackthorn. The ground flora includes dog's mercury, bluebell, bramble, bracken, red campion, wood anemone, wood-sorrel, greater stitchwort, enchanter's-nightshade, ivy, honeysuckle, wood sage, wood avens, pignut, foxglove, great wood-rush, broad buckler-fern, tufted hair-grass, creeping soft-grass and wood melick.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Woodland and Scrub (Wd1)

Other Information/Comments:

Page 1 of 1 10 October 2014 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Dolphinholme Churchyard

Site Ref: 55SW06 Approved: 01 September 2003 Area (ha): 0.4 Date written/last updated: 01 July 2004

Grid Ref: SD517533 Owner/Occupier: Private

Districts: Parishes: Lancaster Ellel

Description: The site comprises species-rich, semi-natural neutral grassland in the graveyard of the Parish Church of St. Mark, in the village of Dolphinholme. Although small in extent, much of the grassland supports a rich assemblage of plants.

The main area of interest lies to the south of the church. Here the sward is dominated by several grasses, namely Yorkshire fog, red fescue, sweet vernal-grass and meadow foxtail, with locally frequent heath-grass and occasional cock’s-foot. Cat’s-ear occurs in abundance, whilst frequent herbs and rushes include common knapweed, pignut, common bird’s-foot-trefoil, selfheal, meadow vetchling, common sorrel and field wood-rush. Other species recorded include betony, ox-eye daisy, bluebell, lady’s-mantle, wood anemone, rough hawkbit, common spotted-orchid, angelica, mouse-ear hawkweed, ribwort plantain, primrose, tufted vetch, tormentil, red clover, white clover, meadow buttercup, creeping buttercup, hairy sedge, common sedge, field horsetail and compact rush.Fox-and-cubs, an introduced, naturalised garden escape is locally frequent.

The grassland to the north of the church is partially shaded by scattered trees and shrubs and is generally less diverse. Nevertheless, it supports a number of old grassland indicator species including common bird’s-foot-trefoil, cat’s-ear, selfheal, angelica, lesser stitchwort and field wood-rush as well as a range of other herbs and grasses. A ditch along the northern boundary provides additional habitat diversity.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Grassland (Gr3)

Flowering Plants and Ferns (Ff4)?

Other Information/Comments: 1. Lowland hay meadow is a priority habitat in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. 2. Juncus compressus/gerardi, (round fruited-rush/saltmarsh rush) has been recorded here in the past. However, further survey is required to confirm its continued presence and identity. Juncus compressus is included in the Provisional Lancashire Red Data List of Vascular Plants.

Page 1 of 1 10 October 2014 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Fox's Wood

Site Ref: 55SW03 Approved: 08 September 1993 Area (ha): 3.51 Date written/last updated: 01 July 1996

Grid Ref: SD514520 Owner/Occupier: Private

Districts: Parishes: Lancaster Ellel Wyre

Description: The site comprises a small, ancient semi-natural wood situated on level ground alongside the west bank of the River Wyre. This woodland is included in the Lancashire Inventory of Ancient Woodland (Provisional) (English Nature 1994).

The canopy is dominated by sycamore and alder with frequent birch and occasional oak, ash and elm. Larch and sweet chestnut occur rarely. The understorey contains elder, hawthorn, blackthorn, elm, hazel, willow and gorse. There has been some recent felling of sycamore and dead elm and these areas have been planted up with native hardwoods including ash, oak, alder, hazel, bird cherry and rowan. The ground flora includes bracken, common nettle, bramble, foxglove, bluebell, red campion, dog's mercury, wood sage, greater stitchwort, great wood-rush, broad buckler-fern, tufted hair-grass, creeping soft-grass and reed canary-grass. Of particular note is the occurrence of wild daffodil, a species included in the Provisional Lancashire Red Data List of Vascular Plants.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Woodland and Scrub (Wd1)

Other Information/Comments: Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland is a Priority Habitat in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. A permissive waymarked path/nature trail runs through the wood.

Page 1 of 1 10 October 2014 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Wyre Wharf Wood

Site Ref: 55SW04 Approved: 08 September 1993 Area (ha): 2 Date written/last updated: 01 July 1996

Grid Ref: SD515520 Owner/Occupier: Private

Districts: Parishes: Lancaster Ellel

Description: The site comprises a small, ancient semi-natural wood situated on level ground alongside the east bank of the River Wyre. This woodland is included in the Lancashire Inventory of Ancient Woodland (Provisional) (English Nature 1994).

The canopy is dominated by alder and sycamore, with ash, crack willow, birch and wych elm also present. The sparse understorey includes hazel, hawthorn, elder, blackthorn and bird cherry. The ground flora is predominantly grassy with scattered patches of bramble. Bluebell, wood-sorrel, greater stitchwort, red campion and foxglove occur occasionally.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Woodland and Scrub (Wd1)

Other Information/Comments:

Page 1 of 1 10 October 2014 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Wyre Valley Gravel Pits

Site Ref: 55SW02 Approved: 01 September 1993 Area (ha): 110.46 Date written/last updated: 01 November 2007

Grid Ref: SD505507 Owner/Occupier: Private Public Districts: Parishes: Lancaster Ellel Wyre , Forton, Nether Wyresdale

Description: The site comprises a large complex of water bodies lying alongside the River Wyre, formed as a result of sand and gravel extraction, together with associated semi-natural habitat. The site includes Scorton Lake, Cleveleymere and Scorton Picnic Site to the west of the , and a series of more recent water bodies, together with Wharf Wood and Jimmy Wood, to the east of the motorway. Collectively the lakes form an extensive area of open water which, together with the associated semi-natural habitats, have considerable value for both breeding and over wintering birds.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Artificial Habitats (Ar1)

Birds (Av8d)

Other Information/Comments: The boundary of the site was modified in 12/96, 11/99 and 01/05.The site adjoins Wyre Wharf Wood Biological Heritage Site (55SW04).

Page 1 of 1 10 October 2014 Biological Heritage Sites Lancashire County Heritage Sites Partnership: © Lancashire County Council © Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Biological Heritage Site Natural England

This form may contain privileged and confidential information. Permission must be obtained from Lancashire County Council and the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire before reproducing or divulging information contained on this form to any party not directly in receipt of the form from the copyright holders. Site Name: Cleveley Woods

Site Ref: 55SW01 Approved: 08 September 1993 Area (ha): 9.33 Date written/last updated: 10 July 2009

Grid Ref: SD504509 Owner/Occupier:

Districts: Parishes: Wyre Forton

Description: The site comprises of a long, narrow band of ancient, semi-natural woodland on the western side of the River Wyre. The woodland canopy includes Sycamore, Ash and Oak with an understorey of Hazel, Holly and Elder. Alder is locally abundant near the river.

The woodland ground flora includes Ivy, Bramble, Raspberry, Dog's Mercury, Wood Sorrel, Bluebell, Foxglove, Male-fern, Broad Buckler-fern and Common Nettle.

Guideline(s) for Site Selection: Woodland and Scrub (Wd1)

Other Information/Comments:

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