Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research

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Various, Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research. ISSN 0002-9564

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Downloaded from VU Research Repository The Journal of PSYCHOTHERAPY PRACTICE AND RESEARCH

VOLUME 5 #{149}NUMBER 3 #{149}SUMMER 1996


185 Psychotherapy and Schizophrenia Peter F. Buckky, MD., Christine Lys


202 Psychodynamic Therapists’ Reservations About Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Implications for Training and Practice Jacqueline B. Persons, Ph.D.,JamesJ. Gross, Ph.D., Mark S. Etkin, Mi)., Simone K Madan, MA.

213 Developing Practice Guidelines for Psychoanalysis Sheila Hafter Gray, MD.

228 Psychotherapy of Adults With Attention-Deficit Disorder Jules Bemporad, MD., Mauriio Zambenedetti, M.D.

238 Affects and : Initial Experiences With the Assessment of Affect Integration Jon T. Monsen, Ph.D., Cand. Psychol., Dag Erik EilerLsen, MSc., TrondMegdrd, Cand. Psychol., Pdl Odegdrd, Cand. PsychoL

250 The Psychological Mindedness Scale: Factor Structure and Relationship to Outcome of Psychotherapy K Conte, Ph.D., Rosemarie Ratto, Ph.D., T. Byram Karasu, M.D.

260 The Revised Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAq-ll): Psychometric Properties Lester Luborsky, Ph.D .,Jacques P. Barber, Ph.D., Lynne Siquelant’4 Ph.D., SuzanneJohnson, BA., Lisa M Najavits, Ph.D., Arlene Frank, Ph.D., Dennis Daley, MS. W.


272 Psychotherapy: An Eclectic-Integrative Approach, 2nd Edition, by Sol L. Garfield Reviewed by Robert S. Abernethy HI, M.D.

272 A Perilous Calling: The Hazards of Psychotherapy Practice, edited by Michael B. Sussman Reviewed by Gordon D. Strauss, M.D. 274 Research in Psychoanalysis: Process, Development, Outcome, edited by Theodore Shapiro and Robert N. Emde Reviewed by jo/zn A. MacLeod Mi).


276 Information for Contributors


IN Research and the Practice of Psychotherapy By A.John , Mi). A The Expressive Versus Supportive Controversy With Borderline Patients F U T U R E By Leonard Honvi Phi)., Gkn 0. Gabbar4 Mi)., Jon G. Allen, Phi)., et aL Applying Multiple Computerized Text I S S U E Analytic Measures to Single Psychotherapy Cases ByErhardMenthaler, RD. D,, Horst K#{246}dzele,Pnf Dr.