1 Running Head: Aquatic assemblages from eDNA metabarcoding 2 Casting a broader net: Using microfluidic metagenomics to capture aquatic biodiversity data from 3 diverse taxonomic targets 4 Laura L. Hauck1†, Kevin A. Weitemier2†, Brooke E. Penaluna1, Tiffany Garcia2, and Richard Cronn1* 5 1U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, 6 Corvallis, OR 97331, email:
[email protected] 7 2Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 8 Tel: 1 (541) 737-7291 Fax: 1 (541) 750-7329 *Author for correspondence 9 †L. Hauck and K. Weitemier should be considered joint first author. 10 11 Abstract 12 Environmental DNA (eDNA) assays for single- and multi-species detection show promise for providing 13 standardized assessment methods for diverse taxa, but techniques for evaluating multiple taxonomically- 14 divergent assemblages are in their infancy. We evaluated whether microfluidic multiplex metabarcoding and 15 high-throughput sequencing could identify diverse aquatic and riparian assemblages from 48 taxon-general and 16 taxon-specific metabarcode primers. eDNA screening was paired with electrofishing along a stream continuum 17 to evaluate congruence between methods. A fish hatchery located midway along the stream continuum 18 provided a dispersal barrier, and a point source for non-native White Sturgeon (Acipencer transmontanus). 19 Microfluidic metabarcoding detected all 13 species observed by electrofishing, with overall accuracy of 86%. 20 Taxon-specific barcoding primers were more successful than taxon-general universal metabarcoding primers at 21 classifying sequences to species. Both types of markers detected a transition from downstream sites dominated 22 by multiple fish species, to upstream sites dominated by a single species; however, we failed to detect a 23 transition in amphibian population structure.