Tarzan the Terrible Edgar Rice Burroughs This public-domain (U.S.) text was prepared by Judy Boss, Omaha, NE. The Project Gutenberg edition (“tzntr10”) was subse- quently converted to LATEX using GutenMark software and then re-edited (for formatting only) by Ron Burkey. Report problems to
[email protected]. Revision B1 differs from B0 in that “—-” has everywhere been replaced by “—”. Revision: B1, 01/27/2008 Contents 1 The Pithecanthropus 1 2 “To the Death!” 19 3 Pan-at-lee 37 4 Tarzan-jad-guru 55 5 In the Kor-ul-gryf 71 6 The Tor-o-don 89 7 Jungle Craft 109 8 A-lur 123 9 Blood-Stained Altars 139 10 The Forbidden Garden 153 11 The Sentence of Death 169 12 The Giant Stranger 185 13 The Masquerader 199 14 The Temple of the Gryf 213 i ii 15 “The King Is Dead!” 231 16 The Secret Way 247 17 By Jad-bal-lul 259 18 The Lion Pit of Tu-lur 275 19 Diana of the Jungle 291 20 Silently in the Night 305 21 The Maniac 321 22 A Journey on a Gryf 339 23 Taken Alive 353 24 The Messenger of Death 367 25 Home 381 Glossary 387 Chapter 1 The Pithecanthropus Silent as the shadows through which he moved, the great beast slunk through the midnight jungle, his yellow-green eyes round and staring, his sinewy tail undulating behind him, his head lowered and flattened, and ev- ery muscle vibrant to the thrill of the hunt. The jungle moon dappled an occasional clear- ing which the great cat was always careful to avoid.