MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF LACH DENNIS PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 12th JANUARY 2021 AT 7.00PM VIA ZOOM VIDEO CALL Present: Cllr S. Batters (Chair) Cllr T. Hargreaves Cllr M. Weedall Cllr K O’Donoghue Cllr J. Platt Cllr P. Richardson Cllr J. Nixon Angela McPake John Dwyer;

In attendance: Mrs L. Cook (Clerk to the Council)

Also in attendance: 3 members of the public.

1. Procedural Matters

A) Apologies – It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from: Cllr Mark Stocks; Rt.Hon. Esther McVey

B) Declarations of Interest - Cllr O’Donoghue declared an interest in any matters relating to Mid Against HS2 (MCSHS2) and Birches Crematorium and Memorial Park. Cllr Richardson declared he has started doing more work for INNOVYN.

C) Minutes – Confirmation of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 10th November 2020. It was proposed by Cllr T Hargreaves and seconded by Cllr P Richardson to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting. Confirmation of the minutes of the extraordinary precept meeting held on 18th December 2020. It was proposed by Cllr J Platt and seconded by Cllr T Hargreaves to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

2. Community engagement/Communications (a) Visiting officers. Monthly report from Chris Flanagan our PCSO Reported 1 incident of a Male outside of farm, banging on the door possibly drunk and getting aggressive. Male was dropped off at home. PCSO Surgeries Online

Angela McPake Reported that Esther McVey has had a few articles re Anti HS2 in publications with the theme of how better to spend the public money. They remain optimistic that the government will back down on the issue and that the money will be better spent elsewhere. She also informed us that there would be a debate in parliament the next day (13.01.21) on Incineration, which Esther was the chair. The meeting was designed to set out government policy on incineration rates. Recycling going up means there is not enough waste for incinerators.


Cllr K O’Donoghue offered thanks on behalf of the parish council for the support and help in parliament that we have received from Esther, particularly on the HS2 debate and the incinerator.

(b) Visiting members. John Dwyer candidate for Police Crime Commissioner Elections May 21 John addressed the parish council looking for issues in parishes that he could build his campaign upon. He plans to distribute a newsletter to each parish, tailored specifically to that parish. He wanted us to think about issues currently overlooked by the police, in rural areas. Cllr Weedall advised we were currently looking to buy some flashing speed signs for both villages and that for residents, speeding was one of the top priorities to address. She also mentioned the need for weight limit restrictions on both sides of Birches Lane. John responded that if we can show that speeding is an issue in the area then the police can justify the need for prosecuting speed cameras (Paid for by the police). He wishes to build a team with CWAC highways department and the parish council to get things in place and working efficiently. Cllr T Hargreaves suggested ANPR cameras are an advantage to the police in terms of intelligence gathering and speed enforcement fines. He is very concerned about the speed of people driving down Birches lane and apparent lack of the PCSO Cllr Weedall commented that the speed limit on Common Lane is outdated and should be reduced to 30mph from 40mph. More houses have been built in the area since the original speed limit was put in place which makes it unsuitable to be a 40mph limit

(c) Correspondence from members of the public. Concerns received from a resident regarding speeding traffic on Pennys lane Clerk responded by contacting the PCSO to ask him to perform some speed monitoring checks in that area, which it was confirmed by Cllr M Weedall he had. A member of public asked if they had missed the HS2 questionnaire discussed at last meeting Cllr K O’Donoghue suggested that the questionnaire would make little difference. The HS2 debate is a political one. Every house in the villages of Lach Dennis and Lostock Green were flyered with details of the plans and maps available to view at the Chairman’s house and very few people came (<15). Chris Packham has started a petition to debate HS2 in parliament, which is on the parish website. This is not something the parish council can influence at this point in time. It will have to come in the form of lobbying in parliament from our MP’s A member of public raised the need for a footbridge over the A556 Cllr S Batters suggested that HS2 will be a determining factor in this debate because the A556 may need to be realigned. Cllr T Hargreaves thinks traffic lights would be better. It was mentioned that no traffic monitoring should take place regarding the need for a bridge, whilst traffic is so light during the global pandemic lockdown.

(d) Website. The new, accessibility regulation compliant, website is up and running. www.lachdennisandlostockgreen.co.uk

It’s working well and sending out weekly newsletters on a Friday evening with articles posted through the week, which is informative.

3. Planning


(a) New/Recent Planning Applications

20/04399/FUL 28 Birches Lane CW9 7SN

Demolition of existing timber frame garage and replacing it with a brick and block constructed extension Awaiting decision No Objection from the parish council 20/04536/FUL 36 Birches Lane Lostock Gralam Northwich CW9 7SN

Demolition of existing conservatory, single storey rear extension

Awaiting decision No Objection from the parish council 20/04723/FUL Land at Griffiths Road Lostock Gralam Northwich Cheshire Proposal: Temporary use of the site as contractors' compound and material management area.

Awaiting decision Cllr K O’Donoghue suggested there were already unacceptable amounts of traffic on Griffiths Road. Cllr S Batters to discuss with PC and the assigned case worker to get more information on the application

Cllr K O’Donoghue mentioned that we have not received notification that the residential development application on Griffiths road has been refused/withdrawn. Clerk to check planning portal for updates

(b) New CWAC Planning Decisions No decisions received since last meeting held

(c) Awaiting CWAC Planning Decision 20/01566/MIN Land at Moss Lane Lostock Green Northwich Installation of two pipelines, new stoned area, new pump and instrumentation local to H157 wellhead, installation of a dosing unit housed in a cabin on a temporary basis (approx. 2 years) and secure fencing

Awaiting decision No Objection from the parish council Variation of conditions 1 Kellys Barn Road Lach Dennis Northwich CW9 7SZ and 2 (plans) of planning Ref. No: 20/04322/ permission 18/04335/FUL (appeal reference APP/A0665/W/19/3243132) Awaiting decision No Objection from the parish council – Cllr S Batters attempted to speak to agent and solicitor re traffic coming in and of the site but calls have not been returned.

(d) Appeals


(e) Birches Crematorium Rob Charnley has been informed by a member of public, that Birches crematorium have not completed the works as required in the original planning conditions. No attempt has been made to level the land at the front. No services were to take place before works were complete. Still awaiting response from Rob Charnley.

4. Leisure Services

(a) Playing field/Play Area

During the 3rd lockdown from 5th January 2021 the playground may remain open per the government guidelines https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-lockdown-stay-at-home#exercising-and-meeting-other-people

Cllr M Weedall has asked the clerk to check if a monthly equipment survey has been completed by Mid- Cheshire grounds maintenance, and if so, can we have a copy of the reports. She would also like to know what weed control measures are being used as there are weeds growing through/on the wet pour. Once the national lockdown has finished Cllr M Weedall would like to meet with the clerk and Mid Cheshire Grounds Maintenance to discuss requirements/concerns. Consider getting new quotes for 21/22

(b.) Defibrillator

Regular checks are being reported via the NWAS portal weekly

5. Highways

(a) Receive any updates Cllr S Batters wrote to the Police & Crime Commissioner re double yellow lines on Birches lane, outside the crematorium. This was passed directly to highways who inspected the site and advised they had not witnessed anything to suggest the need for the lines. (b) Cllr S Batters Contacted Ian Lovatt re Hangmans lane and a no parking sign. She was told this is not an option but the parish council could pay to have verge markers put in. (c) Cllr K O’Donoghue has done a lot of work on the corner of Hangmans Lane where there has been lots of brine bursts. On 16/11/20 she met with Andy Murphy (Innovyn) who advised they are digging new drains to bypass this site and to drain directly into a pit opposite Mr Massey’s house. John Wheeldon has said he will make good the area including replacing the trees that were killed by a brine burst. Cllr P Richardson suggested brine leak not as bad as first thought as the area has grown weeds and is now green and showing signs of life. Plan to lay topsoil and reseed grass (Innovyn). Planters for daffodils were mentioned but Cllr K O’Donoghue believed they should be in the ground as they used to be. Cllr O’Donoghue thinks a formal plan should be requested including a time frame for the works, and a soil analysis. It was RESOLVED that Cllr S Batters write to John Wheeldon requesting a formal plan of action (d) BT broken manhole Hangmans Lane ref:MROPMV07 still not replaced. Meeting on 19th November. Cone placed on top. (e) Cllr K O’Donoghue has contacted outreach re the telegraph pole on Hangmans Lane. In order to have it removed it must be subject to a survey which the parish council will need to pay for upfront (£336 + VAT) If deemed not in service and can be removed, the survey fee


will be refunded and the post taken down. It was RESOLVED to have survey carried out at a cost of £336 + VAT (f) Cllr K O’Donoghue had a meeting with Ian Woodward 25/11/2020 of CWAC re Hangmans lane corner, who advised he would put verge posts in free of charge, but not until the drains have been sorted. (g) It was suggested that the Birches lane sign on the corner of Lily Pond Road needs replacing. Signs on the corner need cleaning and repositioning. (h) Cllr O’Donoghue has contacted Street Scene re Birches Lane North pathways (again) ref:SS276557772. Awaiting return call from Lee Maddock

6. Manchester Airport

(a) Receive any updates – no updates

7. HS2

(a) Receive any updates (b) Email received from Mark Stocks outlining CWAC response to the HS2 western leg refinement consultation. Clerk to forward a copy to Angela McPake. Cllr K O’Donoghue is shocked that the 156% increased land grab is not commented on, but site has been which wasn’t in the criteria for the consultation. Do need information on the haulage routes from Byley because A556 will be affected. (c) Plans available to view at the Chairman’s house by appointment only (d) Cllr K O’Donoghue informed us that the Chris Packham petition gained 100k + signatures in just 3 days. Now is the time to be sending letters and emails to our MP’s raising our concerns.

8. Lime beds a) Scramble bikes have been heard on the site again, during the national lockdown, and a vehicle with Stockport livery has been seen unloading the bikes so it is suspected that people are coming from out of area which is against the national lockdown regulations. Cllr S Batters to contact the PCSO to take advice. Cllr J Nixon has mobile number – to send to Cllr S Batters

9. Finance

(a) Income Received. To confirm

(b) Payments made.

Name Description Amount (£)

Morral Play services Playground inspection £54

Mid Cheshire Grounds Nov & Dec Maintenance £216 Maintenance


Clerk Wages Inc Backdated pay increase to 01/04/2020 £1092.96 Zoom subscription £14.39

(c) Balances / Bank statements/Payment schedule cash book.

Bank Reconciliation

£ Balance B/f 31/03/2020 14,152.95 Income for Y/e 31/03/2021 8,518.71 Expenditure for Y/e 31/03/2021 5,953.47 Uncashed Cheques 558.00 Bank Balance 17,276.19

Current Account 10,003.44 @19/11/2020 Savings Account 7,272.75 @19/11/2020 17,276.19

Balance 0.00 should be Nil

Actual Funds Available 16,718.19

BANK  New bank account is now open and all signatories added. We are just awaiting the switch of the money from HSBC  It was discussed that £14,000 should be kept in the savings accounts when the money is transferred. This leaves enough for uncashed cheques and forecast spend to the end of the financial year.

Precept  The Precept has been submitted to CWAC remaining at the same rate of £25.92 – total of £8157 Minutes of the meeting are available on the parish website. www.lachdennisandlostockgreen.co.uk 

10. CWAC and other organisations


(a) CWAC correspondence. Relevant CWAC communications are being posted on the website www.lachdennisandlostockgreen.co.uk

o The garden waste collection service will be suspended for a further four weeks from 11 January. This now means that garden waste collections will now resume on Monday 8 February 2021


11. Community Events

A short carol service was held outside the chapel in Lostock Green on 23rd December

12. Members information / speaking time 2 members of public have commented on the state of the piece of land next to the Cheshire Grill that used to be a Wildflower meadow. IT WAS RESOLVED to contact the Brewery (Marstons) to check their plans for the area and advise that people have been fly tipping, and it is their responsibility to keep tidy. If no plans, and brewery agreeable we can look for volunteers to plant it and maintain it.

13. Date and Time of next meeting: 9th March 2021 Lach Dennis Village Hall 7:30pm (Or online via Zoom 7pm depending on the lockdown situation at the time)