September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1225 I would like to express my strong and con- the National Academy of Television Arts and grandchild on the way. I have no doubt that tinuing support for these foundations to our Sciences, Society of Professional Journalists, she is excited to spend more of her time with partnership. I reaffirm it today, and again con- the Public Media Journalists Association, As- those beautiful grandchildren. gratulate the people of Taiwan on this impor- sociated Press and the Broadcasters Madam Speaker, the Fifth District will simply tant occasion. Association during Lloyd’s time at the helm. In not be the same without Mary Ann’s leader- f October of 2013, Lloyd received the distin- ship. Her contributions will be felt for years to guished honor of being inducted into the Indi- come and her legacy will live on in the work HONORING LLOYD WRIGHT ana Broadcasters Association Pioneers Hall of of all the staff she trained over the years. I ask Fame. my colleagues to join me in thanking Mary HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS In addition to his work with WFYI, Lloyd Ann Levar for her tremendous public service. OF INDIANA served multiple terms on the PBS Board of Di- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rectors, including the PBS Executive Com- HONORING CMSGT DARYL COOK Friday, September 27, 2019 mittee, lending his expertise to those also in the public broadcasting arena. Lloyd has also ON HIS 32 YEARS OF MILITARY Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, generously given back to the City of Indianap- SERVICE I rise today to honor Mr. Lloyd Wright, the olis, participating in many community organi- President and CEO of WFYI in , zations. Lloyd serves on the boards of the HON. RICHARD HUDSON Indiana, on his retirement. For the last three Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, The OF NORTH CAROLINA decades, Lloyd has led WFYI to become one Economic Club of Indiana, among others. Ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the premier radio stations in the State of In- ditionally, Lloyd also serves as a member Friday, September 27, 2019 diana. Under the stewardship of Lloyd, WFYI ofthe Board of Trustees for Central Christian made unprecedented strides forward in the Church in downtown Indianapolis. Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today quality of programming and the number of The positive impact of Lloyd’s work with to honor Chief Master Sergeant Daryl Cook on daily listeners. WFYI has benefited generations of . his 32 years of military service. Lloyd, a native of Beech Grove, Indiana who His dedication to public service and public Over the years, CMSgt Cook has made im- upon graduation from broadcasting have been invaluable to the citi- measurable contributions to our great nation began his nearly four decade long career in zens of Central Indiana and the country. On and continues to personify the core North public broadcasting. He began with a position behalf of all Hoosiers I would like to thank Carolina National Guard values of integrity, as Director of Instructional Broadcasting with Lloyd for his decades of service to public selfless service, and honor. He started his ca- the Indiana Department of Education. Later media consumers throughout Central Indiana, reer in 1987 as a Fire Protection Specialist Lloyd served for six years as Broadcast Oper- and wish him and his family all the best in a with the U.S. Air Force and retires as the In- ations Manager at WTTW (Chicago Public Tel- well-deserved retirement. stallation Fire Chief, 145th Airlift Wing, North evision), and then moved on to become a Pro- f Carolina National Guard located at Charlotte ducer, Director, and Writer for the Indiana Uni- Douglas International Airport. versity News Bureau. Lloyd joined WFYI in HONORING MARY ANN LEVAR ON During his career, CMSgt Cook has served 1988 as Director of Program Production. The HER RETIREMENT as Airport Fire Fighter, Driver/Engineer, Fire following year, Lloyd was appointed WFYI’s Inspector, Hazardous Material Technician, and President and Chief Executive Officer, a posi- HON. MIKE QUIGLEY Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Federal tion he has held for a remarkable 30 years. OF ILLINOIS Trainer. Immediately following the September Under Lloyd’s leadership, WFYI’s annual oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11th terrorist attacks that devastated our na- ating budget grew from $2.5 million in 1988 to tion, CMSgt was requested through the Army Friday, September 27, 2019 more than $11 million today. National Guard Readiness Center to staff the In his time at the helm of WFYI Public Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today Civil Support Team Cell. Exemplary of CMSgt Media, the group flourished as a multi-media to honor Mary Ann Levar and express my con- Cook’s devotion to service, he helped manage content provider, with its three distinct public gratulations on her retirement from the U.S. response and readiness in support of Oper- television services, two HD public radio chan- House of Representatives. Since my election ation Noble Eagle. Cook has served as DOD nels, interactive website and a growing array to Congress ten years ago, Mary Ann has HazMat Trainer, an instructor for the On- of social media assets. Program lineup been indispensable to my congressional office, Scene Commanders Course and through the changes made to satisfy audience demand for serving as my District Director and assisting Department of Defense instructs first respond- National Public Radio programs such as thousands of my constituents in Chicago and ers in NBC type events. CMSgt Cook has ‘‘Morning Edition’’ and ‘‘All Things Considered’’ in the Chicagoland area. been instrumental in the development of the helped to increase the footprint of WFYI It would be impossible to properly thank or NC Emergency Training Center project at the throughout Central Indiana. Nationally loved congratulate Mary Ann without making clear Stanly County Airport. children’s television programs such as ‘‘Ses- the indelible mark she has left on my district. I am proud to represent a district with one ame Street’’ and ‘‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’’ Mary Ann was not just my District Director— of the largest military and veteran populations, help to anchor a strong daily program lineup she was truly the Fifth District of Illinois’ Dis- and I know I speak for our entire community that built large audiences. Lloyd’s leadership trict Director. What began with a role serving when I say we are truly grateful for CMSgt also saw the creation of Indiana-related con- as a receptionist and staff assistant for Con- Cook’s extraordinary service and cannot thank tent and shows such as ‘‘Indiana Week in Re- gressman Dan Rostenkowski in 1994 evolved him enough. I would like to offer my sincerest view’’ and ‘‘Across Indiana’’. These steps for- into years of working as a caseworker for appreciation and wish him success in his fu- ward in programming led to a 450 percent in- Congressman Rod Blagojevich and culminated ture endeavors. crease to the station’s operating budget and a in her promotion to District Director for Con- Madam Speaker, please join me today in station membership of 25,000 listeners. gressman Rahm Emanuel and for myself. honoring Chief Master Sergeant Daryl Cook In 2008, under the stewardship of Lloyd, After a decade of working together, I have on his 32 years of military service. WFYI successfully completed a $20 million seen firsthand what I’ve heard time and again f capital campaign, and was awarded a from my constituents: that Mary Ann Levar is $900,000 Kresge Foundation Capital Grant. a tireless advocate for them and for the peo- PERSONAL EXPLANATION As a result of this massively successful fund- ple of Chicago, leading my District Office with raising campaign, WFYI was honored with a compassionate, steady hand. HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN multiple PBS Development Awards, including As a lifelong Chicagoan, Mary Ann put her OF VIRGINIA the ‘‘Award of Excellence for Overall Member- heart and soul into her service to the people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship’’. Lloyd himself was recognized with of Illinois’ Fifth District. The daughter of Ger- Emmy Awards for Technical Achievement and man immigrants, Mary Ann spent her career Friday, September 27, 2019 Station of Excellence, as well as two Saga- working to improve her city. She raised her Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- more of the Wabash honors, the highest four children—Julie, Ryan, Michelle, and Pat avoidably detained on September 18, 2019 award given by Indiana Governors to recog- Jr.—in Chicago with her husband of over forty during roll call no. 533, On Ordering the Pre- nize distinguished service to the State of Indi- years, former Alderman Pat Levar. She is now vious Question, H.Res. 558, Providing for con- ana. The station also earned distinctions from a proud grandmother to four, with a fifth sideration of the bill (H.R. 1423) FAIR Act;

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