DOCKET FILE COPY ORIGM Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, DC 20054

In the Matter of MM Docket # 98-74

The Federal Communications Commission has before it a petition for rule making filed by Barbara J Geesman (petitioner") licensee of Station KKBY-FM,

Channel 285A at Eatonville, Washington. The petitioner requests that the

Commission substitute channel 285C3 for Channel 285A at Eatonville and modify the Station's license accordingly. To accommodate the upgrade, petitioner also proposes the substitution of Channel 262C2 for Channel 285C2 at

Wenatchee, Washington, and the modification of Station KKRV (FM)'s license accordingly; the substitution of Channel 285C1 for Channel 262C1 at Moses

Lake, Washington, and the modification of Station KWIQ-FM's license


Jeffrey Aaron Bruton opposes any such move and asks the Commission

to adopt a Counter-proposal which would result in the community of Warden,

WA obtaining it's first broadcast service.

Jeffrey Aaron Bruton requests that the FCC modify the FM

Table of Allotments to include channel 283C3 at Warden, Washington.

Accordingly, Jeffrey Aaron Bruton asks the Commission to amend the FM Table

of Allotments, section 73.202(b) of the Commissions Rules, to read as follows:

Channel No. No. of (;opiS$ n:~f List A8CD~ -----...... ,~ .• ~--~ Present

Warden, Washington None


For the purposes of this counter-proposal Jeffrey Aaron Bruton has chosen a site that meets the Commission's spacing requirements, whose coordinates are attached hereto in an Engineering Study. The Engineering

Study clearly indicates that the Commission can add Channel 283C3 to Warden,

WA. If the Commission should adopt the counter-proposal, a CP will be

requested and a new facility built.

The counter-proposal will not deprive Eatonville, WA of it's existing service

and will have no affect on KWIQ-FM and KKRV-FM's existing status. More

importantly, it will result in a "net service benefit for the community of Warden,

WA. The counter-proposal meets the FCC's allotment requirements. See

Modification of Community of License, supra, 4 FCC Rcd at 4873. The city of

Warden will gain it's first local broadcast service, a factor of the highest priority in

the FM allocation scheme. See Revision of FM Assignments, Policies and

Procedures, 90, FCC 2d 88, 90-2 (1982). The entire city of Warden will receive

city-grade service from the reference coordinates. See attached (70 dBu

coverage map).


1. The Communications Act requires the FCC to allot all radio frequencies in a "fair" manner among the nation's various "communities." See 47

USC 307(b). Accordingly, the FCC historically has endeavored to allot radio frequencies to any "community" - regardless of size and whether or not incorporated.

2. Warden is designated in the 1990 Census as a "city," is incorporated, with a 1990 population of approximately 1639 persons. It is located outside of any urbanized area. Warden's Census designation is a legally sufficient basis under FCC precedent to demonstrate its status as a community.


Should the Commission adopt the notice of proposed rule making as filed by the petitioner, KWIQ-FM at Moses Lake, WA, if substituted, would short-space the proposed allocation to Warden, WA. Accordingly Jeffrey Aaron Bruton opposes the petitioner's request. The FCC should allocate Channel 283C3 at

Warden, WA under this counter-proposal and modify the FM Table of Allotments accordingly and not adopt the petitioner's petition for rule making.

The original of this Counter-Proposal is hereby submitted to the

Commission along with four copies. Furthermore, a copy has been sent to the petitioner via US Post Office Registered Mail.

Resm:~ By: Jeffrey Aaron Bruton ----

JEFFREY AARON BRUTON P.O Box 10 Mabton, WA 98935 INTERFERENCE CHECKS WITH PROP. WARDEN, WA ...t N. :£JAT. 47 09 35 W. LNG. 115 SO S3 PIIR = 25 kW H.A.A.T. - 100 M Protected FlSO-SOl 60 dBu - 38.S3 km F ISO-10) 40 d9u • 113.52 S4 dBu 60.24 80 dBu 13.1 100 dB-u - 3.99 F(50-10) 37 dBu • 130.44 51 dBu 69.38 77 dBu - 15.42 97 dBu - "1.&6 1"(50-l0) 34 dBu - 146.14 49 dBu 90.13 74 dBu - 19.14 94 dBU = 5.79

CHH CALL TYPE .. IN .. BBARING DISTANCE ~T. P~\kW} INT(ltm) PRO {komI CITY STAn: LIC2NSBlll <--- t..NG. IlAAT(M) COR (H) FILE 1I ------~---~------~~------

2&OC2 KNJY.C CP"l eN 56.0 R 70.9 M ,G.' 126.92 km "11 36 04 5.50 4.44 5•. 35 SpOkane 1111. z-RQ~k Communications corp 246.6 79.SG Hi 1J.7 17 53 432.0 1129 eMPH970S~2tK FCC Comment> From Channel 290A per D90-373. Amended 970910 Acceped by Canada 9S0724-Specially Negotiated. Sho~t Spa~.d Allotment / 280A ICNJY LI CN 42.0 ll. 14.a M 58.6 116.79 km 47 41 53 5.50 2.50 26.54 Spokane NA Z-Rock Communications corp 238.6 72.57 Ni 117 31 07 91. 0 752 IlMLH9001.3l .To chanrtel 280C2 pe~ D90-312-From chann@l 280C3 per D89-2GO Class 51 with respect to Canada

2UCl KXDD LI CN 76.0 R 62.6 M 239.3 138.59 km l6 JD 49 61.00 25.58 62.47 'iakima WA Butterfield Broadcasting C 59.3 86.12 Mi 120 24 OS 238.0 629 BLH1929

282C2 KZ9E.C CP ZeN 117.0 R 22.0 M 339.4 139.01 km 48 19 12 J.SO 60.97 40.94 am.k KA North CaScades Broadcastin 158.4 86.39 Mi 119 32 18 299.0 917 BI?H9S0103JIfA FCC Comment > Propo.ed as Class 5 to Canada 960726-Specially negotiated. ahart-spaced allotment-Accepted by Canada 561016

282Cl KHTR lor CN 144.0 R 8.1 M 104.1 152.07 km 46 48 40 24.00 106.45 72.24 PulllNln WA Radio P~lou8e, Inc. 294.1 94.49 Mi 116 54 55 509.0 14055LH810112K1l

2Ble KMCQ LI CN 237.0 R 0.4 M 228.0 231.43 km 45 42 41 100.00 198.43 92.20 The call@s OR Mid Columbia Broadcasting, 48.0 141.53 Hi 121 07 07 610.0 998 Bt,H95 0911S KS FCC comment > Gr4ndfathered at 100 kW ERP and 610 meters HAAT

284C KCMB LI eN 175.0 R 64.9 M 159.6 240.87 km 4S 07 2G 100.00 132.46 BB.G3 Baker OR Clare Marie Ferguson 339.6 149.57 !'Ii 117 46 49 532.0 1727 BLHaa0719Ka

294A KBtH LI eN 89.0 R 37.1 M 67.7 1.26.12 J<.ll\ 47 34 45 0.32 43.38 26.06 Spokane WA Sunbrook Co~unications Co 247.7 78.37 Mi 117 17 48 420.0 1136 BLH930629KB FCC CQ~meot > proposed as B1 to C~~.da on 9Z0306-Acoepted by Canada 920502-speeiall~ rtegoti~t8d short apacea allotment.

29SC2 05265 DE 56.0 R 53.2 M 289.5 109.17 km 47 29 44 50.00 19.95 52.20 Ifenatc:hee WA Barbara J. Ge@llTmlon 109.5 67. e4 II(~ 120 12 49 150.0 0 RM9269

295C2 I<:lJ\V LI CN 56.0 R 53.2 M ~99.5 109.17 km 47 29 44 6.10 19.28 51.75 Wenatchee WA Infinity Systems. I~c. 109.5 67.e4 Mi 120 12 49 403.0 1065 BLH910626KB I'CC comment > Speeillllly negotiated $hort~spaced allotment.

:i8Se1 A0285 AD 76.0 RE0 256.0 30.45 It(l\ 47 06 09 100.00 33.67 12.31 MosBs Lake w~ Barbara J. Gee 78.0 1B . .92 Mi 119 14 26 299.0 0 RM9:l69 l


CH# CALI. TYPE • IN tit .. OUT .. LAT. PWRO~W) IN'I(k.m) PRO (km) CITY STATE I"ICENSEE <:--- t.NG. MAATlM) COR(M) FII.': /I

~cc Comment > canadian Coneurrenc~ Required

I.F. RELATIONSHIPS, 230C3 KTAC.C CPM CN 14.0 R 43.7 M 2B8.3 57.70 km 47 19 13 18.00 4.05 39.36 llpilntll WA 'IRMR, Inc· 10B.3 35.85 Mi 119 34 22 3,20.0 630 BMPH951120IQ FCC Comment > proposed as Class al to Canada 970623-Ac~ep~ed by Canada 971120

230A KTAC.A 11.>' eN 12.0 R 45.7 M 288.3 57.70 km 47 19 13 0.68 :),.83 17.04 :;:phra~a WA TRMR. Inc. 10B.3 35.85 Mi 119 34 22 103.0 614 BMPH980323IC FCC CQmmsnt > Changed Channel from 230C3. ... ('T) ... LD 811-+- !ltl+ o U1 00: ....-tl.,....,

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