★Tour Highlight★ Direct Flight to Xian No Shopping Stop All Local 4 * Hotel Special Meal-QinJin Tang Flavour + Cuisine + Xian Dumplings Cuisine

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur  Xian (On Board Meal) Assemble at Kuala Lumpur Airport for your pleasant flight to Xian. Upon arrival, transfer to Hotel.

Day 2 Xian (Terracotta + Buggy +1,2,3 pit , Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum) → Luoyang (B/L/D) ● Terracotta - Terracotta not only live in the same proportion with its lineup way forward, defender wings can feel Qin Shihuang unified for the completion of the great cause and show of military medals and military might. ● Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum - The first emperor in Chinese history cemetery. There are internal and external double rammed earth walls built to symbolize the capital of Imperial and Miyagi.

Day 3 Luoyang ( , White Park , Luoyang Museum) → Lingbao (B/L/D) ● Longmen Grottoes - One of China's four grottoes splendid caverns art, and the Mogao Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes par, tied for the Chinese three caves, as China's existing national treasure cave temple, one of the three. (Including one-way cable car) ● White Park - Tang Dynasty poet Bai (AD 772-846 years) of the cemetery, also known as the white garden, located in Luoyang Xiangshan lute peak. ● Luoyang Museum - The museum is now a national level, Province outstanding patriotism education bases. Is a collection of cultural relics collection, research, exhibition, or social education and cultural exchanges between various functions into one comprehensive museum. (Closed on Mondays)

Day 4 Lingbao → Xian (Cien Temple Ruins Park, Goose Pagoda North Musical Fountain , Tang Dynasty West Market Museum) (B/L/D) ● Cien Temple Ruins Park -The park was formerly song Jiang Chunxiao park. Art by re-positioning Qujiang CMC, transformation, changed its name to Tai Chi Yun Temple Ruins Park, situated on the park because of the Tang Dynasty ruins Jionji famous Basilica. ● Yanta North musical fountain -Located at the foot of the famous Big Wild Goose Pagoda, while large-scale musical fountain, bright colors, beautiful. ● Tang Dynasty West Market Museum -Visit the first to the third floor, has a basic display, thematic exhibitions, temporary exhibitions, special exhibitions, displays and exhibitions complete system, set history, art, folklore, Friends of Tibet and other content collection as a whole, often look new.

Day 5 Xian (Shaanxi History Museum , Bell and Drum Tower Square , Muslim Street , Datang Furong Garden + Water Curtain Movie) (B/L/D) ● Shaanxi History Museum -A rich cultural heritage, rich cultural heritage, forming a unique historical and cultural features Shaanxi, known as the "Pearl of the ancient capital, Huaxia treasure trove" of Shaanxi History Museum is a showcase In Shaanxi history, culture and art galleries of ancient Chinese civilization. (Closed on Mondays) ● Bell and Drum Tower Square - Was commodious and tidy city square, next to a modern shopping plaza. ● Muslim Street - Street food shops close to three hundred kinds of snacks, is the most famous snack street in Xi'an. ● Datang Furong Garden - Is the first Tang culture theme park, then watch the world's largest water screen movie width.

Day 6 Xian  Kuala Lumpur (On board meal) Time to say ‘Good bye’ after tour to these beautiful countries at the end of a memorable holiday.

Optional: Tour Code: 6XIY A) Xi'an Tang cabaret + Hibiscus feast -RMB 280 / person Updated: 24 July 2014 B) Sui Tang Relics Botanic + door + Ming and Qing antique appearance Regency Street + Luoyang Peony Square -RMB 220 / person C) Night Qujiang Site Park + Tang Cultural Square + + Silk painting homes a street -RMB 120 / person G1.19 If join all : RMB 500 / person

*The order of itinerary is subject to the final discretion of local land operator, we reserve right to amend the itinerary due to the unforeseen circumstances without prior notice*

The sequence of itinerary is subject to changes without prior notice. All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event specified accommodations are not made available, alternative accommodation of similar grade will be provided.

Tour Code : SMXN

★行程特点★ 直飞西安 全程无购物站 全程当地四星级酒店 特色风味餐-秦锦堂风味+洛阳半水席+西安饺子宴

第一天 吉隆坡  西安 (机上用餐) 集合吉隆坡机场,搭乘客机直飞西安。接机后,入住酒店。

第二天 西安(兵马俑+电瓶车+1、2、3 号坑 , 秦始皇陵)→ 洛阳 (早/午/晚餐) ● 兵马俑 - 兵马俑不但与真人同比例,其前锋、后卫、两翼的布阵方式可感受当年秦始皇为完成统一中国的大业而展现出的军功和军威。 ● 秦始皇陵 – 是中国历史上第一个皇帝陵园。筑有内外两重夯土城垣,象征着都城的皇城和宫城。

第三天 洛阳(龙门石窟,白园,洛阳博物馆)→ 灵宝 (早/午/晚餐) ● 龙门石窟 - 中国四大石窟艺术宝窟之一,与莫高窟、云冈石窟齐名,并列为中国三大石窟,为中国现存三大国宝级石窟寺之一。(含单程电 瓶车) ● 白园 – 唐代大诗人白居易(公元 772-846 年)的墓园,也称白园,位于洛阳香山的琵琶峰上。 ● 洛阳博物馆 - 现为国家一级博物馆、河南省优秀爱国主义教育基地。是一座集文物收藏、科学研究、陈列展览、社会教育与文化交流诸功 能为一体的综合性博物馆。(周一闭馆)

第四天 灵宝 → 西安(大慈恩寺遗址公园,外观大雁塔,雁塔北音乐喷泉,大唐西市博物馆) (早/午/晚餐) ● 大慈恩寺遗址公园 - 园区前身是曲江春晓园。经曲江管委会重新进行艺术定位、改造,更名为唐大慈恩寺遗址公园,公园因坐落在唐代慈 恩寺大殿遗址上而闻名。 ● 雁塔北音乐喷泉 - 位于著名的大雁塔脚下,而音乐喷泉规模宏大,流光溢彩,美轮美奂。 ● 大唐西市博物馆 – 参观第一至第三层,设有基本陈列、专题展览、临时展览、特别展览等完备的陈列展览体系,集历史、艺术、民俗、藏 友收藏等内容为一体,常看常新。

第五天 西安(陕西历史博物馆,钟鼓楼广场,回民街,大唐芙蓉园+水幕电影) (早/午/晚餐) ● 陕西历史博物馆 - 丰富的文化遗存,深厚的文化积淀,形成了陕西独特的历史文化风貌,被誉为“古都明珠,华夏宝库”的陕西历史博物 馆则是展示陕西历史文化和中国古代文明的艺术殿堂。(周一闭馆) ● 钟鼓楼广场 -为寬敞整洁的城市广场,广场下为現代化商场。 ● 回民街 – 街上的美食店铺有接近三百种风味小吃,是西安最著名的小吃街。 ● 大唐芙蓉园 -是首家唐文化主题公园,接着观赏全球幅宽最大的水幕电影。

第六天 西安  吉隆坡 (机上用餐) 参观完毕送往西安咸阳国际机场,返回温暖的家。

全程购物站:郑州土特产,洛阳茶博士,西安丝绸,美陶 自费加点:

(A) 开封大宋东京梦华水上实景秀 = RMB270/人 (B) 登封禅宗少林音乐大典 = RMB250/人 Tour Code: 6XIY (C) 西安仿唐歌舞表演 = RMB180/人 Updated: 24 July 2014

自费项目 : G1.19 A) 西安仿唐歌舞表演+芙蓉宴 –RMB 280/人 B) 隋唐遗址植物园+外观丽景门+明清仿古街+洛阳牡丹广场 -RMB 220/人 C) 夜游曲江遗址公园+唐文化广场+书画院一条街+丝路风情一条街 –RMB 120/人 本公司保留调整行程前后顺序之权力,怒不预先通知。所有酒店有客满情况下,将与同等级酒店取代。