PROCEEDINGS, 13th Indonesia International GEOTHERMAL Convention & Exhibition 2013 Assembly Hall - Jakarta Convention Center Indonesia, June 12 – 14, 2013 DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE LAHENDONG GEOTHERMAL EDUCATION PARK, NORTH SULAWESI H.Jacoba ROEROE (1), Noldy TUERAH(2), Pri UTAMI (3) (1) Researcher at BAPPEDA North Sulawesi Province, Jln. 17 Agustus No.73 Manado E-mail:
[email protected] (2) Head of North Sulawesi Planning and Development Agency, Jln. 17 Agustus No.73 Manado E-mail:
[email protected] (3) Head of Geothermal Research Centre, Faculty of Engineering, Gajah Mada University. Jalan Grafika 2, Yogyakarta, E-mail :
[email protected] Keywords: Lahendong, Geothermal Education Park, ABSTRACT natural laboratory, public education facility, program planning and implementation of activities. Starting from the observation of the lack of skilled human resources in the management and 1. INTRODUCTION development of geothermal in Indonesia, particularly in North Sulawesi, we feel the need to discuss this The Government of Indonesia has issued Presidential issue with all relevant stakeholders either directly or Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on National Energy Policy indirectly. We notice that there are only a few North which establishes the use of geothermal energy in Sulawesi youth take up career in geothermal. From 2025 by 5%, or about 9000 MWe. However, until various discussions, seminars and workshops on now only equal to 1052 MWe installed. Therefore is geothermal development in North Sulawesi in still be made to speed up the development geothermal particular, and Indonesia in general, it was concluded energy in Indonesia because Indonesia's electricity that geothermal knowledge should be disseminated to needs from year to year increasing.