■V- T \ f ■■ •” . i '■ ■’ 'X ''■ X . *- ' / DaHy NetI^ct Prm SATURDAY, k iy 26« 1989 I ^ Mw w«^ I Tht Weatlier . , -^ ',May Vf, ifi \ rerecaat of I). B. Weotb«r Baraaa iWaitfl;gBlpr ijpraltj r'-'" Fair, cooler toolght. Low 48-48. iMrsday moslly fair, leereaeUig February on that same street. ( It MARL^ rs Maiaber -af Vtkb Audit seems he buys a number of suoh Class to R ^ e iv e Bureau eft OlrealatiiHi rlnitdlheMi during afternoon. High a n d OTHER . HTORES trailers and rents them m a busi­ MUey^ovaiytini Wedding Commuiubii Here Mancheatgt A fit^ of Village Chartn In mid 808. Hearw Along Main Street ness. He said laUr he onen scans ..i^ l |l-FH advertisements seeking trailers W ILL RE for sale.) Members the Confirmation I THIS M or rOL. tXXV, no/ 203 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY. MAY 28; 1956 (dMsined AdverHalug na Page 18) And onySome of Manche$tor*$ Side Sireeti^'^'I^ After the Or»t few words of the Class of ^191 who wera confirmed | MAY 28. "PRICE FIVE CENTS conversation were over—the wife at EmanUei Lutheran | of the toller watvanawerlng the call last Sundi 'V or to Thiol'r Time • ..the eerylce. pi wee a long, ahrf —the womhn' realised the caller (ffiurch receive their first - f - Here A an rxceiTit from the an- aummer. but M-hen the boye gol^ xhad Mready b ou ^t this trailer commuMion at the 10:30 service to -ll Fast Driver Pleads of the Dlaabled jjjigj r/porl of the Committee of home evet>-Oilng got back to nor- once'. ■ ,. ' \ The class will again wear[| eterane Auxiliary, ^o. i , j „ >rtnth School D litlict for the mal and b a ^ to Cheney'a, where 1 she told hipi about it aiid he. robes with rad floWers. For Traffic Safely 1 Tear 1923-24. That was -a most eVeryohe worked, all h a ^ y 1$ Ybur lawraiM Prtjj-West Holds Lead expinned, why he never knew tile e Class of 1918, which recent- when civfc-minded cltisens, that they .didn't have to get Into purchmw of February had not been let for a 40th MuniOi^inner, Bockyille. May 28 (Special) concerned over the need fof real.battlM. claimed also attend Communim in a DYNAMIC? ^-Ah East Hampton man. ar- ore high school facilities. He had^ent some of his em­ ___^y at the. 10:30 eervlce. I t Is Teated for driving at speeds bc- attle "All authorities have been at sea "'hen Wbrld War I came along. ployes—or friends— to'plgk up the ^pected that 14 of the 18 aurviv-1 H not. eoN^ ta-een 76 and 80 m.p.h. on Rt. / ' m i^ f r d to the rapid ^ > v th In More heartaches and much worse trailer body slKwtly a f^ r he paid in^members will he present. In lltalian Elections 15, toddy prSlaed Governor -j Harnirt tj»he -X2 high aMmol attendanco'^over the for all than the Spanish American for it. A t the tihie, IV was frosen ^ e class recently votedTo pre­ Rlblcoff'a hight\’ay aaMty pro­ War. ^ e h Wqrld "War II and the LEE M. SILVERSTEIN s t w e '^ J - ln S * " a/fhenom'enon to the ground a i^ difficult 'to sent a memorial gift to Emanuel Ronie, May 28 (AViItaly’s gram In caty court ahd ' Korean situation. L «t us all pray .move. So the racn^ wept away with Church In memory of seven de­ Ml 9-0438 atrongly urged the uae of all for the safe" return of- all boys pro-weatem Center parties the Intention of .returning another ceased members; Anna Anderson, '■ possible types of precaution­ The of ’»Jt whty are -away from their homes time, presumably w h en '^ e thaw Mildred Anderson. Helen Swartt, took a aipstantial lead over ary measures on the State ■ nnir loved ones, and hope for a ' / "TKe summit of May. 1898. waa Frank Carlsdn. Carl Johnson; t^e Chm^nunist-Sdcialist left highways during Memorial time When there will be no wars came. If ever. ^ ^ ay Bill a very aad month for thc'folke In hilip Nelson and Glen Peterson. Day. to- break homes and hearts. Needless to sayH'they forgot it, .tiraay in' fragmentary early ' Manchester, as on the 4fh,day "of and so did thS/new owner. ,We can (iordon F. Islelb, 21, pleaded iMay 1898 Go. G left for Niantlc . “ I am sure the boys that are left retums from nationwifje local i Vvilt remember Billy Crawford. He' re p o rtth a t' the affair la all Driver Cleared eltetioni. ‘ gstllb’ to qieeding and admit­ 1 after being called for duty In'the stral^tened^out, as. the purchaser ted he waa driving fast for Spanlsh-Amgrican War, We that w’ss the bugler and. of coU,rse. my 'The fimirea were so' scattered, i brother and I have often wOpdered n o^ h as hla trailer body.: In an''A**06)*l*d Press story "vanity's aakr alone.” He ex­ ; had' brothers, husbands and moth- h^vfeverj they could not be Inter- plained that he had borrowed I If there are many of old Co. G ^But, this reporter at least, will- from New Tendon, Thursday, in ,prM.ed a firm trend. . era ancl sweethearts knew the sad- hever scoff at the power of adver­ Thai Interpret The his employe's car -to Irapresa neSs^ of parting. It was a, lovely I members, left that marched away which a RoobH Foster, of New 'VVlth/more than .two per cent tising again. (Among people who London, waa clebred of blame ii) an Wishes Of The Family hla girl friend and wgs rualtlng day "iHjd we all■ gathered to see that day' of May 4. 1898. t ha\^ Of app^xlmately 27 million volfs work ,^oh the editorial staffs 6f accident reSuUing\ln death to a ■\^to Hartford to meet her. The Women's Auxiliary of the ! them off. They marched to the I been away from Manchester bm tallied/In scattered dlstricta. the .12 years. There are many changes. newaiiapers, this Is a common 4-ycar-old boy. TheH|eraid. In its JOHN B. BURKE \ It’s not the money that Back Labor Army and Mavv Club will hold a , Cheney Dipot an feeling very blue., . . , , , . v ..uv -r-u.. Cairistian Democrats held a lead of hihita, but the fact that ,1'va Army ana y ------j ^ ^ ^„uch with' The falling. We might, add that the ad headline, incorrectly \attrlbuted just iihder 2 to 1 over the Commu­ card partyvit the clubhouse Mon- vertlsing workers have their set of hiarrtd niv driving record. I that wtere left a t home.ome. TheTh train , Herald, which is a wonderful blame to Foater. Foster,Nwho was FUNERAIHOME . nists./ beefs a^U t the editorial side. I /urge attm e^w t thin . ts’lca pulled but and hundreds went into!I paper. So, with good \vtthea for operating a fruit truck when it TEL. Ml 3-8888 iVtth 812.958 votes of about 27 On berora m ating their records," Hartford, by trolley, that is. "the your paper, I remain,V One little line of 'typ e in the the child, was absolv^ .of 8? EAST CENTER million tallied, (Christian Demo­ Mrs. Elisabeth Crawford Nyman right plgce did more on the face criminal negligence by New /Islelb told thg icourt. AMBULANCE SERVICE crats won 332,893, or 3.98 per cent, Portland. Conn. ' of the -evidence, than a whole don pounty Coroner EMward Hla eloquenbe'vfalled'to Im­ 1 WaahingW, May 28 "It took Tine hour from South con^>ared with 40.7 in the 1953 press Deputy JMgO John L. V Manchester to Hartford with a Heard Along. McKay. , 'general election for the Chamber Penu>^rat8 A\.ay compared to 12.7 in 1953 and 11.3 ; the federal .goVemmerit fix mini* cas uppermost in Farmsy Roads: ' thought Of war w ! from a bOy—now a Marine—who on the calendar easily enough: it^ In 1951-52. / I j mum wage rates M major segment ^thelr minds, and mially the woed Is 9 PH. was expelled from school. was marked In red. But no Fath­ HER DANjCERS The Center pro-weste'rn bloc had - of the proposed robd system. .came that they were- to move bn The letter from Pvt. Daniel U. er's Day. ■ ' , 49.04 per cent of the vote, com- j Italian President Giovanni Gronchi, right/ and Communib , By THE AHOOClATED PRESA Party leader Palitiiro Togliatti. left, cast thfelr votes In Rome Sen. Knchel (R-(jblif) had been to Buckport. Maine. Quite a few McMulIln. now of Camp Le^une, He thought this omission odd. If pared to 49.7 in 1963. The far Left iHooda loosed by torrential ralna during municipal elections - held across the country (May 27-). waiting with tha ideniteal proposal, people went to Niantlc and speift N. C„ follows; not downright unfair, and brought Present Dioc had 189,584 or 80.9> per cent | {.covered some rpada and thouaanda the night there. The troops left (A P WlCephoto by radio from Rome), ' bf acres of farm lands In the cen- b(it Chaves got the ^floor first. "For two years now I have been it. to the attention of this depart­ compared with 87.2 in 1953. j Repubileana had thought the the next day after many more sad ment. .He asked us, first. If we ; Pietro Nenni’a felldw-travellng j I ti'M^seotlons of Illinoia and Indiana goodbyes, then home again to w-ait out of achool and, naturally, my 73^ i amendment, might be oomewhat train of thought hat changed con­ knew what the date was that had Socialists had 52,202 votea. or 8.51 j ■ embarrassing.to- Democraht since for more news. They didn't stay been aet aside for him and all the .per cent compared with 13.1 p4r ’ The 'Nkownpours 'ranged up to - long In Maine, as they were or­ siderably in that time. I would like 'CARNIVAL TIME' many Southerners oppose it. 'South­ other fathers. We hadn't the fog­ cent in 1951-52 and 12.7 In 1953. nine .In^ea in Illinois during the X ' dered to move on to Camp Alger. Manchester to know -how I feel 1 weekend and were heaviest in ! ern Senators contend It w o u l^ rive giest notion. ' First .scattered returns from ; fSS OIL lURNER Va. towgfd two of Us moat stalwart, ChampaIgn.XjJe W itt and Logan up wage rates for farm woniers Then he asked us If we would FAllot Photo 8:15 P.M. Sicily "gave the (Christian Demo- ‘ ___ ••Well, It wasn't for long, and hard working, little noticed br ' (;!ounties. Streams went ovej' llieir aa tha highways push out throtmh SERVICE praised and many tiroes bgrated find out and, In addition, bring the MRS. JOHN EDWARD .MILEY cratf 2,283 votes to 1,214', for a ' T B 1 __ rural areas. we folks back home w^ere happy / COmmunist-Soclalist ooiubine and ^ banka and water rolled across fer­ when we heard the xi'kr waa Over citlsens. 'fhose two men. Mr. C. A'. omitaion of the Father's Day date “I. 1/520 for a Center-Right alliance l o tile fields along the Sangamon ‘ Tha (fftaves amendment would' i and they were coming home,'very Robinson and Mr. B. M. Bailey, to the attention of the> local busi- Mi.ss Pauline Elizabeth Glovan-• rhinestones. She carried a pray(;r- SATURDAY. MAY. 26 :e Churches . Rlve.r. and Klckaphp- and Salt apply to Intaratate road projects CALL vice' principal and principal re­ nesa firm which had distributed book with liiy-of-the-valley. Heavy Tiywont happy that they didn't have to'go nlnl, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Creeks. j the 1931 Davla-Bacon Act under spective!^ of MHS, are my Idols. the calendar at a goodwill gesture. The maid of honor wore a flo'or tie voting turnout in the elec-j —... . / MfliUAm .any nirther. It was different In Louis Glovsnninl. is Kldridje’ S^., VBRPLANCK SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Town Virtually. iMlaIrd | w'hlch the Secretary of Labor. can those days; the water waa poor Even though I was expelled from (This “goodwiU'' notion now seem­ became the bride’ of John ^w ard. length shell pink nylon tricot over UoiM. watched M a teat of West I j.hiladelphia. May 28" (4*. vtliV.which-rtiinlstecs who qualify \blU OIL SERyiCE !- Many roada and streets were flx ^ a g e minlmums on federal con­ and everything in, general waa achool. I fCel they have greatly In­ ed rather Ironic, what with al| the Miley, son of Mr. and Me*. Frank taffeta gown, made with a pleated struction pcojecta. fluenced, for my benefit, my life. fathers who were being slighted by bodice,' pearl trim and bouffapt, S iS S ^ s le J lc e line, w*a” ^ i Assembly of 7he | s^ l^en_ «'e_cognlzcd_ by men , Inundated in l(idlana. tJ.S. High' pOor. Some of the boys were V. Miley. 29 Deerfield Ave., Hart­ who'are close to or eligible for Ttvo‘Critically Injured in Verntin Crash He must apply those prevailing sick. It'u'asn't like thg^ boys of Since I enlisted in the Marine the calendar's lack of Interest in ford. at 9 o'clock thts morning in skirt, A satin pillbox trjmmed Tickets Will Be.Av8ilable At The Door It' Was e)i(^ated 90 iwineri .ii-iiLrent of Preabyterian Church In < the - 1. U.S.A. -retirement. Many who would have I ways 40 and 52 and Indiana High-, them.) with ^sequins e^d, face veil was those eligible may hav j way 67 were blocked east find north A SUfford man and woman, both critically injured, lie on the road near the railroad underpaas, in the area concerned, put Sena- today have it when they .go into Corps in October of 19M, I have St. James’ Church. The Rev. John • ''"■"‘'"""'''J' «PP«-

, ■ / I . . -'V. • t 1 - - - i I ■■ 1 ' : Tv, 1 . / \ /: ■, • I i f m' • '' ' ' ' 'y \ ✓ \ ' X ' \ N P' ' \ V . \ •A' If, » PAGE THRSS ’ MANbH^TER EVENmO HEBAU>; CpNN^ MONDAY, MAY 2S, 1956 V IfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 14ANCHEStER. CONNi MONbAY, MAY 28. WB6 r A G B T W O I. t : Latloasr, Linda icobsrr, ShMsy T" tha hoiisa now cKinipiad by W. Also r«-pl*et'*d F tra Dr. Frederick YVlndheial High lehpol, has ap- on Dhtrshbe. Miphomorss;i ; Barry De­ Hehron C. Helsicr, regional high school Andover A. Beardatey, Orflumhla, vfra pretibl /t n e a r e r nounced th it graduation exercUM vins, Janet Bourgault, Marilyn V sup(arUitendent. and ,v ( i (sm'ly, dent, a/id John'Peterao.n, WllUmah-' Is Ydur iRtHraiM will taka place June 10 In the Cate' Ivlnge and Hazel Little, freshmen. Hr, tt'easurer. Silk Town Noies^ Quotes Crystal Lake Unit Kasv rSKS. PARMJtO i,' Bfelefield-Wilson Wedding Graiiimar^Books / used to take pridebelPf 'ble Officers Eleelefl Church to lioli}/ Oymnaaiuhv . . .. MeeUngs Tomorrow BtariUazI I ■- to rattle the list off at top speed- Mr*. Carlton ,W. Hutchins, C6- DYNAMIC? ojuareLLT ooMromroBo^ frhe gymnitlurii will , also be the Tomorrow's meetings include This correspondepf can do it. too,' Itimbta, wa* elected secretary. She • 1 • scene of the clsss day program ' Seeks Equipment Merry Weeders 4-H, after school -OODzVlIIa? I MUe SUrlay Ann WUaon, daugh-, Given to Library but we must ^ n fe ** tb having) By CbnrcK Unit . Fe^tital of Music June 1.1 and the senior reception Site I Tee*., e im s jtj ha* served for In*ny .year* a* Co. B y E A R L Y O S T with Mrs. Harold B. Hills; LUtle WrS., gim* r*m -JpaaV’ tar of Hr, end Mrti. Hugh F. W ll-! studied up yfroia Mrs. Hough'k i lumbia director of the WHDA. / i f n o r , eoR dn June 16. The senior els**, out- Eillngton, May 28 (Spseiall—- ''Hebron. May 28 (Special)— Andover, May 28 (Special)— Nipper* 4-H, evening-with-M rs. ■on, 31 ilethar St., became the books, for the purpose. One won-' Moe and Mr*. RonaM Bockus,' Andover, Mejr i8 ' (BpecUl) — A ir.g'wlll he held at Ocean Beach Mra.'J„ohn Yeoman* wa* re-elected Ahydne want.a O m it Dane' dog? Dog Warden lA« Fracchla, Commlaaionera ' of ths 'vprystal Hans lianssh; St. Mary's CTO. ------The jNwglaa IJbrary it the richer ;dera whether or not the world wai Andoyer director, alteniled the an-1 LEE M. SILVERSTEIN roustc' b.itivtl and hymn sing fea> Park ihMew London on June 18. T:S0 p.m., church hall; Boy* Scout ^ S bride of Arthur Smith Bielefleld. the loaei/When tha study of gram­ who weight 140 pounda, soaking wet, answered a call to pick .up a Lake Fire District art sxpectad T" by the gift from Mra. Gertrude'*''* ' presidrh')- qf the Lafllea' Benevolent mini dinner meeting. at Clark'* M I 9 - 0 6 3 I turlng "Muslo of America*! will be Weekend Ca«|>oree atray dog laat week. The dog turned out tq be a male-Greal Dans Troop 87,-T;10 p.m., American Le^ aon of Mr. and Mra. Herman B. mar w ^ i more or less out of fash­ Tliree patrols from Andovar Boy to recommend purchaae of new \ Malafleld of Middletown, at 3 M. Hough, of n couple Of grammar Society at Ita 121*t.Annual meet­ restaurant, WilUmanUo.v Tuesday i held ft the* FlralvConpriycHtnn*' th ii weighed In at 150 pounds. "It's the biggest dog I'vs ever cap­ glon^om e; Boy Scout Troop 85, text hooka which were used In the ion ^ t e a good many year* ago, Scout Troop 12* atlemled the an­ equipment at the annual F in Dia- \ W’cfoclt Saturday afternoon In the excapt. for some cursory atten- ing Thu'raday. evenlpg. ' ' 1 1 Church Sunday evening frbm 7 to tured. l ‘m trying to And the owner. I’ve already kept It the rs- tiict meellng June 8 ^be (trs- 7:80 p.m., Pond Hill School. Hebron'schools some ^70 or per­ Serving with Mr*. Y-eoman* will WINDOW SHADES 's o'clock. ' nual weekend campoCee of ' the MANC4IESTER SacoBd Congragetlonal Church. tl ^ Final re|)ort on the 1956 fundi Lilackledge District ang nest K,, Keyd, secretary; and Mlsa 8700 which was crenitfd to the lo­ The three organisti who will current tax rate la 2Mi mills. VConn to Note 75th Year brother, the late Roger F, Phrter. repeatedly use* the word* "aa" Mulph Stanley, treaiiurer. , play for the apecial event include won a blue ribbon, denoting a Mato - FeStar* 8h*wo First 1"«8*r "Beeauta” and "Oh Promiae Me." and "fhan” at If they were prepo- cal'unit from conirlbiillon* made, Q A Mwle^ brdvr Tha Crystal Lake unit prasently as8 Kverr Ssa,^Mm., Tare., Wo8.. In those daya grammar, aa It V aa 'nie sTSte presented by the I Mm. Roy Darwin; Mr*. Holden score of 900-1000 point*. Member* Cjhurch deebratlona were mixed Jeught, was conducted along very .atUont. p)«(hi(ing sentences *uch at W att and Whitney by district ^ ■ • O T WUJi^Yonr Roltrr* of the petrol Are William .Skoog, 1 haa On* old ptec* of apparatus. Ths Storrs, May 28 iJPt—The Uni­ •TOliaNCBit" r aiwort ..•■A . . 1 1 .J-.A...kif 1 nominating committee was p c- I Wright and Xathan Gatchell. "'Tfcrre’i white flowera and palma. strict lines, with analyzing a w •* ,A**flV or ' i»Uer (han . h «-tih „n. h.iioi reildents. ' ■ leader, Wljllam DUnnack, aaal*- ascond piece was taixeit out of versity of Connecticut will cele­ Sop* as* C»Ur I ' T*m*rT*«r" cepted w4(h one ballot. Moe said 60 per cent of the fund* Special featute* of the program service a few yeara ago. l)**> AsSrrwi ■ B. Slaawrrk Olven In marriage by her fW- parsing to the fooe Aa the luck-\ m e.' Now. aa akA. than are nqt wllbincludi a aol<\. "God of Grace lant leader, Robert Pringle, brate Its 75Ui anniversary qext Devotions at the meetin,, in the will be retained by WHDA for use L A . JOHNSON Five commlaalon members, a ysar. The 10,000-student school Hk«lr* *!«* I 8k««r t*lU thir, tha bride had aa her matron less pupil stumbled through hla 'preposition* but abVerbt or cOh- I'and God of Glory.” by Mr*. Max Thomaa Goodale, Richard Yale and of' honor Mr*. Robert Kelly of JUnrtlon*. and should church sanctuary were led byay Mr*..>ir^ pioject*. including a grant clerk, treaaurar, tax lioHsctor, startsd with 13 students as ths / or hA parilng he was required to folhfwed John Bogardua and were ' Reimer *nd“ Balm in Gilead,” by Rov Darwin. Kvlra! MOM'* *W*4Siac la Maaar*' Hartford. Mlaa Marilyn Gauthier, quote certaltt rtile*.. giving the by the nominative, case. ''A j tall followed the Cardiac ain ic at the Wind- PAINT CO. Red rlbboln*, dehotlng a acor# of threa aascaaora, and^ three mem- Storrs Agricultural School. Stu- Clarmaecop* aaS Calar Shaw* at b y , a welcome from the ‘Society ! the choir. bere of the Board of Tax Review dsnt and fabulty ipeetings and dla- S:M 37 crook St..' niece of the bride; number and vterding of c(ich, auth aa 1," "Better than I." It 1^; ham Community Memorial Hnspl- IM Mtui S I. m MI 9 I50I I ’ A free-wiU offering will benefit 800-900 point*, were won by the and Mlsa CJarolyn Bielefleld of, a * "A noun oi\a pronoun used aa|to sOe that the above writer* nl^- president, Mr*. Yeoman*. ,la l‘ where the service* of a heart, the project* of the recentlj-formed Beaver patrol and the -Woddaman win be elected for a term of one cuasion groups will be part of the - The original, conatlliitlon of the anniversary year. 1-ate Holiday Eic Middletown, alater of the bride-- ' the aubJecL^'of a preposition mu*t|«r atiidled the list. ronUinrd In apeclallat are made available one Music Committee. Patrol. year. Society wa* given Its 121*t read­ Routine buainfse also include* Show Tomorrow Night groom, were ■ ■ brlde.amaldi. Con- j I be tn themominallve case, accord- Mra. Hqugh'* grammars, ing by Mrs. Ronald Bocl(ii*. day' ehch w‘'eek. \ ■■ChlMren'* Day" ' The Beaver Patrol Included atance Penne of this town, niece of | ling to yiile one.” • . i Maybe It wa» time wasted in 'The Rev. Stephen ChamberTain Henry Bldwell, leader. Lewi* Whit­ trapaferring aurplua funds from Annual report* were pr'esenteil The Wllllmanttc Wslrlct' (Jhap- certain accounts ,|o .othcra in ths bride, was flower girl., I ' Sor^tlmea ll wasn't »o easy to ^ mo*t. (^aae*. but those Hat* are In- by th* secretary and treasurer.-/ ter Will also Join wllK th* Eastern haa announced that "Childrep'a comb. Eric Anderaon. 'Daniel Carl Tlrone of Middletown wa* a I rempniber all these rules and the valuable in Overcoming ln*oninla. S s . J ! Day" will be observed on June 10 Nlchb|ion, James Pringle. William which appropriatioiiil^: are Insuffi­ " Discussion (if the SiH-le.ty’s Sm:- Conhectloiit C3i*pter,\ which ha* cient, and hearing a report on con­ beat man, and ushers were Earl rielu number for each one, but I One gets aa far aa "notwithitand- tinil on June 16. which will be its headquarters in P ilin g , - in snp- with one service a t -11 «.m. Covell .and Joseph Olbrla*. ♦Ke tearherS were lynx-eyed qnd tng." begins again, atop*, falters, Diploma* from the Cradle Roll Members of the Woodsman Pat­ templated changes Ini the Special Waugh of Hampton Ba.va, Long Is­ V / main summer project resulted In porling the research of Dr. Frank- Act of 1949 Incorporating' the ■JMAN5FIEELDl land, and Charlea Pearson of New !. 1 /alllowed nd blunder*. and It suddenly Is morning, \ the decision that proceeds will be ; tin K. Epstein, at the Ya(e Itnlver- QnecH. Sicuftp^ DeparlmetUr will be awarded to rol who participated were Allen • i' V j NOne of the duties reqiilrad of lUrthda/ Noted children \vH• present, is the first of . several - quet of pastel colored carnation*. TO.MB FOB'^TOAD, _ iFURNITl|RE TOPS try and gat a home for the t'moneter” which Is limited to live pounda landscaping decoration pieces the ■>'Bnlc. 82.00, 8S.S0, 83.00. Mall The- mother of the bride chose Middletown. A $27.95 sent home to parents June 4. Orders promptly (IIM. Make The bride graduated fromyilan Okarche Okla. lA’i— A '{vrecklng Finish C!uur»e ' of. dog food, dally at the dog pound. (Herald Photo by Oflara) club plans to make t,b the school, a Dior blue silk organza dress with officials said today. checks payablq 'to and mall to white acce««orie* and the mother cheater High Schiobl In IM I and crew wea aufprised w'lci I broke A swimming inatructor*a course MMOM open a block of concrete and found IShowtr Stall Doan ■ ■ OIs m Tab Catl4ium | Anniversaries In the Mancheater Suzanne Labrie, senior and John Buahncll .Memorfeil, Hartford of the bridegroom, a blue silk from Middlesex Memortst^ospUal VALUE! at the University of Connecticut have been added to tKe Manohea SihOol of Nursln„ In ltif54.. Since a live toad had been impriaoned In ha* been aiiccesafully completed by plant and traffic office* of fbs ter Post Office f6rce Acting Post­ Fardal, sophomore, were listed on 14, Cqiln. Tcl. JA 5-8177. DYMMUST shantung dresa with pink accea- \ SouthiBin New F-ngland Telephone the Windham High School A- Honor aoriea. Both wore pink rose cor- her graduation, she hOa been em­ it. The concrete was. from, a ;bank B -K G Mr*. Clifton B. Horne. Mr*. An­ master Alden B-lley report*. They ployed In the operKing room at building erected In 1907 and ap­ drew Gasper. Mr*. Francis Minor, Co. during the month of May were are Lsrrv Dunn of 8 Hartland Roll for the fifth marking period. Jage*. Nineteen pupils were on the B 'White mixed flower*, palms, ■Mahcliester Memorial Moaplial. parently the toad had been In the and Hr*. J. Taniley Hohmann Jr. noted by the following: Philip Bnit- Hd., Louia Levine of 170 Garden block all that time. Wrecker* said j.A. SIZ baull, Glastonbury, 40 year*; John Honbr Roll including Wayne Clay, streamer* and wedding bell* dec- The bridegroom, Ji grandson of the OPEN d a il y 8 A.M. to 5 F-M- Enrollment cJiiinpn Dr., blantla Maaton of 30 Seaman Elsie Anderson, Sally Fraser, late Frederick/; Bielefleld. former, small cracks permitteil air and | Enrollment at the Elementary Boor Jr., Rockville,, 15 year*; Cllf- Circle, Edmund Trial of 210 High / brated the church parlors where INCTiUDING SATliRDAY Mary-Ann Moreau, Harriet Thlem, a recej^tion for 100 guest* was held ir.ayor. of Mlildletown, graduated Inhccta to enter '.he concrete inm'* | School reached It* l)lt.'he»l peak lon Bradley, Vernon Center, 15 /St., and Henry Wlerzblckl of 195 After he waa freed, the toad, was i year*; Mrs. Ina Fitzpatrick. 119 Janyce Churchill, seniors; Lynn Im'ipediately aflfr the ceremony. from Wo() offered aeveral Juicy bug*. He Don’t ficials, when the total was In­ Florence St., lO yeaia; Mr*. Doria alng on the 4-bed emergency "ad' When leaving on a wedding trip Arthur Forai. David Hudak, Seth to northern New York state, the tended New Britain State Teaiih- toppled ovei* dead. I creased to 283 with the entry of Kiaher, 281 Center St., 5 year*; milting ward" under construction Hudak, Christie Churchill, Dorothy TELEVISION ^Ihrei* new children. Mlsa Norma Keith, 351 W.\ Center on the ground floor at Manchester satisfied with Region Runrtl HrsRlnn St., 5 years; and Mr*. Elaine Memorial HosiI Gti* equipment will Be Installed to han c ON/)/ rlvl^^^ n PROQHAMS ning, at 8 o'clock a the Marlbor­ ter a supervisor.^ are in traffic and die accldcnl'ct.;oa until they can half the joy ough Elementary School. the other* are In the plant office. .. be triinsforred to regular room* ■'i - ■ / \ OUTDOOR GYM Richard Hagenpw, a former Man­ . . . Nevin Decker of £6 Arv.lne PI. EASTWOOD ’ , Video Everyday ■— Manchefller Evening lieralil An­ chester resident who nqw lives in has been in. charge of Hamilton K. WMmArii faW Itvi CM tttI Irani FtymovAl- Daria KaIR All Rights Reserved — of good blinds dover cnrrmponileni, Hr*. Paul F-nst Hartford, ha* completed 25 Standard operation* at - the H. T, Dickinson A Co., Inc; - i COMPLETE wit¥$tlDE! Pfanslirhl, lrlt>phunc 1*1 3-88,16, year* with SNETCO, He is a Pacific Alrmotlve Corp, at-'B ut ■foreman of facilities **»igncr» in bank, Calif., for several. month*. • B ockioih* \ Natloitally advertised "Blawm” Kln'l-slz* awing, of extra- N O W ^ the Harlfoid .plant office. . Hairy ■Harold Teiiford of 23 Campfield 8ie April suggeatipn studyhiB^for her iiiaater's degree RADIO r TEL. MI 3-1222 program at Pratt A Whitney ip at the university'’, of (.'onneclicut, East. Hartford. . Fred Naaalff of 33 has left the'Ipi-al hospital to be- ChaiiecI S New Bavc*. Cou, (H) HALF HOVB DRAMA 4 r - ' Norman St. has been approved a* cpnle dirccli^df education at Mid- t'kaeacl IS Hanford, Cana, lUI BI'BNS * ALLEN ilfesex Hospual.. . . Another recent (.'kaHacI 2t Spriarflald, Mato. S;M ( * -» ) HOWARD BARLOW OR­ a Hiinte/Safety. Insp uctor by the Ckaaarl 9* New Brttala. Coaa. CHESTRA: GaroUi Doro­ StaW / Board of Kislterle* and drpartee /rom_the staff at MMH Ckanarl S.t WaterMary, Cnaa, thy Warra.kjold,. Brl** has bcei»"^Mrs,- ,Ai«i Vendi illo who .C'kanael ti Holyok*' Man. .Sulliraa '"ll ■■ Game/ Ernest Raines Jr:. Man- TliO (IH-Ul ta len t’scoots cheswr Rd., Glastonbury, ha* also was uyi the lab^atory staff. She lUI PLATHOl'SE OF STABS ■■I resigned to do *uh*tltute teaching *:** ( *) niUKRl/ MOl'SF 4;ldb been approved a* well a* '■John -r-* ^saiiioi FAMOUS MAKE in /dilology at' Rockville High (1*1 FLIPPY THE CLOWN N/rl*en of Pleasant Valley Rd., ' I5JI l/NI'LF KII ' - / f ' „outh Windsor, ..'la * war has School . . . S, Rayinp^ Smith of (Ml HAK M i'LrilHni-SE GANG V Just Amyed enipted, again ill Manchester with ,V27- Pitkin St., was^-cfently re laSl FILM FKATL'RE '5\-' ele^ird president ,oj/the Silk City (tsi Ou t w e s t r i t s i : \ regular brandcd-g^oline being of/ t;M HOWDY nOODY (color) COMPLETE SELECTION OF fered' at 22.D per galliih, Corp. ■ / (ttl LITTLE BASCALS / Sito < ai 8TAGP, a - ^’fYt / / / A/A//uf///' .-a drop of six com* from the asking (1*1 ADVKNTVBR THEATER — price or ti we^k ago. , Mike Mim- Two ManPtv^ler policemen have —Boy BoZero II i: % T GARDEN HdSI ciiccl ofjn FD ak St. has taken over resigned troh/i the foi-c?, John (JI) WEATHEF - (St) EABLY_____ 8BOW _ BARRECUE the mailagement of the Oak Street Turner of 110 rta<-kmatack St. and ' "I KKIcfl (toronlmn” Package Store a't.^5 Oak St. WIliiam McDowell ofi 160 Charter ISSI RIG PICTUBE ' Oak ,S i . Tunicr has secu'ied em­ (U) TWILIGHT THEATEB REG. $ y .H ; I..,: *:*S (III HOPALONG CASSIDY McKinney Lumber /and .supjily ployment at Pratt * . Wnltncy in- S;M ( *) SPOBT8COFE Elit0r ’Plymouth’s $100,000 §blid Gold License Plate Jackpot! ^ $9.80 (* RPOBTS DIGt:ST it* 10th anniversary. A special berg ha* been practicing medicine *:4* I *) WEATREBCAST CORPORATION sale marked the' ohservanre ... . for.36 .year* in the Slate Theater S:*S ( k) WOBIJJ NEWS TODAY Automatic Heetinig SpeolaUats Five 'new aiibstitute mall carriera building on Ma|n St. (It) NEWS ■ ^ If you own ANY caf—a ^ make,[ any model, any year—^ 7:k* < HI MU DISTBICT ATTOBNET 344 Mein St. — Tel. 5U-8-Iie'(i f ■' III) NEWS (ID WKATHEB AND .MCSIC Dr. Jam es!.V M. D- .Olmsted, 70, pro- I.VI) CIVIL d e f j-:ns»; a v o f »:•* (III SCIENCE FICTION TREA- > I J Fk a t ' i fesaor eiiierliiwpflerlitwof physiology at the 7:1* (IHl WEATHERMAN .TER ■—i ...... a I t CC/lfC/lCl / Unlveralty'OfUniveralty'Of CanfomtaCaUfomta and a re- (Ml-FEW'S OF THE HOl’R . c *v I LOVE H'CY > ' • YOU can win one of huge (iash prizes$100,000 in all! search participant 1a the (jiscovery (M) WKATHKBCAST .■ • (-51 TBA ■' , Tiis (iR-ui DncGi.es edwabds (.)*) FIL.M FAIR- of insulin, died Saturday. He w as a NEWS^ IM| TV TREATER By THE ASSOCIATED PRESli born at Lake City, Iowa. (HI HIGHLIGHTS *:m i'* i pannpor]' to danger (ftSi JOHN DALY AND THE 7 :U (.Ml WEATHEllVA.NE l*;M I »-Ml NTl'DIO ONE amlpritat $ 1 0 * 0 0 0 is cert viotmist and orchestra leader, Lunch Data Tuesday "Fomlly Prol.nlinn’* ■' I died Saturday. iiKi'jiig h h Ay patrol primes In Plym outh’s V $ • ¥ ■ 9 5 $ y . 9 5 Bonham. Te*., May 28‘ (.T) - STATE BusInctkmen'sTdncheona N ic h o ls 1A:M (1*1 NECRET FILE f.N.A. 3rd priif t $5,000 isCOfll m I REG. deaervs (and get)i oilr apecial TIDF (5*1 MAN CALLF.O -X SUIF toot .m OH Min* ' LViciniia Ra.V'biiin, -well Monchtitor ■ Inc. (Ml CRI’NCH AND IIES $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 $12.95 AM COM>Oat known. In Washington sqciety as T O D A Y I'ONT.., > attention. Try our 11:M I *1 NEWS REPORTER $1O0fOOO Jacicpotl ...WMI MDttDMfOl the offfclal hosles* of her brother. FROM IlH-Ml NEWS ( * • I5.‘* E n d s T U ES- 5 P.M. (551 FINAL F.DITION IN CASH I 4lli priia: $1,000 h. House .Speaker Sam Rayburn, TUBELESS TIRE (MI NIGHTCAP ,EDITION m I died Saii'iniay. She wa». believed b a r t L e w , 11:0.'. (55) NPORTN ROI NDI’P to be in her early 808, , (Ml I (INNECTICCT REPORT IM A JO R HITS!! HEADQUARTERS (MI PREVIEWS ' Bcrkclc.v, Calg(.. May 28 (JP> 11:10 I »-IS-55> WEATHER Norman (Red) Strader. 53, former PEAR HALVES ... *H A tOM Ot Sj^ore end Plent 293 Broad St. U;IS ( *) I.EN PACL C MARY FORD yo ur license plate m a y IE WORTH (IN CASH) Jh^s is the Place , ftfOMAI «tt RDDDIMIMU, coach cd-'the San. Francisco 49era ll»> THE RIG' SHOW DDVim. IfC. profenslmal football- team, died Cream.v Cottage Cheese;- Crisp TEL Ml 3-5179 ^ "Ezvpl hv Thro.” ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD if you are ohe of the happy, l/c|tucn, Strawberry. Crernn (.Ml WEAtllEkVANE ^ lAsri , Saturday. He wa* born *1 New­ (551 ORCHESTRA winners in Plymouth’* SlOO.OfM) Jackpot! There's nothing Ask For ton. N. J. Sauce: ' , , 1:M ( HI THIS IS YGHB WORLD 11:54 ( •> NITECAP THEATER to go for the ■ A JUST PI(I6 n INI Berkeley, Calif., May 28 (Ah— I 111 PA1TI PAGE •*N»v*J(»" to buy! It's easy to enler-easy to win! I • ■ • FREE 900 m—4 Hr f o fo $o0He DlifMili hooi murf taAftr Ht IN nCRNS AND ALLEN Tm>I . TELEVISION lit! THIN IN VOI R LIFE WINDOW GLASS — YOU may win that $.')0,(X)0; so why wail? Ejnler today! iMi PRUDCCER’N NHOWCANE iBl Of kol 4oHnIH» Mhr Oopfw»o4 Tcl. MI 3-5095 \ (Culoyl "Bloomer Girl” 1089 Tollaud Tpk.. BuckUnd T h e M a n w h o n«rkor* Cook. Kollh . A*- J. A. WHITE GO. J n ih o iA doi. C*rmr* .Malkcit., SI BISSELL ST— 3U 9-732S (After you enter, you can fell or trniie. ■ 5 Pool Ford . n e v e r w a s Hurry! Share 8100,000 in 446 big )a$b prizes^ your car—you don't have tn oiVn ti'when I wWDBO'taaMt square miles in area and have a ' JEiutcrti ■tas4ar4 H um wno—1000 Hartford. Jdiy 28 i>P.?>:The p o «> | Naw Delhi, India, May 21 UP)— b I- -raE ABAOCIA’TED p b e b b population of more than 817,000.' Ask Mao Free Yanks Four ^ ra o n a -th ree of them France today formhlly transferred ' ■; ...... Iral • report .ca Id*" of ' P^rolman Rowe Wheeler leatl- young, hne of them old—met vto* ;Tf^ loU9Wlng program acbad' • lllb— ciii'a CongreaxiRen w eiX /k n - fletl Kenneth Aaafaig, Id. Kaat her ^ u r .llltl* settlement* on -the ■iologicali ' NeW Brltafti, May 28 (8^—r«ople i IVHAV—bmcoia Theater Yiale BioltfgiMt fiett $ 8 jOt0 Si[l Rmi* , WOJC—Good Evrriiii* Good Muale Rep. Dodd i the Apl>' Democrat I,' j centurj', they jittuaJly came under grown outside the body. MAMCHt$rie d^t air mail st^p. Each con-.[\ shirts of Wlnsted escaped. One boy WKWk—Bai»«aM Maiinn . not sure but he thought he was do- wwaaakBBiamiiw WKNB'-tj'^emn* Serenade 10-0 ; Sen, Bu«h:i 1-B. Rep. Reely- In November, 1994. ’• / \ t ^ e d the alm p^ message: was awakened by the smell of WTIC—Dr. N \ . P»ala, . / WTIC—One Man a Pamtiy - Ipg about 49 m.p.hX and wai.defl- ..''Pleaae free the 13 Americans WDRO—<.;ai Koiay tvnnc-K. R Miiriow Brmvn. 12-10; Sen. Vurtell. 0-8 ; nitel.v slowing down kg he reached Nehru tpfd Parllamertl ,;omplc- NHRl^ in Black in April smoke and roused the other*, but WiiTH—Wax Work WCTH -Si' It W llh Mii!l<- Rep. Sndlak, ;!-‘27; ReV Crelella. tinn Q;f HuTTranafer treaty had been stiB held prisoner by the Coiamu- foi-some reason Johnson didn't get 4 ‘ia * jfhe knoll befera>.4 iio Interaoctlon. nist Chinese.’’ \ \ . ’ WHAY .'Dodaeta va. ritalea 3-8 ;.-Rep. Mor«no, 9.*; And Rep. Prosecutor John R. STt^erald delayetL'^'bei'auge Frgnce has had New Haven, May .28 l ^ —Tha out. 'WUAY—Betty KlmVall. 8 m l^attor Campaign Growtag WCeO—Record Ro*V S'C< ;C—iiobd Evening Good Muale pBiteifoii, 9-19. ;V \ j summed up by saying he fcTt . the man.'^ther hedvy problems to.con- New Haven Railroad mads money FIETOHEB a U SS 00. op m^ w ^ r The other fire victim was Mrs.: WKNB-Basrhall M«Vne« •KNB—Miiaic i State's evidence showed BaJ . -was aldeX’ He expresaed "high ap- last month for the first time this ’The hppe ia that these letteri; Mary Hill. 83, who was 'burned at WTIC—Prpprr Young WTIC -lleiiiv .1 Tailor wUi grew jnto a major mail dellige WDRC—t'al Kolhy WI)RCi-.Iark Caryoh ' not' keeping a proper lookoiit iiid pi/clatlon'' to the French govern- year The net Income was $384,934, her Seymour home Saturday night WGTH—Wax Work \ , W(;Tll.-M;Mrrlra ’ speed was Indicated by the fore* nlent. ' but atlll left a loss of $3.284,Ui2 188 WEST MIDDLE TUaNFlKE to the Redpomniiiinist party bosa. w^en fire broke out as rhe changed ^ 4:aa— • ;1»- ’ / of the Impact. ^ The Prime MIhixter added that for the first four -mont^ of tha Behind the projtet is the United the fuel tank oh her oil range. Shr WHAY—Bett.v Kimball WHAV/l.iotIteia vx Piialer S / OORNEB D L B i^ fX ^ . Labor Movement .committee, «m- WCGO—Record R «» l«« WCCt>H.;riou Evaning Good Muale C o u r t C aJ He felt Henson was a victim of I he hoped that "before loo long" he year, compared wltH a ne^ IntwitA died Sunday night in Griffin Hospi­ WKNB—Malinet tVKJffr-Miiaie 1 his own "psychological proces'seg" I could report to ParliamenV the for the aajne' peridd last year of • -bracing every trade and labor un­ tal at Derby. . ' - V WTIC—Woman WpiCo-Boaion J*npa _ ■ NEW . LARGER QUARijERS / / and perhapt' unwittingly Offering I tran.x^r to India of Goa and two $2.1,98.019, more than flVa nvilllon ion In the city. In \hree weeks, It "In one of trie highWa.v accidents. WDBi>-Cai KoibT \V1iRi' —.lolinnv Dollar .Haliirday <'e«e*‘. WGTH—Wax Work Roil Sox va. Vxnkeea . onl.v tesljmony-favorable ■ to his I other small Portuguese colonies dollars in the other direction. PLENTY OP FRONT AND REAR PARKING has won wide s'lippwt. ^ 21-year-old 'Lniiis ,/A. Ppleski Jr. ' A Ifi-yriyr-old Kasl Hartford ■ friend B»J. f*.' , School children are . writing of Thpmpaonville Was thrown into ^WHAY—Record Rodeo WHAY Dodgera va.'Pil,taa youlh findd $24 In Town Couil' WOCC—Record Rarlaw WTIC—Henry J. Taylor Bayer aaid he waa pertur.bed by AUTO GLASS INSTALLED freedom crusade letters as a class­ J a brook and drowned after the car WKN'B—Bai'ball Maimat WDrO—tiodlrey raieni Sdnula Salurday on a rcckleaa driving | attempt to cast doubt on Hen- room project. The \Charnbcr . of \i\ln which he w ie ld in g hit a bridge am C —K'*" Radio Cana WGTH- Red Sox va. Vankeya 1 I h aigX posted $7.9 bond on ap-‘I**- mxNrt'at A*Mttt*Y/bnv ' HeU « added altglA/l theih« WDRC-.Neaa GLASS FURNITURE TOPS s,. Commerce, manufacturers, Veter- butmont in .TTiohompHonville early r WCTU—Bob and Ray I peal. youth had beeei informed that by , ^ ah's council, civic, Church and Merle F. ^wallow * ^ A Y L>V1e'‘I* v», I^nmm sViday. • :IB— \VTlC~Bofl\on Potm orrliettiA i He wa.x Mii harl Baj, anealed as ; appearing lo testify In favor of social groups have endorsed the ALL DAY W EDN^AY WHAY—RetJard Rodeo the leaull of a pollie iiiveatiga- Injuring hla own poa- ALLSTATE - FIRST AGAIN! MIRRORS mraplMa and DTaar) 17-year-oId girl, Maureen Har- WCOC—Record R telt* Wpr.iJ—(JoofiM' i"fW Nroiii* plan. Mayor Joseph F. Mhrelli' has Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Swalto#, 30 . WnTH—Pafil Box v». YAnkf*** tlon of a I .r-bii.x l•ls.xh on Hilliard *|t)le civil suit to recover damages V' nettXof Pio.spect, waa killed In­ WKNF-BaieballiW ^aW va - caM » Matinee; • . For the second stn U ^t year, car owniers la IMS bought moro. PICTURE FRAMING (dll typas) ■proclaimed ' the period^ Uirough Oak-(Jrove St.; announce/the en­ stantly there early Sunday whin k V •WTIC—inao Radio t-ane, .'5t.. at ,\V Middle Tl'Ke. May 9. for his Injuries. t ' June IS as freedom crusade month. wime------—^ 'ai 1 Kolby WHAY' v» rir;AI*fl Auto Insurance from ALLSTATE than f r ^ aay other com- gagement of their daughter. Miss the cfu; In which she \vas a pas­ araTU—Boblob and Rai WTJL*—T'*»epn 'A# Hour / Six bus pa.xaenfieia suffered minor | Judge Wesley C. Gryk decided Further, Catholic churchXoffl- Marie Frances Swallom'to George MEMORIAL DAY, MAT 30TH vn^nc—Mr Bim y IMjui'iea and Kieil Henson. 14 Wheeler's testimony on speed paay la the world based oa direct wrttteii premiums. Here's WINDOW ond PLATE GLASS senger Shot out of control around a WnTH HM Sox Vi. cials have endorsed the idea more William Flaveil, aon/of Mr. and curve ahd struck a tree. The 7 WHAY—8am* ^ Ka.xt Hartford, a |iaa.sengei: In the issiilting from statetnenta taken the best proof of ALLSTATE’S year-aftei-year better value than 42,000 Catholic barochial. STORES Close ^ot b p f fk. Tuoidoy, Moy Z9th r WCCO—Record Bane* • tl ^ . / JALOliSIES'i InataUaUoa la Quick, Eaay and Economical. Mrs. William F. Ftivell, 71 Eld- driver, David Young, 17, also of WHAV Di.MlRorji vw , Bsi c ar. received a .frai.luredjaw. Just after.the-accident—were per­ sad fast, fair claim,aettlemeatbK You caa't buy better Auto \$^eo1 students In grades 'three to .x'r- '. WKXB—Roqaear Matinee Hour . • '-. rldge St • / Prospect waa admitted to S t Whether you plan to eat in your own back yard or fake the IfiinUy on a # r i 0- 10f 0 Una Wnn<'—Johnnv Dofliir , ‘ •riie defense, ^6 mates made now after iBaJ and Ring letters. « i,Sepl. 29 In. South Methodist XT' pitnic this Wedncsd>y> here arc\ionuf values (or nut-door eating. Plniait shop • » g ? ^ ^ ^ d * ’’'R.y that Baj. .dilviiig weal behind i his friends had time to think aboift appolatnaeat — call , ' "Ti MEDICINE CAIINETS and SHOWER DOOR^ bury with a jBroken leg. Eight of the 13 imprisoned VSiUrch. / . \. ' . early and rcoicmbe^ we will close at regula^iime, 6d)0 Tues^y avattfog. *'EHAY-^in*,Kax.r WHAY l>«edK4>ra vp/ f*rr«tP8 ’’ car operated- Hy a friend, Paui the crash. OpcB SatniyUya ^ Opea Thuraday Evcnla^ X Americana are Catholic mission­ WCOOyaReCoid Review • WTir.-rontmal of'MKiio Tluhodenii. Rian of Kaat Hartford. He felt Baj had plenty of time FRANK LANGMACK, A^aiiMRI f -5*50 ------7 W-KKB—Today .In 8porta Wpn»*—J’iiuioi (!|ojii( floom ESTIMATES OLADLT OWEN , aries. Wi;TH-*-II»*RC--floina?»ra kfoo »\: ,. - of the accident, testified be tried . Phone MI 9-7998 fkix ra, YAnktea . "1 will do anything I can to land and the nation. Effprts are g : U - I#, If - . - Id avoid the Thibodeau oar. Thibo­ /BAY/ilATE - laroFWholo \.v WHAV-«porU « ^ WJIAY—Ktfht^WAlrh . deau said on the stand be .was tiA... help,’’ she says. "I would walk the underwa.v now to have freedom w c e o —Oped Eraallif Ooed MuMe WTH’ yrnrlii of IfualG ^ atreets, collecting letters door-to-' Crusade endorsed Statewide by WKN» -i Berenada WORO'»Mchh1b fof Rorinanct V trying to avoid nn unidentified q t j a r WTIC—Btttetly Sperta WUTH Ra‘l Sox va. YAnkoatX "Btilck" whii'h came out o f W'. door, if they i^ant fae to,” Gov. Abraham Riblcoff. Trade and QiH^^Piddes Het son was an Army clvlllari labor unions thrbughoiit the state ^ WGTH^OTt?” 8bSrtlflM_ \ ^ Middle Tpke., without stopping for ,/ BAY I^AY-Suva • Ufa emiiloye. He was a paaaenger dn are being contacted. National •-F X • WTK' l*'i*-*l Wvirm* "U . r the atop sign. ■^fllAV—Dinner Date ^ WDR a r.ifa p h a r m a c y WDRC—G. Uimbardo / WTIC TtrA Waring ' Imprisonment on charges oi spy- prisoner,, the R ey.' Robert W. ■ ■ ASSORTED VARIETIES WGTH-Bin Stem - .WDra('t»Moo<)a for*RomAncA G.reene of Philadeiphia, in New 499 Hartford Rdl, g:4B- _ ■ ■ ■ \ WOTU—NlRhl Muale . ••oz •. WHAY—Dinner Date ^ , l l t a - ■ Downey Is a Cousin w Morton Britain last week to speak at a Comer McKee. - FKGS r WCCC-JOood Keenln* Good Muale WIIAV-aVn# Walrh ^ ‘ Downey...the singer. / meeting, commented; Golden Cookies 3 3 . WKNB—Ind. Time Trtale, Speedway WTlC-^>1t» s WTIC—Tbrea Biai Extra WDRC—Naagt Almanac The idea for freedpm crusade "When those letters reach FINAST WDRO—Lowell Thomaa wr,TM~Ni«ht Mdalc . actually was started in Chicago ^y China, t l » news will sweep the YOU CAN WGTH—Meet the Artlet the Rev. Harold V. Rigncy, a for country like wild-fire. They have f:ta- WHAY—N«wa: Nlfbt Watch. That Mtarprtt Thd COUNT ON IT Waxed Paper 2 £ ^ 4 5 < WHAT—Encore Tbealcr ' „ WTIU—Sporla mer Red-held prls^cr, freed last ' an amaxlng grapevine there.’’^ wrCC-Good Byenln* Good Kutle WDRO-^al KelbV \VishM Of The PamRy November. ' ; -/------— '' j AT THIS FINAST •> Smoolhy or Crunchy / WKNB—Dinner Dale Wr.Tll—Night Miitle Reds Sedaltive to Opinion White sheets, remain ' white i f ' W n c —Aliaerar Han , tl:S t- ^ WDRC—Anioa ’n Andy ..WIIAY—SymphonT In th* Night JOHN B. BURKE "The Red Chjnese are ve ry sen-' I washed with white clothes only.^; PHARMACY 12-OZJAR ’• WGTH—ruitoa Learia WTK'—Starlime 8-r*n*<1» altive to pubUc^ptnlbn,” he ex- [.Any stains or spot* that won’t ’ Peanilt Butter 35. WDRf!—Momls (nr Romanes funesal home plained. . | come out in laundering should be [ WIiTH-NighI Muxlc ' > MIRABEL • Puro - ^ TelcYision Proarrama tt:4a- T R L Ml S-8888 In New Britain alone, the goal ! removed beforehand. • ACCURACY U'llAY—8y|m>honv In th« Night _ Onl^feTwo WTIC—Siarilghi Snenad- 87 EAST CENTER ST. WDRC—V. r .Nixon A.9tBt't.ANCE SERVICE • PROMPTNESS Sfrawberry Prmrvei.3Ms1.00 • PAIR PRICES ^ NABISCO 4 CookisiX' / ■ V .\«lrii'a Sultan Dies FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD GENERAL TRY US'ON YOUR I Aden. ,\lay 2^ i/R' Sullail .Salih Waffle i fOZPKG 25* FUEL PURPOSES NEX'T PRESCKIPTIO.N ■ 's: T V S E R V IC E ' Bill Ghallb. premier ihlVf of the' -\ j'eastern Aden piolei toiale, died Fresh Evergrsens! W e d e live r 1>ON'T FORGET > A Call ! In a hospital here last night. He | TOP GRADE MEANS FOR BR^CH, PICNIC HOLIDAY BAKERY SPECIALS mghta a *a 9 3 FInaParta , waa believrd to lie more than 80 ' You Pick' I yeaj a old. OP^N ALL DAY FINAST TIY ALDtM TEL. MI 8-8194 ’ Km OLD COMPANTS or/RACKYARD ' ' 'ITie -xild Sultan headed the SUNDAY iiw e e t I LOAF I d a I Qii'aitl slate of Shfhr and Mukalla, We Dig LEHIGH Strawberry * ■aeoAL. X ’- j mokl (m'poilanl of dhe aeveral ’Km I amall state* and sheikhdoms which A L U M IN U A PKOOFe 2 5 e UXBBD raVTOBt AOTBOBIIED Stokers and Oil Burners Sold and F ille d ' make up the eaatein portion of the \ Chocolst* •MOAL • TV SERVICE i Brltlali protertoiale- along the GARDEN Serviced Promptly and Efficiently. fA I R V A L I I • A.M. TO J P.M. aouthweat conat of the Arabian ALWAYS A WELCOME y '7 "4 «ACH 2 9 t Arnold DaLujta S p ic e K1.50 Par House Coll .Peninsula. . SALES thirst (JUENCHER fsesn Ctui ■aKiAi. n.oa pasn Karlhworma may bri'hg more 817 Oakland St & SON, Inc. ALCOA ALUMINUM lACH 3 3 c RU 9-0080 .911 9-9408 C e f f ^ C q k e •U V IN O aU . HANCBESTRB V than 19 tons of a<)li per acre to the r. — TEL. Ml 8-5129 28-W BTLS • Extra Strong : surf are. In a yegt. contdnl$ — r — o Extra Largs J. picnic 3avarilci ______J __ i • , /‘Rsiiiti Tipping ■ ...... — ' ■■■■/ ALSO: Many otKer. 41 Folds-Up ComfSlsIsly PKO enO 2 5 * o Ssat snd Back - Frankfurt Rolls / Popular flavors ^ YQUR AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED,^ Stain-Prewf Sandwich Rolls; . PKGef i 2 3 d DEALfR for ALL THE LER for ALL -THE Handi'Pak WORLD-FAMOUS EA HOLIDAY FROIEH FOOD SPEDAIS WORLD; w m | r ^ FRIEND'S> Pee. Red kidney 20^02 ^ Mg _ ■SCi.KOCi D vC iltS .2 ; 16-01 CANS 3 S«' : CANl 3 |C Parkay ’ Margarine ' .i* 31. N-. J . — i’*' •• KRAFT DOQ .o’ hamburger iT-OI jar 2 7 . 2Vs X ' Cream Cheese. 2 29. 37 1 •X KRAFT ■1 . .V Sweet' GherkiniB- 25c MINUTES? MINUTE? : • i. SECONDS? Macaroni Dinner 2’as27< V .J. Ketchup ' . Hwz ' ' ~2 ':ur47. KRAFT . Rgliih, P,imenlo di Pineapple 5-OZ JARS ’‘■•Moat 'people guess at lea$t‘ a minute, but Thompson and Pawcatticl^v,. amd to cities in Cheese Spreads 45. COVERED PEANUTS M &,M Candies ^9^ ■f' -KRAFT "l^tursl Sliced ■ Si' • c • ' • ■ r- . . • Direct Distance Dialing,will speed most calls every part of the nation. ■!' ' ■ ■ . i ■ . , , T'x ■ 1 through in about 30 aedonds! ^ - REGULAR 6-OZ'PKG Swiss Cheese . : B OZ PKG 3l9< ’ Direct Diatance Dialing atarta Sunday, June 17, ia M AM Candies 2 8 . Thia fas|^, new service atairta this Sunday, theac telephone egchangea: . KRAFT . 'v,..',' Fres 'Outdoor Cooking Guido" booklet • 1 . ‘ June,rl7 at 8;0l A.M., in the Hartford Direct 80ZBTL 21<, Collinsville, Farmingtdn, Glastonbury,'Hartford, with each carfOn o(- french Dressing Distant Dia^g area.* ^ Manchester, New Britain, Newington, PlainviUe, • KRAFT You’ll be able to dial dirtet td all Connecticut Rockvjlle, Simsbury, Stafford Springs, Thompson- REYNOLDS WRAP Italian Salad Dressing 'm 29. 'AH'! I ■ij telephonee, except thoee in Broadfield, North ■f 6HU, Winder and Windsor Locks, ' , ,‘2S FT 75 FT KRAFT V ’ V ■ ROU ROLL •? Caramels X 39. KRAFT CHEESES : Angried

Wt *ESfRV| IHE 8IGH1 10 IIMII QUANTlTItS Handi-Snack B OZ PKG 27. T H B SOUTHBRN NBW BNOLAND COMPANY -1 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE > ? FIRST I n a t i o n a l OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKING r OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PAR K IN G k'T"' V' ;1 ■■■ I- I ( . 1 .. J ' -.r. 1 ■ I- , i' V' -i PAGE SEVEir '.ia. PAGC 8 dt hers of the Ward Clieney Tent f » . * WANT. TO BE SLIM AND TRIM earlier hours for the yoiing than and ' Mary Bushnell' Auxiliary, tti* mar* difficult it ti to return to exalted rulers. United Spaniah War Veterana, and have a beautiful complexion toot ^laurtiPBtpr sta rt the buslnees o f examVrflng course you do, but forimany wom­ •orMor pAtUnw." Droodles Morlarli’. RoV and Ackerman participate in the brief cere­ or' ourselves, to see what values and en thqt'a hard to-do. Know wh^? file ThtM Qunkor obtorvatloiw By KUUEB PBICB all laud^ EngUsipxfor hta work for \ ■ monies at Gould’s Pond on 8. Main £opnftt0 1|pridii standards we profess, and KoU’ well* St. In, the beremony. to honor minute you start ivatching .YOUX r«lM, oBco A«Ain.'tht fuein«U ng The btsUmonial d|Xher for George the lodge and hia e^ rta to get the Rain her* yesterday cauXed weight you tend to rJHlllnate (rosn ws live up to them. All of _ us. R. Etigliab, pa’kt exalted ruler of new E3ka Home on maaell St. Naval dead, I wreaths and flowers quMtion of whAt in rhe woitd tho , Tuaaday, 'May ^IB ■ » postponement of memorial. ,aerv- are thrown onto tpe waters. your meals the .wry things that are BtaMlI Str*«t RiuAlAn dictAtorihip hAA been do­ Would rather concentrate on the the Manchester Lodge of Elks was 1‘urklngton pointed oiit the bene­ eaarntlal to hrallny akin tiaaae* The ght—2 a.m...... Vohipteera Needed " attended by more' than 200 at thq. fit Manchester (ftrivee .from the U;es in East Cemetery, but Wierq- i The__ Salvation______Arhiy service ing All thoM j’CAri, tducAting tht obvious, and often petty, immorali- 'Columbia, May 28 (Special) - —4 a.m. • ...... Volunteera Needed , bisra ot veterans .groups attended next Sunday w-ill feature the 36 face may develop tiny, ..T f^ sas icika Ho im Saturday night. work of the Elks in promoting special aervjcta at 'll a.m. at the ptece 'Palace Corps Band and the unnatural Itnea . . . become rough- people df RusiiA, mAki'ig them ..ties and joosenrues of youth' than Servlbea In three remeteri'es'and 8 a.m...... Volunteera Needed "A nuinber of notables and town social welfare and helping'Jn fund r wai4t^ O^ol^r I* lit* ------.....B rian Rivard Church of the Assumption. I Songstei/s of Boston. Captain Wal- eJled and dry. But If you use Poly­ llterAte, teerhlng them to reed. begin the process p t determining the. dedication of . a new granite a.m.X^ a.m. . State Department^ of Fish and before oloslng in. Jjine. ulliciala attended the. dinner. Sev drives for w orthy cauaqs Hhp the derm-20, you ran watch your' weight niK 10 a.m. . Julia Haugh, Jo Ann Thyreen*t # Game reports It' will Idvyer'the should accompany the cl/lldrcii on The afternoon service, sched-1 ter Lam'te will be- the speaker, Por thii, for 'Any dictatorehip, hms' much falseness or hypocrisy, wiemorlar to World War II veter­ ergl praised both English and the Heart Fund. " uled by the Salvation Army '-at" and atlll keep your face, soft and i o ,a;niv- 12 -N0on ,...... John McConville w ater level of Bolton Loike by four such vUlts which are -manned to community service rendered by the smooth *eem the fAtAl miitak’e. p t a really basic natura. Is piesent ans will mark Memorial bgy In/ Noon- 2\p.m.' ., ...... Volunteera. Needed ' acquaint them with the school ami Ehgltah,'exalted ruler when ^ e thq cemetery, was postponed'd un- American Indians use^ polished m t this fall. It is expected that E lki. Elks moved into their nbw quqr-,. ____JRIPTION RATO I Did the' Russian dlctstort think In ,.our superficially more rekpec- this town Weditejtday. / \ ' /J P p.m. -4 p.m.\. . V^unlfera Needed this le\'el -will be maintained for eliminate fears about Mteriiig in til Sunday a t 3 p.m. and. rounded claim - ahells aa WELDON’S nCENt SHOP Among th«ni were Aldon Bailey, terg a year ago. said he Was g ratc-^ Despite the rain, some 10 mem- 901 .MAIN S tR E E T Parabl* In AdTtnen -I they could teach the RussiBni to.. table adult life> But If we want to The exqrbises will begin at'''B:'80 p.m.—8 ■ James 'Galaaek, JamfS Arthur. a period from Sept. IS to Oct. 1. . the fall. ‘ / money. . , . Wilfred J. Lcmlrf, W’. Joseph new'ly ' appointed* acting post­ ful for the tribute paid him. He 2»* Tjoc ...... road, and still keep them from be serious, and fiindamertsl,-about a.m. with the raising Of the' Flag p.iD '- * A (••41 «f 1100 CBfH . The information was given to Win's Sixth nnce m aster; Mayor Harold A. 'IVirklng- Rlx M ontln...... wv,» at both Yeomans Hall and Horace Lemire U 1} a lakefront resilient who was given Miss Jeanne Po'ou could edticsle a cy we realize that the ,whole so­ - Af the Center cinuKery Alfred 10 p.m -Mldnlglit . Harmon Tompkins for the benefit of all lakefront Lakeside. Lane;' placed-sixth In local lodge, he would have not weeklv ...... DeHaq. assistant prosecutor of t|ie been able to do so well. . Slafle Copt man and still keep him finm ciety, as well as the ^Ind.vldual, Black will read the “Gett,vaburg Skywatch PoH located on to p_ of Manchester Police Station. Lsan's g lS to gidO property ownera. Many of them Connecticut in"the National French . '"V . Volunteeu may register at Civil Defense Headquarters. Mumci- aa lltnatora Alaas Town Ctmrij) Waller Ferguson, co­ The lodge members gave EiigUah UKMBKR o r _ thinking? Did they think they occupies the role of parenthood. Address" and (he prayer will be have seawalls In need of -repair Contest for' w-hich' exa.-ninatlons publisher 'of The Herald:. Foster TlfR AOOCIATKD P n tO ‘Eye Dropper (or a MarUan* given Ijy the Rev. Henry C.-.Wy- pal BuUillng, Manchester on Mon day, xWedne.sday or Friday from and face the awkward joh of try­ were held in A'Pru. Jeanne is a a check and a Savings Bond, pre­ The aeeocisted Preei le exCli^rel!| could control and channel the Williams of the Tow-n Pension ___ r^piibUCBtlop el This eye dropper le just one of .man. Father John K. , Onan will 1-5 ly ing to make' the improvements un­ aophomoi-e studeny-at M t.'St. >Jo- sented to hlni from the officers enUUed to the uee o( thinking of a literate,, educated the Interesting Souventre that my der w-atcr. Those who wish to do Board; Matthew MorlartyY and .and trustees of the lodge. ’ 0f>Gn wide and say...*(Ah-h-h-h*h'' ■Vi ■■•■' diepatehee credited to It, or deliver the nyajor address. ^ e n i f i d j o l MNASI I ( 0 .seph Academy, lyest Hartford, Edward Sbri-ell, exalted ruler of not otherwise cr^ited Ui •ys.I»PV’ man? R t t r k r i l l e fnvorite Sclpnce Fiction character. Rabbi Herachel Levine will lead id cookies; Tueaday, cream of it faster and easier nriav now post­ ra m rm Club .Meeting Homer Larabee and hia "kitch­ and oUe the Iccal heme publlihed here "Captain Droodle -- Space Bum" Girl Scouta at fiy-up cerjmoniea »< ia*»t * rji SA, » the local lodge. 'r*t , All righu of republicetioii of spM Sl: Appraising the Russian dictalor- the prayer ai the OW Cemelfry 'celery aoup. egg aqjad aandwiches, Saturday a t Camp Laurel; the rtew pone the task until fall. James Heller /'of Ansco 'Corp. en committee" served a^ baked ham dlipetehee herein «re «leo reeerred. ‘ collected during hia travels around After the graves haye been tapioca pudding with whipped A,'request that the level of the Will m aly his (durth annual vialt Also Arthur Roy, grand esteemed dinner ahd Harry FIrato. Town shtp as we knotiN it, we must as­ Synagogue Holds the Galaxy. Among hit qther soii- Girl Scout camp in Lebanon. Wing8 loyal knight, Willimaiitic; Merritt run esrrice client of H{\E- JL : ated the procession^ will marchl, at 8 o'clock. Aa Aqkerman. president of the Con­ . Edward ^ g ar, chairman of the they*re ''all flavor..: lee. Inc. ' *«. ' • — Venus-Hilton Hotel; two ticket no school; Thursday, eighth grade Sally Ann -X^rd, DonOa Cohen, 2nd Flaar, 0»ar Wa Publiehere RepreienUliTep: j j e |uul made these aaeumptions, «nd Dedication Rites man will place a w rea'h y al the parly, baked ham, potato salad and Mltchall I-4IM . A lower level, residents figure,* usual exeryone. Interested ■ la In- necticut Elks Assn.; Dr. George ticket committee, asks all mem­ Julius Metheee Speciel Aierrt' — New ... . i,. . . Stubs to a Liiiophggelhy Game on Linda ■CollllM^v Barbara Cross, w-ould prevent ice damage to the Cailloipette,. chairm an of the Elks York. Chicago andjf'yja; did so. not out of'benevolent good World W ard methorlal Ice cream ; Friday, baked beans, Japet Creenway,, Sally Apfi Hutch­ Aalt%r tha YESJ vttfid to view the prog.-am he will bers who have not made 'returns MtlMBER a u d it BinUBAU or Rockville. May ^ (Smcid). An Saturn that wa.s called on account Dedication cXrer.ionjdli for the However, the spokesman present. This i-ear it will be a col­ Youth/ Activity Committee for on their tteketa to do so immedt- CIRCULATIONS. Intentions, butrhiit of erior. •of Ghyutrew; r black hook filled coleslaw and dougKmita. ins, Sally Ann Jonca, Nancy Moore. OfEN fHUUDAY EVEWNOS UNTIt I Impressive ceremc/hy msiked dedi­ new World W dr II Xwmorial will Field Trip Imni tf tV ttl H*bi the Department bf Fish and, lection of slides prepaied by the Oonnepticut; Jamea Reardon, alely. • HANDY’S FRANKS One thing hss alwsys seem’ed with phone numbers (I tried to Barbara Slate, Jean SititUi^ and zaiu it would, rtetilize the Tbs H traid Prlntlrtg Co*Bpdny ■ IiKi.. cation exercises of the new B'nai follow. Memberi or the Columbia ' Mrs. Felix Winters’ and Miss Holly Stannard. " director of Anqco’s Camera Club . asauioes no financial resisinslbillty f(^ certain to us. It is that tyranny rail orte of them, Mercury 7-7665, and reduce the (bod Supply r * -dTPOSrapblcal errors appcsrtng in sd-. Older Girl Socie>y will unveil the Doris . Rocheleau's third grade and Schools /IServlce. and literacy, dictatorship and Israel . Oongregatlon sanctuary I the Operator wanted ■me, to' new monumOn irco Guest vemMmants and Other reading m alt# deposit 17,000 for the first three clasaea are'.planning a fleld trip to Mahcheater Evening Herald \;.^Chlckeii BarW iie Handy^s Franks. ,. the greatest for spring in Manqjwatee Erentog Herald- education, are not natural com- yesterday aa over 200 mei >. Cantor tion qr "Flamlera Field" by Ted - Attend PTfA Session \ open meeting of Bomarco' tomor­ fi’om choice meats and taste-blended. taudai^-1 a m Tueaday. the Russian dicta,torshlp har con- Sholom Netaoh of New Britain and Alercury, who, not only has pret­ M^J day a t the CMngr’egalional Otiurch. row: at 8 p.m. at the parish room 1 ^ 'TBundar-^t P. or Wednesdap. tier l^gs than MM but lota more of Mrs. John Pringle, president of Ticket! may beiJurcharfed or reser- / Fbf Friday—1 p m. Tbursday. 'sistently made the good, perhaps members of the Congregation par­ Officers Re-elected the Oolunjbla PTA, MrS. C. Pres­ of the Congregational Church. JWr Saturday—I p.^ m. F ^ a y . ticipated, opened the ceremonies. them; and an aah tray ihscrihed At a'recent meeting of the Wllll- vatioiM made thTpugh W ednesa^ . ' Librar;- t Close Clasalfled deadUds; lOiaO.a.im aaefe fat^ mistake of teaching its -peo- “I Have Visited Niagara Falla. cott Hodges, treasurer; Mrs. Ed­ with Mrs. Leslie S. Bolton. Mrs. Bk. Treat your family to nutritious Handy’s day of pubUsdtioa aaceet Saturday — Abner Brooks, chairman ^f the mantic D(strl(^t H eart Assn. D^. , 'The Public Ubrary willbe plj to read, . . ' dedication committee, presided at ward Carlson, secretary; and Mrs. PERFUMES E. Perkins or Wrs. Bruce G. Ron- Sam. Frederick A. Beardsley and Mrs; Clarence Maynard attended the closed on Wednesday in ebser- Franks tomorrow. Keep some on hand , ------the program. Carlton Hutchins, both of Oolum- aon. ' \ vance of Memorial Day. Monday, itay 28 Introduced first was Seymour PTA diatrict meeting ‘niursday ^ ' n a iVorld’a Finest Brands • The. chicken will be iftjmared by Quints 22 Toda bia, were re-elected vice presi­ evening at the DIstHct 2 School ilv Public Records for picnics and cookouts during Lsvitt, chairman of the binding dent and secretary, respectively; Roy E. Jones. There wfife be two Evolution Of A Candidacy .^Ucrvlngs, one a t 5 p.m. ana the sec- Warranty Deeds: Jean Paaqua- committee, who in turning over To Hold nc^tl^ol I.awrence Moe (>f A ntover was re­ lini to Vaughn S. and B arbara the hot days ahead. WiU .Wllcy Get A Hand? 1 m / ond at 8:30 p.m. If the wextber Governor Hariim an, .vho only (he keys to the .Synagogue to Abe elected presluent and John Peter-’ Twelve Brownies of Troop 92 t Arthur Oruf Stores - Sherwood, lotion Rt. 6: Clifford S. Cor, president oT the congregation, were made members of the local j prevents eating out ot doors, Jhe The profaaatenale of the Re­ last' fall ‘ilked Adlai," has., since Montreal, May 2B/Md--The (our ■on, re-elected treasurer. meal will be served in thq parthb Stephens^ Albert E. Bombardier, that time, undergone considerable, thanked all who cooperated' in the Dining the recently' conducted property in Rosedale; Holl Invest­ publican party In .the state of Wia- projitet, . iiirylvtng Dloqrie/^ulnto planned ,. room of the church and the Com* natural evolution. First, It s qiilet get-t(^ther outside of Heart. Drive, Columbia residents Quifk As A WiRk munlty Hall next door. m ent Co. to tim rier F. DeMars, lot conain, in ata^a convention as- Greetings were extended by Cdr coqtrib'tited 1442:62 with an occa­ in Rosebale. dOv'sloped thajt although hi. liked Montreal tod^y to cclebrnte their Quick hilp always available' * ■ . OOP Fund Drive aembled, have rejected United and by -Mrs. Hyman -, Berman, 22nd I sional cdqtributjon still being re­ Loqpl Republicans will partici­ Rtatea Senator Alexaaidar Wiley Adiai. that didn't necessatlly mean preaidenl of the Sisterhood. ' One repdlt said they were go­ ceived by'-, Mrs'. Hutchinii, local I froni HartfOr^ Insurance AgenL pate Id the '‘Thank You, Mr. Pres­ Manchester Evening Herald he would vote for him In the The Ark vaa opened by Mrs. ing to NJrolet, Qiie., where Annette chairman. ^ ident" program to talse funds tor Bolton correspondent, TSrs. Joaaph A , for retaalnindtioll^^choblriJlr inatead Paul e held here. | U,S.. -Marine .Corps to d ay for a 4- was just the llarcimpii strategy.-- to night at the Community Hall at Amendment. stances of Inter-faith cooperation, Suggeatinn .Award . 8 o’clock. Among business to be year pcrlo(| gcitording to an an- flavor** becau8€t\ to stay out of the pflmaries while the judge aake0 own HI Tha blunt political fact of the ing And hiinfed all day . . noodles, carrot sticks, vegetable, ;, bf first grade teachers. Miss Evsn- officer In charge of Marine Corps N..* grown a little nervous, 'which ex­ 175 East g-’ ne Chinch and MisS Josephine recruiting in Connecticut and 0tl.7S par pfeca ndifit ------Dear Sir: aituaUon is t]Mt Senator McCarthy plains why the famed Harriman Leso; elem entary supervisor, Miks Western Ma.ssachuaetts. •■■ taciadad and h.ia supporters had marked inactivity has been dropped. Thank you for your very fine direc-' Center St. Viola Larson and principal. Rich-, Following the, swearing-ih cere­ Senator W-tley fpr^deatrurtion. We would guess, at thia point, A Thuughl for Tudf> tion and kiftd assistance upon the dcca- aid B. Mather will be parents of mony,. the npw Leatherneck de­ chiltiren who will enteF first grade parted for Parris Island, C., If a v eh our Now they hayd made progreag that the original Harriman sion of ...... recent burial. It is_ ¥el. FIRST GHUROH OF CHRIST, SGIMTiST in September. where he will undergo intehsive C L U S n t A N toward their gohl. Senator' Wlley'e atrategy, of having hia rivals dis­ ■' • / SprtBg '■....i sinterely appreciated. _ Ml 3-112fi ' The meeting will consider prep- trashing. Every taste tells yt^u they*re... recourat must ba to a state pri­ pose of e’ach other and leave the Spring ii coming, SOCKVIUE, CONN. arhtlon .of a child for the new ex­ Pvt. Rolher attended , Howell mary; ha may nte'that in epita of field clear to him, has'failect, arid It'a finally here. , ■ U SAFE PARKING ON PREMISES ^ perience of going to school. Slml- CSieney Technical School 'in Man* JEW ELEl ILVER8MITHS the oppdeitiea' Air the organlaADon. The birds arc singing, , ■ Agency For Hartford , far meetings 'have bee* held Chester prior to his enlistment in A 058 MAIN »t^, MANCHESTER that his chances now depend more aa you can hq«r. annually for several years in an,, the Marines. HAKOrS FRANKS O r he ipmy'iX* forced to find -mt ('.ordially invilrs^tfii In a • ESTABLISHED 1874 • on the thing he la now tr.ving,' The flowers «n e blooming. Accident Ind Indemnity Co. effort to ease the w.ay for children, Upon ' completion of his basic ■ THE KNOWN NAME, .that.'ae ha Remarked when w ard^ -which la.a direct selling of him- , so bright and gay. and .their parents. . training, he will be granted a lb THE KNOWN QUALITY SINCE 1900 The grass la growing, • Free Lerltire entitird Hartford. Conn. that ope of his votes for Elsen­ ■MaMMOril The staff urges parents to bring day leave to visit his family and hower policies might cost him his j Day .after day. , the children to school for a brief | friends. HANDY.^OMPANY— mokon of Handy's fruitod, ftilly-ceoktd smokod showldort, olio tor tho Holiday. 'It has never paid to underrate The trees are in color, \ 'Senate seat, there are other things H arrim an in the past, and It la not aa you can see. hi Ufe besides aitUAg In the United aafe to do ao now. He has a capacl-. , Which show’s God's love, - -aieiirvf .., States Senate. I ty for surprising all those who sell , (or you and me. “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: I ^ . Randy Smith. , W hat all the politicians are. new him abort, aa hia x’ictory in New Sponsored by the Vtanchester asking, of course, is whether Presi- York state, when he was labeled Council of Churches. • ,< .'f dent Eiaenhower will come to the a "weak” c'ahdidate, demonstrated. HOW GOD NEALS” tMciie of S t a t o r Wlleji.. The> But It is sound enough t'0;.po)|nU YEA RS DON'T COP NT Oklahoma City (A>i — Afisistant J ' . ■ Care free Casual President obviouAJy hag a set rule out that he offera the Democratic ftre chief, Johnn.y I>ynn, admitted ■y DR. ARCHIBALD CAREY, C.S.R. against 'mixing In such,party con- prrty an unusual bargain. To 72 years at a birthday, party which , A*.'., OF DETROIT. MICHIGAN / tiwersiea". He likes to ignore them, nominate him. the party would' attracted Mayor Allen Street and and there 'it a certain wisdom in have to thumb its nose at i la own City Manager BIJI Gill Jr. But Gorrifbrt for Lynn Inaiata he atlll qiialiftea as a | UnicHi: Congregafiond Church, Rockville. hia doing ao. For If he were ta Southern contingents, anl afm at flrSt class Arenian. He ran ecram- ■ apend hia prestige on every lower a victory in the campaign bte iip'a ladder as. fast aa men half | : level party fight that cornea along. through a aomewhal 'ladlcal ap- hts age. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 29. 195« y o u r •4i‘ he aoon might have no prestige peal.tp the city north and the sup­ left. a - ' posedly discontented' (arm autes. AT 8:15 O’CLOCK ^ Manchester's Chevrolet Dealer For Over 20 Years But if he tries to follow this The party’s acceptance p." such policy with regard to .Senator a bargain, and such a campaign ' • NOTHINCf IS GOOD Wc’ll be closed -Wiley, a certain past gesture of premise, does not seem likely; The ( OR BAD, BUT BY hlE will hauat'''hlm . In the IB52 party ha.s in the paat. as in 1952. 8ll da.\' Wedne.^dny, campaign, he went into Wi.srortein, and as in 1928, found itself desert­ COMI’ARfSON.” So You^re Coing to Buy a Home and. In the Interesta of campaign ed by portions of the South, but il^ 4 (Aulbor'a nania below) —Memorial Day harmony, shook the -hand, of the has never deliberately planned It controversial McCarthy^ If he tllai wa5‘, which is what li would In 1900 about 135 infaul.s USED Could do th a t much for a mSn with be doing, this time, if it nominated out of every 1,000 died l)c- MAIN ST. CORNER OF CHARTER OAK #hom h* disagreed almoa* com: Harriman. _ ^ : fore tho.i werb one yea)- : pletely, should he}.now do, learfcTr' old. No'it' we are losiug le.ss Many makM and modtis in sfock, Cam» a friend .and atippbrler? .The an- thau. 25 out of every 1,000. A / e A / fO m : Backyard A Complex Thing. 7 and look tham over at your laisur*. STATIQN WAGON 1955 MERCURY 2-DOOR awer would seem obiipus, and we It is bad to lo.s'c any or our Yea. It’s h/tier to check Hrat than to he aorry after. Here's a . would expect Senator.. Wiley to precious ones, but gocjd that original miles Dqwm in Niw Jeraey, a State quick liaj of poinia that i-an make home ownership more en­ •EYE THEM .healer, lvor.v and black. Has radio, 1 get a presidential hand a.s h« faces Juvenile Delinquency Study Cpm- improved medical tech- joyable to you. , ' '> bunging C h e ste r heater, automatic drive.. ■ his primary battle. He deserves it. mis.sion hks just completed a two uiques aud uew druKs- n)-e *1595 neighborhood ^ —V------i ... year aurvlsy of the problem stated helpingiito .save lives. / > l ' ' TMc* tha car af your ^ o ica out on Hit open, in ita And we are in- P la It the kinil yoii',1 re,(ll.v like to have your children grow .The adjustable sie.sta chair,/-’' 'rood and giva it a good trial. Satisfy yourstlf . . A FalRl Errbr? Childhood ili.seus^s—emr DOOR 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR ^ tereateu Jo note that, in Us report, lip'In? ' ' ■1 ''.'^ above, the folding "^achM 1951 MfRCUR^ DOW eithe)' be prevented .or / C I* eonvenlent io at-honU; rhiirrti, shopping e f o ie r f . : i ■ it's all wc sot 1*’ V^'ra proud of our used ‘ But American Qiiakei. wlio the Nen‘ Jersey/commiaaion gives and sand chains below, come V- more-easily treated. .Among / n la It, made pp of the same general "Income level" you Ure jri a gay yellow-and-gtcon cars and want you to f?7 thorn boforo you toureld 1^,000 miles in Russia last some atten.ion to the Idea that the j In ? , ■ , ". ■ ■ - I F,.\ceptionaly nice chr. Fully Hardtop model. Ha.s power the weapons “"used in fhi.s stripe duck with reinforced • tw y - ' ■ --V. $( steering and power glide. year, have issued a booklett pre- resppnaibility for delinquency is battle are vaccines, anti­ □ .4re the real estate and o.ther taxes comparable to the price/ eqifipptjd. •ejiting Lheir''Obs«} vations.'' and !.not purely parerilal, but a complex | of the house ? ' - i seats. Maple and birch Timo poymonts can be tailbrod to YOUR por> biotics and powerful, but Backyard frames~lin natural varnish. «< .1 .' V..... their most important general con- thing'which spreads all- through' .safe antiseptics; .All of them « FINANCING ticuior needs. Your present ,cor could eosHy elusion, is that condilion.s inside ' rtir society. [ ^ 1953 W I L L Y S 2-DOOR 19521:HEV. 4-DOOR are in our pha) macy await­ be the full down poymenh* All'financing is Russia are."fluid." By that they j Tlie miracle parent niay | oaslbly i ing the opportunity to help. □ Can you readily meet Uio down payment? barbeque The.se cars are nc^cd' for mean that Marxist do'gma isn’t j escape trouble, in spite of every- □ Are you prepared to meet the aexeral additional "closing buy them done through your bonk or Generoj Motors. economical driving. Ideal {'lice dark Cfti' with white-' ^iJtema”—aurh aa the coat of the title cVrtlAcate. mortgage qulte what It'usedto be, that class thing. The average parent, making ' We hove no hidden charges or gimmicks. . -second catT" walls. Has jwer glide. recording .fee and attorney's aeryleea (or preparing Ihe .Thick i'ij". inch"plank.4 «>f .-iSviiions are manifesting them- Ihe best possible-effort, may find ' pro|M-r pa|H-ra for KII.4 or YA m ortgage loans? *695 *795 YOUR PHYSICf.AK r .• themselves are thinking? WHEN YOU NKED tw(i l>enchcs included. ' It is, in other w’oids, not merely ! A MEDICINE jii.st ground. New .seat coW I “A whole nation,” they ob.serve. vihet parents do iri specific rela- ! [j Do oiitaldr jioora open and close easily an(i;.praprriyf ' Radio, heater, new paint. “has beeh taught to read. This la a aign of general quality of robsirurtlon, lion to their thildren which deter- i ' □ If there are a few plaster cracks will the hiilldrT agree Io 3.98 "An increasing number are be- mines whether oi not we have de- I Pick up your preac.rip- At the beach Ing taught to think, and accoidlng j linqUenty. It |s.,M'hat weido'on our tion if shopping near us, or la there a siiflicleiit number ■of electrical outlets? i 4 1949 CHEV. 2-DOOR 1950 FORD 2-DOOR to American arientists. to lliink ' o"'*'>'’ej ‘ii relshon.shlp to other Is heal supplied by motlern autom atlo oil heatITig equip- let us deliver -promptly nienl ? (Builders can make subslantlat savings putting in (night) 'If you're lucky.enough In ^yery wj|U . '. . but education once j pa-'enls. in relstionshio i*o our without e.\tra charge. A other types of equipm ent/'Bill h builder who haVe« money Go(jd, cheap transportation. ' V^-8. Radio and heater. New “ prodded, is not easy to control, i world- -il i», in-short, the kind of get to the beach and the weather gi'eat many people entrust here perhaps "saved” somewhere else. too). * . is with yoii,. you'll en.ioy' thf low Rad io and hcat’fi'r. ^ ^ 0 scat'Covers. Nice clean car. "How long will men well- j "'o';*'!, we "build and honprnor which □ Make sure the house has hn adequate masonry chimney. ^445 traihed In the scientific process ; al-'o has a u.se with theVEc.sponsibility Riilldlng one later la costly. Not having on* limits your underslimg comfort of thi.s .sand Kieat deal to'do u-ith of filling their prescrip­ cholre of fi)rla for heating and depreciates the house's chair. Folds compactly. accept w ithout question j arty pn>- "'bat 6ur young people become... tions. May we ,.compound value. 1954. CHEV. BEL AIR 1954 CHEV. 2-DOOR nouncementa? This is ■ a hard theory, because ' vours? 21rt tfiodol. 2rtoi)e jiaint. fa- “Another force that refuses to Ffial is really says is one of the GENERAL ' " V . • ■ 2-Door Sedan. Local owner. G 1 dio, h eater,p o w er glides (it neatly into the Marxist doctrine ImporUnt ways to combat ju\ enlle □ Ar* you.iinr* ih* baaamenLw-Ufatay dry after heavy rains? .I'f Radio, heater, power glide. ^ mm Low mileage. * of adentiat .human relatjon|,is^ re­ delinquency is to begin to rKmiik- i la the founilatlon anund? . 13*5 ligion. W# found enough eyidence ing the aduit world— by making g Are Ihrr* atnrm tvindow a. and wrathrratripplng,? A r* you ■ s ' of aptritual vigor to suggest that sure that it has the values and! paying for Hum? - . □ Chrrk Ihr probable cast of horn* hrating. Krmrmlier any We’re loaded with all, 1950 MERCURY SEDAN 1952 PLYMpijtH 4-DOOR the Oonimuniet concern over a fe- standards yvhlch attract youth and Prescription Pharmacy fuel for fiiitg'atitnmatlr ua* other than nil will increase kinds of outdoor futrti'.'' Here’s one for the .voting Uglouf rei-ival la well-founded." gain lie feapecl rather than some 90i Main Street your annual heating roata at. least 25$. in 33 1/3%, ture and umbrellas. Don’t The Russian government, the Which repel It and Invlle lU folks. Just painted a bright Very clean. A reaT bargain 'Quotation by K. Bohn miss this complete dis-^ maroon'. at this price. Quakers emphaalMd. might still cynlciam. * -• » W'hy not check theae pointa with your Realtor ... . . ______■ > . . play. . t / ' *495 (1798-18841 *595 try .to' reverse these trends. But, ^ All of us would much raJiier ad- | Copyright 1958 (8W1) *53 MAIN STREET-LMItcK.il 3-SI7 m y added, "Uie fartheg they k o ,J vocale harder epanklnga and! Beller Hbiiic Heat Council vine. jm m m •I ■ ■ >' ■ . . • V ' ^ ^ ^ ‘V ^ V r i.. ■ : V/;'; J ■V; ’V 'N, V. )- 7 t4 ■,X,- \ ■//'

V .7 , V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MA^HESTER, CONN )AY, M AY 28. 1966 A MANCHESTER EVENING HERAtD, MANCHESTER. CONH^ MONpAY, M AV 28, 1988 X. p a Db n in c P A G B E I G H T - r p r ■•S' T ^ cation ceremony and asalateid ■'of military booty uncovered In a saying aha waa fklrtg to Boswell's Mart Camfort WMrlR Colonel^ .Miller. '* Rockyille.Vem6n •„ V surprise 18-hour. raM deep into the Ic* Cream Sodas I^ead ^ apartment tq aeU nUn one of her 9 TivoW lically New Organ at Salvation Arm y Organ Dedicatf^ •aHMOMMlVMltBMMMMMMHaMMHHMHMHB French iRioters dark and forbidding recasaea of Wife Supporb Fifteen Junior soldiers yere wel- To Solution of Mystery taro ears. L^ai, Estes Widen Rift Charter Algiers' notorious Caabah. FALSE TEETH iWnred fn>in '’At Citadel Here comedJntb the ranks of-jbe h^va- The raid waa first tn the 400-year victim waa divorced from J. tioh A ^ y yesterda: by Colonel City Tax Rate Heads Ag)enda Rockville, May* 28 (Special) Here u a pleasant «ap to ertraane Halt ftescLi^^es history of the teeming Arab quar­ pouse Held on Franda de Vinpey of Philadelphia loaaa Plata dloMiiifort. P A S T im i. MiUar. ‘Tlte pledge. stgrteJ by each A buying spree that Included A new, Baldwin electronic organ lUGltY STRIKE” ter, known to millions of movie- 'T-' in 1964. v9he married T liom u ' V/. aa 'iriiproead paeMtr, iMnkMd on i‘Crashes child,’" ia abs. engraved plaque with new basSbaii gloves artd ice­ Van Ryne, 39, to xlcologta iX a rly upper and loarer plates >elde thaM goera aa tha aetting for sultry love nrmer so that thtr tael mpra oem- XKFlorida ¥bte Nears was. dsdicsted Sunday morning at the signature of Young People's O f ToriighC8 Council Session Set for Algiers cream sodas for himself and this year. Shp was the d a u m e r 3 e F T . - acenes between Charlea "Boyer and Killing Heu^ess tortable.e. No gummy,, goosy. paoty (Pirlure odsnige One) the Salvation Army Citadel by Sergeant Majoi^ Munsie and Major his friends has ended for a local of. Mrs. EllsabbUi Flagitr Harri taita or>r feeling. It's all^lp e /noB. Hedy Lamarr. ra g e One) Pickup. ’ 13-year-oId whose admission of of the Chestnut Hill section ol seM). pees not sour. C b o ^ “M *o . (C oatliiaM “ Slight InlproveXpriV.’ was re­ Colonel Ralph T. Miller, provincial SPORT RSHING ROAT \ RockvUk, Hay 28 (Special)—A • vision, looated at the Elks tibfti- ' (Otaibmifl frem.Faga Om ) A task force of 6,000 troopa and (Oentiaued from Page One) odor’ (denture brtath). Oat Fas- ported by Manchesvar Memorial The children w ^e Peter, Arthur guilt solved a 3-months' mys­ Philadelphia. Her father, J. An­ \ Wiley Droppe commander for the New England RADIO-TELEFHONE ., tax rata fPr this city will be recom-i age House, 8 N. Park, 8t„ on 1^500 apeolal police cordOhad off ------“ today at any drug counter. citizen Hospital officials lodayHn the con- and Wesley Story, 'Gall Unsworth* tery of the dtaappearance of drew Harris HI. is a retired air- "Of courze EQUIPPED ^ mended by th# Common Council Wednesdays each .week, will bb the Communisi-ddminated^ Gen­ the quarter at 2 km. yesterday and had Mra. Van Ryne'a wallet con­ •hotild.'' , dltlo'n- of a Stafford mah. Injured Btatss. ‘ y • Eidw’ard Johnson; Uttden Bryant, abmt'$177 f.om the home-of q erd^t company extcuUve. . ' tonight and submitted to the i closed this week in obaecvance of eral Federation of Ldbor (CGT). swarmed in the predawn darkhau fam ily here. taining Nevada and .Pennsylvania Symington end eoontH^OO dele ; By i Wiscon^n ; critically In one of five arb^ atcl- The organ fund was started last Robert, John and P am ela Daub, 'Snowahoe flmuaders, cog and Boawell'a parents reside tn Kan­ ' voters at a apcclal meeting* June j Memorial Day, Mise Hazel Ander- The nan-Communtat unions did through its twlsttnl; Katreeta and First break in the .case Camb • N getes were here for th^ DenjO': ' dents oyer the weekend. December, by Young People's Sei- Francis. Terry and Bonhle Sweet polMtek MOW nmatog o ff Block not order thMr fnen to join in the driving ^licenaes and other jiapqrs.. sas ,Cty. , \GENERAL - - 'tl, M ayor Hernian G. Olson said { son, manager of the Manchester squalid homes. when a woman, reported neigh­ , cretio State Ooiiventton. which will Besides Norman Oagne,.33, Mrs. gsant l$a)or Alton J. Munsie with and Kathleen.Vennart laland. Bglt u d tackle far- office, has announce. walkout, but expreaaad sympathy T h e body o f the pretty heireas pick 76 delegatee with half a vote" ~ " P DeleiE^tes I Betty Sitlei.'36. also of SUfforb, Another highlight pf theXweik- aiahed. today. A prelinqlnary count of their take borhood children seemed to bo The 19li5 tpx rate waa 12 miUa Events Tonight with tha reaervista recalled to ac­ was found last Thursday in a each at the party's nominating vvas-hurt cHUcally^ In a crash In­ a donatipn' of l$00. A committee, end meetings was the lllust) showed hundreds of small arms, spending an unusual a m o t^ df TV^ERVICE ' for. the city, with art additional, The Junior High hellowahip of tive duty. e. Convention in C litc i^ Aug. 1^. ■ / volving . two cars and a tnick at adc up 'jrf Alfred Clough. Song­ lecture on pencils by Colonel Hil­ For ReaervattoM Call cartridges, grenades \and knivea money. The report led tollples- closet of Boswell's Carson City, Daya OaU (Ceatiiued from Page '>M). 37-mill town tax rate levied on Rockville Baptist (Jhuach will meet While tha, fighting was %UII in The State Committee was rKa4>; 1.1:40 p.ni; yesterday on Rt. 83, V ir- ster ‘trader Mrs. pitlan K. Per- ler, over 6,000 different style aeveral cases of expioaives, a tloning by police that resulted apartment. She was wearing a N lgk U rtaa Parts i * ' V ■ Capt. Burton R. Keeney Rockville vealdents. at the church at .7 o'clock. A t 7:'15 progress, the reservists left the with a propoeal Missouri's vote* ‘ ratt'and Bandmaster Peter Carl­ Which were'ahoxyn. Tlie latest clandestine radio tn^amitter, a In a confession by the young­ MkllWHt thc .Senate ^ffoor^ o o r ftnd 'leading . n.on. S5 Foeter SL — MI »-7Slt The tax rate is being to meet the Seidor B.Y.F. meets at the railroad station to go home. Dem.- dress, and a sweater. Her pan­ TEL. cast for Symington as a "favby‘ son, was apfMinted to work with ded to the collection is one used by makeshift propaganda printing ster. the fight to defeateat Jhe the propproposal.' Rockville City Hospital officials a budget adopted- at the 'annuaL parsonage. A rehearsal of the onatratori picked them up and ties and a household belt, which aon" candidate, with dele, Munsie. Almost immediately, lo Founder William Booth, used just press and duplicating n^chinea 30 Only a small-.qmount o f the IMilice''believe was used to garrote The amendment was designed i would not commit themselves on city meeting in December‘ and' Children’s Day program will b: carried them, on their ahouldera.. pledged to stick with him as lon^ Other members responded with do­ before he died, . ■ bales of uniforms, 10,000 in si^ a money waa recovertd, how­ her, were found nearby. to limit the treaty-making powers i Mrs. S^ltler'a condition, tut said she baaed on eaaeasments aa of OH. held tomorrow afternoon a t 3 It waa only after the reaerviata ■ \ as there is any chance he might nations of $100 each.-The balance MVs. Elizabeth l/tMlaon, who has of the Algerian “Armylof Libera­ ever, aa the boy'a' generosity of tlif Prasklenl. Wiley, lilte I U "comfortable'' and would be X- 1, 1955. M ayor Oladn pointed out o’clockf > ’ left that order was restored and Carson. City authorities said has bean made up of smaller con­ served 24 years as'Corpa secretary, tion" and medical supplies ap­ had about exhausted his booty. Mr*. Van Ryne's body had been win. Presldcht'^ Ki.senliow’er, cnntcndecK rayed today. that the budget was prepared by An area gathering of the tha area cleared. A. number of US M4 wanrsa nMovd Symington already has picked tributions. 73>e response was so w as’ honored," at thh same service parently ' in te n d e d uor rebel Hie friends, recipients of gifts ill the closet since last Monday. the amendment ■ w'ould handcuff \The toiiplr was taken to Rock- the prcvloiU' adminiatratlon. Brotherhood of St. Andrew, vfill be civlllana, including women and . up scattered’ backing as a dark- grta t that no solicitation or the and presented w ltn \a purse of wounded/' ! . purchased with the spoils, w-ere Admitted Sftdng Victim the chief executiv'e'ln making for- ' vine Hospllsl with possible skull Ha «alao said "Uie present' ad- held at St,^ Joitn'a .Obrch begin­ children,, who had been taken o ff ' horse” candidate in the event the frarlures ami head and face cuts usual sponsorship o f "projects” money from friends. X^lonel Jo­ The taak force rounded up 4,480 tn no way implicated In the IVilllam H. BatrniSn. head o f the eign policy • mialatration had considered aak- ning at 8 o'clock. Als6 at 8 o'clock the- trdlh and ushered td a safe Chicago ' convention goe;- into a Animosity toward Wiley flared after Gngne'a car sideswjped. a for such a fund have been neces­ seph Atkinson, unable tn be prea- comer of the station, then went Atabs for questioning.. Of. these, .theft, a t y PoHpe said; Vermont State Police, said Boa- fINE PHARMACY ,ing for additional appropriations a Good Will Club meeting will be - deadlock. in the stale Republican parly for panel tivek driven by Arthur sary, Major John Pickup, com­ eiU, sent' a recorded memtage for back to the’ cojaches. The. train 522 were detained as “super sus­ The hoy's fam ily haa agreed welt admitted seeing Mrs. Van for work which is Medad, but that held at the home o f Oorinns 884 CENTER ST. . In Saturday's North Carolijia his abstention in votln'g on the Skarin, .7I\ Kast Hartford, .S lid manding officer, planned the dedi­ the occasion.' Jf *> left the station almoat two hours pects." to make i-eslltutlon and tha Ryne last Monday night but denied in tha interests of economy an at­ Krechko. ... Democratic primary, defeat came Senate's/condemn«.tlon of ^ Sen. late. »• ease will b<4 ■ referred to the he killed hev. then car-omed into a car' operated tem pt wl|l ha made to operate on Ml 9.9814 ^ to heps, ^ a n e ahd C3tatham /hon- McCarthy |R-Wis». . by )Vllllam Karr. 44. .Mountain Rd.. Word passed through this city Juvenile Court.' Friends of Mrs. Van Ryne said the present budget for the current Advertisement-— . signers of a document attacking The .convention gave Davis Rockville, according tn State Po- that aimllar action mlgjH be taken Two Sislers Mc^et she left her motel Monday after A N T SIZ E the Supreme Court's decisions on X79.’i and Wiley 4,81 votes. year. , Wanted, Ride to Pratt and Whit­ later today at Nantea. A big An appropriation for the*new segregation. More than JfW South- Wiley said yesterday, "We'il let . >■ . ■ ■ ney ' beginning, Monday, June 4. force of policemen waa on duty Gagije and MrS. Slliev, were u secondary sewage filtration plant First Time Here cently been, visiting another sister, •rn-COngresa menjhers-slgned it the people decide this at the pri­ R U S C O W orking hours 8 to 4:45. Korth around the atation at Nantes. Pieture TuN thrown from the car by the double now being planned is not Included parking. lot if possible. TCiaphone Mrs. An'h Tobin qf Hyannia.-Masa.y mary, not a few king makers, ami impact. ' - This was', the latest o f a aeries on Cape Cod. She has two brothers SELF-STORING COMBINATION DOORS in this year’s budge^ except for Snape,. TRem ont >7083. ’ o f maneuvers organized by the Mlsa Georgina * M artin •' o f I'll abide by their decision.” Police asijd the Karr auto a ^ 6«f a- in Detroit and wil^la there, toured NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Saturday after the defeat, which preliminary engineering cost. Safety ..Patrol copaUb- the Farr aiilo.,^ tubular steel censtructlen I ■ GliiHstiaii Science Board o f Lec­ Members of Senior Girl Scout authorities today tallied up a store the late M r.' Martin. She haa re-y^’irip. Qpgne waa,lrsnafcrred last night 'sprayed with fraab waaar ■ tureship. .He will speak on the les at about noon yesterday.\ (Coatinued from Page One) Troop 1, >;ho are sailing for ------^ ^ -v- ; . Constables said Robert Rose. 30. to Manchester Men’ orial HosplDit. Opecolet iuit like a windqw — decergentt and thorougk iy 1 subject, “Christian Science: How Europe on June 12, were guests at — ^------Neither hkarln nor hia wim r nothing to change — nothing sponi^ a ^ ebamoiaed. w e i God H eala" Wall St„ walked into Safety Patrol on- the Cape Cod canal, but both a; bon voyage party given y e s tv - Oliva, occQpanta of the panel I • . ' U*raM Photo J^stprol Dr. Carey received the. degrees ' Headquarters, Rt. 31, and told the C oait Giia'rd and Uie Arm y nap barth detergaaa that. i day afternoon by former members truck, were injured, according to \ SongAer leader and organist, Mrs. Lillian K. Perrett tries out the o f A.B. and L l .B. from the U»i- two constablts on duty of his part Engipeera said they had not logged iniurc the fioiah... ac diHr wadi\ of the troop who went to Europe police.'-" ’ I imw Bkidwin electronic organ dedicated yesterday at,the Salvatioii ’ MAGICPANfin Fingertip Ven­ versit.Y of Michigan-’ and LL.U. in the Wednesday night incident their little'sloop ''Frisky" into water left over from a ptevioaa in 1954, at the home of Susan Four Drivers Warned ’, Artny, Young People’s Sergeant Major Alton J. Munsie, right, who tilation Control, from the Prihclpia'College. He en­ which sent Mrs. Grace Lord, Wil- that waterway, Normally, the Car. . . o r . "b it-o r-m ia t” .aasaeably Crdckett. 14 Gerard St. /Four drivers involved" in plfi'er .■Kar^ the fund for the organ, took part in the service when ColonM tered . the legal profession in De­ limantic, t o the hospital. aloop should have reached Its des­ RalplK’i', Miller, standing behind Mra. PCrrett, provincial commander liae otetboda. Th e auaMsatk op> Present at the party were all 13 WATCH The conatsbiea placed Rose tn .weekend accidents ' were issued troit, eventually becoming the sen­ members of the troop, who are tination In three or four hours. . warnings, according to State Po­ for th^alvallon Army from Boston, dedicated the, organ. “ YOUR HOMi CAN I f AS arab'ea o f the Washer g t it the Job the custody of Wi^limanlic Police, The area was enveloped moat of ior member of a firm engaged leaving for Europe in two weeks lice at the'Stafford and Colches­ doom ia Vi the uaec aepded foe Ucaely in tha practice o f corpora- who charged the ■ -youth wdtK yesterday by fog. rain and. high o with their leaders, Miss Jean ter barrachc, * AIODIRN AS rOMdRROMf aaaaual waahiag. law. breach of peace and attempted winds, often ^ ilh poor vlaibillty. warned Clifford Brlnaon, 2f. Hart­ Campbell and Miss Emily Smith. I.aiuis Barnelt, ,Vt. of Spring- was altempllng to pass Verprzua- Cubs Plan Picnic WARDS theft from a person; According to hla v/i.e, M erkt ford. for failure to pass to the left Give year ou dipt "like aew” look Also a guest at the party was Mrs. field, was warned for improper kus, who .w as signaling for a ■THB OREA'PnnT NAM|t IM Cub Pack 86 o f Vernon will hold Arraigned today in Willimantic purchased the 23-fobt sailing craft after a 2-car crash on Rt. 6, today. Ortfc ia for oat tpmoif, Hawl Mozley McQuown of El lane-changlnjir yesterday niornlng left turn. WINDOWHAND DOONS \ a picnic tomorrow evening at Police Court. Rose pleaded guilty In Maine and left Portland over Robert L. Gibson; 29, Hartfoi-d, Bolton, Saturday morning. wHk R u s e o \ Monte, Calif., a former resident of after an accident on Rt. 15, Ver­ all-pdtoc wash ‘Job! (?amp Gardner, IScho Mountain, Ive- FORM to > the .Charges and had his case the weekend, intending to sail her was warned for inaltcnllon to, The Brinson car crashed into the Manchester, who arrived in towh non. , gXning at 6 o'clock. Each Scout ■ bound ■over to Windham . County to N ew Haven, Conn. driving by Trpopef Donald Kelley rear of an auto driven by Pearl m yesterday, her first trip back hare Superior Court, H e. is being held Police said- a vehicle driven by A. 0. ARONSON, should bring a glove, bat and base^ Thd Coast Guard akid ita InvesU- Biagio Salalnone, .39, ■ Boston. at 7:310 yesterday‘morning on Rt. Parrish, Old.^State Rd., Andover, MORIARTY since she left 17 years ago. ^ e Is tinder $5,000 bond. District Aqtnf Ml M 8|A ball. the guest of Miss Smith. gat{on\ indicated p® aaw the Mass., crashed into' the Barnett 6, Columbia. when the Parrish car slowed to Mrs. Lord was waUcnig on Upidn Food Sale Plannifd ,Du# to the • inclement weather Extras! aloop after her Plymouth call, not car after 'Barnett turned left Police said Gibson lost control turn right into O d er M ill Rd.. THE BARtU^-BRAINARD CO. WINDOWS ana POOSt BROTHERS St., Willimantic, Wednesday night evert theXcrew cjf thev|kirnet llghl- of his car and cm,.-died Into a high­ police said. WEST H^TFORD, C^SX. The ‘"Littla PYofessors of 1956" yestci-day, the activities planned X when one of two youths grabbed across the Inner westbound lane.of of Grade^ at Vernon Elementary housii, gharding the 'entrance to the highway to crass the esplanade way fence while attempting to No. injuries resulted from thi' 315 Center St,— MI >5135 for out-of-doors had 16 be can­ for her purse. The tug that was fhe harboV.. This latter fact gave avoid some debris on fhe rosd. four minor craahaa. State Police School wiXsponsor a food, plant' celed. A fte r seVving a delicious exerted knocked Mrs. Lord to the near the Mile HUl Rd. cutoff. rise to a theory the crow might ■fhe Salamone car was following Trooper Charles Mansfield aaid. and crafts 'salt tomorrow from' supper, the form er members o f the sidewalk. f o ^ have decided against going nut Barnett'a and both were headed noon to 4 p.nXwith proceeds to go troop, who had rifsde the trip two She was treated later at the ______L___^______L, into, the o p ^ sea and anchored west on the highway, polite said, toward the clqa social, educa­ years ago, entertained the others Windham Community Memorial somewhere Within the harbor. A tional and'chariMble funds. by reading a w-lU, leaving some of Hospital-for lacerations of the .knilorer Accident •\ search of the harbor, however.was Trocmer Richard Powers warned ■ Many AppUoanqns. RiK-eived their mishaps and strange char­ low er lip and ha'nd injuries. Fitting children's shoes^is a specialty at Leonard's: rrtth negative ireault. A much'greater response for acteristics and doings to members The two youths fled, forgetting Artis E. Kennie, 21, .'Manchester, included lif the Coast Guard's for improper jiasaing after an ac- attendance at the Tolland County o f the present groiip, all of which the purse.. Yes, Mothers and/T)ad$. . . we do know how. search are the rtulters Frederick cldent'at 4:45 yesterday afternoon 4-H Camp in July thni originmiy caused much merriment. Singing Investigation led by Det,. .Sgt. MEM-ORY Lee from N ew Bedford, an 83-fooL-'j7on Boston Hilt Rd., Andover. , anticipatMl has been nmed by Al­ of both new and old songs was ■ Francis G. Sayers resulted in the bert G. Gray, Ooiinty. Cliib agent. enjoyed by the entire group. er from Provinceldwn, a 40-foolfcr Powers said the Kennie ^ r was / arrest of Gilbert. Hopkins, TO, Hart­ from Scituate. a 36-footer from the struck by a vehicle driven by EANE With maximum enrollmant for Hostesses, at the bon vetyage ford, Friday, and issuance ‘of a Cape Cod station and two planes Frank A. Verprzuakua. 16;. Boston the two weeks set at 120 girts and party, besides Miss Crockett, were warrant for Roae Saturday. from. Salem. Hill Rd., Andover,, while Kennie Widths 100 boys Gray said s’pplic^ons, ■Bette Lou Robinson. Judy Han­ In Willimantic Police Court to­ Poll iParrot from have already been received from ' sen. Dawna .Reaviel, Carol Pigott, day, Hopkins, charged wHh breach 82 girls and 34 boya.:,.Ha e yp eos Bqima Stapbena and Wilma Smith. > I '. I ) k 1 , - A to E. o f peace, had his case continued the quota for: girls to'be filled one mopth and was refeSsed with­ WITH due reverence within a week.' Present applica­ out having to pos.t bonit, according, tions, he said, are about even ly , RANGE to Willimantic police. Authorities divided between the first and sec-1 \ -. It said Hopkins took no part in the ' Ucmeniber whein Memorial Day wa.s usually ^nd week period. , ' attempted theft. referred to a.s “ Decoration Day’’ and parades Applications are being accepted l rUEL OIL were held in every town? Deep reverence was In the order in which they are re­ ceived at the office, Gray' said,: gasolime Including ahown the “ dW' soldiers’’ aS' they proiidly June 9 is the closing day. Hi'League Picks l)a.s.scd in review and we li.stened attentively FiniNG IS 881 MAIN ST The camp w ill be held at the I to the orator who gave a patriptic addreAs BUSINESS" MANCHESTER Wlndhapi County 4-H Camp in 1 Youths of Year ^ ftcr a few appropriate,numbers by the band. \ ' Abington, located in the town of I BANTLY OIL Kcmembcr? / ■ 8 B Franklin. Periods are from July 1! ' 'I'n' vM , i\( The theme o f the annual youth to 7 and * 1*- ’ . I : 'I 'I \" I i!i i.i banquet Friday night, honoring the 2 Employment Office Closed j 1056 confirmation class and gradu­ 1 Z Tha (rfficea of the Connecticut j TEL Mlfcticll 9-4595 ating high school seniors o f ;;the \ Slate Eniplo.vment Service,- and, Emanuel Lutheran Church, ■ waa Unexpected company drop in on you?. Holmes '/ Unemployment Compensation D l-‘ TEL ROCKVIllF 5 7177 "T(g>ls o f the K ingdom " A t this A la»t minute picnic? X ’ time, announcement wag made of FUNERAL HOME YOUR AUTHORIZED the "youths of Uie yeH',". June j NU.PURPOSE THINNER MAIN ST. Werdelin and Dick Erickson. STOP AT TURNPIKE MARKET Tel. Ml 3-7897 DEALER for ALL tHE ..About 76 young people were ITeVe aheaym open to take care of your BUY ^OW SAVE 38% iiKsent at the banquet, at which V WORLD-FAMOUS Dick Erickson served as toast­ food ncetU. Reg. 1.35 GaL Clqana roller^ master. John Kjellson led gfroup Binging, and. others participating in HAMBURG — HOT DOGS •n- ROLLS HERE IT IS ! bruahea, handa. High aolVpn». GENERAL-ELECTRIC Thins all painta, .varnlahea....170 the p r o g r a m included Bill , CHARCOAL ~ PAKR PLATES FOR THK f i r s t TIME! Stephens, Barbara Bengtson and i NAPKINS — COLD SODA and BEER the pastor, the Re,\y,C, Henry Ah-1 APPUANCES! . dcraon. Vocal seiectiohs were o f*' COOKED HAMS ^ STEAKS 1.09 PAINT DROFCLOTH M IN WONDER HELANCA JA< Qt'ARD POWUR NET fered by a quartet. The guest FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Heavy popar,; 9'x12‘. Piotocf speaker waa the Rev. Hubert Ahn- qulst. floor, furniture fydjm point. A t the conclusion of ’ the pro-' S-t-r-^l-c-h-e-s gram, the officers of the Hi-League 1.19 VARNISH BRMIH foe the corning year .lyerc.installed. To Fit You... J i L i'-ln. Pure .hog briatlt. Evoniy to* pared, heavy, for long wear. )T t ’ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$;$))$$$$ ,151 MIDDLE TURlilPIKE WEST — Ml 3.8338 Stride-Eze”■A' 98 c ROOF CEf^NT - ■ I Now you can tRm. your 1 Gol. Ploitjc boM. Saab hola^ Miair siirrM M i tin|lt m pliifil aiia fll^re as well iisV

Dries quJckly 1.25*WHlfE SHELLAC I Qt. Saab wood grabt, drioi T r a v e l S e r v ic e Stretch proof , a , ; fait, no stain blasding. Now TTt b till IM am wMa tkiy sad iiu, tai, Long wearing \ M f c ia i ta whia yau want 923 MAIN STREKT M ON^ IN A HUNNYI . e Won't tear 1.19 PAINT REMOVER Any Amount, *2 0 ta *SO O ;Mez/.anine of .Munvhester •V I Qt/Non-flammdbit. Nbodsno •, ^ I Saving.s Bank The Cat’s KHtens ofterwoih. Cleans 50 *q. ft.77t r# B u y ...... ANVTHiSG. HtQiflariy $5.98 b il i Our customers say oui* fuel service is “ the cat’s kit- T o Pay ...... ov£iDL'.£ $. t E ln r iia J To Conoottdate.,. s iit j and tim e ‘'I'E.L. M l 3-57U7 . * lens." We're always bn our toes to service your heating ' NOWI 1.45 QT. TREDPJIUF, NNISH 1.20 SPAR VARNISH p a y m e n t CONTtACTS iati 1 litn kiti sy.vtem or fill your tank with fuel oil. ■ J. ' MS.aba (a awWa ywr witk i puck A toiigli. beautiful (laiht every l Pint. Waothar-itastad. Laovot ‘ a a ia M y r Mpnthly Payment . .When you call Ml 9-4595 or TR 5-3271 you get prompt durable, gtouy flnbh. t. 0/ rMataaikf kalwcK aa auTO • HSllSE- surface subject to bard Vacation Suggestions 9 Rfiass4 J f aaia im is K it ,• tv • ruiNirukt ar t •'* delivery of high test, certified fuel oil... deliveries made Enamei-likc finish. tiktr Tiai r«T csaikkCTt. Virginia Beach ....' ..... i .,.... .7 l)ay!4 $ 77.00 with metered accuracy ! . . the finest burner service- 4.90 GALIX7N.. i ,. ;.4.37 -1" Unita OM asrassiisai nu rwr sKkttttM iVansportution, Hotel. .Meals night or day .., a wealth oY fuel saving tips and advice. 1____ — 1 AMtMttr IIMlltlftr; Mami Beach- Ideal foe those. “Just a lltlle f s im 11 Ml. 28 MD.' 7 Days $107.00 Small wonder our customers pprr with pleasure when I I * ■ I l . i l ' Air 'Fransportation. Hotel - -J .ton high" places. Fold lo tee 1B4B l 9M S 8 72 Me service their heating nifeds. Why. not join the "Hep *•4^ • 1.19 QT..FLAT WALL PAINT aaa 19.27 (L'ircat Lakes (’rijise :. i^. .7 I>av.<4 $ l.’il..')0 store. Built . I . REG. 1.59 ROLLER SET 24.25 19.2$ .Cats." s iz e tSmall Medium L a rg e Extra Large Super A)ne-Coal rale^, “Ijfsl buy" lee 47.41 59.D4 M 89 . Mexico ...... 10 Days $263.91 strong. «r Ttpaymgr.t inr^utlgaU ttigriti, independent, survey, ' 7 " roller with qt. - A a% oMOd tm oroanpt mbothlT pfirmgnig Transporlatiun, Hotels, Meal.s, Sight.seeing , ■ 2.'.-26 ' 2 7 -2 R 2 9 -3 0 Waist 3 0 -3 2 Goes on ca.yily. "lo-odor,^ California and the West ...... 14 Days $292,'ir) Phont Ml 9.4595 6r TR 5-3271 today for fuH focH. dauber. 1.^0 a# Scrubbable. GAL. ..3.44 Hfm iUm to ‘oyot • • • All Expense Tour ■ Hips * " 35-.16 3 7 -3 8 .39-40 4 0 -4 2 ‘^fom ^oao u OK’ \ “Our Krputatioa THIFMONI • WtlTI • or VISIT 1‘lease'Call I's For Further Information DELCO-HEAT Ik Your Aoouraare*’ 2.45 jLINSEED OIL^ GA L .About These Trip.s QUALITY PAINTS FOR ^ 1.55 QT. SUPER GLOSS Top quality. Use os a A A Another "best ibiiy.’ Use. it In hath or thinner, doonor. l e r y FINANCf CO. INC. OF MANCHEiTEI Tours, Cruises, Resorts, Hotels OVER 80 y e a r s ... MADE IN^ kitchen, where sfeam. or M l MUN STKn . $ttwd Flaar BANTL I1LC0.IK. water daniagca o th e r 4.R9 HVLON b r u s h b « C « $ T a . PkatN. Mttkall 341$$ aai MArlN ST8EET ^ A N C H t^T E R . CONN 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE WARDS OWN PAINT FACTORY paints. 5.15 G A U ..4.55 ttoUr a JS-fiSO • Tkvrt. #a a • CtaiW $m*, Air, Rail and SteamShid Tickpts ’ I COMPLETELY AIR-CONpiTtONED i4^ lost bfudi for I^4mi lum m m i mjaty towwi ^ ' MARY C. O'MfEN. M^r. Telephone MI 9-4595— Rockville;— Phone TR i-3271 OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKING wtdfr bqa* polnb. 3.88 • r. I,. ■■■ f || \ ) ■ ^ \ , 1 / ■' * ' .. -0, J y > . A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, M AY 2», 1956 PAGE lEM .> MANCHESTER EVENING NERALD,JIIANCHKTEB. CO^K.'MONDAY, MAY 28. 195$ FAGS ELEVEN .X ,/ - ■ V Heavy Floods Tninn), -Tnimp the Biiyg Are Ridin’ Greek Cabinet Senators. Start Battle ♦' '1 Bury Midwe$t 1C I^iniste'r Quits X On Giant Highway Bill Farms, Roads On Cyprus Aint ■4

lnt^Ut«-M chway funds amonff ColU't Cases nation diiring'the weekend,xlnclud- ed the cthnarchy's cripcUm aa th « sU teiy< Sen. Gore (D -T«nn) Ing some sections of the t ncheat unjustified. Certain government I .X belt where moistui;e was' nem M ^today denounced the Hduse-ap- Frederick Husmer,,- 43, of quarters indignantly oaaerted that badly. Grain prices dropped todsy^ pro\-ed alloiiaUon phtajia "highly Newington. fined *120 by on the- Chibago Board of Trade no one outside Grebce^'-had a'ny inequitable.” Judge Wesley C Gryk in Town as crop prospects impraVed. right to try to "diotate” the cabi­ In a speech prepared for Sen- i court this morning for driving Many areas of the nation were net's colinposition or its policy. t a K t ate delate on- tte j while udder the Influence of. liquor, doused. The Weather Bureau aald However, political opponents of called instead for a tonttfiuation | , . ^ ’ that In a 24-hour period the ral/i- the government took up the cry of the* present allocation plan \ rie pleaded guilty to the charge fall measured 3,71 InChe-. at Cin­ against the 'foreign minister and which he said "haa the merit of lodged agaiitst him M ay 18. cinnati, Ohio, almost 2 Inches at 9 P. lntroduc.ed, 4 motion In parliament » • . A ■ ■ - f ' . hating worked satisfaqtorily for James F. Regan, f)3, of Hsrl- Ipla. Kan., and an inch or more to censure the gi^ernment. The two years.” ford, was given a 3-munth Jail sen­ at Wichita Falls, Texas, P'nrtlaipf. premier again spdite up strongly IrunM r's, TalcetfviN«<-^n th« M ancli«st«r«Vernon Ttfwn Line. The Senate was called to meet tence for larceny. He'had plead­ .Maine, Mobrtdge, S. D„ and Sheri­ la support of Theotokie; ‘ two hours early in an effort to ed guilty I'o the'count when pre- dan, Wyo.'- Only labt Thursday, during par­ complete action oii the mulUhillion vtously presented in court. He 12 Tornadoes Re||tbfted liamentary debate on the censure highway construction -and. tax|ng and Fred D. Seamon, 24,. of Hartr motion, Theotokts stated emphati- \ bill tomorrow night. In advance A t least a dozen tornadoeii were ford, were accused of the theft of i;eportcd Sunday oVer northern and .cally he^would not resign. He dls- of ttie Memorial Day holiday. two radios from Potterton’a. There appeared to be little ad­ western Texas; western Nebraska clali4ed> sole responsibility for Judge Gryk continued, until to­ and western' Kansas. They either Greek foreign policy, saying it was vance controversy over tax pro­ morrow. the companion, case of visions o f the bin. which would shied away from the ground or decided in conjunction with Ksrs- Seamon to allow- him to secure touched down In open country and -manlls; . ' , increase the federal gasoline tax counsel. He is free under 12.000 from 2 to 3 centk a gallon and no damage was reported. \ ln the subsequent vote the roo- bond. About 10 persons In a Farmer tlra of censure was killed 162-126. boost levies also on tires, trucks, ■ A charge of,carrying a con­ City . restaurant fled when three Tae. government meanwhile buses, diesel fuel,' trailera and cealed weapon against Clarence B. '* *V- ■ , feet of water gushed through the went ahead with, plans for a deter­ rubber. Walker. 2l. o f 123 GIdrIdge St., « Nv • Herald Photo dining room. 'The Sangamon River mined renewal of Us demands that tkxes are designed to raise was reduced to breach bf peace "Hot rodders” of the Shrine Sphinx Temple Motor-Patrol from at Mahomet, HI.-, was reported to the United \Natlohs Intervene In an e *tim M ^ *14 ^ bllUon, in addi­ add he was ^ined *45.^ Albert G. Hartford take Saturday's parade in stride as they ride nonchalantly be rising at the rate of one foot an the Cyprus isSue. GeoVge V. Melas, tion to th e ^ e ld of pVesent high­ Conlno, 27„ of Eldridge St.i Hundreds View up Main- St. aboard their miniature steeds. The little cars' made a "hour early today. Greek ambassador to ehe United way user taxe>Kto finance the ex- charged with asdault In the same X big hit with' Manchoater'a youth during the parade and in their ex­ States, - told an Am erica^ televi­ )panded road buikliiig program. incident thjp-Jed To their arrest Warm moist air contlmied' to Shrine Parade hibition drill at 7 p.m. St Center Park. ■ ...... , ^------1 ■ . -______sion audience ^ABG-College. Press Part of the federid money would May 23, >lao pleaded guilty to flow northward and overrun coolep Conference) that the. Greek''case go .for extra aid to states oh pri- breach,’'of peace, the reduced currents moving southwardird In ^ the 1 Hundreds of Shriners And pm*'1 W innsse* Dorothy Guthrie, 21. Hemlock St,; Would be put before the next UJN. \ VB bWJkE ^ 'm arj'. secondary aiid iirhaiKrpdda, count, and paid a *25 fine. Great Lakes and Ohio RIv*. Valley ^glons. peettve Shrlners paraded here 1 ^ Albert Chef field, 14 Linnmore Dr.; Assembly,. meeting next Novr.m- LI^MATIO DRI' but the greatest part, abOur *2b . I3avld E. Murphy. 18, of 32 Mrs. Margaret Starkweather, 575 billions, would go for the netwoi ‘ . The collision of the tyarm and Saturday under cloudy skies, but b«r. , ^ r d l St., arrested yesterday for Parker $t.; Howard Mqrphy Sr., of intersUte highways, moat of cold air set off ih-jnderstorms in In Art Contest ' sing a stop sign, failure to obey their, colorful costumes overcame 25. Perkins St.; Mrs. Inez Britney them four-and alx-lane roads. thesa areas, the lower Mississippi $ 1 8 5 cV h ' o |)*x 1i AI)E $ 3 ^ MONTH officer's signal and viola­ the pall cast by the weather. and .eon. .145 Lenox St.; "Mrs. How to- allocate this- money tion oTslhe optical restriction on Valley and the Plaids region Gerard Doudera, "young Man­ The parade route was lined by « Pauline Dennis and daughter, 24 among the states c r ^ e d one of his ltcensb>,Dald a total of *24 In chester artist, has been informed crowd police estimated at about Talcott Ave., Rockville; Gloria Deaths PaekanI Uippor several expected fidor controver- fines. He wair fined *9 on the l he won a *500,prize for hia paint-, y 5.000. The spectators watched Fluckiger, S. Grove St.j Rockville; i •!)( Super Hardtop first count, *lo>sn the second, and ing, "The Magician," which will SEDAN Jud g^Keser ves hands, A u x ilary Police a n d Mrs. Elizabeth Vancour; 12 Wedge- Core, author of a highway bill received a suspended judgment bn be' exhibited beginning June 10 at Joseph Hadden Very Glenn $598 s?5 $29 marching units from several wood Dr.; Kelineth Luginbuhl, Mid­ f -> '4B C A 0ILLA ^'-.Ihe Senate last year, the third. Sgt. Henry Gauruder the SUvermine Guild of Artists Joseph Hadden, 24 Huntlngtoq Shrine temples as they went up dle Butcher Rd., Rockville; Karon 4-DOOR .- to continue the present and Patrolman Thomas ft. Graham ■ Division ill C building'In Norwalk. St., died .early this morning at his Main St. from Charter Oak Park Mitchell, Man^qster; Nancy SEDAN of allocating Interstate were the arresting officers. The prize w-lll help Doudera, 23. home after a long illness. '48 I^ S E R to R. Center and Spruce St., Krowk. 52 Devon Pr.; Kathleen $88>"ij.s'' $6.72 states based tw-o-thirda on George J. Finley of 14 Arch St, /After hearing evidence in Town who lives with his mother at 31 .A resident of Manchester for REDAN doubled back end ended at Center Hawley. RFD 3, Dqblelson; Fred 'populaUoni one-sixth dn area and pleaded giilUy to Intoxication and /Goiirt' this morning in the case of Dougherty St., with traveling ex-. over 60 years, he was a retired silk Hydramntlo a Cash $ 1 9 Park. Baker, 43 Lyn'ess St.; Linda Henrv, one-BtxUv on road mileage. The receiygd 15 days in Jail, execution Joseph Repetti, 60, of 140 Spruce pcn.ses to the University of Illi­ Weaver for Cheney Bros. He waa a .■ . X '4 a F O N tlA C «*H I»ow « “ ■ Coventry: Marilyn Vojeck, ’• 95 ISenate ratfile W orks committee suspAndgd and placed on proba- i St>, charged- with policy playing - Following the parade, an exhibi­ nois, where he won a 2-year fel­ member of St. M ary’s Episcopal -\ tion was staged at Center Park Charter Oak St.; Michel ftartok, wrote UiaKplan into the Senate tton fo r 60 days. andi pool selling. Judge Wesley C- lowship to do graduate work in Churth, Manchester Lodge, No. 73, Geraldine A. Michaud, 42,. of 50 Gryk continued the case until June by marching units of Kismet Tem­ April. He will teach art at the Mairafield Center. A. F. and A. M.. Nutmeg Forest, blU. ple, Brooklyn, N. Y. The "Wootlen The House 'bill would divide up Broad St., was fined *0 fbr keep­ 5. Giyk took the papers forfiirUier University as well as study there. Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and Wash­ \.' Soldiers” drilled with the mechan­ the money on \the basis of the ing an unlicensed dog, study before announciry his ver­ He has also won a *iio award, ington Lodge. LOL. \" Nhtale E. Vltef^o.'dS, of Bolton, dict., • ical rlgldi^ associated with toy the Peter Fraser McGregor prize, Rorkrille He leaves foqr sons. John J. of Get the BEST DEAL... o DOUBLE DISCOVERY DEAL on a BIG needs of the -nates to complete soldiers. They were followed by their portions oY the interstate was fined *9. tov driving a motor Gryk continued three other cases for a Vi-nler color, painting w-hlch Manchester, Harold W. of Hart­ vehicle- with d^ective equipment. because State Policeman Robert the Honor Legion and Patrol. la now on exhibit in. Hartford. ford, ^Herbert P. of Portland and system, as report^ last year to Real Estate Man CONVERTIILE the bureau o f public Matvei Ayafeavieh, 58, of Bolton, Rasmussen was to appear in court A b oiR '2,00)0 people watched this , The Norwalk prize was the Franklin J. of!Marblehead. Mass.; was fined *0 for passing ,s stop In Fairfield today. exhibRfon and the one at 7 p.m. at' Patrick B. McGinnis award and is three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Carl­ t e r r i f i c ! \ Gore, terming that, system un , X ’ Riidiq, heater. Only S,0ft0 milea. fair, said it would pmaltse states sign. - ,r Continued were the cases of Cellar Park'btaged by the minia­ made for the best painting from Awarded $5,000 son; Mias Ruth Hadden and Mias .that submitted conservkUve esti­ A' reckless driving charge Michael Sheehan 60, of 49.Demlng ture Motor Patrol of Sphinx amoitg those submitted from all Ora Hadden,''qll of Manchester; mates and reward those w a t sub- against Nicholas Twerdy Jr., 16. St.: James Copeland, 66, 221' N. Temple from Hartford. The little over New England. Another simi­ Rorltville, May 2b (SpecialI — one brother, 'ntqmaa Hadden of |95 CA8H*^TRAbE 0NLY$59 MONTH Main St.; am' Charles S. Lucas, 39, cars, built by members of the Manchester; and seven grandchil- \ mit.tedi "unusually high, at(d per of 738 Tolland Tpke., was continued lar award is made for the best Louis Lavltt, local real estate X' haM unrealistic, estimates^ until June 4. of 88 North St. A ll ai^e charged Temple, went through their paces painting by a Connecticut artist. broker', was awsrded *5,000 dam­ dren. Thliiy-one states would\ get Gryk reversed a verdict of guil­ with pool selling. - in splendid fashion. Mrs. Marion Doudera, the yoiing ages plus interest ar.d court costs The funeral will be belli al St. more money under the Senate ty in the esse of Raymond N. Ls- ■ Gryk heard evidence of four In the afternoon, the cars were painter’s mother, said today she In a memorandurtf of decision filed Mary’s- Episcopal Church tomor­ V ■» 17 under the House. This has valle. 45, of 166 E. Middle Tpke., state's -witnesses and admitted Into parked, near the drilling area and Ijgi- son "haven’t yet gotten today with Tolland County Clerk row afternoon' aV 3:trtlock. Burial CONVERTIBLE. Clean Core to predict that his proposi continuing 'the case on a day to evidence -several pieces of paper w here Kismet Shrlners were gqing over" the shock of his winning the John H. Yeomans 'by Superior will be in East Ceme(ery. '49 CHEV; would prevail. .day basis. « and . some photographs' seised In through * their maneuvers aijd prise and the honor. ' Court Judge Joseph Mellitz. Friends may call at the HolWa 4.H900R But Sens. BUsh (R-Conn) >ahd \ Lnvalle was first, found guilty the May 4 ralb.’ nearly stole the show, at least . Doudera la a student at thc.Hart The action' .was brqught by Funeral Home. 400 Main St., from at AEDAN On the Btand,\Sgt. /dllton Strat­ '50 CADILLAC sOOWN $495 "O'™* $43 McNamara (D-Mich), from two of or, intoxication and fined *10, but among members of the younger foi-d A rt School w-here be Will re­ against Edwin G. Aberle of 7 to 9 o’clock tonight and tomor­ .\ THE Ga r WITH THE GREATEST'INCREASE IN RESALE VALLE IN THE MEDIUM-PRICE FIELD the states that would 'g i^ by the a dqmplaint that he could not hear ton, of the M'ancbeater Police, set at Center Park. Great miiiibers ceive hls.A.B. In art this year. In Vernon; Lavltt filed suit/,to re­ row morning from 9:30 to H;30. JUAT MKE NEW House bill, were readj^ to try to what, was going on In court stated he and . 3tate Policeman of children examined them and ex­ the fall he will go to Illinois. cover s 'commissi>>n alleged to be '46 NO CASH DOWN $6.50 aubetltute It on the floor. changed Gpyk's mind and he re-, George Fagan arreated Repetti oh pressed yearnings to try them out. He said, he Irtcd for the scholar­ due him fp r's e rv ic e s . rendered In Oak ,St. aa he was preparing to sen. Kuchel (R-Calif) told a re­ openecKthe case. ship— or fellowshipthere be obtaining a .cu.stomcr to purchase . 4'., enter the Oak Grill. They entered porter he would offer an amend­ cause of the Uniyerslty’s fine repu­ 120 ac)-e8 of lahd in Vernon. V the restaurknt with a search war- Get m ore hqr fo r your m oney! / ment to put the preyailulg: wage Rockville tation and because he is interested The land was part of a tract Funerals -H;wt and seised a Jacket, alleged X amendment into the Senate bill. in traveling and broadening his once considered by the School Pro-W^sl Leads tO-.beilong to the defendant, vyhich Building Committee as a site, for Thia. la opposed strongly by many experience. .Austin S. CoMon 2 't o H R plus a h«4t of pther eacltiaive luxury fe«|jfrea. Enjoy Toraion* wak hiyiglng on a. hook In tits Jail Terms Xiiyen the new high school, 'Townspeo­ s o u th m Senatora. tioudera, however, was not sure In lU reatihtrant. ple however rejected'fhe location Thf funeral of Austin S. Col- IXiel Ride,r, Lm H Leveliser, El'!lerironi<; Touch-Button Drive, how he w-QuId obtain the money to toi of Farmington wa« held at . V L a t ^ they took Repetti to his at a special referendum. Three Area Men trave.I -To Illinois. The problem is 2:30 Saturday afternoon at the ■ Twin-Traction S a ^ v Differential iind many more. (ContUiued fram Page One) room af-. 140 Spriice St., where According to testimony hearj HARDTOP Three Injured, tney aeizeX approximately ;*780 in now solved with the winning;df the nt the trial in Superior C6urt a, Watktna-Weat Funeral Home. The RockvHlr, May 28 lSpeClal|~ 1/ •'f. ; Silvetmi^ prize. month ago, Abeiie listed the prop­ Rev. Clifford Simpson,,minister A t -Stake were control of 6,587 cash, found Tn a shirt pocllet, and Dephty Judge John L. Moran sen-; MERCOMA'TIO erty with Lavitt id June. 1^55, at o f 'the Center Congregational Dog Killed in I community and provincial, councils other slips found In a sweater tenced three men to Tolland Jali an asking p.-ice''of *125,000 "wUh CShui'ch, , officiated, and Frederic Get more m oney'forvbur car! pocket. ’ on Intoxication and common C 9 (D E DOWN ; ft-om the Alps to Sicily, local posts the imdersiandbig that a flat 10 E.NWerner presided at the organ. CASH OR TRADb. ONLV Accidents Hen , Defense Ally. Jay Rubinow ob­ drunkard charges. The men arel In 563 other comnumlUes and p.ro- pei ■ ent comml.ssion would be pald Burial was in/ East Cemetery. jected to the admission of much Alton W. Maine, 38. anti Charles Hospital Notes MOST ge*heroiia Irade.-in ^How-ani^ in lm*n . . . plift surprising!' low of the evidence, but- Was over­ lor anv prjee of more than *110,- Bearers were James M. , Car-,, Three persona received minor vinclal governments in 533. The H. - Mc'<’nilane. 33, nnh Rai^niond roll, WllUgm F. Carroll, Raymond ruled'by Gryk. , , , 001. j. prices. There's nnXoiig*lion . . .^ e just think you'll he ainar.iv| NO Injuries, a dog w a , killed, and one candidates totaled 313,6oK. E. Bartholomew, 42, all of Rock- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Jef­ Cole and\Arthur Trembley.',v vtll*. frey 'pompkins, 101 Harlan St.; Lavitt then found an offer of .X! nt how high w^TTgo lb help you li^ e up to-* Packard (!lip|>er! CAMH man was arrested aa the rcsuli Interior Minister Ferdinando *90.000 which Aberle claims to Friday \iight. Evening Star '51STUDE $i2S88 DOWN- ’P i os. Harry H. L u g g asUed the Mrs. Frances Morrison, lit High isskt Tambront said the total voting have' turned down as InsufficiMt. lod ge; No. \01, A. F. ami A. M.. NO of two accidents In Manchester men if .they had ever attempted to St-. Rockville; Dale Judd,. 10 Drive might surpass the S6jper' cent Pol ice,fo Probe Lavitt claim.s Ahrrte had ex­ pf UnionvlIle,\ondue9ea 4 Masonic CAHII Saturday, police reported. solve their alcoholism. They datd G; Reginald Roberta Jr.. 4 Valley Which turned but for, the last local pressed a willingness to sell pro­ service at the ineral home. '50 PACKARD $3 $ 8 '»'^ x they had not. He Ktged thbpi to View Lane. Vernon; Adrian Dodd, DOWN Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Gerber, election's In 1951-52, Nike Site Break vided *5;000 be accepted as com- r«y for big-rar luxury 88 you^d^y for many modeis ' S98 Oakland St., were treated at Voting finished lij the Tyrol and contact AlcohollcXA.tonynious or Wapping: Gabriel Duoharmc, RFD ml.skion. Stanley/B. Krajewskl the Blue Hills ptfnlc. dm'ing their Manchester Memorial Hospital for Sicily last night. U went on to­ 3, Cbventry: Osmer Fitts, Brattle In the meantime Lavitt claimed Largely^tendedXfuneral serv­ V in tlie lov> -priced field! Come in today and ^el the full atory! $48 CHRYSLER sas $258 Police said today someone broke fi-montha'^stay-dn J.lil. minor hurts they sufferm^when day In the rest of Italy until mid­ boro. Vt. another, prospect was found who ices for^Stanley BoIeSlaw Krajew- i into a tool shed at tlie Nike site Earle G. X^lu-citcr, 18; 8B;,,Vil- they-were thrown from the motor­ afternoon. AO.MITTKD YESTERDAY: Car- wps wiling to pay 595,000. Aberle ski of'VO Foster St., X-ere held' o ff Keeney St. over the weekend lage 6t,i stlrrendered his Mccn.se cycle they were riding after, it Tyrolean Trent, the first prov­ roll Hutchinson, 81 Hawthorne St.; turned down the offer as a re.sult Saturday morning at 9:30 at the I and stole about. *3$ w-orth o f tools. for one month on a charge of vio­ struck and killed a dog on Center ince to report, ' showed strong Joseph Peek!, East Hartford: of s disagieemcnt among him- T. P. Holloran FYineral Home, f o l- ! The incident was reported this lation d l rules of the, road. Henry 8L near Winter St. shortly before gatns by both the Christian Dem­ Chester Melvin. 369 Poi’t*r St.; splf, the prospect and Lavitt re­ lowed by a .solemn requiem. Mags ' mornih'g to Sgt. Milton Stratton y. ^luczcwski, 4.'), 8 HarlOw St. 6 p.m. - ocrats of Premier Antonio Sagnl Mrs. Edith Ransom, ,57) Prospect garding Aberlc's retaining, a por­ in St. James' Church at 10 o'clock,' Comefin and see how it*s so easy to trade up tO luxury motoring! ’ i and Patrolman Allait Srjith was was fined *12 on a similar charge The«vehicle' skidded, fortalniost and the Communist-allied Social­ St.. Rockville; Mi.s.sjMary I.,oulse of the land. The Rev. Edgar Farrell was the assigned to the Investigation. . Frederick O. Goetz. '27, Spruce tion 20 feet and bollapsed aftci- hitting ists- of Pietro—Nennl.----The area bick.son. 98 Hamlin St.; Mrs. Fan­ ■ Lavitt waa bt^lnally asking celebrant, the Rev. , Peter Pinto i 6RAKF««!^ • • • • 0 • • • • • • •'* • St,, w-as giveii .a su.spendcd judg­ the colUe owned '^-by Everett long haa Christian Demo­ nie Cumn.tngs; R FD 2. Manches­ *10,000 damage;-''.add' Was repre­ the deacon and the/ Rev. George ment on a charge of larceny sot Moaier of 160 Center St. crat atronghold. • " ter; Edward Montie, 69 New St.; sented by Ally. BWn4rd J. Acker­ Hughes the subdcacon. Mrs. J.ane CARIBBEAN CONVERTIBLE goods valued at le.ss than S.'jO lii Mrs. Gerber, who la pregnant, Segnt Seen Winner Mr.s. Lois Daly, 14 Thomas Dr.; MaccOrqne was organist and solo­ connection with the sale of a gnit man of R'ockvlIleXnil the"1aw firm ALL BOWER, ALL KqUIPPED. was examinedl^d found to have pn the basis of complete, un Public Records Mrs. Amanda Gardner, 82 Walker of Gersten amr Gersten of Hart­ ist. The Rev. John F. Hannon, as­ (X>8T *6*00 NEW—NEW CAR GUARANTEE. no serious injury. ^ Official returns Segnl’s local 'lead belonging to his brother. - Re.stltu- St.; Margaret Fazia. East Hart­ sisted) by Father Pinto, read tlie tion wai made thi.s morning,.in ford.' ./'■ ■ I The other person htirt was Mrs. era appeared to have w-on control Warcaiitee Deeds ford; Bernard SUckIcs, 18 Bretton ■ Aberlei*4a represented by Atty. committal service at the grave in court. ■ , . St. James' Cemetery. : ; , Daisy Meyer, 78„ who iweeiVed a of-87 per cent of the town coun­ t,yda1l Development Corp. to Rd.; Mrs'. Esther Mosrt-, 6 Rheel Harr.^>L Lugg of-Rockville. 1956 PACKARD DE LUXE 1 8 9 5 CASH OR 'TOADE ONLY $ 8 8 MONTH bump on the head. S h e, was a cils in the Trent region. In Trent The i-ase of Honice P IJIcGpv- St.-. •Rockville; . Sue Ladr. Soulh( Bearers were Russell 'Meyer; James E..Conley and Zita Q. Con- ern, 45, Hartford, charged with passenger in brie! of three cars in­ itself the . Christian Democrats Willington: Valerie Hoffman,' Herman Krajewski. Henry Kra- t neiieri 91 v n .X -» o ^ Hackmstaok St. non-support, was nolled. Edward made from jewski, John Krajewski, Vincent I 4-DOOR SEDAN volved In a rear end collision in ;« Ch.r,<. H R FD - 3. Rockville; Mrs. Wilma \ R. Dan-y. 18,-Hamden, was fined Marlow, 120 Plymouth Lanj li rec lor' Speaks Krajewski and W alter Bareiaa. ' . ^frbnt of the ^Municipal Building it in 1951 ' I S'"®** A"** Evangeline I. Small, This omoiing Packard 4*doar with 245 V>8 matar. Th* ' shortly before noon Saturday. *100 with $.Mi remitted on a charge Sharoii'. Holme.s, 189 Eldrldge/8t,; A prOfiisiop of./ floral tributes '53 CHEV.] $785 $33 of reckless driving. William Demko, 39, of 66 Sum-- '’®ThTVro-Communlst (Socialists , John Covensky. RFD 1; RopKvlIle On Heart Study was received. tar with the most dollar vdlue on today's market with also Jumped sharply. 5,079 votes i . The case, of .i\|len R. Dnffany, Candace .Hurley, 2'28 Wotfdhriilge NATURAL - m lt St., waa arrested, charged with from 2,265 five yeafs ago. Their 1 ^ Maler to Hasel K. Finlay; prop- gas economy up to 23 miles per gollen. Beautiful color SEDAN violating the rules-of the road af­ 38. West-'Willington. charged w-lth St.; Mrs. Edith Newberry. South Ur. ThOmaa R. Dawber, mefti- Mrs. Isabella C. T a ft . '51 DeSOTO $588 *j«i $25 Red allies held steady at 2,574, i ''‘1? 44 Greenwood tor Intoxication, was i-ontimied to Funeral services for Mrs! Isa­ keyed inside and out. Hooter, Ultromotic, .white tires, ter his car .rammed the rear of Elisabeth Blake to John A Windsor; Miss Lillian Franklin, oal director of-the Framingham, 3-rKIOft ^ano^er car driven by Mrs. Mar- dompared with the previous 2,470. June 11. Tliree out-of^the-arpa 38 Strickland St.; Norman Gagne, Ma.ss,. heart study for the U.S. bella C. Taft, 68 Chestiyit St., were two'tone point, etc., at extra cost.. B.G. The Catholic Church's inlerqst Garter and J'ttUa M. Canter, prop­ drivers forfeited bonds totaling held at 8:30 this' morfiing from Jorie Rosebrooks. 46, of-Scotland, erty oh CoopersRllI St. Stafford Springs. v,__• . Public Health service being epn- FRUIT '51 CHEV. Like New. $695 *!»|. $29 in ah anti-Cornmunist, victory. *.’>8. . ■ the Holmes Funeral Home, and at which In turn struck an auto being Ralph R. Kubts to Gordon K, , A D M IT T E D TO D A Y : Mrs. Sara ducted- by the National Heart In­ y.qiced repeatedly'by the A'atican 9 O’clock In St. Bridget’s Church. -driven by Mrs, Alice Chappell, 621 Small aiil Elaine '51. Small, prop­ Peckham, 21 Comstock Kd.' ■ stitute, was the gbest .speaker at ? of Cambridge, Md. j . " — ^ newspaper L'Csservalorc Roniano, Friday’s - annual meeting of tlie The Rev. John J. Delailcy was the DOWN w-as* evidcnc“ed by the thousands of erty oh Eire St. BIRTHS SATURDAY; A daugh­ All throe cars were headed eW t ,Maiu'hei|tci- area Heart A.s.sn. at celebrant, the Rev. Robert Carroll nuns and priests among the early I (tullelulni liecds ' - Ueiiii i.Hon KslaU* ter to Mr. ah . Mrs. John Stiebitz, $> CASH Slowly in traffic. ' / Cavey's P.catau’rant. the deacon and the Rev. Theodore MONTH voters. A-ndrew An.sal4i to Emil Pahls- 25 Linden , Rd., Rockville: a .son or TRADE Mrs. Meyer, who was in the to Mr. and. Mrs. Rajsmofid’Thomp- He said about 4,j500 people have Giibala the skbdeawn. Mrs. A>- H m Former .I’rcsidenl Truman was leo and I‘'ines|la'’ 5PRntaleo, proper­ " Si I al $700,000 lyne- Garrity presided at the or­ Rosebrooks 'car. Was taken.-to the ty o ff School St, . son, 15 Andor Rd. been-studied intensively for the an interested spectator. Now'vlsit- : ■ . -J, '.-di' hospital by the W. , P. Quish BIRTH.S YESTERDAY; A Jion past seven years as part of a '20- gan. Father Carroll read the com­ ing Italy , as a^ tourist,, he drove Andrew A'nsaldl to' James J. The w'ill of Robert Smith Den- mittal service, at the gyave in . ambulance. -. , Glcesoh and Catherine L. Oleeson, tq Mr. anil Mrs. R obert. LeCours. ycarwaludy which alms to dta- past a number o| polling places in .nison. whose estate is eictlmatcd Biickland Cemetery. ; property o ff School St. Willimantlc; a son t4> Mr. and Mrs. covrr the causes of coronary heart Florence but didn't get out of his at .*700,000. was filed Friday w-ith Cemetery. ' ■ ‘ ^ ('eiiiflcatr of Dm l»e John Maloney, 25 Norwood St.. di.sease and hypertension. car. Trumsh said he "did not want Probate Judge John J. Walletl.- ^The bearers, all grandsons of Estate of Chrlallan-Werner to B IR TH T O D A Y ; A son to Mr. Dr! DaW-ber has Lirected the e f­ to interfere in any way.” ., Under terms o f the will, a Jt5,- the deceased, were Daniel Jr., W il­ Merger Approved Robert Edward Werner, Robert ■ahd Mrs, George Buckley Jr., 43 fort since 1949 and hia talks at ' 000 grant w-ill go to -Manchester liam, Ronald. NbVl and George Rl Gre^' Edward- Werner. Jr.. Sandra-Mae Legion Rd. ■ ■ tlie meeting was a lep orl bn Some Memorial Hospital. *20.000 be­ Taft, and Arthur West. By Presbyterians tt’brner, and Le'na'NI Werrier. prop­ d i s c h a r g e d SAT'URDAY; of the findingji made to datq. Two Leave $18,(HK) erty at 988 W. Middle Tpke. quests each will go to Wells Case Jilberl' Storrs, RFD 3, Coventry i One thing which aeems to be ^eft'e^hoeni/! (Continued from Pago One) „ Trade .Name Certificate Dennison and Robert., Dennison. Mrs. Ma.ry Jayne MilcUell, 65 Del- emerging from the study is that Alfred L. Roaaetlo. 93 Lake'St., Dennison's sons, ahif the bulk of mont St.'; Miss Elsie Chambers, 153 heart disease in women, after T Manchester Memorial Hospital his sister, Mar,v Edith Pennison. ■•'Real unity,'” he aaid, "can come wholesale automobile p'arta. Caldwell,-■ N. ,1.; lienry Olin, 2 Before this sge, it is much lower in The, following professional engi­ fM MABNtOICCNT OA—HBB The *15,000 gift to the hos-' ttnly as the rank and file take a. slated th’, receive sonje *18.000 in I Certificate -of Incurporallnn Cartel- St'.; Earl Ellis, 4!» Coolidge women! ' ■ , ^ neers ,ln Manchester are among **a« e tmc maw WNB BerMf JMtt" pital may be used as the ho.spital positive, view of the special -emi bequests, wills filed with Probate i Manchester . Eoso Sei-vlcenter. St.; Mrs, Catherine Corbett, 35 Tills leads, to the suspicioir'tttal Connbbliciit engineers who have of­ phasls on variqus traditions arid trualecs see fit to use it. Judge John J. Wallett indicate. W'lth *,’>0.000 capital divided into Branford S).; Miss Doris Gfcbler. ho. mone deficiencies are somehow fered'their specia'lized train in g'as' come to yearn lor a unity which Dennison died at . Manchester .5,000 .share- w-lth a par value of ! 28 N. Park St., Rockville; Charles involved In'K'el(rt disease and niay a public service in time of dis- ! ./.with the fabuloue Torsion-Level Ride! U an adding together of all the One of the bequests, for *15,00Q. .Memorial Hospital .May U at the IT'S ilO cHi h, all comm, n, and atarl- Kaccagni. 74 Woodbridge St.; leml to more research on this as­ aster and whose hanies are listed ' special inaighta which the varioui is from the late Robert Smith' age of 80. Hc had been engaged In on a dt.saater rbater being deiiv- * rng capitnl o. Si.OttO, lrcorpo>-a- Stanley Berdnik, 67 North Rt.; pect of the problem. Dr. Daw­ tfkdlUond Of ’Christianity have Dennison, industriahal, w-ho died the printing and Irtliographing ber inferred. *red this week to prominent of- ■ IT HAS EVERYTHING— ALL POWER, ALL BLACK— JU$TUKE NEW. tors. RuiK,'I.evy, Hartford' Elaine Denise Allard, 12 Jackson St.; espoused.” . May 14. businca.s in NiSw York City for 63 ficials; Melvin E. Longfellow, 3 Bunting. East Hartford; and Kathleen Shea, Peterson Rd., Ver­ He said that one of the prfmarj! The other gift, which will years. He was chairman th* aims of the study was to deter­ Robin Rd.r James Sheekey, 22 Ol- non. 'I’honias Topping. 30 Server amount to about *3,000 Is from ‘‘’ "P*’ ** J’'-'’®"- board and treasurer o f Robert S, mine Hie characteristiC.s, of thoge entt Dr.; Raymond ,W.' Goslee, -29 StH Mrs. Gracy Leonard, 142 Mrs. Myra O., Jordan, w-Jio worked n > > 'u *'^n .***".*'^"**'ii Denpfson -and Co., Inc. at the time people who are siisceptible to lliiS Elwood Rd.; Gilbert C. Barnes, 20 THIS BEAUTIFUL PACKARD patrician for^al.mosl mne years as a maid [H,n[»r"i*’oi Capcllo, 183 of his death. He also'served on the Charter Oak St.; Mrs. Eleanor l: allinent. Framlnghan^ was chosag Wellington Rd.; John W. M or­ •White and son. 97 W. Middle Tpke.; Police Arrests in the hospital's housekeeping de- board of directors of Case Bros, for a(oi!(ho-s^udy"Srea 'beratise of its timer, 82 Plymouth Lane; ' and ' Mis.s Maigarct Welch. 103 Green­ 4-DOOR SEDAN HAS- . partmenl before her,death April s o u u ^ M e tS several' years.- .strategic location near fine niCdir Frank M. Lister, 102 Helalne Rd. i y -. I Under his wiU, thP remainder wood Dr.; Hugo RoCk^tt'. Hasard- rsl ceiitei's and beesuse local lead­ T w l« heaters, twin iiltramalln drive, chrome heel shells, tilt ' Police aaid Melvin D. Boughton, of his. estate, after S' number of villc; George Messner. South Wind­ ers there wert willing to cooperate The Friendship Circle qf* the j .type ann-glarr mirror, padded instrument board, oil filter, dual 17, and Boyce J, Kaman, 19, both ’ ".r „ sor: .Mrs. Marion Sumislaskt, 56 TO BE exhaaat. 3-way radio wfth'electrle antenna, rear epeaker, power 'd Herman-C. Helm at .^quests, will be' placed in Iriists, in the study. Salvation Army will omit its reg-! of Hartford, were arrested at the a *1,000 bequest tnr ______linion St.; .Mrs, Loretta Hansen, for Marion M. I Francis j,. one fifth for hls aistei, Aiary Edith The study. Which'costs *100,000 ular meeting tonight. -» brakea, power .‘ateerlng, power windows, 4-way' power seat, same tima Saturday. Buckler', superintendent, of. housc- -RFD 3, Coventry; Earl Gardner, Payne at 149 I-enax iSt.. *250; Dennison, and four fiftlis for his .I year, I'j part of an attempt to white tiree, spa^e aever need, qolex glass, all over ear with Boughton waa charged with op­ keeping at ,MMH, and the fe- Anthony. S a rto rjit 37 Iterkin's 81.. widow. y South Windsor; Russell Saunders, determine how' funds available for Miantonomoh Tribe, No. 58, GOOD shaded windshield, famous torsion bars, prestone, color is solid erating a motor vehicle without mainder to the hospital. A fter *600; Edgar J. Be'rube for Charles Am ong the bequests is a *5.000 120 Branford SL. treatment and reaearch ma-y be lORM, will meet tonight at 8 •potleae black, Wltk new car guarantee. an operatoria license, an^ oper­ fnneral expenses, there will he a. : A - 1 eldon at (250''Oakland Ter„ g ift to the. Unitarian Congrega- d i s c h a r g e d Y'ESTERDA.y: .spent moat wisely. , Only the O’clock in Tinker Hall. All mem- ating an uninsured motor vehicle *3.000 residue for the hospital.. 100 'tional S6clety in Br(s»k|yn, N.c Y.. Mrs. Rvn Beifton. 661 Center Federal government is able to fi-. bera.are iirgqd to be present,' .See “ Badgf 714” W NilC-TV with improper equipment; Kaman . Last year, .itrs. Jordan gave t which Dennison made in memory Joseph Peck. East Hartford;,Linda nance queh large ventures. waa cliaiTed with allowing g mi­ To Drew-dqle S u ^ ;p a n I,iving V d o w n MONTH h*r Bridge St. home to ih

i MANbHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAfIGHESTER. (X)NiNq MONDAY/MAY 28, MM PACE THlRTESN ^lANCHESTER feVENING HERALD,'MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, MAY J28.-1956 PACE TW ELVi - * 4 - kidad the,aiUu;aTafter aUemptlng European countries. ■ Th6 beard A ■ Mrf. Martha Hendarabn, 91, of Sour Oripeo Bo^toffice B reak r valiUy^Mf'caiiture It al;ve. D e m o c r a t s h y ^ d .rapresenurepresents 'orthodox, conaervaUX'S R ush Slush Fiatul B U G S B U N N Y Mhryvlllc, Ohla, haan't miaaed Critlciam of youth -+r'Ohca raid all perrons In the reform aplritufel leader*. ;..Sef^ee9; Based Probe R ^iicigted I'LL TWV ONE Sunday achoot i|y the laat M ytara, j Often ate from the fact N ets V egg f|2,000 naighborhood termed the unli­ In P critlrv C ase n y e membefa of the Rabbinical TM O S iF. Sense and Nonsense An*w*r to Pr*vici»rt Pkitl* 1 censed dog strange to the are*. It Counril,.of America, an organUa- > I EMERGENCY OP a record of more' than 3,400 Sun- That we a re tbo old (ion of orthodox rabbit, are to de­ rti n FWtENO,' daya of perfect attendance.—JdleR | To get Int' i the act. was thin and apparently had had East Ha\=u. May 39 uP)- Mil­ Brldgeport.^May 23 •thei. OIL ItMINEII F o o d F o c t s *; On Role to Wilton, May 29 tA<>vA Ihln nothing'to e it for aeveral day*. part about^June 18 for a .visit to bpria L. rtnnell, Oklaho'ih«‘Clty. j — Maurice .Seitter. burglar ripped ppbn the'-^ saf* In ______ford Tb'a’b^ourl Judge Ronald M. Independent-Republicant .Republican parly of Stm l..*viniion: ’T h fiiK iirf flRhl work ia for him, and the fa e Before it was killed by Hair, the Sthrk Sdturday acquitted - four tha Soviet Unjon. SERVICE MALT kid* In'oiir family, and rootlifr Jii*t the nation and of humanity I* DOWM the W ilto n -P ^ Office during tha|dog roamed in and about the- Cor Both trip* ar* for the purpose Connecticut tats annoinmed it wilt . A C R O tf . By ^AStKA MAKLOW East Hdven Democrats on Charges couldn't rfmembn'< fll our -Wrlh- hla hand*. weekend txU made off wdth the I i*rM>nallty W.aahington-, May 28 d. He i* '‘to ait rlRht .t. Strength enough to battle with IS D«c*y 40 Card gem*> Into the future at thia time oi-. t**®”*" J4 Italian dty 33 Sharp 46 Meat dllh \veapona may m^ke present con­ Office by the rear' door, leiN’lng W ad n^ ay at thIa time of year is \- miles. Other section* Include 5.8 Investigate lobbying and campaign ! ilt a m eRu a n 39 Britlih ceptions of modern, war obaolete. Ireatlea,-tie rwill have to manage 7. Mice enough to^oVe yoli to be 3S Abrupt 39 Water iprtte 90 Cut on it open. TO ^finorial Day la Wednesday. More Rabbis 'lilie s of Conn. 20 from the Somers *xp*nditure*.‘ gjild any palitlon to i thihii. uaeful to othofa.' prineett MiMile development .iRthe prime y T tit council challenged the mo- tbwn line easterly and 3.9 miles the committee vStmId be given at­ He la going to ait at your deak «. Faith enough to make real the -triteaUh raaort r example/' ’ m h tention. 1 r r r r r & 1 r torihg public to hold the Memorial >/W ilK V isit R ussia of C . 30 In Stafford aifd El/ in the Senate, and oeriipy your thing* of..Ood. 30 Axsist The Army' now haa the Job oX Day death toll to -70. llngtoii from Conn. 20 southerly to ' Andrew C-dAcroIx of Easton. In- ' place on the Supreme Court ». Hop^nbugh to remove an*- 32 Fixed, part R R N guarding key points in the tintted 3lfay D og Killed^ •The period covered, by- the ad­ the T.olIsHd town line; all of El­ dependent Republican Fairfield' Bench. H+ will aaaume control of loua^#Mra for the future. . 34 Play* th* part States from air attack’wl^ the vance estimate is from 6 p.m. New York, May 28 (/Pi A aec- lington Rd. kn.d all of Fletcher'Rd. County • chairman, said the party , your cltiea. atate*. and nation. He / ■ Papyrua. *f ho*t‘ t B 6 n Nike missile, which haa a range of Lun ged at Cqiiiplc ond group of American rabble will in Somers; and all of TXinnel Rd. wants, to know the sources of the ' 35 det away ilocal time) Tueeday to midnight la going to move in. lake over .your about 25 mites. The Army is i£vel- yVednesday. visit the Soviet Union thl^ aum- and Mile Hill Rd>tn Vemon.‘ , BuMi fund- 1 .ji'jsmf.'.V,' i.lT piiaona. churehea. achoola. unlver- X teacher naked her claa* the. 36 Poaseeiiv* R h mer. '"x oplng one with. longer range. Bridgeport, May fS ,|4*) —Police The estimate doe*'.not include / ■ aitte*. and (orpmaliona. •llffercmc between reaulta and pronoun 1 • But the Air Force, which ha* the Rabbi Morris N. kcrtxer, abere- 37 Tiptter sought today to determine the death! that Ihay occur Ipter ffoni AH your work la going to the conaequencea fine pupil' re‘- II s Job of protecting the whole, coun­ injuriaa suffBred on M em ^^l Day! tary of the New York Board -of ynu/ix- 39 Shoshonean ownership of ^a large stray dog judged and praiaed or condemKed piled, ”Rcau)l* are whaj r r P TT i r r r try from air attack, la puahing- a Rabbis, announced yesterday that, / ; by' him. Your reputation and your pe'd: y/inaeqiieni ea *i> Wltat^J'Ou ' Indian* P missile of Its own, the N avy- Bachrach Photo that kept a •'kylYan Ave. couple S E R V l^ ,. mVALIIV /from 8 to 10 board members will . 40PhiUdeIphla’t. i Jane Burr future are In hia hand*. All your |g cl^ '■ , 9 T N . s n developed - Talos, with ■ a range from leayjifg their home until the' Champaign. III. lAb—The Unl- tf*\=e ahoiif June 37 for a rroiith'* i founder ' tour of Russia and other Eastern; longaf than the'Nl|ke‘a. Mr.- and Mr*. Charles 8. Burr, dog'warden ,*Iiof It. ! versUy of Illinois Alf Force ROTC 41 Contumed • ‘' i ivhat does the future hold? Mla- food R IE 102 Adelaide Bd,, announce the Ml', and Mr*. Claude Correntl |,unit held Its annual review with- f .afHes to accurate and long range eng'agement of thelt . daughter. said the deg wbultflunge at them ; out its last .veara sponsor, Sara OUT OUR M AY lA M S OUR BOAKDINX; HOUSE, MAJOit HOOPLE 43B**f ■eure* K /that.they can substitute for planes 49 Strip* N Miss Jane Burr, To Richard Sar­ viciously each time they opened Barry. She, wha scheduled to m In defending the :country? u ao gent Massey, son of Mr, and Mrs. the door of,thelr'ljou*e yesterday, appear at featlvltles thia year; tn- 49 Overw'helm* «P who handle* them then, the Army A call to poVe brought dog i stead *he married an Army lleu- M itLA T^O U n r w i Ini victory Samuel J . • Maascy, New Haven, t>D N 'T-^oiild become obsolete? TV SERVICE . / WRECKED •STOCtUEWT 59 Fuel 9E p toh Home for CrIpjftled Children. 'Ltok! JuttVfit* th* aptcohtt! N*v*r mind th* stag* 57R*ceiit 1* who would handle the -defense Her fiance Is the son,of Mr'; and |l Insist on o Totod Man i :i| dif*«tioh*>»'duok,'^‘w**v*,' ‘bob.7‘'^un''- against these mlaallea, Army or Mrs. Samuel J. Massey, formwly Air Force? ' j ■ ' of thia town. He -it a gradua^ of < Orders for the sole or pur- Y*u7l Had. the members llsfr ^ CAMERA , And what will the Navy’a role Hopkins Grammar SchpoL/Newj ed In the yclioiv 'pages af he ? It’a pushing a big carrier pro­ Haven, and a member of ;tn* 19671 your telephone book. Ay-nnd‘$hool convenience. . / . new low price PRISCILLA’S POP A d d s U p RY AL VERMEER gram. This is the thinking behind class of Yale TJnlveralt^______| They^Btst for that; That Its carrier-based bomb­ PTa OH. chase of Manchester Trust Co. Cetof mcvl#» nrs a hobby tar tho whelo family j - end now, ' MAN ^..THOSE/i^RE THE ers could attack any target on though it may not^ permanently ] Your Lown SWOULO r e a s o h i s w h y A‘ thoy'ro aa*ior;lhan-*vof .la onjay, oailof-lhen-avor la afford • • earth' since each carrier Would be right. X II •THAT'9 ALL NOU THUNK OP ^MAN TNEEDSTNEEfE E D S MORE a movable air base. . Kodak'* wandofM |rownio AAwio Camortai aro evoilablffhofa HE O PES.! U'a no wontW Secratary of [De- , MEN THINK 1 ABOUT. THOSE But aome Air Fonce of'leer* feme Wllaom'who a* bos* of the I at now lew pricoi. Bis soloelion of oa»y-doo*-M modoli, foatwr- HOWMwW TO MAKE n t h i s Tq s , downgrade the importance of car- rights %|ill not he accepted OLLIE'S SCOTT three aerXHCM haa to look at na­ ino tho world'* mart popular movie mokar. M»o Brownie Movie MOBE MONEY.'] ' rier strike* against an enemy with tional dafenac from the overall ------this argument: Knemy plane* with view p^t, recently told a new* A U T O B O D Y Comoro with f/3.7 Ion*. $ ^ ^ . 5 0 radar could''spot the carriers 400 UWNSEEQS conf(, 'k W a O I N O miles away' and knock them off e main task now la to develop after Friday, June Ikf, 1956. like d-,icks -with missiles. The best miaallee We can. After­ k AUTO lODY ond $ 1 ; 6 5 P « Navy .replies that the carriera wards we ran decide on role* and ' ■ \ FENDER REPAIRS 9 5 ^ Tf» I Lb. wouldn't stav long In one place mlaalona. Meaning; what branch KT15I Slay Prevent War of the armed forces does whst. Your rights are valuable: Pon't ★ COMPLETE CAR PATRIOTIC One further point in thlt ^ te r- >RlBCniffT|ON p h 'a s m a c v \ service argument; What-happens P A IN T ir i^ ‘101 MAIN -itUIIT-MANCUIXTIH BLISH UP$TAN0lN6 INkf^GEn BNAMBL ' r ’ MOOSL. if the United Stafea and Russia '; i POUgt-E L O P CiTiZ&N W develop such powerful Mombers r HARDWARE Intercoritlnental mtssHes, with nu­ let them expire. 8 GriswdM Street ”7^ Tel. MI-9-5025 / m r . m m m o K . 793 Main St., M anchtiter P riso n e rH ? BY V. T. HAMLIN 9-39 clear weapons sitached, that A L L E Y O O P m . neither dares to start'" a war on the NOWf5ET TVO/ COTTON w oods BY RAY GOTTO other? / ,1, T0J.M E ICE0. A What thenxhappena to the huge f MANY SERt'ANTS/ BUT AWLYBC THIS air forceslittle wars start but IS THE ANSWEA / R6MAIN IW AND THE TO OUR the big powers don't wsnt them to become^blg wars? Army people T H 'C A S n F ' PRINCESS. M/tS m i, DO YOU PR O B LE M ^ COBURN & MIDDLEBROOK , OtAMiMOfO^ SSetNO - claim'^ they'll have to do the / i- A HUNTED A our WtAAINO fighting. i MAN .IN A , 4 OAiSOAU CAP The Elsenhower sdrhiniatration 5 4 1 M a in SEt m E tol. Ml 3>1 lOS i l l 1 5TRANSE. X itWINO tMC -has whittled down the Army while MEOIEN^ PAPADISe TH$ATP / throwing more money Intp-ihe Aii- s ; : ah •lactric range cooks HAS ■ Force and the Navy. This" w*s I ilHE OF AN done^in accordance with what the undermanned President" thinks right now al- CONMICTICOI Mtoicai Itsvir.t. IK , ! I . Al BIOS r r s AHEM.. LMASTER. THAT HAPPENS . TO SETHE Tima to gat out jsnd D p things . . OO .places. Men. REASON FOR MY CALL... chastar Motor Saltis halpi you anjoy yoursalf MORE by fiOOTS AND HE Lnuder. Plea.Sr! BY EDGAR MARTIN /. B U Z S A W Y E R BY ROV CRANB effaring tha bast lajaction of usad cars for M a m o ^ i D ay I'w cow vvw r I w i o u ' . dOT A?. ftOWT 07= A CAWt- I captain, miss a BUT YOU KKOW HONTVE mm , ii^(UCA|IS,00CTO*r ; WAE.ATSAlOOFTinf. driving . . , and all summ'ar l^g.^ ' r v u t THIVXS.' w o o , V S M l • ts THE ONLY rtSt, HAVE CROWOEO AltOUND WE* HPIPEMICf y >400, THWCKoS URAILY, rVE fONFNED EVE*Y TIME SUES APPEARED i r \ CVtAAJGlP. IVXLOOlVXi Wt'. ON DECK. PROBABLY WALR THE SHIP HAS ALRSADf- BETTE* nEN EKPOSBP. Pn-iAem orialAiySal*OI • a an olocfrTc range cooks CHECK THE SICK • f / ■ G O O D UBED c a r s ’55 M0DEL5 *54 MODELS 1 I ’53 MODELS ’51 MODELS DSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE FORD OLDSMOBILE * y<> tW l|lU6 >i9evw*.*>it< T M del U» Pat. De lutx* "M” 4-boor. Radio, Custom 3-Do)ir. Radio, heater,- .Super '*88" Holiday Coupes 7- ,Su|icr Holiday Coupe. Fi^ly Fordomatlc. Seal cover*, BY PETER HOFFMAN tone, coral and beige. Radio, healer,, hydramatic. Power . JEF F C O B B equipi 3-tone yellow, white *whlle wall tlrea. MICKEY FINN Under PresHure! BY LANK LEONARD heater, h.vdramatlc,- Btedring, tinted $1495 $595 s> ; ah electric ronge c^toks Ml€6 WHITMAN NO.'.: GO ■ I KNOW HOW BADLY:YOU I TOLD YC TO power brake*. $A V E wall I I.aiw < A X / F Green. may I TALK TO AWAY.'...l feel about the l o g s of mlleai ie owner. P ^ ^ V C Ones YOU FOR JU9T ‘ DON'T WANT your paren ts/, if only pemsSiON A A1INUTER TO GEE , YOU could TRY .. / 7p VISIT. a n ybo d y' FORD B U lC K SPECIALS^ SeiefiSTRiCKEN BLUE mTMA 4-Door. ' Radio, heater, atrd. BUICKV Hiiper 1 Hardtop. Radio, heater, JEFE COBS Ininainiaalon. XVhite wall tires, .Siiper llariltop. 7-tone green. dynpflow, 7-lone $1095 '50 CHEVROLET OPajn The Blue, iviany $AYE Rndio, heater, Styliae De I.uxe 4-Door. Radio, DOOR TO HER d.vnafinw. I.ow heater, power ' HOSPITAL ■ mileage. $2195 glide. ' $495 room:. • V V ’52 MODELS '5 0 F O R D NASH f'ustom 7-Door. -'hJ Rambler. -Radio, heater, h.ydra- PONTIAC Green. Radio and . V matlc. ?-lone red 4iA \/|I OLDSMOBILE Heater. $295 ^ J.-: t ■. ■h'*. and while, ▼ C Mar Chief 4-Donr, Radio, heat­ Super "88” t-Door. Radio, '50 MERCURY h er*. hj-dramatir, hMter, hydramatic, ^ A A C rustotnt P ub Coap4^ I»ower steering. „ < l A O 'K 7-tone. , Black.''Radio and an electric range cookf ?! ;■ D eSO TO TXfo-tone.- . Ijcaler. $595 All The Info CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER f r e c k l e s A.ND HIS l-^I^D S BY MERI^ILL BLQSSER Ffrefllte. 7-1 one green, .Radio. 'SO PLYMOUTH . heater, automatic tranaihlsaion, WICK iF.ir .W6AN5 * 0‘^uI0U RE t fe el ABOUT VOU! WE LL FORdET THAT U RITA'S IN UlS DCLA60N TNl«, I 'a TAICE ALDNfa A TirANSl.AJbp BUICK Super 4-poor< Radio, Green. Radio and . W SO AWAlOOi^ WNAT'S TUe" Milt TYLBle bu zzes a j w j^ w n ll < 2 7 9 5 MORE WVPORTANT'iTO ME YOU r e SO VOtlNO, YOU tHP; BUT YOU’ TME SMAPYSIDt BLXiLE SCOOP wnu pidFON F o r A PlttN yVAiaON - SHE heater, dyaaflsw. $795 heater.- - TO FEEl a &r (HOKE urn p fUAW I like TO admit. VERY lOVELYL but I MADE MEVtRY HAPPy. ^ N T S ME TD FIND O ur' with tnc w n tu --- T E o u r Tb .spe«'ial llartdiop. Radio, heater, IMPORTAMr ro TH6 EVEN TONiVKElF'. PlpN'T mean to tell EVEN TNOwe COULO WHAf?. NEW IN TEEN G koupf BE AN 0CTA60N- • dynaflow, 7-tone '49 PLYMOUTH PLAWT..AND TO SOUi tieviR 00 AHyTHINO S-X <*!CLES / flptew HIM A Ian.' 41995 trDoor. rieaii MR PATRICK.'. ATltASr. ABOUT i t PIPSY-'-AtAM W4IS EMOUOH JO HAVE MV ■ He V/ltSfeATED f ’51 MODELS MAME MV POOR' MODELS '5 2 N A S H .Htaloaman 4-Door.. FORD Radio |hd beater. T' OLDSMOBILE G et an electric.'range for fajst’-eool-^ ' OLDSMOBILE firealllae flonvertlhlei Blue with Ue I.uxe "M ?' HoHday Coupe. *51 PACKARD ly with black top, Radio, heater, h.vdramatic. 4-Door. Radio, “88” 7-Door. Radio, heater, hy- c le a n cooking. A sk oiia of your friends ^ drajiiatlr. 7-tone < 1 0 0 C white wair tire*. ^ rawer windowa aad ^ A A - C healer, t'llramatic -5<|P $645 green. .Seat cover*. P ,l-T r V 3 Fordnmatir. - $1595 •eat/'. drix-e. who owna onel 11

NO I.KADKRS Carefully ' selected IV TIUS .\D Manchester and VI- c I'a 11 y new ^cTlr Her Preference m o K t y m e e k l e T»t» Side.t BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS AM.curH top qiiullty tradr-ln*. %'our gar ; Small Down Fayment — 3 Yeors ToPay— and will be sold for ran be the down it k s w e l l / soeev.ms Y OM/THEN r U TXidE A pOOM, ONE V ) advertised price*. payment -even If ’ LiberqljAllowance For Old Stove ^ IF WE WERE i ON THE BrsnuntoN v > TH«r FACES 50METMMS unTCEST- t •Many other ciira, all yoii have 'axbalance <5E£/IMTHE AT /15ARRIEC5AND 4JFE OTHER NASBRNCHMdrD.] M3,U<7ADCVF-»aOVff, years, all model*, due. W See Your Local rPealer... Service Is Important, Too LMCKIEGT aUY crvTW vn and NOT JUST A PUN S - HAP OUR OWN WOUjPK HANR... all makes to choose Akk I.’a For Detail*. IN THE WORLD.'' HOWE, AND / PERFECT,' HOm 655 OLD lAli.' from. r/- SOME BEAU- ' livi. BIT TIB lllCTtlCA.llV riFULKIPS.'/ <» ------— ■■ ' . v - . MOTOR SALES ■t .Ml 8-8396 M l 9 . 6 4 2 7 MerchandipinK (.eneral Motors PrtAluds Ovtr»26 Yeara ftvt eul a> tiv* hornet art oat. , . 1, It’* .Alway*. W.lfe- to ' Chtcli yavr wlrin*. full alacirit R A Y D W Y E R CORNKR WEST CENTKR and HARTFORD RQAD C c w r t c lu Y c / Buy A l'*ed Car From livint oaad* lull KOUSffOWiK. i'l Usod ^ ar Mgr. YOUR LOCAL OLD.S.MOBILE DEALER A New Car Dealer. « IcSSL. ■ -\ - 5 39 'Urn t tM* bf »e , ,- m. f '■ , I '.. . . V.. .' t, ■V,. /• ! ■■■ ol^ ■/ V BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD., MANCHESTiSB. CONN., JIONDAY. MAY 28, 1956 PAGE FIFTEEN ' MANCHESIER'e v e n in g HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, MAY 28, 1956 pjKGE FOURTEEN •* >.'

- ■' T O ; ’ ions HeraM Angle to Blast iUl Types of Disputes Arise in A. Schoiiftit Siwrtf [Car Scratched ARL W. Little League Prbgram Sports WMt Bob^prterfield Routed, NaUonalLltUe In Controversy sl;n d a y 4^^ln ij»bh clrctUt. . . Biggest Baseball Game i^odulo for 'the carried L#;^* President Bob R ^ »ft Sox Divide with Nats Sta^s Meiubriul Day fut to a T. cjiurch In morning the s^edule for hU At Motor Ciij^ and baseball in the toon and office during a specif ./ ...... • Set out at 10:30 and before I ar- Qf Campaign time with my family at night,... o*. uu. i• had*"id talked ti New York, May' 28 (/P)^If Nunagfr Mike Higgin-a of the of the Be- rived back at 12 ""O" J y Seventh annual Little League baseb^ season in Manches­ . Indianapolis, May 2^,(/P>— irogram and the! with a number______of men I visited Boston Red Sox was feeling tod^ like the fisherman who I \ t e r will get off to a flying start WedheMayi Memorial Day, Qualifications for tiie 500- kindraliw ihga' Bob' Oliver at' ';*■ went out for a whale and came bacirwith a couple of minnows/ By PAT BOUIUO^ Tlhe Hornets tomorrow afternoon trtth three doubleheaders scheduled. Cotnmissjoner Ernie mile auto race ^Wednesday for thU-event. A ' Sales office and U l^ st^k cars, who can blame him? Six months ago,the Red Sox engineered! BiffSat baseball game ol^Jibe in Blast Hartford. The locais;'sport- \ were being re-^cned for 63 600 turned o u t.. . . | Bob owmlng a toP-K**"* ’- L : a deal with Washington, acquiring------J spring season so far as Coach 'ro)n Ing an impressive o -i-i record, Dowd announced .the first, day pairings toda;^^ Kelley and his successful Mam-hes^ have already defeated both rivals Natiodal l«agtie at the Buchleyr- minutes tt^ayover objectiOTS ™ Nick Angelo, fortnirtPost Office^w m aa «j^et j u 'Iba pitcher Bob Porterfield among oth­ _ je prexy, and learned' Herald on S^day m o^r« ers ■ In exchange for five y ou n g , ter High Indians are concerned is thjs spring. \ field wUl feature ^riarty Brosy so bitter that one car already scheduled' tomorrow afternoon at and the Medics. Second game lists nobr reeldes in Bolton, af-11 stopped. Ernest players and cash. At that time It i Ted Tilay Pl^y Once again Perry will rely on January ^ins qualifi^ was withdrawn many yearn at the West Side. I plied the WormaU^ I w ^ ^ ^ , seemed they had stripped the Sena- j 3:15 In East Hartford, Tlie Indians Captain Dave Duncan, Jack Me* the Manchester /Auto ParU and (9*2), hoping to qualify for one of Green .Manors Mayor Harold frorn^e race. haa recoverede c ^ r e d from a heart (Jhick McfJlure s PP"tiac / tors of their best players but now ; Outney, Bill Kelley, Joe Segal and was next . . . Back at the Center the four berths in the Slate Tour­ Turldngton W in toss out the first (Jhlef mechanic Jcaja Marcenaj atUck, the t.vpe attack It is evident the big Catch got In New ybrk CjTithla 'D rlpr, in the last tWo ball and the Rev. Francis' Butler D allas Even^t announced that thp/Novi which has sideltnRd .Berube ■ . • ) talked______baseball, Red Sox »hd awsv. 'The big catch Is Roy Slevers. nament next -w e e k , engage the matrhes/before the Red and White \ankees, with School Policeman of the Church of the Assumption' 'Special qualifled^/m the i Sambo Prentice iatNwlth me In • Wharw whale of a job of hitting rival Hortiels (6-7). There’s little competes in the State CIAC Tour­ Archie Seymour and fireman Roy Against Tfanks doubt that all of the. presswe will .vrtl ftye the Invoicatlcn. Dallas, May 28 Texan Don day of time *>y Pai** Rasso of press row and talked of-Jiia reflre- Sievers has turned in against Red nament at tl\e Rockledfre Country American Leacue action at Wad- (Janaga f’arl*/ (Jallf., 'JJW'i being ment date In December w-hen he Thompson. The latter is a Yankee i Sox pitching this season, especial­ be on the local squad since Criach Club in West Hartford Monday- Januar>’, whose fantastic finish fan, iUa Chet Morgan and Earle Jim Cai-ey’s host Hornets hrivc lU Field will find Spencer Rubber with an eagle deuce on the final withdrawn •(because \Jm second will reach 65 yearn . . It tyaa ly at Fenway Park. In five Wash­ Boston, May 28 i)P)—Boston Rid June 4. siting the Police * Jlre entry. Novi was not being. gfVen lime to good to see ball player#' who had cnifford. Seymour, a retired regu­ ington games at Boston, SieVera Sox Trainer Jack Fadden says nothing at stake. hole won him firat money In the lar Manchester policeman, told of M ^chestcr Motor Sales and Man qualify. \ ,/ played in the 'D^l League for has blasted 10 hits in 20 times at that Ted Williams, out of the reg­ Since bowing to ManchcAier ..5-1 Six track standouts Will repre $30,000 Dalla.