Office of the Attorney General Supports House Bill 470, Sponsored by Delegates Hettleman, Acevero, Bridges, Crosby, D.M
BMANE.FROSH WlLUAM D. GRUHN Attorney General Chief Consumer Protection Division ELIZABETHF. HARRIS ChiefDeputy Attorney General CAROLYNQUATTROCKI DeputyAttorney General Writer's Direct Dial No. STATE OF MARYLAND OFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION (410) 576-6585 February 18, 2020 TO: The Honorable Maggie Mclntosh, Chair Appropriations Committee FROM: Christopher J. Madaio, Assistant Attorney General - Consumer Protection Division RE: HouseBill 470- For-ProfitInstitutions ofHigher Education and Private Career Schools - lastrucdonal Speuding- Requirements - FAVORABLE The Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General supports House Bill 470, sponsored by Delegates Hettleman, Acevero, Bridges, Crosby, D.M. Davis, Forbes, J. Lewis, Lopez, Mclntosh, Metzgar, Solomon, and Valentino-Smith, because it protectsMaryland students at for-profit institutions of higher education andprivate career schools by requiring that those schools spend at least 50% oftuition moneythat they collect onteaching students, or maketheir tuition less expensiveto reflect the amount the school is actually spending on instruction. One of the reasons that the unfair and deceptive recruitanent conduct discussedbelow occurs so often in the for-profit college industrybut not in public andnon-profit schools is becausethe graduatesof many (but not all) for-profit schools have dif&culty fmding jobs and have low earnings compared to graduatesof similar programs at other schools.' Attachedis a chartcomparing the earningsof graduates at some for-profit institutions currently operating in Maryland with the earnings of graduates at similar programsoffered at Marylandcommunity colleges. Duringthe ObamaAdministration, the Departmentof Educationmylemented the Gainful Employment Rule, which reqiured for-profit schools to provethat their programs were of sufiEicient quality to allow graduates to earn enough money to pay back the student loan debts mcurred to attend the program.
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