Multi-Level Climate Governance in Kenya
MULTI-LEVEL CLIMATE GOVERNANCE IN KENYA Activating mechanisms for climate action KENYA V-LED COUNTRY STUDY STUDY COUNTRY V-LED Kenya South Africa The Philippines Vietnam MULTI-LEVEL CLIMATE GOVERNANCE IN KENYA Activating mechanisms for climate action By adelphi and the Institute of Law and Environmental Governance (ILEG) The Vertical Integration and Learning for Low-Emission Development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED) project is implemented between 2015 and 2019 in Kenya, Philippines, South Africa and Vietnam. It is led by adelphi in partnership with the Institute for Law and Environmental Governance, UN-Habitat, OneWorld Sustaina- ble Investments and Sustainable Energy Africa. The project and this publication are supported by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of its Inter- national Climate Initiative. Publisher: adelphi Alt-Moabit 91, 10559 Berlin Institute for Law and Environmental Governance (ILEG) Maisonette 3, Off Wood Avenue Kilimani, Nairobi Authors: Johara Bellali, Lisa Strauch (adelphi); Francis Oremo and Benson Ochieng (ILEG) Suggested Bellali, Johara; Lisa Strauch, Francis Oremo, Benson Ochieng 2018: Multi-level citation: climate governance in Kenya. Activating mechanisms for climate action. Berlin: adelphi/ILEG. Pictures: Cover photo: ifish – Design: Studio Grafico, Berlin – Illustrations (p. 1, 15, 39, 61, 69, 76 and back cover) by Acknow- The authors wish to thank Ms. Elizabeth Ayuyo Ouma, Policy Advisor at the Kenyan ledgements: Ministry of Devolution and Planning; Ms. Lenice Ojwang, Research Scientist & Programme Manager at CORDIO East Africa; and Dr.
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