AYI March 1992.Pdf
AIKIDO YOSHINKAN INTERNATIONAL Vol. 2 No. 4 March 1992 PubLshs: GOZO SHIODA O Dgl AnsDo YosrtrNKAN Enib: HIToSHI NAKANO 2'28'8, Kmiochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161, Japm sl,ff: HOWARD D. BRANDT Tet 03-3368-5556 Fd: 03-3368-5578 SAKIKO KOCA All rights resewed ROBERT MUSTARD Cmeponde s: MARKBAKER JACQUES PAYEI ROLAND THOMPSON Spsial Thmks .o MR. AKIRA YAGYU MR, SI,IIGERU SAKAMOTO Ai ki clo Yo sh i n kan I n ter nati onal SUBSCRIPTION Makc ch.ques payable to Intertational Yoshi[kai Aikido Federation, c/o Tsuneo Ando 2-28-8, KamiochiaL Shiniuku-kq Tokyo 161, Iapan A one-year subsdiption (four issues) is Y2,000, including postage and handling Name Rene@l U City Postal Code Country Phonir Number CIub Please Print in BlockLette$ we at the Honbu Dojo are aheady preparing for SOKE SHIODA GOZO the Second Intemational lnstructors Cource. The second Sroup of lrainecs wjll begin lheir nine- I am greatly indebtcd to fellow members of month's of uaining-initially alontside 10 po- Yoshinkan Aikido throughout thc world for their Iiccmcn from the Tokyo Metropolitan Riot Po- unconditional help and support during the past lice April 1, 1992. To date, 12 participants from year. Thanks to you, the lntemational Yoshinkai different nations havebeen accepted to the course. Aikido Federation (IYAF) has already entered its third year and we are seeinS a sleady increase in I take heart from the increasing interaction with the number of groups becoming affiliated with it. people around the world that Yoshinkan Aikido And I am dclighted to see IYAF registered in- is making inroads worldwide.
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