2nd Tuesday in the month (usually) Toddler Group: Every Tuesdays (term time) 10.30am Martley Memorial Hall

Wednesdays Teme Valley Shufflers Line Dancing: 7pm Martley Memorial Hall Enq. Jeff & Volume 21 number 6 November 2012 Thelma 01886 821772 Martley Folk Club: 1st Wednesday in Advertise in The Villager: Aileen the month at The Talbot, and Parker. 01905 641865 3rd Wednesday at The Admiral Rodney Editor: Gail Dawson (01886 889180) Martley WI: 2nd Wednesday in the Editorial Team: Martley Alan Boon (01886 month 7.30pm Heaton House 888527), Kate King (01886 888439) Janet Andrews (01886 888303), Thursdays Sheila Richards (01886 888378) Wichenford Wine Club: 3rd Thursday in Distribution: Martley George & June Lawrence the month (01886 821064) Wichenford Karen Furber Martley & District Horticultural (01886 888449) Society: last Thursday in the month Contact The Villager: Leave articles at Martley Post Office, call Janet or Sheila 7.30pm Martley Memorial Hall (Wichenford) or email the Editor at [email protected] See Church Words p. 27 for details of services

Opinions expressed by contributors are not See articles for details of special events AND necessarily those of The Villager. The Villager changes of time/date/venue of regular events cannot be held responsible for any goods or services advertised in the magazine. See the Diary page on www.martley.org.uk for a complete listing of all forthcoming events Regular events in Martley and (that the Diary page editor knows about)

Wichenford: See page 28 for contact details of organisations

Sundays Articles to go in The Villager must be 2nd Sunday in the month: submitted by the 1st of the Teme Valley Farmers Market for local previous month produce 11am The Talbot, Knightwick Martley Ramblers meet Church car park

3rd Sunday in the month: Path-or-Nones meet 9.30am Martley Memorial Hall car park to help maintain the local footpaths

Mondays Martley Parish Council: 1st Monday in the month 7.30pm in The Library Records of the Parish Council meetings in Tuesdays the two parishes are not intended to be full Short Mat Bowling: 2.00pm Martley and complete minutes. Minutes of meetings Memorial Hall can be seen by contacting the respective Wichenford Ladies’ Fellowship: 2.30pm Clerks to the Councils.

November 2012 * The Villager 9 OUT AND ABOUT IN MARTLEY Visit our website—www.martley.org.uk

Offenham, a keen garden Martley & District photographer, and his chosen subject Horticultural Society was Courtyard Gardening. Mike Dunnett welcomed members to Surprisingly his slides began with the the first Autumn indoor meeting, a sad carefully manicured surroundings of occasion owing to the passing away the Taj Mahal, going on with many on 24 September of our joint views of courtyards in several other secretary, Pam Minchin, who was countries, in particular Spain and much loved in many ways as a person, Morocco – beautiful ‗Moorish‘ also being a long-time member of the designs with amazing tiles, fountains, Society and a keen gardener, always pots, slabs, baskets, anything in fact ready to help with anything and much which showed off the flowers, ferns involved in village life. As Mike said, and trees and canals, rills and ‗star‘ ―a legend‖. We stood in silence to beds all added interest. Nearly all the remember Pam, she will be very much courtyards had a water feature of some missed. We extend our very deepest sort. Just the place to unwind in the sympathy to Lionel and the family. It evening with a glass of wine! Back to is hoped in due course to send a , roof gardens, big houses, and donation to St Richard‘ Hospice in even Cathedrals (medicinal herb Pam‘s memory. gardens of course!) were shown. Adrian James, Speaker Adrian had certainly been to some Mike had brought a large allium seed beautiful places, but sometimes, with head to show members, these are all the people about, it was tricky excellent sprayed gold or silver for getting a good photograph. An Christmas; he also recommended enjoyable talk which gave plenty of ‗Livingstone‘, a new rhubarb variety, ideas. this has a second growth later in the Christmas Dinner year. A competition was held for a The members‘ Christmas Dinner will few late heads of dahlia ‗Radiance‘, be on Friday 7 December with only 46 Carol Dunnett won with hers. The tickets available. The AGM and Social main speaker was Adrian James from Evening is to be held on 29

10 The Villager * November 2012 November. A Surprise Trip is planned case here in St Peter‘s church – the for 14 December, leaving Martley at aumbry (meaning cupboard) is 1pm and travelling by coach to possibly as old as the north wall of the Cirencester Christmas Market, having Chancel itself (13thC) and that is shopped till we dropped and then we where the Bread and Wine would have proceed to Westonbirt Aboretum been kept. At Kempsey certain land which will be illuminated for the rents in the 14thC paid for wax festive season. candles to burn before the altar. Tine Steele Incidentally, I believe the old spelling ‗Lanthorn‘ comes from lant (a type of The Lantern Field, Martley bovine of a certain age, perhaps like As some people probably know this is ‗stirk‘ in the north of England) and the the large arable field adjoining thin sliced horn used instead of glass. Rogers‘ coach station, and it is now Another interesting point, the Chantry sadly under threat of development. It High School‘s new apple orchard is on was known to have this name in land called Jacob‘s Bower – OE Queen Elizabeth 1st time (1558-1603), meaning is a dwelling. Perhaps Jacob being part of the lands which provided was in charge of the lantern. rent used to maintain the school which Tina Steele stood in the North West corner of the churchyard. This was pulled down in Martley Ramblers 1847. As the 99 year lease of these 4 November, 10am Church car park (then Chantry) lands beginning 5 July 19 November 8pm Hillend Cottage, 1539, to Thomas Noxon, the Lantern Pudford Lane field probably already had its name, in On 6 September, 6 ramblers enjoyed a fact there were named sections in most interesting walk around our Martley before 1311. One would neighbouring village of Whitbourne. assume that a lantern was sited in this The walk, led by Chris Fletcher, went field to light the way to the church and over some superb rolling countryside school, which was used for many and the weather being dry and warm other things. That is the most likely added to the enjoyment. Starting in theory. However, maybe the name Whitbourne Village we headed to could come from a much older Whitbourne Court, following the custom. In ‗Celentine Rambles and Teme, over the main road, towards Guide to Hagley‘ published in 1882, a Knightwick Manor. We then walked paragraph tells of the probability of a around a wooded loop returning to Saxon church (the same as in Martley) Whitbourne via Gaines, Huntland and and a field called Lamplands ―given the Wheatsheaf Public House. Many for the maintenance of a lamp in the thanks to Chris for such an interesting church to burn continually before the walk. This month we are on the first host‖. Could it be that this was the Sunday to avoid clashing with

November 2012 * The Villager 11 Remembrance Sunday and it is a However, we are determined to mystery walk led by Dot and Chris improve and we welcome supporters Fletcher, so please do come along and to our home and away games. New be mystified! The AGM is on Monday players are more than welcome to join 19 November, so please join us for the review of the year and with plans and us, please contact Simon Rawle on ideas for 2013. 07971 264107 for more details Kate King M Gardner, Secretary Martley WI Treasurer Required on Heaton House 14 November 7.30pm Village Hall Committee This is no longer our AGM month as The Committee would welcome it is now in May following changes support for the Village Hall in the role decreed by National and Federation, of Treasurer and/or committee so this month we have a talk by Jill Salmons on Costumes of South West member. The Treasurer role is China, and the competition is for a obviously an important role for the favourite accessory. It may be a bit village hall and someone with IT and cold for your bikini, but you do not good communication skills are necessarily have to wear it on the preferred but a sense of humour is night! Rehearsals are presently under essential. The committee does pull way for 2 mini-panto productions. Oh together and jobs are distributed yes, they are! Long-serving WI member, Nellie Bradley, was amongst everyone but a Treasurer is presented with a card, some beautiful needed to work with us please. The flowers and a delicious cake to committee would like to thank Dave th celebrate her 90 birthday in Cropp for his support over the years as September. The celebrations were Treasurer and it is hoped that Dave enjoyed hopefully by the birthday girl will continue to support the committee herself as much as by everyone else. Nellie is in her 59th year of in a member role once a Treasurer is membership of Martley Womens found to alleviate him of these duties. Institute, which is quite a record. If anyone is interested in discussing Congratulations Nellie from us all! this role or wishes to find out more Kate King please do contact Annette Smith Martley Spurs Football Club (01886 821 895 or email [email protected]) Update Annette Smith September 2012 A slow start to the new season finds us in 7th place in the Premier League.

12 The Villager * November 2012 Martley Church of England already passed their Level 1 and 2 cycling proficiency ‗Bikeability‘ Primary School assessments-look out for them riding The autumn term is well underway safely around the village! Our new and the children and staff seem to reception children have settled have been inspired by the amazing brilliantly-and have been part of a Olympic events witnessed over the ‗welcome assembly‘ by Rev Sherwin summer break. The children have (and Chucky!) with their families. We thrown themselves into their new also welcome other children and academic year and have a positive families who have joined us recently ‗can-do‘ attitude to almost everything! at Martley CE Primary School, The next generation inspired? Or including Mia and Tommie perhaps it was our wonderful football Fouweather, Toby Fisher, and Lucy team from last year who inspired the Farmer. After half term we also have Olympians to great success with the return visit from our Head victories in 5 separate competitions, Teacher, Mrs. Margareth Msacky, in including League and Cup wins in our Tanzanian partner school, Worcester! The trophies are proudly Kambarage Primary. I had an amazing on display in our entrance hall. We are time over the summer in Tanzania, focussing on all things ‗green‘ this learning and detaching at Kambarage. term and are aiming to become a An amazing experience with the primary school with eco status- whole school community! The recognising our curriculum and school pictures hopefully give you a real feel practices based around sustainability. for the school. (on page 14) The Willow and Rowan class are exploring partnership is equitable and based ‗water‘ as their main topic and have around the theme of learning together- been exploring this precious resource, both children and staff. Both whilst having lots of fun! We are also communities are really fired up to developing the eco area at the bottom make this a long lasting partnership. of our field, making animal and plant We can‘t wait for Margareth‘s visit! habitats whilst making an area to Finally, once again, I would like to say support our environmental studies. We how proud we are to be such an look forward to sharing some photos integral part of the local community of the area next edition, together with and the next generation of life in some updates from our children. They Martley, currently seems ‗inspired!‘ have already produced ‗an eco code‘ Fingers crossed for the future! If you to help guide our day to day living in would like more details about school and out of school. They are also then please do contact us at school on preparing for our whole school topic 01886 888201 or on our website after half term exploring the story www.martley-pri.worcs.sch.uk ‗The Tin Forest‘. As part of our ‗green Andrew Massey , Head Teacher drive‘ our Year 6 children have

November 2012 * The Villager 13 Teme Valley Geological Society Ammonites and Lizards were the subject matter of our September and October talks. The former an iconic fossil and the latter the popular Cornish peninsular! Both well loved and fascinating geological topics of complete contrast. Saturday 17 November is Rock Day when we combine our AGM (not necessarily the most popular event in our diary but a necessary part of running the Society) with guided geological walks in and around Martley, and a visit by the world famous Morris Men in the afternoon and an audio visual celebration of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in the evening. This should be fun, entertaining and educational. Do please join us, you are all welcome throughout the day. Let‘s put Martley on the map! Harriet Howell, TVGS publicity Ferndale Singers On Saturday 15th December 2012 at 7.30pm in Martley Village Hall the Ferndale Singers will be holding a Festive Concert full of Christmas Music and also a raffle. Tickets are priced at only £5 which will include wine and light refreshments. You can purchase tickets by contacting 01886 821127, 01905 333225 or 07958559083. This will be our first concern under our new Musical Director, Greg Swinford. Greg is a music graduate of Selwyn College, Cambridge. Always a very popular

14 The Villager * November 2012 night, so get your tickets early! respectively. We have very few Chris Baker photographs of the family and I have recently been excited following Martley's Recent Past receipt of a 100+ year old photos of Colleen and Alan Boon would like to my grandmother at a very early age thank all in the village and church who and great grandparents that I did not came to the church and made their know existed. If you would like to wedding on September 29 such a make contact could you email me at [email protected] or ring or marvellous fairy - t a l e text on 07711 903 301. If anybody has occasion. Colleen, from California, any interesting stories on the family had no family or relatives present, but please do feel free to contact me was made to feel a part of the village directly. Thanks again. by everyone present, whether active in Robin the ceremony or by just being Yoga Classes there. We will both be forever To be held at Martley village hall grateful. every Thursdays from 7pm to Alan and Colleen Boon 8.30pm.Yoga can improve mindfulness, posture, compassion and Calling All Fidoe Families peace, happiness and health. For more Are You Related To Me ? information please telephone Miranda My name is Robin Fidoe and I live in White for dates and to discuss Yoga Bristol along with a very small further. Miranda can be contacted on group of other Fidoe members. My 07946 748 104 or 01885 822283. You roots are from the Martley, and can also email her at area. Although my name is [email protected]. unusual here in Bristol it seems the opposite in your area. I recently Know Your Councillor visited Martley and Pensax and will be Terry Gale coming back shortly to visit some very Terry Gale was born in Holt Heath elderly relatives that I know about and and attended The Chantry High re-visit your local churches. I am in contact with Alan Boon your local School, he is married to historian re the family tree and also Karen and has two children Jean Rudd at Pensax church. I would Jamie, and Sara who both love to meet anybody I am related to attend The Chantry School. and more importantly anybody He has remained living in the local who has any photos or memorabilia of area, with a period of seven years in the Fidoe line through Alfred and Louisa Fidoe born in 1847 and 1861 Worcester before returning to live in Lower Broadheath prior to moving to

November 2012 * The Villager 15 Hillside, Martley six years ago. (construction) of higher performance Professionally, Terry has a buildings using the many new keen interest in the building products, materials and skills that have long been widely available to raise the trade which turned from a hobby to his standard of home design, construction main employment after working for and improvement in and around the the government for 20 years. His main Teme Valley. Tim joined the Parish interest is planning, and building and Council toward the end of 2011 and is has a keen interest in his local area. He committed to serving the community is happy to be contacted about village and the long term future development issues and answer any questions that of the village to suit local needs. He is also a member of the Neighbourhood villagers may have. Plan steering group. Tim is happy to Terry Gale be contacted by email at Tim Studer [email protected] or by phone After five moves in six years, the first on 01886 888541 few of that took place in West Cornwall, Tim and his Martley Parish Council young family moved to their Abbreviated unapproved minutes current home in Martley in of the Parish Council meeting held August 2000. Almost on 1 October immediately, the beautiful 7 councillors present, plus 4 members classic English landscape in which of the public and the Clerk. Martley is nestled quickly secured its Democratic Period/ Public Question status as a perfect long term home for Time the whole family. Since that time we The problem of traffic using Jury have made many friends both as Lane was raised. The suggestion was individuals and as a family whether it made that the signage at the entrance be through the boys attendance at the to the lane requires improvement and excellent village schools, the friendly a more substantial barrier at the end of neighbours, the enthusiastic local the lane is required. County Cllr A Rugby clubs, thriving local businesses Davies agreed to refer this problem to or the many community groups, WCC Highways Dept. A problem organisations and clubs that exist here. with drainage opposite Betts Ecology Tim is a Chartered Structural Engineer was raised. The work of the and has worked all over the world in Lengthsman during day of particular the specialist fields of Timber heavy rain was commended. Engineering and low Energy modular Declarations of Interest housing. He has recently set up a Cllr Walker declared an interest in business whose aim is to more closely item 11. integrate the design and local delivery County & District Councillor

16 The Villager * November 2012 Reports between (a) Taylor Wimpey and County Councillor Davies reported Council and (b) Richard Bray and that a further meeting would take Council to discuss the current status. place on the proposed community Granting of dispensations transport. Cllr Walker agreed to The clerk explained the new rule attend. He also pointed out that the about dispensations for councillors‘ Neighbourhood Plan should cover the interests. It was agreed that the agenda next 20 years and be reviewed every 5 would still be issued at the same time years. He also reported that he would and the clerk would notify any not be standing for re-election in May councillor who she felt could have an 2013. Chairman thanked him for his interest to apply for a dispensation. involvement with the village over the Council Logo last 20 years. District Councillor The logos prepared by Georgiana Williams reported on some Baxter were reviewed and voted upon. Neighbourhood Plan training that had A new logo was selected. taken place. As requested by Council Correspondence she had approached the SWDP team Village Hall. Library electricity costs, about whether the council could a communication was read out from allocate the sites for housing the Treasurer. After discussion it was themselves. She read out a long agreed that Cllr Gale would seek detailed reply (Copy of this email on further advice on the current heaters the website). being used. Planning Email re Tenbury Policing Area, this 12/00917/HOU, Three Acres, Willow was noted. Email from M Walker re Road, Application Approved Play Area noise and planning 12/01159/FUL, Horsham Court permission issues, the planning issue Stables, Conversion of existing stables raised had been resolved. Letters had to dwelling with associated garages, been received concerning the noise Council support from the play area. This 23/00800/HOU, High View, Collins correspondence arrived too late for Green, Amended plans, Council any decision to be made therefore the support clerk will reply accordingly. Letter Neighbourhood Plan Committee received from A Palmer resigning as The Chairman said that the plan is Tree Warden. To be placed on next currently being written and will agenda. probably come to Council for approval Progress Reports at the January 2013 meeting. Weighbridge use by Longside Radio, Future Housing this is ongoing. Crown Orchard, it was Taylor Wimpey are planning to hold a agreed to approach the Brewery about public consultation on 19 October. this problem as more complaints have The Clerk is to arrange meetings been received. Recycling facilities,

November 2012 * The Villager 17 ongoing Trees in Church Lane, Cllr Nott again Finance reported that he is very concerned The payments as previously circulated about these trees. Clerk to contact were approved and cheques signed Highways Liaison Engineer. Hedges accordingly. require trimming in Church Lane and PPP Account, the clerk had reviewed from Weighbridge to village. Clerk to the cash books since the inception of arrange. Large pot hole in Hope House this scheme and agreed a balance with Lane close to Touchwood Cottage. John Nicklin. She reported that there Date of next meeting are very few parish records held in the The next meeting will be held on archive and that apparently the minute Monday 5 November at 7.30pm in the books are held by a parishioner. The Village Hall. clerk will ask for the safe return of the J C Dale books. 10 October 2012 Lengthsman Additional duties for October include, Apologies to Councillor Nott Footpath at Hastings Close to playing In the October edition of this field, the trees require trimming. Grips magazine the incorrect telephone Hillside, Lengthsman will be asked to number was printed for Mike. Please contact the Chairman about this find below the correct details. problem. Area Five, Councillor M Nott Verge on St Peters Court requires Hollins Lane from Church Corner to tidying. The overgrown tree St Peters Lower Hollins Farm, lanes west to Drive hanging into the road and and east to Wants Willow Road hedge, Cllr Nott to Green and south to parish boundary, handle this Clerk’s urgent decisions Wants Green, Newtown and separate Planning permission issue on playing dwellings in countryside field. Dog signs for playing field have Email [email protected] been ordered. Telephone (01886) 821746 Councillor’s Reports and items for future agenda Cob House Fisheries, Events The bin opposite Rogers Coaches and Activities Update needs a replacement liner. It was Car Boot Sale suggested that we ask children how 3rd November they would like to see the village in 40 Car boot sale in aid of the British yrs time, via the Chantry. Cllr Studer Legion, 10am start and only £4per will investigate broadband speeds pitch. further. Cllr Gale reported a problem Halloween Trail with the camber on Hillside which 13 October to the 4 November. Find should be reported to WCC. Willow 10 posters around the activity meadow

18 The Villager * November 2012 relating to Halloween. The sheets are important and traditional British apple numbered and have a picture on, you growing industry. It also provided the will need to write down this number opportunity to witness the official on the trail sheet together with your opening of The Chantry School email address to qualify to enter in the Orchard, which has been developed prize draw for a free kids meal. over the past four years under the Worcester Air Rifles guidance of Mr Bob Allison and They will be with us on Saturday 17 students. Rupert Brakespear, November, a great chance to give County Council Airgun Target Shooting a try, the club Sustainability Officer officiated. Over is based locally. £2 a go, age 9 years 150 varieties of apples were on and upwards, 11am to 3pm. Come display, where a number of along and join the fun! experienced fruit growers were on Mel Clarke hand to give advice on the growing of 24 November 2012. This is a real date apples and had a go at identifying for the diary, come along and some ‗unnamed‘ varieties! There were congratulate Mel on her fantastic opportunities to buy apple products achievement at the London 2012 and local crafts as well as finding out Paralympic Games having won a how to keep bees and observing Silver Medal. I am sure that you will demonstrations on apple pressing and want to pop along, join in the BBQ juicing, spinning and cider making. and don‘t forget to bring the camera! The special ‗Apple‘ themed drama There will be great photo written by John Townsend and opportunities with Mel and her Silver directed by Sue Rickman was expertly Medal. Weather permitting there will presented by drama students from The be ―Have a Go" Archery sessions Chantry School. The Chantry School running for £2 for 6 arrows. More Orchestra played a medley of well- details will be released on this when known songs, whilst Grimley and Holt we can confirm, in the meantime, Primary School choir sang beautifully don‘t forget to write the date down! to an enthusiastic audience. This Helen community event was planned with Cob House Fisheries, 01886 888 517 the whole family in mind and judging email [email protected] by the many positive comments the organisers received; it proved to be a The Chantry School, Martley very enjoyable day. In fact a number Applefest 2012 of the participants have already The Chantry School in Martley pledged their support for 2013! Thank celebrated the ‗Mighty Apple‘ in style you to everyone. on Saturday 6 October 2012. Over 350 Bob Allison and Caroline Palethorpe, people attended The Chantry School‘s The Chantry School Applefest aimed at celebrating the

November 2012 * The Villager 19 Applefest, Thanks Thank you for all the positive The organisers of the third Chantry comments and let‘s hope this can Applefest were delighted with how become an annual event. successful the event was. We were Pat Owen blessed with a fantastic autumnal day with the sun shining throughout. The News from the Chantry apple display boasted well over 150 Library Learning Centre apple varieties in the middle of the I have already had requests from year main hall, which was a great 7 pupils to join our librarian training achievement when considering the scheme. This teaches pupils how to poor harvest this year. Particular research using books and the thanks must go to Peter Hawkins, Bill computer, how to work in a team Cooper, Steve Huke, Broomfields and doing various duties around the library Bulmers for supplying us with so and builds confidence. The library many varieties. Reg Farmer and Wade would not be able to operate without Muggleton also deserve a mention for them and I am very grateful to have bringing numerous varieties from their such a wonderful team. Very soon I Tenbury collection. There was no will be taking a group of boys to listen doubting the main attraction outside, to a talk by Andy McNab, ex SAS with almost everyone stopping to taste soldier and author of many books. a sample of freshly pressed apple This will be a fantastic opportunity for juice, was Steve Hukes replica them to hear how Andy started writing Victorian apple press. It was a and be inspired by what can be fascinating spectacle which created a achieved through hard work and lot of interest throughout the day. The determination. He is an exceptional cider sampling also went down very speaker. Last week Helen Cooper, well although I had to mix mine with Community Support Officer came into some of the fresh juice. I may have to hold a ‗drop in session‘. She was been classified as a ‗wimp‘ but I did able to talk to the students about her manage to survive the day in one job and listen to any concerns the piece! Other popular hits were the children had. She is coming in again drama and musical events. The John on 12 November to talk about her role Townsend play was once again as a CSO and also about road safety. extremely popular and drew in big During craft making club we are crowds. The Chantry orchestra and learning how to weave. We are also Grimley and Holt choir also provided looking towards Christmas and have fantastic entertainment for the public. boxes to cover and decorate and cards What with the craft fair, children‘s to make. activities, dinosaur hunt, pig roast, Vicky Warr, Librarian candy floss, the Applefest provided the public with a marvellous day out.

20 The Villager * November 2012 Over the Garden Wall in Wichenford WICHENFORD NEEDS YOUR NEWS

Janet Andrews 01886 888303 Sheila Richards 01886 888378

Wichenford 100 Club and Hallow. In her later life she September enjoyed raising money for charities First prize went to S. Murphy, second including the Air Ambulance from prize to Robert Hawker and third prize bingo nights at Wichenford village to H. Mason. The lucky winning hall and other money-raising events. tickets were drawn by Brandon Mum, you are going to be dearly Corbett missed by a large family and greater October number of friends. God Bless you, First prize went to Margaret Fisher, Mum. second prize to Jean Cooney and third The Baldwin Family prize went to Sarah Hayes. The lucky We extend our very deepest sympathy winning tickets were drawn by Lydia to the Baldwin Family. Margaret will Corbett. Congratulations to you all. be deeply missed by our local Clair Corbett community, she was an exceptional Linda Margaret Baldwin lady. Mum passed away on 26 August Wichenford Jubilee Fete peacefully at home in Hallow at the It was second date lucky for our fete age of 79 years. She was married to this year which was held on Dave and they had seven sons and September 8. What an amazing day four daughters. Mum never stopped we had and we raised a staggering working mainly on the land pea- £3052.99 for our village. It was a picking, gooseberries, blackcurrants, typical English summer scene, any job to help put food on the table. glorious sunshine, a beautiful venue She was a good cook, and in particular and of course a great selection of rabbit stew with dumplings, jam roly stalls. A big thank you to Pauline poly and spotted dick. Mum made Whittaker for organising a fantastic great friends in Martley, Wichenford fun dog show which attracted 150

November 2012 * The Villager 21 entrants! I would also like to say a Wichenford Memorial Hall thank you to all the villagers who set Do you want a derriere like Pippa up before the day, worked tirelessly on Middleton? the day and then cleared up, without If so, you are in luck, as Pilates classes them this would not have happened. are about to start on a regular basis on See you all again in 2014! Monday evenings at the Memorial Lindsay Webb Hall in Wichenford. Gentle, safe exercise, good for people with neck, Congratulations back and other joint problems or for Coralie and Arthur Fidoe (Archie) of sports players as part of their training Tillshots, Wants Green celebrated programme. If you are interested, their Golden Wedding Anniversary on please contact Sue Bratton on sue- 8 September. They enjoyed a [email protected] or 07974 343 gathering of family and friends at The 609. Royal Oak, . Of the fifty Georgina years they have been married, nine of Congratulations these have been spent in Want Green. Trevor and Ann Sanders of Ruggs Fifty years of life together, supporting Place are delighted to announce the and loving each other. Would they do safe arrival of their fourth grandchild it again – yes they would ! Isla, born to son Andrew and daughter in law Jennie who live in Droitwich. A Hugh Higgins little sister for Jack and a cousin for We were sorry to hear of the death of Josh and Charlotte. Ann Sanders Hugh Higgins and so soon after his wife had passed away in July this Business of the Month year. Hugh and Kay had lived in Chimdoo Wichenford for a considerable number Mark and Sarah Andrews of years. They were keen gardeners Mark and Sara live at Bury End Farm, opening their lovely garden for the Wichenford and started their new Thai Takeaway in August this year and its Wichenford Open Gardens on many been a great success so far, with lots occasions. Hugh and Kay were both in of support for their new business their 90s and had been married for 67 venture being from the locals in and years! They were an amazing couple around Martley and Wichenford. and well respected by all who knew Mark was born and bred on Poplar them. Our deepest sympathy goes out Road in Wichenford and currently has to all their family. over 120 dairy cows on his farm. Mark met Sara at the local pub The

Masons Arms, where Sara was then a

22 The Villager * November 2012 Thai chef and they were married in are in real demand! Chimdoo will be August 2011 in Thailand and open from Wednesday to Saturday, celebrated again in May this year with from 5pm until 10pm and as you a celebration for family and friends at would expect a free delivery service is Wichenford Village Hall. When the available (within 4 miles). Please call previous landlords vacated The 07583 163 191 to order. The menu is Masons Arms, Sara knew that there extensive with lots of choice, was to be a huge gap in the market left including starters, soups and salads, as the Thai restaurant had closed and main courses, side dishes, rice and had been popular. Sara trained in some noodles, oh and also a lovely English of Thailand's finest hotels before dish too, good old fish and chips! coming to England and is also an Most of their ingredients are sourced a w a r d locally and in the future they are winner in hoping that a large percentage of their the Thai art ingredients are too. Expansion is of fruit and something that they are both looking v e g e t a b l e forward to in the future, Mark and m a k i n g . Sara also said that they can provide Mark and catering for a number of events Sara bought including, wedding functions, a fully anniversaries, parties, corporate e q u i p p e d c a t e r i n g trailer from Ebay, got planning permission from Council, got the go ahead from Environmental Health, printed menus and opened in August!! Business has been so busy that Mark has invested in a delivery vehicle, a genuine Thai tuk tuk, fully restored and painted having been used in an entertainment and will even cater at advertising campaign for Sharwoods your own home or event. Local Thai Foods. ―Its a bit slow‖, said Mark, evenings are also being planned, so ―only reaching speeds of 40mph and watch this space!! that's downhill with the wind behind Please don't hesitate to call Mark or you!‖ Mark also said that he has Sara if you would like to discuss employed a local delivery driver as events or catering services. business has been so brisk and demands for their Thai takeaway food

November 2012 * The Villager 23 Childrens Book Week the schools deadliest vampire…just in time for Halloween! Aimed at five to Local Author, Helen Cooper eight year olds, the fifty four page Worcestershire Children‘s Author paperback is easy and fun to read, Helen Wendy Cooper, had a FANG- having been illustrated by Helen TASTIC response to her new book, herself. It‘s Helen‘s third book and she The Vegetarian has another Vegetarian Vampire book V a m p i r e : (The Lost Fangs) already in the Halloween Disco, at pipeline. She has previously published Martley Primary two adventures from her series School. Helen SHAPE LAND, Trevor Triangle loses visited the children the mail and Silly Samuel Square. during Children‘s Helen lives in with her Book Week, doing a boyfriend, three cats, three turtles, a school assembly tortoise and four fish! and classroom Helen W Cooper workshop. During the assembly, Helen talked to the children about Wichenford Local Heritage being an author, how books are made Group and published, and how to create an Winter Season 2012-2013 at The exciting, interesting main character. Memorial Hall, Wichenford, 7.00pm The children now have a competition until 9.30 p.m to write their own story about a spider, Charges for 2012-2013 which Helen will judge in a couple of Full membership, £5.00 subscription week‘s time. ―I had great fun at plus £30 to include all 8 talks, monthly Martley Primary School,‖ says Helen. palaeography classes, use of club ―The children were really interested in library, field work and subsidy for trips/ my book and asked lots of questions. |single talks - £5.00. Please note, the I‘m hoping my story will help inspire 2013 Church trip with Tim Bridges will them to write their own. I also be by coach around the churches of attended Martley‘s Applefest and North Gloucestershire including received lots of positive feedback Deerhurst, separate payment required from the children.‖ The Vegetarian (subsidised for Members). Please Vampire: Halloween Disco tells a contact Heather Rendall on 01886 story of Vernon, a vampire with a 888239 for more information. secret. He‘s a vegetarian and hates the November Talk, Neville Billington sight of blood but he daren‘t admit to Worcester to Wall, Travellers of the it! He‘s picked on by Big Brian the Saltway. An account of the people bully and desperately wants to impress travelling the Roman route to the 2nd beautiful Veronica. So Vernon decides marching post at Wall in to do three crazy challenges to become Staffordshire.

24 The Villager * November 2012 varieties in a container. Taller tulips can give a wonderful splash of colour In the Garden in the Spring, planted either in clumps of at least five bulbs, or, with more bulbs of a single variety scattered amongst other medium height plants throughout a border. Perennials, shrubs Expect wet and windy weather and and trees can still be planted provided some very cold nights in the next few the ground is neither too cold nor very weeks. The shorter days mean less wet. They do need time to make some time to spend in the garden so try to fit root growth before the weather gets in just a few key jobs. First, there is really cold. the tidying up. On a dry day, rake off dead leaves from lawns and check that your climbing plants are tied up se- curely so they don't get blown down in bad weather. Second, protection. Move tender plants in pots under cover Prayers, Breakfast and Bible as soon as possible and pile up a thick Study layer of compost or bark over any Saturday 3 November which are left in open ground. It is a 8.00am Ladies Prayer Breakfast, good idea to raise any containers off contact Trish Col- the ground so that they are not left lett on 812204. standing in cold water after rain. Tuesday 6, 13, 20 Third, pruning. At the end of Novem- and 27 November ber you can cut back deciduous 7.30pm hedges, but don't touch the ever green Bible Study Group ones. You can also start winter pruning at the home of of currants, apples and pears, and cut Chris Woodburn, autumn raspberries down to the Martley. ground. Cut your holly before the end Wednesday 7 and 21 November of the month, when the birds strip the 10.00am until 11.00am. Ladies Prayer berries. The cut branches can be stood Meeting at the home of Dot Fletcher, in water and covered with a black plas- Wants Green Farm, Broadwas (01886 tic bag, this way they will last until 821884). Christmas.(Credit for this tip goes to Saturday 17 November Pat Finch, I tried it successfully last 8.30am Men‘s Breakfast, Please con- year, thanks Pat!) Fourth and finally, tact Mark Wild (01299 896071) planting. 'Remember, remember, plant [email protected]. tulips in November'. This year I shall All welcome. be trying one of the short stemmed, red

November 2012 * The Villager 25

Church Words The Rectory 01886 888664

My wife Jane and I recently went to ing. The way of the cross also has Cornwall. We were finally able to use joys, for we are told that Jesus walked the wonderful gift given to us on our in that way because of the joy set be- 10th anniversary of being in the bene- fore him (Hebrews). He never gave up fice. Once again may we say thank and called us and others to walk with you to all who contributed and came him on the journey. As his disciples to that wonderful service and continue travelled with him they saw amazing to support us. As to the gift, what an things, miracles, healings and learnt so amazing experience staying in and much. They also shared some amazing eating at the seafood restaurant in meals with him and he (Jesus) was a Padstow. The accommodation was much sort after guest, there are many wonderful and the food amazing. We instances of him being at meals with were also able to walk along some of all sorts of people. For us too we can the beautiful coast paths of Cornwall, be assured that we do not walk alone we actually had reasonable weather! but with Jesus by our side, and as we As I ponder those walks I am re- do that we will see amazing things. minded that life is like those paths, We can also be assured that whatever sometimes tough, as we climb those lies before us whether joys or sorrows steep inclines, sometimes breathtak- he is with us and there is that final ing, as we take in the views and vistas. eternal destination of an amazing It s more often routine as we walk on heavenly home with a feast prepared the level, day by day, taking ‗one for us. As we journey on let‘s take more step along the road‘ as the hymn food for the journey as we commune says. Journeys are also wonderful with God in our worship and as we when shared with others, as I shared commune with one another. the experience with my wife and ear- lier in the summer with my daughter, God Bless you all her husband and the grandchildren. Rev David Sherwin All this has a spiritual point as you would expect of me. Walking on life‘s journey we are told that as Christians we walk the way of the cross with Je- sus, indicating it is sometimes hard and we are not immune from suffer-

26 The Villager * November 2012 Thurs 1 Nov 9.00am Prayer at the Heart (PATH), St Laurence, Wichenford 12-2pm Lunch in Company, Broadwas Village Hall. 7.30pm Healing Course ‗In His Name‘, The Old School, Berrow Green Sun 4 Nov 8.00am Holy Communion, St Mary and St Andrew, Knightwick 10.30am Holy Communion, St Laurence, Wichenford 10.30am Family Worship, St Peter, Martley 10.30am Morning Worship, St Mary Magdalene, 3.00pm Memorial Service, St Peter, Martley 6.30pm Evensong, St Leonard, Mon 5 Nov 9.00am Morning Prayer, St Laurence, Wichenford Tues 6 Nov 10.00am Holy Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 7.30pm WWRT Meeting at The Talbot Thurs 8 Nov 9.00am Morning Prayer, St Laurence, Wichenford Sun 11 Nov 10.45am Remembrance Day, St Laurence, Wichenford 10.45am Remembrance Day, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 10.45am Remembrance Day, St Peter, Martley Mon 12 Nov 8.30am Prayer Breakfast 7.30pm LTV PCC Meeting at church Tues 13 Nov 10.00am Morning Prayer, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas Wed 14 Nov 10:15am Holy Communion, Heaton House Thurs 15 Nov9.00am Morning Prayer, St Laurence, Wichenford Sun 18 Nov 8.00am Holy Communion, St Peter Martley 9.00am Matins, St Leonard, Cotheridge 10.30am Holy Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 10.30am Morning Worship, St Peter, Martley 3.00pm Evening Worship, St Mary & St Andrew, Knightwick 4.00pm Evening Worship, St Laurence Wichenford Mon 19 Nov 9.00am Morning Prayer, St Peter‘s, Martley 7.30pm Martley PCC at Martley Old School Tues 20 Nov 10.00am Holy Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 7.30pm LTV PCC meeting at church Thurs 22 Nov9.00am Morning Prayer, St Laurence, Wichenford Sun 25 Nov 8.00am Holy Communion, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 9.30am Holy Communion, St Peter, Martley 10.30am Holy Communion, St Laurence, Wichenford 4.00pm Christingle, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas 6.30pm Evening Worship, St Peter Martley Mon 26 Nov 9.00am Morning Prayer, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas Tues 27 Nov 10.00am Morning Prayer, St Mary Magdalene, Broadwas Wed 28 Nov 10:15am Holy Communion, Heaton House Thurs 29 Nov9.00am Morning Prayer, St Laurence, Wichenford 12-2pm Advent Soup Lunch, Wichenford Memorial Hall, All welcome

November 2012 * The Villager 27 Village Contacts

Editor of The Villager Gail Dawson. Please email Gail at, [email protected] or contact her on 01886 889180. You can also leave any articles with Mary at Martley Post Office. Advertise in The Villager Aileen Parker, 01905 641865 or email [email protected]

Church Rector: Revd David Sherwin. Please contact him on 01886 888664 or (Worcestershire West Rural email David at, Team) [email protected] Assistant Priest: Revd Jennifer Whittaker—01886 833897 Martley Parish Council Chair: Cllr. D Goodyear—01886 888423; Clerk: Janet Dale 01886 888472 Martley WI Mary Kipping 01886-812647 Martley & District Horticultural Margaret Jackson—01886 888654 Society Royal British Legion Joyce Tyler—01886 821551

Martley Toddler Group Brenda 01886 888052

Martley Ramblers Richard Mills 01886-888788

Martley Young Farmers Brenda Crump 01886-812534 Path-or-Nones John Nicklin—01886 888318 [email protected] Resource Centre To be confirmed

Police ―Surgery‖ CSO Helen Cooper—Martley Local Policing Team Tenbury Wells Police Station extn. 3581 Local Policing Officer PC Paul Lambon Martley Website [email protected] Martley Web Mesh Richard Jackman—01886 821237 [email protected] John Layton—01886888460 [email protected] Tom Pearsall—01886 888256 [email protected] Martley Pre-School Kath/Lucy—01886 889127 www.martleypreschool.co.uk

Martley Recreation Association Bookings—Pat Owen 01886 888406 [email protected] (playing fields) Martley Memorial Village Hall Chair—Neil Stammers 01886-888513 [email protected] Committee Secretary—Annette Smith 01886-821895 [email protected] or Lyn Wheeler 01886-889240 [email protected] Wichenford contacts for The Janet Andrews—01886 888303 or Sheila Richards—01886 888378 Villager Kenswick & Wichenford Parish Clerk—Shirley Sanders 01886 888302 Council Wichenford Wine Club Chairman—Bill Hylan 01886 888431 Wichenford Local Heritage Heather Rendall—01886 888239 Group Martley Village Hall Bookings Please contact Lucy Horn, 07723064394 or 01886 889148, email [email protected] Martley CSO Helen W Cooper 40061 To put organisations and contact details on this list, or to change the details shown here, please email the editor at, [email protected] or leave the details at Martley Post Office.

28 The Villager * November 2012 Film Society We look forward to seeing you at our next film which is to be held on 17 November. It is a 2007 film called The Baker, a really enjoyable comedy thriller starring Damien Lewis as an ex assassin who retires to a Welsh village and opens a bread shop, only to find he can't escape his former associates! As usual, we will open our doors from 7.15pm and have wine, cheese and choc ices and then the film starts at 8pm. An excellent and sociable evening! Jean Book Reviewer(s) Wanted Do you like to read and review? We are looking for someone to write a short review on a favourite book you may have recently read, fiction or non fiction, its your choice. Perhaps you have read a book more than once and it is a particular favourite of yours and you would like to share this with our readers? If so, please get in touch with Gail our Editor on 01886 889180. You can be of any age too and we want to hear from you!! We would particularly like to hear from school aged children from our local schools!!

November 2012 * The Villager 29