CSc 233 171 Fall 2013


Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 1 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 2 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 3 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 4 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 5 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 6 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 7 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

Dilbert Scott Adams

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 8 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Chapter 9 – Project Rhythm “Any project can develop a rhythm and then maintain it. The project manager (and project staff) has to look for obstacles and risks and remove them (that's the defense part)… You're working someone else's project when they cut staff, change the delivery date, change the focus of the project, or some other major change, and then expect you to react -- and react well. In my experience, once a project has started it's almost impossible to change the project rhythm from a top-down mandate and succeed with the project. I have seen successes where people changed practices and were able to change the project rhythm.”

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 9 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Create automated “smoke tests” • In software, the term smoke testing describes the process of validating code changes before the changes are checked into the product’s source tree. • After code reviews, smoke testing is the most cost effective method for identifying and fixing defects in software. • Smoke tests are designed to confirm that changes in the code function as expected and do not destabilize an entire build. Note: these are not the full set of regression tests • Goal: to keep the “build” working… don’t interrupt the rhythm.

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 10 Management. Johanna Rothman Integration CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Continuous Integration • Write some code, compile, test, review, add to the code base (the “build”) on a daily basis (e.g. TDD) • Run ‘smoke tests’ – Immediate feedback • Helps team establish its rhythm Staged integration • Wait until a feature is “finished”, then integrate. • A form of “continuous integration” “Big Bang” integration • All integration happens at the end • You cannot tell if the project is progressing until everything is integrated

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 11 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 A variation… Rule: You do not “promote” to the code base until you are ready to replace the system you are developing • Assume your system must remain running “live” • You can “cut” over to the new system, but users are actively using the system every day • Staged Integration – with continuous integration on a “branch” Decision is made when to integrate

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 12 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Implement by feature – not architecture • By architecture … the focus is not on whole features. No feedback until architecture and the first feature are implemented What Agilists try to avoid (Marick) • Having lots of partially implemented features doesn’t give you the feedback you need. • You get a “big bang” when you discover that nothing worked the way we expected it to work.”

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 13 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Architecture Reflects Organization Conway’s Law Consider a large system S that the government wants to build. The government hires company X to build system S. Company X has three engineering groups, E1, E2, and E3 that participate in the project. Conway's law suggests that it is likely that the resultant system will consist of 3 major subsystems (S1, S2, S3), each built by one of the engineering groups. More importantly, the resultant interfaces between the subsystems (S1-S2, S1-S3, S2-S3) will reflect the quality and nature of the real-world interpersonal communications between the respective engineering groups (E1-E2, E1-E3, E2-E3).

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 14 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Implement Highest-Value Features First • Leave the riskiest to later… … unless the riskiest is also the highest-valued feature! • Product Backlog “The more valuable the features are and the more finished you can make those features… … the more flexibility you have bought yourself and the team for this project.”

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 15 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Debugging by Feature

“ If you find yourself debugging by feature at the end of the project consider implementing by feature from the start. You’ll have less project disruption and a more even rhythm.” Rothman


Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 16 Management. Johanna Rothman Pair programming CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 All code to be included in a production release is created by two people working together at a single computer. You have the security of having two people familiar with the same code. Pair programming increases software quality without impacting time to deliver… … in those cases where it actually works. It is counter intuitive, but 2 people working at a single computer will add as much functionality as two working separately except that it will be much higher in quality. … if not, don’t do it! With increased quality comes big savings later in the project.

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 17 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013

The best way to pair program is to just sit side by side in front of the monitor. Slide the key board and mouse back and forth. One person types and thinks tactically about the method being created, while the other thinks strategically about how that method fits into the class. It takes time to get used to pair programming, so don't worry if it feels awkward at first. Pair Programming is NOT just keyboard work! … and taking turns “driving”.

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 18 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Reviewing work

• Formal Inspection • Buddy review • Peer review • Reviews follow a similar • Walkthrough structure: • Michael Fagan, Defect-Free Different types of Process reviews 1. Planning 2. Overview 3. Preparation 4. Inspection Meeting 5. Process Improvement 6. Rework 7. Follow-up 19 CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Plan to Refactor for ease Marick Simplify – improve – the code! • Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior. • Its heart is a series of small behavior preserving transformations. • Each transformation does little, but a sequence of transformations can produce a significant restructuring. • Since each refactoring is small, it's less likely to go wrong. • The system is also kept fully working after each small refactoring, reducing the chances that a system can get seriously broken during the restructuring.

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 20 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Code Growth in Serial Lifecycle Figure 9.1

The code grows more slowly because the developers are bulding only what they need… … and they are refactoring as they go Eliminates the “push” at the end to fix a huge number of defects Slows the degrading of design … and the difficulties of change during maintenance. The point? … refactor as you go… not at the end when it is too late.

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 21 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Fig 9.1 Typical growth of code in serial life cycle

Testing starts here

Start of development

Integration starts here

“The reduction after integration is refactoring… some redesign, but mostly refactoring… If you don not refactor at the end or you cannot pay down your technical debt, the code size stays high.”

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 22 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Defining requirements… “Think about who is using the system and how to develop what the user needs.” • It is important to remember that Functional and Nonfunctional requirements are a developers abstraction… the way we think about requirements Who wants that checking account? (page 178) “… they had been focusing on the internals of the system that they had forgotten about the people who would use the system or be served by the system… … It’s always the people, isn’t it?”

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 23 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 “The GUI is design, not requirements” • Requirement involve identifying the major uses that will deliver business value… … and then the necessary functionality. • The GUI is the design decisions necessary to deliver this business value... to the user! • Prototyping… wireframe representations

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 24 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Use Low-Fidelity Prototyping “Once you've learned paper prototyping, you can use it in every project you do for the rest of your career. I have no idea what user interface technologies will be popular in twenty years, but I do know that I'll have to subject those designs to usability evaluation, and that paper prototyping will be a valuable technique for running early studies.”

Copyright © 2003 by Jakob Nielsen

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 25 Management. Johanna Rothman CSc 233 171 Fall 2013 Usability Testing using Paper Prototyping

Two Short Videos

Manage It! Your Guide to Modern, Pragmatic Project 26 Management. Johanna Rothman