Adult Ministries

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Adult Ministries GUIDELINES 2017–2020 Prepares leaders for their ministry roles in Adult Ministries The adult ministry life span is the greatest and most diverse of any age level; it can encompass seven or more decades. Inclusive adult ministry encourages all adults to grow and mature in faith—vital disciples for a lifetime. Your congregation will decide what structure is needed to plan for adult faith formation and discipleship. Your position title may be Coordinator of Adult Ministries, Team Leader for Adult Discipleship, Coordinator of Singles Ministries, or some other title indicating that you are a leader in adult ministries. Your role is to keep the big picture of adult faith formation and discipleship in view and to help develop a comprehensive strategy that is appropriate for your congregation’s context. Regardless of your title, church size, or structure, this Guideline will help equip you to lead adult ministries in your congregation. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines that cover church leadership areas, such as Church Council and Small-Membership Church; administrative areas of Finance and Trustees; and ministry areas focused on nurture, outreach, and witness: Worship, Evangelism, Stewardship, Christian Education, age-level ministries, Communications, and more. Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 2017–2020—Complete Set Available in print (ISBN: 9781501830112) and flash drive (ISBN: 9781501830143) formats. Also available for eReaders. The full set includes: • 26 individual booklets (also available for individual sale) • Visit for the following free resources: * “Guide to the Guidelines” (includes an Orientation Workshop) * Supplemental Materials (ready for use) Cover Image: Thinkstock 9781501817465_CVR_adult.indd 1 8/2/16 2:33 PM G U I D E L I N E S Adult Ministries Help Adults Love God and Neighbor Scott Hughes William Randolph Discipleship Ministries 9781501817465_INT_layout.indd 1 8/8/16 7:31 AM ADULT MINISTRIES Copyright © 2016 by Cokesbury All rights reserved. United Methodist churches and other official United Methodist bodies may reproduce up to 500 words from this publication, provided the following notice appears with the excerpted material: “From Guidelines: Adult Ministries 2017–2020. Copyright © 2016 by Cokesbury. Used by permission.” Address requests for quotations exceeding 500 words to Permissions Office, Abingdon Press, 2222 Rosa L. Parks Blvd., Nashville, TN 37228 or [email protected]. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data This book is printed on acid-free paper. ISBN 978-1-5018-1746-5 Unless noted otherwise, paragraph references to and quotations from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church are to the 2012 editions. Copyright ©2012 The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission. All Scripture quotations unless noted otherwise are from the Common English Bible. Copyright © 2011 by the Common English Bible. Used by permission. All rights reserved. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 9781501817465_INT_layout.indd 2 8/26/16 12:29 PM Contents Blessed to Be a Blessings . 4 Biblical and Theological Foundations . 5 Called to Lead The Core Process: Offering H O. .P .E . with Adults . 6 H.O.P.E. with Adults Ministry Description . 7 The Roles of the Adult Coordinator Getting Started . .10 A Five-Step Design Faith Formation and Discipleship in Adulthood . 12 Developmental Tasks in Adulthood Religious Experience of Adults Adult Developmental Characteristics Generational Snapshot: Millennials Generational Snapshot: Postmoderns Generational Snapshot: Baby Boomers Generational Snapshot: Pioneers and GI Generation Settings for Adult Faith Formation and Discipleship . .22 Setting for Adult Faith Formation and Discipleship Leader Development Start New Classes and Groups Measures and Evaluation . 26 Measure Participation Measure Effectiveness Measure Appropriateness A Final Word . 29 Resources . .30 Discipleship Ministries General Church Print Resources Planning Adult Ministries Web Resources UMC Agencies & Helpful Links 9781501817465_INT_layout.indd 3 8/8/16 7:31 AM Blessed to Be a Blessing f you are reading this Guideline, you have said yes to servant leadership in your church. You are blessed to be a blessing. What does that mean? By virtue of our baptism by water and the Spirit, God calls all Christians to faithful Idiscipleship, to grow to maturity in faith (see Ephesians 4). The United Methodist Church expresses that call in our shared mission “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transfor- mation of the world” (The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, or the Discipline, ¶120). Each local congregation and community of faith lives out that call in response to its own context—the wonderful and unique combination of God-given human and material resources with the needs of the community, within and beyond the congregation. The work of servant leaders—your work—is to open a way for God to work through you and the resources available to you in a particular ministry area, for you are about God’s work. As stewards of the mysteries of God (see 1 Corinthians 4:1), servant leaders are entrusted with the precious and vital task of managing and using God’s gifts in the ongoing work of transformation. In The United Methodist Church, we envision transformation occurring through a cycle of discipleship (see the Discipline, ¶122). With God’s help and guidance, we • reach out and receive people into the body of Christ, • help people relate to Christ through their unique gifts and circumstances, • nurture and strengthen people in their relationships with God and with others, • send transformed people out into the world to lead transformed and transforming lives, • continue to reach out, relate, nurture, and send disciples . Every ministry area and group, from finance to missions, engages in all aspects of this cycle. This Guideline will help you see how that is true for the ministry area or group you now lead. When you begin to consider all of the work you do as ministry to fulfill God’s mis- sion through your congregation, each task, report, and conversation becomes a step toward transforming the world into the kingdom of God. Invite Christ into the process to guide your ministry. You are doing powerful and won- derful work. Allow missteps to become learning opportunities; rejoice in success. Fill your work with the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). God blesses you with gifts, skills, and experience. You are a blessing when you allow God to work through you to make disciples and transform the world. Thank you. (Find additional help in the “Resources” section at the end of this Guideline, in The Book of Discipline, and through 4 | Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation 9781501817465_INT_layout.indd 4 8/8/16 7:31 AM Biblical and Theological Foundations he apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Colossians: “[B]e filled with the knowledge of God’s will, with all wisdom and spiritual Tunderstanding. We’re praying this so that you can live lives that are worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him in every way: by producing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. Be rooted and built up in him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught.” (Colossians 1:9-10; 2:6-7) This passage is one way to describe the desired results of ministries with adults—wise, knowledgeable adults who are growing in the faith and who consistently demonstrate their love of God and neighbor. Called to Lead You have been called to work with other leaders in the church to fulfill the church’s mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Research indi- cates that two of the primary drivers that have an impact on the vitality of congregations are small groups and effective lay leadership. As a leader of adult faith formation and disciple- ship, your ministry relates directly to both of these drivers. You have a unique responsibility to provide leadership in your congregation so that adults in all life stages are: • accepted as beloved children of God; • provided opportunities to relate to God through worship, prayer, and other spiri- tual disciplines; • nurtured in the faith through Bible study, mutual accountability, and other faith-forming practices; • sent out as disciples of Jesus Christ to participate in God’s transformation of the world. The Book of Discipline states that the function of the local church “is to help people to accept and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to live their daily lives in light of their relationship with God” (¶202). As the body of Christ, we are challenged to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. As a spiritual leader in your congregation, you will find support, courage, and wisdom through the Holy Spirit. As you engage individually and with others in adult faith formation and discipleship, you will experience God’s grace and be empowered to lead other adults as they grow in faith. Adult Ministries | 5 9781501817465_INT_layout.indd 5 8/8/16 7:31 AM The Core Process: Offering H.O.P.E. with Adults he invitation to be part of the kingdom of God is good news! People of all ages thrive as they receive and respond to God’s prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace in and through the church. As you meet and get to know the adults of your community, Tyou will find opportunities to invite them into the life of the congregation, which embodies our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
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