Crypto art: A decentralized view Massimo Franceschet University of Udine
[email protected] Giovanni Colavizza University of Amsterdam and The Alan Turing Institute
[email protected] T'ai Smith and Blake Finucane Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory University of British Columbia
[email protected] [email protected] Martin Lukas Ostachowski Sergio Scalet Art by MLO Hackatao
[email protected] [email protected] Jonathan Perkins James Morgan Co-founder Co-founder
[email protected] [email protected] Sebasti´anHern´andez The Momus Collective
[email protected] June 11, 2019 arXiv:1906.03263v1 [cs.CY] 9 Jun 2019 Prologue This is a \decentralized position paper" on crypto art, which includes viewpoints from different actors of the system: artists, collectors, galleries, art scholars, data scientists. The writing process went as follows: a general definition of the topic was put forward by two of the authors (Franceschet and Colavizza), and used as reference to ask to a set of diverse authors to contribute with their viewpoints asynchronously and independently. No guidelines were offered before the first draft, if not to reach a minimum of words to justify a separate section/contribution. Afterwards, all authors read and commented on each 1 other's work and minimal editing was done. Every author was asked to suggest open questions and future perspectives on the topic of crypto art from their vantage point, while keeping full control of their own sections at all times. While this process does not necessarily guarantee the uniformity expected from, say, a research article, it allows for multiple voices to emerge and provide for a contribution on a common topic.