Former Primary school and schoolhouse, 200 Road (Ward 5) – Off-market disposal approved – Instruction to Executive Director of Regeneration and the Economy and Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council.

3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding proposals for an off-market disposal of the former Drumoyne Primary school and schoolhouse, 200 Shieldhall Road (Ward 5),

(1) advising that

(a) the property had been declared surplus in February 2010 following the procedural non-operational process with no notes of interest being received;

(b) Housing Association Limited had intimated a desire to acquire the subject site for the erection of a residential development of 49 units, resulting in a capital receipt for this Council; and

(c) it was intended that the former blaes pitches, as detailed in the Appendix to the report, would be excised from the Public Private Partnership (PPP) project agreement for High School to be included in the disposal; and

(2) detailing the terms and conditions of the proposed sale.

After consideration, the committee

(i) approved the off-market disposal of the former Drumoyne Primary School and schoolhouse, 200 Shieldhall Road (Ward 5) to Linthouse Housing Association Limited, subject to the terms and conditions as detailed in the report;

(ii) noted that the former blaes pitches, as detailed in the Appendix to the report, was intended to be excised from the Public Private Partnership (PPP) project agreement for Govan High School to be included in the proposed disposal; and

(iii) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services in conjunction with the Director of Governance and Solicitor to the Council to progress the sale to Linthouse Housing Association Limited.