Stereoscopic 3D on planar displays

Stefan Seipel

2016-11-08 Omnipresence of stereo 3D

Movies Industry pushing for modern 3D technology

Consumer electronics industry pushes 3D TV

Need your own content? You need a 3D camera!

You got a 3D camera? Need a 3D picture frame!

You’ve got all this? Buy a 3D mobile phone! More recently:

Simulataneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniques are entering the scene.

Mainly used for navigation unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) selfdriving cars and motorbikes other autonomous vehicles

Just recently also used for positioning in Augmented Reality

e.g. Microsoft HoloLens

Google Project Tango

=> Will trigger a new wave of 3D content production/consumption

Early adopters of modern stereoscopy

3D Table at HiG GraphiX Center (2002)

G.R.A.P.H. Table Uppsala Univ. (1999)

Computer Sweden, 3D GIS, GraphiX Center, 2011 20th of October 2004

How does it work?

Human stereoscopic vision

Some available techniques

How can we best recreate stereographic images?

Learning from other fields helps creating great content The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays

Viewing in the real 3D world  When converging on an object at some 2 certain distance, a point at some different distance in the scene will appear on the retina with some horizontal disparity.

 1 Stereopsis :merging two retinal images into one 3D image by evaluating horizontal disparities. Distance Vergence

Retinal disparity (retinal image) vs.

Stereo parallax (stereographic image) IPD

left ”retinal image” right ”retinal image” Perceptual issues of stereoscopic displays

Viewing virtual 3D images on a 2D screen is different.

All have actually the same distance to viewer! The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays

Parallax: Viewing on plano-stereoscopic displays

Parallax is lateral displacement of homologous points on the planar display.

Converging at a point on a display surface causes homologous points on display to have zero parallax.

Zero Parallax The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays

Parallax: Viewing on plano-stereoscopic displays

Parallax is lateral displacement of homologous points on the planar display.

Converging at a virtual point behind the display surface causes homologous points on display to have positive parallax.

This point is said to be in screen space.

Positive Parallax The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays

Parallax: Viewing on plano-stereoscopic displays

Parallax is lateral displacement of homologous points on the planar display.

Converging at a virtual point in front of the display Surface causes homologous points on display to have negative parallax.

This point is said to be in viewer space.

Negative Parallax The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays

The relationship between convergence and accomodation

Converging the eyes’ axes on a real point in 3D space implies verging the eyes towards that point. The neuro-muscular functions to control vergence are also evaluated to assess distance.

The point is kept in focus by adjusting the lens (accommodation).

Under normal natural viewing conditions, accomodation and convergence correspond. The correspondence of convergence and accomodation is habitual an can be voluntarily put out of function (crossing the eyes). One dilemma of stereo-graphic 3D images

The accommodation – convergence conflict

Keeping homologous points on screen in focus requires accommodation at screen distance Ds. Accommodation is a neuromuscular function of the ciliari muscles controlling the lens.

To support fusion of homologous points, the eyes must converge at Dc – the distance to the virtual point.

Convergence is a occulo-motoric function. Ds D In natural viewing of the real world accommodation c and convergence are coupled processes.

But: Seeing plano-stereoscopic 3D images correctly, requires accommodation and convergence on different distances.

Pixels on screen have ”fixed” distance to viewer Avoiding AC-Conflict

In practice comfortable stereo graphics is a compromise

Visual Discomfort Fixed Variables:

Focal distance to screen

Maximum tolerable parallax Comfort Screen

 larger depths in screen space

 limited depths in viewer space Visual Discomfort

Stereoscopic Comfort Zone The perceptual basis for stereoscopic displays


• Regions in a stereographic image with high parallax cause retinal disparity, which is one cue for perceiving depth in a scene.

• Stereo parallax and retinal disparity are related

• The brain can fuse binocular retinal images into one spatial image (stereopsis)

• Equivalently, there are limits to display parallax. (e.g. 1,5° of visual angel Lipton[1991])

• Viewing non-zero parallax images on plano-stereoscopic displays infringes the accomodation/convergence relationship learned in natural viewing.


Practical issues in stereo graphics

Lipton [1991] / Bourke[1999] – Parallax Control

Don’t exceed parallax values of more than 1.5° visual angle (rather than using explicit parallax values on screen).

R 1.5° On-screen parallax osp L

Viewing distance D

Practical examples for on-screen parallax values:

D [cm] 50 75 100 200 300 400 osp [cm] 1,31 1,96 2,62 5,24 7,86 10,47 Practical issues in stereo graphics

Virtual spatial depth due to observer distance and limited parallax.

Negative parallax situation: osp Allowable spatial depth d towards viewer space d osp d

 IPD D  d ... D d  IPD

 1 D Distance Viewing osp

Example for IPD = 6,5 cm

D [cm] 50,00 75,00 100,00 200,00 300,00 400,00 osp [cm] 1,31 1,96 2,62 5,24 7,86 10,47 d 8,38 17,40 28,72 89,24 164,17 246,83 IPD d/D 0,17 0,23 0,29 0,45 0,55 0,62 Practical issues in stereo graphics

Virtual spatial depth due to observer distance and limited parallax.

Positive parallax situation: Allowable spatial depth d into screen space

osp d d  IPD D  d ... osp

D d   IPD  1 osp

Example for IPD = 6,5 cm D Distance Viewing

D [cm] 50,00 75,00 100,00 200,00 220,00 245,00 osp [cm] 1,31 1,96 2,62 5,24 5,76 6,42 d 12,61 32,47 67,47 829,45 1714,79 18612,49 IPD d/D 0,25 0,43 0,67 4,15 7,79 75,97 Practical issues in stereo graphics


Values sometimes seen as a rule of thumb/best practice in specific situations. (Lipton’s seem to work for many VR applications)

Values do not generally apply for all viewing conditions (Desktop Viewing, Head-Mounted Displays, Cinema have different convergence distances)

Once you know the basics, composing stereoscopic images is an art, not a science. (Lenny Lipton,1991)

Practical issues in stereo graphics

Does my desktop 3D application also work in the VR theatre?

Many visualization applications are parameterized to work in stereo on desktop systems.


17” screen approx. 34 cm wide. Application creates maximum parallax of 2 cm, which is comfortable when viewed from approx. 70-80 cm distance.

You bring your application to the computer in the VR theatre, without altering viewing parameters. The stereo-picture is now blown up to 3 meters horizontal size i.e. 850%.

Maximum parallax on the projection screen is now 17,14 cm.

According to Lipton’s recommendation for parallax of max. 1.5°, the observer should be seated at least 6,6 meters from the screen!

Note: Viewing parameters for stereo-viewing do NOT scale linearly!!! A general problem in

Viewing metaphor in use is not suitable for VR and stereo 3D!

Traditionally the field of computer graphics has adopted the metaphor of a synthetic pin-hole camera

Projection math is then

* based on central projections

* adapted to parameters such as horizontal and vertical field of view

… even worse: focal length and aspect ratio

This is manifested in industry standard APIs (e.g. OpenGL/GLUT, ”gluPerspective”)

Standard stereo render mode in vtk is based on central perspective projections A general problem in computer graphics

What is wrong with a camera model?

1. The scale level in recording/synthesizing an image is not related to the spatial relations between observer and display during presentation.

This is usually not a problem in monoscopic graphics, but in stereo it is!

(parallax and convergence issues, discussed before)

Example: Hyper-stereo and excessive parallax when photographing a frog from 30 cm distance with a IPD of 6 cm and display on a 4m x 3m screen.

What focal length is applicable for visualizing atoms and molecules?

A general problem in computer graphics

What is wrong with a synthetic camera model?

2. Binocular viewing of (projected) plano-stereoscopic displays requires off-axis projected images

Same display plane Individual, non co-planar when viewing both images projection planes

Left eye Right eye

typical “toe-in” camera setup For stereo A general problem in computer graphics

What is wrong with a synthetic camera model?

2. Binocular viewing of (projected) plano-stereoscopic displays requires off-axis projected images

Projection images on individual Projection images as apparent on focal planes display plane

Real object Apparent virtual object

Left eye Right eye

typical “toe-in” camera setup For stereo A general problem in computer graphics

What is wrong with a synthetic camera model?

2. Binocular viewing of (projected) plano-stereoscopic displays requires off-axis projected images

Co- planes -> require off-axis projections

Real object Apparent virtual object

co-planar image planes

Left eye Right eye

Required camera setup for stereo Stereo image capture A general problem in computer graphics

What is wrong with a camera model?

3. A camera model with central perspective projection assumes the viewer to be located in front of the center of the image

”Incorrect” viewing position ”Correct” viewing position Single view with centric position What can we do about it?

Presentation of 3D objects on planar 2D displays requires generally an arbitrary relationship between the projection (=presentation) plane and the center of projection (=observer´s eye).

This viewing metaphor is called ”Window-on-world”, short WoW or “Fish-Tank

A WoW assumes generally an off-axis projection

The result of off-axis projection is an anamorphic image which ,viewed from the CoP, appears geometrically undistorted.

Anamorphic images are not only compelling in computer graphics…

Works of the famous artist Julian Beever How can I accomplish good off-axis projections?

A metrically correct Window-on-world projection requires a) the relation between window and observer position to be modeled at the same level of scale (same WCS) b) requires a parameterization of an appropriate off-axis projection matrix c) zooming of objects in the scene is accomplished through manipulation of object parameters rather than viewing parameters

A) and b) usually require that you implement the projection pipeline into your Vis-App yourself to be sure that the job gets done right.

How to parameterize an off-axis projection matrix?

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function glFrustum(left,right,bottom,top,near,far); left (observer at origo, facing towards –z, near defines proj. plane) top right  2near  right  left 0 A 0 A  right  left  bottom   right  left 2near P   0 B 0 top  bottom  top  bottom  B   0 0 C 0 top  bottom   far  near  0 0 1 0 C   far  near 2 far near D   far  near near

If you are interested in the details, please refer to the slides in the end. Sabotaging a good 3D illusion

In-proper interaction between 3D content and screen surround destroys illusion:

Virtual 3D object intersects with screen borders.

Contradictious 3D cues

Stereo-disparity says: “object is in front of screen”

Object occlusion by surround says: “object is behind the screen” Sabotaging a good 3D illusion

Giving to much freedom to the user when interacting…

…can cause hyper-parallax and diplopia Example of dynamic perspective conditions

Alternate observer’s percept First person view with dynamic perspective Summary: Cues for 3D image generation?

Correct stereo is only one of many spatial cues Correct parallax (software) Projector adjustment/image alignment (hardware) conditions (sw + hw) Interference with surround

Utilize shadows, shading

Exploit motion parallax Object creates strong optic flow

Keep noise or small spatial features/structures in e.g. 3D images objects with lack of spatial freq. ? -> use textures

Try to use dynamic perspective conditions

3D Display Categories

Stereographic Displays True Volumetric (2 projected planar views) Displays

Dual Display Single Display Plane Immediate Mode Multiplexed

Temporal MUX Spatial MUX Chromatic MUX Polarization MUX + Spectral MUX Time Multiplexed Stereo Image Pair

Addidional V-Sync at 120 Hz (enforced with sync. doubler)

V-Sync at 60 Hz

Active Shutter Glasses




open open Temporal Multiplexing and “Ghosting”

Shutter Opacity Left Eye Two Pixels are Drawn On-Screen: 100% Purple for the Right Eye Green Pixel for the Left Eye 120Hz screen refresh rate

0% t Shutter Opacity Right Eye 100%

0% t Pixel Intensity (Phosphor)

8.3 ms t

Close Right Close Right Open Left Open Left Open Right Open Right Open Right Close Left Close Left Close Left

Left eye sees purple pixel due to after-glowing Right eye sees green pixel due to shutter response Color Encoded Stereo Image Pair Chromatic Multiplexing - Anaglyph Technique


A stereo image pair is combined into one so called anaglyph.

The left eyes view is encoded with the red colour component.

The right eye view is encoded with the complementary colour i.e. green And blue colour components.


The left eye uses a red colour filter that passes through dominant red components.

The right eye uses a cyan colour filter that passes through dominant blue And green components.

Images curtsey: Chromatic Multiplexing - Anaglyph Technique

Conventional filter materials are used to separate the color spectra of a stereogram.

Image splitting by chromatic separation.

spectrum of the cyan filter

spectrum of the red filter Spectral Filtering – Infitec Teknology

Narrow band spectral filters allow different sub-bands of the tri-stimulus spectra.

Advantage: Filterbased optical multiplexing which provides ”natural color” stereo image separation.

Left eye Spectral filter

Right eye Spectral filter

More info at: Spatial Multiplexing

The stereo image pair is presented on alternating pixels, pixel columns, or scan-lines.

Optical arrangements are used to block-out the the wrong image for the corresponding eye.

Effective resolution is reduced.

L R L R L R L R R L R L R L R L L R L R L R L R R L R L R L R L L R L R L R L R R L R L R L R L L R L R L R L R R L R L R L R L L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R VR-3100 Stereo-rendering in vtk

Classes involved in stereo rendering in vtk: vtkRenderWindow - contains a flag that indicates stereo-rendering - responsible for the output of stereo image pairs on screen - offers a variety of image multiplexing modes vtkRenderer - contains a flag that indicates stereo-rendering - manages rendering several passes - does not contain any else relevant information for stereo rendering vtkCamera - contains actual viewing and projection matrices - standard built-in support for stereo viewing - allows ”digging deeper” , internals poorly documented

Stereo-rendering in vtk

Example of methods to control stereo parameters in vtk: vtk:RenderWindow ::StereoCapableWindowOn() ::StereoRenderOn() ::SetStereoType() ::SetStereoTypeToAnaglyph() ::SetStereoTypeToInterlaced() ::SetStereoTypeToCheckerboard() ::SetStereoTypeToCrystalEyes() vtkCamera ::stereo ”flag indicating stereo rendering” ::SetEyeAngle(double) ”set separation between eyes in degrees”

::SetUseOffAxisProjection(int) ”off axis is used” ::ComputeOffAxisProjectionFrustum() ::SetEyeSeparation(double) ”used for OA projections, default 0.06” …

Stereo-rendering in vtk

# This program demonstrates how VTK can be used # Create a rendering window # to render a text renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() # The user can also interact with the text by # using the mouse # Add the renderer to the window renWin.AddRenderer(ren) # load VTK import vtk # Set the name of the window (this is optional) renWin.SetWindowName("Hello World!") # Create a Text source and set the text text = vtk.vtkTextSource() # Enable stereo rendering text.SetText("UPPMAX") renWin.StereoCapableWindowOn() text.SetForegroundColor(0.6,0.2,0.2) renWin.SetStereoTypeToInterlaced() renWin.StereoRenderOn() # Create a mapper and set the Text source as # input # Make sure that we can interact with the textMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() # application textMapper.SetInputConnection(text.GetOutputPor iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() t()) iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin)

# Create an actor and set the mapper as input # Initialze and start the application textActor = vtk.vtkActor() iren.Initialize() textActor.SetMapper(textMapper) iren.Start()

# Create a renderer ren = vtk.vtkRenderer()

# Assign the actor to the renderer ren.AddActor(textActor)

Some references

Additional reading for this lecture:

Research community in stereoscopic/3D displays

Here are the step-by-step details on creating an “window-on-world” projection How to parameterize an off-axis projection matrix?

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function glFrustum(left,right,bottom,top,near,far); left (observer at origo, facing towards –z, near defines proj. plane) top right  2near  right  left 0 A 0 A  right  left  bottom   right  left 2near P   0 B 0 top  bottom  top  bottom  B   0 0 C 0 top  bottom   far  near  0 0 1 0 C   far  near 2 far near D   far  near near

47 Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function

A window on world can be arbitrarily identified by:

Window position: wp up-vector

Orientation vectors (roll/tilt): sv, up window position side-vector height Width and height: w, h

width And an arbitrary observer position: vp

viewer position Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function

A window on world can be arbitrarily identified by: top Window position: wp left up Orientation vectors (roll/tilt): sv, up Width and height: w, h wp right And an arbitrary observer position: vp sv h


This WindowOnWorld is part of a bottom central perspective projection along cp (cp-vp)

Which is frustrated at

vp left, right, top, and bottom Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function

Calculating glFrustum parameters from WoW parameters: top wn  svup sv 1.0  up 1,0 left up

vv vp wp wn wp right sv h D  vv wn w

cp  vp Dwn bottom

cp vv


vp Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function

Calculating glFrustum parameters from WoW parameters: top wn  svup sv 1.0  up 1,0 left up

vv vp wp wn wp right sv h D  vv wn w bl tr cp  vp Dwn bottom

cp vv bl  wp  0.5 sv 0.5up  cp D tr  wp  0.5 sv 0.5up  cp

vp Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Using built-in OpenGL frustum function

Calculating glFrustum parameters from WoW parameters: top wn  svup sv 1.0  up 1,0 left up

vv vp wp wn wp right sv h D  vv wn w bl tr cp  vp Dwn bottom

left  lb  sv cp bottom  lb up right  tr  sv top  tr up Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Adjusting frustum parameters for clipping plane glFrustum assumes clipping plane To co-incide with plane of projection top D  cd left left  left  D cd D  cd right bottom  bottom  top’ D left’ D  cd right  right  bottom D right’ D  cd top  top  bottom’ cp D D Hence : near  D  cd

viewer position Parameterize glFrustum for arbitrary WoW

Pre-multiplying modelview matrix glFrustum assumes further: vp is at origin (cp-vp) pointing toward -z top left Translating vp to O and frame alignment Be pre-loading model-view matrix PM cd right top’ 1 sv up wn vp left’ PM    bottom  0 0 0 1  right’

Putting it together bottom’ cp

glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); D glLoadIdentity(), glFrustum(left’,right’,bottom’,top’,near,far);

glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); viewer position glLoadIdentity(); Gl(MultMatrixd(PM);