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Parlament Europejski 9.10.2013 PL Dziennik Urzędowy Unii Europejskiej C 293 E / 1 IV (Informacje) INFORMACJE INSTYTUCJI, ORGANÓW I JEDNOSTEK ORGANIZACYJNYCH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ PARLAMENT EUROPEJSKI PYTANIA PISEMNE Z ODPOWIEDZIĄ Pytania pisemne skierowane przez posłów do Parlamentu Europejskiego i odpowiedzi na te pytania udzielone przez instytucję Unii Europejskiej (2013/C 293 E/01) Treść Strona E-006794/12 by Ana Miranda to the Commission Subject: Implementation of the European Social Fund in Spain Versión española ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 E-007036/12 by Ana Miranda to the Commission Subject: Implementation of the European Social Fund in Galicia Versión española ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 E-008765/12 by Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris to the Commission Subject: VP/HR — Humanitarian crisis in Somalia Versione italiana ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 18 E-008766/12 by Raül Romeva i Rueda, Andrea Zanoni, Rui Tavares, Gianni Pittella, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Mario Pirillo, Eva Lichtenberger, Jean-Paul Besset, Karima Delli and Niccolò Rinaldi to the Commission Subject: Conditions in Italian prisons Versión española ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 Deutsche Fassung .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 Version française ............................................................................................................................................................... 22 Versione italiana ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 Versão portuguesa ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 28 E-008767/12 by João Ferreira to the Commission Subject: The impact on health of genetically modified organisms Versão portuguesa ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 30 C 293 E / 2 PL Dziennik Urzędowy Unii Europejskiej 9.10.2013 E-008768/12 by Jim Higgins to the Commission Subject: Sea fishery officers English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 31 E-008769/12 by Andreas Mölzer to the Commission Subject: Automatic face recognition Deutsche Fassung .............................................................................................................................................................. 32 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 33 E-008770/12 by Andreas Mölzer to the Commission Subject: VP/HR — Bounty on anti-Islam filmmaker Deutsche Fassung .............................................................................................................................................................. 34 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 35 E-008771/12 by Andreas Mölzer to the Commission Subject: Linking Facebook data with customer data Deutsche Fassung .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 37 E-008773/12 by Iva Zanicchi to the Commission Subject: VP/HR — Extreme poverty for separated or divorced women in Bangladesh Versione italiana ................................................................................................................................................................ 38 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 39 E-008774/12 by Piotr Borys to the Commission Subject: VP/HR — Urgent need for an observation mission to monitor the Vladimir Kozlov trial in Kazakhstan Wersja polska .................................................................................................................................................................... 40 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 E-008775/12 by Barbara Matera to the Commission Subject: Earthquake in Emilia-Romagna — EU Solidarity Fund Versione italiana ................................................................................................................................................................ 42 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 43 E-008776/12 by Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă to the Commission Subject: Free movement of persons Versiunea în limba română .............................................................................................................................................. 44 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 45 E-008777/12 by John Bufton to the Commission Subject: Railway sector — liberalisation English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 46 E-008778/12 by John Bufton to the Commission Subject: Railway sector — anti-trust English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 E-008779/12 by John Bufton to the Commission Subject: British support for the railway sector English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 48 E-008780/12 by John Bufton to the Commission Subject: Resistance to liberalisation of the railway sector English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 49 E-008781/12 by John Bufton to the Commission Subject: Railway sector — competition English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 50 E-008782/12 by Antigoni Papadopoulou to the Commission Subject: EU interest rates Ελληνική έκδοση ................................................................................................................................................................. 51 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 52 9.10.2013 PL Dziennik Urzędowy Unii Europejskiej C 293 E / 3 E-008783/12 by Antigoni Papadopoulou to the Commission Subject: Tax evasion in the EU Ελληνική έκδοση ................................................................................................................................................................. 53 English version .................................................................................................................................................................. 54 E-008784/12 by Antigoni Papadopoulou to the Commission Subject: Rating agencies Ελληνική έκδοση
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