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Cymdeithas Amaethyddol Llanbedr Pont Steffan Agricultural Society

Chartered Surveyors, Surveys, Home Buyer 129 Reports, Condition Reports, Valuation and Property Advice SIOE FLYNYDDOL ANNUAL SHOW Dydd Gwener, 11 Awst, 2017 Friday, 11 August, 2017

Affiliated to and Border Counties Agricultural & Horse Shows Association The Welsh Pony and Cob Society The Arab Horse Society . The Shire Horse Society The Welsh Black Cattle Society 4 2

Schedule of Events www.lampetershow.co.uk www.sioellambed.co.uk Contact: Secretary – Mr I. Williams Dolgwm Isaf, Pencarreg, Llanybydder SA40 9QN www.morgananddavies.co.uk Tel/Fax: 01570 422370 • Mobile 07976 500612 e-mail: [email protected] 93914_Lampeter_Clawr_2017:Layout 1 11/4/17 11:05 Page 2

Melin Mark Lane Mill Hefyd yn/Also at: Llanbedr Pont Steffan/Lampeter Broneb Stores SA48 7AG Pumsaint, Llanwrda LLANYBYDDER LIVESTOCK MART 01558 650215 Tel: 01570 422540 Tel: Fax: 01570 423644 Sheep www.wdlewis.co.uk Every Monday throughout the year West Wales Horse Sale Every last Thursday of every month

Store Cattle Sales 2nd Saturday of every month plus Autumn Fairs

Property Sales, Farm Sales, Furniture Sales regularly. Property of all description always available and required.

** Proudly selling since 1985 ** 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 1

CYMDEITHAS AMAETHYDDOL LLANBEDR PONT STEFFAN LAMPETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Llywyddion/Presidents— Mr & Mrs Andrew Morgan (Morgan & Davies) Is-Lywyddion/Vice-Presidents— Mr & Mrs Clive Mills, Ffynnon Fair Milfeddygon Anrhydeddus/Hon. Veterinary Surgeons— Steffan Vets 5 High Street, Lampeter Meddygon Anrhydeddus/Hon. Medical Officers— Lampeter Medical Practice, Taliesin Surgery Announcers— Mr David Harries, Mr Andrew Jones, Mr Andrew Morgan, Mr Gwynne Davies, Mr Steffan Morgan

SUPREME OVERALL SHOW CHAMPION The Old Rectory Perpetual Challenge Cup presented in memory of Vincent and Nansi Evans, The Old Rectory, Betws Bledrws. Donated by Andy, Annabel, Sam and Ffion Aynsley for the Best Animal in the Show.

SIOE FLYNYDDOL/ANNUALto be held at SHOW Pontfaen fields, Lampeter SA48 7JN By kind permission of / drwy ganiatâd Mr & Mrs A. Hughes, Cwmhendryd

Gwener/Friday, Awst/August 11, 2017 Mynediad/Admission: £8.00; Children under 14 £2.00 Enquiries to: I. Williams (01570) 422370 Schedules available on our Show website: www.lampetershow.co.uk • www.sioellambed.co.uk or from the Secretary – Please include a S.A.E. for £1.26 (1st class); £1.19 (2nd class)

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CYMDEITHAS AMAETHYDDOL LLANBEDR PONT STEFFAN LAMPETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SWYDDOGION A PHWYLLGOR Y SIOE/ SHOW OFFICIALS AND COMMITTEE Cadeirydd/Chairman— Miss Hâf Hughes, Cwmere, Felinfach Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chairman— Mr Daniel Morgan, , Silian Ysgrifenydd/Secretary— Mr I. Williams, Dolgwm Isaf, Pencarreg Trysorydd/Treasurer— Mr Terry Davies, Murmur Teifi, Cae Ram, Trysorydd Cynorthwyol/Assistant Treasurer— Mr Bedwyr Davies

Mr JohnAELODAU P. Davies, OES Bryn ANRHYDEDDUS/HONORARY Castell, Lampeter; Mr T. E. Price, LIFE Gelliwrol, MEMBERS Cwmann; Mr Andrew Jones, Cwmgwyn, Lampeter; Mr A. R. Evans, Maes yr Adwy, Silian; Mrs Gwen Jones, Gelliddewi Uchaf, Cwmann; Mr Gwynfor Lewis, Bronwydd, Lampeter; Mr Aeron Hughes, Cwmhendryd, Lampeter; Mrs Gwen Davies, Llys Aeron, Llanwnen; Mr Ronnie Jones, 14 , Lampeter.

Mr D. Davies,AELODAU’R Gwarffynnon, PWYLLGOR/COMMITTEE Silian; Mr C. Evans, Ffynnonfair, MEMBERS Lampeter; Mr I. Evans, Esgairmaen, Llanfair; Mr J. Green, Blaenplwyf, Lampeter; Misses Meinir a Sioned Green, Nantgwyn, Llanfair Road; Mr G. Hicks, Pwllglas, Llangybi; Miss Hâf Hughes, Cwmere, Felinfach; Mr Andrew Jones, Felindre Uchaf, Cwmann; Mr D. Jones, Llanfair-Fach, Llanfair Road; Mr and Mrs D. Jones, Ffosyffin, Cellan; Mr E. Jones, Gelliddewi, Cwmann; Mr G. Jones, Cilerwisg, ; Mr Dafydd Lewis, Pantmeinog, Cwmann; Mr Clive Mills, Ffynnonfair, Lampeter; Mr A. J. Morgan, Morgan & Davies, 12 Harford Square, Lampeter; Mr D. Morgan, Penparc, Silian; Mr Haydn Richards, Lowtre, Llanwnen; Mr G. Russell, Coedeiddig Fawr, Cwmann; Mr Andrew Williams, Ffos-coy, Cellan; Mr Bleddyn Williams, Cnwc y Fallen, Cellan; Mr D. Williams, Dolaugwyrddion Isaf, Lampeter; Mrs D. Williams, Blodfryn, Lampeter; Miss E. Williams, 1 Hyfrydle, Llanddewi-Brefi; Mr John Morgan, Penparc, Silian; Mr Dorian Jenkins, Castell, Lampeter; Mr Dafydd a Mrs Sioned Mills, Pencwm, ; Miss Eira Price, Gelli, 1 Bryn Steffan, Lampeter; Mr Geraint Jones, Ffosyffin, Cellan; Mr Rhys a Mrs Rhian Williams, Bayliau, Cellan; Mr R. Jarman; Mr Elgan Hughes, Brodawel, Silian; Mr Dilwyn Jones, Dremddu Fawr, Creuddyn Bridge; Mr Martyn Frost, Fferm Maestir, Llanbedr Pont Steffan; Mr Ieuan James, Ael y Bryn, Llanbedr Pont Steffan; Mr Alan Flexman, Cae Glas, Pentrebach; Mr Hugh Jones, 1 Bryn Steffan, Lampeter; Dafydd, Mared, Nia a Guto Jones, Llanfair Fach; Llion a Becca Russell, Sioned a Iestyn Russell, Coedeiddig Fawr; Berwyn Hughes, Cwmhendryd; Meryl Davies, Dihewyd; Morgan, Owain a Tomos Jones, Felindre Uchaf; Elin Jones, Talar Wen, Temple Bar; Dylan a Louise Jones, Cwmann; Simon Jones, Cwmann; Carwyn Lewis, Cwmann; Mr Chris Saunders, LAS; Mr Emyr Richards, Goedwig, Lampeter; Mr Edward Davies, Llyshelyg, Drive; Mr & Mrs Nigel Davies (Gwili Jones).

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PWYLLGOR GWAITH AC ATODLEN SCHEDULE AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cadeirydd/Chairperson— Miss Hâf Hughes, Cwmere, Felinfach Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chairperson— Mr Daniel Morgan, Penparc, Silian Ysgrifenydd/Secretary— Mr I. Williams, Dolgwm Isaf, Pencarreg Trysorydd/Treasurer— Mr Terry Davies, Murmur Teifi, Cae Ram, Cwmann Trysorydd Cynorthwyol/Assistant Treasurer— Mr Bedwyr Davies Field Director: Mr J. Green, Blaenplwyf Health and Safety Officer / Bio-Security Officer: Mr Clive Mills, Ffynnonfair Parking Stewards: Chief Steward: Mr C. Evans, Ffynnonfair Stewards: Messrs Barrie Davies, Malcolm Davies, Eric Jones, C. Morgan, Wyn Rowcliffe, Heddwyn Williams Trade Stand Stewards: Chief Steward: Mr J. P. Davies, Bryncastell Stewards: Mr J. Green, Blaenplwyf; Mr C. Mills, Ffynnonfair; Mr David Jones, Llanfair Fach Chief Gate Stewards: Mr G. Russell, Coedeiddig; Mr G. Hicks, Pwllglas Gate Stewards: Mr Andrew Williams, Glanant Coy; Mr D. Phillips, Ffynnonbedr; Miss Sioned Russell & Mr Iestyn Russell, Coedeiddig Fawr; Will Green, Llanfair; Simon Jones & Rhian Jones, Cwmann; Llion & Becca Russell, Cwmann. Parade Marshalls: Messrs I. Evans, Esgairmaen (Cattle); J. Green, Blaenplwyf (Horses)

Office Steward: Mrs Ann Hughes, Cwmhendryd, Lampeter

Cup/Trophy Stewards: Chief Steward: Mrs Ann Williams, Cnwc y Fallen, Cellan Mr Bleddyn Williams, Cnwc y Fallen, Cellan.

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Adran y Gwartheg/Cattle Section Chief Stewards: Mr D. Davies, Gwarffynnon; Mr I. Evans, Esgairmaen; Mr A. Hughes, Cwmhendryd; Mr E. Jones, Gelliddewi Stewards:

Mr Berwyn Hughes, Cwmhendryd; Mr Dafydd Jones, Llanfair Fach; Mr Ron Thomas (JJ Morris); Dewi Williams ac Enfys Evans, Esgairmaen; Alun Jones, Glanrhyd

Adran y Ceffylau/Horse Section Chief Steward: Miss Emma Williams, Hyfrydle

Horse Section Secretary: Mr Daniel Morgan (Tel. 01570 493338)

Stewards: Mr J. Green; Miss Meinir Green; Miss Sioned Green; Miss Mared Jones, Llanfair-fach; Mr Dafydd Jones, Ffosyffin; Mr D. Williams, Dolaugwyrddion; Miss G. Williams, Garthwen; Mr Guto Jones & Miss Nia Jones, Llanfair fach; Misses Menna & Meryl Davies, Fronfedw; Mr Sion Jones, Troedrhiw; Mr Gethin Morgan, Llys Parc; Mr Daniel Morgan, Penparc; Miss Deidre Chambers, .

Adran y Defaid/Sheep Section Chief Steward: Mr Rhys Williams, Bayliau

Stewards: Miss Eira Price, Gelli, Bryn Steffan; Tomos Jones, Felindre Uchaf; Mr Dafydd Mills, Ffynnonfair; Mr Rhys Williams, Bayliau; Wyn Jones, Hendai; Hugh Jones, Bryn Steffan; Shan Price, Gelliwrol.

Adran y Geifr/Goat Section Chief Steward: Mrs Gwen Davies, Llysaeron Angora Stewards: Ian & Chris Pritchard, Cwm Cottage, Clos-y-graig, Drefach Felindre. Goat Steward: Mrs Alison Logan, Gwarcoed, Maestir.

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Cambrian Pet Foods Ltd Tywi Valley Food Park Llangadog Carmarthenshire SA19 9LY

Tel: 01550 777262 Fax: 01550 777260

Pob llwyddiant i’r Sioe All the best to the Show

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: CATTLE RING British Holstein Friesian Cattle ...... 10.00 a.m. Followed by Any Other Dairy Breed ...... Welsh Black Cattle ...... 10.35 a.m. Limousin Cattle ...... 11.10 a.m. Followed by Any Other Beef Breed / Charolais ...... Highland Cattle ...... 11.45 a.m. Beef Cattle ...... 12.30 p.m. British Blue Cattle ...... 12.45 p.m. Young Handlers ...... 1.00 p.m. Best of Breeds ...... 1.30 p.m. : HORSE RING Welsh Cobs ...... 9.30 a.m. Welsh Ponies (Section C) to follow Welsh Cobs ...... Welsh Mountain Ponies ...... 9.30 a.m. Welsh Ponies (Section B) ...... 9.30 a.m. Welsh Part Bred ...... 9.30 a.m. Young Handler (Horse Section) ...... 9.00 a.m. Coloured Horses to follow Young Handler ...... Riding Pony Breeding Classes ...... 11.30 a.m. Children’s Riding Classes to follow Riding Pony Breeding Classes Arabs ...... 12.00 p.m. Shire Horses ...... 12.00 p.m. Ridden Welsh ...... 1.00 p.m. Shetland Ponies ...... 1.00 p.m. Hunters ...... 2.00 p.m. Mountain & Moorland ...... 2.30 p.m. Best of Breeds ...... 4.00 p.m. (approx.) to commence at 10.00 a.m. SHEEP RING prompt Sheep Championships ...... 2.00 p.m. (approx.) ...... 11.00 a.m. GOATS ...... 11.00 a.m. PIGS – see page 101 ...... 2.00 p.m. DOG SHOW ...... All miscellaneous Sections in the Produce Tent 10.30 a.m. Y.F.C...... 10.30 a.m...... Vintage Parade 3.00 p.m. (approx.) Cattle Parade ...... 3.00 p.m. (approx.) Grand Parade ...... 3.30 p.m. (approx.)

The above times are approximate but every effort will be made to adhere to them.

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TRADE STANDS and RISK ASSESSMENT FORMS All enquiries regarding trade space to be directed to the Chief Steward Mr John Davies (details below).

will offer a The Lampeter Chamberfor the Best of Trade Trade Stand at thePerpetual Show. Challenge Cup

in memory of Mrs Beti Davies, Bryncastell, A Silverkindly Perpetual donated by Challenge John Davies Cup to Trade Stand space of 30 x 30 and under.

Trade Stands passes will be allocated as follows:—

Plot Size (in feet) Price 15 x 15 £30.00 2 Free Pass 20 x 20 £60.00 2 Free Passes 30 x 30 £70.00 2 Free Passes 40 x 40 £80.00 3 Free Passes 50 x 50 £90.00 4 Free Passes

TRADE STAND ENQUIRIES AND RISK ASSESSMENT FORMS TO CHIEF STEWARD Mr John Davies Bryncastell, Llanfair Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 8JY Tel: 01570 422447 • Mobile 07816 270548 email: [email protected] LYN JONES

“At eich gwasanaeth”

• Torri porfa – o lawntiau bach i gaeau chwarae • Symud celfi • Unrhyw waith o gwmpas y tyˆa’r ardd • Trwydded i gario gwastraff • Wedi yswirio’n llawn 01570 481029 Lakefield, Llanybydder SA40 9RL

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Olmarch Villa . Llangybi . Lampeter Ceredigion . SA48 8NH Tel: 01570 493337 . 01570 493289 Ready Mix Concrete (4.0 & 6.0 c/m lorries) M/Ballast and Stone Sand Delivered or Collected


PLANT HIRE / CIVIL ENGINEERS AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS & SALES Olmarch Villa . Llangybi . Lampeter Ceredigion . SA48 8NH Tel: 01570 493337 . 01570 493289 Mobile: 07836 754950

Hedge Trimming Diggers . Tractors Hy-Macs Dumpers

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1. That the Society be called by the name of ‘THE LAMPETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’ and that it consists of a President, Vice-President, Patrons, Secretary, Treasurer and Members.

2. That a person be admitted a Patron of the Society on subscribing annually the sum of £12.00 or £18.00 for dual membership.

3. Any member being detected in an attempt to impose upon the Society shall forfeit all Premiums due to him/her, and be liable to be expelled from the Society.

4. That the Annual Membership of £5.00 Subscriptions shall be due and payable on the first day of May in each year, and the first subscription, whenever made shall be considered one year from the first day of May preceding the time of entry. Every person who has given, or may give his/her name as a Member of the Society, is, and shall be deemed as such, and his/her subscription be considered and justly due to the Society until he/she gives six months’ notice to the Secretary in writing, of his/her intention to withdraw.

5. That no Member be allowed to compete for any Premium who has not paid his/her Subscription previous to the day of entry.

6. That no political discussion or any observation tending to impugn the decision of the Judges or Umpire, to be allowed to take place at any meeting of the Society.

7. That the Members of the Committee meet periodically as required. The Annual General Meeting of the Society to be held in the Autumn. Due notice of these meetings will be given to members.

8. The Servants in charge of Stock must see that they are properly placed and secured in the place allocated to them, and that the number on the ticket corresponds with the stall or pen in which they are placed, and those in charge of Stock are particularly requested not to leave at any time during the Show the stock which they have in their charge. The Society, its officers and servants will not be responsible for any error or mistakes that may be made in placing, penning or securing the stock.

9. Stewards are not allowed to lead their animals in the Judging Ring with their badges on.

To all Farm Vintage participants – Clubs, Societies and individuals. We would welcome your Exhibits and support to promote this event at our show. MOBILE DISPLAY – 3 p.m. For further details please contact Chief Steward – Wyn Rowcliffe 01570 423749 • 07890 567906

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AMODAU ARBENNIG/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Prior entries required in Horse Sections to be in the hands of the Horse Secretary, Mr Daniel Morgan, Penparc, Silian. Tel: 01570 493338 email: [email protected] by (Entry Form p. 55). 31st July 2017 2. All Bulls must be secured by a ring in the nose, and all Cattle must be led.

3. (except Lambs which is optional) must have been properly shorn in the courseALL SHEEP of the current year.

4. Exhibitors must make sure that they are on the Show Field in good time in case of a time or ring alteration.

5. All Dogs to be on a lead.

6. All Horses in Classes where there is a limit of height must be measured in proper shoes, or, if not shod, half-an-inch allowed in lieu of a shoe, and all Horses, where the height is specified, must be measured by the Society’s Veterinary Inspector before entering the Judging Ring. All Horses, unless otherwise stated, to be shown in hand.

7. A Grand Parade of Stock will take place in the Ring at 3.30 p.m. approx. Prize money with-held if Prize Winners do not turn out. No stock, etc. to be removed from their Stalls on the day of the Show before the Parade.

8. All objections must be made in writing to the Secretary within one hour of the judging of the particular class, stating the grounds on which the objection is made, and any person lodging an objection must deposit £20.00 with the Secretary, which sum will be with-held if the objection is found to be frivolous, and all objections and questions of dispute shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final and from which there shall be no appeal, legal or otherwise.

9. Prize Winners in all Sections will be paid on show day.

10. The First Prize may be with-held unless there will be more than two exhibits in each class, except of the recommendation by the Judge.

11. The Show Field will be open to the public at nine o’clock on payment of £8. Children under 14 years of age £2. All cars—FREE PARKING. Re-admission without repayment. Patrons will be admitted free of charge on production of a ticket from the Secretary.

12. : ENTRY FEES Horse Section – See entry form on p. 55 for details. All other Exhibitors to pay at the gate. 13. The Garden Produce and Flowers must have been grown on the Exhibitor’s own premises.

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14. Any competitor who complains to the Judges as to their decision, or refuses to accept any award made by a Judge, or in any way casts aspersions on the probity of the Judge, shall be liable to have all prizes won by him/her taken away and to be debarred from competing at future shows. All complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary who will place them before the Committee.

15. Neither the Society nor any of its officers or servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for anything that may happen (from any cause or circumstances whatsoever) to Exhibitors, or their Servants, or to any exhibits or property brought into the Show Field, or for anything else in connection with or arising out of, or attributable to the Society’s Show.

16. Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other Loss, Injury or Damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any Animal or Article exhibited by him/her, and for its description as given in the Catalogue, and shall indemnify the Society against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto.

17. No animal shall be decorated about the head with Colours other than the Society’s Prize Rosettes.

18. That no Exhibitor shall be allowed in the ring except the Steward of the class then being judged and the person in charge of the exhibit.

19. The Committee has power to reject any entry considered detrimental to the interest of the Society.

20. All exhibits to be bona-fide property of the exhibitor or leased to him/her for a period of 3 months prior to entry. The Society reserves the right to call for production of said lease and its interpretation shall be final.

21. Should any error arise by an exhibit entered in the wrong class, the Secretary reserves the right of correcting such error before the judging of the class commences.

22. Should weather conditions make it impossible to hold the Show, the Committee cannot accept responsibility for the expense incurred by exhibitors. The Show will be held unless conditions are so bad that it would be unreasonable to ask exhibitors to subject valuable livestock to the conditions prevailing on the day.

23. Hard hats conforming to the British Standards must be worn in all Ridden Classes and in the Young Handlers (Horse) Section.


SPECIAL CONDITION All Cups not won outright must be returned to the Secretary prior to the Show. one month

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1. Special attention is directed to the safety requirements set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc., Act 1974 and any subsequent legislation. The Society holds exhibitors wholly responsible for the observance and statutory regulations governing the livestock and other exhibits, exhibited by them. All exhibitors are accepted for adjudication on the understanding that they are capable of complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations which come under that Act. Failure to comply with the statutory regulations will mean that the exhibitor will be asked to remove him/herself and his/her exhibits from the Showground.

2. Persons are admitted to the Showground at their own risk and whilst every endeavour is taken to ensure their safety, the Society will not (save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the Society, it’s servants or agents) be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise) loss or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses, however caused.

3. Persons are admitted entry to the Show Vehicle Parks at their own risk and vehicles and their accessories and contents are admitted to and left in the Show Vehicle Parks at the owner’s risk, and while every endeavour is taken to ensure the safety thereof, the Society will not (safe for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Society, it’s servants or agents) be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise) loss or damage to property and any other loss of, damage, cost and expenses however caused.

4. The Society, it’s officers or servants, shall not be responsible for any person whatsoever while upon the Society’s premises or while leaving the same, for any damage or loss, however caused, to the property of any such person, or for any injury, fatal or otherwise, to any such person.

5. The Society, it’s officers or servants, shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss, however caused, that may occur to any exhibitor or his servants, or to any animal, articles or property brought to the Showground, or while entering or leaving or being carried into or out of the said Showground. Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by or arising from any animal, article or property exhibited or brought on to the Showground by him/her and he/she shall indemnify and hold harmless the Society from and against all actions, suits, expenses and claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which may be caused or occasioned. It is therefore recommended that the exhibitors insure against fire and such liabilities as the exhibitor may incur under these regulations.

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DymunaNODDWYR/SPONSORS/DONATIONS Pwyllgor Sioe Llanbed ddiolch yn fawr iawn i’r noddwyr canlynol am eu cefnogaeth. The Show Committee would like to thank very sincerely the following sponsors for their support. £ Steffan Veterinary Services Ltd 150.00* Morgan & Davies, Auctioneers, Lampeter 150.00* Douglas Bros., The Yard, Cwmann 150.00 Iwan James, ‘Alta Cymru’ (01239) 654372 (Semen Voucher) 150.00 Cyfri Cyf., Llanbed 135.00* Volac International Ltd 125.00 Gwili Jones, Lampeter/Llambed 110.00* Dunbia, Llanybydder 110.00* Arnold Davies/Vincent Evans Solicitors 100.00* Teifi Valley Water Wells 100.00 HSBC Bank 100.00 Tfl Croeso Deli (Jenkins Family), Newcastle Emlyn 100.00 W. D. Lewis & Son Ltd 86.00* Richard Jarman 86.00* W. T. Jarman & Sons 80.00* Steel Fab (Wales) Ltd 80.00* Cambrian Pet Foods 80.00* Roy Thomas Farm Supplies 68.00* Mr Granville D. Evans, Builder, Gwel y Bryn, North Road, Lampeter 60.00* Compass Supplies (Office) 60.00* G.T. & E. Feeds, Tonn, Llandovery 60.00* Derrick Hughes, Cwmmarch, Cilcennin (Hay & Straw suppliers) 60.00* Mr Alec Page Gof, Yr Efail, Barley Mow, Lampeter 60.00* – Ruth Thomas & Co., Solicitors, Lampeter (423300) 60.00* Lloyds Animal Feeds (Stephen Griffiths) 60.00* Mrs Vivien Lockton, Dolau Isaf, Mynachlog-ddu 51.00 Tanygroes Rosettes, Lampeter 50.00* Nick H Taxi’s, King’s Mead 50.00* Gwasg Gomer, 50.00 Mr Aneurin Davies Genus Ltd (Semen Voucher) 50.00 – Tristar, Esgairgoch, Ffarmers 50.00 Mr Rhythwyn a Mrs Gwyneth Evans, Maes yr Adwy, Silian 50.00 Daniel Thomas (Gof), Llysneuadd, Llanybydder 50.00 Mrs Catrin Davies, Dere i Dorri, Hairdresser, Lampeter (422949) 50.00 Mr D. S. R. Davies, Llaindelyn, Silian 50.00 Mr & Mrs D. C. Evans, Tangraig, Silian 50.00

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PencefnNODDWYR/SPONSORS/DONATIONS Feeds Ltd., Pencefn Drysgol, 50.00 Agri Lloyd International Ltd c/o Rhian Rees Cyf. (07866 904413) 40.00 Haygates Ltd c/o Rhian Rees Cyf. (07866 904413) 40.00 Geraint Williams, Tynllyn, Llanwnen 36.00 J. H. Roberts & Sons 30.00* Mr J. P. Davies, Bryncastell 30.00 Miss Eira Price, Gelli, Brynsteffan, Lampeter 30.00 Robert Jones, Roberts Garden Centre, Barley Mow, Lampeter 30.00 Tregaron Trading Services, Neuadd Las (01970 298380) 30.00 Mr Meirion Botwood, A.C.T. Farm Supplies, Bontrhydfendigaid 30.00 Brodyr Evans, Cefnmabws, Llanrhystud 30.00 Aeron Valley Tractors Ltd 30.00 J. & E. Woodworks, Lampeter (01570 422141) 30.00 The Monthly Advertiser, Llanwnen 30.00 Mr Andrew & Mrs Doris Jones, Cwmgwyn, Pentrebach, Lampeter 30.00 Alan & Erika Davies, Felinban, Capel y Groes 30.00 Hywel Davies 30.00 Chris Davies 30.00 Dennis & Helen Davies, Tanyresgair, Cwmann 30.00 Teifi Concrete 30.00 For Farmers 30.00 Britmilk c/o Hywel Rees (07711 926574) 30.00 Mr & Mrs Ronnie Jones, 14 Penbryn 30.00 Eaton Fuels/D. J. Davies, Fuels, Lampeter 30.00 Wynnstay Group plc 30.00 Lampeter Discussion Group 30.00 Huw Williams, Derwen Windows – Pob lwc i’r Sioe 30.00 Wyn Thomas, Brynllo 20.00 Dafydd & Delyth Jones, Y Pantri (£50) C.Ff.I. Pabell Youngs Animal Health Product prizes Steffan Veterinary Services, Lampeter Dog Show Rosettes LAS Lampeter £100 + Waste Disposal Units Angora Goat Society (Judge expenses) 50.00 * Inclusive of advert. The committee wish to thank the following: Both Farming Unions for periodically supplying posters; Ceredigion County Council, Lampeter Town Council and many local Community Councils for their continued financial support; Lampeter Rugby Club and ‘Y Pantri’, High Street for the free use of rooms for Show activities; Steffan Vets Ltd, Veterinary Surgeons, for their valuable support.

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ADRAN Y GWARTHEG/ CATTLE SECTION ALL CATTLE TO BE TIED TO BARRIERS PROVIDED ______The Committee undertake to comply with any rules and conditions issued by DEFRA in accordance with the Animal Health Acts and Orders appertaining at the time.

Please make sure that you are fully aware of any conditions that will prevail on our Show Day.

(Please see times of judging on page 7) ______Adran/Section 1 GWARTHEG HOLSTEIN/HOLSTEIN CATTLE Beirniad/Judge—Richard Thomas, Llancwm, Llandyfaelog, Kidwelly

1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6

Dosbarth /Class

1—MaidenSponsor Class Heifer 1—Aeron not showing Valley broad Tractors teeth Ltd, 2—Heifer in Calf 3—Cow in Calf

4—HeiferSponsor Class in Milk 4—Lloyds Feeds)

5—CowSponsor inClass milk 5—W. D. Lewis & Son 1st, £5; 2nd £2

6—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner)

given by the Dried Milk Products Ltd., Carmarthen for the BestPerpetual Cow or Challenge Heifer in CupMilk or in Calf in this Section. kindly given by Mr Tom Davies, for the Best Exhibit. Perpetual Challenge Cup offers a Championship Award rosette to the exhibitor of the female champion.Holstein UK The reserve will also receive a rosette. offers a Championship Exhibitor Bred rosette to the exhibitor of the femaleHolstein Exhibitor UK Bred Champion.

19 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 20

Symudol / Mobile: 07866 742 255

20 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 21

offers a Best Udder rosette to the exhibitor of the Holstein with the Best UdderHolstein in Show.UK offers Junior Champion Award rosette. Holstein UK The Champion and Reserve Cow and Champion and Reserve Heifer in the Black & White Section are eligible to compete in the Champion of Champions Competition at Llandyfaelog Show on Saturday, 2nd September 2017. Contact the Secretary Mrs Sarah Withers on 01554 890089 for further information. have kindly sponsored the Champion Cow. Barclays Bank have kindly sponsored the Champion Heifer. Castell Howell Foods has kindly donated £150 Semen Voucher to the ChampionMr Iwan James,Exhibit ofin this‘Alta Section. Cymru’ have kindly sponsored £50 of Semen to be awardedGenus Ltd. to the (Mr competitor Aneurin with Davies) the highest number of points in this Section (Points awarded 1st - 3 pts; 2nd - 2 pts; 3rd - 1 pt.

Adran/Section 2—UNRHYW FRÎD GODRO ARALL ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED Beirniad/Judge— Richard Thomas, Llancwm, Llandyfaelog, Kidwelly

1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth /Class

Sponsor7—Maiden Classes Heifer 7 & not 8—D. showing S. R. broad Davies, teeth Llaindelyn, Silian 8—Heifer in Calf 9—Cow in Calf 10—Heifer in Milk 11—Cow in Milk

1st, £5; 2nd £2

12—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner)

given by Noel Davies Esq., and Cllr Hazel Davies, LampeterA Perpetual for Challengethe best exhibit. Cup & have kindly sponsored the Champion Cow and HE Agricultural, Auctioneers, andEnzo have kindly sponsored theCountrywide Champion HeiferGenus inSemex the Any OtherNorth Dairy Western Breed Farmers section (this includes Ayrshire, Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss and Dairy Shorthorns etc) are eligible to compete in the Champion of Champions competition at Llandyfaelog Show on Saturday, September 2nd 2017. Contact Mrs Sarah Withers on 01554 890089 for further information.

PLEASE NOTE Entries accepted on Showfield but prior declarations may apply

21 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 22

For a Better Oil Delivery Service

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22 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 23

Adran/Section 3—GWARTHEG DUON CYMREIG/WELSH BLACK CATTLE Beirniad/Judge—Malcolm James, Penybryn, Henllan Amgoed, Whitland 1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth/Class

13—Bull,Sponsor Class born 13—Cambrianon or after 1st January Power Tools2016

14—Bull,Sponsor Class born 14—Meirionon or before 31st Botwood, December ACT 2015Farm Supplies 15—Cow, in milk or in-calf, born on or before 1st January 2013 15a—Cow, in-milk or in-calf, born on or before 31st December 2013. Females competing in this class must have calved at least once

16—Heifer,Sponsor Class with 16—Derrick calf at foot Hughes,or in-calf, Cwmarch, born on or Cilcennin, after 1st January Hay & 2014Straw Supplies

17—Heifer,Sponsor Class born 17—W. on or T.after Jarman 1st January & Son 2015

18—Heifer,Sponsor Class under 18—Lampeter 2 years old onDiscussion the first day Group of the Royal Welsh Show 19—Maiden Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2016

1st, £5; 2nd, £2

19a—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner)

This Show is a qualifying show for the Welsh Black Cattle Society’s ‘BullSpecial & Award.Female of the Year Competition’. Prizes from ‘RUMENCO’ will be awarded at each show to the owners of the highest placed Welsh Black bull and female. Animals must be exhibited by WBCS members and no animal may win more than one prize in any season. A further prize will be awarded by ‘RUMENCO’ to the owners of the bull and female who gain the highest aggregate points at the nominated shows, and prizes will also be awarded to the reserve and second reserve winners. All exhibits must be entered in the WBCS Herd Book, Grading-up appendix or Polled register. WBCS judges may only judge one qualifying show in any season. This will be administered by the Welsh Black Cattle Society. – This is a qualifying show for the Glyn JonesSouth competitionWales Welsh (maiden Black Breeder’s heifer born Club after 1st March 2016). This competition is sponsored by (with the final being judged atGlyn Llandysul Jones Show).Esq., Penlon, Nebo, Cross Inn, Ceredigion is offered for the Best Exhibit. The G. T. Feeds Perpetual Challenge Cup offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes. Lampeter Agricultural Society

23 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 24

Huw Rich DAVIES & MORGAN & SONS Carpenters and Roofing Specialists

Heol y Gaer Llys Penparc Llanybydder Cae Ram, Cwmann Carmarthenshire Lampeter, Carms SA40 9RX SA48 8ES Tel: 01570 480261 Tel: 01570 423643 Mob: 07977 593457 Mob: 07831 821307


24 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 25

Adran/Section 4—GWARTHEG LIMOUSIN CATTLE Beirniad/Judge— Ian Townson, Fell View, 1 Forestry Houses, Clitheroe 1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth/Class

20—CowSponsor Class in Milk 20—G. or in T.Calf & E. Feeds, Tonn, Llandovery 21—Heifer 18 months old or over 22—Heifer under 18 months 23—Bull any age over 12 months 24—Bull under 12 months

1st, £5; 2nd, £2

25—BestSponsor Classes Pair (property 25 and of26—Steffan same owner) Vets 26—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner) given by Mr and Mrs E. Williams and Anthea for the BestA Perpetual Exhibit. Challenge Cup given by ‘Teulu Felinfaenog’ for the Best Young Bull in thisA Perpetual Section. Challenge Cup

Adran/Section 5— UNRHYW FRÎD BÎFF ARALL / ANY OTHER BEEF BREED Beirniad/Judge— Geoff Walker, Higher Brennard Farm, Dunsop Bridge, Clitheroe

1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6


27—CowSponsor Class in Milk 27—Wynnstay or in Calf Group Plc 28—Heifer 18 months old or over 29—Heifer under 18 months

30—BullSponsor Class any age 30—Eaton over 12 months Fuels/D. J. Davies, Fuels, Lampeter 31—Bull under 12 months 1st, £5; 2nd, £2

32—BestSponsor Class Group 32—Wynnstay of Three Cattle Group (property Plc of same owner) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit. The Minsups Perpetual Challenge Cup

25 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 26

We cover Carmarthen, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire & parts of Powys Free no obligation quotation All Oil, Gas (LPG & Natural gas), Solid fuel & Renewable work carried out Suppliers & Installers of Renewable Energy – Ground Source & Air Source heat Pumps & Biomass Service & repair work 01570 480108 Sunny Mead, Ty Mawr, Llanybydder, Carmarthenshire SA40 9RB Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Discover how to keep your animals happy and your profits healthy. Speak to your Local Specialist Lloyd’s Animal Feeds Advisor STEPHEN GRIFFITHS – mobile 07940 784630. Or call the Lloyd’s Animal Feeds Mill on 01691 830741. 26 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 27

Adran/Section 6—HIGHLAND CATTLE/GWARTHEG TIR UCHEL Beirniad/Judge— Duncan Handley, Quarry Farm, Dorstone, Hereford

1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth/Class

39—CowSponsor Classes any age 39 with & 40—Pencefn calf at foot Feeds, Tregaron 40—3 yr old heifer born on or after 1st January 2014 41—2 yr old heifer born on or after 1st January 2015 42—Yearling heifer born on or after 1st January 2016 43—Bull, any age 1st, £5; 2nd, £2 44—Best Pair (property of same owner) 44a—Best Group of Three (property of same owner) 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd £2

45—BestSponsor Class Calf born45—C. on Daviesor after 1st January 2017 will present: 1.The Highland Cattle Club of Walesfor the breed Champion kindly donated by Mr & Mrs JohnThe HCCWCarney. Challenge Cup 2. for the best animal bred in Wales Theand exhibitedJune Dawson by its Memorialbreeder. Welsh Slate Plate 3. presented to best animal in Class 40. Kindly donated by ‘The Songbirds CrystalSurvival Vase Trust’. awarded to Champion Female also £25 cheque in memory of AnnieMemorial May Trophy presented by Jeff Spawton. has kindly donated £25 each to the Best Male and the Best Female inShow this Committeesection. offers Champion Rosette to Best Exhibit. Highland Cattle Society

Adran/Section 7—GWARTHEG BÎFF/OPEN BEEF Beirniad/Judge—Ian Townson, Fell View, 1 Forestry Houses, Clitheroe 1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth/Class

46—HeiferSponsor Class 401–480 46—Volac kgs International Ltd 47—Heifer 481 kgs or over 48—Steer 401–500 kgs 49—Steer 501 kgs or over

50—BestSponsor Class Show 50—Gwili Potential –Jones, Steer orLampeter Heifer – under 400 kgs 51—Best Pair

27 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 28

Tonn, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire SA20 0TT Tel. 01550 720276 or 720782 Manufacturers of SweetBlends Top Calf Mix Pedigree Ram Mix Premium Rearing Top Lamb Mix Rapid Beef Rapid Lamb Gold Blend 17 Gold Lamb 17

SweetBlend Horse & Pony Quality coarse mix in 600 kg bags

Bulk or Tote Bags Delivered Also available ex W. D. Lewis, Lampeter

28 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 29

1st, £5; 2nd, £2 52—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner)

is offered by the late Mr J. Evans, Bryndolau, Cwmann Afor Perpetual the Best Show Challenge Potential Cup Exhibit. Messrs Nelson Love (Seed Specialists) Ltd., will be awarded for the Best Exhibit. Perpetual Challenge Cup will be offered to the best exhibit in the Open Beef Section. A Championship Sash

Adran/Section 8— BRITISH BLUE CATTLE / GWARTHEG GLAS PRYDEINIG Beirniad/Judge— Geoff Walker, Higher Brennard Farm, Dunsop Bridge, Clitheroe 1st, £20; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6 Dosbarth/Class

53—CowSponsor Classes in milk 53 or &in 54—Steelcalf Fab (Wales) Ltd 54—Heifer 18 months old or over

55—HeiferSponsor Class under 55—Volac 18 months International old Ltd

56—BullSponsor Class any age 56—Mr over 12 Geraint months Williams, Tynllyn 57—Bull under 12 months 58—Heifer under 12 months

1st, £5; 2nd, £2 59—Best Pair (property of same owner) 60—Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner) 1st, £5; 2nd, £3, 3rd £2 60a—Calf born on or after 1st January 2017 will be awarded for Best Exhibit in this section, kindly Adonated Perpetual by Mr Challenge Aeron Hughes, Cup Cwmhendryd, Lampeter. kindly donated by Peter Jones and Sons, Penrheol, Talsarn,A Perpetual will beChallenge awarded Cup to the person gaining the highest number of points in individual classes in this Section (1st - 3 points, 2nd - 2 points, 3rd - 1 point). kindly donated by Mr Gwilym Davies, Llys Aeron, Llanwnen will be awardedA Prize for Best Group of Three Cattle (property of same owner) in this section.

Judges/BeirniaidBest—John Group Morris, of Three Willersley Cattle Court, Hereford & Edward Lewis, The Haven, Dilwyn, Hereford

given by Messrs Dalgety Agricultural Ltd for the Best GroupA Perpetual of Three Challenge Cattle (property Cup of same owner) in Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.

29 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 30

30 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 31

CATTLE CHAMPIONSHIP Judges/Beirniaid—John Morris, Willersley Court, Hereford & Edward Lewis, The Haven, Dilwyn, Hereford given by Messrs. J. H. Roberts, High St., Lampeter in memoryA Perpetual of J. Challenge H. Roberts, Cup for the best exhibit in the Cattle Section and £50 prize money given by Show Society, and Championship Sash.

CHILD CALF HANDLING AND PRESENTATION COMPETITION Beirniad/Judge—Richard Thomas, Llancwm, Llandyfaelog, Kidwelly

1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2 fl Section Sponsored by T Croeso Deli, Newcastle Emlyn (Jenkins Family) Dosbarth/Class 61—Handler 10 years old and under on the 1st January in the current year.

62—HandlerCalves for Class 11-15 61 years to be old under on the 6 months 1st January old onin theShow current Day year. Calves for Class 62 to be under 12 months old on Show Day to winners of Classes 61 and 62. HaltersA Special will Prize be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners in each Class. Rosettes will be presented to competitors. all

31 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 32

32 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 33


t Repairs, restoration and servicing t Welding, MOT preparation t New and second-hand spares t Re-chassis work on galvanised chassis


Contact Chris Bowler: Phone: 01570 471131 Mobile: 07989 966740 Email: [email protected]

33 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 34

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ADRAN Y CEFFYLAU/ HORSE SECTION PLEASE NOTE : All riders in the Ridden Classes must wear protective head gear to comply with current regulations.

(Please see times of judging on page 7)

Adran/Section 10—CEFFYLAU GWEDD/SHIRE HORSES Beirniad/Judge— Gary Leese, Pantypywdyn Farm, Littlemill, Gwent Dosbarth/Class 63—Brood Mare, any age, with own foal at foot

Mr J.1st, P. Davies£30; 2nd, has £20; awarded 3rd, £6.additional prize money of £30 to winner of Class 63. 64—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5.

65—BarrenSponsor Classes Mare 65, or Gelding,66 and 67—Ruth 4 years old Thomas, or over Solicitors, Lampeter 1st, £12; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £6. 66—Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 67—Two or Three-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 68—Two-year-old and over Stallion 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. The Shire Horse Society is pleased to award to any Affiliated Society, a for the Best Mare or Filly and a Silverfor the Spoon Best Stallionand Rosette at their Annual Show. Conditions of theSilver Award Spoon are as and follows: Rosette 1. A Silver Spoon and a Rosette for the Best Mare or Filly and a Silver Spoon and Rosette for the Best Stallion (providing there is a separate class(es) for Stallions) exhibited in the Shire classes. 2. The winner of the Special Prize must be a member of the Shire Horse Society. 3. Entries cannot be accepted at Affiliated Shows in classes for Shires or Heavy Horses from any person who has been either suspended or removed from membership of the Shire Horse Society, or has been excluded from exhibiting for prizes at Shows, Sales or Exhibitions, or from taking part in any Show organised by the Shire Horse Society. 4. No animal to be eligible to take more than one Silver Spoon during any one year. The Royal and Shire Horse Society Shows being excepted. 5. THE WINNING ANIMAL MUST BE REGISTERED OR ELIGIBLE FOR 6. TheREGISTRATION Judge invited toIN officiate THE STUD must BOOKbe on the OR Society’s GRADE Official B REGISTER. Panel and has the right to withhold the award of the Silver Spoon and Rosette if an exhibit does not show sufficient merit. 7. The Council reserves the right in offering Spoons, to award them only to persons approved by the Shire Horse Society.

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presented by the late Col. E. C. L. Fitzwilliams, Cilgwyn,A Perpetual Newcastle Silver ChallengeEmlyn, is offered Cup for the Best Shire Stallion, Gelding, Mare, Filly or Foal registered or eligible for registration in the Shire Horse’s Stud book. kindly donated by the family of the late Mr & MrsA Silver W. J. PerpetualHopkins, Hendryd Challenge for Cupthe Best Brood Mare. This show is participating as a points show for the presented to the ownerWilliam of the (Wil) horse David gaining Davies the highest numberPerpetual of points Challenge and the Cup to the horse of the opposite sex gaining the highest numberTrem y ofFana points. Perpetual Open toShield all members of the West Wales Shire Horse Society. The Cup will be presented at the annual society dinner. For further details please contact Mrs Helen Harries on 01239 858959.

Adran/Section 11—COBIAU CYMREIG/WELSH COBS (SECTION D) Beiriniad/Judge—Mrs A. Squires (Yswain Stud), Oak Hollow, Watling Street, Heatherton, Cannock, Staffs


69—WelshSponsor Classes Cob Brood 69 and Mare 70—Gwasg 4 years oldGomer, or over Llandysul with own Foal at Foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 70—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 71—Welsh Cob Yearling Filly, Gelding or Colt 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 72—Welsh Cob Two-year-old Filly, Gelding or Colt 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 73—Welsh Cob Three-year-old Filly, Gelding or Colt 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6.

74—WelshSponsor Class Cob, 74—Daniel Barren Mare Thomas or Gelding, (Gof), four Llysneuadd, years old Llanybydderor over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 75—Welsh Cob Stallion four years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. is offered by Mrs J. T Morgan in memory of the lateA Silver J. T. Morgan,Perpetual Swansea, Challenge for theCup Best Welsh Cob Mare or Gelding not under 4 years old, from 14.1 to 15.h.h. presented by ‘Cylch Cinio’ Llambed in memory ofA Silverthe late Perpetual Mr J. W. ChallengeRees, Ffosyffin, Cup Cellan awarded for the best exhibit in Class 63, 64, 65 and 66 (Young Stock). presented by Messrs Foster and Balz will be awardedThe Gerrig to the Perpetual Best Stallion Challenge or Colt Cup in this Section. presented by Mr Stuart Lloyd and familyThe Teifi will Stud be awarded Silver Perpetualto the Best ChallengeExhibit in thisCup Section. to the Champion or Reserve. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Bronze Medal to Best Exhibit in this Section. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Champion Rosette

37 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 38

Derrick Hughes & Co. Ltd

Forage Merchants & Farmers Tel: 01570 470541 E-mail: [email protected]

Supplying hay, straw, haylage, sawdust, shavings and fodder beet Small conventional big square and round in stock Deliveries available – Small and large loads locally, large loads delivered nationally Please ring our farm office or e-mail us for a quote Weighbridge on site, all loads weighed in and out

38 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 39

Adran 12—MERLOD CYMREIG (ADRAN C) Section 12—WELSH PONIES (SECTION C) (Welsh Pony of Cob Type, height not exceeding 137.2 cms) Beirniad/Judge—Mr J. A. Cooke (Stormydown Stud), Heathfield House, North Cornelly, Bridgend, Glamorgan Dosbarth/Class: 76—Brood Mare four years old or over with own foal at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 77—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 78—Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd,£10; 3rd, £6.

79—Two-year-oldSponsor Class 79—Daniel Filly, Colt Thomas or Gelding (Gof), Llysneuadd, Llanybydder 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 80—Three-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 81—Barren Mare or Gelding four years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 82—Stallion four years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. presented by the late Mr A. L. Williams,The ‘Revival’ Llwynonn, Silver awarded Perpetual to the Challenge Best Exhibit Trophy in this Section. kindly presented by Richard, Joanna Theand GethinS. D. Morgan Morgan, Perpetual awarded Memorialfor the Best Trophy Section C Youngstock Champion (Classes 77, 78, 79 and 80). to the Champion or Reserve. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Bronze Medal to Best Exhibit in this Section. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Champion Rosette

Adran 13—MERLOD MYNYDD CYMREIG (ADRAN A) Section 13—WELSH MOUNTAIN PONY CLASSES (SECTION A) (Height not exceeding 121.9 cms) Beirniad/Judge—Mr. R. V. Pearce (Windmill Stud), Windmill Farm, Oldwalls, Llanrhidian, Swansea Dosbarth/Class 83—Welsh Mountain Brood Mare four years old or over with foal at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 84—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 85—Welsh Mountain Pony, Barren Mare or Gelding, four years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6.

86—WelshClass 86 & Mountain87 sponsored Pony by Yearling Eaton Fuels Filly, /Colt D. J. or Fuels, Gelding Lampeter 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6.

39 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 40



•       •           •          !      • "      #  $


    &   Cyfreithwyr / Solicitors:    ' Marc & '#  '  '(  ) Stewart, Aled Lewis, Eryl Mathias, Bethan Thomas, Eirlys Davies, Esyllt *$  Evans & Caryl Hughes

Ffon / Tel:    01570 422 233  !  !" #$%$&' e-bost / e-mail: [email protected] #+,#  + ,  #+,   -.   /0/01234     5      #+,#  + ,     #+,   -6 /0/01234          

40 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 41

87—Welsh Mountain Pony two-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 88—Welsh Mountain Pony three-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 89—Welsh Mountain Pony Stallion 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. , presented by Ann and Emma Jones, Frongoch Stud,Frongoch Bow PerpetualStreet, Challenge forTrophy the Best Section A Youngstock (Classes 84, 86, 87 and 88). is offered by the late Mrs Betty Lloyd Williams, PeterwellA Silver PerpetualTerrace, Lampeter, Challenge for Cup the Best Exhibit in this Section. to the Champion or Reserve. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Bronze Medal to Best Exhibit in this Section. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Champion Rosette

Adran 14—MERLOD CYMREIG (ADRAN B) Section 14—WELSH PONIES (SECTION B) (Height not exceeding 137.2 cms) Beirniad/Judge— Mrs R. K. P. Rees, Downland Stud (Small-Land Stud), Meidrim, Carms Dosbarth/Class

89a—BroodSponsor Class Mare 89a—Tregaron four years old Trading or over Serviceswith own foal at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6.

90—FoalSponsor Class born in90—Alec current Pageyear – Gof, Barley Mow, Lampeter 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 91—Barren Mare or Gelding four years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 92—Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 93—Two or Three-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 94—Welsh Pony Section B Stallion 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6.

is offered for the Best Exhibit in this Section. A Perpetual Challenge Cup presented by Mr John While, Cherington Stud, NewA Silver South Perpetual Wales, Australia Challenge for Cup the best Section B Youngstock Champion (Classes 90, 92 & 93). to the Champion or Reserve. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Bronze Medal to Best Exhibit in this Section. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Champion Rosette


41 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 42

D A G Jones & Son Auctioneers & Valuers Mart Office, Tregaron, Ceredigion, Wales

Telephone: 01974 298365 E-mail: [email protected]

42 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 43


(All exhibitors must be entered in the Welsh Part-Bred Register of the WPCS) Beirniad/Judge— Ifor Lloyd, Derwen Stud, Pennant, Llanon, Aberystwyth Dosbarth/Class 95—Best yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 96—Best 2 or 3 year old Colt, Filly or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 97—Barren Mare or Gelding four years old or over 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 98—Brood Mare, four years old or over, with own foal at foot 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 99—Colt or Filly Foal, eligible for registration in the Welsh Part-Bred Register 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 99a—Stallion 4 years old and over 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. is offered for the Best Exhibit in this Section, kindlyA Silver donated Perpetual by Teulu Challenge Araul, Cup Llanwnen, Lampeter. to the Champion or Reserve. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Bronze Medal to Best Exhibit in this Section. Welsh Pony & Cob Society Champion Rosette

The Welsh Pony and Cob Society willMEDALS award and in Section 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, for the best exhibit in eachRosettes Section, subjectMedals to their regulations governing award of medals:— 1. No animal is eligible to take more than one medal in any year—the Show of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society excepted. 2. If not already registered in the Stud Book or entered in the Appendix application for registration or entry of the winner of a medal must by duly lodged with the Secretary to the Welsh Pony and Cob Society. The of animals already registered in the Stud Book or entered in thenames Appendix and numbers and full particulars in the case of animals not already registered or entered must be printed in. the 3. TheCatalogue owner or of the a medal show entry winner form, must otherwise be a member the medal of the will Welsh be with-held Pony and Cob Society who has paid his subscription for the current year, or has submitted his name for membership and paid one annual subscription. 4. Medals should only be given by the Welsh Pony and Cob Society for cobs and ponies as described in the Stud Book. 5. Ceredigion Cobs Association has elected Lampeter Show as one of the shows to the points system. Open to members of the Association only. Points awarded to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners in all Welsh Breed Sections 6. (Section A, B, C, D and Welsh Part-Bred). Welsh Pony and Cob Gelding Incentive Scheme – Overall Gelding Champion and Reserve, to be competed for by the highest placed geldings from each appropriate class within Sections A, B, C, D generously sponsored by the Millcroft Stud. Open to all geldings, three years old and under, shown in hand. 43 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 44

e GRAHAMS TYRE SERVICE TEIFI GARAGE Cwmann, Lampeter 01570 422920 (eves: 423305) All makes of Tyres & Batteries Computerised Balancing Punctures OPEN SIX DAYS

Gweithdy Banc Sion Cwilt PVCu & Timber Installers

PVCu Windows, Doors, Porches & Conservatories, Sliding Sash Windows, Secondary Glazing, Timber Staircases, Windows & Doors

Trade & DIY counter for all your PVCu Facia, Soffit, Guttering, Trims & Plasson Pipe Fittings. Cenfil Reeves Garreg Wen, , Llandysul SA44 4XB 01545 590254 www.bancsioncwilt.co.uk

44 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 45

Adran 16—MARCHOGAETH (ADRAN A, B, C a D) Section 16—RIDDEN WELSH BREEDS (SECTIONS A, B, C and D) Beirniad/Judge— Mrs R. K. P. Rees, Downland Stud (Small-Land Stud), Meidrim, Carms

Dosbarth/Class 100—Welsh Mountain Pony, four years old or over, shown under saddle 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 101—Welsh Pony Section B, four years old or over, shown under saddle 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 102—Welsh Pony Cob Type, four years old or over, shown under saddle 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 103—Welsh Cob, four years old or over, shown under saddle 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 103a—Welsh Part Bred Ridden, 4 years old and over 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. kindly given by Gerwyn’s Fruits, Llandeilo is presented forA Perpetual Best Exhibit Challenge in Section. Cup will be awarded to the Best WelshOverall PonyWelsh andRidden Cob Champion Society (Welsh Performance Pony and Medal Cob Society Rules and Regulations governing the award of Performance Medals).

No late entriesWelsh Cobs accepted (Section in following 11); Welsh Sections Ponies –Section Entries C close(Section 31st 12); July 2017: Welsh Mountain Pony Classes (Section 13); Welsh Ponies Section B (Section 14); Welsh Part-bred (Section 15); Ridden Welsh Breeds (Section 16).

Adran 17—MERLOD MARCHOGAETH Section 17—RIDING PONIES (Breeding Classes) Not to exceed 148 cms at maturity Beirniad/Judge— Mrs Valmai Thomas, Coedllwyd, Tegryn, Llanfyrnach, Pembs Dosbarth/Class

104—BroodSponsor Class Mare 104—Arnold four years Davies/Vincentold or over with Evans own foal & Co. at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 105—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 106—Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 107—Two or Three-year-old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. is offered by Cheltenham and Gloucester Building SocietyA Perpetual for the Challenge Best Exhibit Rose in Bowlthis Section.

45 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 46


HORSE FEEDS & PET FOODS A VARIETY OF OTHER PET FOODS ALSO AVAILABLE AT COMPETITIVE PRICES TRACEABILITY, QUALITY ASSURED Bryndewi, Bryn Rd., Lampeter SA48 7EE . Stores: Unit 8 Lampeter Business Park, TregaronTel: 01570Rd., Lampeter 422279 Tel: 01570 421139 Mobile: 07801 305134

46 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 47

Adran 18—CEFFYLAU ARAB A RHAN FRID Section 18—ARAB AND PART-BRED HORSES Beirniad/Judge— Mrs Lynne Lidbury, Upper Cullyhall Farm, Ryedown Lane, Bitton, Bristol Dosbarth/Class

108—BroodSponsor Class Mare 108—The four years Ivy oldBush, or overHigh with Street, own Lampeter foal at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £6. 109—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 110—Yearling Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 111—Two or Three year old Filly, Colt or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 112—Barren Mare or Gelding 4 years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £6. 113—Best Stallion 4 years old or over 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £6.

114—BestSponsor Class Horse 114—Arnold 4 years old Davies/Vincentor over shown under Evans saddle & Co., (rider Solicitors, to be 4 Lampeteryears old or over on Show Day) 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. is offered for the Best Exhibit in this Section. The E. J. Jones Perpetual Challengewill Cup be awarded in this Section. Classes to be run underThe Arab A.H.S. Horse rules. Society Rosettes – This is a qualifying show for the British ArabianBritish Arabian Championships Championships to be held 2015 on 8th September at Kings Equestrian Centre www.kingsequestrian.co.uk. All details and Qualifying Cards from Mrs. Jayne Armstrong, 6 Watkin Avenue, Hadfield,. Cheques Glossop, payable toDarbyshire SK13 1QD Please. send a S.A.E. Cards are £10 each The Arab Horse Society

Adran/Section 19—HELFEIRCH/HUNTER CLASSES Beirniad/Judge— Mrs E. M. Lloyd Williams, Ffynnon-oer, Pantycrug, Capel Seion, Aberystwyth Dosbarth/Class 115—Brood Mare four years old or over with own foal at foot 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £6. 116—Foal born in current year 1st, £10; 2nd, £8; 3rd, £5. 117—Yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 118—Two or three year old Filly or Gelding 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 119—Mare or Gelding, four years old or over to be ridden 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £6. is offered for the Best Exhibit. The Winsford Perpetual Challenge Cup

47 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 48

AD-CLADAdeilad Clad ROOFINGding SHEETS co.

– Main Distributor for Marley / Eternit Fibre Cement Sheeting – Steel Stockholders, Zed and Zeta Purlins – Box Profile / Corrugated / Insulated Sheets – Ventair / Fixings / Flashings / Gutters etc TEL FAX 01550 777 497 OFFICE 01550 777 808 The Stores - Station Road - Llanwrda - SA19 8EH EMAIL [email protected] 48 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 49

Adran/Section 20—CEFFYLAU SHETLAND PONIES Beiriniad/Judge— Mr R. N. Jones, Grovenor Farm, Lovesgrove, Aberystwyth Prize money in all classes: 1st – £12; 2nd – £10; 3rd – £6. Dosbarth /Class 120—Brood Mare with own foal at foot 121—Yearling Filly or Colt 122—Two or three year old Filly or Colt 123—Barren Mare or Gelding 124—Stallion four years old or over

125—FoalSponsor Class born 125—Morgan in current year & Davies, Auctioneers, Lampeter 126—Best Pony four year old or over shown under saddle presented by Mr Timothy Evans, Glyn Rhosyn, TheLampeter Tawela for Perpetualbest Standard Silver Shetland. Cup presented by Mr Huw Williams, Swyn-y- Coed,The Coedgleision Silian, Lampeter Perpetual for best Silver Miniature Cup Shetland.

Adran 21—DOSBARTH MARCHOGAETH PLANT Section 21—CHILDREN’S RIDING CLASSES Beirniad/Judge— Mrs Valmai Thomas, Coedllwyd, Tegryn, Llanfyrnach, Pembs Dosbarth/Class Prizemoney in all classes 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £8. 127—Best Leading Rein Pony, Mare or Gelding,– not exceeding 122 cms suitable for and to be ridden by a child not having attained their 7th birthday before 1st January in the current year. 128—Best First Ridden Pony, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, not exceeding 122 cms, suitable for and to be ridden by a child not having attained their 10th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. 129—Best Show Pony, not exceeding 128 cms. Mare or gelding, four years old or over to be ridden by a child not having attained their 13th birthday before the 1st of January in the current year. 130—Best Show Pony, exceeding 128 cms but not exceeding 138 cms. Mare or gelding, four years old or over, to be ridden by a child not having attained their 15th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. 131—Best Show Pony, exceeding 138 cms but not exeeding 148 cms. Mare or gelding, four years old or over, to be ridden by a child not having attained their 17th birthday before the 1st January in the current year. will be awarded to the Best ExhibitThe Old in Llanfair this Section. Show Perpetual Challenge Rose Bowl

49 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 50

50 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 51

Adran 22—MERLOD MYNYDD A GWEUNDIR Section 22—MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND Beirniad/Judge—Mrs Gwen Manley, Swyn y Ceri, Talybont, Ceredigion

Dosbarth/Class 132—Best Registered Leading Rein Mountain and Moorland Pony, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, not exceeding 122 cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 133—Best Registered First Ridden Mountain and Moorland Pony, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, not exceeding 128 cms. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 134—Best Ridden Registered Mountain and Moorland Horse or Pony, four years old or over. Small breed. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 135—Best Ridden Registered Mountain and Moorland Horse or Pony, four years old or over. Large breed. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 136—Best Registered Mountain and Moorland, three years old or under. To be shown in hand. 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 137—Best Registered Mountain and Moorland, four years old or over. To be shown in hand. 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. presented by the late Mr & Mrs Vincent Evans, Old Rectory, BetwsPerpetual Bledrws, Challenge for the Cup Best Exhibit in above Classes.

Adran 23—CEFFYLAU A MERLOD LLIW Section 23—COLOURED HORSES & PONIES Beirniad/Judge— M/s Abigail Pearce, Penybryn, Golden Grove, Llanarthne, Carms

Dosbarth/Class 138—Stallion Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over. Any height. In hand. 1st, £16; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 139—Colt, Filly or Gelding, one, two or three years old. Any height. In hand. 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. 140—Stallion Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over. Not exceeding 148 cms. To be shown under saddle. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. 141—Stallion, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over. Exceeding 148 cms. To be shown under saddle. 1st, £20; 2nd, £12; 3rd, £8. given by Mr Islwyn Edwards, Silian, Lampeter will be awardedPerpetual to Challengethe Best Exhibit Cup in this Section.

51 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 52

Government Building, Pontfaen Road, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7BN Tel: 01570 423300 Fax: 01570 423223 52 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 53

BEST YOUNG HANDLER IN THE HORSE SECTION Competitors in this Section must wear protective head gear to comply with current regulations. Section sponsored by Tristar, Esgairgoch, Ffarmers Beirniad/Judge—Mrs A. Squires (Yswain Stud), Oak Hollow, Watling Street, Heatherton, Cannock, Staffs

Y.H.A. Best Young Handler in the Horse/Pony Section 12 years of age and under on Show Day. 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. Y.H.B. Best Young Handler in the Horse/Pony Section 13-16 years of age on Show Day. 1st, £12; 2nd, £10; 3rd, £6. will be presented to the winner of each Class kindlyA Silver donated Perpetual by Lampeter Challenge Stallion Shield Show. will be presented to all competitors. Rossettes

HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP Beirniad/Judge— Mr J. G. Evans, 14 Brynheulog, Tregaron, Ceredigion given by the Lampeter Show Centenary ACommittee Silver Perpetualfor the best Challenge exhibit in the Cup Horse Sections and £50 prize money given by Show Society, and Championship Sash given by Tanygroes Rossettes. in memory of the late Mr G Roach, Lampeter, kindlyA Silver donated Perpetual by Mr Challenge & Mrs R. CupRees, Horeb Stud, Llandysul will be awarded for the Best Stallion in Sections A, B, C and D. , presented in memory of the late David Green, Blaenplwyf Isaf,Perpetual Lampeter, Challenge kindly Cup donated by John Green and family for the Best Brood Mare in the Welsh Breed Sections A, B, C and D. , presented by Mr David Thomas, TheTrellwyn, Teifi Llanwnen Saddlery for Perpetual Best Foal Challengein Welsh Breed Cup and Part-Bred Sections. , presented by Kathy and Joanna Sheil for the Best OverallDukeshill Youngstock Perpetual in Challenge the Welsh CupBreeds and Part-bred Sections.

PLEASE NOTE: Entries for all Horse Sections to be in the hands of the Catalogue Secretary: Daniel Morgan, Penparc, Silian, Lampeter, Ceredigion 01570 493338 • [email protected] by 31 July 2017 – latest Late entries will be taken up to Show Day. Entry form on page 55. Show passes will be issued in good time and must be handed in at entrance to Showground. 53 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 54

43 Bridge Street, Lampeter, Ceredigion Carpets Ltd SA48 7AA Carpet and Vinyl, Safety Flooring and Wall Cladding supplied and fitted. Rugs. ß . . (01570) 423984 (shop) (01570) 423349 (home)


4 COLLEGE STREET LAMPETER SA48 7DY 01570 422414 Proprietor: S. Hall

54 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 55 ¢ ______


SIOE AMAETHYDDOLPLEASE LLANBEDR NOTE PONT STEFFAN/LAMPETER – HORSES ONLY AGRICULTURAL SHOW P LEASE NOTE: Late entries will be taken up to Show Day. Closing date for Catalogue entries will be 31st July 2017 at £5 an entry. Entries on the day will be £8. www.lampetershow.co.uk www.sioellambed.co.uk From: Enw/Name ...... Cyfeiriad/Address ...... Côd Post/Post Code ...... Ffôn/Tel ...... Please . Please ensure your entry forms follow Schedule order. The SecretaryPRINT cannot CLEARLY be responsible for ineligible forms.

Section Class Exhibit Details Office Number Number Registration Number where applicable use only

Entries at £5 per entry: Cheque £...... enclosed. Entries on the day: £8 per entry. Cheques made payable to: Lampeter Agricultural Show. No Entries accepted without appropriate fees; Photocopies accepted. I hereby certify that the above Entries are bona-fide my own property.

Signed ...... Date ......

Send to: Catalogue Secretary Daniel Morgan, Penparc, Silian, Lampeter, Ceredigion Tel: 01570 493338 • [email protected] 55 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 56

E. J. Thomas & Son

Contractwyr Amaethyddol • Hurio Peiriannau Agricultural Contractors • Plant Hire

Wynford Thomas Pantygwin, Cellan, Llanbedr Pont Steffan / Lampeter Ffôn – 01570 423651 – Phone Symudol – 07971 075224 – Mobile KANGALOOS Gwasanaeth Hurio Toiledau Symudol a Gwacau ‘Cesspit’ Cysylltwch â Iwan ar 01974 831266 neu 07855 364947

56 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 57

57 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 58

EXHIBITORS IN THE SHEEP & GOAT SECTIONS PLEASE NOTE The Committee undertake to comply with any Rules and Conditions issued by DEFRA in accordance with the Animal Health Acts and Orders appertaining at the time. Please make sure that you are fully aware of any Conditions that will prevail on our Show Day. Show Holding No. 55/304/8641 Show Postcode SA48 7JN

Cadno Rosettes Rosettes - Medals - Trophies 01570 493127 Awelon, Llanfair Rd., Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 8JZ www.cadnorosettes.co.uk

58 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 59

ADRAN Y DEFAID/ SHEEP SECTION Separate accommodation will beMAEDI provided VISNA for entries from flocks participating in the Maedi Visna accredited flocks scheme according to their status and from non-scheme flocks.

Please bring certification of above to the Show and hand to the Section Steward before unloading

There will be a Champion Rossette awarded to the Champion Male and Champion Female in each section. These two winners only will be entitled to compete in the Supreme Championships of the Sheep Section.

Lampeter Show will participate in the Ceredigion Sheep Exhibitor of the Year Championship 2017 The aim ofKindly the competition sponsored is byto encourageGreenland’s sheep Insurance exhibitors Services within Ltdthe County of Ceredigion to exhibit their sheep throughout the Ceredigion Shows. Points will be awarded for each show attended and for any prizes received. (replica cup to be kept) Championship Prizes – 1st £200 and Silver Perpetual Cup For further information2nd please £150, contact 3rd £100, Linda 4th Davies £50 or Gwynne Davies on 01974 298842

Dosbarthiadau/Classes 142–238—1st, £7; 2nd, £5; 3rd, £3.

Judging: 10.30 a.m. prompt

Adran/Section 24 DEFAID MYNYDD CYMREIG/WELSH MOUNTAIN SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—I. G. Jones, Llwyncelyn Uchaf, Llangynin, St. Clears, Carms

Dosbarth/Class 142—Pedigree Ram, any age

143—PedigreeSponsor Class 143—EiraYearling Ram Price, Gelli, Brynsteffan, Lampeter 144—Pedigree Ram Lamb 145—Pedigree Ewe

146—PedigreeSponsor Class 146—EiraYearling Ewe Price, Gelli, Brynsteffan, Lampeter 147—Pedigree Ewe Lamb 148—Ram (untrimmed) any age 149—Ram Lamb (untrimmed) 150—Ewe (untrimmed) 151—Ewe Lamb (untrimmed)

59 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 60

Ring: (01570) 493205

60 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 61

152—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male, all being the property of the same owner). is offered by D. Jones, Esq., Dai’s Diner, Lampeter forA Silver the Best Perpetual Exhibit. Challenge Cup points will be awarded forPedigree the J. O.Welsh Pritchard Mountain Trophy Ram of the of Welsh the Year Mountain Competition Sheep Society – Pedigree Section. points will be awarded for Pedigreethe H. L. &Welsh O. E. Mountain Roberts Trophy Female of ofthe the Welsh Year Mountain Competition Sheep – Society Pedigree Section.

Adran/Section 25 DEFAID DUON MYNYDD CYMREIG/BLACK WELSH MOUNTAIN SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—William Workman, Fedw Farm, Trecastle, Brecon Dosbarth/Class

153—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 153 & 154—Brodyr Evans, Cefn Mabws, Llanrhystud 154—Ram Lamb 155—Ewe

156—EweSponsor Classes Lamb 156 & 157—Gwili Jones, Lampeter 157—Ram (untrimmed), any age 158—Ram Lamb (untrimmed) 159—Ewe (untrimmed) 160—Ewe Lamb (untrimmed) 161—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. presented by Mrs Sian Jones andThe Family,D. A. G. Bryndolau, Jones Silver Cwmann Perpetual in memory Challenge of the Cup late Mr & Mrs D. A. G. Jones for the Best Exhibit in this Section. will be awarded by the Black Welsh Mountain Sheep AssociationA Championship for the Best Rosette Exhibit.

Adran/Section 26 UNRHYW FRID MYNYDDIG/ANY OTHER HILL BREED (Other than Welsh, Speckle and North Country Cheviots) Beirniad/Judge—Mrs M. Lloyd Jones, 17 Parc Tfl Eryr, Llanrwst, Conway, Gwynedd

Section sponsored by HSBC Bank Dosbarth/Class 162—Ram, any age 163—Ram Lamb 164—Ewe 165—Ewe Lamb 166—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is offered by Cllr M. Evans and late Cllr Hefin Evans,A Silver 4 HarfordPerpetual Row Challenge for the Best Cup Exhibit in this Section.

61 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 62

Donald Thomas Builders For all your Building needs Tel – 01570 422551 Mob – 07967021911 www.donaldthomasbuilder.co.uk

• New Houses • Bathroom Alterations

• Extensions • Garage Conversions

• Renovations • Kitchens

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62 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 63

Adran/Section 27 BADGER FACE Beirniad/Judge—Stephen Pugh, Llandewi Hall, Llandewi, Llandrindod Wells, Powys Dosbarth/Class 167—Ram, any age 168—Ram Lamb 169—Ewe 170—Ewe Lamb 171—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. will be presented to the Best Exhibit in this Section kindly donated by TeuluA Silver Gelliwrol, Cup Cwmann, Llanbed.

Adran/Section 28 TORWEN/BADGER FACE Beirniad/Judge—Stephen Pugh, Llandewi Hall, Llandewi, Llandrindod Wells, Powys Dosbarth/Class

172—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 172 & 173–Morgan & Davies, Auctioneers, Lampeter 173—Ram Lamb 174—Ewe 175—Ewe Lamb 176—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is offered for the Best Exhibit in this Section kindly donated by Mr TimothyA Silver Evans, Cup 7 Market Street, Lampeter. is kindly given by the late Mr Will Evans, 21A SilverHeol y PerpetualGaer, Llanybydder, Challenge for the Cup Best Exhibit in Sections 27 and 28.

Adran/Section 29 BALWEN Beirniad/Judge—G. N. Owen, Tfl Newydd, Cefncoch, Welshpool Dosbarth/Class 177—Ram, any age 178—Ram Lamb

179—EweSponsor Class 179 & 180–Volac International Ltd 180—Ewe Lamb 181—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is offered for the Best Exhibit kindly donated by Ffair Ram, Cwmann. A Silver Cup

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64 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 65

Adran/Section 30 DEFAID JACOB SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Mrs M. Lloyd Jones, 17 Parc Tfl Eryr, Llanrwst, Conway, Gwynedd All Sheep to be shown to Breed Society Rules Dosbarth/Class

182—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 182 & 183—The Monthly Advertiser, Llanwnen 183—Ram Lamb 184—Ewe 185—Ewe Lamb 186—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is offered for the Best Exhibit in this Section kindlyA Silver donated Perpetual by The Challenge Jacob Sheep Cup Society.

Adran/Section 31 DEFAID CHEVIOT TIROEDD Y GOGLEDD/NORTH COUNTRY CHEVIOTS Beirniad/Judge—Arwel Jones, Parc Farm, Llangwm, Conwy, Denbigh

Dosbarth/Class Section Sponsored by For Farmers 187—Ram, any age 188—Ram Lamb 189—Ewe 190—Ewe Lamb 191—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is offered for the Best Exhibit kindly donated by PlasA Silver Bach Perpetual Family. Challenge Cup will be awarded by the North Country Cheviot Sheep Society. A Championship Rosette

Adran/Section 32 SOUTHDOWN SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Howard Wood, 48 Barthon Road, Littlemill, Pontypool, Gwent Dosbarth/Class 191a—Ram, any age 191b—Ram Lamb 191c—Ewe 191d—Ewe Lamb 191e—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner.

will be awarded for the best exhibit by Mrs C. Davies, ALlechryd, Silver Perpetual in memory Challenge of her son, Michael. for the Champion kindly donated by Coedlan Southdowns. Shield

65 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 66

Penrhyn Cei Newydd Ceredigion

(01545) 560354 Mobile: 07773 293425

Cneifio Llambed Cystadleuaeth Cneifio Wyn Lamb Shearing Competition Dosbarth/Class: * Juniors * Intermediate * Seniors * Open i’w chynnal ar/to be held at

Fferm Capeli Farm, , Llanbedr Pont Steffan Dydd Sadwrn, 22 o Orffennaf, 2017 / Saturday, 22 July, 2017

Am wybodaeth pellach/Further information: Marc Hughes, Penrhyn, Cei Newydd, Ceredigion Tel: (01545) 560354 Dewch i weld — Come along and see

66 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:49 Page 67

Adran/Section 33 DEFAID LLAWR GWLAD/LOWLAND SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Brian Davies, Dan y Garth, Garth Brengi, Brecon, Powys Dosbarth/Class

192—Ram,Classes 192 any& 193 age sponsored by Lloyds Feeds 193—Ram Lamb 194—Ewe 195—Ewe Lamb 196—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. has been donated by Lloyds Bank, Lampeter for theA Silver Best Exhibit.Perpetual Challenge Cup

Adran/Section 34 DEFAID PENFRITH/BEULAH SPECKLED FACE SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Trevor Davies, Llwyncadwgan, Beulah, Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys Dosbarth/Class 197—Ram, any age 198—Ram Lamb 199—Ewe 200—Ewe Lamb 201—Ram (untrimmed), any age 202—Ram Lamb (untrimmed) 203—Ewe (untrimmed) 204—Ewe Lamb (untrimmed) 205 Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the —property of the same owner. kindly donated by Teulu Coedmore Hall in memoryA Silver of Perpetual the late Mr Challenge D. D. Jones, Cup Cilgell Isaf for the Best Exhibit. The Beulah Speckle Face Society kindly offer a for Best Exhibit in this section. Breed Rosette and £10

Adran/Section 35 DEFAID SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Richard Edwards, Glanrhyd, Drefach, Llanybydder Dosbarth/Class

206—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 206 & 207—J. & E. Woodworks, Lampeter 207—Ram Lamb 208—Ewe 209—Ewe Lamb 210—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner.

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Richard Jarman Dip CII, Cert CII(MP) Partner Rheoli Cyfoeth 01239 613746 • 07816 923618

Ffordd newydd i reoli eich cyfoeth Cynllunio Cylludol | Cynilo a Buddsoddi | Yswiriant a Diogelu Yswiriant Cartref | Cynllunio ar gyfer Ymddeol Taliadau Treth | Yswiriant Bywyd | Rheoli Ystad | Morgeisi Am gyngor ariannol annibynol Dros bum mlynedd ar hugain o brofiad Siambre Pendre, 20 Pendre, Aberteifi, Ceredigion SA43 1JT

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MAIN AGENTS & STOCKISTS FOR Miele - Bosch Lec - Creda Hotpoint - Indesit 7, High Street, Lampeter Vax - Electrolux Panasonic Dyson - Kenwood Roberts Radio 01570 422055 Dualit - Magimix Iceking - Dimplex

Cat & Dog TT5000 On Selected Full Range in stock Models Up to 10 yr guarantee Best wishes for the 2017 show Dymuniadau gorau am Sioe 2017 Diolch am eich cefnogaeth • Thank you for your custom

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is offered by Wynnstay Group for the Best Exhibit. A Silver Perpetual Challenge Cup is offered for the best group. The “Cwmere” Perpetual Challenge Cup The Llanwenog Sheep Society offer a Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit in this Section. No exhibit may win more than one Rosette in one year.

Adran/Section 36 DEFAID TEXEL SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—Gwynfor Richards, Tegfryn, Pumpsaint

A valid copy of the M.V. Certificate must accompany the Entry Form

Section Sponsored by Richard Jarman Dosbarth/Class 211—Aged Ram 212—Shearling Ram 213—Ram Lamb 214—Aged Ewe (having reared lamb in 2016) 215—Yearling Ewe 215a—Ewe Lamb 215b—Group of Three

Lampeter Show has been nominated as the Club show for the Texel Breeders Club. Classes are open to members and non-members of the Dyfed Texel Breeders Club. for the Best Exhibit in the Texel Sheep Classes. Society Championship Rosette in memory of Jim and Emrys, Aberdauddwr, Akindly Silver donated Perpetual by Ann Challenge and Malcolm Cup Davies, Glanyrafon is offered to the Best Exhibit in this Section.

Adran/Section 37 DEFAID BELTEX SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—David Davies, Croesfaen Isaf, Taliaris, Llandeilo, Carms

Section Sponsored by Mr Hywel Davies, Dosbarth/Class 216—Ram, any age 217—Ram Lamb 218—Ewe 219—Ewe Lamb 220—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. kindly given by Teulu Dolgwm-Isaf is offered to Athe Silver Best ExhibitPerpetual in this Challenge Section. Cup

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Adran/Section 38 DEFAID CHAROLLAIS SHEEP Beirniad/Judge—David Curran, Wern Fawr Bungalow, Talgarth, Brecon Dosbarth/Class:

221—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 221, 222 & 223—Mrs C. Davies, Llechryd 222—Ram Lamb 223—Ewe 224—Ewe Lamb 225—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. kindly given by Caegwyn Farm Supplies for Best Exhibit in this Section. A Cup

Adran/Section 39 UNRHYW FRID CYFANDIROL(Other than Texel, ARALL/ANY Charollais OTHER and Beltex) CONTINENTAL BREED Beirniad/Judge—David Davies, Croesfaen Isaf, Taliaris, Llandeilo, Carms Dosbarth/Class:

226—Ram,Sponsor Classes any age 226–227—Wyn Thomas, Brynllo 227—Ram Lamb 228—Ewe 229—Ewe Lamb 230—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. will be awarded for the Best Exhibit, kindly donated by Cneifio Llambed/ LampeterA Prize Shears. kindly given by T. & D. G. Lloyd, Jewellers, Lampeter, Afor Perpetual the Best Group Challenge of Three. Cup

¯ Adran/Section 40 YN CIGYDDION/FINISHED LAMBS ANY BREED Beirniad/Judge—William Workman, Fedw Farm, Trecastle, Brecon

All lambs will be weighed according to Classes

Section Sponsored by Dunbia, Llanybydder Dosbarth/Class 231—Pen of 2 Butcher’s Lambs not exceeding 70kg, total live weight. 232—Pen of 2 Butcher’s Lambs, exceeding 70kg, total live weight. 233—Pen of 2 Butcher’s Lambs—Any Hill Breed, any weight presented by Pencefn Feeds Ltd., Tregaron for ABest Silver Exhibit. Perpetual Challenge Cup

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Adran/Section 41 RARE BREEDS Beirniad/Judge—Tim Ward, The Old Byre, Brompton, Churchstoke

THEBoreray; FOLLOWING Devon & BREEDSCornwall Longwool; ONLY WILL Leicester BE JUDGED Longwool; AS North RARE Ronaldsay; BREEDS: Whitefaced Woodland; Border Leicester; Castlemilk Moorit; Cotswold; Hill Radnor; Lincoln Longwool; Manx Loaghtan; Portland; Soay; Teeswater; Wensleydale; Balwen; Devon Closewool; Dorset Down; Dorset Horn; Greyface Dartmoor; Llanwenog; Norfolk Horn; Oxford Down; Whiteface Dartmoor.

Section Sponsored by Compass Office Supplies Dosbarth/Class 234—Ram, any age 235—Ram Lamb 236—Ewe 237—Ewe Lamb 238—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner. is presented for the Best Exhibit by Hywel Davies. A Silver Perpetual Challengewill Cupbe presented by the Castlemilk Moorit Society to the HighestA Championship Placed Castlemilk Rosette Moorit Exhibit.

Adran/Section 41A POLL DORSET/HORN SHEEP / DEFAID DORSET Beirniad/Judge—Mr Irwel Evans, Llwynhywel, Rhosgarth, Dosbarth/Class: 238a—Ram 238b—Ram Lamb 238c—Aged Ewe 238d—Yearling Ewe 238e—Ewe Lamb 238f—Untrimmed Ewe Lamb 238g—Best Group of Three (to include two female and one male), all being the property of the same owner.

SHEEP CHAMPIONSHIPS Judging 2 p.m. approx Beirniad/Judge—David P. Jones, Pannau Farm, Cantref, Brecon is offered by Messrs. H. & W. Jones, Accountants, LampeterA Silver Perpetual for the Best Challenge Ram or Cup Ram Lamb in the Sheep Section (Champion Male winners only to compete). is offered by Messrs. Morgan & Davies, Auctioneers,A Silver Perpetual Lampeter Challenge for the Best Cup Ewe or Ewe Lamb in the Sheep Section (Champion Female winners only to compete).

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Gwili Jones Caerfyrddin a Llanbed

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73 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 74

is offered by Mr J. Allen (Prudential Assurance) forA Silver the Best Perpetual Exhibit Challenge in the Sheep Cup Section and £50 prize money given by the Show Society, and Championship Sash given by Tanygroes Rossettes. is offered by Mr D. Ll. Jones, The Cedars for the BestA Silver Group Perpetual of Three Challenge in the Sheep Cup Section (two female and one male) the property of the same owner.

YOUNG HANDLER COMPETITION Beirniad/Judge—David P. Jones, Pannau Farm, Cantref, Brecon

Section Sponsored by Dunbia, Llanybydder Dosbarth/Class: 239—To be led by a child under 7 years old on the 1st January in the current year 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 240—To be led by a child under 12 years old on the 1st January in the current year 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 241—To be led by a child under 16 years old on the 1st January in the current year 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. will be kindly donated by Lampeter Show Committee. RosettesA Special will Prize be presented to exhibitors in these Classes. all is offered by Teulu Gelliwrol in memory of MrsA Silver Irene Perpetual Price for theChallenge Best Young Cup Handler.


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D. L. Williams HOME CENTRE Glasgow House . High Street . Lampeter Cardiganshire SA48 7BB Tel: 01570 421200 . Fax: 01570 421203 Ironmongery * Plumbing * Tools Decorating * Cookware Household * Garden

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ADRAN Y GEIFR/GOAT SECTION CAPRINA ATHRITIS ENCEPHALITIS ACCREDITED GOATS A separate designated area will be provided for entries from the Ministry C.A.E. Accredited herds. Please bring certification of above to the Show and hand to the Section Steward.

Adran/Section 42A—GEIFR/GOATS Beirniad/Judge—To be appointed

Sponsored by Ronnie Jones Classes 242–247 – 1st £6, 2nd £4, 3rd £2. Dosbarth/Class 242—Milker – White. 243—Milker – Coloured. 244—Goatling White. – 245—Goatling – Coloured. 246—Female Kid White over 2 months. – – 247—Female Kid Coloured over 2 months. – – is offered for the Best Goatling A Perpetual Challenge Cup & Championship Rosette or Kid, milk breed, kindly donated by Mrs Alison Logan, Gwarcoed, Maestir Road, Lampeter. will be awarded for the Best Milker. A Championship Rosette is offered for the Best A Perpetual Challenge Cup & Championship Rosette Exhibit kindly donated by Mr and Mrs B. J. Phillips, Pantglas, Cellan, Lampeter.

Adran/Section 42B—GEIFR ANGORA GOATS Incorporating the Dyfed Angora Goat Society Annual Breed Show Beirniad/Judge— Ian Mason, Linden, Jordans Lane, Pilley, Lymington, Hants Classes 248–254 – 1st £6; 2nd £4; 3rd £3. Dosbarth/Class 248—Pure Bred Doe born in 2016 249—Pure Bred Maiden Doe born in 2015 250—Pure Bred Doe born in or before 2015 (must have kidded in 2017) 251—Pure Bred Buck born in 2016 252—Pure Bred Buck born in or before 2015 253—Pure Bred Angora goat Kid 254—Family Group of Three Pure Bred Animals 1st £4; 2nd £3; 3rd £2. will award a Special Rosette for the Best Buck and Doe Dyfed Angora Goat Society Exhibits.

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will award a Champion Rosette for the Best Exhibit. British Angora Goat Society kindly donated by Mr B. Williams, Cnwc-y-fallen is offered for the Best A Silver Cup Exhibit. fl is offered for the winner of the The T Hen Prunas & Queenie Perpetual Trophy Yearling Doe Class – Doe born in 2016.

This is a qualifying show for the Welsh Angora Goat of the Year Trophy. . All goats must be sheared after 31 December, 2016

Adran/Section 42C—ANGORA GOAT FLEECE COMPETITION Beirniad/Judge— Ian Mason, Linden, Jordans Lane, Pilley, Lymington, Hants Classes 255–260 – 1st £3; 2nd £2; 3rd £1.

No more than 2 entries per exhibitor in each class Sponsored by Preseli Mohair Centre (Vivienne Lockton) Dosbarth/Class 255—First Shear 256—Second Shear 257—Third Shear 258—Fourth Shear 259—Doe – Fifth or subsequent Shear 260—Buck – Fifth or subsequent Shear

will be awarded for the Best Fleece kindly donated by A Champion Fleece Rosette British Mohair Marketing. has kindly donated £10 for Champion Fleece Mrs Vivien Lockton of Presely Mohair and £5 for Reserve Champion.

YOUNG HANDLER COMPETITION Beirniad/Judge—Goat Judge and Mr Ian Mason

Dosbarth/Class: 261—To be led by a child under 10 years old on the 1st January in the current year 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 262—To be led by a child under 14 years old on the 1st January in the current year 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. will be kindly donated by Lampeter Show Committee. A Special Prize Rosettes will be presented to exhibitors in these Classes. all

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Y BABELL/PRODUCEMrs Gwen Jones, Gelliddewi, TENT Cwmann Cadeiryddes/Chairman: Cystadlaethau i fod yn y babell cyn ., pan fydd y babell yn gau i feirniadu. Exhibits to be in the tent before 10.30 y.b ., when tent will close for judging. Bydd Stiwardiaid yn10.30 y Babell a.m o / The Stewards will be at the Marquee8.30 y.b. ymlaen from 8.30 a.m. STIWARDIAD/STEWARDS : Mr Haydn Richards, Lowtre (Chief Steward); Mr Andrew Cynnyrch Fferm/Farm Produce Jones, Cwmgwyn; Mr Ieuan James, Aelybryn. : Miss Megan Jenkins, Castell; Mr Twynog Davies, Frondolau; Cynnyrch Gardd/Garden Produce Mr Elgan Hughes, Brodawel; Miss Mared Lloyd Jones, Ystrad Dewi. : Mrs Sioned Mills, Pencwm; Mrs Liz Mills, Ffynnonfair; Mrs Crefftau Gwlad/Country Craft Jennie Davies, Pantyderi; Mrs Sandra Jones, Llwyn. : Miss Mair Jones, Maes y Felin (Chief Steward); Ann Davies, Ger-y-Nant; Blodau/Flowers Mrs Ceinwen Jenkins, Ceulan. : Eirios Jones, Felindre Uchaf; Mrs Ann Evans, Aeron Villa. Celfyddyd Blodau/Floral Art : Mrs Eleanor Russell, Bryncelyn (Chief Steward); Mrs Avril Jones, Troed y Bryn; Coginio/Cookery Mrs Gillian Jones, Derlwyn. : Mrs Deborah Jones, Llanfair Fach; Mrs Eluned Gwinoedd a Cyffeithiau/Wine and Preserves Hopkins, Hendryd; Miss Hadi Davies, Ochenta, Penrhiwllan; Mrs Bethan Evans, Pant yr Awel; Mrs Heulwen Jones, Deri Goch. : Mrs Eleri Thomas, Teras Fictoria (Chief Steward); Mrs Eirwen Davies, Gwaith Llaw/Handicrafts Ger y Nant; Mrs Enfys Jones, Yr Onnen; Mrs Jean Palmer; Mrs June Mason, Harford Row; Miss Rhian Thomas. : Mrs Ann Davies (Chief Steward) and family, Glanyrafon. Ffotograffiaeth/Photography : Mrs Delyth Jones, Ffosyffin (Chief Steward); Mrs Gwen Jones, Plant Ysgol/School Children Gelliddewi Uchaf; Miss Elin Miles, Talar Wen, Temple Bar; Mrs Margaret Davies-Evans, Harford Row; Mrs Ros Jones, Blaenhathren; Meinir Evans, Ffosyffin; Elen Powell, Felindre. : Miss Haf Hughes, Cwmere; Mr Gareth Jones, Cilerwisg; Miss Meinir Green, C.Ff.I./Y.F.C Nantgwyn; Mrs Louise Jones, Nantgaredig.

Bydd y Cwpanau/Tariannau yn cael ei gwobrwyo ar y llwyfan yn y babell am 3.30 y.p. The Cups/Trophies will be presented on stage at the marquee at 3.30 p.m.

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ALL ENTRIES IN SECTIONS 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and YFC WILL BE TAKEN ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW

Adran/Section 43—CYNNYRCH FFERM/FARM PRODUCE Beirniad/Judge—William Davies, Brynglas,

Section sponsored by Mr Rh. & Mrs G. Evans, Maes yr Adwy, Silian 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2 Dosbarth/Class 1—Heaviest Potato 2—Best Barley – 30 heads, grown in 2016 3—Best Oats – 30 heads, grown in 2016 4—Truss of Seed Hay – 15lbs 5—Truss of Meadow Hay – 15lbs 6—A Sample of Clamp Silage 7—A Sample of Big Bale Silage 8—Longest Thistle 9—Best Grass Sward – Meadow (boxed 1 foot by 1 foot) 10—Best Grass Sward – Less than 1 year old (boxed 1 foot by 1 foot) 11—Best Sample Root Crop 12—Three Swede 13—Three Rape is offered by Mr Haydn Richards, Lowtre, Llanwnen, for the Exhibitor who securesA Prize the greatest number of points.

given by Llanwnen Community Council in memory of theA Perpetual late Aneurin Challenge Rees Davies, Cup Tynffynnon, to the exhibitor who secures the highest number of points in this Section. 1st, 3 points; 2nd 2 points; 3rd 1 point; Special – 5 points.

Adran/Section 44—CYNNYRCH GARDD/GARDEN PRODUCE Beirniad/Judge—Morydd Evans, Brynbedw, , Newcastle Emlyn

£50 prizemoney sponsored by Mr & Mrs D. C. Evans, Tangraig, Silian, Lampeter 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2 Dosbarth/Class 14—Four Cooking Apples 15—Three Parsnips 16—Four Tomatoes 17—Three Potatoes 18—Heaviest Potatoes (washed) 19—Three Beetroot 79 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 80

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20—Two Leeks 21—One Cauliflower 22—Three Carrots 23—Four Shallots 24—Four Runner Beans 25—Four Pods of Peas 26—Four Pods of Broad Beans 27—Two Cabbages 28—A collection of Herbs 29—Two Cucumbers 30—Two Lettuce 31—Two Courgettes 32—Three Sticks of Rhubarb 33—One Root Parsley 34—Four Onions 35—Collection of Vegetables in a Basket

in memory of the late Mr Gwyn Lewis, Bronteifi, LlanfairA Silver RoadPerpetual and London, Challenge is kindly Cup donated by Betty and Sian Lewis to the exhibitor who secures the highest number of points in this Section. is offered by Mr & Mrs Emyr Rees Lloyd, Hendre Dail, Drefach, to the exhibitorA Prize who secures the greatest number of points in the Garden Produce Section. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point; Special – 5 points.

Adran/Section 45—CREFFTAU GWLAD/COUNTRY CRAFTS Beirniad/Judge—Clive Jones, 6 Cae Glas, Cross Hands, Llanelli, Carms

1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. All Exhibits must be Competitor’s own work Dosbarth/Class

36—ShepherdsSponsor Classes Crook 41, 41a, in 42,Wood 43—Mr Granville Evans, Builder, Gwel-y-Bryn, Lampeter 37—Knob Stick in Wood or Horn 38—Shepherds Crook in Horn 39—Thumb Stick in Horn 40—Walking Stick in Wood 41—Thumb Stick in Wood 42—Walking Stick in Horn 43—Market Stick in Horn 44—Market Stick in Wood 45—Decorative Stick in Horn and Wood kindly donated by the family in memory of Mr & Mrs Gomer Lewis, Hafan will beA Prize awarded to the exhibitor who secures the greatest number of points. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point; Special – 5 points.

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Self Assessment Tax Returns Preparation of accounts Sole traders/partnership Company audits

* Taxation advice * Value added Tax Returns * Company formations * Preparation of weekly/monthly wages

Mae’n bleser gennym fod yn gysylliedig gyda’r sioe We are pleased to be associated with the show and its continuing success

Swyddfeydd yn/Offices at: 81 BRIDGE STREET, LAMPETER Tel: (01570) 422204

6 BARN ROAD, CARMARTHEN Tel: (01267) 230496

82 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 83

Adran/Section 46—CREFFTAU GWLAD/COUNTRY CRAFTS (continued) Beirniad/Judge—Clive Jones, 6 Cae Glas, Cross Hands, Llanelli, Carms

Classes 46, 47 & 48 sponsored by Mr Andrew & Mrs Doris Jones, Cwmgwyn, 46—HousePentrebach, Name Lampeter carved in Wood 47—Kitchen Item made of Wood 48—Wellie Puller 49—Any Article in Wood 50—Any Article made of Baler Twine 51—Handmade Halter 52—Handmade Place Mat kindly donated by Jennie Bracher, Glyndu, Cwmann will be awarded to the exhibitorA Prize who secures the greatest number of points. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point; Special – 5 points.

Adran/Section 47—BLODAU/FLOWERS Beirniad/Judge—Valance Jones, Parc-y-Wern, Ebenezer Street, Newcastle Emlyn 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2 Dosbarth/Class 53—Three Spray Chrysanthemums 54—Five Antirrhinums 55—Vase of Garden Cut Flowers 56—Three Marigolds – African 57—Seven Sweet Peas 58—Four Asters 59—Three Roses

60—ThreeClasses 60, Dahlias66 & 68 Decorative sponsored –by Giants Roberts Garden Centre, Barley Mow, Lampeter 61—Three Dahlias Decorative – Medium 62—Three Dahlias Decorative – Small 63—Three Dahlias Cactus – Medium or Large 64—Three Dahlias Cactus – Small 65—Three Pom Pom Dahlias – Under 2ins 66—Fuchsia 67—Pot Tuberous Begonia 68—Best Flowering Pot Plant 69—Best Cactus Plant 70—Three Gladiolus 71—Four Pansies is offered by the West Wales Nature Conservation TrustA Silver to the Perpetual Exhibitor Challenge who secures Cup the greatest number of points. Mrs Jennie Davies, Pantyderi, Pentrebach, has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd 1 point; Special – 5 points.

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Adran/Section 48—CELFYDDYD BLODAU/FLORAL ART Beirniad/Judge—Catrin Price, Tfl Penrhiw, Llanddeusant

1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2.

The Marquee will be open from 8am for competitors to arrange their exhibits if they wish Note – An exhibit is Plant Material with or without accessories Fresh Dosbarth/Class 72— – space allowed 61 x 61cm, unlimited height 73—Colour Lemon/Lime– space allowed 61 x 61cm, unlimited height 74—‘5 Blooms ’ – space allowed 61 x 61cm, unlimited height 75— Question of Sport – space allowed 61 x 61cm, unlimited height 76—Arrangement in a Teapot 77—‘Buttonhole for the Show’–space President allowed 61 x 61cm, unlimited height Countryside Capers is given by the late Emrys Davies, Esq., Wenllys, New Street,A Perpetual Lampeter, Silver for Rose the Exhibitor Bowl who secures the highest number of points. is kindly donated by Nicola and Steve Harris, Cascade, Lampeter,A Perpetual for Challenge the Exhibitor Cup who wins the Special Prize. Miss Eirios Jones, Felindre Uchaf has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point, Special – 5 points.

85 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 86 GUS

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86 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 87

Adran/Section 49—COGINIO/COOKERY Beirniad/Judge—Gareth Richards, Goedwig, Llanwnen Road, Lampeter 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. Dosbarth/Class 80—A Farmhouse Fruit Cake 81—A loaf of bread 82—Victoria Sponge 83—Millionaires Shortbread 84—A Quiche 85—4 Welsh Cakes 86—Fruit Tart 87—4 Savoury Scones 88—4 Brownies 89—4 Sausage Rolls (flaky pastry) 90—Bara Brith 91—Cheesecake 92—4 Decorated Cupcakes 93—Variety of 4 home-made Biscuits 94—Competition for Males only (see recipe below) – – makes 8 Recipe225g/8oz Rockself raising Cakes flour / blawd codi 1 tsp mixed spice / sbeis cymysg 1 ⁄2 tsp grated nutmeg / nytmeg 150g/5oz margarine / marjarîn 75g/3oz demerara sugar / siwgwr demerara 150g/5oz mixed dried fruit / ffrwythau sych cymysg 1 egg / 1 wy 2 tablespoons milk / 2 llwy fwrdd o laeth

1.Method Grease 2 baking trays. 2. Sift the flour and spices into a bowl. Rub in margarine until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. 3. Stir in the sugar and fruit then mix in the egg and milk to make a fairly stiff mixture. 4. Place eight spoonfuls of the mixture well apart on the baking tray and bake in oven 190°C/375F°/Gas 5 for 20 minutes until golden. 5. Sprinkle with sugar and leave to cool. given by the late Mrs Betty Lloyd Williams, to the ExhibitorA Perpetual who Challengesecures the Cupgreatest number of points. Teulu Bryncelyn has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize will be presented to the Best Exhibit in the Cookery Section Aby Perpetual the family Silverin memory Tray of the late Mrs Mary Green, Blaenplwyf. kindly donated by the family in memory of the lateA Silver Mrs CeinwenPerpetual Jenkins, Challenge Ceulan, Cup Maestir, to the Gentleman with the Best Exhibit in the Cookery Section (Class 94).

1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point; Special – 5 points.

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7-A-SIDE RUGBY COMPETITION immediately after the Show on The Show Field

Lampeter Show is most grateful to Douglas Brothers, The Yard, Cwmann, Lampeter and Cyfri Cyf., 23 College Street, Lampeter for sponsoring this competition

Winners – £150 • Runners-up – £75 A Silver Perpetual Challenge Cup presented to the winners is donated by Messrs Heulyn Davies and Siriol Evans Commentary by Andrew Morgan Esq. (Morgan & Davies)

TEAMS PLEASE NOTE: The Public Liability Insurance covering Lampeter Show does not offer cover for any injuries or damages whatsoever to any person taking part in this 7-a-side competition. Lampeter Show will not be held responsible for any injuries incurred to any person taking part in this event.

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Adran/Section 50—GWINOEDD/WINES Beirniad/Judge—Donald Morgan, Blodau’r Bedol, Hen Efail, Llanrhystud

£50 sponsorship by Mrs Catrin Davies, Dere i Dorri, Hairdressing Salon, Lampeter 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd £2. Dosbarth/Class: 95—Bottle Sweet Red Wine 96—Bottle Sweet White Wine 97—Bottle Dry Red Wine 98—Bottle Dry White Wine 99—Bottle of Rose Wine 100—Bottle of Sloe Gin 101—Bottle of Medium Sweet Hedgerow Wine 102—Bottle of Named Flower Wine 103—Bottle of Vegetable Wine 104—Half Bottle of Liqueur 105—Bottle of Elderflower Wine 106—Fruit Cordial . NoWines more should than be 2 entriesexhibited per using exhibitor cork flanged in each stoppers class with white plastic tops. Daniel Rees, Devils Bridge Mart, has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize has been kindly donated by Mrs D. Williams, Blodfryn,A Silver PerpetualLampeter to Challenge the person Cup gaining the highest number of points in the Wine Section.

Adran/Section 51—CYFFEITHIAU/PRESERVES Beirniad/Judge—Delyth Phillips, Lleine, Ferwig, Cardigan 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd £2. Dosbarth/Class: Sponsor Classes 107, 108 & 109—Mr & Mrs Davies, Felinban, Capel y Groes, 107—JarLlanwnen of (434548) Fruit Jelly (any variety) 108—Jar of Lemon Curd 109—Jar of Marmalade 110—Jar of Pickles 111—Jar of Stone Fruit Jam 112—Jar of Soft Fruit Jam 113—Jar of Chutney (any variety) 114—An Unusual Preserve 115—Jar of Mint Jelly 116—Jar of Pickled Vegetables 117—A Gift of 4 Preserves 118—Jar of Runner Bean Chutney 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point Special – 5 points

89 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 90

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90 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 91

kindly donated by Meurig’s and G. & M. Coaches, Lampeter to be presented toA Prizethe winner.

kindly donated by Teulu Bronwydd in memory of theA Silver late Mrs Perpetual Ann Lewis, Challenge to the exhibitor Cup who secures the greatest number of points.

Adran/Section 52—GWATH LLAW/HANDICRAFTS Beirniad/Judge— Mrs Adelma Stepard, The Birches, Cwmifor, Llandeilo, Carms

1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2.

All garments must be made in the last two years. All articles must be unlaundered. All exhibits must be Competitor’s own work. Dosbarth/Class

119—ASponsor Pin Classes Cushion 119, 120, 121—Huw Williams, Derwen Windows 120—A Greeting Card in any medium 121—Table Runner in any medium 122—Any Article in Cross Stitch 123a—Any Handknitted Article 123b—Any Crochet Article 124—Beadwork 125—A Door Stopper (any medium) 126—An Article in Patchwork 127—A Handmade Article of Felted Wool 128—Handmade Decorated Box 129—Any item using recycled material 130—Black Work 131—A Gift for a Newborn Baby 132—An Embroidered Article

kindly donated by Teulu Bayliau in memory of Athe Silver late Mrs Perpetual Ray Williams Challenge to the Cupexhibitor who secures the greatest number of points. Eleri Thomas, Teras Victoria has kindly donated a to the person gaining the highest number of points in this section. Prize 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd 1 point; Special – 5 points.

91 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 92

         Am gyngor ddiduedd annibynnol ar amryw o faterion ariannol, yn cynnwys:          For unbiased independent advice on a variety of financial matters, including: - Investments  - Buddsoddiadau    - Pensions   - Pensiynau       - Retirement Planning    - Cynllunio Ymddeoliad          - Life Assurance    - Yswiriant bywyd       - Critical Illness Cover - Yswiriant salwch difrifol       - Income Protection      Cover - Yswiriant diogelwch incwm - Inheritance Tax Planning - Cynllunio treth etifeddiaeth       Gary Davies BSc    (Hons), Dip IP PFA •   Beca Russell BSc (Hons), MSc (Hons), Dip PFS         Mae’n bosib i werth     eich buddsoddiadau a’ch pensiwn    gostwng yn ogystal â chynyddu. Nid ydych yn sicr o gael eich buddsoddiad gwreiddiol yn ôl. !     "      It is possible for the value of your investments and pension to go down as well as up and you may not get back what you put in. !     "                      !            "               #       $ %        % &  %    & !            " #       $ %        % &  %    &WILLIAMS & BOURNE Cyfreithwyr Solicitors

Lampeter Office 1 Harford Square, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7HD Tel / 01570 422 206 • Fax / 01570 423 540 Llandysul Office 4/5 Bridge Street, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 4BA DX No 20025 LLANDYSUL Tel / 01559 363 244 • Fax 01559 363 733 [email protected] Not for service www.williamsandbourne.co.uk

92 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 93

Adran/Section 53—FFOTOGRAFFIAETH/PHOTOGRAPHY Beirniad/Judge—Irfon Williams, Bryneiddyg, Cwmann 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point. Dosbarth/Class: 133—Sunset 134—Winter Scene 135—A Newborn Animal 136—Black and White Wedding Photo 137—Coastal Scene 138—The Colour Blue 139—Reflection 140—Selfie Gwilym Price, Son & Daughters, College Street, Lampeter, has kindly donated a to the person gaining the highest number of points. Prize

Adran 54—PLANT YSGOL FEITHRIN A CHYNRADD Section 54—PRIMARY AND NURSERY SCHOOL CHILDREN Beirniad/Judge—Nerys Parry, Troedfoel, , Aberystwyth 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point.

141—PaintingMeithrin a Derbyn of an /animal Nursery (A4) & Reception 142—Decorated egg box 143—2 decorated digestive biscuits Margaret Davies Evans, Harford Row, Lampeter, has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize

144—DecoratedBlwyddyn 1 a 2 /wooden Years 1 spoon & 2 145—Handwriting ‘Mi welais Jac y Do’ 146—4 decorated rice crispy cakes

Haf Hughes has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize

147—DecoratedBlwyddyn 3 a 4 /pizza Years base 3 & packaging 4 (cardboard or polystyrene) 148—Handwriting ‘Sosban Fach’ 149—Funny face from recycled materials 150—Collage of leaves or natural materials 151—Create a Judge’s badge for Lampeter Show 152—Something new from something old Plant Ffosyffin, Cellan, Lampeter have kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize

93 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 94

GrenvilleBuilding Contractor D. Evans

Gwel-y-Bryn, North Road, Lampeter Ceredigion SA48 7HZ

Tel: 01570 423263 [email protected]

94 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 95

Beirniad/Judge—Nerys Parry, Troedfoel, Llanfarian

153—DecoratedBlwyddyn 5 a 6 /potato, Years uncooked5 & 6 154—Label 9 different leaves 155—Picnic for 2 156—Decorated toilet roll 157—An item of Lego (no kits) 158—Lampeter Show Poster – any medium, A4 Mrs Gwen Jones, Gelliddewi has kindly donated a to be presented to the winner. Prize Mrs Margaret Davies Evans, Harford Row, Lampeter has kindly donated a to the child gaining the highest number of points inSilver this PerpetualSection. Challenge Cup

Adran 55—PLANT YSGOL UWCHRADD Section 55—SECONDARY SCHOOL CHILDREN Beirniad/Judges—Eleri Jones, Bro Alaw, Maes Iwan, Ffosyffin, 1st, £5; 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. 1st, 3 points; 2nd 2 points; 3rd, 1 point; Special – 3 points.


159—AnyBlwyddyn Design7, 8 & 9/and Years Technology 7, 8 & 9 Outcome produced in year 7, 8 or 9 (Textile, RM or Graphics) 160—Self-portrait using your ICT Skills – iPad/Serif Draw Plus software 161—Design a personal logo – based on your hobbies and interests 162—Drawing and Painting 2D (paint, pencil, pastel, ink) 163—Creative 3D work (any media or mixed media) 164—Create a Collage based on nature Mrs Ann Jones, 11 Bro Silin, Cribyn, Lampeter has kindly donated a to the person gaining the highest number of points in this section. Prize


165—CreateBlwyddyn 10–13/ an Artefact Years (from10–13 any media or mixed media e.g. modroc, metal, clay, paper/card, lino, jewellery) 166—Produce a 2D Drawing/Painting (paint, pencil, pastel, ink) 167—Produce a Creative 3D outcome (any media or mixed media) 168—Create a Creative Photo Manipulation – please show original photo along with manipulation 169—Canvas outcome 170—Any Textile, RM or Graphics outcome Ann Williams, Cnwc-y-Fallen, Cellan has kindly donated a to the person gaining the highest number of points in this section. Prize kindly donated by Ros Jones to be presented to the person gainingA Silver the Perpetual highest number Cup of points in this section.

95 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 96

Mwy na brocer yswiriant. Mwy na yswiriant fferm. Cysylltwch â’ch Swyddog Gwasanaethu Yswiriant FUW lleol i gael pris personol. Gwasanaethau Yswiriant FUW 21 Stryd Fawr, Llanbedr01570 422556 Pont Steffan SA48 7BG


96 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 97

ADRAN ADDYSG ARBENNIG – CANOLFAN Y BONT Beirniad/Judge—Eleri Jones, Bro Alaw, Maes Iwan, Ffosyffin Dosbarth/Class 171—An Item of Craft 172—An Article made during School Term

173—Cookery Item CANOLFAN STEFFAN 174—Item of Craft Miss Sioned Green & Miss Mared Jones of ‘Mwnci Ffwnci’, Lampeter, has kindly donated a to the best exhibit in this class. Prize kindly donated by Cllr. K. and Mrs. C. Ramaya, Lampeter,A Silver Perpetual to the local Challenge person gaining Cup the highest number of points in the Produce Tent.

ADRAN CLYBIAU FFERMWYR IFANC/YOUNG FARMERS CLUBS SECTION Agored i Aelodau Ffermwyr Ifanc/Open to Young Farmers Members Beirniad/Judge—Mrs Eirios Thomas, Dyffryn Isaf, Llanfynydd, Carms

Section Sponsored by Dafydd a Delyth Jones, Pantry, Lampeter

1st, £5;Pabell/Tent 2nd, £3; 3rd, £2. Dosbarth/Class 1—4 Photographs of 2017 YFC Rally 2—Healthy Eating 3—Club Programme 4—Home-made Quiche 5—Floral – Buttonhole / Corsage 6—3 Decorated Gift tags 7—4 Decorated Cupcakes 8—2 Scotch Eggs will be presented to the person gaining the highest number of points in the aboveA Prize classes, kindly donated by Alaw, Huw and Rhys Jones, Cilerwisg, Maestir.

Bydd y Sioe ar agor i’r cyhoedd am 9.00 o’r gloch The Show opens to the public at 9.00 a.m.

FOOD HALL / NEUADD FWYD Contact Eleri Davies 01570 493313 • 07971 630050


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BEIRNIADU STOC/STOCK JUDGING 10—Barnu Gwartheg Godro/Dairy Stock Judging:

SponsorBeirniad/Judge Class 10 – Roy—Dion Thomas Davies, Farm Fron, Supplies, Britmilk, c/o Hywel Rees To be held on by kind permission of theMonday Davies 7thFamily. August, 2017 at Tynlofft, Silian at 7 p.m. a) under 18 b) under 26 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 Place and give reasons on one ring of cattle. kindly given by Mr Chris Evans, Ffynnonfair and Gareth Russell, Coedeiddig,A Prize will be awarded to the winner of each Class. 11—Barnu Gwartheg Bîff/Beef Judging:

SponsorBeirniad/Judge— Class 11 – AgriDafydd Lloyd Lewis, International Pentwyn, Ltd, Cwrt c/o y CadnoRhian Rees Cyf., 07866 904413 To be held on Tuesdayby kind 8thpermission August, of2017 the atHughes Cwmhendryd Family. at 7 p.m. jointly with Lamba) under Judging 18 b) under 26 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 Place and give reasons on one ring of Butchers Beef. kindly given by Mr Ian Evans, Esgairmaen and Mr Eiddig Jones, Gelli Ddewi willA Prize be awarded to the winner of each Class. in memory of Mr Lloyd Davies, Pontfaen, kindly donatedA Silver byPerpetual Mr & Mrs Challenge A. Hughes Cup and family, Cwmhendryd, will be presented to the competitor gaining the highest number of points in the Beef Section. A Replica will also be presented by Mr & Mrs Aeron Hughes. 12–Lamb Judging:

SponsorBeirniad/Judge: Class 12 – Mathew Haygates Brown, Ltd, c/o Llanpumpsaint Rhian Rees Cyf., 07866 904413 To be held on Tuesday 8thby August, kind permission 2017 at Cwmhendryd of the Hughes at Family. 7.30pm jointly withLambs Beef kindly Stock supplied Judging by Mr Gareth Jones, Cilerwisg, Felinfach. a) under 18 b) under 26 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £8, 4th £5 Place and give reasons on one ring of Butchers Lambs. given by Mr John Green, Blaenplwyf and Mr Andrew Williams, Ffos-coy will beA Prize awarded to the winner of each Class. 1st, 3 points; 2nd, 2 points; 3rd, 1 point. will be presented to the Club gaining the highest numberA Silver of Perpetual points, kindly Challenge donated Cup by the Lampeter Area YFC’s Centenary Committee. Mr Gareth Jones, Cilerwisg will donate a to be presented to the competitor gaining highest number of pointsSilver in all Perpetual YFC stock Cup judging competitions in memory of Mr D. T. Jones, Cilerwisg. 13— : Open Stock Judging Section (over 26 yrs) / Adran Barnu Stoc Agored (dros 26 oed) will be presented to the person with highest number of points in each open classA Shield kindly given by: Mrs Gwen Davies, Llys Aeron, Llanwnnen Dairy Class / Dosbarth Gwartheg GodroMrs– Ann Hughes, Cwmhendryd, Lampeter Beef Class / Dosbarth Gwarthegˆ Miss Biff Eira– Price, Gelliwrol, Cwmann. Lamb Class / Dosbarth Wyn – 99 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 100

Dydd Sadwrn – Saturday 9.00 – 10.00 Ffoniwch am apwyntiad o fewn oriau’r swyddfa Ring during office hours for an appointment

100 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 101


HeldDOG under Kennel ClubSHOW Rules at Show Field

A donation will be made to Equine Market Watch Judging commencing at . FREE ENTRY to ALL CLASSES2.00 p.m ALL CLASSES FOR DOGS AND BITCHES Judge: Mrs Wendy Phillips, Maes Gwyn, Saron, Llandysul, Carms

ClassClasses: 1 to 4 for Pedigree Dogs and Bitches 1. Any Variety Puppy (six to twelve months) 2. Any Variety Sporting (Hounds, Terriers and Gundogs) 3. Any Variety Non-Sporting (Working, Utility, Toys and Pastoral) 4. Any Variety Open

N.B.5. Best Winners Fancy ofDressed Classes Dog 1 to 4 must not compete in Classes 5 to 18. 6. Smooth or Short Coat 7. Rough or Long Coat 8. Best Conditioned Dog 9. Dog with the waggiest tail 10. Best Cross-bred Dog 11. Best Rescued Dog 12. Best Veteran (dog/bitch 7 years or over) 13. Best Child Handler (up to 11 years) 14. Best Child Handler (up to 16 years) 15. Best Lady or Gentleman Handler 16. Best Brace 17. Best opposite (two dogs as different as possible) 18. Dog the Judge would most like to take home. will be presented to the Best in Show kindly donatedA Silver by Perpetual J. C. Mills, Challenge Ffynnonfair. Cup is kindly given by Mattie andThe JohnGwenog Jones Kennels in memory Silver of Perpetual the late Challenge Mr & Mrs Cup John Owen Jones, Caellan, Llanwenog, Llanybydder for Any Variety Sporting. will be awarded to the following—Reserve Best in Show, Best in Novelty Classes,Cups Best Child Handler. will be awarded to the following: 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners, Best in Show, ReserveRossettes Best and Best Puppy in Show, Best and Reserve in Novelty Classes, Best Child Handler and Reserve Child Handler. Dog Show Rosettes kindly sponsored by Steffan Veterinary Services, High St., Lampeter. Enquiries to Sylvia Britt – 01570 471344

101 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 102

Ffôn / Phone: 01570 422305 Ffôn Symudol / Mobile: 07773 338048 Cysylltwch â / Contact – Gareth Jones

MOT Testing – Cars and Motorbikes

Prawf MOT Ceir a Beiciau Modur

Pob llwyddiant i Sioe Amaethyddol Llambed 2017!

102 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 103

PATRONS 2016 MrTeulu & MrsFfynnon Roy Thomas, fair: Llwynfallen, Pentrebach. Mr & Mrs G. Jones a’r teulu, Undergrove, Pentrebach. Mr & Mrs A. Hughes, Cwmhendryd. Mr & Mrs Jenkins, Tynffordd, Llanwnen. Mr & Mrs Richard Thomas, Talgrwn, Llanwnen. Mr E. Richards, Goedwig, Llanwnen Road. Mr Frost, Maestir Farm, Llanwnen. Mr & Mrs Gwilym Davies, Llys Aeron, Llanwnen. Teulu Beilicadarn, Llanwnen. C. Lewis, Gwarcoed Einon. Mrs Sue Page, Dwynant, Pentrebach. Williams Bros., Capeli, Cribyn. Teulu Blaenwaun Isaf. Mr John Evans, Bank Hall, Llanwnen Rd. Mr David Williams, Dolaugwyrddion Isaf. Teulu Pantyderi, Pentrebach. Teulu Ffrwd, Llanwnen. Mr J. Jones, Penpompren, Llanwnen. Ken Gas, Gwel y Cwm, Llanwnen. Mr & Mrs L. Thomas, Fronbedr, Pentrebach. Teulu Brynamlwg, Llanwnen. Teulu Ffynnonfair, Pentrebach. Teulu Derwen Deg, Pentrebach. Mr John & Mrs Avril Jones, Troedybryn, Llanwnen. Mr Keith & Mrs Bethan Evans, Pant-yr-Awel, Rhydowen. Mr Iwan & Mrs Sian Jenkins a’r teulu, Tyllwyd, Maestir. Mr & Mrs J. Thomas, Tudor Hall, Pentrebach. Teulu Maesmynach, Cribyn. Teulu Penbryn a Penrhiw, Cribyn. T. Davies, Frondolau. Teulu Bwlchmawr. Teulu Castell Du, Llanwnen. Teulu Jenkins, Llysfaen Uchaf, Llanwnen. Mr & Mrs D. S. Davies, Gerynant, Drefach. Teulu Ffosffald, Drefach, Llanybydder. Mrs M. Hughes, Pantdderwen, Llanwnen. Teulu Glanyrafon, Pentrebach. Mrs Gwyneth Evans, Glyn Hir, Pentrebach, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Andrew Jones, Cwmgwyn, Pentrebach, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Selwyn Walters, Lynwood, Lampeter. Geoff & Sandra Lane, Gelli Lon, Pentrebach, Lampeter. Mr Dafydd a Mrs Sioned Mills, Pencwm, Rhydowen. Teulu Meysydd, Drefach. Teulu Lowtre, Llanwnen. Teulu Gwarcoed, Maestir. Mr & Mrs M. Grant, Plas Bach. Ceri & Sian, Ty’n Berllan, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs A. Flexman, Caeglas. Teulu Abertegan, Brynteg.

103 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 104


Aerial and Satellite T.V. Domestic Appliances Installation, servicing and repairs

Unit 14, Lampeter Industrial Estate, Tregaron Road, Lampeter SA48 8LT

Tel: 01570 422621 email: [email protected]

104 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 105

Teulu Hendryd, Llanwnen. Teulu Rhydybannau, Cribyn. Chris & Sian Thomas, Pwllybilwg Bungalow. Teulu Pwllybilwg. Teulu Llechwedd Deri Uchaf.

MrDelyth & Mrs Jones/David R. Jones, 14 Jones: Penbryn, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Stuart Lloyd, Fish & Chips, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Tim Jones, Llainwen, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs E. J. James, Mark Lane Bakery, Lampeter. Cllr. Dorothy Williams, Blodfryn, Lampeter. Random Collection, Bridge Street, Lampeter. Davies & Potter, Vet. Surgeon, Bridge Street, Lampeter. J. H. Williams & Sons, High Street, Lampeter. Messrs Williams & Bourne, Solicitors, Lampeter. Mr Julian Evans, Brynllys, Lampeter. Roberts Garden Centre, Lampeter. Mr Timothy Evans, Llanfair Fawr, Llanfair. Mr G. Price, Dresden House, College Street, Lampeter. Mrs Margaret Jones JP, Glanhelen, Lampeter. Jenkins of Farmers, Industrial Estate, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs D. Lloyd Jones, Cedars, North Road, Lampeter. Cllr Hag Harries, Lampeter. Patterson, Jones & Evans, College Street, Lampeter. Mr John Green, Nantgwyn, Llanfair Road. Huw Davies, Brymeddyg, Lampeter. Eryl Jones, Gerlan, Barley Mow, Lampeter. Miss Nerys Lloyd, Jeweller, Lampeter. Miss Sian Lewis, Snaresbrook, London. Mr & Mrs P. Lodwig, Cwmann. Mr Tony Hall, Jones Bros., Lampeter. Mr Alun Williams, Pedr Financial Services, Lampeter. Lloyds Chemist, Lampeter. Mr Graham Howells, Grahams Tyres, Cwmann, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs D. Jenkins, Castell, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Alun M. Evans, Trem y Dyffryn, Talsarn, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Emyr Jones, Hollies, North Road, Lampeter. Mr Aled Davies, NFU, Cwmann, Lampeter. Cllr. Ivor Williams, Lampeter. Mr John Morgan, 4 Maesyfelin, Lampeter. Mr D. Edwards, Carpet Corner, Lampeter. Mr Daniel Rees, Mount Pleasant, Lampeter. Mr I. Thomas, Maes Isaf, Llanfair, Lampeter. Mrs E. Evans, Nantymedd, Llanfair, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Gwyn Lewis, Carpet Shop, Bridge Street, Lampeter. Mr Adrian Thomas, Chemist, High Street, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs D. B. Jones, Llanfair Fach, Llanfair. G. & M. Buses, Pontfaen Garage, Lampeter. J. P. Improvement, Lampeter.

105 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 106

106 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 107

Mrs J. Jones, Fronowen, Maestir Rd., Lampeter. Mr Ian Evans, Esgairmaen, Llanfair, Lampeter. Mr J. P. Davies, Bryncastell, Lampeter. Mrs J. Jones, Llwyn, Llanfair. Mr & Mrs D. Jones, Llwynieir, Lampeter. Mr Haydn Thomas, Bryndewi, Bryn Rd., Lampeter. Brondeifi Garage, Llanfair Road. Roy Heathe, Lampeter. D. D. Evans, Service Garage.

MargaretMr G. W. Dalton Hicks: OBE, Gelligarneddau, Llangybi. Alan Griffiths, Olmarch Isaf, Llangybi. Mr D. T. & C. H. Davies, Mini-Mix, Llangybi. Mr & Mrs G. Hicks, Pwllglas, Llangybi. Mr & Mrs Holgate, Lluest, Llangybi. Mr Odwyn & Mrs Ann Davies, Olmarch Fawr, Llangybi.

Mr &Eiddig Mrs G. Jones: J. Jones, Derlwyn, Pencarreg. Teulu Blaencarreg, Pencarreg. Mr T. E. Price, Gelliwrol, Cwmann a Morgan Hedd. Mr & Mrs Eiddig Jones, Gelliddewi Uchaf, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs Graham Evans, Felinfach, Cwmann. Mr I. and Mrs. M. Williams, Dolgwm Isaf, Cwmann. Mr Hefin Price, Caemawr, Esgairdawe. Mr & Mrs D. J. Evans, Blaenbidernin Isaf, Pencarreg. Mr Dewi Evans, Blaenbidernin Uchaf, Pencarreg. Mr & Mrs Ronnie Roberts, Brynview, Cwmann. Mrs Verina Roberts, Gelli Aur, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs Gareth Russell, Coedeiddig Fawr, Cwmann. Mrs Sian Jones a’r teulu, Bryndolau, Cwmann. Mr Rody Rees, Ogwen, Bryn Road, Lampeter. Mrs Ruthie Williams, Penlon, Lampeter. Mr Ieuan Lewis, Maesyderi, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs W. Edwards, Ddeunant, Cwmann. Mr Eifion Evans, Tower Hill, Pencarreg. Hugh & Eira, Gelli, Brynsteffan, Lampeter. Mr & Mrs Emyr Jacobs, Frondeg, Pencarreg. Mr A. Morgan, Cwmtrebeddau, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs I. Griffiths, Pant-fyd, Esgairdawe. Mr & Mrs D. J. Davies, Wernfraith, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs Gary Evans, Nantyboncath, Alltwalis. Mrs Sarah Humphries Jones, Frongelli, Alltyblaca. Mr & Mrs Dave Smith and Lucy, Tancoedeiddig, Cwmann. Dylan & Bethan Jones, Beilibedw, Llanllwni. Mr Aled Thomas, c/o Evans Bros.

MrAndrew & Mrs & Wynford Bleddyn Thomas, Williams: Pantygwin, Cellan. Miss Eirios Jones, Felindre Uchaf. Mr Lyn Jones, Dolhyfryd. 107 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 108

Visit us at RWAS 2017*

108 93914_Lampeter_Show_2017:41616_Lampeter_Show2005 11/4/17 10:50 Page 109

Mr & Mrs Douglas Tomlin, Wern. Mr A. Davies, Llwynifan, Cellan. Mr & Mrs Elgan Jones & Emily, Coedmore Hall, Cellan. Mr & Mrs B. Williams, Cnwc y Fallen, Cellan. Mr Rhys Williams, Bayliau, Cellan. Mr Glyndwr Jones, Y Glyn, Cwmann. Mr & Mrs Andrew Jones, Glanhathren, Cwmann. Mr David Davies, Pensingrug, Cellan. Mr Gareth Harries, Llain Delyn, Cellan. Mr Ted Carter, Crud yr Awel, Cellan. Mr & Mrs A. Davies, Pentre, . Mr Andrew Williams, Glannant Coy, Cellan. Mr Geraint Williams, Tangaer, Cellan. Mr Walter Evans, Gelli Llanycrwys. Mr Glan James (Humber Palmers), Llwynon, 11 Heol Cennen, Ffairfach. Mr & Mrs Aynsley, Troedyrhiw, Cribyn.

Mr &David Mrs T.Davies: Jones, Derigoch, Silian. Mr David a Gwen Davies, Gwarffynnon, Silian. Mr John a Mair Davies, Tynlofft, Silian. Mr Elgan Hughes, Bodawel, Lampeter. Mr. D. Thomas, Maesfforest, Llangybi.

GarethMr Gareth Jones, Jones: Cilerwisg, Maestir. Mr Hefin Davies, Brynog Home Farm, Felinfach. Mr Bryn Hughes, Cwmere, Felin Fach. Mr Ieuan James, Aelybryn, Heol Maestir, Llambed. Mr Peter Price, 11 Parcyrhudd, . Mr Ivor Watkins, Gelli, Temple Bar. Miss Hâf Hughes, Cwmere. Mr A. Toody, Bryn, Temple Bar. Mr & Mrs M. Gee, Llanllyr Farm, Talsarn. Mr K. Davies, Cefnystrad, Felinfach. Mr & Mrs D. Jones, Penrheol, Talsarn. Gareth ac Alun Davies, Glanwern, Felinfach. Glyn a Geraint Davies, Lloyd Jack, Felinfach.

The Chairman and Members of Lampeter Show Committee are most grateful to all Sponsors, Advertisers, Patrons, Competitors, Judges, Stewards and everyone who has contributed in any way towards the success of the 2017 Show. Without the support of you, the Competitors, and the general public our Show would not go on “WE THANK YOU” – “DIOLCH YN FAWR”

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Melin Mark Lane Mill Hefyd yn/Also at: Llanbedr Pont Steffan/Lampeter Broneb Stores Ceredigion SA48 7AG Pumsaint, Llanwrda LLANYBYDDER LIVESTOCK MART 01558 650215 Tel: 01570 422540 Tel: Fax: 01570 423644 Sheep www.wdlewis.co.uk Every Monday throughout the year West Wales Horse Sale Every last Thursday of every month

Store Cattle Sales 2nd Saturday of every month plus Autumn Fairs

Property Sales, Farm Sales, Furniture Sales regularly. Property of all description always available and required.

** Proudly selling since 1985 ** 93914_Lampeter_Clawr_2017:Layout 1 11/4/17 11:05 Page 1

Cymdeithas Amaethyddol Llanbedr Pont Steffan Lampeter Agricultural Society

Chartered Surveyors, Surveys, Home Buyer 129 Reports, Condition Reports, Valuation and Property Advice SIOE FLYNYDDOL ANNUAL SHOW Dydd Gwener, 11 Awst, 2017 Friday, 11 August, 2017

Affiliated to Wales and Border Counties Agricultural & Horse Shows Association The Welsh Pony and Cob Society The Arab Horse Society . The Shire Horse Society The Welsh Black Cattle Society 4 2

Schedule of Events www.lampetershow.co.uk www.sioellambed.co.uk Contact: Secretary – Mr I. Williams Dolgwm Isaf, Pencarreg, Llanybydder SA40 9QN www.morgananddavies.co.uk Tel/Fax: 01570 422370 • Mobile 07976 500612 e-mail: [email protected]