January 2018

January 7th, 2018 22 men and 8 women

NBC's with :4 men and 2 women  Michael Woldd (M)  David Brooks (M)  Danielle Pletka (W)  Joy Reid (W)  Mark Leibovich (M)  Sen. (M)

CBS's Face the Nation with John Dickerson: 5 men and 2 woman  Dir. Mike Pompeo (M)  Sen. (M)  Tom Donilon (M)  Frm. Gov. Haley Barbour (W)  Ramesh Ponnuru (M)  Mike Allen (M)  Molly Ball (W)  ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos: 5 men and 2 women  (W)  Matt Schlapp (M)  Roland Martin (M)  Amb. Nikki Haley (W)  Preet Bharara (M)  Sen. (M)  Sen. Tom Cotton (M)

CNN's State of the Union with : 4 men and 0 women  Steven Miller (M)  Rep. Adam Schiff (M)  Mark McKinnon (M)  Michael Caputo (M)

Fox News' Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: 4 men and 2 women  Dir. Mike Pompeo (M)  (M)  Karl Rove (M)  Rachael Bade (W)  Julie Pace (W)  Guy Benson (M)

January14th, 2018 20 men and 10 women

NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd:4 men and 1 women  Sen. Rand Paul (M)  Sen. Michael Bennet (M)  Frm. Amb. Andrew Young (M)  David Brody (M)  Helen Cooper (W);

CBS's Face the Nation with John Dickerson: 5 men and 2 woman  Sen. Tom Cotton (M)  Sen. Cory Gardner (M)  Sen. Joe Manchin (M)  Susan Page (W)  Amy Walter (W)  Jonah Goldberg (M)  Jamelle Bouie (M)

ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos: 5 men and 1 women  Rep. John Lewis (M)  Sen. David Perdue (M)  Sen. Jeff Flake (M)  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (W)  Rich Lowry (M)  Patrick Gaspard (M)

CNN's State of the Union with Jake Tapper: 2 men and 4 women  Frm. Gov. Terry McAuliffe (M)  Rep. Mia Love (W)  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (W)  Karine Jean-Pierre (W)  Carlos Gutierrez (M)  Neera Tanden (W)

Fox News' Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: 4 men and 2 women  Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen (W)  AG Xaview Bacerra (M)  Marc Lotter (M)  Adrienne Elrod (W)  John Bussey (M)  Derrick Dockery (M)

January 21st, 2018 18 men and 6 women

NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd:  Data Not Available

CBS's Face the Nation with John Dickerson: 5 men and 1 woman  Spkr. Paul Ryan (M)  Dir. Mick Mulvaney (M)  Sen. Richard Durbin (M)  Ruth Marcus (W)  Jeff Goldberg (M)  Ben Domenech (M)

ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos: 5 men and 3 women  Marc Short (M)  Sen. Richard Durbin (M)  Rep. Luis Gutierrez (M)  Rep. Mark Meadows (M)  Julie Pace (W)  Marc Lotter (M)  (W)  Meghan McCain (W)

CNN's State of the Union with Jake Tapper: 3 men and 1 women  Dir. Mick Mulvaney (M)  Sen. Rand Paul (M)  Sen. Bernie Sanders (M)  Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan (W)

Fox News' Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: 5 men and 1 women  Dir. Mick Mulvaney (M)  Sen. Chris Coons (M)  Michael Needham (M)  Charles Lane (M)  Frm. Rep. Jane Harman (W)  Josh Holmes (M)

January 28th, 2018 18 men and 10 women

NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd: 4 men and 1 women  Rep. Kevin McCarthy (M)  Sen. Joe Manchin (M)  Heather McGhee (W)  Rich Lowry (M)  Robert Gates (M)

CBS's Face the Nation with John Dickerson: 5 men and 4 woman  Sen. Susan Collins (W)  Sen. Bernie Sanders (M)  Rep. Will Hurd (M)  Rep. Pete Aguilar (M)  Marc Short (M)  Jennifer Jacobs (W)  Dan Blaz (M)  Rachael Bade (W)  Sen. Tammy Duckworth (W)

ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos: 3 men and 2 women  Sen. Lindsey Graham (M)  Ken Starr (W)  Kelly Ward (W)  Rep. Steve Pearce (M)  Rep. Vincent Gonzalez (M)

CNN's State of the Union with Jake Tapper: 2 men and 2 women  Sen. Susan Collins (W)  Sen. Joe Manchin (M)  David Urban (M)  Linda Chavez (W)

Fox News' Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: 4 men and 1 women  Marc Short (M)  Catherine Lucey (W)  Karl Rove (M)  Frm. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (M)  Rep. Trey Gowdy (M)