Opensolaris: Getting Involved Jim Grisanzio Sr
USE IMPROVE EVANGELIZE OpenSolaris: Getting Involved Jim Grisanzio Sr. Program Manger, OpenSolaris Engineering Sun Microsystems Tokyo, Japan The OpenSolaris Community in India 2 3 4 5 6 Your voice matters. Express it. 7 Having your voice listened to is a privilege, not a right, and it's a privilege that's earned in proportion to the contribution level, not the volume level. – Alan Burlison 8 Defining Contributions Code, Scripts, Tests, Help, Presentations, User Groups, Conference Management, Language Portals, Translations, University Courses, Graphics, Ads, Training Materials, Screencasts, Videos, Genunix Wiki, Evangelism, Docs, Articles, Blogs, Podcasts, Development Process, Tutorials, Input Methods, Feedback, SCM, Emancipation, DTS, Ksh93, Distributions, Books, Ports, Governance 9 The Secret Contributing to OpenSolaris is personal. It's based on establishing a trust relationship. 10 Working the Secret ● There are no short cuts. It takes time. ● Take the initiative. Assert yourself. Find a Community Group or Project. Join the list, observe, introduce yourself, ask questions, start small. Skills match? Offer to do something concrete: fix something, update something, translate something. Get a commitment. Go and do that something. Actually do it. Ask leaders to walk you through a contribution process. No process? Write one. No leaders? Be one. ● Groups: ● Projects: 11 The Issue ● What we want Creative and motivated people who write code and words and who can organize, test, design, evangelize, whatever. ● The problem No single method of engaging. No single access point. Lots of info spread throughout.
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