A358 to Southfields dualling scheme


Thank you for taking an interest in our proposals to upgrade the A358 between the M5 at Taunton and the A303 at Southfields Roundabout.

The improvement is needed to relieve congestion, support economic growth and improve the safety performance of one of the busiest stretches of the A303 / A358 corridor that connects the south west to London and the south east.

The purpose of this consultation is to:

„„ Inform the local communities and stakeholders about our scheme proposals and route options

„„ Provide the opportunity for feedback on matters that can inform the decision-making on the preferred route

„„ Build on the responses received in last year’s consultation, specifically gathering more information about where any new sections of road should go and how they should tie into the existing A358

The consultation will run from 16 January – 27 February 2018

Highways – Creative BSR18_0001 98 A6





A189 A696



8 A105




A18 5 4 89 A6 A6 A69 8 0 A129 86 A6 A1231 A689 A692

A694 A690 A693



A69 A596 1 A690 A182 5 A59

A68 A181 A1086

A690 A689


A591 A594 A686 A177


A689 9 A68

A178 A5091 A177

A592 A6 8 A5086 A68 A66


A591 A67


A6 A172





A6 A171

A683 A685 A6136 A591

A5074 A684

A593 A684 A169 A595 A684 A592 A684 A167 A5084


A65 A170 2 A509 A6108 A683 A170

A595 A5093 A65

A169 A1039


A68 7 A165 A19

A683 A168




A166 A59 A59 A65 A59 A1237




A6 A629 A658 A165 A588 A61

A6034 A614 A682 A659 A659

A58 A1035 A56 A586

A59 A650 A6068 A64 A6 A19 A163 A1034 A586

A614 A59 A583 A6033 A63 A162 A164 A677 A646 A1041

A642 A656 A63 A584 A68 A671 A639 A6 A19

A682 A645 A1033

A61 A6 A645

A59 A614 A681 A675 A666 A565 A161


A58 A1077 A640 628 A A581 A614 A640 A672 A639 A642 A 660 A15

61 A A676

A19 A640 A62 A A5106 A58 A636 628 A638 A18 A5209 A663 A18 A49 A6027 A672 A565 A58 A5147 A58 A666 A18

A577 A6 A635 A18 A6053 A664 A59 A58 A635 A616 A635 A577 A576 A6024 A628 A630 A630 A667 A1084

A6 A627 A570 A577 A46



A579 A6 A629 A572 A18 A5207 A571 A62 A6010 A159 A1031 A506

A580 A580 A161 A635 A630


A574 A5103 A57 A15 A580 A6102 A16 A6 A5058 A58 A560 A61

A551 A569 A57 A631

A570 A34 A631 A626 A57 A631 A1031 A57 A6144 A57

A5300 A5080 A56 A5 149 A552 A557 A50 A620 A157 A533 A157 A551 A6 A56 A50 A57 A5137 A538 A625 A41 A6135 A1104 A559 A523 A6187 A557 A533 A46 A540

A49 A34 A623 A1500 A538 A156 A153 A16 A619 A1111 A57 A621 A61

17 A533 A614 A158 A51 A6 A158 A46 1 A60 A537 6 A1028 A50 A6 A57 A619 A52 A41 A56 A34 A619 A632 A556 A616 A535 A6075 A54 A54 A536 A1133 A158 A515 A6 A617 A6075

A51 A61 A617 A54 A50 A6175 A51 A15 A155 A632 A616 A523 A53 A527

A41 A34 A5012


A51 A617 A16 A534 A38 A153 A6

A49 A534 A60 A5020 A607 A534 A534 A523 A17 A53

A500 A52 A358 A614 A610 A531 A606 A52 A611 A51 A6097 A517 A529 A60

A6211 A6 A1121 Taunton to A530 SouthfieldsA52 duallingA52 scheme A149 A608 A153 A17

A609 A6096 A522


5 A16 A52 A600 A41 A148 A52 A52 A515 A606 A495 A6 A152 A149 A516 A51 11 05 A60 A15 A149


A17 A511 A5 A49 132 A607 A148 A519 A528 A442 A6006 A606 A60 A151 A151

A51 A53 A1078 A495 A140 A513 A511 A151 A514 Background and need A515 A1067 A444 A518 A512 A1065 A1 A149 062 A41

A34 A15 A149

A518 A51 A6121 A1151 A449 A513 A16 A1101 A460 A6 A458 A511 A1073 A5223 A606 A1064 A607 A134 A5

A458 A10 0


A606 A1 A14 A1042 A447 A1175 7 The A303 / A358 corridor provides vital east-west connectivityA444 A563

A51 A6 A1122 A11 A563 A1122 A1065

A607 A488 A47 A47 A15 A4169 A464 A452 A6121 A442 A1075 between the south west and London and the southA34 east, however, A461 A4124 A449 A47 A146 A41 A460 A453 A5127


462 A51 A47 A563 A490 A1139 A454 A4091 A6 A605 A1101 A458 A41 A10 A459 A4123 there are problems along the route. A6003 0 A454 A43 A134 A449

A14 A143 A458 A47 A T1 449 A5127 M1 M42 1 16 A146 A489 13 A461 1 6 5 4a 8 A427 Dudley M5 A141 A426 A605 A4101 2 A4123 A427 7a A444 Corby

A4540 7 4 3a M69 A145 14A45 A1(M) A444 A5 Birmingham 3 A1065 A143 A446 M6 20 There are several single carriageway sections where road users A144 A488 3 Stourbridge 6 A45 A4304 A43 15 A435 A 2 A1066 A441 41 A6 A6116 A1101 A442 A45 16 A14 M6 300 1 A4 A491 5 Coventry 19 A38 A508 A142 A1095 suffer congestion and long delays. The problems areA34 even worse at A426 Kettering A14 A46 15 14 A1088 M42 A452 A428 A141 A4117 4 4 A4113 A4141 A45 Rugby M42 A45 A14 A1123 2 A6 A1 4a 1 3 A423 18 A134 A143 A4110 A456 3a A510 A12 NORTHAMPTONSHIREA509 A448 peak holiday times during the summer months and on weekends, A5199 Bromsgrove 16 A14 A435 17 A1101 A38 A445 M45 A142 A448 Royal A456 M5 A4023 A46 A45 Redditch M40 A4177 Leamington A43 A426 A1 A10 Spa A5 A428Northampton A14 WORCESTERSHIRE5 A4508 when over an hour can be added toA443 a typical journey between A4133 A49 A4189 A425 A4112 A448 A452 A425 A45 A1120 15 14 A1303 A428 A1303 A45 A6 14 A1307 A3400 13 A1309 A441 A435 A A1094 16 A5076 13 1303 London and the south west. A429 A44 A428 BEDFORD A1198 A1304 A44 6 15a

A422 A439 12 A1134 A44 12 15 A603 Bedford A143 A46 A422 A423 A4111 Worcester 7 A4112 A12 A4440 M1 A509 A10

A417 A134 WARWICKSHIREA3400 A361 MILTON A603 A44 A1307 A480 A4103 M40 A422 A1141 A1156 A508 KEYNES In recognition of this and the harmful effects to the south west’s A421 A1 A1214 A465 A438 A505 A1017 A1092 A449 A5 A1071 A4104 A6 214 A1156 A43 A600 A1 A4184 A422 A413 A44 11 A422 A6001 14 CENTRAL A134 A438 A429 economy, the Government’s Road Investment Strategy: 2015-2020Banbury A422 A509 Hereford A449 A4104 8 BEDFORDSHIRE A505 Milton Keynes A421 1 13 A438 A5130 A507 A422 A507 A A600 15 COUNTY OF A10 A417 10 A422 4

A137 HEREFORDSHIRE A3400 A1017 A4012 (RIS) sets out the intention to transform connectivity by upgrading the A5102 A44 2 9 A421 A1124 A131 A465 A421 A361

A449 A435 A4146 9 A505 A424 12 A507 A466 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE A137 A49 A449 A4421 A413 A5102 M50 A417 M5 10 A1(M) A1124 A303 / A358 corridor to a high quality dual carriageway from the M3 A505 A1017 A5 8 4 3 A38 10 A4019 Luton Stevenage A4012 34 A1124 A137 Cheltenham 11 A4260 A505 7 A120 11 A424 A4095 A505 A602 motorway to the M5 motorway at Taunton. A40 A418 A436 A44 A40 A40 A361 A133 A40 A41 10a 9 A41 Dunstable A602 11a A4146 10 A436 A1081

A119 A131 Gloucester A38 A40 6 A1184 9 A1060 A4151 A4136 A435 A41 A119 A48 Aylesbury A413 A130 A41 5 A4173 A46 A4095 A414 A417 Hemel A414

12 A418 A1000 A40 A40 St Albans 4 Welwyn Hempstead A5183

A429 A4165 A4144 Garden 16 7 A10 10 A programme of improvement schemes has been identified along A Oxford A105 A4147 City GLOUCESTERSHIRE A4129 8 A1169 13 A414 3 A415 7 A40 A418 A414 2 A361 A413 A41 A414 A1170 A4142 8a A48 A38 A4146 A419 A414 A414 A34 8 21 A1016 A414 7 A4010 6a 21a 22 the A303 / A358 corridor to improve journeys to and from the south A416 6 A130 20 A5183 A419 OXFORDSHIREA4095 23 A128 A420 A40 A41 24 25 A417 M40 19 A1 1 26 M25 A113 A329 5 A405 A46

6 10 A415 A4074 High A west. The first 3 currently A48 under development are: 5 A404 18 M1 A132 A4135 Wycombe A355 17 4 A129 A433 A429 A404

14 A361 A338 A40 A129 A406 A128 A176 M48 A5 12 A132 2 A420 M25 A410 A A46 4 2 A406 A419 A4130 3 4 A1015 A38 M5 A417 A12 A127 1 M48 A4185 2 A4311 A404 A127 A127 Swindon A40 A1159 A4130 A406 A13 1 A13 M4 A4155 16 M4 21 SOUTH A417 A41 22 1a 1 A308(M) A406 20 A3102 A5 1. A358 Taunton to SouthfieldsGLOUCESTERSHIRE M4 A40 A13 A130 16 15 A4074 A1014 M49A403 16 Slough A46 A34 M5 A40 17 A432 15 9b 7a30 A38 17 A3102 A4 7 M4 Avonmouth 19 A346 9a 18a 1 WEST 8 6 15 A4 18 26 9 4b 4 3 2 1 18 21 A404(M) 5

A350 A BERKSHIRE 4a 2. A303 Sparkford to Ilchester4018 M32 M4 Reading A4 M4 A207 A228 19 A4 2 A46 A4361 29 14 M25 A4 A420 A338 M4 A250 A369 3 A420 A4174 A3113 A30 14 13 A330 13 12 28 A30 A226 Bristol A342 10 20 A431 A4 A4 A316 A4 1 A4 A4 A2 3. A303 Stonehenge: Amesbury to Berwick Down Newbury 5 11 12 A28 4 A4 A365 2 M3

A370 A38 A346 56 A2 A299 A299 2 A431 A322 M3 A 27 A327 A321 11 A37 A36 A363 NORTH A3 A228 A299 21 3 A227 A225



Bath A224 A320 A2 WILTSHIRE A338 A290 A28 Weston-super-Mare BATH AND A361 Woking A36 A33 10 A368 A340 A257 A339 4 9 NE SOMERSET A367 A233 9 A25 4a A322 A23 A342 A247 M25 A251 A34 A30 A217 7 A366 Basingstoke A320 A37 A3 A361 7 A343 5 8 8 6 A25 6 A20 A252 Aldershot A256 A362 A345 SURREY A371 A350 A342 A26

A338 A361 A287 A28 22 A3098 A31 A217

A39 A23 A303 Guildford A227 A274 A39 A360 A3093 7 M23 A258 A25 A24 A362 8 A38 A303 A228 A3057

HAMPSHIRE A23 A22 A3123 A39 A281 A287 A361 A359 A31 A229 A260 23 A343 A339 9a 9 A39 A350 M3 A39 A39 A361 A36 3 A399 A29

A2 10 A325 A264 A361 A28 Crawley 9 A3 5 A272 A360 3 A338 A2 A262 A30 10a A20 A396 A358 Bridgwater 24 A37 A33 11 A264 A26 SOMERSET A267 A371 9 A29 A30 A361 A36 Winchester A31 A268 Taunton Salisbury 10 A283 A281 A38 A272 A259 A372 A3057 11 A23

A338 A361 25 A3090 A32 A286 A272 A272 A265 A39 A378 A30 A27 12 A28 A37 A354 2 A29 A38 26 A358 A359 13 A24 A22 14 A267 A3088 4 A30 5 A275 1 A350 2 3 WEST A281 M27 A2100 A361 1 1 A273 27 Yeovil A26 A3124 A38 1 24 7 SUSSEX A283 A388 A356 A357 2 A285 A3030 A3(M) A271 A21 8 A269 M5 M271 A3 A286 A386 A30 A31 M27 A22 A303 Havant A283 A27 A259 A37 3 9 Chichester A23 A377 28 10 A27 SouthamptonA337 4 A326 11 A270 A396 A27 5 A35 A270 A352 12 A259 A3072 A356 A2270 A3066 DORSET A3023 A27 A259 A26 A22 A3072 Fareham A259 A373 A30 A32 A27 A259 A3072 A350 Brighton A259 A358 Littlehampton Worthing

A354 A338 A259 A288 A286 Bognor Regis A3079 A348 Portsmouth25 A30 Exeter A35 Poole A35 A35 29 A3049 A375 A3052 A350 A35 30 A35 A338 A35 Bournemouth A3054 31 23 Newport A354 CORNWALL A376 A352 22 A395 ISLE OF A386 A379 A351

A382 A353 WIGHT © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649 A3055

A39 A388

A30 A380 A38 Weymouth A303 / A358 route corridor schemes in RIS period 2015-2020 Numbered unitary areas: A389

A379 21 CITY OF BRISTOL A39 A38 A390 A386 Torquay 22 POOLE Plymouth 23 BOURNEMOUTH A3059 TORBAY

A392 24 CITY OF A385 Paignton SOUTHAMPTON A391 A38 A387 A3058 25 CITY OF PORTSMOUTH A3122

A3075 A379 A390

A381 A39 CITY OF A30 PLYMOUTH A379 A39 A393

A3074 A3078

A3071 Falmouth Penzance A394 A30


Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Scheme objectives

„„ Capacity: Reduce delays and queues that occur during peak hours and at seasonal times of the year

„„ Safety: Improve safety along the route corridor and along the A358 Taunton to Southfields route for pedestrians, cyclists and other non-motorised users

„„ Environment: Avoid unacceptable impacts on the surrounding natural and historic environment and landscape and optimise opportunities for enhancement

„„ Local communities: Reduce community separation and promote opportunities for improving their quality of life

„„ Connectivity: Improve the connectivity of the south west to the rest of the UK, to reduce detachment and improve business and growth prospects

„„ Resilience: Improve journey time reliability and provide extra capacity to make it easier to manage traffic when incidents occur

„„ Support economic growth: Facilitate growth in jobs and housing by providing a free-flowing and reliable connection between the south east and the south west

All the potential options for the scheme have been assessed against economic, social and environmental criteria relating to these objectives, which is how we have arrived at the 3 options being presented for this public consultation.

Further information about the options is set out in the updated Technical Appraisal Report which can be read or downloaded from our website, www.highways.gov.uk/Taunton-to-Southfields.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Shortlisting the options

We have considered a wide range of route options for upgrading the A358 between Taunton and Southfields. To make sure we get to the best solution we first identified all the feasible options and then gradually narrowed them down following the broad steps set out below:

Step 1 – Option identification and sifting

From our early appraisal, 28 potential options were identified for improving the A358, with an additional route evolving through the design process. The options considered included routes using the existing road in part or full, as well as entirely new routes across open landscape. These options were appraised against economic, social and environmental criteria and were reduced to 4 options.

Note: In deciding to create a high quality dual carriageway to the south west via the A358, the Government decided not to pursue the alternative A303 / A30 corridor from Ilminster to Honiton and Exeter. This section of A303 / A30 passes through the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the impacts of large-scale road-building were deemed unacceptable within the AONB. Therefore, this alternative was not considered as part of this scheme. Instead smaller-scale improvements will be pursued along this section to improve safety and journey quality for road users.

Step 2 – Appraisal of shortlisted options

The 4 shortlisted options were appraised in greater detail as set out in the technical appraisal report (TAR, dated April 2017) which was published at the time of the 2017 consultation. From these 4 options, one was discounted on environmental grounds, because the new route would run west of the existing road through a tranquil area near the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would harm a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Step 3 – Selection of options for the initial consultation

From the 3 remaining options, we chose one option for the public consultation in 2017. This led to community members and stakeholders indicating that they would like to see more options for connecting the new road with the M5 motorway.

Step 4 – Review of options following consultation

We considered carefully the consultation feedback and concluded that it would be beneficial to carry out further consultation on more route options before selecting a preferred route. We have updated the technical appraisal report accordingly, to explain the sifting that has been undertaken from the original 28 options to arrive at the options now being consulted on. To support this, we have made the information which has informed this process, such as traffic levels, possible junction layouts, journey times and comparative assessments, more accessible.

Step 5 – Selection of options for further consultation

The above steps have led to our decision to undertake this further non-statutory public consultation on 3 selected options for upgrading the A358 from Taunton to Southfields.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Proposed options

We are presenting 3 options for connecting the upgraded A358 with the M5 motorway and for providing access into Taunton.

Taunton J25

Nexus Henlade 25 M5 Haydon B A358 D A C A378 Ash F Shoreditch Curry Mallet

West Hatch E Lane Orchard West Hatch Portman Thurlbear


Hatch Beauchamp Section1

A358 Stewley Key Ilton Pink option and Pink only junctions Kenny Blue option and Blue only junctions Ashill G Orange option and Orange only junctions G Rapps Possible junctions shared by options A G H E Windmill Hill Possible junction locations F B C D A303 Ancient woodland Hastings

Residential area

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Broadway

Proposed strategic employment site H

Diagrammatic plan not to scale, junction arrangements are indicative Horton Southfields © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649 Section2 Ilminster

The route has been divided into 2 sections to help focus your comments. The sections are:

„„ Section 1: A new motorway junction with the M5 and a new dual carriageway link from the M5 to the existing A358, bypassing Henlade

„„ Section 2: Upgrading the A358 from single carriageway to dual carriageway standard along the line of the A358 from the south east of Henlade to Southfields Roundabout

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Pink option (section 1)

Taunton J25 Ruishton

Nexus Henlade 25 Junction C: Connection Haydon Stoke Road between Ash, Henlade, A378 M5 and located Junction A: Allows traffic to join in the Mattock’s Tree Green Area southbound M5 from the A358, B or leave northbound M5 for the A358 A358 only Mattock’s A Greenway to be closed Tree Green A378 C Junction to be closed Key Ash and link to be provided to junction C Route alignment (dual carriageway)Shoreditch Stoke St Mary Curry Mallet Possible local road crossing Junction B: Connection Possible junction locations A B C to and from Taunton and the M5 (north) West Hatch West Hatch Lane Ancient woodland Orchard West Hatch junction with Residential area the A358 to be closed and Portman Thurlbear link to be provided to Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty junction C

Proposed strategic employment site

Diagrammatic plan not to scale, junction arrangements are indicative © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649 Beercrocombe

Route description Hatch This route option commences with a new junction (junction A) on Beauchamp the M5 approximately 1.2 miles (2 kilometres) south of the existing junction 25. From the M5, the route runs south of Haydon and north of Stoke Hill to a proposed junction (junction B) with a new A358 Stewley dual-carriageway spur road which would run northwards for approximately 0.9 miles (1.5 kilometres) to connect with the existing Ilton junction 25, via the proposed Nexus 25 employment site. Kenny Ashill G From junction B, the route continues through a gap between Rapps properties along Stoke Road, Henlade, before running parallel to the Windmill Hill existing A358 to a new junction at Mattock’s Tree Green (junction C). A303 The distance between junctions B and C would be 1.6 miles Hastings (2.6 kilometres). Broadway H Horton Southfields Ilminster

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Blue option (section 1)

Taunton J25 Ruishton

Nexus Henlade Junction D: Connection to 25 and from Taunton and M5 (north) M5 Haydon Haydon Lane Junction A: allows traffic to join southbound M5 from the A358, or leave northbound M5 for the A358 A358 only D A Stoke Hill

Junction E: Connection between West Hatch, A378, HenladeA378 and Hatch Beauchamp Key Ash Shoreditch Stoke Route alignment (dual carriageway) Road through Ash Curry Mallet St Mary to be retained Possible local road crossing

Possible junction locations A D E West Hatch E Lane Ancient woodland Orchard West Hatch Residential area Portman Thurlbear Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Proposed strategic employment site

Diagrammatic plan not to scale, junction arrangements are indicative © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649 Beercrocombe

Route description Hatch The Blue option commences at the M5, with a new junction (junction Beauchamp A), approximately 1.2 miles (2 kilometres) south of the existing junction 25. From the M5, the route runs south of Haydon for 1.2 miles (2 kilometres) to a proposed junction (junction D) with a newA358 Stewley dual-carriageway spur road which would run northwards for 1.2 miles (2 kilometres) to connect with the existing junction 25 via the Ilton proposed Nexus 25 employment site. Kenny Ashill G From junction D, the route continues in a south-easterly direction Rapps for approximately 1.5 miles (2.5 kilometres), passing to the north of Windmill Hill ancient woodland north of Stoke St Mary and to the south of Lower A303 Henlade and Ash, before connecting with the existing A358 at a Hastings new junction near West Hatch (junction E). The distance between junctions D and E would be 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometres). Broadway H Horton Southfields Ilminster

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Orange option (section 1)

Taunton A38 J25 Ruishton

Nexus Henlade 25 M5 Haydon Junction E: Connection A358 between West Hatch, A378, Junction F: An all movements Henlade and Hatch Beauchamp junction (travel in any direction possible) Stoke Road Stoke Hill A378 Stoke Road

Shoreditch Road Ash Stoke St Mary Road through Ash F Shoreditch to be retained Curry Mallet Key Killams Avenue / Lane to be retained Route alignment (dual carriageway) West Hatch E Lane Possible local road crossing Orchard Possible junction locations F E West Hatch Portman Thurlbear Ancient woodland

Residential area

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Beercrocombe Proposed strategic employment site

Diagrammatic plan not to scale, junction arrangements are indicative © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649

Hatch Beauchamp Route description The Orange option formed the proposal presented at the initial consultation in 2017. A new junction on the M5 (junction F) would be constructed approximately 2.1 miles (3.5 kilometres) south of theA358 Stewley existing junction 25. From the M5, the route runs north-east, crossing the B3170 north of Shoreditch, before curving around the north Ilton side of Stoke Hill and then connecting with the existing A358 at a Kenny new junction near West Hatch (junction E). The distance between Ashill G junctions F and E would be 3.8 miles (6.1 kilometres). Rapps Windmill Hill A303 Hastings

Broadway H Horton Southfields Ilminster

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton J25 Ruishton Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme Nexus Henlade Thornfalcon 25 M5 Haydon A358 Proposals forA378 section 2

Ash Shoreditch Curry Mallet

West Hatch E Lane Orchard West Hatch Portman

Griffin Lane to Griffin Lane be retained Beercrocombe

Hatch Beauchamp

Capland Lane

Junctions with the A358 to Connection to/from Ashill and be closed and crossing to Stewley be provided Stocks Ilton via Rapps. This junction is a Lane Stewley Lane and Kenny feature of all three options junctions with the A358 Existing A358 carriageway to be closed and crossing Park Barn Lane to be retained as a local road to be provided between Hatch Beauchamp and Ashill A358 Ilton Kenny Ashill G Key Park Barn Lane junctions Pink option (dual carriageway) with the A358 and local Rapps road at Thickthorn Cross A303 Blue option (dual carriageway) Windmill Hill to be closed Orange option (dual carriageway) Thickthorn Cross Possible local road crossing Hastings Junction shared by Orange/Blue option E Junction shared by all three options G H Ancient woodland Broadway Residential area

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty H Diagrammatic plan not to scale, junction arrangements are indicative Horton Existing Southfields Roundabout © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649 to be upgraded Southfields Ilminster

Route description Our proposal is to upgrade this section of the A358 to dual carriageway by widening the existing road. This is a distance of either 6.5 miles (10.4 kilometres) from junction C (Pink option) or 5.8 miles (9.4 kilometres) from junction E (Blue or Orange options). This on-line dualling will avoid the damaging environmental impacts that would arise if a new dual carriageway was built away from the line of the existing A358. A new junction would be provided near Ashill (junction G), 1.6 miles (2.5 kilometres) to the north of Southfields Roundabout (junction H). Existing local road junctions and private accesses would be removed from the new dual carriageway, but traffic movements between communities either side of the new road would be maintained via bridge crossings. Access to the new dual carriageway would be via the proposed junctions (E, G or H). Pedestrian, cycle and horse rider movements across the new dual carriageway would also be maintained safely via bridge crossings accommodating affected public rights-of-way.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Scheme benefits and effects

Pink option Blue option Orange option

The Orange option would provide a new junction on Both Pink and Blue options would provide a new junction on the M5 for traffic movements to and from the south Key differences for connecting with the M5 the M5 for all movements to and from the M5 north only, plus a spur linking with the existing junction 25 on the M5. and south of the junction. Scheme length 14.6km, plus a 1.5km spur leading to M5 junction 25 14.1km, plus a 2km spur leading to M5 junction 25 15.3km Relative journey time savings (between Southfields Roundabout and M5 junction 25 Approximate 10-minute saving Approximate 11-minute saving Approximate 8-minute saving in 2038, morning peak period) compared with doing nothing. This would reduce traffic on the existing A358 through This will reduce traffic on the existing A358 through This will reduce traffic on the existing A358 through Capacity Henlade from a daily average of 35,100 vehicles Henlade, from a daily average of 35,100 vehicles Henlade from a daily average of 35,100 vehicles Each of the 3 options would provide increased without the scheme, to 25,300 vehicles with the without the scheme, to 4,700 vehicles with the scheme without the scheme, to 8,400 vehicles with the capacity. New junctions would also accommodate scheme in 2023 (opening year). in 2023 (opening year). scheme in 2023 (opening year). easy queue-free access to and from nearby local communities. The specific differences between the This would remove the highest proportion of longer- The reliance on junction 25 may lead to queuing on The reliance on junction 25 is likely to lead to queuing options are noted alongside. distance A358 traffic from the existing busy junction the new spur road at peak times. on the new spur road at peak times. 25, freeing up its use for local Taunton traffic. For all options, the new dual carriageway would be safer than the existing A358, as existing local road junctions and private accesses would be closed, avoiding conflicting traffic-turning movements. The Orange option is worse than the Pink and Blue in Safety this regard. An increase in slight accidents is expected Comparatively the Pink and Blue options are better than the Orange option. due to more traffic remaining on the existing A358 through Henlade. Noise The options presented This option would leave more traffic on the existing The new road would be further away from more here are compared The route would run closer to some properties in A358 through Henlade than the other 2 options and properties and would produce the greatest reductions without allowing for Henlade and would introduce a new source of traffic would provide the least degree of noise relief. It will in traffic noise. This option will introduce new sources mitigation measures. noise where it passes through countryside towards its introduce new sources of traffic noise where the route of traffic noise where the route passes through Measures – such as connection with the M5. passes through countryside towards its connection countryside towards its connection with the M5. screening – would reduce with the M5. the noise impact. Air quality The differences between the options in terms of overall vehicle emissions are marginal, with no risks to human health being generated by the scheme. All 3 options would lead to marginal increases in greenhouse gas emissions through a slight increase in journey lengths, albeit achieved in shorter, more reliable journey Greenhouse gases times. There is no substantial difference between the options. This option would remain closer to the existing A358 This option would intrude on the countryside south This option would intrude on the countryside south of Environment Landscape for longer and therefore would have the least impact and west of Henlade. Henlade and west of Stoke St Mary. on open countryside. There is some potential for the scheme to have impacts on buried archaeology and on heritage assets such as listed buildings. There is nothing to discriminate Historic environment substantially between the options. Biodiversity Mitigation measures to avoid or reduce impacts will be incorporated into 6 local wildlife sites could be affected as well as 6 local wildlife sites and 1 local nature reserve could 5 local wildlife sites could be affected the more detailed design. ancient woodland be affected as well as ancient woodland Key differences between the options are indicated alongside. There is no difference between the options in terms of impacts on the water environment. The detailed drainage design will seek to avoid any adverse effects on Water environment watercourses and flood zones. Henlade would benefit through average daily traffic Henlade would benefit through average daily traffic reducing on the existing A358 from 35,100 in 2023 to reducing on the existing A358 from 35,100 in 2023 to Henlade would benefit through average daily traffic 4,700. The route would pass close by Lower Henlade, 8,400. The route would pass close by Ash, Stoke St reducing on the existing A358 from 35,100 in 2023 to Local communities Haydon and Holway settlements, including the new Mary, Haydon and Holway settlements, including the 25,300. The route would pass close by Ash, Stoke St junction on the M5 being next to community land at new junction on the M5 being next to community land Mary, Shoreditch and Dowslands/Killams settlements. Higher Holway. at Higher Holway. Connectivity between the south west and the Connectivity would be improved with all options south east The new junction on the M5 would provide the greatest The spur road connection into junction 25 would reduce traffic on the existing A358 between West Hatch and improvement in journey-time predictability, reliability junction 25, helping to reduce periods of congestion there. However both options rely on the operation of the Resilience and resilience for longer-distance traffic wishing to existing M5 junction 25, which can be congested at times. This means there is likely to be queuing on the spur avoid being caught in potential queues at peak times road at peak times. at junction 25. This option would help to provide a free-flowing and reliable connection between the south east and the south west as part of the A303/A358 corridor improvement.

It would provide a more reliable connection for longer- Both options would help to provide a free-flowing and reliable connection between the south east and the south distance traffic seeking to avoid the risk of being held west as part of the A303/A358 corridor improvement. up at junction 25. Support economic growth The new spur road would provide direct access to the proposed Nexus 25 site for traffic approaching via the By removing more long-distance traffic from junction A358 from the south east. 25, the junction will be able to function more effectively, helping to accommodate local growth.

Traffic wishing to access the proposed Nexus 25 site from the south east would most likely travel via the new A358 joining the M5 and approaching it via junction 25. The most likely cost estimate of the Pink option is The most likely cost estimate of the Blue option is The most likely cost estimate of the Orange option is Scheme cost* £452 million. £401 million. £366 million.

*The total estimated cost at 2014 Q1 prices includes scheme preparation costs, purchase of land and the construction of the new road.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Journey time savings

The graphs below show the relative journey time savings that the options would deliver for traffic travelling during the morning peak-period from Southfields Roundabout with a destination in Taunton, or north or south on the M5, for the year 2038, compared to doing nothing.

Southfields to M5 junction 24 (Bridgwater) Southfields to M5 junction 25 (Taunton) 30.0 30.0 28.0 28.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 24.0 22.0 22.0 ) ) 20.0 20.0 n s n s i i 18.0 18.0 ( m ( m e e 16.0 16.0 Ti m Ti m 14.0 14.0 12.0 12.0 ourne y ourne y J J 10.0 10.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0

Without scheme Pink option Blue option Without scheme Pink option Blue option Orange Option (via Henlade) Orange option (via Junction F) Orange Option (via Henlade) Orange option (via Junction F)

Southfields to M5 junction 26 (Wellington) 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0

) 20.0 n s i 18.0 ( m

e 16.0

Ti m 14.0 12.0 ourne y J 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0

Without scheme Pink option Blue option Orange option (via Junction F)

The figures indicate that for the Orange option, journey times are shorter travelling via the new route and new junction on the M5, than through Henlade.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

What our proposals mean for you

We are committed to delivering a scheme which supports the goals set out in the Road Investment Strategy: 2015-2020.

Through our ongoing work with stakeholder groups, for instance local authorities, businesses, specialist organisations, community representatives and user groups, we will endeavour to produce a scheme that:

In relation to transport „„ Reduces congestion, by increasing the road’s capacity for free flowing traffic and making mile-a-minute travel the norm „„ Boosts road safety and eases driver stress, by creating a high quality strategic route „„ Decreases the likelihood of road closures due to incidents or accidents „„ Makes it safer and easier for local people to reach community facilities by separating local movements from traffic passing through the area

In relation to economic growth „„ Boosts growth across the whole of the south west region, by making arrival times easier to predict „„ Improves the perception of the south west by making it an easier place to visit and do business „„ Raises productivity, across the south west and more locally in Taunton and Somerset, by creating high-quality connections to other UK regions „„ Supports the predicted growth in jobs and housing by increasing the capacity of the strategic road network

In relation to local communities and environment „„ Makes it easier to access Taunton and its surrounding communities and developments „„ Provides traffic relief to Henlade and local communities

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Caring for the environment

The area surrounding the A358 between Taunton and Southfields has a number of sensitive and valued environmental sites, as well as a number of dwellings and farm businesses.

We have identified environmental constraints and used this information to help us develop the scheme proposals.

Work is underway to collect further environmental information which will help us to select a preferred route and plan how we can deal with any adverse impacts on the environment. This could include planting, habitat creation and species protection. A Dormouse The design work is at an early stage, so the mitigation measures have not yet been designed, however, here’s a summary of the types that may be used:

Noise: A combination of noise barriers and low-noise road surfacing could be used where the environmental assessment has determined that they are needed. A typical noise barrier

Landscape and visual impacts: Planting would be used as required to provide screening.

Flooding: Landscape planting Measures would be put in place to manage the flow of water off the new road.

Pollution prevention: A construction environmental management plan would be put in place during construction and would include pollution prevention measures such as shielding water courses with bunds, A typical drainage pond keeping areas of bare soil to a minimum and considering our neighbours, for example during noisy operations.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

Tell us your views

The public consultation will run from 16 January until 27 February 2018.

If you responded to last year’s consultation and have nothing further to add, then you do not need to do anything now, as the previous responses will be taken into account as we move forward.

If you would like to share additional feedback though please fill in a consultation questionnaire when you are ready to do so.

You can complete the questionnaire online at www.highways.gov.uk/Taunton-to-Southfields

Paper copies of the questionnaire can also be picked up here today.

If you have any further queries, you can contact us by:

Emailing us at: [email protected]

Calling us on: 0300 123 5000 (9:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday)

Writing to us at: A358 Taunton to Southfields Project Team, Highways England, 2/07K Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6HA

The deadline for submitting responses to the consultation is Midnight on Tuesday 27 February 2018.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001 A358 Taunton to Southfields dualling scheme

What happens next

This consultation is your opportunity to express your views on the current scheme proposals ahead of further development and selection of a preferred route.

After the consultation ends, we will analyse your feedback and respond to it in the report we prepare on the consultation. Your views will help us in making a decision on the choice of preferred route.

Options Development Construction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Statutory Construction Option Option Preliminary Construction procedures commissioning Close out identi cation selection design and powers preparation and handover

Statutory Examination community by consultation Planning Options for and Inspectorate Road public consultation application and opened Jan - Feb 2018 for decision by development Secretary of consent State Project Preferred route Start main Close out initiated announcement construction work Autumn 2018

The Development Consent Order application process: This scheme is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) under the Planning Act 2008. Because of its national significance, the scheme needs a special type of planning permission called a Development Consent Order or DCO.

Following this statutory consultation, we will carefully consider all comments received before submitting our DCO application.

If the application is accepted by the Planning Inspectorate, there will then be an examination of the application in which the public can participate. This examination will take a maximum of 6 months. The Planning Inspectorate then has 3 months to make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, who then has a further 3 months to make a final decision.

Highways England – Creative BSR18_0001