418 bus time schedule & line map

418 Alnwick - Belford View In Website Mode

The 418 bus line (Alnwick - Belford) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Alnmouth Village: 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM (2) Alnwick: 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM (3) Belford: 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 418 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 418 bus arriving.

Direction: Alnmouth Village 418 bus Time Schedule 68 stops Alnmouth Village Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM Craft Gallery, Belford 2 Church Street, Belford Tuesday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM

South Lodge, Belford Wednesday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM High Street, Belford Civil Parish Thursday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM Fire Station, Belford Friday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM

Industrial Estate, Belford Saturday 8:10 AM - 9:38 AM

Belford Station, Belford

Outchester Manor, Outchester 418 bus Info Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill Direction: Alnmouth Village Stops: 68 Waren House Lodge, Waren Mill Trip Duration: 63 min Line Summary: Craft Gallery, Belford, South Lodge, Kiln Point, Budle Belford, Fire Station, Belford, Industrial Estate, Belford, Belford Station, Belford, Outchester Manor, Outchester, Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill, Waren Friary Farm, House Lodge, Waren Mill, Kiln Point, Budle, Friary Farm, Bamburgh, Church Street, Bamburgh, Lord Church Street, Bamburgh Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh, Links Road, Bamburgh, Church Street, Bamburgh Civil Parish Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh, Monks House, Bamburgh, Castle Drive, , Broad Road, Lord Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh North , St Paul's Church, North Front Street, Bamburgh Civil Parish Sunderland, Schools, Seahouses, King Street, Seahouses, King Street, Seahouses, The Haven, Links Road, Bamburgh Beadnell, Craster Arms, Beadnell, Crossroads, Swinhoe, Tuggal Hall, Tughall, Newtonbarns, High Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh Newton-By-The-Sea, Crossroads, High Newton-By- The-Sea, Village Green, High Newton-By-The-Sea, Monks House, Bamburgh Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea, North Farm, Embleton, Greyeld, Embleton, Memorial Hall, Castle Drive, Seahouses Embleton, Glebe Farm, Embleton, Spitalford, Dunstan Steads, White Lodge, Dunstan, Harbour, Craster, The Broad Road, North Sunderland Heugh, Craster, Harbour, Craster, Car Park, Craster, White Lodge, Dunstan, Howick Scar, Dunstan, Phone St Paul's Church, North Sunderland Box, Howick, Hall Lodge Gates, Howick, North End, Longhoughton, Lacey Street, Longhoughton, Station Schools, Seahouses Road, Longhoughton, Ratcheugh Farm, Longhoughton, Woodlea, Denwick, Allerburn Lea, King Street, Seahouses Alnwick, Denwick Lane, Alnwick, Playhouse, Alnwick, Crown Street, North Sunderland Civil Parish Green Batt, Alnwick, Bus Station, Alnwick, Green Batt, Alnwick, Playhouse, Alnwick, Inrmary, Alnwick, King Street, Seahouses St Paul's Rc School, Alnwick, Ravensmede, Alnwick, Mitchell Avenue, North Sunderland Civil Parish Oaky Balks, Alnwick, Alndyke, Hawkhill, Main Road, Hawkhill, Road End, Lesbury, Curly Lane North End, The Haven, Beadnell Alnmouth Station, Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station, South View, Hipsburn, First School, Hipsburn, Craster Arms, Beadnell Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village, Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village Crossroads, Swinhoe

Tuggal Hall, Tughall

Newtonbarns, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Crossroads, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Village Green, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea

North Farm, Embleton B1339, Embleton Civil Parish

Greyeld, Embleton

Memorial Hall, Embleton W.T.Stead Road, Embleton Civil Parish

Glebe Farm, Embleton

Spitalford, Dunstan Steads

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

The Heugh, Craster Church Street, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

Car Park, Craster

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Howick Scar, Dunstan

Phone Box, Howick

Hall Lodge Gates, Howick North End, Longhoughton Sea View, Longhoughton Civil Parish

Lacey Street, Longhoughton B1339, Longhoughton Civil Parish

Station Road, Longhoughton

Ratcheugh Farm, Longhoughton

Woodlea, Denwick

Allerburn Lea, Alnwick

Denwick Lane, Alnwick B1340, Alnwick

Playhouse, Alnwick 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Green Batt, Alnwick Green Batt, Alnwick

Bus Station, Alnwick Clayport Street, Alnwick Civil Parish

Green Batt, Alnwick Green Batt, Alnwick

Playhouse, Alnwick 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Inrmary, Alnwick

St Paul's Rc School, Alnwick

Ravensmede, Alnwick

Oaky Balks, Alnwick

Alndyke, Hawkhill

Main Road, Hawkhill

Road End, Lesbury A1068, Lesbury Civil Parish

Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station

Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station

South View, Hipsburn South View, Lesbury Civil Parish

First School, Hipsburn

Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village Friary Gardens, Alnmouth Civil Parish

Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village Direction: Alnwick 418 bus Time Schedule 99 stops Alnwick Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick Clayport Square, Alnwick Civil Parish Tuesday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM

Green Batt, Alnwick Wednesday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM Green Batt, Alnwick Thursday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM Playhouse, Alnwick Friday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick Saturday 11:38 AM - 5:20 PM Barter Books, Alnwick

Post Oce, St James Estate Wagonway Road, Alnwick 418 bus Info Co-Op, St James Estate Direction: Alnwick Stops: 99 Augur Terrace, St James Estate Trip Duration: 79 min Line Summary: Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick, Green Roundabout, St James Estate Batt, Alnwick, Playhouse, Alnwick, Barter Books, St James Estate, Alnwick Alnwick, Post Oce, St James Estate, Co-Op, St James Estate, Augur Terrace, St James Estate, Duchess High School, Greenseld Roundabout, St James Estate, Duchess High School, Greenseld, Taylor Drive-Arcinova Factory Entrance, Taylor Drive-Arcinova Factory Entrance, Greenseld, Retail Park, Greenseld, Charlton Mires, Greenseld South Charlton, Charlton Hall, North Charlton, Charlton Bridge, North Charlton, Road End, Retail Park, Greenseld Brownieside, Ellingham Lodge, Ellingham, Motel, Adderstone, Middleton Cottages, Middleton, North Charlton Mires, South Charlton Bank, Belford, Craft Gallery, Belford, South Lodge, Belford, Fire Station, Belford, Industrial Estate, Charlton Hall, North Charlton Belford, Belford Station, Belford, Outchester Manor, Outchester, Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill, Waren House Lodge, Waren Mill, Kiln Point, Budle, Friary Charlton Bridge, North Charlton Farm, Bamburgh, Church Street, Bamburgh, Lord Charlton Bridge, Eglingham Civil Parish Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh, Links Road, Bamburgh, Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh, Monks House, Road End, Brownieside Bamburgh, Castle Drive, Seahouses, Broad Road, North Sunderland, St Paul's Church, North Ellingham Lodge, Ellingham Sunderland, Schools, Seahouses, King Street, Seahouses, King Street, Seahouses, The Haven, Motel, Adderstone Beadnell, Craster Arms, Beadnell, Crossroads, Swinhoe, Tuggal Hall, Tughall, Newtonbarns, High Middleton Cottages, Middleton Newton-By-The-Sea, Crossroads, High Newton-By- The-Sea, Village Green, High Newton-By-The-Sea, North Bank, Belford Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea, North Farm, Embleton, Greyeld, Embleton, Memorial Hall, Craft Gallery, Belford Embleton, Glebe Farm, Embleton, Spitalford, Dunstan 2 Church Street, Belford Civil Parish Steads, White Lodge, Dunstan, Harbour, Craster, The Heugh, Craster, Harbour, Craster, Car Park, Craster, South Lodge, Belford White Lodge, Dunstan, Howick Scar, Dunstan, Phone High Street, Belford Civil Parish Box, Howick, Hall Lodge Gates, Howick, North End, Longhoughton, Lacey Street, Longhoughton, South Fire Station, Belford End, Longhoughton, Longbank, Longhoughton, Croftlands, Lesbury, Village Centre, Lesbury, Denwick Industrial Estate, Belford Lane, Alnwick, Barter Books, Alnwick, Post Oce, St James Estate, Co-Op, St James Estate, Augur Belford Station, Belford Terrace, St James Estate, Roundabout, St James Estate, Leisure Centre, Willowburn Trading Est, Taylor Outchester Manor, Outchester Drive-Arcinova Factory Entrance, Greenseld, Playhouse, Alnwick, Green Batt, Alnwick, Curly Lane Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill North End, Alnmouth Station, Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station, South View, Hipsburn, First School, Hipsburn, Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village, Waren House Lodge, Waren Mill Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village, Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village, First School, Hipsburn, South View, Kiln Point, Budle Hipsburn, Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station, Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station, Road End, Lesbury, Friary Farm, Bamburgh Main Road, Hawkhill, Alndyke, Hawkhill, Oaky Balks, Alnwick, Ravensmede, Alnwick, Stpaul's Rc School, Church Street, Bamburgh Alnwick, Inrmary, Alnwick, Playhouse, Alnwick, Church Street, Bamburgh Civil Parish Green Batt, Alnwick, Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick

Lord Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh Front Street, Bamburgh Civil Parish

Links Road, Bamburgh

Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh

Monks House, Bamburgh

Castle Drive, Seahouses

Broad Road, North Sunderland

St Paul's Church, North Sunderland

Schools, Seahouses

King Street, Seahouses Crown Street, North Sunderland Civil Parish

King Street, Seahouses Mitchell Avenue, North Sunderland Civil Parish

The Haven, Beadnell

Craster Arms, Beadnell

Crossroads, Swinhoe

Tuggal Hall, Tughall

Newtonbarns, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Crossroads, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Village Green, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea

North Farm, Embleton B1339, Embleton Civil Parish Greyeld, Embleton

Memorial Hall, Embleton W.T.Stead Road, Embleton Civil Parish

Glebe Farm, Embleton

Spitalford, Dunstan Steads

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

The Heugh, Craster Church Street, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

Car Park, Craster

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Howick Scar, Dunstan

Phone Box, Howick

Hall Lodge Gates, Howick

North End, Longhoughton Sea View, Longhoughton Civil Parish

Lacey Street, Longhoughton B1339, Longhoughton Civil Parish

South End, Longhoughton

Longbank, Longhoughton

Croftlands, Lesbury

Village Centre, Lesbury School Lane, Lesbury Civil Parish

Denwick Lane, Alnwick B1340, Alnwick

Barter Books, Alnwick

Post Oce, St James Estate Wagonway Road, Alnwick

Co-Op, St James Estate

Augur Terrace, St James Estate

Roundabout, St James Estate St James Estate, Alnwick

Leisure Centre, Willowburn Trading Est

Taylor Drive-Arcinova Factory Entrance, Greenseld

Playhouse, Alnwick 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Green Batt, Alnwick Green Batt, Alnwick

Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station

Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station

South View, Hipsburn South View, Lesbury Civil Parish

First School, Hipsburn

Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village Friary Gardens, Alnmouth Civil Parish

Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village

Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village Shepherd's Hill, Alnmouth Civil Parish

First School, Hipsburn

South View, Hipsburn South View, Lesbury Civil Parish

Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station

Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station Hillside, Lesbury Civil Parish

Road End, Lesbury

Main Road, Hawkhill

Alndyke, Hawkhill

Oaky Balks, Alnwick

Ravensmede, Alnwick

Stpaul's Rc School, Alnwick Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Inrmary, Alnwick

Playhouse, Alnwick 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Green Batt, Alnwick Green Batt, Alnwick Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick Clayport Square, Alnwick Civil Parish Direction: Belford 418 bus Time Schedule 71 stops Belford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick Clayport Square, Alnwick Civil Parish Tuesday 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM

Green Batt, Alnwick Wednesday 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM Green Batt, Alnwick Thursday 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM Playhouse, Alnwick Friday 7:43 AM - 6:46 PM 24 Bondgate Without, Alnwick Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:46 PM Inrmary, Alnwick

St Paul's Rc School, Alnwick

Ravensmede, Alnwick 418 bus Info Direction: Belford Oaky Balks, Alnwick Stops: 71 Trip Duration: 81 min Alndyke, Hawkhill Line Summary: Alnwick Bus Station, Alnwick, Green Batt, Alnwick, Playhouse, Alnwick, Inrmary, Alnwick, Main Road, Hawkhill St Paul's Rc School, Alnwick, Ravensmede, Alnwick, Oaky Balks, Alnwick, Alndyke, Hawkhill, Main Road, Road End, Lesbury Hawkhill, Road End, Lesbury, Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station, Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station, A1068, Lesbury Civil Parish South View, Hipsburn, First School, Hipsburn, Curly Lane North End, Alnmouth Station Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village, Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village, Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village, First School, Hipsburn, Village Centre, Curly Lane, Alnmouth Station Lesbury, Croftlands, Lesbury, Longbank, Longhoughton, South End, Longhoughton, Denwick South View, Hipsburn Lane, Alnwick, Station Road, Longhoughton, South View, Lesbury Civil Parish Burnside, Longhoughton, North End, Longhoughton, Hall Lodge Gates, Howick, Phone Box, Howick, First School, Hipsburn Howick Scar, Dunstan, White Lodge, Dunstan, Harbour, Craster, The Heugh, Craster, Harbour, Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village Craster, Car Park, Craster, White Lodge, Dunstan, Friary Gardens, Alnmouth Civil Parish Spitalford, Dunstan Steads, Glebe Farm, Embleton, Memorial Hall, Embleton, Greyeld, Embleton, North Argyle Street, Alnmouth Village Farm, Embleton, Village Green, High Newton-By-The- Sea, Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea, Methodist Church, Alnmouth Village Crossroads, High Newton-By-The-Sea, Newtonbarns, Shepherd's Hill, Alnmouth Civil Parish High Newton-By-The-Sea, Tuggal Hall, Tughall, Crossroads, Swinhoe, Craster Arms, Beadnell, The First School, Hipsburn Haven, Beadnell, King Street, Seahouses, King Street, Seahouses, Schools, Seahouses, St Paul's Church, Village Centre, Lesbury North Sunderland, Broad Road, North Sunderland, School Lane, Lesbury Civil Parish Castle Drive, Seahouses, Monks House, Bamburgh, Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh, Links Road, Croftlands, Lesbury Bamburgh, Lord Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh, The Grove, Bamburgh, Friary Farm, Bamburgh, Kiln Point, Budle, Longbank, Longhoughton Waren House Lodge, Waren Mill, Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill, Outchester Manor, Outchester, South End, Longhoughton Station Cottages, Belford, Belford Station, Belford, Industrial Estate, Belford, Station Road, Belford, Fire Denwick Lane, Alnwick B1340, Alnwick Station, Belford, South Lodge, Belford, Craft Gallery, Belford Station Road, Longhoughton

Burnside, Longhoughton

North End, Longhoughton Sea View, Longhoughton Civil Parish

Hall Lodge Gates, Howick

Phone Box, Howick

Howick Scar, Dunstan

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

The Heugh, Craster Church Street, Craster Civil Parish

Harbour, Craster West End, Craster Civil Parish

Car Park, Craster

White Lodge, Dunstan Smithy Court, Craster Civil Parish

Spitalford, Dunstan Steads

Glebe Farm, Embleton

Memorial Hall, Embleton W.T.Stead Road, Embleton Civil Parish

Greyeld, Embleton

North Farm, Embleton B1339, Embleton Civil Parish

Village Green, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Newton Hall, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Crossroads, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Newtonbarns, High Newton-By-The-Sea

Tuggal Hall, Tughall

Crossroads, Swinhoe

Craster Arms, Beadnell

The Haven, Beadnell King Street, Seahouses

King Street, Seahouses 10 King Street, North Sunderland Civil Parish

Schools, Seahouses

St Paul's Church, North Sunderland

Broad Road, North Sunderland West View, North Sunderland Civil Parish

Castle Drive, Seahouses

Monks House, Bamburgh

Armstrong Cottages, Bamburgh

Links Road, Bamburgh

Lord Crewe Hotel, Bamburgh Front Street, Bamburgh Civil Parish

The Grove, Bamburgh

Friary Farm, Bamburgh

Kiln Point, Budle

Waren House Lodge, Waren Mill

Budle Bay Campsite, Waren Mill

Outchester Manor, Outchester

Station Cottages, Belford

Belford Station, Belford

Industrial Estate, Belford

Station Road, Belford B1342, Belford Civil Parish

Fire Station, Belford

South Lodge, Belford

Craft Gallery, Belford 2 Church Street, Belford Civil Parish 418 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North East and Cumbria. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved