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THE TECHNICIAN ofNORTH CAROLINA STATE COLIEGE Vol. xxvm‘ Number 24 , Kendall Wins Pres1dency, on Edges Brenner PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Gardner, McCormick Win; Cilv Signs lmce ' Record Vote Cast Yesterday Willi Campus Rebels Students don’t: have to buy Raleigh city license tags. FOR PRESIDENT The City Council Tuesday ap- proved a motion exempting all non- Fred Kendall ..... ............. 1554 resident college students from the provisions of the city ordinance un- Bob Peacock ...... ............. 993 der which they would have been re- quired to buy the Raleigh tags. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT A recommendation to this effect Ted Williamson . .. .......... 1309 was formulated las week as a re- sult of a meeting of State Col- Herbert Brenner . ...,. ........ 1190 %'lege delegation with the law and public safety committee and the FOR SECRETARY finance committee of the city Jim Gardner ...... ...., ........ 1777 government. The exemption is to apply to the Pate Forehand . ' 609 students of all the colleges in FOR TREASURER Raleigh, and arrangements are be- Fred Kendall Ted Williamson ing made to provide an identifying SECRETARY Dougald McCormick ............ 1317 sticker for all student cars. The Walter Clark ..... ............. 1120 cost of printing the stickers will TREASURER probably be home by two of the -—0..w.»yo—-___"..-MWW»___w‘—..-....-—<.,.——_. , campus publications, The Techni- cian and the Wataugan. By JOE HANCOCK The recent action of the Raleigh officials climaxed several weeks of Fred Kendall was elected Pres- intensive effort by the Campus Chancellor lo Visi ident of the Campus- Government Government and The Technician in yesterday's campus elections, de- on behalf of the student body. It 1"21," _ Alumni Orgiflilalions feating Bob Peacock of Jackson- was acclaimed as a positive indi- ville by a margin of 561 votes. cation of the desire of the city Chancellor J. W. Harrelson and Other Campus Government officers council to cooperate to the fullest Alumni Secretary H. W. “Pop” are: Vice President, Ted William- in creating a better relationship Taylor, left Raleigh Tuesday for son; Secretary, Jim Gardner; and between Raleigh and State College. an extended tour of the Midwest, Treasurer, Dougald S. McCormick. W1........-_,”-1.-.._..--1- where they will visit various old According to figures released by alumni organizations and organize Jennings Teal, Campus Govern- Concert some new clubs. ment President, around 2600 stu- The State College Glee Club will Thursday night will find Col. dents and faculty members voted present its spring concert in Pullen Harrelson and Mr. Taylor in Dan- in yesterday’s election. This is an 'Hall Sunday (April 25) at 4:30. fl , ville, Virginia, where they will improvement of 200 over last year’s Soloist will 'be Seymour Olanoff, meet with the Danville State Col- final election. Senior in Electrical Engineering lege Club. From there they will Campaigning in the election was and talented violinist. Christian ' work their way through West brisk, and the outcome of several Kutschinski will conduct the group, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, races were in doubt up to the final and Dr. Lillian Parker Wallace will and Illinois, where the trip will be tabulations which were completed .‘fsv-,...._ serve as accompanist. _ ”Jim Gardner Dougald McCormick climaxed, y a meeting of the Chica- at 11 :22 p. m. At 8:45 Williamson go State ollege Club. State ceram- held only an eight vote lead over ic engineering alumni from all over Brenner in the vice presidential the United States will attend the race. By 9:45 Williamson had in- Chicago meet, which will be held in creased his lead .to 125 votes, and Dean Lampe Says Fair Success the famous Palmer House. the final results showed him the Among the State College Clubs winner by 119 votes. The race for treasurer was not quite so close, Electrical Engineers of many handicaps, under limited Chemical Engineers and third to which Mr. Taylor and Col. Harrel- son will visit are those in Charles- with McCormick leading all the Win Exhibit Prize space and overcrowded conditions. Ceramic. ton, West Virginia, Louisville, way over Clark. At 8:25 he led by Dean J. H. Lampe, head of the Dean Lampe also stated that he had Seniors Honored Kentucky, northern Ohio, Indian- 93 votes; at 9:45 by 167, and the Enginering Department, claimed received many messages from visit- The colorful ritual of St. Patrick apolis, Indiana, and Pittsburgh final tabulations proved him the in which top-notch students were victor by a margin of 197 votes. earlier this week that the Engi- ing dignitaries complimenting the Pennsylvania. They will return to neers’ Exposition had exceeded the honored for academic achievements Raleigh the first week in May. Other final election results in school on the fine job it had done was the concluding feature of the expectations of the administration. and some expressed the opinion that yesterday’s election are as follows. The Exposition, which was judged Exposition. For Senior representatives to the it would be a' good project for all Fifty-four juniors and seniors—in G.I. Insurance a success from the opening cere- the schools so that the people of Campus Government: Agriculture, mony through to the close, attract- the College’s School of Engineering Dividend payments on G. I. in- Bill Allen, 1322; Bill Reid, 724; North Carolina would know what were knighted into the Order of St. ed several hundred high school State College is doing. surance will probably not be forth- Textiles, Carl Burkhardt, 1285; students and many visitors from Patrick during the impressive cere- Walter Geller, 689; Engineering, Raleigh’and neighboring towns. The Dr. Graham Present monies, and 13 freshmen, chosen coming for some time, according to Archie Corriher, 1523; Owen Bran- opening ceremony was held on the Among the visitors to the Ex- for scholarly attainments, were Mr. E. L. Simpson, State College sford, 631 ; and Teacher Education, Memorial Tower lawn at 12 noon position was Dr. Frank P. Graham, dubbed as Companions of St. Pat- V. A. representative. The reason E. C. Tatum, 1127; Thorp Jones, last Friday with Mr. Dan Stuart, President of the Greater University, rick. 791. who had previously stated that he The tapping exercises were con- for the delay in the proposed pay- of the Carolina Power and Light ments, which would affect most Junior representatives: Agricul- Company, making the principle ad- would be unable to attend. ducted during the dance held in ture, James Allgood,107‘); Wilbur dress. The winner of the $25 first prize Frank Thompson Gymnasium. High veterans who carried their insur- Byrd, 839, Textiles, Ea1l Dicks In his mm.9? of the Exposition, for the best exhibit was awarded to school students from all sections of ance for any appreciable length of 962, Weldon Cable, 934, Engineer- Dean Lampe expressed his deep the Electrical Engineering Depart— North Carolina, who were guests of time, is the fact that there are ing, Preston AndreWs, 1070; Woody gratitude to the faculty and stu- ment, Loy Thompson, chairman of the college during the exposition, several claim suits still outstanding Bass, 856; and Teacher Education, dents and especially to the Engi- the Exposition Committee, stated attended the ritual. which have to be settled before the George King, 1099; Robert Throw; neers’ Council for making the Ex- Saturday night. The prize for the Juniors and seniors, who were in- amount of surplus (if any) may er, 672. position a complete success, in spite second best exhibit went to the (Continued on Page 12) be estimated. (Continued on Page 12) x 5 ‘1’!” “flak—v 1". , THE TECHNICIAN April 23, 1948 “Sweetheart” Gets Cup By TED WILLIAMSON others may attend if they have one The biggest sophomore class of the guest tickets which are be- ing sold by the Order of 30 and 3. which has ever attended State col- The role of the 30 and 3 consti- ' lege turns to the Raleigh Audito- tutes the unusual part of the class- rium next Friday and Saturday for dance series since this' Order is its annual sophomore hop. With working with the sophomore class music by the Duke Ambassadors on the Saturday evening ball. High- and the “King for a Day” program light of the. evening will be the on Saturday night sponsored by the crowning of the “King for a Day” Order of 30 and 3, this promises who was chosen from the freshman to be one' of the biggest and best class when he won the greased , Sophomore Hops ever held. pig race last week at Devereaux Beginning Friday night with an Meadows. The “King” and his informal ball, the hop will be prefi- “Queen,“ Vivian White Miss North sented in triplicate. Only sopho- Carolina of 1947, will be guests of mores who have paid their ,class honor and will reign over the ball. dues and who hold their class mem- The special program is slated to bership cards will be admitted to take place at intermission. , the first of the dances. The tea- Music for all three of the sopho- dance, which takes place on Satur- more dances will be by the popular day afternoon from 3 ’till 5, is open Duke Ambassadors and Miss Sally to all State College students and Waddell. The Ambassadors, one of all are urged to attend. The cli- the best orchestras in North Caro- max of the weekend series comes lina, have had several previous en- with the semi-formal ball on Satur- gagements at State and have al- day evening. The' dance, though ways made great hits with the stu- the main function of the hop, will dents because of their distinctive be attended by a limited number arrangements of the best dancing of students who are not members music.