ACHOLI SUB-REGION: WATER SOURCES BY SUB-COUNTY AND OPERATIONAL STATUS Uganda Overview AMURU DISTRICT Water Points by Sub-County/Status Pop 2009 Sudan S/N Sub-County Not Unknown Total Water Projection Functional Functional Status Points SUDAN 1 Alero 15,700 29 3 0 32 2 Amuru 34,500 52 8 2 62 ! Kareng 3 15,000 25 5 0 30 !)"! !)"!)")"!! P"!! Congo 4 Atiak 32,200 29 0 1 30 )")"! 5 Koch Goma 10,200 35 4 3 42 )"! (! (Dem. Rep) 6 Lamogi 44,800 50 22 1 73 ! 7 Pabbo 50,200 55 9 64 ! )" )" AGORO 8 Purongo 7,900 26 5 31 (! )"! Apoka Amuru Total 210,500 301 56 7 364 ! Kenya (!

GULU DISTRICT P )"!!! (! )"!P)"!)" ! )"! 1 Awach 13,300 24 4 28 )"!)"!)"! )")"! P ! 2 Bar-Dege 43,900 20 4 24 )"! )"! P (! 3 Bobi 20,000 60 2 62 West ! KAABONG Moyo LOKUNG Tanzania 4 Bungatira 27,500 66 14 80 (! )"! Rwanda 5 Koro 21,700 30 2 32 ! Moyo ! ! ! OROM (! (! (! 6 Lakwana 16,000 38 4 42 )"! )"# )"! MADI ! ! OPEI 7 Lalogi 21,900 47 3 50MOYO (! (! PALABEK ! (! KAL ! Madi 8 Laroo 25,400 8 32 40 ! Opei Legend "!! )"! ! !! P))" ! Nimule PARABEK )" )"#!)"!)" Madi 9 Layibi 30,500 40 4 44 )"P#)"!#! ! (! ! )")"!!)"Opei OGILI (! ! (! !! )"! ! Water Source Type 10 Odek 29,000 51 1 52 )")"! )"P)"! ! )" !)" )")"!!! (! )" ! )"!)"P!)" 11 OngakoYUMBE 17,200 42(! 6 48 )" )"! (! (! # )"! Unknown Type (226 Nos.) 12 Paicho 29,800 56 7 63 Laropi ! ! (! (! )"! )"! )"! ! ! ! 13 Palaro 8,000 6 24 30 "! )"! Deep/Boreholes (1890 Nos.) (! (! ! )"! ! ) ! )" ! ( P 14 Patiko 10,000 12 4 16 ! )"! PADIBE KITGUM )" ! b (! ! Others (51 Nos.) 15 Pece 43,200 21 1 22 Lamwo! EAST (! ! # (! # )"#! )" Total 357,400 521 112 0 633 (! ! ! )")" (! > )" ! ! Protected Spring (162 Nos.) )"! )"! ! ! ! )" )" > ! )"! KITGUM DISTRICT (! )" ! )"L PALOGA )")"!! ! ! ! )"! ! L Shallow Well (200 Nos.) 1 Agoro 21,400 25)" 7 32 P! )"!! )"!)"! )"!!! (! Bibia )")"!)")"!)" )" (! )" )"! )"!)" )"! 2 Kitgum Tc 54,000 42 5 1 48 P! Padibe)"! ! )"!)"! # ! ! )"!)"!! )"! )"!)"! )" )"! ! )" )")"## )")"! ! (!! Padibe)" ! )"! 3 Kitigum Matidi 15,100 27 4 31 )"! ! )" ! Water Source Operational Status ! )"! )"! )"!)"! ! P )"! ! )"! 4 Labongo Akwang 16,700 (! 27 11 38 P (! ! P Chua ! ! # )" Functional (1516 Points) )"!)")"! )" ! (! ! 5 Labongo Amida 13,800 29 1 1 31 Palabek PADIBE ! (! (! )" Opoki ! ! "! P )"!)" )" ) 6 Labongo Layamo 11,400 13 2 15 )"! WEST (! )" )"b )"!# Temporary Down (78 Points) (! "! )"! (! ! #)"Mucwini! ! 7 Lagoro 16,900 23 23 ) )"! ! ! ! )" )"#!##)"!)" # MUCWINI (! " ( " ! ! ) ! )" # )"##)" )" ! !!! )"P!! )" )" )")"!!)"!)"P! )" )")"!)" )")" !! NAMOKORA Kalabong ! )"!! Orom )"! )" (! 8 Lokung 25,900 (! 8 1 1 10 (! )" LABONGO (! !)" )"! )"(!)")"!! (! Not Functional (268 Points) )"#)"! )"! ! )")"!P!!# ! )"! # )"! )")")" ! LAYAMO )" )"# )" ! )" 9 Madi Opei 13,300 18 4 2 24 Adjumani )"! ! )"! ! ! ! )"! # (!! P ")!P!")L! )" ! )"! )"! )" )" 10 Mucwini 19,500 33Obongi 6 2 41 ))") !)"! ! ! )"! ! Unknown Status (667 Points) ! ! )" (! )" )"! Naam ! (! )" !! ! (! (! ! )")"! # Okora )"! "! ! 11 Namokora 18,200 25 25 )"! )"!! )"!! ! )" ! ) )"!! ! )"! )" !)" )"! Naam )"! )" ! ! )"!!)"!)"! (! 12 Omiya Anyima 21,400Obongi 23 2 25 ! !!(! )"! )" ! )")"!Okora)"! (! County Admin Centres ! )")"! )" !)"P ! ! ! )"! )"!)"!)"! ! !! Obyen )" ! ! (! )" !)" )"! )"! )" ! ! 13 Orom 29,100 36 2 38 ! ! )" ! )" ! )" ! )")" !)"! )"! ! )""!! ! )"!)"!!! ! KITGUM !)"! )" )"! )")"!!)")"!! )" )" ! ! )" District Admin Centres 14 Padibe East 16,300 18 2 20 )"! )"P)"! ! ! ! ! ! )"! )"! )" TC !!! ! )"! ! "! ! !(! "!)"!! ! ! ! )")"! )"! (! 15 Padibe West 15,400 7 3 1 11 )" )"! )"! ! ) )"!)"! )")" ))")"!P!)"! )" ! ! )"! )")")" ! ! ! ! ATIAK )"! (! ! )"! )"!!)"! ! )"! )"# ! )" )" )" ! ! ! )"!!)")"!! )" 16 Palabek Gem 16,300 18 1 2 21 !#!Kitgum! ! )"! # ! ! ! Major Centres )" )"!"!)")"!! !! ! ! )"! ! !)")!)""!)")" ! )" ! ! ! ! )"! )"!)")! Kitgum)"!! )"! ! )"! ! ! ! ( 17 Palabek Kal 16,500 6 2 8 ! )"!! ! )")"! ! ! !! )"! ! LABONGO )")"!)"!)")"! )" !! )")"! (! )"!)"! ))"!)"!!)"!)"! ! )"! )")" !! )"! AKWANG )")")")" ! Kitgum ! Omiaanyima)")" 18 Paloga 12,800 14 4 18 )"! ! KITIGUM )"L ! ! )" ! ! )")"! "! ! Matidi)"! Kitgum ! !! ! Towns (! ! ) ! ! "!!)" P!)")"!!! )"! ! )")"! )"LAtiak ! )"!)"! ! )"! ! )"! ! )"!! ))" )")"!!)"!)" )" )"!)"! )"P # (! 19 Parabek Ogili 11,000 8 1 1 10 )" ! )" )"! )" MATIDI )")"L)" Matidi ! ! )")" )" ! P)"! ! )")")"!! !)"# ! )"! )"!! )" !!ATIAK )" ! )"!"! )" !)"! East )")"!b ! )"! P) ! )" Kitgum(! (! Total (! 365,000 400(! 58 11 469 )" PALABEK )"! )")"!! (! P Kitgum (! # (! IDP Camp Moyo )" ! )" ! )"! GEM ! LABONGO )" # )"(! P ! )" ! )"!!!)"!)" ! )"! PADER DISTRICT )" AMIDA )"! )"!P)"! )" )"# )"! (! )"! LAGORO PAIMOL ! IDP Returnee Site/Village ! # )"! (! 1 Acholibur(! 26,900 36 36 ! )" OMIYA ADJUMANI )"! !! ! )")"! )"! Dure ! )" "! ! ! (! )" ) )"! ANYIMA 2 Adilang 25,700 29 29 )"!)" )")"!! P ! ! )"!! ! )"! )"!! ! ! )" !!!!Kaciciru! Motorable Road 3 Atanga 30,200 18 18 ! (! )")"!)"!)"P)"!! Kacheri ! PALARO ! # ! ! )")")"!)"! KOTIDO )" !)"! )"! )" 4 Awer 26,500 1 32 33 )"! ! !!#! ! )"! )" )")"! 5 Kilak 16,700 1 13 14 ")! ! ! Total Population (09 Projection) P P ! )" )"! ! ! ! 6 Laguti 13,200 9 9 )"!! )"! ! ! ! Pawel ! ! ! ! )" ! )"(! (! ( 7,900 - 15,000 !!Acholibur Wol 7 Lapono 19,200 2 19 21 (! )")"!)"!!)"!! Paimol- )")")"!bP)")"!)"!b ! )" Kilak ! LAGUTI )")"b!)" ! ! ! Mutu (! )" 8 Lapul 21,900 9 9 (! ! )")"!! P ! P)")"! (! 15,001 - 30,000 !#! ! >!)"!Palaro)"L )")"!)"P#)"! 9 Lira Palwo(! 36,600 4 7 12 23 (! )"L)")"!)"Pb)" (! ! "!! )")"!)"! (! )"!L)")"! )"L )" (! P)")"!! )" ARUA ! )")"! ! ! )"!)")" ! 10 Lukole 20,700 21 21 PABBO )"! ATANGA ! (! ACHOLIBUR (! ! ! )"! 11 Omot 23,900 17 17 ! !P Atika )""!! 30,001 - 54,000 )" )" ) ! (! (! ! 12 Pader Tc 11,900 30 30 )"! )"! PATIKO ! Laguti !)"!! ! )"!"P! (! )" )"! )"!P)" 13 Paimol(! 28,800 28 28 )! !"!! ! ! WOL Paimol )" ! ! ! ! !)")"P!)") )" )" !P )" ! )" Parabongo ! 14 Pajule 29,000 2 2 )" )"! ! (! )" ! ! ! (! (! ! ! ! )" Landuse Type ( (! !!)"b > )" )")"!P)"! )" ! ! ! 15 Parabongo 30,200 22 22 (! )")")">L Aswa ! )" ! )"L)" ! Atanga P!)"!!! (! (! (! )"!!!!)")"!)")" ! Forest Reserve )"> )"! ! )"! PAJULE )")"!)"!)"! 16 Patongo 41,100 6 6 )"! ! ! ! )"#!)" !! )"! ! (! )"! ! )" )"L)" !)"! !)" )"! ! )" 17 Puranga(! 19,900 6 6 )"!)"!)"P!!> )" > )")")"!)")" (!!)"P)"!Patiko! >)"> >)" )"!)"!)")"! AWACH ! ! Game Reserve )"! )")"!)"Pabo! ! ! ! (! 18 Wol 27,500 14 14 ! ! )" )")"!b )"! )"L )"L)" PARABONGO )")"! >)"!)"!P)"!>)"!(! ! (! Atanga ! ! )")")")"L! ! ! ! )" ! ! ! Pader Total 449,900 6 9 323 338 )"L)"!)"b> )"!)"! ! ! ! )"!!P)"")! ! National Park Rhino ! )">)"!b )" )" "! )"!)"!) (! (! )")"! ) )" (! !(! Camp ! (! ! ! )" ! ! ACHOLI SUB-REGION TOTAL ! !)"L !Awach! ! ! ! )")">L)"!!)" Pajule ! )"L)")"L ! (! !! P (! Rangeland ! )"! )"b)"P!)")"!L)"b!L ! )")"!)" Akuyam ! ! ! Mapped Water Points 1228 235 341 1804 ! ! ! )" P)"!! Pajule ! LAPONO P)"!!> )"! ! )"L )")" (! )" )")")" ! ! # ! (! (! ! )">! )"! )"! )"#! Not mapped (No GPS) 281 120 324 725 )" )"!! ! )"!)"! ! )"!P)"!! )"!! ! ! )" ! (! ! Lakes/Water Body )")") )"! ! !! ! ")!! (! )" ! )")"# TOTAL IN ACHOLI 1,382,800 1509 355 665 2529 ! Cwero ! ! "(! P ! )"!)"! AMURU ! ! )"L ) !! )" > )"P! ! )" )"> ! !)"b ! )")"! )"# )"! ! )" )" ! ! !)"P)"! ! )")" ! ! ! )")"L LAPUL ! )"! National Boundary )"! ! L >! )"! )"! )" ! )" )")"L! )">> "! ! ! )" )"!)"!! )">)"> ) ! )"! ! )")"!P)"! ! ! ! ! ! )"L>b)")"!!Mission Paicho! )"! ! ! ! P )" )"))" BUNGATIRA )"L )"!!)"(!!)"! ! ! (! ! )"! ! )")")"!)"!P!)"b! ! )"! LAMOGI )" ! ! )" )"!)")"L Aruu ! PADER District Boundary ! ! Parabongo )" ! (! !! (! ! )"! )" )"L! ! )"!)")"! ! )"! )"L! )"! )"! ! )"!!)" )"!!)"L ! )"! )"! ! P)")"!! P )" )" ! " )"!! )"! (! !)" ! !! (! )" ) (! )"! ! ! ()"! )"!)"! ! > ! ! ! ! ! )"!)" )" (! )" )">! (! )"! )")")"!)"!!! )"!!)" County Boundary ! )"b! ! !! ! )"!!)"!)"b !# ( > ! ) ! ! >! )")"P ! )"# ! )"! )")")"P)"!)"L ! ! )"P#)"! )")"! )" )"!)"> ! )"! )"! )"L ! )" PADER )"TC!)"! ! ! LUKOLE ! )"!P! Kilak )"> )"> ! PAICHO )">)"L ! )"L)" ! ! Olwal )"!! !!)"! )"! > )"> )"> GULU )" ! ! )"> )">L)")"! )" TEXT )"!)"L)"LL! )"b)"P>!)"!)"!)"> ! ! ! !! Sub-County Boundary ! >)"P)" !! )")">)"L > )")"L)">> ! )")"!)"!! )" ! )">)"!Pb)"L (! )" )"L )" (! ! )"! ")!)"! )")")")"!L )"> )"L! )"L )"BungatiraL )" ! )"! ! P )"> )")"> " > )">)" )"L )"! )">"!b ! ! ! )"! ! )"> )" ! )L )" )"! )">)"!))"!Unyama)" )"L ! Pader Pader !! !)"> P )" >)"L )"L )">!)" > !! ! ! "# )")" )")")"!)"!)"b! )"!! (! Keyo >!)" > )"!!)"!! )"P!>)" )"L)"P )"! (! ) !)"!)")"!P)"!!)"!> )"!! >)"! Pagak )" )"L )">)" )"!)"! )")" )")" ! ! KILAK Palwo ! Parish Boundary )")"!)")"L )")">)"L )" )"L)">>)" )"L # "!)"!P)" "!)">!)"! ! P )">>)"! )")" !)"!)"L )"> )" ! )"!)"! ! ))" )"L )"!! !)" (! ! ! ! )"! !)"!!! )"! !! )" ! (! ! )"L)" )")")"! )" )"L )")" LAROO ! )" # ! ( L " )" )")LL )"L)")"L>> ! !! ! ! !! )"> )"!>)")"LL! "! )"L ! ! )"! )" )" )"!)"L!)"! )L)")"! !)"! "!)"L >)">! ! ! ! ! BAR-DEGE ) )"! )" )"L) )"!)")" ! )"! !! ! )"! ! ! )"L Gulu(! ! )"!)"> )"L )")")"!!)"! (! ! )" ! )"!! )")"L)"L)"LL !)"! )"!P! ! P Katikati! )" ! )" )">"!)"!L)"LL )"L )" LIRA )" Geregere Patongo ! )" "!)" ! ! !)"GuluL !!!)")"! ! )" ) ! Kilak ( ! )" ! ! )" ! !!P Data Sources: ! )")"!)"!!)"!b! )"!!)")"!)")"!!)"!)"!! )"> )"!!)"P)"! PALWO )"!)")"!)"!! ! (! )"! ! ! > !)")")")"L)")")">Municipality)")" )"L)"L)">)"> KORO ! )")"!!)" ! )")")"!!)" ! (! ! )" ! >>")">L>>)" )"L)">L>> )"L)"L )" > )"L )"L ! )" )"!)" ! ! ! Patongo)")"#! ! Alelele ! Alokolum)"L)"bb)">))")"L)">)" )"L)")")")"> "!!!! L! )")">)"L )" )" )" P)" ! ! )" )"L ))")">b)"L)"L)"L )")"! ! # )"! )"! )"! )" ! )">>)">! )"L )"L)")"LL )"!)")"! PECE LALOGI ! #! )" ! "! ! (! P >)" )" )"L > )"L ! >>)"> >! )"! )" )")"## ) !# Adilang ! )" )" )"")L)" )" ! ! )")"#! (! ! ! )")"# ! !)"> )"!!!Layibi )"! (! !! )")" ! #!!#)"!!! ABIM )"L )"!)"!" > > ! )" ! !)"!)"! ! P )" )")") )" )" )" ! ! ! ! )"#)"!)"!)"!P)"!)")"!Adilang#! ! )"L! )"!! "! ! )")")")"!#!)# Admin Boundaries - UBOS 2006 (! )"!! )"! )" (! ! )" ) ! ! P )")"b)")"# (! (! ! ! )"L Lagile !)"! ! ! )" ! )">L! )" ! ! )"! )"!! )")")"! )" LAYIBI )"!!)"! ! )"!)"P")!! ! (! )"P)")"!L)"! )")" Admin Centres - UBOS 2002/2006 ONGAKO (! ! (! ! ! (! ! ! ! )"L )"! (! " )"! ! ! ) ! ! )"L ! Barabili !Lakwatomer )" L )"L # Rackoko ! ! )">!P )" ! ! )"! ! )"! #!)" OMOT ! Landuse - UBOS 2006 (! !)"!)"! !!)"!( "> )" )"! )" ! AWER )"!)"!#")P!)"!#! ! ! 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Acholpi! ! ! )"! )" )" Aromo ! )"!)" ! " ! ! ! > )"Palenga!L(!)")"bL! )"!!!Opit )"L ! )" )"P!)"!Puranga ) ! Village - Humanitarian Agencies )" )" )")"! )"L ! ! )"L )" !"P!)"! ! )"!)"!)"P )"! ODEK )" )" ! ! ! )"! ! )"!! )" )") "! ! >)")"!!)"! ! ! Lolim )"!)"!Koc> " ) )")")"!!b)" )"! ! ! ! )"L! Anaka> ")!)"LL!P!)")")"> )L )"L ! ! )" )" ! (! )"L )"! ">)"!)"!L!)"L!>)"b ! )"L(!)"L)")")">!>)" (! )" )"L ! Thematic - District Water Office/ ))"!)")"b)"!)" )"L)" )"!> )")"L P ! )")"!P!)"! ! )"!! )"L)"L)")" L Omoro ! ! ! Anaka )">)"b )")"! > )"! )" )" )"! )" ! ! ! )"> ! ! ! (! ! ! )" (! District Partners, Nov 08 - Feb 09 >P!!! ! ! )" )" )")"! L )")"!b ! ! )")")"! )"> )"! )"L !)"P!L )"! )"> )" )" )")"BobiL)"L )"! ! ! ! )"L")L ! ParakL)" (! Lalem)"L ! )"! ! )" )" )"P! (! )"! )"! !L Mission! ! ! )" Bobi )"L)" P (! )"P ! ! )"L !)" )"! )"! ! )"L )"P)"!! )"! )" )"L!)" ! ! )" !)"PL " Map Disclaimer: )" !)L ! ! "> >! ! BOBI )" ! )" ! ) )")" ! ! L !"! P)" )"> Parak (! )"L)"P)Nwoya !!)" ! )"!)"b)"!)"L (! ! > )"!!)"P )"L ! ( )" )"L (! )"! )" (! ! ! ANAKA >(! )"L L The boundaries and names ! )" ! )" ! )"! )"L (! ! (! !! )"L )"L)")"!!)" )"L (! shown and the designations ! )"L! > )")"P)">L ! (! P)" )" )"L)"L )" "! )"! ! )"! !) (! (! Otuke (! used on this map do not imply )"!! ! (! Jonam ! ! ! (! (! NEBBI (! (! )" )"! official endorsement or Minakulu ( (! (! )" (! )"! P acceptance by the PURONGO (! (! (! (! (! ! United Nations. (! (! MOROTO (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! ! LIRA (! (! KOCH This map is a work in progress. Please GOMA (! (! (! (! (! (! (! contact the IMU/Ocha as soon as (! Oyam (! )"(! APAC (! (! (! (! Erute possible with any corrections. (! (! (! OYAM (! (! )" P (! (! ! (! (! Notes: (! (! ! ! P (! Kole ! (! (! (! (! (! (! ! (! 1. Thematic information presented in this map is totally based on )" (! (! Aloi (! Draft (! ! available information received during(! Nov 2008 - (!Feb 2009 from Moroto (! (! (! (! (! K (! District Water Office and district(! partners. Therefore, water Lira (!Lira ! Municipality (! (! (! source(! coverage and operational(! status level(! change over time. (! (! AMURIA 010205 (! (! (! P (!(! For updated information, please(! contact dire(! ctly to District(! Water (! (! Amola Kilometers (! ! Office in respective district.(! (!

(! (! (! Kapelebyong (! (! (! P (! (! Bulisa BULIISA 2. Some 725 water points are not mapped due to lack of GPS P Map Prepare Date: 03 April 2009 (IMU/UNOCHA, K'la) ! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (! coordinates of the location. Please refer to table in the map for (! (! File: UG-WASH-17_A1_03Apr09_Acholi Sub-Region ! detail information. Water Sources by Operational Status (! (! (! (! (! (! (! (!