Xeriscape is Smart Landscape: Drought Resistant Cycad & Species

Landscaping with drought resistant , known as xeriscaping, is a path more and more professional landscapers and home gardeners are taking to create practical landscape beauty. An attractive and earth-friendly garden is not just economical, a xeriscape is the smart thing to do if you live in the Western USA, where water is scarce. A succulent , such as the cycad plant, aloe species and other xeriscape plants such as aeonium and strelitzia, save you water, and become a self-sustaining, low-maintenance natural landscape for your home. Growing cycads and succulent plants is simple and also means less work for you! If you live in an arid climate, you will water much less frequently in the summer (with deeper waterings), and almost never in the winter. What plants do I choose? Sun-loving plants Sun-loving plants in this group include cycad plants like Cycas revoluta (Sago Palm), Cycas panzhuaensis (Chinese Blue Mountain Cycad) and Dioon angustifolium from Mexico, a blue-green feather-leafed plant.

Cycas panzhihuaensis Dioon angustifolium

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Jurassic Garden Š 11801 Stagg Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605 Š http://cycads.com Š [email protected] Sun-tolerant Aloe Species Drought resistant Aloe species include Aloe plicatilis (Fan Aloe), the red-leafed Aloe cameronii and the rare spiral Aloe polyphylla.

Aloe plicatilis Aloe cameronii

Sun-Loving Blue Cycads from Africa Blue cycads from , like Encephalartos lehmannii (Karoo Desert Cycad) and Encephalartos horridus (Eastern Cape Blue Cycad) are also very attractive in a landscape.

Encephalartos lehmannii Encephalartos horridus

Taller Growing Cycads If you are looking for tall plants, consider sun-tolerant cycads like Encephalartos altensteinii (Eastern Cape Giant Cycad) and Encephalartos ituriensis (Ituri Rainforest Cycad).

Encephalartos altensteinii Encephalartos ituriensis

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Jurassic Garden Š 11801 Stagg Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605 Š http://cycads.com Š [email protected]

Taller Species Taller succulents include Aloe bainesii from South Africa and Aloe excelsa from and .

Aloe bainesii (Aloe barberae) Aloe excelsa

Shade-Loving Plants Don't Need to be Water Hogs Shade-loving plants also have a place in the xeriscape. You don’t need to have water-craving plants in shady parts of your garden. Try a cycad plant like Encephalartos natalensis, a Ceratozamia from Mexico, a Zamia for a lower-growing infill plant, or a Lepidozamia from Australia. Succulents like Aeonium go well in shade, particularly the purple-leafed Aeonium “Zwartkop” also called Aeonium “Schwartzkop”.

Aeonium “Zwarkkop” Ceratozamia mexicana

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Jurassic Garden Š 11801 Stagg Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605 Š http://cycads.com Š [email protected] More Xeriscape Tips: Here are some additional tips for your xeriscape, to have a beautiful and healthy drought resistant garden, which is low-maintenance and saves resources (natural resources and your resources): 1. Use Mulch: Adding a thick layer of mulch conserves water, keeps down weeds, and protects your plants from extremes of summer heat and winter cold. Apply at least 3 inches for your drought-tolerant plants’ best benefit. 2. Water deeply but infrequently: This encourages plants to push deeper roots, and be self- sustaining for longer. 3. Create Different Watering Zones: Drought resistant plant species need less water, and should get shorter watering times, if you have an automatic irrigation system. 4. Get by with as little lawn as possible: Turf grass is popular, but is a big water hog. Explore more drought resistant lawn types. 5. Recycle rainwater if you can: Not only does this save on you water bill, rain water is much less alkaline, so your plants will like it much more.

Learn more about cycads and drought-resistant succulents at http://www.cycads.com/

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Jurassic Garden Š 11801 Stagg Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605 Š http://cycads.com Š [email protected]