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[email protected] Vol. 7 September 8, 2016 Issue 1 By Paulina Carrillo am very thankfulHomecoming that I get will be Eli Gonzales, 2 0 1 6 to experience this beauti- Daniel Pinon, and Cristian The 2016 Homecom- ful opportunity.” Blanco. ing Court will be Senior Franziska’s senior Karisa Minjarez is the Jasmine Alonzo, Junior escorts will be Quashus Freshman Class Princess. foreign exchange student Williams, Evan Anderson, She is the daughter of Franziska Weiser, Sopho- and Diante Lott. Elisa and Armando Min- more Ayzlen Prieto, and Ayzlen Prieto is the jarez. Freshman Karisa Min- Sophomore Class Prin- Minjarez is involved in jarez. cess. Prieto is the daughter cheerleading, cross coun- Jasmine Alonzo is the of Banesa Bejavano and try, basketball, track, and Senior Queen. She is the Alexis Prieto. powerlifting. daughter of Joe Alonso Prieto is involved in “I feel thankful and and Maricruz DeLeon. softball. honored,” said Minjarez. Alonzo is involved in “It makes me feel “I believe I was chosen basketball, softball, FCA, nervous to be nominated because I am a likeable and student council. because I don’t like to be person,” said Minjarez. “It was certainly an in front of people, but I’m Minjarez’s senior es- honor being chosen,” said excited to do something corts will be Will Wilkins, C Alonzo.