A phytosociological study in the , south of the Sabie River

presented by R.E. Mostert assistant T.H.C. Mostert supervisors Prof. G.J. Bredenkamp University of F. Siebert Pretoria Once upon a time...... Northern district: Noel Van Rooyen

Central district: Willem Gertenbach & Ben Coetzee

Southern district: Piet Van Wyk Method

New data collected: • Environmental AND Floristic data • ± 130 relevés • “New” data and “old” data combined using TWINSPAN Aim: • Link Environmental data to the Van Wyk dataset.

Southern district 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Van Wyk Mostert Van Wyk & Mostert Event-driven systems

• Van Wyk ~ wet period (1970’s) • New data ~ dry period (2002/2003)

• Multivariate statistical program (TWINSPAN): • annual & weak perennial species Data Manipulation

• Remove annual species & classify. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Van Wyk Mostert Van Wyk & Mostert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C.apiculatum – P.rotundifolius A.nigrescens – S.birrea A.nigrescens – S.birrea T.sericea – H.dissoluta C.apiculatum – C.zeyheri – C.collinum – T.sericea ? S.africana – T.prunioides dry riparian woodland T.sericea – C.collinum C.apiculatum – A.nigrescens C.apiculatum – G.bicolor C.zeyheri – T.sericea A.nigrescens – A.tortilis A.welwithsii – E.divinorum S.africana alluvial clay drainage lines Riperian areas A.grandicornuta – S.nitens 1 Terminalia sericea – Hyperthelia dissoluta 2 Terminalia sericea – collinum 3 Combretum apiculatum – C. zeyheri – C.collinum – Terminalia sericea 4 Combretum apiculatum – Pterocarpus rotundifolius 5 Combretum apiculatum – Acacia nigrescens 6 Combretum apiculatum – Grewia bicolor 7 Combretum zeyheri – Terminalia sericea 8 Acacia nigrescens – Tree 9 Acacia nigrescens – Sclerocarya birrea Shrub 11 Acacia nigrescens – Acacia tortilis 12 Acacia welwithsii – Euclea divinorum 13 Acacia grandicornuta – Sporobolus nitens 14 Spirostachys africana – Terminalia prunioides dry riparian woodland 15 Spirostachys africana 16 Riperian areas Classification of Event- driven systems • Woodies • Hardy perennials Thank you!