Your hom etown new spaper serving Plym outh and Plym outh Tow nship for 116 years Sunday, December 23, 2001 www. observerandeccentric. com Volume 116 Number 34 Plymouth Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ T H E WEEK Finally, a tree moves in Plymouth AHEAD b y T o n y B e i i s c a t o two-year contract with a West Bloom On the go: Bryan S t a f f W r i t e r field Cpmpany to provide after-care for
[email protected] Williams from World the tree, will cost the foundation nearly wide Tree Moving gives After months of promises and insis $50,000 tence it could be done, a Shelby Town directions to his crew “What we’re trying to do is give the while trying to move the City, township ship tree moving company has finally moved out of harm’s way the 150 year- tree every chance to survive,” said Win 150-year-old tree near old copper beech tree on the Wilcox Schrader, one of three Wilcox Founda the Wilcox house m holiday hours property in downtown Plymouth tion trustees who agreed to pay for the downtown Plymouth As of Friday afternoon, Bryan tree transfer “It’s part of Plymouth After months of waiting, the tree finally moved Plymouth Township and City of Williams of Worldwide Tree Moving heritage, and our foundation under said there was another 40 feet, or Thursday Plymouth offices will observe an stands that completely The alterna about half the moving distance, before tive is to let the developer build the abbreviated operating schedule dur the tree would be m its final resting condominiums, and that means ing the