
-Generic Datatype-

Stephanie Weirich Chris Casinghino University of Pennsylvania {sweirich,ccasin}@cis.upenn.edu

Abstract Because all the instances of gmap are generated from the same Some programs are doubly-generic. For example, is datatype- definition, reasoning about that generic tells us about map generic in that many different data structures support a mapping at each type. . A generic like Generic Haskell However, there is another way to generalize map. Consider the can use a single definition to generate map for each type. However, following sequence of functions from the Haskell Prelude [20], all map is also arity-generic because it belongs to a family of related of which operate on lists. operations that differ in the number of arguments. For lists, this → [ ] family includes repeat, map, zipWith, zipWith3, zipWith4,etc. repeat :: a a With dependent types or clever programming, one can unify all of map :: (a → b) → [a] → [b] these functions together in a single definition. zipWith :: (a → b → ) → [a] → [b] → [c] However, no one has explored the combination of these two zipWith3 :: (a → b → c → d) → [a] → [b] → [c] → [d] forms of genericity. These two axes are not orthogonal because the idea of arity appears in Generic Haskell: datatype-generic versions The repeat function creates an infinite list from its argument. The of repeat, map and zipWith have different of -indexed zipWith function is a generalization of zip—it combines the two types. In this paper, we define arity-generic datatype-generic pro- lists together with its argument instead of with the tupling function. grams by building a framework for Generic Haskell-style generic Likewise, zipWith3 combines three lists. programming in the dependently-typed programming language As Fridlender and Indrika [7] have pointed out, all of these Agda 2. functions are instances of the same generic operation, they just have different arities. They demonstrate how to encode the arity Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.1 [Programming Tech- as a Church numeral in Haskell and uniformly produce all of these niques]: Applicative (Functional) Programming; D.3.3 [Program- list operations from the same definition. ming languages]: Language constructs and features—Data types Arity-genericity is not unique to the list instance of map. It is not and structures, frameworks difficult to imagine arity-generic versions of map for other types. Fridlender and Indrika’s technique immediately applies to all types General Terms Design, Languages, Verification that are applicative functors [16]. However, one may also define Keywords Dependent types, Arity-generic programming, Agda, arity-generic versions of map at other types. Generic Haskell Other functions besides map have both datatype-generic and arity-generic versions. For example, equality can be applied to any number of arguments, all of the same type. Map has a dual 1. Introduction operation called unzipWith that is similarly doubly-generic. Other This is a story about doubly-generic programming. Datatype- examples include folds, enumerations, monadic maps, etc. generic programming defines operations that may be instantiated at In this paper, we present the first doubly-generic definitions. For many different types, so these operations need not be redefined for each of these examples, we can give a single definition that can be each one. For example, Generic Haskell [5, 11] includes a generic instantiated at any type or at any arity. Our methodology shows map operation gmap that has instances for types such as lists, op- how these two forms of genericity can be combined in the same tional values, and products (even though these types have different framework and demonstrates the synergy between them. kinds). In fact, arity-genericity is not independent of datatype-genericity. Generic Haskell has its own notion of arity. and each datatype- gmap [] :: (a → b) → [a] → [b] generic function must be defined at a particular arity. Importantly, gmap Maybe :: (a → b) → Maybe a → Maybe b that arity corresponds to the arities in map above. For example, the gmap (, ) :: (a1 → b1) → (a2 → b2) Generic Haskell version of repeat has arity one, its map has arity → (a1, a2) → (b1, b2) two, and zipWith arity three. Unfortunately, Generic Haskell does not permit generalizing over arities, so a single definition cannot produce repeat, map and zipWith. Likewise, Generic-Haskell-style libraries encoded in Haskell, such as RepLib [29] or Extensible and Modular Generics Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or for the Masses (EMGM) [6] specialize their infrastructure to spe- classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed cific arities, so they too cannot write arity-generic code. for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute However, Altenkirch and McBride [1] and Verbruggen et al. to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. [26] have shown how to encode Generic-Haskell-style generic PLPV’10, January 19, 2010, Madrid, Spain. programming in dependently-typed programming languages. Al- Copyright c 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-890-2/10/01. . . $10.00 though they do not consider arity-genericity in their work, be- cause of the power of dependent-types, their encodings are flexible the type of the objects stored in the vector and the index specifies enough to express arity-generic operations. its length. For example, the type Vec Bool 2 is a list of boolean In this paper, we develop an analogous generic programming values of length two. Note that indices can vary in the types of the framework in the dependently-typed language Agda 2 [19] and constructors; for example, empty vectors []use index 0. demonstrate how it may be used to define doubly-generic op- The underscores in _::_ create an infix operator. Arguments erations. We choose Agda because it is particularly tailored to to Agda functions may be made implicit by placing them in curly dependently-typed programming, but we could have also used a braces, so Agda will attempt to infer the length index by unification number of different languages, such as Coq [25], Epigram [15], when applying _::_. For example, Agda can automatically deter- Ωmega [23], or Haskell with recent extensions [3, 21]. mine that the term true :: :: []has type Vec Bool 2. Our contributions are as follows: Vectors are applicative functors, familiar to Haskell program- mers from the Applicative . Applicative functors have 1. We develop an arity-generic version of map that reveals com- two operations. The first is repeat (called pure in Haskell). Given monality between gmap, gzipWith and gzipWith3. This cor- an initial value, it constructs a vector with n copies of that value. respondence has not previously been expressed, but we find that it leads to insight into the nature of these operations. Since repeat : {n : N}→{A : }→A → Vec A n the definitions are all instances of the same dependently-typed repeat {zero} x =[] function, we have shown formally that they are related. repeat {suc n} x = x :: repeat {n} x 2. This example is developed on top of a reusable framework for Observe that, using curly braces, implicit arguments can be explic- generic programming in Agda. Although our framework has itly provided in a function call or matched against in a definition. the same structure as previous work, our treatment of datatype The second, __, is an infix zipping application, pronounced isomorphisms is novel and requires less boilerplate. "zap" and defined by: 3. We use our framework to develop other doubly-generic opera- __ : {AB : Set}{n : N} tions, such as equality and unzipWith. All of these examples → Vec (A → B) n → Vec A n → Vec B n shed light on arity support in a generic programming frame- []  [] = [] work. In particular, there are not many operations that require (a::As)  (b::Bs)=(ab::As Bs) arity of two or more: this work suggests what such operations must look like. The __ operator associates to the left. In its definition, we do not need to consider the case where one vector is empty while the 4. Finally, because we develop a reusable framework, this work other is not because the type specifies that both arguments have the demonstrates how a tool like Generic Haskell could be extended same length. to arity-genericity. These two operations are the key to arity-generic map. The We explain doubly-generic map and our generic programming following sequence shows that the different arities of map follow infrastructure in stages. In Section 2 we start with an Agda defini- a specific pattern. tion of arity-generic map. Next, in Section 3, we describe a gen- map0 : {m : N}{A : Set}→A → Vec A m eral framework for generic programming that works for all types map0 = repeat (of any kind) formed from unit, pairs, sums and natural numbers. : { : N}{ : } We use this framework to define doubly-generic map. In Section 4 map1 m AB Set we show how datatype isomorphisms may be incorporated, so that → (A → B) → Vec A m → Vec B m we can specialize doubly-generic operations to inductive datatypes. map1 f x = repeat f  x We discuss other doubly-generic examples in Section 5. Finally, map2 : {m : N}{ABC : Set} Sections 6 and 7 discuss related work and conclude. → (A → B → C) All code described in this paper is available from http://www. → Vec A m → Vec B m → Vec C m cis.upenn.edu/~ccasin/papers/aritygen.tar.gz. map2 f x1 x2 = repeat f  x1  x2 2. Arity-generic Map Indeed, all of these maps are defined by a simple application of repeat and n copies of __. Agda can express the arity-generic We begin this section by introducing Agda and using it to define operation that unifies all of these maps via dependent types, as we applicative functors. We show how to use applicative functors to present in the next subsection. define arity-generic map for vectors, following Fridlender and In- drika. Finally, we demonstrate why this approach does not scale to 2.2 Arity-Generic Vector Map implementing datatype-generic arity-generic map. The difficulty in the definition of arity-generic map is that all of 2.1 Programming with Dependent Types in Agda the instances have different types. Given some arity n,wemust generate the corresponding type in this sequence. Fridlender and Agda is a dependently typed programming language where terms Indrika, not working in a dependently typed language, do so by may appear in types. For example, the Agda standard library de- encoding n as a Church numeral that generates the appropriate type fines a type of polymorphic length-indexed vectors: for map. data Vec (A : Set):N → Set where We prefer to use natural numbers to express the arity of the map- [] : ping operation. Therefore, we must program with Agda types. For Vec A zero N [] _::_ : ∀{n} (x : A)(xs : Vec A n) → Vec A (suc n) example, we can construct a vector of Agda types, Bool :: :: , which has type Vec Set 2, and use standard vector operations (such This datatype Vec is parameterized by an argument A of type as __) with this value.2 Set, the analogue of Haskell’s kind , and indexed by an argument 1 of type N , the type of natural numbers. The A specifies 2 This type requires Set to have type Set, enabled by Agda’s –-type-in-type flag. The standard of Agda has an infinite 1 Note that Unicode symbols are valid in Agda identifiers. hierarchy of Sets, and users must resolve their code to be at the appropriate The first step is to define arrTy, which folds the arrow type Finally, we define two operations for . The first, ∀⇒, constructor → over a non-empty vector of types. Given such a creates a curried version of a type which depends on a vector. The vector, this operation constructs the type of the function that will second, λ⇒, curries a corresponding function term. be mapped over the n data structures. ∀⇒ : {n : N}{A : Set}→(Vec An→ Set) → Set arrTy : {n : N}→Vec Set (suc n) → Set ∀⇒ {zero} B = B [] arrTy {0} (A::[]) = A ∀⇒ {suc n}{A} B = arrTy {suc n} (A::As)=A → arrTy As {a : A}→∀⇒{n} (λ as → B (a::as)) λ⇒ : {n : N}{A : Set}{B : Vec An→ Set} The function arrTyVec constructs the of arity- → ((X : Vec An) → BX) → (∀⇒ B) generic map for vectors. We define this operation by mapping the λ⇒{ } = [] Vec zero f f constructor onto the vector of types, then placing arrows be- λ⇒{ }{ } = tween them. Notice that there are two integer indices here: n deter- suc n A f λ { : }→λ⇒{ } (λ → ( )) mines the number of types we are dealing with (the arity), while a A n as f a::as m is the length of the vectors we map over. Recall that the curly With these operations, we can finish the definition of arity- braces in the types of arrTyVec and arrTy mark m and n as implicit generic map. Again, the (implicit) argument m is the length of the arguments, so we need not always match against them in definitions vector, and the (explicit) argument n is the specific arity of map that nor provide them explicitly as arguments. is desired. arrTyVec : {mn : N}→Vec Set (suc n) → Set nmap :(n : N) →{m : N} arrTyVec {m} As = →∀⇒(λ (As : Vec Set (suc n)) arrTy (repeat (λ A → Vec A m)  As) → arrTy As → arrTyVec {m} As) nmap n {m} = λ⇒ (nvec-map {m} n) For example, we can define the sequence of types from Sec- tion 2.1 using these functions applied to lists of type variables. We can use this arity-generic map just by providing the arity as an additional argument. For example, the term nmap 1 has type map0 : {m : N}{A : Set} {m : N}→{AB : Set}→(A → B) → arrTy (A::[]) → (Vec A m) → (Vec B m) → arrTyVec {m} (A::[]) map1 : {m : N}{AB : Set} and the expression → arrTy (A::B::[]) nmap 1 (λ x → x+1)(1::2::3::[]) → arrTyVec {m} (A::B::[]) evaluates to 2::3::4::[]. Likewise, the term nmap 2 has type map2 : {m : N}{ABC : Set} { : N}→{ : }→( → → ) → arrTy (A::B::C::[]) m ABC Set A B C → ( ) → ( ) → ( ) → arrTyVec {m} (A::B::C::[]) Vec A m Vec B m Vec C m and the expression Now, to define arity-generic map, we start by defining a function nvec-map. The type of this function mirrors the examples above, nmap 2 ( , )(1::2::3::[])(4::5::6::[]) A B except that it takes in the type arguments ( , , etc) as a vector returns (1, 4) :: (2, 5) :: (3, 6) :: []. (As). After we define nvec-map we will curry it to get the desired operation. 2.3 Towards Type Genericity nvec-map : {m : N}→(n : N) We have shown how to define arity-generic map for vectors, but → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) what about for other types of data, such as products of vectors → arrTy As → arrTyVec {m} As or vectors of products? This should be possible, as map is a type- generic operation, one that is defined by type structure. Intuitively, the definition of nvec-map is a simple application of Type-generic programming in Agda is done via a technique repeat and n copies of __: called universes [13, 18]. The idea is to define an inductive datatype = Tyc, called a universe, which represents types, along with an inter- nvec-map As f v1 v2 ... vn pretation function _ that maps elements of this universe to actual     repeat f v1 v2 ... vn Agda types. A generic program is then an operation which manip- We define this function by recursion on n, in accumulator style. ulates this . After duplicating f we have a vector of functions to zap, so we However, there is one difficulty—what kind of types should we define a helper function, g, for that more general case. represent? The answer to that question determines the type of the function. For example, if the datatype Tyc represents nvec-map n As f = g {n} As (repeat f) where types of kind Set then the interpretation function should have type g : {nm : N} Tyc → Set. If the universe represents type constructors, that → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) is, functions from types to types, then the interpretation function → Vec (arrTy As) m → arrTyVec {m} As should have type Tyc → (Set → Set). g {0} (A::[]) a = a Consider the following universe of codes for type constructors. g {suc n} (A1 :: As) f = data Tyc : Set where (λ a → gAs(f  a)) Nat : Tyc Unit : Tyc : → → level. Although we have done so, in the interest of clarity we have hidden Prod Tyc Tyc Tyc this hierarchy and its associated complexities. We discuss this choice further Arr : N → Tyc → Tyc in Section 7. Var : Tyc Each of these codes can be decoded as an Agda Haskell style kind-indexed types. We develop our framework of kind Set → Set. For example, is the in Agda and × in stages, first including only primitive type constructors in the constructs the (non-dependent) type of products. universe, then in Section 4, extending it to include user-defined datatypes. _ : Tyc → (Set → Set)   = N Nat a 3.1 Universe Definition  Unit  a =  Prod t1 t2  a =  t1  a ×t2  a To write more general generic programs, we need a more expres-  Arr n t1  a = Vec ( t1  a) n sive universe. The universe that we care about is based on the type language of F-omega [8]. It is the simply-typed  Var  a = a augmented with a number of constants that form types. Therefore, With these two definitions, we can implement type-generic ver- to represent this language, we need datatypes for kinds, constants, sions of the repeat and __ functions.3 They are implemented by and for the lambda calculus itself. recursion on the structure of the Tyc, but we elide the definitions Kinds include the base kind and function kinds. The function for brevity. kind arrow associates to the right. grepeat :(t : Tyc) →{a : Set}→a →t  a data Kind : Set where gzap :(t : Tyc) →{ab : Set} : Kind →t  (a → b) →t  a →t  b _⇒_ : Kind → Kind → Kind With these type-generic functions, we can generalize the defi- A simple recursive function takes a member of this datatype into nition for vectors to produce gmap, which works for all type con- an Agda kind. structors in the universe. This definition is a straightforward exten- _ : Kind → Set sion of nmap for vectors (replacing repeat and __ with grepeat   = Set and gzap), so we elide its definition and only show its type.  a ⇒ b  =  a  →  b  gmap :(t : Tyc) → (n : N) Constants are indexed by their kinds. For now, we will con- →∀⇒(λ (As : Vec Set (suc n)) centrate on types formed from natural numbers, unit, binary sums, → arrTy As → arrTy (repeat  t   As)) and binary products. Note that these definitions include a code for We use gmap by supplying a type code and arity. For example, sum types. Although doubly-generic map is partial for sums, many doubly-generic operations are not. On the other hand, most generic example-map : {m : N}→{AB : Set}→(A → B) → ( × ( × )) functions are partial for function types, so we do not include a code Vec A A m for them. Furthermore, because vectors are representable in terms → ( × ( × )) Vec B B m of the other constructors, we do not include a code for them in this example-map = universe. This keeps the definitions of arity-generic functions sim- gmap (Arr (Prod Var (Prod Var Unit))) 1 ple. In Section 4, we discuss how our generic programming frame- We have now combined arity genericity and type genericity. How- work can directly with Agda datatypes like Vec. ever, there is a problem with this definition; it only works for type data Const : Kind → Set where → constructors of kind Set Set. Maps for other kinds are not avail- Nat : Const able. Furthermore, this definition tells us nothing about how to de- Unit : Const fine other arity-generic functions. We have not really gotten to the Sum : Const ( ⇒ ⇒ ) essence of arity genericity. Prod : Const ( ⇒ ⇒ ) To extend arity-generic map to types of arbitrary kinds, we will redo our framework for type-generic programming using a kind- Again, each of these constants can be decoded as an Agda type indexed universe. The kind determines the type of the decoding constructor. function _. With this kind-indexed universe, the concept of arity interp-c : ∀{k}→Const k →  k  naturally shows up—following Generic Haskell, a generic function interp-c Unit = has a kind-indexed type of a particular arity. For example, generic interp-c Nat = N repeat requires an arity one kind-indexed type, while generic map = requires arity two, and generic zipWith requires arity three. Re- interp-c Sum _ _ = × markably, but perhaps unsurprisingly, this notion of arity mirrors interp-c Prod _ _ the arity found in arity-generic map! To represent other types (of arbitrary kinds), we now define an What is new in this paper is that we generalize over the arities indexed datatype called Typ.ATyp may be a variable, a lambda, in the kind-indexed types to give a completely new definition of an application, or a constant. The datatype is indexed by the kind of arity-generic type-generic map. This definition incorporates arity- the type and a typing context which indicates the kinds of variables. genericity right from the start. In the current section we layered We use de Bruijn indices for variables, so we represent the typing arity-genericity on top of type-genericity; in the next, our type- context as a list of Kinds. The nth Kind in the list is the kind of generic functions will be inherently arity-generic. variable n. Ctx : Set 3. Arity-Generic Type-Generic Map Ctx = List Kind Next, we show how to generalize arity-generic map to arbi- data TyVar : Ctx → Kind → Set where trary type constructors by implementing a framework for Generic VZ : ∀{Gk}→TyVar (k::G) k VS : ∀{Gk’k}→TyVar G k → TyVar (k’ :: G) k 3 Because these generic functions show that all type constructors in this universe are applicative functors, we cannot include a code for sum types. data Typ : Ctx → Kind → Set where We return to this issue in Section 3.3. Var : ∀{Gk}→TyVar G k → Typ G k Lam : ∀{Gk1k2}→Typ (k1 :: G) k2 option-map1 : ∀{AB}→(A → B) → Typ G (k1 ⇒ k2) → (Option A → Option B) App : ∀{Gk1k2}→Typ G (k1 ⇒ k2) → Typ G k1 And map for the type constructor _×_,ofkind ⇒ ⇒ → Typ G k2 Con : ∀{Gk}→Const k → Typ G k pair-map1 : ∀{A1 A2 B1 B2} → (A1 → B1) → (A2 → B2) We use the notation Ty for closed types—those that can be → ( × ) → ( × ) checked in the empty typing context. A1 A2 B1 B2 Ty : Kind → Set Though different, the types of option-map1 and pair-map1 are Ty = Typ [] instances of the same kind-indexed type. In Generic Haskell, kind- indexed types are defined by recursion on the kind of the type Now that we can represent type constructors, we need a mech- arguments. For example, here is the Generic Haskell definition of anism to decode them as Agda types. To do so, we must have an map’s type [12]: environment to decode the variables. We index the datatype for the = → environment with the typing context to make sure that each variable type Map t1 t2 t1 t2 ⇒ = is mapped to an Agda type of the right kind. Note that this definition type Map k1 k2 t1 t2 overloads the []and _::_ constructors, but Agda can infer which ∀ a1 a2, Map k1 a1 a2 → Map k2 (t1 a1)(t2 a2) we mean. Readers new to Generic Haskell-style generic programming may data Env : List Kind → Set where find it instructive to verify that Map ⇒ Option Option [] : Env [] and Map ⇒ ⇒ _×__×_ simplify to the types _::_ : ∀{kG}→ k  → Env G → Env (k::G) given above for option-map and pair-map (modulo notational dif- : ∀{ }→ → →   ferences). sLookup kG TyVar G k Env G k For arity-genericity, we must generalize kind-indexed types in ( )= sLookup VZ v::G v another way. We want not only pair-map1,butalsopair-map at ( )( )= sLookup VS x v::G sLookup x G other arities to be instances as well: Finally, with the help of the environment, we can decode a Typ pair-map0 : ∀{AB : Set}→A → B → A × B as an Agda type of the appropriate kind. We use the _ notation : ∀{ } for decoding closed types in the empty environment. pair-map2 A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 → (A1 → B1 → C1) → (A2 → B2 → C2) interp : ∀{kG}→Typ G k → Env G →  k  → A1 × A2 → B1 × B2 → C1 × C2 interp (Var x) e = sLookup x e interp (Lam t) e = λ y → interp t (y::e) We compute the type of a generic function instance from four interp (App t1 t2) e =(interp t1 e)(interp t2 e) pieces of information: the arity of the operation (given with an interp (Con c) e = interp-c c implicit argument n), a function b to construct the type in the base case, the kind k itself and a vector v of n Agda types, each of kind k.   : ∀{ }→ →   _ k Ty k k Reminiscent of Generic Haskell, our kind-indexed type is written   = [] t interp t b k v: For example, the following type constructor Option (isomor- ___ : {n : N} phic to the standard Maybe datatype) → (b : Vec Set (suc n) → Set) Option : Set → Set → (k : Kind) Option = λ A → A → Vec  k  (suc n) → Set is represented with the following code: b Vs = bVs : ( ⇒ ) option Ty b k1 ⇒ k2 Vs = ∀⇒ λ (As : Vec  k1  ) → = option b k1 As → b k2 (Vs  As) Lam (App (App (Con Sum)(Con Unit)) (Var VZ)) The primary difference between our definition and the Generic The Agda type checker can see that  option  normalizes to Haskell definition of kind-indexed type is that because the arity is a Option, so it considers these two expressions equal. parameter, we deal with the type arguments as a vector rather than as individuals. For higher kinds the polymorphic type produced 3.2 Framework for Doubly-Generic Programming takes n arguments of kind k1 (the vector As) and a kind-indexed Next, we give the signature of a framework for defining arity- type for those arguments and produces a result where each higher generic type-generic programs. For space reasons, we do not give kinded type in the vector Vs has been applied to each argument in the implementation of this framework here. The interested reader vector As. may consult Altenkirch and McBride [1], Verbruggen et al. [26], or We use the ∀⇒ function (from Section 2) to curry the type so our source code for more details. that the user may provide n individual k1’s rather than a vector. As with Generic Haskell, the behavior of a generic program The in Vec  k1  instructs Agda to infer the length of the defined using this framework is fixed for applications, lambdas vector (convenient since we did not give a name to the arity). and variables. Therefore, to define an arity-generic type-generic We do not allow these vectors to be empty because few generic operation, we need only supply the behavior of the generic program functions make sense at arity zero. If we had allowed empty vectors for the type constants. we would have to add a degenerate zero case for the majority Datatype-generic operations have different types when instan- of generic functions. It would be straightforward, but tedious, to tiated at different kinds, so they are described by kind-indexed remove this restriction. As a result, the number provided here as an types [11]. For example, consider the type of the standard map func- arity (n) is one less than the corresponding Generic Haskell arity. tion for the Option type constructor, of kind ⇒ : We refer to this reduced number as the arity for convenience. We define generic functions with ngen, whose type is shown mismatched injections. To account for this possibility in Generic below. This operation produces a value of a kind-indexed type Haskell, the library function zipWith returns a Maybe.However, given ce, a mapping from constants to appropriate definitions. we would like to keep our presentation as simple as possible, so we use an error term to indicate failure. A version of doubly-generic ngen : {n : N}{b : Vec Set (suc n) → Set}{k : Kind} → ( : ) map that returns a Maybe is included with our sources. Because t Ty k Agda lacks Haskell’s error function, we use a postulate: → (ce : TyConstEnv n b) → b k (repeat  t ) postulate error :(A : Set) → A The type of ce is a function which maps each constant to a value Next, we define the behavior of arity-generic type-generic map of the kind-indexed type associated with that constant. at the constant types. We do this by writing a term that dispatches to cases for the various constants (defined below). Each case takes : { : N}→( : Vec → Set) → Set TyConstEnv n b Set n the arity as an argument. TyConstEnv b = : { : N}→ {k : Kind} (c : Const k) → b k (repeat  Con c ) ngmap-const n TyConstEnv NGmap ngmap-const {n} Nat = defNat n We can already use this framework for non-arity-generic pro- ngmap-const {n} Unit = defUnit n gramming. For example, suppose we wished to define the standard ngmap-const {n} Prod = defPair n generic map. In this case, we would provide the following defini- ngmap-const {n} Sum = defSum n tion for b. Recalling the definition of NGmap, for the first two cases, we : Vec → Map Set 2 Set must return arity-n functions with the types N → N → ... → N ( []) = → Map A::B:: A B and → →... → .ForN,whenn is zero, we pick a Next, we define the type-constant environment for this particu- default element to return arbitrarily. When n is one, we return the lar b. The mapping function for natural numbers and unit is an iden- argument. For larger arities, we check that the inputs are identical. tity function. For products and sums, the mapping function takes We choose to reject unequal nats to mirror the behavior of map at those arguments apart, maps the subcomponents and then puts them sum types. back together. defNat :(n : N) → NGmap (repeat {suc n} N) gmap-const : TyConstEnv GMap defNat zero = zero -- arbitrary N gmap-const Nat = λ x → x defNat (suc zero)=λ x → x -- return what was given gmap-const Unit = λ x → x defNat (suc (suc n)) = λ → λ → ( ) gmap-const Prod = λ fgx→ (f (proj1 x), g (proj2 x)) x y if eqNat x y then defNat suc n y gmap-const Sum = g else error where defUnit :(n : N) → NGmap (repeat {suc n} ) g : {A1 B1 A2 B2 : Set} defUnit zero = tt → (A1 → B1) → (A2 → B2) defUnit (suc n)=λ x → (defUnit n) → A1 A2 → B1 B2 The Prod and Sum cases remain. Because these constants have gfafb(inj1 xa)=inj1 (fa xa) higher kinds, the return type of ngmap-const changes. Consider gfafb(inj2 xb)=inj2 (fb xb) Prod first. The desired type of defPair n is: Generic map then calls ngen with this argument. NGmap ⇒ ⇒ (repeat {suc n} _×_)= gmap : {k : Kind}→(t : Ty k) ∀⇒ λ (As : Vec Set n) → arrTy As → → Map k ( t  ::  t  :: []) ∀⇒ λ (Bs : Vec Set n) → arrTy Bs → gmap t = ngen t gmap-const arrTy ((repeat ×)  As  Bs) Providing the type code instantiates generic map at particular If we imagine writing out As as A1 :: A2 :: ... :: An :: []and types. For example, using the code for the Option type of the Bs as B1 :: B2 :: ... :: Bn :: []the type simplifies to: previous section, we can define: NGmap ⇒ ⇒ (repeat {suc n} _×_)= option-map1 : {AB : Set}→(A → B) {A1 A2 ... An : Set}→(A1 → A2 → ... → An) → Option A → Option B →{B1 B2 ... Bn : Set}→(B1 → B2 → ... → Bn) option-map1 = gmap option → (A1 × B1) → (A2 × B2) → ... → (An × Bn) However, it is easier to define the case where the A1 ... An 3.3 Doubly-generic Map arguments are uncurried, and then curry the resulting function. To use ngen to implement a doubly-generic function, we must also defPairAux :(n : N) supply b and ce to ngen, but this time both of those arguments must → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) → arrTy As generalize over the arity. For doubly-generic map, we call these → (Bs : Vec Set (suc n)) → arrTy Bs pieces NGmap and ngmap-const. NGmap is simply the arrTy → arrTy (repeat _×_  As  Bs) function from Section 2.2, which takes the arity as an implicit defPairAux zero (A::[]) a (B::[]) b =(a, b) argument. defPairAux (suc n)(A1 :: As) a (B1 :: Bs) b = NGmap : {n : N}→Vec Set (suc n) → Set λ p → NGmap = arrTy (defPairAux n As (a (proj1 p)) Bs (b (proj2 p))) We are simplifying the example somewhat because generic zips In the zero case of defPairAux, a and b are arguments of type A (which are generic maps at arities greater than one) are partial and B respectively—the function must merely pair them up. In the functions—they may fail if instantiated at a sum type and passed successor case, a and b are functions with types A1 → arrTy As and B1 → arrTy Bs. We want to produce a result of type option-map2 : {ABC : Set}→(A → B → C) A1 × B1 → arrTy (repeat _×_  As  Bs). Therefore, → Option A → Option B → Option C this case takes an argument p and makes a recursive call, passing option-map2 = ngmap 2 option in a applied to the first component of p and b applied to the second component of p. We use a kind-directed currying function k-curry, Of course, pair map functions are also instances of ngmap.We whose definition has been elided, to define the final version. only show the definition of pair-map2 below. pair-map2 : {A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 : Set} defPair :(n : N) → (A1 → B1 → C1) → (A2 → B2 → C2) → NGmap ⇒ ⇒ (repeat {suc n} _×_) → A1 × A2 → B1 × B2 → C1 × C2 defPair n = k-curry ( ⇒ ⇒ )(defPairAux n) pair-map2 f1 f2 = ngmap 2 (Con Prod) f1 f2 Sum also has kind ⇒ ⇒ , so the type of its ngmap-const case is similar. However, for sums, we must check that the terms provided have the same structure (are either all inj1 or all inj2). 4. Datatype Isomorphisms Otherwise, we signal an error. Again, we first define defSumAux The infrastructure described so far permits us to instantiate arity- and then curry the result. generic functions at different types based on their structure. How- Below, defSumAux checks if the first argument is an inj1 or an ever, to complete the story and generate versions of n-ary map for inj2, then calls defSumLeft or defSumRight which require that all datatypes like Vec, we must must make a connection between ar- subsequent arguments match. In the degenerate case, where there bitrary datatypes and their structure. In this section, we describe are no arguments, we arbitrarily choose the right injection. Because modifications to the implementation necessary to support generic defSumRight is analogous to defSumLeft, we elide its definition functions on arbitrary datatypes through datatype isomorphisms. below. 4.1 Representing Datatypes defSumLeft :(n : N) → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) → arrTy As There are at least two ways to support datatypes. The current sys- tem already can encode datatypes on an ad hoc , in a manner → (Bs : Vec Set (suc n)) described by Verbruggen et al. [26]. However, this encoding re- → arrTy (repeat _ _  As  Bs) ( []) ( []) = quires some tedious applications of coercions between the datatype defSumLeft zero A:: a B:: inj1 a and its isomorphism for each datatype instance of the generic op- ( )( ) ( )= defSumLeft suc n A1 :: As a B1 :: Bs f eration. Instead, we move that boilerplate to the generic function where itself by adding a new constructor to the Typ universe. This new f : A1 B1 → arrTy (repeat _ _  As  Bs) constructor, Data, contains information about a particular datatype. f (inj1 a1)=defSumLeft n As (aa1) Bs data Typ : Ctx → Kind → Set where f (inj2 b1)=defSumLeft n As (a (error A1)) Bs ... Data : ∀{G}→DT G → Typ G defSumAux :(n : N) → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) → arrTy As The DT data structure contains four pieces of information about → (Bs : Vec Set (suc n)) → arrTy Bs a datatype: its Typ representation t, the actual Agda datatype that → arrTy (repeat _ _  As  Bs) this code represents s, and two functions for coercing between defSumAux zero (A::[])a (B::[])b = values of type t and values of type s. (inj2 b) data DT (G : Ctx):Set where defSumAux (suc n)(A1 :: As) a (B1 :: Bs) b = f mkDT :(t : Typ G ) where → (s : Env G → Set) f : A1 B1 → arrTy (repeat _ _  As  Bs) → (to :({e : Env G}→interp t e → se)) f (inj1 a1)=defSumLeft n As (aa1) Bs → (from :({e : Env G}→se→ interp t e)) f (inj2 b1)=defSumRight n As Bs (bb1) → DT G Finally, we also curry defSumAux to get the desired branch. Note that we can only represent datatypes of kind Set.Other defSum :(n : N) kinds do not support the coercion functions to and from as their → NGmap ⇒ ⇒ (repeat {suc n} _ _) interpretations have the wrong type. To create isomorphisms of type constructors like Vec,theDT datatype is parameterized by defSum n = k-curry ( ⇒ ⇒ )(defSumAux n) a context G,ands may depend on an environment for that context. We can then define ngmap by instantiating ngen. We describe this mechanism in more detail below. :( : N) →{ : }→( : ) We define a number of accessor functions for retrieving the parts ngmap n k Kind e Ty k of a DT, called DT-s, DT-t, DT-from and DT-to (here elided). 4 → (repeat { } ) NGmap k suc n e Because interp is mentioned by the components of DT,itmustbe = ngmapne ngen e ngmap-const defined mutually with Env, sLookup, Typ, DT, and its accessors. If we had included vectors in our universe, we could simply use Finally, we extend the interpretation function for codes by look- nmap from Section 2.2 for that case. ing up the Agda type and giving it the current environment. Just as datatype-generic functions are instantiated at a type, interp : ∀{kG}→Typ G k → Env G →  k  doubly generic functions are instantiated at an arity and a type. ... For example, given the definitions Option and option from the last interp (Data dt) e = DT-s dt e section, we can define various maps for this type constructor: For example, suppose we have a simple datatype definition that option-map1 : {AB : Set}→(A → B) identifies natural numbers as Oranges. → Option A → Option B option-map1 = ngmap 1 option 4 Unfortunately, Agda does not support record definitions in a mutual block. data Orange : Set where toVec : {n : N}{G : Ctx}{t : Typ G }{e : Env G} toOrange : N → Orange → interp (vecDef t n) e → Vec (interp t e) n toVec {0} =[] We can form the code for this datatype as below. toVec {suc n} (x, xs)=(x :: toVec xs) : → N fromOrange Orange vec : {G : Ctx}→{n : N}→Typ G ( ⇒ ) ( )= fromOrange toOrange x x vec {G}{n} = Lam (Data orange : {G : Ctx}→Typ G (mkDT (vecDef (Var VZ) n) orange = Data (mkDT (λ e → Vec (interp (Var VZ) e) n) (Con Nat) -- t toVec (λ e → Orange) -- s fromVec)) (λ {e}→toOrange) -- to Lists are somewhat trickier to represent. The type of a list does (λ {e}→fromOrange)) -- from not tell us its length, so the direct recursive representation of List Even though the kind of a datatype isomorphism must be ,we is an infinite structure. Agda’s termination checker will be unable can still create isomorphisms for datatypes with higher kinds, such to prove that uses of this representation terminate. Another option as Maybe and Vec. This works by creating an isomorphism with a is to encode dependent pairs of lists and proofs they have finite "hole" (exploiting the fact that the environment need not be empty), lengths, rather than encoding lists directly. Examples of both these then wrapping it in a lambda. encodings are included with our source code. Instead of defining the structure of the Maybe type as a code with higher kind (i.e., something of type Ty ( ⇒ ),such 4.2 Adding Data Support to ngen as option from Section 3.1), we instead define its structure as a Although Data provides a mechanism for coding datatypes, we function from codes to codes. cannot use it to define generic functions until we extend ngen to maybeDef : {G : Ctx}→Typ G → Typ G handle Data. However, there is a complication—it is not clear how maybeDef t =(App (App (Con Sum)(Con Unit)) t) to do so. Without getting too much into the technicalities, the issue is that in this definition we need to produce a result of type5 The conversions to and from the Maybe type are also parame- (repeat ( )  ) terized by the code of the argument to Maybe. b DT-s dt envs toMaybe : {G : Ctx}{e : Env G} but we only have a value of type → (t : Typ G ) b (repeat (interp (DT-t dt))  envs) → (interp (maybeDef t) e) → Maybe (interp t e) to toMaybe t (inj1 )=nothing We would like to coerce the latter to the former using and from, but we know nothing about b. Therefore, we require an addi- toMaybe t (inj2 x)=just x tional argument to ngen, to be supplied when the generic operation : { : }{ : }→( : ) fromMaybe G Ctx e Env G t Typ G is defined (i.e., when b is supplied). → Maybe (interp t e) : { : N}{ : Vec ( ) → Set}{ : } → (interp (maybeDef t) e) ngen n b Set suc n k Kind → ( : ) fromMaybe t (just x)=inj2 x t Ty k → fromMaybe t nothing = inj1 tt TyConstEnv n b → DataGen b Finally, we form the code of the datatype itself by wrapping → b k (repeat  t ) the Data constructor in a Lam and using variable zero for the parameter. The environments supplied to s, to and from allow us This argument, of type DataGen, shown below, is exactly the to specify the type this variable corresponds to. coercion function necessary. maybe : {G : Ctx}→Typ G ( ⇒ ) DataGen : {n : N}→(b : Vec Set (suc n) → Set) → Set maybe {G} = Lam (Data DataGen {n} b = (mkDT (maybeDef (Var VZ)) {G : Ctx} (λ e → Maybe (interp (Var VZ) e)) → (dt : DT G) (λ {e}→toMaybe { :: G}{e} (Var VZ)) → (envs : Vec (Env G)(suc n)) (λ {e}→fromMaybe { :: G}{e} (Var VZ)))) → b (repeat (interp (DT-t dt))  envs) → b (repeat (DT-s dt)  envs) We can use this same idea to encode vectors. Because we know the length of given vector, it is isomorphic to an n-—a se- As an example of an instance of DataGen, recall the definition quence of products terminated by unit. The code for the vector type of ngmap and its base type NGmap from Section 3.3. then abstracts both the code for the type of the elements of the vec- arrTy : {n : N}→Vec Set (suc n) → Set tor and a natural number for its length. arrTy {0} (A::[]) = A vecDef : {G : Ctx}→Typ G → (n : N) → Typ G arrTy {suc n} (A1 :: As)=A1 → arrTy As vecDef 0 = Con Unit NGmap : {n : N}→Vec Set (suc n) → Set vecDef t (suc n)= NGmap = arrTy (App (App (Con Prod) t)(vecDef t n)) : { : N}{ : } The definition of the DataGen coercion for the case where b fromVec n G Ctx is NGmap, called ngmap-data below, proceeds by induction on {t : Typ G }{e : Env G} → ( ) → ( ( ) ) Vec interp t e n interp vecDef t n e 5 Here b : Vec Set (suc n) → Set describes the type of the generic fromVec {0} [] = tt operation and envs : Vec (Env G)(suc n) is a vector of environments for fromVec {suc n} (x::xs)=(x, fromVec xs) the free variables. the arity. In the base case of n=0, ngmap-data must coerce a nvec-eq : {m : N}{A : Set} result from the representation type to the Agda type using the to → (A → ... → A → Bool) component. → Vec A m → ... → Vec A m → Bool For higher n, ngmap-data is provided with a vector of environ- nvec-eq f v1 ... vn = all (repeat f  v1  ...  vn) ments e1 :: es and a function of type: However, again this definition does not help us make equality interp (DT-t dt) e1 type-generic as well as arity-generic. For type-genericity, the type → arrTy (repeat (interp (DT-t dt))  es) of the equality function depends on the kind of the type constructor. Its result type is: For example, the definition of arity-two equality for natural numbers returns true only if all three match: (DT-s dt) e1 → arrTy (repeat (DT-s dt)  es) nat-eq2 : N → N → N → Bool This case takes in a (DT-s dt) e1,usesthefrom function to convert it to an interp (DT-t dt) e1, then coerces the result of the Likewise, the arity-two equality for pairs requires equalities for provided function by calling ngmap-data recursively. all of the components of the pair. Furthermore, the type arguments need not be the same. We can pass any sort of comparison functions ngmap-data : {n : N}→DataGen (NGmap {n}) in to examine the values carried by the three products. ngmap-data {0} dt (e::[]) bt = DT-to dt bt pair-eq2 : {A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2 : Set} ngmap-data {suc n} dt (e1 :: es) bt = → (A1 → B1 → C1 → Bool) λ x → ngmap-data {n} dt es (bt (DT-from dt x)) → (A2 → B2 → C2 → Bool) → → (A1 × A2) → (B1 × B2) → (C1 × C2) → Bool 4.3 Using ngen at Datatypes The definition of ngeq, which can define all of these opera- With the ngmap-data function from the previous section, we may tions, is similar to that of ngmap, so we will only highlight the instantiate the updated ngen for NGmap. differences.6 One occurs in the definition of the arity-indexed type, ngmap :(n : N) →{k : Kind}→(e : Typ []k) → NGeq. This function returns a boolean value rather than one of NGmap {n}k (repeat (interp e [])) the provided types, which means that ngeq makes sense even for ngmapne = ngen e ngmap-const ngmap-data n = 0. In that case its type is simply Bool. This new ngmap adds support for datatypes. For example, we NGeq : {n : N}→(v : Vec Set n) → Set may use it with the maybe and vec representations of Section 4.1. NGeq {zero} [] = Bool Note that vec-map0 is precisely the repeat function we have used NGeq {suc n} (A1 :: As)=A1 → NGeq As throughout this paper. Next we must define a TyConstEnv for NGeq. For simplicity, maybe-map1 : {AB : Set}→(A → B) we only show the cases for Unit and Nat. The cases for Prod and → Maybe A → Maybe B Sum are straightforward variations of ngmap. As there is only a maybe-map1 = ngmap 1 maybe single member of the type, the case for unit is just a function that vec-map0 : {A : Set}{n : N}→A → Vec A n takes n arguments and returns true. vec-map0 = ngmap 0 vec defUnit :(n : N) → NGeq (repeat ) = λ → vec-map1 : {AB : Set}{n : N} defUnit zero x true ( )=λ → → (A → B) → Vec A n → Vec B n defUnit suc n x defUnit n vec-map1 = ngmap 1 vec For natural numbers, ngeq should compare each number and Observe that instantiating ngmap at a datatype is no differ- return true only when they all match (or when n is less than 2). ent than any other type we have seen. The codes for Maybe and We implement this by checking each argument for equality with Vec work for any generic operation. Although the definition of the next. If a mismatch is found, ngeq uses constFalse,which ngmap needed the DataGen argument, this argument must be im- consumes a given number of arguments and returns false. plemented once per generic operation, just like TyConstEnv.In constFalse : {n : N}→(v : Vec Set n) → NGeq v contrast, previous work [26] could not define a general code for constFalse {zero} [] = false datatypes like Maybe and Vec, and required significant boilerplate constFalse {suc m} (A1 :: As)=λ a → constFalse As at every instantiation of a generic function with a specific datatype. defNat :(n : N) → NGeq (repeat {n} N) defNat zero = true 5. Other Doubly-Generic Operations defNat (suc zero)=λ x → true Mapping is not the only arity-generic function. In this section, we defNat (suc (suc n)) = examine two others. λ x → λ y → if eqNat x y then defNat (suc n) y else constFalse (repeat N) 5.1 Equality We saw in Section 3.3 that doubly-generic map must check that its Finally, because we wish to use ngeq at various Agda datatypes, arguments have the same structure. We can define doubly-generic we must define an instance of DataGen from Section 4. As before, equality in a similar manner. This function takes n arguments, we go by recursion on the arity. Since NGeq is an n-ary function returning true if they are all equal, and false otherwise. Unlike map, of representable types, we simply take in each argument, use the equality is not partial for sums as it returns false in the case that the provided DT isomorphism to coerce it to the appropriate type, and injections do not match. recurse: In the specific case of vectors, arity-generic equality looks a ngeq-data : {n : N}→DataGen (NGeq {suc n}) lot like arity-generic map. Each instance of this function follows ngeq-data {0} dt (e::[]) bt = the same pattern. Given an n-ary equality function for the type argument, we can define n-ary equality for vectors as: 6 The complete definition may be found in ngeq.agda with our sources. λ s → bt (DT-from dt s) To split a (x, y), we first split x and y, then combine ngeq-data {suc n} dt (e::es) bt = together the results. For this combination, prodn takes arguments λ s → ngeq-data dt es (bt (DT-from dt s)) of types (A1 × A2 × ... × An) and (B1 × B2 × ... × Bn) and forms a result of type (A1 × B1) × (A2 × B2) × ... × (An × Bn). With these pieces defined, the definition of ngeq is a straight- forward application of ngen: prodn : {n : N}→(As Bs : Vec Set n) → prodTy As → prodTy Bs ngeq :(n : N) →{k : Kind}→(e : Ty k) → → prodTy (repeat _×_  As  Bs) NGeq k (repeat {suc n} ( e )) prodn {0} ab = tt ngeqne = ngen e ngeq-const ngeq-data prodn {1} (A::[])(B::[])ab =(a, b) prodn {suc (suc n)} (A::As)(B::Bs)(a, as)(b, bs)= 5.2 Splitting ((a, b), prodn {suc n} as bs) The Haskell prelude and standard library include the functions defPair :(n : N) → ( : Vec ( )) → ( ) unzip :: [(a, b)] → ([a], [b]) As Set suc n NGsplit As → ( : Vec ( )) → ( ) unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] → ([a], [b], [c]) Bs Set suc n NGsplit Bs → (repeat ×   ) unzip4 :: [(a, b, c, d)] → ([a], [b], [c], [d]) NGsplit _ _ As Bs ( ) ( ) = unzip5 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] → ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) defPair n A::As a B::Bs b λ → { } ( ( )) ( ( )) unzip6 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] → ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) p prodn n a proj1 p b proj2 p suggesting that there should be an arity-generic version of unzip The case for sums scrutinizes the argument to see if it is a left that unifies all of these definitions. or right injection, and uses the appropriate provided function to Furthermore, it makes sense that we should be able to unzip data split the inner expression. Then we use either injLeft or injRight structures other than lists, such as MaybesorTrees. (elided), which simply map inj1 or inj2 onto the members of the resulting tuple. unzipMaybe :: Maybe (a, b) → (Maybe a, Maybe b) unzipTree :: Tree (a, b) → (Tree a, Tree b) defSum :(n : N) → (As : Vec Set (suc n)) → (NGsplit As) Indeed, unzip is also datatype-generic, and Generic Haskell in- → (Bs : Vec Set (suc n)) → (NGsplit Bs) cludes the function gunzipWith that can generate arity-one unzips → NGsplit (repeat _ _  As  Bs) for any type constructor. defSum 0 (A::[]) af (B::[]) bf = λ → tt Here, we describe the definition of ngsplit, which generates un- defSum (suc n)(A::As) af (B::Bs) bf = f zips for arbitrary data structures at arbitrary arities. In some sense, where f : A B → prodTy (repeat _ _  As  Bs) ngsplit is the dual to ngmap. Instead of taking in n arguments (with ( )= { } ( ) the same structure) and combining them together to a single result, f inj1 x1 injLeft n af x1 ( )= { } ( ) split takes a single argument and distributes it to n results, all with f inj2 x1 injRight n bf x1 the same structure. The definition of split-const (elided) dispatches to the branches For example, here is an instance of ngsplit, specialized to the above in the standard way, delegating to a trivial case when n is 0. Option type and arity 2. Note that this function is more general than Finally, we must define an instance of DataGen so that we may use unzipMaybe above, the Maybes need not contain pairs so long as ngsplit at representable Agda datatypes. Since NGsplit is defined we have some way to split the data. in terms of prodTy, we must also convert instances of that type. unzipWithMaybe2 : {ABC : Set}→(A → B × C) These (elided) functions are similar to previous examples, except → (Maybe A → Maybe B × Maybe C) that we are converting a pair instead of an arrow. With split-const unzipWithMaybe2 = ngsplit 2 maybe and split-data, we can define ngsplit as usual. Splitting is a good example of datatype-generic program- The definition of unzipWith gives us unzip when applied to the ming’s potential to save time and eliminate errors. Defining a identity function. separate instance of split for vectors is not simple. For exam- unzipMaybe2 : {AB : Set}→Maybe (A × B) ple, we would need a function to vectors of prod- ucts, transforming Vec m (A1 × A2 × ... × An) into → (Maybe A × Maybe B) (Vec A1 m × Vec A2 m × ... × Vec An m). This code is slightly unzipMaybe2 = unzipWith2 (λ x → x) tricky and potentially error-prone, but with generic programming The function NGsplit gives the type of ngsplit at base kinds. we get the vector split for free. Moreover, we may reason once The first type in the vector passed to NGsplit is the type to split. about the correctness of the general definition of split rather than The subsequent types are those the first type will be split into. If reasoning individually about each of its arity and type instances. there is only one type, the function returns unit. The helper function prodTy folds the _×_ constructor across a vector of types. 5.3 More Operations prodTy : {n : N}→(As : Vec Set n) → Set Mapping, equality and splitting provide three worked out exam- prodTy {0} = ples of doubly generic functions. We know of a few others, such prodTy {1} (A::[]) = A as a monadic map, a map that returns a Maybe instead of an er- prodTy {suc (suc )} (A::As)=(A × prodTy As) ror when the Sum injections do not match, a comparison function, and an equality function that returns a proof that the arguments are NGsplit : {n : N}→(v : Vec Set (suc n)) → Set all equal. Furthermore, there are arity-generic versions of standard NGsplit (A1 :: As)=A1 → prodTy As Generic Haskell functions like crushes or enumerations. For exam- ple, an arity-generic gsum adds together all of the numbers found The cases for Nat and Unit are straightforward, so we do not in n data structures. Such examples seem less generally useful than show them. They simply make n copies of the argument. arity-generic map or unzip, but are not difficult to define. Compared to the space of datatype-generic functions, the space and prove substitution properties of programming languages. Ver- of doubly generic operations is limited. This is unsurprising, as bruggen et al. [27] use Coq’s dependent types to develop a frame- there already were not many examples of Generic Haskell functions work for proving properties about generic programs. with arities greater than one. However, this work has given us new insight into what other doubly-generic functions might look like. 7. Discussion Furthermore, though the collection of doubly-generic functions is small, this is no reason not to study it. Indeed, it includes some of Generic programming in a dependently-typed language As we the most fundamental operations of , and mentioned in the introduction, there are several dependently-typed it makes sense that we should learn as much as we can about these languages that we could have used for this development. We se- operations. lected Agda because the focus of its design has been this sort of pro- gramming. Like Coq, Agda is a full-spectrum dependently typed language. That has allowed us the flexibility to use universes to 6. Related Work directly implement generic programming. We had the full power Only a few sources discuss arity-generic programming. Fridlender of the computational language available to express the - and Indrika [7] show how to encode n-ary list map in Haskell, using ships between values and types. A phase-sensitive language, such a Church encoding of numerals to reflect the necessary type depen- as Ωmega or Haskell, would have required singletons to reflect dencies. They remark that a generic programming language could computation to the type level, and would have permitted type-level provide a version of zipWith that works for arbitrary datatypes, computation only in a restricted language. but that no existing language provides such functionality. They also Compared to Coq, Agda has more vigorous type inference, mention a few other arity-generic programs: taut which deter- especially combined with . Although Coq can also mines whether a boolean expression of n variables is a tautology, infer implicit arguments, if we had written the functions in Coq we and variations on liftM, curry and uncurry from the Haskell would have had to add many more type annotations. Additionally, prelude. It is not clear whether any of these functions could be developing in Agda allowed us to deal with non-termination more made datatype-generic. McBride [14] shows an alternate encoding conveniently—while Coq must be able to see that a definition of arity-generic list map in Haskell using type classes to achieve terminates before moving on, Agda shows the user where it can better safety properties. He examines several other families of op- not prove termination and allows other work to continue. erations, like crush and sum, but does not address type genericity. On the other hand, using Coq would have lead to two advan- Many Scheme functions, such as map, are arity-generic (or tages. Coq’s tactic language can be used to automate some of the variable-arity, in Scheme parlance). Strickland et al. [24] extend reasoning. Tactics would have been particularly useful in proving Typed Scheme with support for variable-arity polymorphism by some of the equalities needed to typecheck the (elided) implemen- adding new forms for variable-arity functions to the type lan- tation of ngen. However, we did not see any need for tactics in any guage. They are able to check many examples, but do not consider of the uses of ngen to define doubly-generic operations. More im- datatype-genericity. portantly, as discussed below, differences in the way Coq and Agda Sheard [22] translates Fridlender and Indrika’s example to the handle type levels forced us to use Agda’s –-type-in-type flag Ωmega programming language, using that language’s native in- to clarify the presentation. dexed datatypes instead of the Church encoding. He also demon- Type levels in Agda Although we have hidden it, Agda actually strates one other arity-generic program, n-ary . Although has an infinite hierarchy of type levels. Set, also known as Set0, the same work also includes an implementation of datatype-generic is the lowest level in the type hierarchy. Terms like Set0 and programming in Ωmega, the two ideas are not combined. Set0 → Set0 have type Set1, which itself has type Set2,etc. Several researchers have used dependent types (or their encod- To simplify our exposition, we collapsed all of these levels to ings) to implement Generic-Haskell-style datatype-genericity. In the type Set, with the help of the –-type-in-type flag. This flag previous work, we encoded representations of types using Church makes Agda’s inconsistent, so to demonstrate that we are not encodings [28] and GADTs [29] and showed how to implement using it in an unsound way, we have also implemented a version of a number of datatype-generic operations such as map.Hinze[10], the code that may be compiled without the flag. That version can inspired by this approach, gave a similar encoding based on type be found in the notypeintype subdirectory of our source tarball. classes. In those encodings, doubly-generic programming is not Three differences between Coq and Agda make this explicit possible because datatype-generic programs of different arities re- version more complicated than the one presented here. First, Agda quire different representations or type classes. currently lacks universe polymorphism [9], a feature which allows The most closely related encoding of Generic Haskell to this one definitions to work on multiple type levels. As a result, many of is by Verbruggen et al. [26]. They use the Coq programming lan- the data structures in this paper must actually be duplicated at the guage to define a framework for generic programming, but do not level of Set1, creating significant clutter. Second, since Set is not consider arity-genericity. Altenkirch and McBride [1] show a simi- impredicative in Agda, many definitions that could live at the level lar development in Oleg. This work extends those developments by of Set in Coq must be at the level of Set1 instead. Finally, because considering examples not possible in Generic Haskell and showing Set0 is not a subtype of Set1 in Agda, we found it necessary to a technique for writing generic programs which work on source- explicitly lift types from Set0 to Set1. language datatypes. The idea of generic programming in dependent Future work and Conclusions Because we are working in the via universes has seen much attention since it was originally pro- flexible context of a dependently-typed programming language, our posed [13, 18]. While demonstrating a new form of double gener- work here will allow us to adapt and extend orthogonal results in icity, this paper covers only one part of what is possible in a de- generic programming to this framework. For example, we would pendently typed language. In particular, our codes do not extend to like to use Agda as a proof assistant to reason about the properties all inductive families and so we cannot represent all types that are of the generic programs that we write. We would also like to extend available (see Benke et al. [2] and Morris et al. [17] for more ex- our universe so that it may encode more of Agda’s type system, pressive universes). 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