University Confers Degrees, Honors at 1 08Th Commencement
Volume XXII May/June 1978 Number 5 University Confers Degrees, Honors At 108th Commencement Ceremonies Alumni ranks swelled to more Honorary degree recipients lyn, received the Medal at the than 65,000 as St. John's Univer represented the fields of religion, Staten Island ceremonies. An as sity conferred some 2,000 under medicine, communications, en sistant to the Pontifical Throne, graduate degrees at its 108th tertainment, business, education he had served for 29 years as Commencement. and law. Brooklyn Diocesan Director of Very Rev. Joseph T. Cahill, the Society of the Propagation of C. M., President of St. John's Alumna Honored the Faith. University, presided as a sig Alumna Dolores Conklin Hon. Ed ward D. Re '41 CBA, nificant number of honorary de Leckey '54UC, executive direc '43L, '68Hon., Chief Judge of grees and medals were also pre tor of the Secretariat for the the United States Customs Court sented to prominent individuals, Laity of the National Conference in New York City, was the including several alumni, during of Catholic Bishops, received the Medal of Honor recipient in the commencement ceremonies honorary degree of Doctor of Queens. Judge Re, who was on May 20 at the Staten Island Humane Letters at the Staten Is named to the Court in 1968 by campus and on May 21 at land ceremonies. President Johnson, was elevated Queens. An educator for the past 24 to its Chief Judge by President Graduate and law degrees, as years, Mrs. Leckey has also Carter last year. well as additional honors, will served as a consultant in public Hon.
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