Large Crowds Turn out to Hear Anglican Primate
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............... -:,-.¢. • .... , .... ,. + .__ + . ,, , •, ,+ .~+ +. +,. : .+. t , EArliER TERRACE-KITIMAT ( RUPBI' smut a SJU.VE tin, SunnyWmlh clomlyperiod. iI olmnoe M shomr8 dall erald .'*°++IALL METALS .0...,., ,, S BATTERIES_,, J =o • Lo. S. e vo.o. ,, ,o. ,,, .o.o.+, ,,, ,,,, s,,, co,, !(i: Large Crowds Turn Out To Hear i • o • Anglican Primate TERRACE - Hundreds of his services had to be con- replied that he had not, "and matrimonial commission to people turned out over the ducted in four different did not personally know him, aid persons who are having weekend to hear and see the languages. He expressed his "but then a lot of people marriage difficulties. If this Archbishop of Canterbury, joy at having had the op- didn't know him, before he commission recommends i +i':'~ The Rt. Hon. F.D. Cnggun. portunity to participate in became Pope," he added. that the church agree to a In answer to a question at the Arctic trip and at having divorce then the church will ' Dr. Coggan said he had not marry the parties involved a press conference held met so many Christian definite plans to meet with Saturday afternoon the people there. to second partners if that Pope Jean Paul but would becomes their wish. Archbishop pointed out that "It is not a question of the undoubtedly meet him he was technically on church allowing everyone, sometime during his reign as Dr. Coggan also painted holidays but was "atways and that includes the lnuit to Pope. out that the recent divorce of happy to minister any time do as they like, and then Princess Margaret in no way any place". Besides my very sanctioning it. We must work DIVORCE would effect the church's good friend Bishop Ham- together, both white and On the question of divorce, stance on divorce. bidge asked me to come for native, to bring about a His Grace said that the The Archbishop left a visit," he added. butter understanding that Church of E~giand does not Terrace Sunday evening The Archbishop gave three their beliefs and the officially recognize divorce, following the Service of public addresses at the Christian faith have so much but that many Priests do re- Celebration and Com- R,E,M. Lee Theatre, based in common." marry people who have been missioning. He will fly to on: Whatdo we have to Asked whether or not he divorced. He pointed out that Vancouver and thence back proclaim; how do we had met with the new Pope, within this diocese Bishop to England where, "a great procvlaim it, and who does Jean Paul, the Archbishop Hambidge has set up a deal of work awaits me". the proclaiming. As well as his three public addresses the Archbishop attended services conducted by Bishop Hambidgs Sunday Syrians Rain Rockets morning at the Lee Theatre, and conducted the Service of Celebration and Com- missioning Sunday evening. He also attended and spoke on Lebanese Capital with many of the nearly 300 persons who had come for BEIRUT lAP) -- Syrian gunners opened fire again an attempt to sabotage the the weekend conference and gunners rained more than Sunday afternoon, using MiddleEast summit talks at co n"auctea " " w or ksho p s 2,000. rockets on Christian heavy artillery and rocket- Camp David, Md. Syria has throughout the day at ne|ghborhoods, m the propelled grenades in' an declared its opposition to the ro~,~,,to ~^,,~o~. ~ohooi Lebanese capital before hnur-long barrage that dam- U.S..spensored meeting of • PROCESSION FOLLOWING SERVICES " " ~ ....... , .......... ~ ' a~.,. ~..a~,, killi-~ three Asked about the possibility ........... " .~, . aged scores of apartment Egyptian President Anwar Pictures above part of the procession descends The conference offended by nearly 300 people, ^f ,h~ ,~,., .,. ^r ,~..~.a persons and blasting gaping houses. Sadat and, Israeli Premier following Sunday morning services at R.E.M. heard three public addresses by the Archbishop ". ........... ,+76-.:,- holes in about 300 apart- It alsa broadcast an appeal MenachemBegin, oraaining women Into me m--'~ Ohrieti=n milltla. Lee Theatre, The Right Honorable F,D. Coggan, and attended workshops at Caledonia High priesthood, the Archbishop =~"~ ~o"-'~r't~........... for blood donors. The Syrians have not said Archbishop of Canterbury, third from the bot. School. Many members ofthegeneral public also replied, "One of the local -~.-~,--r~=,~.;,= .... throughoutSyrian thesnipers day atflreo key wl~tfi~t-tug---" nromnted .......... the Integt ii tom, is followed by some of the Priests who attended, priests in England received .+~,~-+=~=r~,+-~+=.~=o,,,~,,.,~.intersections in Christian ,, " -.,~.n...^. travelled to Terrace for the weekend conference. They all came, even those on crutches, a set of six towels as a gifl, ;;"."~"~,~o~'~,'..;'~.~;~."~o'-"~."~ . Thereisnoj ......... i' • three marked "his" and ::'....... :,?,,e,- ...... .areas,. ........ Impeding civilian for this ...........~enlntinn .;of • " " ' " it, ..... rbed "hers" He me sources sale. wanic, the raoio sato. t~tum,,s hu th= .~.i=l~ asKea"",~, tne::'° ~'arenmsnop .... 'what - - ~ o~..,,...~m,,The Christians' =ota Voice ,=.~;o. of Rightist. ........... Christian leaders former"-'~N~ Lebanese "~ ..... president~'"~. ' • en~ d ................. " ...... caum: me smart. ~t.e~.t~e..~C,a~dile.Cbamou n s~id lii ,a '+ho should~do+wlth,th +an -~............ "+" ~++ " ": ................ " + ' i",' " statem+ni~+broadeast by was told "you better ks@ ..... them, at the rate at which • Voice of Lehanonl radio. the church is moving they "The Syrians aretrying to may come in handy." undermine the Camp David WOMEN PRIESTS Resignation • summit." On a more serious note he Phaiangist party leader added that the question of Pierre Gemayel, who com- the ordination of women will Shocks Backers mands the strongest he discussed fully at the Christian militia hand in upcoming Church Senate to HAMILTON (CP) -- the former minister's future. Lebanon, urged the Camp! he held in October. However, Liberal party supporters in He said the meeting, which David conferees to take up! even if everything is "green John Munro's Hamilton East more than 50 association the Lehanose crisis as pert of: light" it will still be ap- riding were shocked by his officials are expected to any Middle East sottlement.i proximately five years resignation as federal labor attend, will he informal. Sunday was the fourth daYi before women are finally minister, the president of the "It ismy feeling we are all of the latest round of fighting accepted into the priesthood. riding association says. going to urge him to stay between Christian He added a final note by Bill Dandle said Saturday on," he said. militiamen and the SyrianI saying ~that he personally that he expects the Dandie described Munro's forces, who form the bulk of was in favour of women association's executive to action as a "dumb llWe a 50,000-man Arab League/ heingordiined. pledge support for Munro to phone call. He wishes he had peacekeeping army m The Archbishop mentioned •continue as Hamilton East never made the calL" Lebanon. one of his favorite topics by MP. noting that Christians must "I don't see any reason have weapons to fight with tfor him to resign)," Dandle against various "isms" said. "He may choose to do it C.P. Air President including communism. The for personal reasons. But we weapons he explained were 'just hope he won't." books, the Bible first, and Dandle said in an in- to Address Chamber then other literature which terview that the reaction in The Chamber of Com- as Mr. Grey is well-known will reflect true Christian the riding to Munro's merce starts off its ..fall for being a particularly ideals and beliefs. resignation has been one of sessional Tuesday. with a interesting after dinner "While It is true we must shock and disbelief. regular luncheon meeting to speaker. An invitation will help feed the people of the Munro resigned Friday be held at the Lakelas Hotel. be sent to all service clubs in world we must also feed the after he admitted Members have been busy the area to attend the minds of the people," Dr. telephoning an Ontario recently lining up speakers meeting. Chamber members Coggan said. provincial court judge to for future Chamber are reminded to bring a , , He explained that once provide a character meetings. Set for a special guest, male or female, and to again his church ~vas takidg reference on behalf of a meeting planned for urge all businessmen to a "hard look" at policies Hamilton resident charged Thursday, October 12 during attend this meeting. with common assault. an evening meeting, The November Chamber Guerillas Continue to Press AfricanregardingsOmdnations which°f arethe The telephone call violated Chamber members will hear meeting will also be an not giving" the Christian cabinet guidelines an address by Mr. lan Grey, evening affair with Mr. Don churches in their countries established by Prime President of Canadian Watson, President of MANAGUA (AP) -- Gun outlying cities issketchy and near their training centre in used automatic weapons and fairtreatment. Minister Trudeau in 1976. Pacific Airlines. Canadian Cellulese as guest battles raged between the number of casualties downtownManagua, where pistols to kill innocent. Speaking of his recent trip Dandle said riding All. members are speaker. Other service clubs national guardsmen and there is not known." . Somoza lives and works in a persons, including women into the Arctic the Ar. executive will meet with requested to make a special will also be invited to attend • leftist guerrillas here and in National guard troops well.guarded compound, • and children, chbishop noted that some of Munro this week to discuss effort to attend this meeting this meeting. several ether Nicaraguan erected steel barricades Convoysof heavily-armed dries Sunday as the rebels guardsmen patrolled city I Ills I II stepped up their fight to streets and troops carrying overthrow President automatic rifles guarded Anastasio Som0za.