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OLDEST CATHOLIC PAPER IN UNITED STATES ESTABLISHED OCTOBER 22, 1831 THE CATHOLIC TELEO PH. In Essentials, Unit~: in Non-Essentials, Libert,: in All Things, Charity VOL. LXXXVIII No. 50 CINCINNATI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS APOSTOLIC LETTER PICTURESQUE TRIBUTE FALLS TO HIS DEATH POPE BENEDICT EUROPEAN LETT~R Emphasizes Mission Work. Native On Site of Fil'st Chapel Erected in FOl'mer Chaplain, Seized With Vertigo, Receives President of American Free WASHINGTON, D. C. Priests. Tl'aining of Missionaries. Chicago By Fathel' Marquette. Drops fl'om Hotel Window. Milk Society in Audience. Cardinal Mercier's Visit. AWell-Known [Catholic Press Cablegram] Chicago, Dec. 8.-The celebration of the Philadelphia, Dec. 8.-Rev. Edward B. [Catholic Press Cablegram] National Catholic Welfare Council's Ad Rome, Dec. 6.-Pope Benedict has issued feast of the Immaculate Conception today H enry was killed today when he fell from Rome, Dec. 6.-Mrs. John A . Drake, I fActor Weels. Orange Lodge Established an apostolic letter on Catholic missions, in took on the . aspect of a civic festival as a window of a room on the eleventh floor President of the American Free Milk for ministrative Committee in Session. which he recalls the work of the Church well. as a religious feast. of a leading hotel. Italy Organization, with Mrs. William in spreading the Faith in times past, and At the completion of the religious serv He was a chaplain in the Navy with the Boyce Thompson, Vice-President, sailS to Will Inaugurate Campaign. Amer in the House of Commons. urges the importance of making special ef ices of the day, the civic program began rank of lieutenant, and pastor of St. Fran day from Naples for New York, hoping to forts now. He says that the Congregation of with the spreading' of flowers on the waters cis Xavier Church, Winthrop, Maine. return early next year to continue the ex icanization. Radicalism. the Propaganda has been studying the"mat of the river at the site where Father Mar According to the police, Father Henry tension of their benevolent activities. Immodest Fashions Denounced. ter of providing seminaries in the most im quette, in 1674, erected a primitive hut, in came here from St. Louis this morning Their organization has been doing won The Army Chaplain. ' Knights-:::of Catholic Royal Marriages. portant missionary centers for native which were held the first religious services with his mother. They joined Mrs. Vincent derful humanitarian work throughout the priests, whose training, constituting as it in Chicago. Father Marquette had dedi-' Kerens, the priest's sister, at the hotel. country, providing the necessary milk suit Columbus School. does such an influential factor in the suc cated his efforts to Our Blessed Lady, un Mrs. Kerens is a daughter-in-law of the able for children, where, otherwise, local [Catholic Press Associationl cess of missions, must be thorough and der the t~tle of the Immaculate Conception. late Richard C Kerens, of Missouri, once conditions are such that it would be un [Catholic Press Associationl ONDON' Nov. 14.-The great complete. This hut stood on the north bank of the prominent in Democratic national politics. obtainable. It is not a strictly Catholic ASHINGTON' Dec. 10.-In view e~ent of this week has been Car Special Prepal'ation. river, where the abutment of the new boule Father Henry, who was 41 years old, organization, its American support being of the social problems crowding .... dIn!!1 Mercier'~ visit to London, Missionaries are reminded that they vard bridge is being built, a temporary had rece.ntly returned from France where general as well as generous. upon the world's horizon, unusu WhiCh, unhappily for her inhabit should never allow themselves to be drawn platform being erected for today's cere he broke down because of over-work. A al interest has been stirred by mony. However, Mrs. Drake herself sought an ~ a~ts, synchronized with the visit from the work of spreading the truth arid visit to the seashore had been planned and audience with the Pope before leaving to ~ the report that the Administra of the President of the French Republic saving sO\lls by national feeling and The civic program was under the au his relatives were going with him to ,At tive Committee of the National Catholic spices of the Perboyre Junior Art and lantic City where it was hoped a complete. ask the encouragement of the Holy Father unf~rtunately because the Cardinal refused through the desire to gain any material con for the ~ork. His Holiness was most sym Welfare Council will formulate, in one to disturb the President's visit by any pub sideration. They must also have special Civic League, Mrs. Wm. J. Zeh presiding. rest would restore him to health. pathetic, and highly praised the American form or another, a statement of the Catho !ic reception for hil!1self ...~e spent a day preparation for their special work - not The ceremonies began at twelve o'clock Mrs. Kerens told the coroner her brother generosity of this as of so many beneficent lic position with reference to thes~ que~ In London very busily, vIsItIng the British only a knowledge of sacred things, but also enterprises it had initiated. He accepted tions of the moment. The committee IS Museum, the Oratory, to see the room of of languages and such other profane mat gladly Mrs. Drake's offer to supply the meeting at .the Catholic University this F~ther Faber; and pontificated in West ters as is necessary in their particular fields. orphanage, which he hopes to found iI) week, and consists of Archbishop Hanna, mmster Cat~e~ral at the evening service The Oriental Institute of the Propaganda Rome early in 1920; and he bestowed his of San Francisco, chairman; Archbishop for the armistIce, when the vast building is establishing special chairs for the study heartfelt blessing upon that lady and all Dougherty, of Philadelphia; Archbishop was packed to welcome him. He passed of this training. who are assisting her for their Christian Dowling, of St. Paul; Bishop Canevin, of up the ':lave under a. canopy carried by six charity toward the children of Italy. Pittsburgh; Bishop Russell, of Charleston; teen Insh 'guards In khaki. The sermon Appeal for Prayel's. and Bishop Schrembs, of Toledo. was preached by the Abbot of Maredsous Finally, the .Pope appeals to all the elergy Will Inaugurate Campaign. who told. so~e of his own experiences of and the Faithful to pray for vocations to support the missionary organizations. REPLACES DR. MURPHY To speculate at this time upon what will the war m his famous Belgian Benedictine be done would be premature, but it is. ex monastery, around which tour battles were Prominent Catholic Surgeon Head of ,pected that, in the inauguration of the work fought. The theme of the Abbot's discourse Chicago Hospital Corps. was that no League of Nations 'could ex FATHER MIZER DIES of the National Catholic Welfare Council, . ist without the help of God. The "Bra the' committee will outline its scope and Was Largely Responsible for Pilgrim Chicago, Dec. 9.-Dr. Edward L. Moore formulate the principles by which it will ban~onne" was then sung, and the British ages to Carey, Ohio.' head, 3517 West Jackson boulevard, has be guideq. These may be put in th<; form NatIOnal Anthem. been appointed chief of the surgical staff Cardinal Mercier, before his departure of a joint pastoral letter by all the bishops, Lima, .0., Dec. 4.-The death of Rev. ' of Mercy Hospital, a post formerly held who participated in the recent conference on Wednesday, gave a Times representa by the late .Dr. John B. Murphy. tive an interview, in which he spoke of the John G. Mizer, for the past four years at Washington, at which the proj~ct of the pastor of St. John Church here, removeli Dr. Moorehead was born in Terre Haute, Council was launched. happy voya~e to America he had just com from his earthly labors the priest who for Ind., in 1864, received his A. M. fro.m St. Stabili2;ing Influence Expected. ple,te~, praised ~he hospitality offered by Ignatius College, Chicago, and his M. D. nearly a quarter of a century devoted his Whatever pronouncement is made is sure Bntam ,to Bel&lans during the war, and efforts to ,the cult of the shrine of Our from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in warned the AIlJes not to leave Russia to 1890. He was. house surgeon at the Cook to be given careful consideration not on~y the, tender mercies of the Bolshevists Lady of COllsolation, a ~ Carey, Ohio, which because of the' fact that the CatholIc today is one of the best known pilgrimage COl1nty Hospital until 1892, president of the Cardinal Bourn~ was unfor~unately a~ay staff and chief surgeon in the same institu Church is looked upon by those who direct spots in the United States and is noted for governmental affairs 'as the most stabilizing from London dunng the Belgian Cardinal's the many favors granted through the medi tion from 1897 to 1907. Lately he has been visit ; and Bishop Bidwell had to do the clinical professor of surgery at N orth influence in the world today, but because at . ation of Our Lady of Consolation. Father the present moment the spread of SOCial un honors of Archbishop's House. Cardinal Mizer had been in poor health for some' westen:) University School of Medicine. Bourne left London on' Saturday last for Dr. 'Morehea'd belongs to Our Lady of rest and radical tendencies' constitute a Lourdes, traveling Dieppe for Paris time, but took an active interest in his via parish duties until November 23, when he Sorrows parish, and is a member of Amer :grave problem.