Ocean Currents Name______Period_____

Part 1. Shipwrecks Reveal Ocean Currents Answer the following questions while watching the video. You may pause, rewind, restart video.

1. The North Atlantic covers how many square miles? 14million sq miles

2. The flows around which peninsula?

Florida 3. The “graveyard” of the Atlantic is referring to what? Diamond Sholes

4. Many abandoned ships traveled __a​imlessly_​______carried by ocean currents?

5. These ships were hazards to navigation. What did people do when they spotted them? carefully reported their positions 6. The careful tracking of two ships; the first traveled to Europe taking __1​0 months_​______.

7. The second floated around the for _____3​ years_​______.

8. Derelict tracking helps clarify the patterns of ___S​ urface Currents_​_____ in the gulf stream gyre.

9. Explain how some sailing ships in the 17th and 18th centuries benefited from the presence of the Gulf Stream and some did not.

Benefited by traveling from Americas to Europe using surface currents, others had to take dangerous routes to travel the direction needed.

10. How do you think scientists map ocean currents today?

Satellite Technology

Ocean Currents Name______Period_____ 11. How do scientists use information about drifting ships to better understand the speed and

direction of the Gulf Stream?

They could study the course, speed, and direction of ships to study surface currents.

Part 2. How Ocean Currents Work

Introduction to How Ocean Currents Work

Current refers to the ____m​ otion_​______of the water. Ocean currents may be driven by ___t​ides_​______, __w​ inds_​______or differences in ___d​ensity_​______. They profoundly affect the weather, marine transportation and the cycling of nutrients. Knowledge of ocean currents is essential to who? ______f​ishing industries, recreational boating and swimming.

What are the three main Types (summarize a description of each)

1.______s​urface currents_​______Summary: ______

Ocean Currents Name______Period______

2.______D​ eep ocean currents_​______Summary: ______

3.______T​idal Currents_​______Summary:

Ocean Currents Name______Period______

Ocean Currents Name______Period_____

Part 3. What Causes The Gulf Stream Watch the video: W​ hat Causes the Gulf Stream ​and answer the following questions.

The spin of the Earth helps create what winds? Prevailing winds

What are the two specific winds called? Northeast trades; westerlies

The two major winds above create what? surface currents

And the answer to the above question helps create what? Gyre

Part 4. Summarize your specific Current Where does your current start? end or feed in to? Is it warm or cold? How would humans use the current? The more details, the better!!

Labrador Current, ​ surface oceanic current flowing southward along the west side of the . Originating at the Davis Strait, the L​abrador ​Current is a combination of the W​ est Greenland Current,​ the B​ affin Island Current,​ and inflow from Hudson Bay. The current is cold and has a low salinity; it maintains temperatures of less than 32° F (0° C) and salinities in the range of 30 to 34 parts per 1,000. The is limited to the continental shelf and reaches depths only slightly greater than 2,000 feet (600 m). Its volume of water transport varies between about 125,000,000 and 190,000,000 cubic feet (3,500,000 and 5,400,000 cubic m) per second and annually carries several thousand icebergs southward.