Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau

Naturetrek Tour Report 15 - 22 July 2006

Arctostaphylos alpinus - Alpine Bearberry

Gnaphalium norvegicum – Highland Cudweed

Linnaea borealis - Twinflower

Images and report compiled by Paul Harmes

Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426 E: [email protected] W: Tour Report Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau

Tour leader Paul Harmes

Tour participants: Geoffrey Harper Heather Law Joan Powell Carole Sharp Andy Sharp Judith Whitehead.

Day 1 Saturday 15th July

Weather: Clear and bright at Heathrow. Fine, warm and sunny in Norway.

Heather, Joan, Judith and Geoffrey met Paul at Heathrow’s Terminal 3 for the Scandinavian Airways flight SK802 to Oslo. Upon arrival, we completed formalities and collected our luggage, and made our way out onto the concourse where we met up with Carole and Andy, who had spent the previous day in the Norwegian capital. Paul went off to contact our bus driver, Martin, who was also our hotel proprietor, and we then made our way to rendezvous with him for the journey to Kamben. Leaving the airport we made our way up the motorway to Langset before turning west to Lygna and Brandbu. Our route north took us past the beautiful lake Randsfjorden through Enger, stopping for lunch at near Odoe, before continuing on to Dokka. From here we turned west once again where we joined the E16 at Bjorgo, leaving it at Aurdal, where we cut through to Fjellbu and down to Kamben Hoyfjellshotell at Golsfjellet, just north east of Gol, our base for the week. Once we had settled into our rooms, we spent a short time walking locally and becoming acquainted with some of the plants we will encounter during our stay. Before dinner, we met in the lounge, where Paul outlined the itinerary for the week, before sitting down to our evening meal.

Day 2 Sunday 16th July

Weather: Bright sunny and warm.

Our first full day of the tour was spent exploring the magnificent boreal forests of the Gol plateau. Leaving the hotel at 08-45hrs, we were driven down to Hanningan by Martin, the hotel proprietor. Paul began by showing us a small patch of Trientalis europaea (Chickweed Wintergreen), which was growing with Moneses uniflora (One- flowered Wintergreen) and Orthilia secunda (Serrated or Nodding Wintergreen). There were also some splendid stands of Geranium sylvaticum (Wood Crane’s-bill). A little further on we found Aconitum septentrionale (Northern Wolf’s-bane) and Arran Brown and Cranberry Blue were quite active. Listera cordata (Lesser Twayblade), Sagina subulata (Heath Pearlwort) and Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern) were seen. Many sedges and rushes were evident in the wet flushes and Lycopodiella annotina (Interrupted Clubmoss), Coeloglossum viride (Frog Orchid) and Gymnadenia conopsea (Fragrant Orchid) were all found in a small Sphagnum bog. The path we followed through the wood took us to the hamlet of Skutuset. Just before we took lunch, we had a visit from a very obliging juvenile Siberian Jay, which came very close and rewarded everyone with splendid views. Whilst eating we also saw and heard Willow Warbler. From Skutuset, we turned south towards the village of Brautemo, passing though more boreal forest littered with lichen strewn rocky outcrops interspersed with open wet flushes, mires and streams. As we were nearing the end of the walk, a nice patch of Rubus chamaemorus (Cloud Berry) was

© Naturetrek August 06 1 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report found. Descending the final few hundred metres, we came out onto the road south east of Hellingen. Here a small muddy lake bed and margin yielded a fine patch of Ranunculus reptans (Creeping Spearwort) and Alopecurus aequalis (Orange Foxtail). From here we walked along the road back towards the junction of the Kamben road, where Martin was waiting to take us back to the hotel.

Day 3 Monday 17th July

Weather: Cloudy with a breeze, some bright periods and some rain later.

Today, Martin dropped us off in the village of Solseter, half way between our hotel and Gol. Here we took the path, which crossed the road in several places, down to the town of Gol. The early part of the route was through more semi-open wet woodland. Here we found Populus tremula (Aspen) and Calamagrostis canescens (Purple Small- reed). A fine view was had of Greater Spotted Woodpecker and Magpie and Willow Warbler were also heard. As we moved lower, the habitat changed to an area of meadows and verges holding species such as Galeopsis tetrahit (Common Hemp-nettle), Asperugo procumbens (Madwort), Pimpinella saxifraga (Lesser Burnet Saxifrage), Sedum telephium (Orpine), some good stands of Carduus crispus (Welted Thistle) and Vicia sylvestris (Wood Vetch). Finally, we passed through Pinus sylvestris (Scots Pine), Picea abies (Norwegian Spruce) woodland. This held such goodies as Pyrola chlorantha (Pale-flowered Wintergreen), Archtostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry), Goodyeara repens (Creeping Ladies Tresses) and Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Crowberry). As we were nearing a lunch stop, we startled a small group of Hazel Grouse. Lunch was taken in a clearing with some rocks and shade. Continuing on down, most group members had a fleeting glimpse of Hazel Grouse. The path came out by an electricity substation, and, by an adjacent pile of rocks, Paul showed us Asplenium septentrionale (Fingered spleenwort) and Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody). A short distance further on he also demonstrated the Hybrid Bedstraw (Galium x pomeranicum) growing with both parents, Galium mollugo (Hedge Bedstraw) and Galium verum (Ladies Bedstraw).The path came out on the outskirts of Gol. Here we all took some time to look around the town and to do a little shopping, as well as take some refreshments before it was time to meet with Martin. From the town of Gol we traveled about fifteen kilometers west to the village of Torpo. Here we spent some time visiting one of the remaining original Stav Churches left in this region. This particular one dates from 1160. From here we made our way back to Gol and on up to Kamben.

Day 4 Tuesday 18th July

Weather: Fine warm and sunny, with a light breeze.

After breakfast we soon boarded Martin’s mini-bus for the journey to the starting point of the walk at the Hamlet of Brenn. This is a drive along the main road in a northerly direction to a junction with a private road. The early section of the route took us past a few small cabins and, once again, through more wonderful forest. Along the way we recorded Epilobium anagallidifolium (Alpine Willowherb) and Saxifraga stellaris (Starry Saxifrage), growing in the bottom of a wet trackside ditch, and Sibbaldia procumbens (Sibbaldia) on the top of the ditch bank. We also saw Brambling, Siberian Jay and Willow Warbler. A little further on we found a small gully with Dryopteris expansa (Northern Buckler Fern) and Athyrium distentifolium (Alpine Lady Fern). Also a fine specimen of a Boletus sp. mushroom was spotted. It was not too long before the forest began to thin out, giving way to open mountain grassland and bogs. Huperzia selago (Fir Clubmoss), Archtostaphylos alpina (Alpine Bearberry) and Phyllodoce caerulea (Mountain Heath) were all evident, together with sightings of Willow Grouse, Golden Plover,

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Wheatear and Meadow Pipit. We took lunch on a grassy slope by a marshy area where two paths met by a lake. In the wet margin of the lake, Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry) was flowering well together with Eriophorum scheuchzeri (Scheuchzer’s Cottongrass) and there was also plenty of Diphasiastrum alpina (Alpine clubmoss). After lunch we made the last kilometre to the summit of Nystolsfjellet (1296 metres). From here we had 360 degree uninterrupted views, including the Skoghorn (1728 metres), the highest peak in the area. Whilst at the top we saw Cardamine bellidifolia (Alpine Bittercress). The descent took us back to the point where we had lunch. However, for the rest of the downward journey, we took a different path further to the south. Wheatears and Meadow Pipits were ever present along the way, as well as a pair of Fieldfares. As we neared the end of the walk, we passed a field with magnificent stands of Trollius europaeus (Globeflower) and Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold). When we reached the rendezvous point, Martin was waiting to return us to the hotel.

Day 5 Wednesday 19th July

Weather: Fine warm and sunny.

This morning had Martin ferrying us back to the village of Skutuset, only this time we set out in a different direction. The track took us north through some open woodland. Our first objective was a small hill called Syningen (1031 metres), which we reached in good time. From the top it was possible to see the summit of Storefjell (1149 metres). On the approach to Syningen, we found Carex chordorrhiza (String Sedge) and Equisetum varigatum (Variegated Horsetail) Syningen had good numbers of the tiny white flowered Silene rupestris (Rock Campion), as well as Woodsia ilvensis (Oblong Woodsia), Dryopteris oreades (Mountain male fern), Gentiana nivalis (Snow Gentian) and Carex atrata (Black Alpine Sedge). After we left Syningen, we began to make our way through wet, open Pine, Spruce and Juniper woodland. Alchemilla glabra (Smooth Lady’s-mantle), Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaved Wintergreen) and Sedum villosum (Hairy Stonecrop) were all seen and three Raven were calling overhead. Our route was not as wet as normal, so the going was fairly easy. We stopped in the shade of some spruce trees to eat our lunch. We soon left the forest, and made our way up to the Sorefjell Hotel, where we took coffee. The approach road had a small stream beside it, the bank of which had Campanula scheuchzeri (Scheuchzer’s Bellflower). Having taken coffee, left the hotel behind us we made our way to the footpath to the summit of Storefjell. As we approached the bottom of the path we found Potentilla norvegica (Ternate-leaved Cinquefoil). Continuing on up the path, we soon made it to the top of Storefjell, where we were rewarded with some splendid views across towards the Skogshorn. We descended via another path which brought us down the north side of the ridge. Along the way we found the seeding heads of Corallorhiza trifida (Coral-root Orchid) and Carex flava (Greater Yellow Sedge) as well as seeing Hooded Crow. The track took us towards the road directly above our hotel, so it was but a short distance back to Kamben.

Day 6 Thursday 20th July

Weather: Fine warm and sunny with some breeze.

Today we were going on the ‘Norway in a Nutshell’ excursion. Following an 07-30hrs early breakfast, during which were saw a Short-eared owl hunting over the field, we boarded Martin’s mini-bus for the journey down to the railway station at Gol. Just after leaving Kamben we spotted Common Cranes grazing in a field. Whilst waiting for the train, we found Heracleum sphondylium ssp. sibiricum (Siberian Hogweed). We boarded the 09-35hrs train to Myrdal. As we approached the station at Finse, we had wonderful views of the Hardangar Glacier, and

© Naturetrek August 06 3 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report the train waited long enough for the passengers to disembark in order to take pictures. At Myrdal we transferred to the spectacular Flam Railway. Completed in 1940, this unique railway took twenty years to build and drops 864metres in 20 kilometres to the side of Aurlandsfjorden (Aurlands Fjord). The journey down the Flam Valley took us through some magnificent scenery, not least of all was the scheduled stop near Kjosfossen to view the thundering power of the mighty Kjos waterfall. As we descended we recorded Cicerbita alpina (Alpine Sow- thistle), Cystopteris fragilis (Brittle Bladder fern)and Sedum rosea (Roseroot). Upon our arrival in Flam we transferred to the pleasure for the two hour journey to Gudvangen. As we sailed down the stunning fjord we had a flock of Common Gull join us for lunch. We also had several good views of Harbour Porpoise. Tiny picturesque villages and fabulous scenery all helped to make this trip truly memorable. When we arrived in Gudvangen we boarded the bus that would take us to Voss railway station. After leaving the fjord behind us, our bus soon left the main road and turned up the very steep winding Stalhiemskleiva road, passing Campanula latifolia (Giant Bellflower), to the Stalheim Hotel, where we stopped briefly and were able to admire the wonderful views and some splendid clumps of Saxifraga cotyledon (Pyramidal Saxifrage). Our train left Voss at 17-11hrs arriving in Gol at 19-40hrs, where Martin was waiting to take us back to our hotel for dinner.

Day 7 Friday 21st July

Weather: Fine warm and sunny with some breeze.

Today we travelled out to Gronlie, the farthest of any of our daily excursions. Leaving the hotel we travelled north to the village of Oset, before crossing the dam at the eastern end of the Tisleifjorden. Moving on, Martin turned northwest and followed the northern shore of the fjord through Langestolen, Nosen and Rensenn. As we drove we saw two Common Cranes fly over. Another kilometre further on, we stopped in a small remote car park at Gronlie. From here we set off in a north easterly direction towards the hamlet of Krististolen. On the way we had some fleeting views of a Meadow Pipit and Wheatear. As we left Krististolen, we passed a small outcrop of rocks. Here we found Dryopteris expansa (Northern Buckler Fern) and Athyrium distentifolium (Alpine Lady Fern). The path we were on took us past a large lake and on across some splendid montane moor. Betula nana (Dwarf Birch), Salix lanata (Woolly Willow) and Salix arbuscula (Mountain Willow) were present as well as several potential hybrid willows and birches. Cotton-grasses and Sedges we all around and we also saw Redshank and Lapwing. We took lunch in some sheltered birch and juniper scrub, before continuing on to Gomobu. From Gomobu we continued on down to Vasetstolen by Vasetvatnet lake. Along the way we found Potentilla norvegica (Ternate-leaved Cinquefoil) and Saxifraga stellaris (Starry Saxifrage). When we arrived at Vasetstolen we stopped in a lakeside café for refreshments, whilst waiting for Martin to collect us. The marginal water of the lake had fine patches of Sparganium angustifolium (Floating Bur-reed) and Potamogeton crispus (Curled Pondweed), while the shore produced Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum (Moor King). On our way back to the hotel, we stopped to visit the replica of a tenth century Stav Church at Oset. From here we returned to Kamben.

Day 8 Saturday 23rd July

Weather: Dry bright and sunny.

After a leisurely breakfast, our coach left the hotel at 11-00hrs, retracing the route we had taken last week, back towards Oslo. At about 12-30hrs, we stopped at the roadside restaurant for a break and refreshments. Continuing on, we arrived at Oslo International Airport at 14-30hrs. We soon checked in our baggage and made

4 © Naturetrek August 06 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report our way to departures, ready to board Scandinavian Airways flight SK811 and British Airways flight BA767 to London Heathrow.

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Species lists

Bird list Group/Species English Name(If any) Location

Pteridopsida Ferns and their Allies

Lycopodiaceae Clubmoss Family Diphasiastrum alpinum Alpine Clubmoss Noystolfjellet D.complanatum ssp. complanatum Flat-stemmed Clubmoss Solseter/Gol Huperzia selago ssp. selago Fir Clubmoss Noystolfjellet Lycopodiella annotina Interrupted Clubmoss Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Lycopodium clavatum Stag’s-horn Clubmoss - Lycopodium inundatum Marsh Clubmoss -

Selaginellaceae Lesser Clubmoss Family Selaginella selaginoides Lesser Clubmoss Kamben

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Equisetum fluviatile Water Horsetail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail - Equisetum pratense Shade Horsetail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Equisetum varigatum Variegated Horsetail Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben

Adiantaceae Maidenhair Fern Family Cryptogramma crispa Parsley Fern -

Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Family Asplenium viride Green Spleenwort - Asplenium septentrionale Fingered Spleenwort Solseter/Gol

Blechnaceae Hard-fern Family Blechnum spicant Hard Fern -

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family Pteridium aquilinum ssp. latiusculum Bracken Solseter/Gol

Dryopteridaceae Buckler Fern Family Dryopteris expansa Northern Buckler Fern Solseter/Gol Dryopteris filix-mas Male Fern Solseter/Gol Dryopteris oreades Mountain Male Fern Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Polysticum lonchitis Holly Fern -

Ophioglossaceae Adder’s-tongue Family Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family Polypodium vulgare agg Common Polypody Solseter/Gol

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Thelypteridaceae Marsh Fern Family Phegopteris connectilis Beech Fern Solseter/Gol

Woodsiaceae Lady-fern Family Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Athyrium distentifolium Alpine Lady Fern Noystolfjellet Cysopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder Fern Above Flam Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Woodsia ilvensis Oblong Woodsia Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben

Pinopsida (Gymnosperms) Conifers

Cupressaceae Juniper Family Juniperus communis Juniper Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Pinaceae Pine Family Abies alba European Silver Fir - Larix decidua European Larch - Picea abies Norway Spruce Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pinus cembra Arollo Pine Torpo Churchyard (planted) Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Taxaceae Yew Family Taxus baccata Yew -

Magnoliidae (Dicotyledons) Flowering Plants

Aceraceae Maple Family Acer platanoides Norway Maple -

Adoxaceae Moschatel Family Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel or Townhall Clock -

Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Carrot Family Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley Myrdal Conopodium majus Pignut - Heracleum sphondylium ssp.sibiricum Siberian Hogweed Gol Pimpinella saxifraga Burnet-saxifrage Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Torilis japonica Upright Hedge-parsley -

Asteraceae (Compositae) Daisy Family Achillea millefolium Yarrow Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Achillea ptarmica Sneezewort Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Antennaria carpatica Carpathian Cat’s-foot Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Antennaria dioica Cat's-foot - Anthemis tinctoria Yellow Chamomile Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Artemisia absinthium Wormwood - Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Solseter/Gol Carduus crispus Welted Thistle Solseter/Gol Centaurea jacea Brown Knapweed Verge above Gol Cicerbita alpina Alpine Sow-thistle Below Myrdal Cirsium arvense Creeping Thistle - Cirsium heterophyllum (helenioides) Melancholy Thistle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Cirsium palustre Marsh Thistle Kamben Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle - Erigeron borealis Alpine Fleabane Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Erigeron acer Blue Fleabane Solseter/Gol Filago vulgaris Common Cudweed - Gnaphalium (Omalotheca) norvegica Highland Cudweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Gnaphalium (Omalotheca) supinum Dwarf Cudweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Gnaphalium (Omalotheca) sylvatica Heath Cudweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Hieracium alpinum Alpine Hawkweed Noystolfjellet Inula conyzae Ploughman’s-spikenard - Lapsana communis Nipplewort Solseter/Gol Leontodon autumnalis Autumn Hawkbit Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Matricaria discoidea Pineapple mayweed Solseter/Gol Petasites frigidus - Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pilosella (Hieracium) aurantiaca Orange Hawkweed Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Pilosella officinarum Mouse-eared Hawkweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Saussarea alpina Alpine Saw-wort - Senecio vulgaris Groundsel Gol Solidago virgaurea Golden Rod Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Tanacetum vulgare Tansy Solseter/Gol Taraxacum hamata Dandelion Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Tripleurospermum inodorum Scentless Mayweed Solseter/Gol Tussilago farfara Colt’s-foot Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Betulaceae Birch Family Alnus glutinosa Alder Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Alnus incana Grey Alder Solseter/Gol Betula pendula Silver Birch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Betula pubescens Downy Birch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Betula nana Dwarf Birch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Betula pubescens x B.nana Hybrid Birch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Corylus avellana Hazel Solseter/Gol

Boraginaceae Borage Family Asperugo procumbens Madwort Solseter/Gol Myosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-not Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Myosotis ramosissima Early Forget-me-not - Mosotis scorpioides Water Forget-me-not - Myosotis secunda Creeping Forget-me-not - Myosotis sylvatica Wood Forget-me-Not Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Cabbage Family Arabidopsis thaliana Thale Cress Solseter/Gol

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Arabis alpina Alpine Rock-cress Solseter/Gol Arabis glabra Tower Mustard - Arabis hirsuta Hairy Rock-cress - Barbarea intermedia Medium-flowered Winter-cress Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Barbarea vulgaris Winter-cress Solseter/Gol Berteroa incana Hoary Alison Solseter/Gol Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's-purse Solseter/Gol Cardamine amara Large Bittercress Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Cardamine bellidifolia Alpine Bittercress Noystolfjellet Cardamine flexuosa Wavy Bittercress Noystolfjellet Cardamine pratensis Lady's Smock - Lepidium draba (Draba incana) Hoary Cress - Rorippa palustris Marsh Yellowcress - Rorippa sylvestris Creeping Yellow-cress - Thlaspi alpinum Alpine Pennycress Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Thlaspi arvense Field Pennycress Gol

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family Campanula latifolia Giant Bellflower Stalheim Campanula persicifolia Peach-leaved Bellflower - Campanula rotundifolia Harebell Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Campanula scheuchzeri Scheuchzer’s Bellflower Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Linnaea borealis Twinflower Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Lonicera caerulea Blue-berried Honeysuckle Solseter/Gol Sambucus racemosa Red-berried Elder Gol

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family Arenaria serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Cerastium alpinum Alpine Mouse-ear - Cerastium arvense Field Mouse-ear Solseter/Gol Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear Solseter/Gol Sagina apetala Annual Pearlwort - Sagina nodosa Knotted Pearlwort - Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort Gol Sagina subulata Heath Pearlwort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Scleranthus annuus Annual Knawel - Silene dioica Red Campion Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Silene latifolia White Campion - Silene rupestris Rock Catchfly Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Spergularia rubra Sand Spurry Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Stellaria graminea Lesser Stichwort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Stellaria uliginosa (S.alsine) Bog Stitchwort Solseter/Gol Stellaria media Chickweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Stellaria nemorum Wood Stitchwort -

Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family Chenopodium album Fat Hen Solseter/Gol

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Clusiaceae St. John’s-wort Family Hypericum maculatum Imperforate St. John’s-wort - Hypericum tetraptrum Square-stalked St. John's-wort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family Sedum (Rhodiola) rosea Roseroot Above Flam Sedum telephium ssp. maximum Orpine Solseter/Gol Sedum villosum Hairy Stonecrop Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Sedum saxangulare Tasteless Stonecrop - Sedum hybridum Hybrid Stonecrop - Sedum spurium Caucasian Stonecrop -

Dipsacaceae Teasel Family Knautia arvensis Field Scabious Solseter/Gol Succisa pratensis Devil’s-bit Scabious -

Empetraceae Crowberry Family Empetrum nigrum Crowberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Ericaceae Andromeda polifolia Bog Rosemary Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Arctostaphylos alpinus Alpine Bearberry Noystolfjellet Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry Solseter/Gol Calluna vulgaris Heather or Ling Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Loiseleuria procumbens Trailing Azelea - Phyllodoce caerulea Blue or Mountain Heath Noystolfjellet Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Vaccinium oxycoccus Cranberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Vaccinium uliginosum Bog Bilberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Pea Family Astragalus alpinus Alpine Milk-vetch Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Astragalus glycyphyllos Wild Liquorice - Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney-vetch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling Solseter/Gol Lotus corniculatus Bird's-foot Trefoil Solseter/Gol Lupinus x regalis Garden Lupin North of Oslo Oxytropis lapponica Northern Milk-vetch - Trifolium c.f. aureum Large Hop Trefoil - Trifolium medium Zig-zag Clover Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Trifolium pratense Red Clover Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Trifolium repens White Clover Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Vicia sepium Bush Vetch - Vicia sylvestris Wood vetch Solseter/Gol

Fagaceae Beech Family Fagus sylvatica Beech Stalheim

Gentianaceae Gentian Family

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Gentiana nivalis Snow Gentian Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Gentianella campestris Field Gentian -

Geraniaceae Crane’s-bill Family Geranium pratense Meadow crane’s-bill - Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane’s-bill Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Deadnettle Family Ajuga pyramidalis Pyramidal Bugle Storefjell Ajuga reptans Bugle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Clinopodium vulgare Wild Basil - Galeopsis tetrahit Common Hemp-nettle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Prunella vulgaris Selfheal Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Stachys sylvestris Hedge Woundwort - Thymus pulegioides Large Thyme -

Lentabulariaceae Bladderwort Family Pinguicula villosa Dwarf Butterwort - Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Menyanthaceae Bogbean Family Menyanthes trifoliata Bogbean Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Myricaceae Bog-myrtle family Myrica gale Bog-myrtle -

Nymphaeaceae Nuphar lutea Yellow Water-lily - Nymphaea alba White Water-lily -

Onagraceae Willowherb Family Chamerion (Epilobium) angustifolium Rose-bay Willowherb Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Epilobium alsinifolium Chickweed Willowherb - Epilobium anagallidifolium Alpine Willowherb Noystolfjellet Epilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb Solseter/Gol Epilobium lactiflorum Milky Willowherb - Epilobium obscurum Short-fruited Willowherb Solseter/Gol Epilobium palustre Marsh Willowherb Epilobium tetragonum Square-stemmed Willowherb -

Oxalidaceae Wood-sorrel Family Oxalis acetosella Wood-sorrel Solseter/Gol

Papaveraceae Poppy Family Chelidonium majus Greater Celandine -

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain - Plantago major Greater Plantain Solseter/Gol Plantago media Hoary Plantain -

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Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Polygalaceae Milkwort Family Polygala amarella Dwarf milkwort - Polygala vulgaris Common Milkwort -

Polygonaceae Knotweed Family Oxyria digyna Mountain Sorrel Above Flam Persicaria bistorta Bistort - Persicaria (Polygonum) vivipara Alpine Bistort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Polygonum aviculare Knotgrass Solseter/Gol Rumex acetosa Sorrel Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rumex acetosella Sheep’s Sorrel Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rumex longifolius Northern Dock Solseter/Gol

Portulacaceae Blinks Family Montia Fontana agg Blinks Noystolfjellet

Primulaceae Primrose Family Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife - Trientalis europaea Chickweed Wintergreen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Pyrolaceae Wintergreen Family Moneses uniflora One-flowered Wintergreen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Orthilia secunda Nodding Wintergreen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pyrola chlorantha Pale-flowered Wintergreen Solseter/Gol Pyrola media Intermediate Wintergreen - Pyrola minor Common Wintergreen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pyrola norvegica Norwegian Wintergreen - Pyrola rotundifolia Round-leaved Wintergreen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Aconitum septentrionale Northern Wolfsbane Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Actaea spicata Baneberry - Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold Noystolfjellet Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Ranunculus glacialis Glacier Crowfoot - Ranunculus montanus Mountain Buttercup - Ranunculus c.f. peltatus Water Crowfoot Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Ranunculus platanifolius - - Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Ranunculus reptans Creeping Spearwort Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Thalictrum alpinum Alpine Meadow-rue Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Trollius europaeus Globeflower Noystolfjellet

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Frangula alnus Alder Buckthorn -

Rosaceae Rose Family Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady's-mantle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Alchemilla glabra Smooth Lady's-mantle Noystolfjellet Alchemilla wichurae - Kamben Alchemilla xanthochlora - -

12 © Naturetrek August 06 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Amelanchier lamarckii Juneberry - Cotoneaster sp Cotoneaster - Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Geum urbanum Wood Avens or Herb Bennett - Geum rivale Water Avens Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Potentilla anserina Silverweed Solseter/Gol Potentilla argentea Hoary Cinquefoil Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil - Potentilla erecta Tormentil Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Potentilla norvegica Ternate-leaved Cinquefoil Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Potentilla palustris Marsh Cinquefoil Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rosa majalis Cinnamon Rose - Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rubus idaeus Raspberry Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rubus saxatilis Stone Bramble Solseter/Gol Sibbaldia procumbens Sibbaldia Noystolfjellet Sorbus aucuparia Rowen or Mountain Ash Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Solseter/Gol Galium boreale Northern Bedstraw Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Galium palustre agg Marsh Bedstraw Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Galium x pomeranicum Hybrid Bedstraw Solseter/Gol Galium saxatile Heath Bedstraw Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Galium uliginosum Fen Bedstraw Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Galium verum Lady’s Bedstraw Solseter/Gol

Salicaceae Willow Family Populus tremula Aspen Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Salix arbuscula Mountain Willow Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Salix caprea Goat Willow Solseter/Gol Salix cinerea agg Grey Willow - Salix glandulifera - - Salix herbacea Dwarf Willow Noystolfjellet Salix lanata ssp. lanata Woolly Willow Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Salix lanata x S.lapponum - Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Salix lapponum Downy Willow Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Salix myrsinifolia Dark-leaved Willow - Salix pentandra Bay Willow - Salix phylicifolia Tea-leaved Willow Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Salix phylicifolia x S.lapponum - Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Salix reticulata Net-leaved Willow -

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family Parnassia palustris Grass-of-Parnassus Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Saxifraga aizoides Yellow Saxifrage - Saxifraga cotyledon Pyramidal Saxifrage Stalheim Saxifraga oppositifolia Purple Saxifrage - Saxifraga rivularis Highland Saxifrage - Saxifraga stellaris Starry Saxifrage Noystolfjellet

© Naturetrek August 06 13 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Group/Species English Name(If any) Location

Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Bartsia alpina Alpine Bartsia Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Digitalis purpurea Foxglove - Euphrasia sp Eyebright Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Linaria vulgaris Common Toadflax Solseter/Gol Melampyrum pratense Common Cow-wheat Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Melampyrum sylvaticum Small Cow-wheat Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pedicularis lapponica Lapland Lousewort - Pedicularis palustris Red Rattle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum Moor King Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Rhinanthus minor agg Yellow Rattle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Verbascum nigrum Dark Mullein - Verbascum thapsus Great Mullein - Veronica alpina Alpine Speedwell Noystolfjellet Veronica arvensis Wall Speedwell Solseter/Gol Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Veronica fruticans Rock Speedwell - Veronica officinalis Common Speedwell Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Veronica scutellata Marsh Speedwell Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Tiliaceae Lime Family Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime -

Ulmaceae Elm Family Ulmus glabra Wych Elm -

Urticaceae Nettle Family Urtica dioica Common Nettle Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Urtica urens Small Nettle -

Valerianaceae Valerian Family Valeriana sambucifolia Elder-flowered Valerian Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Violaceae Violet Family Viola arvensis Field Pansy Solseter/Gol Viola canina ssp. montana Heath Dog-violet - Viola palustris Marsh Violet Solseter/Gol Viola riviniana Common Dog-violet Noystolfjellet Viola tricolor Heartsease Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Liliidae (Monocotyledons)

Cyperaceae Sedge Family Carex atrata Black Alpine Sedge Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Carex bigelowii Stiff Sedge Noystolfjellet Carex capillaris Hair Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex chordorhiza String Sedge Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben

14 © Naturetrek August 06 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Carex curta White sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex dioica Dioecious Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex divulsa Grey Sedge Solseter/Gol Carex echinata Star Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex elata Tufted Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex flava Large Yellow Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex fuliginosa ssp. misandra Red-brown Sedge - Carex globularis - - Carex lachenallii Hare’s-foot Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex limosa Bog Sedge - Carex magellanica Tall Bog Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex nigra Common Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex norvegica Close-headed Sedge - Carex ornithopoda Bird's-foot Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex ovalis Oval Sedge Solseter/Gol Carex pallescens Pale Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex panicea Carnation Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex pauciflora Few-flowered Sedge - Carex rostrata Bottle Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex vaginata Sheathed Sedge Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Carex vesicaria Bladder Sedge Noystolfjellet Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered Spike-rush Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Eriophorum angustifolium Common Cotton-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Eriophorum scheuchzeri Scheuchzeri’s Cottongrass Noystolfjellet Eriophorum vaginatum Hare’s-tail Cotton-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Trichophorum alpinum Alpine Deergrass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Trichophorum cespitosum Deergrass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Juncaceae Rush Family Juncus alpinus Alpine Rush - Juncus articulatus Jointed Rush Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Juncus biglumis Two-flowered Rush Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Juncus bufonius Toad Rush Solseter/Gol Juncus filiformis Thread Rush Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Juncus trifidus Three-leaved Rush Noystolfjellet Luzula multiflora agg Heath Woodrush Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Luzula pilosa Hairy Wood-rush Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Luzula spicata Spiked Wood-rush Noystolfjellet Luzula sylvatica Greater Wood-rush Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Juncaginaceae Arrowgrass Family Triglochin palustre Marsh Arrowgrass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Liliaceae Lily Family Maianthemum bifolium May Lily Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Narthecium ossifragum Bog Asphodel - Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Solseter/Gol Polygonatum verticillatum Whorled Soloman’s-seal - Tofieldia pusilla Scottish Asphodel Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

Orchidaceae Orchid Family

© Naturetrek August 06 15 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Coeloglossum viride Frog Orchid Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Corallorhiza trifida Coralroot Orchid Solseter/Gol (In fruit) Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted Orchid Solseter/Gol Dactylorhiza maculata Heath Spotted Orchid Solseter/Gol Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. pulchella Early Marsh Orchid Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Goodyeara repens Creeping Ladies Tresses Solseter/Gol Gymnadenia conopsea agg Fragrant Orchid Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Leucorchis albida Small White Orchid - Listera cordata Lesser Twayblade Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Platanthera bifolia Lesser Orchid -

Poaceae (Graminae) Grass Family Agrostis capillaris Common Bent Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Agrostis curtisii Bristle Bent Solseter/Gol Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent Solseter/Gol Alopecurus aequalis Orange foxtail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Alopecurus geniculatus Marsh Foxtail Solseter/Gol Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail Kamben Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Bromopsis inermis Hungarian Brome Gol Calamagrostis epigeios Wood Small-reed Solseter/Gol Calamagrostis canescens Purple Small Reed Solseter/Gol Dactylis glomerata Cock’s-foot Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hair-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Deschampsia flexuosa Wavy Hair-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Elymus caninus Bearded Couch Solseter/Gol Elytrigia (Elymus) repens Common Couch Solseter/Gol Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue - Festuca filiformis Fine-leaved Sheep's Fescue Solseter/Gol agg Sheep’s Fescue Noystolfjellet agg Red Fescue Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Lagurus ovatus Hare’s-tail Grass - Lolium perenne Perennial Rye-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Melica nutans Mountain Melick Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Millium effusum Wood Millet - Molinia caerulea Purple Moor-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Nardus stricta Mat-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Phalaris arundinacea Reed Canary-grass - Phleum alpinum Alpine Cat’s-tail Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Phleum pratense Timothy Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Poa alpina Alpine Meadow-grass Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Kamben Poa humilis (P. subcaerulea) Spreading Meadow-grass Solseter/Gol Poa pratensis Smooth Meadow-grass Kamben Poa trivialis Rough Meadow-grass Solseter/Gol

Potamogetonaceae Pondweed family Potamogeton crispus Curled Pondweed Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pondweed - Potamogeton polygonifolius Bog Pondweed Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo

16 © Naturetrek August 06 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Group/Species English Name(If any) Location Sparganiaceae Bur-reed Family Sparganium angustifolium Floating Bur-reed Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen

Bird list Common Name Scientific Name Location Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata - Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo - Grey Heron Ardea cinerea North of Oslo Mute Swan Cygnus olor North of Oslo Mallard Anus platyrhynchos - Widgeon Anus penelope - Scaup Aythya marila Noystolfjellet Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula - Goldeneye Bucephala clangula - Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator Near Finse Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus - Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus - Common Buzzard Buteo buteo Noystolfjellet Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus - Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Peregrine Falcon Falco perigrinus - Merlin Falco columbarius - Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus - Willow Grouse Lagopus lagopus Noystolfjellet Ptarmigan Lagopus mutus - Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus - Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasa Solseter/Gol Pheasant Phasianus colchicus North of Oslo Common Crane Grus grus Kamben Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralargus - Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Noystolfjellet Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Dunlin Calidris alpine - Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus - Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Gudvagen Redshank Tringa totanus Noystolfjellet Greenshank Tringa nebularia - Curlew Numenius arquata Kamben Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus - Woodcock Scolopax rusticola - Snipe Gallinago gallinago - Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus - Common Gull Larus canus Flam to Gudvagen Herring Gull Larus argentatus Kamben Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea - Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle - Feral Pigeon Columba livia - Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus Kamben Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Oslo

© Naturetrek August 06 17 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Common Name Scientific Name Location Cuckoo Cuculus canorus - Tawny Owl Strix aluco Kamben Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Kamben Swift Apus apus Kamben Green Woodpecker Picus viridis - Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major Solseter/Gol Sand Martin Riparia riparia - Swallow Hirundo rustica Solseter/Gol House Martin Delichon urbica Kamben Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis Noystolfjellet Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis - White Wagtail Motacilla alba Kamben Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava flava Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Wren Troglodytes troglodytes - Dipper Cinclus cinclus - Dunnock Prunella modularis - Robin Erithacus rubecula - Bluethroat Luscinia svecica Kamben Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus - Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe - Whinchat Saxicola rubetra - Song Thrush Turdus philomelos - Redwing Turdus iliacus - Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Kamben Blackbird Turdus merula Gol Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus - Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix - Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita - Goldcrest Regulus regulus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata - Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca - Great Tit Parus major Solseter/Gol (H) Coal Tit Parus ater Skutuset Blue Tit Parus caeruleus - Crested Tit Parus cristatus - Marsh Tit Parus palustris - Willow Tit Parus montanus - Treecreeper Certhia familiaris - Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor - Magpie Pica pica Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Jay Garrulus glandarius Skutuset Siberian Jay Perisoreus infaustus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Rook Corvus frugilegus - Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix Kamben Raven Corvus corax Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Starling Sturnus vulgaris Kamben House Sparrow Passer domesticus Oslo Airport Tree Sparrow Passer montanus - Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Kamben

18 © Naturetrek August 06 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Common Name Scientific Name Location Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Noystolfjellet Linnet Carduelis cannabina - Twite Carduelis flavirostris - Redpoll Carduelis flammea - Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Kamben Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Kamben Siskin Carduelis spinus Syningen/Storefjell/Kamben Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula - Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus - Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra - Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Yellowhammer Emberiza citronella -

Butterflies & moths

Common Name Scientific Name Location Blue, Cranberry Vacciniina optilete Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Blue, Common Polyommatus icarus Solseter/Gol Blue, Small Cupido minimus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Brown, Arran Eerbia ligea Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni - Clouded Yellow, Mountain Colias phicomone Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen Copper, Scarse Heodes virgaureae Gol Copper, Small Lycaena phlaeas - Fritillary, Dark Green Argynnis aglaja - Fritillary, Marsh Eurodryas aurinia aurinia - Fritillary, Small Pearl-bordered Clossiana selene Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Heath, Small Coenonympha pamphilus Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Red Admiral Vanessa Gol Tortoiseshell, Small Aglais urticae Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Wall Brown, Northern petropolitana - White, Large Pieris brassicae Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen White, Small Artogeia rapae Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo White, Wood Leptidea sinapis -

Clouded Boarder Lamaspilis marginata Solseter/Gol Garden Carpet Xanthorhoe spadicearia Kamben Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata Solseter/Gol Plume Moth Hellinsia osteodactylus Solseter/Gol Red Carpet Xanthorhoe decoloraria - Riband Wave Idaea aversata forma. remutata - Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata Solseter/Gol Silver Y Autographa gamma Kamben Wood Tiger Parasemia plantaginis -

© Naturetrek August 06 19 Norway - Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Other invertebrates

Common Name Scientific Name Location Seven Spot Ladybird Coccinella 7-punctata - Cleg-fly Haematopota pluvialis Kamben German Wasp Vespa germanica Flam Horse Fly Tabanus sp Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Ischnumon Fly Rhyssa persuasoria Solseter/Gol Scorpion Fly Panorpa sp. Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo Wolf Spider Pardosa sp Solseter/Gol Wood Ant Formica rufa Hallingen/Skutuset/ Brautemo


Common Name Scientific Name Location Grey Seal Phoca vitulina - Harbour Porpoise Phocoena phocoena Flam to Gudvagen Norway Lemming Lemmus lemmus Noystolfjellet Elk Alces alces - Fox Vulpes vulpes Kamben Mountain Hare Lepus europaeus - Brown Hare Lepus europaeus Kamben

Reptiles & amphibians

Common Name Scientific Name Location Viviparous or Common Lizard Lacerta vivipara Noystolfjellet Grass Snake Natrix natrix - Common Frog Rana temporaria Gronlie/Gomobu/Vasetstolen


Arnold, E.N. & Burton, J.A. (1980) Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. Collins Chinery, M. (2000) of Britain and Western Europe. Collins Davies, P., Davies. J. & Huxley, A. (1983) Wild Orchids of Britain and Europe. Chatto and Windus Fitter, R., Fitter, A.& Farrer, A. (1989) Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Ferns of Britain and Northern Europe. Collins Fitter, R., Fitter, A.& Blamey, M. (1996) Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. Collins Feilberg, J. (1999) Blomster I Norge. Aschehougs Naturboker Grey-Wilson, C. & Blamey, M. (1995) Alpine Flowers of Britain and Europe. Collins Jahns, H.M. (1987) Ferns, Mosses and Lichens of Britain and Northern and Central Europe. Collins Jermy, A.C., Chater, A.O. & David, R.W. (1982) Sedges of the British Isles. BSBI MacDonald, D. & Barrett, P. (1993) Mammals of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins Meikle, R.D. (1984) Willows and Poplars of Great Britain and Ireland. BSBI Mullarney, K., Svensson, L., Zetterstrom, D. & Grant, P.J. (1999). Bird Guide. Collins Toleman, T. (1997) Butterflies of Britain and Europe. Harper Collins

20 © Naturetrek August 06