BULLETIN for the week beginning 8th July 2012 THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY [Proper 9]

9.15 am HOLY COMMUNION Parish Church 10.30 am THE EUCHARIST WITH HYMNS Leeds Parish Church AND HOLY BAPTISM – Amelia Marie Brown Preacher: The Reverend Sue Wallace, Vicar Choral 10.30 am HOLY COMMUNION St Mary’s Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl 12.00 noon BLIGNY SUNDAY MEMORIAL SERVICE Leeds Parish Church Officiant: The Reverend Sue Wallace, Vicar Choral 6.30 pm CONGREGATIONAL EVENSONG Leeds Parish Church Preacher: The Reverend Hannah Smith, Pioneer Curate

Leeds Parish Church – Minster Making Sunday is 2 September 2012

Church of – Diocese of Ripon and Leeds – Parish of Leeds City Rector of Leeds: The Reverend Canon Tony Bundock [0113] 245 2036 [office] The Rector is on leave during June, July and August Vicar Choral: The Reverend Sue Wallace [0113] 278 9339 [home] Pioneer Ministry Curate: The Reverend Hannah Smith [0113] 245 2036 [office] Lay Minister: Canon Ann Nicholl [0113] 245 2036 [office], [0113] 269 4045 [home]

Leeds Parish Church (St Peter at Leeds), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ ~ Parish Office: [0113] 245 2036

Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, LS1 5HW Church Office: [0113] 245 4268 ~ Café at Holy Trinity: [0113] 246 8196

St Mary’s Church, Lincoln Green, LS9 7SG ~ Church Office: [0113] 240 7349

St Peter’s Church of England (Aided) Primary School, Cromwell Street, LS9 7SG Headteacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Holliday [0113] 293 4411 Chaplain: Canon Ann Nicholl [see above]

www.leedsparishchurch.org.uk [email protected] Monday, 9th • Durgapur (North India) – Bishop: Probal Dutta • Church of Epiphany, Gipton – Paul Payton, Barbara Ellis (R) 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 4.00 pm Boy Choristers’ Rehearsal Leeds Parish Church Tuesday, 10th • Durham (York) – Bishop: Justin Welby; Mark Watts Bryant (Jarrow) • Team Ministry: St John the Evangelist Moor Allerton; St Barnabas ; St Stephen , St Paul Shadwell – Charles Dobbin (Rector), Vicars: Nigel Beer (St Barnabas), Sharon Kaye (St Stephen), Diane Lofthouse; Readers: David Pearson, Jon Royce, Stephen Scaife, Derek Thomas, Ken Ward, Janet Beer, Sandra Parker, Nathan Dring, John Watson, Elizabeth Bassant, Patricia Ambler • Allerton Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Helen Stott 8.50 am Prayers St Peter’s School 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 10.00 am Coffee Morning Lincoln Green Centre 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity 3.00 pm Classical Music with Dr Simon Lindley BBC Radio Leeds Wednesday, 11th Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Father of Western Monasticism, c.550 • Dutse (Kaduna, Nigeria) – Bishop: Yesufu Lumu • St Edmund – David Paton-Williams, Diane Flynn; Maureen Williams (R) 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 6.00 pm Vestry Hour Leeds Parish Church 4.00 pm Boy Choristers’ Rehearsal Leeds Parish Church 5.30 pm Evensong (said) Leeds Parish Church 7.00 pm PCC Meeting Leeds Parish Church 7.00 pm St Peter’s School Summer Concert St Peter’s School Hall Thursday, 12th • East Carolina (IV, The Episcopal Church) – Bishop: Clifton Daniel • St Martin – David Stephens, Jane De Gay, Dorothy Stewart 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 1.05 pm Holy Communion [BCP] Leeds Parish Church 8.00 pm Battle of the Organs Halifax Minster Friday, 13th • East Kerala (South India) – Bishop: Kayalakkakathu Daniel • South Kerala (South India) – Bishop: John Gladstone • St John Roundhay – Colin Cheeseman • St John’s Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Andrew Graham 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Parish Church 12.00 noon Midday Prayers Leeds Parish Church 12.30 pm Recital Maciej Wierzcholowski/Nicholas Emmerson Leeds Parish Church 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity 7.30 pm Street Angels Awareness Meeting Holy Trinity Saturday, 14th John Keble, Priest, Tractarian, Poet, 1866 • East Ruwenzori (Uganda) – Bishop: Edward Bamucwanira • Leeds Mental Health Trust – Andrew Haworth, Melodie Kimball (Chaplains) 12.00 noon Holy Matrimony: David Webster/Kelly Barracough Leeds Parish Church 2.30 pm Family Fun Day in aid of Church Funds Leeds Parish Church Next Sunday, 15th July – The Sixth Sunday after Trinity [Proper 10]

9.15 am Holy Communion Leeds Parish Church 10.30 am Congregational Eucharist Leeds Parish Church Preacher: The Reverend Professor Simon Robinson, Lecturer 10.30 am Café Eucharist St Mary’s Preacher: The Reverend Sue Wallace, Vicar Choral 6.30 pm Congregational Evensong Leeds Parish Church Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl

FAMILY FUN DAY SATURDAY 14 JULY AT LPC: We are holding another Family Fun Day on Saturday 14 July 2012 between 2.30 and 6.00 pm. Please take the A5 flyers and circulate them around your friends and family. There will be stalls, an opportunity to try bell-ringing, food, inflatable slide and lots of fun for the whole family. If you are able to donate bottles or gifts &c, please leave them in the boxes in the Refectory, but, above all, if you are able to help on one of the stalls for an hour or please let Trevor Parker know.

HATUA: Russell Sowden, Cantoris Tenor, is carrying out a fundraising trip to Europe on his classic motor-cycle. This charity event is to support HATUA, an organisation concerned with the education of gifted African children. Russ asks for support for his epic trip – there are forms available in the Room - please add your address and postcode and tick the Gift Aid box when pledging your contribution. Many thanks to all!

SPECIAL THANKS: to Burley Methodist Church for the generous gift of a quantity of choral music for future use at LPC. This kind gesture is greatly and gratefully appreciated. LET BATTLE RESUME: Mr Houlder and Dr Lindley present a further “Battle of the Organs” experience at Halifax Minster on Thursday 12 July at 8.00. Do give this Festival event your support! The popular programme includes Handel’s Water Music, Charpentier’s Te Deum Prelude, the Elgar Imperial March and the programme ends with Jerusalem.

STREET ANGELS AWARENESS: Come and see at Holy Trinity on Friday 13 July what Street Angels is all about! 7.30 to 9.30 for Curry and Training. 9.30 to 3.00 am for “giving it a go” on the Streets! More details from Beth Tash – [email protected] TALK, FOOD AND FASTING WITHIN THE MUSLIM TRADITION: a special event at the Quaker Meeting House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 on Monday 16 July at 7.30 pm. STEWARDSHIP ENVELOPES: Stewardship & Gift Aid Secretary, Hazel Ward will be glad to help prospective new members of the Stewardship Scheme. SHEFFIELD BACH CHOIR: Leaflets are now available for the upcoming concert series and copies are available in the Churches of the Parish. Among the soloists this season are names well-familiar to LPC folk, including Quentin Brown, Sarah Potter, Helen Strange, Anita Wiencelewski and Kathryn Woodruff and the repertoire includes Messiah, Bach’s St John Passion and our own Dr Donald Hunt’s glorious Hymnus Paschalis.

MINSTER-MAKING – SUNDAY 2 SEPTEMBER, 3.00 pm: Tickets are now available for the service of dedication on the 2nd September at 3pm during which Leeds Parish Church will become Leeds Minster. Admission is by ticket (so that we have an idea of numbers) but all are invited and no-one will be turned away at the door. Please take some tickets and use this opportunity to invite your relatives, friends, neighbours, and former parishioners to this historic once-in-a-lifetime event. Tickets are available from the Senior Verger, Iain Howell.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY – in residential care Christine Caines, Maureen Coles, Ted Marks, Peter Milner, Veronica Rutkowska, Sylvia Wilkinson, Susan Williams

THOSE WHO ASK OUR PRAYERS Albert Andrews, Joan Ball, Jean Bannister, Rose Beck, David Bywater, Sonia Bywater, John Cooper, Bridget Durkin, John Edmonds, Francesca Eyre, Catherine Mary Ladd; Logan Firth, Ivy Frampton, John Hardaker, Pauline Holladay, Kathleen Holway, Peter Holway [now on Dialysis], Peter Jackson, Priscilla Jackson, Joanne Lebor, Karen MacDonald, Marjorie Milner, Gordon Rees, Jack Robins, Cathryn Robinson, Iris Rutkowska, John Sheldrake, Pamela Sheldrake, Althea Shevill, Mavis Simpson, David Speck, Denis Stenning, Erik Thornton, Patricia Wagstaff, Hazel Ward, Ken Ward [formerly of City of Leeds School and father of singer Caroline Lenton- Ward], Geoff Wheat, Mavis Whitehead YEAR’S MIND George Hayes [10 July 2005], Joe Kelly [10 July 2005], Sydney Symmonds [11 July 2001]

FOCUS ON: SINGING FROM THE SAME SONG-SHEET What’s in a name? A great deal, it would appear, to judge from those who sense some regret at the imminent virtual disappearance of mentions of “Leeds Parish Church” – or its greatly loved initials LPC. All change presents a challenge, and some individuals are, in general terms, reluctant to embrace change and even, to a degree, a little resentful of it.

We hear much of brands and branding these days. The Parish Church’s traditional verbal branding, and that of its Choir, is about to be replaced by the use of Leeds Minster nomenclature. The important thing, of course, is that the Parish created in 1990 is about to undergo further change and development. New and wider service, yes certainly, but we remain very much a Church with a Parish – and, what’s more, a Parish from which people still come to Church. We have a Parochial School that is the envy of many Parishes.

Within the next decade or even sooner, the name Trinity will be tripping merrily off the lips of countless thousands of Leeds Loiners as well as incomers in terms of the vast Trinity Quarter development nearing completion within the Boar Lane and Briggate quadrant. Maybe the amorous assignations of yesteryear under “Dyson’s Clock” will now be made at Trinity? In any event, the number of visitors and shoppers passing and, one hopes, entering a re-furbished Holy Trinity Church will bring its own opportunities.

So, what will be in store for us at LPC? Minster-making is well and truly under way. We have several options – the most extreme being to ignore it on the one hand and embrace it without considering our past heritage on the other. For many, the change in title will bring much extra administrative work, for some there may be a sense of sadness – for others, both! For us all, it is important that the public (and especially the non-church going public) perceive that we are singing from the same song-sheet. I urge you all to take your part in the exciting times ahead to the fullest extent. Ask not what a difference the Minster will make to you, but see what a difference you can make to the Minster as we face the future together. Simon Lindley