Prayers of the Church

For the , and for the Archbishop of , The Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby; for the clergy and people of the Diocese of Sokoto in The Church of Nigeria and the Bishop of Sokoto, The Rt. Rev. Augustine Omole.

For the Episcopal Church, and for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop ; for the people, clergy, and the Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield.

For the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, and for Jim, our Bishop ; the clergy and people of St. ’s Episcopal Church in San Diego; Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders and those in our companion diocese of El Salvador; our bishop and all other bishops attending the House of Bishops fall meeting this week and next.

For those commended to our prayers : Andre, Randall Kelley, Marna Hill, Lorna Dee, Joyce & Dave, Arci Kelley, Taylor Baird, Roger Allen, Michael Heil, Dakota Heil, Gary Piper, Anne Kraft, Bill, Camille & Jovan Currier, Carolyn Douglas, Joseph Williams, Mary Jo & Sam Houston, Zachary & Carolyn, Carol Costner, Debbie Pawley, Chris Horsewitz, Linda, Ruth, Wendy Sanders, Clifford Ashie, Helen Ashie, Marge Brom, Renee’ Gunnink, Carley & Bill Guidebeck. .

For those who have died : James Doyle, Dave Costner, Gillar Boyd.

For those with Birthdays : September 15 th : Thomas Baxley, Christopher Passerino, Michael Rowley; 16 th : Ralph Andrews, Alan Hampson, Thomas Schott, James Whitten; 17 th : Cole Tureau; 19 th : Duane Beach, Allan Coe; 21 st : Patricia Ann Barton, Matthias Futterer, Helen Grove, Andy Jessup.

For those celebrating Anniversaries this week: September 19 th : Todd Walker & Tom Donohue.

For those for whom flowers are given this week: at the altar by John Westaway in honor of and in thanksgiving for his mother Norma’s 85 th birthday.

For Civic Leaders : Pray for Barack, our President; Jerry, our Governor; Steve, our Mayor; and the elected officials of the Coachella Valley.

For the people of the Province of Ontario, whose flag we are flying .