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lEtti^ning B^ralb Avenge D ^ lj^ N c iT r ^ Ron llwWaRtiMr Par tka WiMjk Ba6 at C. EL WaaHM ■d . ■.’bJ Robert Cfork of Mamloek Stm t the State Supreme Court o f Errora Angmt 7, 1954 racen^ir^rctumad lumia aftar a in October. ■X. Claady taaigkt, al AboutTown at AuaaUa Chasm In Ntw Ribicoff Visit Marilynn Mohr Among the in\*ited gueata at tofdgkt and early WedamUay. LaWs k. j^terday’a outing was Daiiiocratic 10,498 IOot T*US BMiMkg«, SSO Ly abaos 68. CTeaHag dan St^ l«ft Saturday from Br Honors Union Town'own Chairman We. Manehs$t9r~-~A Ciiy of F iU ow * Ci Home at Manchester Groem to­ Miss ^ r ily n n Mohr,, daughter bar matamal (randmetner, Mra. Democratic Candidate of Mr. and Mra. Eklgar W. Mohr z Jamaa D. Caiaerc^Br., and hhr morrow night at 7:30. A report ARE SI/APLY BEAUTIFULII u n ^ WiUiam ^BMdon, at their from the national convention will Shakes Hands with Training Class Set of 848 E. Middle ’Tphe.. was hon­ VOL.LXXin,NO.^N AND ACETATE iMLlim. Alfred Oiater. 36 W. Mid- The aecond afsaion o f the nine derson of 40 Hemlbck St>* F re ^ d dti llpke., haa eniliated In the Navy en St., has arrived at Camp Cll- cut’s Democratic candidate for iner, N. J., frpm Germany and ex­ week aummer training program The living room of the Anderson Ike Ak Vote GivesO and left for the Naval training governor, attended the annual out­ for the Ciril Defense Communica­ center in Bainbridfe. Md. He haa pects to be discharged from the home was beautifully decorated Army this year. , ing of Local 63, Textile Workers tions Division will be held tomor­ been aaai(ned to the 33rd Batt. Oo.' row at 7:30 p.m. The film pre­ with pink and green streamers and DOT 'N DASH Union of A^nerica, CIO, held yes­ ■’V. t ■ Full P ow ^ U • 1^ • 304. 3nd R ^ . Cuater graduated sentation will be ‘The Cathode w’eddihg beils: The bride-to-be from-ManobMter Hifch School In Mr. and Mm. Dudley S. Bostick terday at the Garden Gnove, and and daughters, Janice and Betty Ray/;TubO-r-How it Works.” The opened her many gifts which were June. spent an hour shaking hands with summer training program ia co- placed under a table, decorated •a. ' \ of 313 Henry' St., have 'returned the 450 textile workers and their, aponsored by the Manchester Ra­ 9 9 f ? - : y a r d from a two weeks’ vacation in St. with a parasol and streamers. To Mendez A daughter, Donna Lee, wiw\a wives who were there. dio Ch'b e--* the American Radio- Petersburg, FI a While there they Refreshments were served later bom in the Hartford Hospital Ribicoff, wttQ had a number Relay League. in the evening. Guests were pres­ Thuraday to Mr. and Mra. Donald visited Mrs. Bostick’s parents, Mr, of political ongagomente through­ At the .uJL session eight new A smart Fall and Winter West Germany Paris, Aug. 10 (ff>)— ^Th9, and Mrs. Chester A. Howard, ent from Manchester, ' Hartford, Wiley of Bolton. The maternal out the stale yesterday, arrived members enrolled In CD. They Were Springfield and lx>ng Island. fabric in two tone color French hational assembly to­ whose winter home is In East in his dMorated campaign car Herbert Brown, 543 Woodbridge grandparenU' are Mr. and Mrs. Longmeado'v, Mass.'’ day approved by a maasive a n Bmeat Johnson of 114,Crestwood about 3 p.m. While the ^ m ocratlc St., Richard Rosendahl, 94 Bissell Miss Mohr- and Douglas Ander­ combinations for dressesr nominee made no speech, union son, son of Mr. and Mrs. William akirts and suits. Washington. Aug. 10 (A*)—4««» M iu Mary Daviaa, 63 Alexander already well known to the union COIN FOLDERS Mendes-France a new vote of con­ 10 Am. at the home of Mrs. Albert RACES authorization cards many have his administra­ rssllsed the measure dealt with St. was guest of honor at a per­ members, since he has been rep­ t r e e c o in a p p r a i s a l fidence but also accorded him large *■ t' Robinson 96 Ridge St. Mem­ were given to those holding a ra­ tion’s approval so far, but he problems outside the jurisdiction of special''powera to deal with Goa Probe resenting them In ihWr. wage-cut CREASE RESISTANT tha State Dept. SeclPct Talk bers and friends are invited and sonal shower Friday evening, dio license. Fred Edward, CD ra­ "Painted Desert" hopes* “a fair, equitable and France’s financial situation until given by Mias Verna Hare at her fight with management. ’The dis­ dio officer urges all personnel in Enemy alien property is admin­ ' iu«. requested to brihg sanduiches. pute, which involves some 1240,000 HORRY SHOFFE 45" Wesco Rayon and Acetate satisfactory solution can be March 31, 1955. Coffee and dessert will be pro­ home, 183 Center St. and attend Commuptcations who hold any Multi Color istered by the Justice Dept, which , Second Victory for Prcoiier ed by friends from Hartford, West In back wager, ia scheduled to class radio license to pick up their Oor. Ceater aad OriswoM arrived at.” hse oppoeed enactment of the Dirk- By Neutrals vided. come up for a re-hearing be'fore ‘It was' another victory for the On I^ciject Hertford, Coventry, and this toam. cards at CD Headquarters^ The Pranident’a atatement in a ■eh bill.. Premier who waa given the Pre­ The bride-elect unwrapped her Flan-A-Por Heather letter to West Germany’s Chancel­ Hegerty was asked whether the miership almost two months ago Ndw Delhi; India, Aug. 10 lovely gifts while seated beneath $1.29 yard lor Konrad Adenauer was made President’s position on the matter on a 3-fold program of reaching a an umbrella decorated in pink and public by. the White House today didn’t conflict with Dulles’ posi­ truce in Indochina, working out a (/P)— India agreed today to Washington, Aug. lOj green. A -bttffet - luncheon was Flannel along with the message frpm Ade-^ tion. Hsgerty replied he didn’t compromise on EDC and giving Portugal’a proposal for a six- Secretary of .State DtillfS FRESH a served by the kosteaa. .Beautiful Wesco spun rayon fabric nauer to Eisenhower urging re­ know about that, and suggested \ CANDY Prance’s economy a thorough go­ nation on-the-spot investiga­ said today the United States > WWtBMa. SdKmfft. P. * ■. A 'Miss Davits will become the in a beautiful range of colors. This turn of the assets. that newsmen ask Dulles about it ing over, tion into the two nations’ bit­ preparing to go ahead with' ^ O aa^ Onpbeard ^ bride of Edward C. Ooball Sejpt. correlates with the Wesco “Paris Solution Up To Congress at his news conferencs later in the ,Immediately, after the vote the 35. The ceremony will ba perform­ :x The properties were seized from day. ter dispute over Goa and the President Eisen hoiver’a 98)^ yard Square.” - - ^ ■ssembly reoessed. The Commu­ ed in St. Mary’a Episcopal Church. German owners during World War In his July 17 latter to Eisen­ nists. who had previoualy support­ other two Portuguese colo­ atoms-for-peace plan in any t Arihir DtiS ;CterMj Miss Hare will ba ond of the n . hower. Adenauer said tha prob­ You will want a flannel Roger. Touhy. prohibition- era ed Mendes-France, voted against nies on the Indian west coast. case, has asked Russia brideamaidA EXTRA rI.'W’ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales In his letter, the Prisldent said lem of seized saseta has remained him today. But he picked up the dress or suit this fall. Beau­ The Lisbon government suggest­ "the solution o f this complex of unsolved “desmts the favorable gangster, 'enters a Oilcago rourt votes, of many previously hostile whether its turndown of the tiful Heather colors in Teal,* where a federal Judge ordered ed yaaterday that eqeh. country problems Ilea with the Congress.” development of relations between members of the Popular Rapubll- ask three neutral natioha to send proposal is final. Memorial Coins Oxford, Leaf Green, Brown, James C. Hsgerty, presidential our two countries.” he added: him released from prison where can Movement (MRP). The Secretary described Rue- he was serving a 89-year sentence tour obeerverk each to look into SPECIAL Purpledawn, Cruiser and CO. press secretary, made public the i f solution to It is b rpecisi A truce In Indochina has been a eituetion which Foreign Minister BM’e Mtcat note on the matter as Elsenhower - Adenauer wish of my governu'snt. ThousaiMis for kidnapping. Judge John P. achieved. The French cabinet ia 99 per cent negaUve. and aaid tha SERVICES Airive at Bank Medium Blue. ’ CONN*, Barnes ordered him released on Dr. Paulo Cunha warned.‘‘xpay 1*sd RES. $9.95 after being aaked' for comment on of Gsriiians who through no fault slated to take up tonight ■ the to much blooditied and war.” State Dept, has now asked Mos­ a published report (New York of Uielr own find themwlves in IJ.0,000 bond saying that Touhy touchy question of this country’s cow whether the Soviets want it That Interpret The Wishes Final shipment o f Carvsr-Wash 100% EUROPEAN WHITE had ‘ been ^nvicted on "perjured Prime Minister Nttru’a govern­ Times) saying the United States an unfortunate econondc situation, approval of the European Defense ment handed a .'eply to the Portu­ to be treated as 100 per cent nega­ Of Family ington Memorial Half . Dollars •X *‘hJui quietly informed the West oM people and pensioners, beh'e- testimony.” Government - ettor- Community treaty prior to a meet­ Uve. • have been received by First Na­ GOOSE DOWN lb . guese minister here today, asking German government not to expect ne.ve seid they would appeal the ing of EDC participants in Brus- Lisbon to nor.Unatr Its choices im- Dulles told a news conference tional Bank of Manchester. N. the return of seized assets valued (Coattaaed ea Page Fenr> decision. (NEA Telephoto). aela on Aug. 19. that private talks with Rueala'a WiUlam Knight, Executive Vice • w msdiately for such an investiga­ JOHN Ba BURKE at about 500 million dollars.” Mendes-France, In asking the tion. F o re i^ Minister Molotov, along President and Cashier, said an ar­ Hsgerty called the attention of vote of confidence on his financial With fonnal notes, show very fun­ rangement had been made with Under the proposal, the obaerv- FUNERAL HOME newsmen to the final paragraph program, told tha AasambiV re ene wbiild ‘‘investigate frody” , damental differences in the Amer­ the Booker T. Washington Me o f Eisenhower’s lettsr saying solu­ ican and Russian approach to the TEU morial whereby the public could forms muat be launched to awake both in Portuguaec end Indian BED tion of the problem rests with a nation he described as territory. The six natione would be problem. buy these special coins at either Congress. The President Added: Fulbright for Drop Feraeer U. 8. Prealdeat.JIrrbert Hoover elU at hie desk la tke •1 BAST CENTER ST. veloped in a big aleep, dreaming chosen from countries with which ^Trealdeatial Suite** of a Saa Francisco, hotel, prior to his ^ p aftore Conatder Other Parieye the Manchetter office or the Col “ Several bills dealing with the A t presept, DuUeasaid, the U. 8. AMBULANCE SEBVIGB cheater offica. of the paat and having nightmares both India and Portugal maintain for bio Urthplaec, West Branch, la., where ho will celebrate hie 80th What a Value! All white subject are now pending there, filled with fear about the future. ' diplomatic reU.ttone. v government la acUvely consider­ When originally isausd in 1951, and member* of my cabinet and birthday. (NE.A Telepbote). ing the proqpect of beginning the coins were Sold for 53.00 each .95 He sought the confidence vote Teneieei Meoatlag Goose Down bed pillow with e ^ c h ^ • other government officials have Tension in the little Portugueae' talks at an early stage with other but. they can now be obtained for appeared and expressed their In McCarthy Counts to strike down a boat of amend­ WELTED ments deputieir wanted to tack on pockets has mounted In recent countries which might Join the RANGE $.60. The premium over the face views. None of the measures thus plan both to contribute noateriala value goes to the Booker T. Wash EDGES hia economic proposals. weeks as the India'.e ha e pressed far proposed has the approval of to'bring Goa. Oamao and the little and share the b 4 ^ t e . He did not ington Memorial which seeks to my administration, but you may Washington, Aujr. 10 (ff*)-^en. Fulbright (D-Ark) said Moat Aid Economy Diemocrat Policies name the countries. fUEL OIL Improve conditions and increase Mendes-France said tha gpvem- island of Dlu under the Indian flag. Buy for your Green Stamps Given With Caih Sales be assured thet this problem ia re­ today he would not object to discarding some accusations Tha territories, toweling about 1,- The President set out hia pro­ opportunities for Negroea ceiving earnest considerstion and ment must step in to aid marginal posal in an address Dec. S befote GASOLINE own use or for against Sen. McCarthy so long as the Senate gets; a chance enterprises and reconvert them to 500 square i.iilte and 640,000 peo­ it is my hope that a fair, equitable ple, have beein Port: guene for more the umted Nations. He called for gifts. and satisfactory solution can be to vote on whether the Wisconsin Republican has shown “dis­ profitable production. He aald that a world bank of flseioiiabla ma­ France has been able to keep going than 400 yean and Lisbon has Lashed by Hoover arrived at.” regard for the whole orderly con-<^- refused to give'tbcm up. terials to be set up ^or peaceful Not Full Rejeettoa duct of government.'’ since World War. II Only because purposes wtat k would be available BANTLY OIL I P I TUCKER of aid from tha United States and Portugal’s proposal for the in­ Hagerty said that on the basis A'aix-meraber Senate commit­ ternational invaatIgatlOQ w/u hiade to Ml countriea. The idea la iivi’ w'l. i\( . MXW CO. tee decided .yesterday to give Mc­ Loss at IMiillion, that thia help cannot ba expecteld It would study ways of hsrnesrinr rnrnMMemfm c a m -. of thoas Eisenhower statements to to forestall ImUafi NationaUst W «at Branch. Ia., Aug.;,10 (/P)— Former President Herbert i M ■ I Ifi M Wnalnesa Ins^Eadom aaBta • Adensusr, “ It would, I think, not Carthy the right to cross-examine to ba permanent. . , Hoover, speaking today on his 80th birthday, accused his the atom for the benaftt^ man- Other European countries, ha groups which have threatened to kind. Retlreiaeat U a a Aeeident Iba be correct to Interpret tha letter o t witneizee in public hearings to be­ marOh into Goa, UWgeet of the TEL MItcLfll 9 4 595 Mortgage laa.—Ufa laannuwa Arson.Seen in continued, have let down their Democratic successorff’o f pursuing policies toward the Soviet the President as a complete turn gin Aug. SO on eccueatione that colonies, on Aug. 15k the anniver­ On other aidtjects. DuUae; down ot the Oiancellqr’a request.” his conduct haa tended to bring barriers to permit a much jpeater Union 'Hhich destroyed human freedoms and “spread Com­ 1. Said he hopae an announce­ TEL ROCKVIl Lf 5 21 77 TELMI.9.B833 extant of free .trade than f^ n c e , sary of Indian independsnee. munism over the earth." Ameri-a. Biiniaa, Watkine said the' group, com­ at a million dollarli. « order a naval blockade of Goa. Visit to Moscolv Indian Nationalist groups al­ Hoover did not speciflcelly name Indonesia and Pakistan. HOLLAND FINISH posed of three RepuWeane end Deputy, Fire Chief C. Frederick Preeidenta. Roosevelt or 'nnman. 3- Dcacrihed the ettuation in three Democrats, hopes to con­ ready have seised contr^ of ecet. In Evacuation Dooling said he will aak the etate Nebraska Vote He epoke, however, o f the ovents By RICHARD RABWCBRM southern Viet Nam aa nearly Called for And delivered duct Ua hearings mud) as a court fire marshal to investigate. He tered elements in the Portuguese chaoUc but esdd he had no infor­ .$ 1 s 5 9 With Tour RoUara holdings. Nehru’s govenunent in- of tho 30 years preceding the Moscow, Aug. 16 (F)—^Former promptly at no extra RIVOLVINC trial, with evidence* limited to said it was the fifth fire at the present Republicen athninlstra- mation which suggested the Com- O f Vietnamese that'which the commitea holds Is Beverly National Bank, one of the For Senate Job riets that it wants a peaceful solu­ tlon. / ' British Prime Minister Clement muslsta might try to seise power charge. ® tion to th a dispute and that it will relevkfit and with most heertay country’s oldest, in the past year. Aeealle Exeoattve Agrecmeate Attlee and seven o th e r'B riti^ from the non-Red regime. E. A. JOHNSON testimony barred. Beverly, on the Maasachusetta not eupport any use of force. Hanoi, Indochina, Aug. ID. — By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thia period,. he aaid, saw the Labor 'leaders arrived In a char­ Japan Ptetnre Grsve "The testimony will have to be North Shore, is 18 miles north of From hie eide, Portugueae Gov. treuse-colored Soviet Army plane 3. Said Japan’s worsening finan-' PINE PHARMACY The United States backedCK« up its A complicated eeriia of primary Gen. Paulo Bfrnard OUedee said he "o: croariiment" by the White PAINT do. SHELVES! promiss of aid to free Veit Nsm relevant” Watkins said. “ It will Boston. ., • House on tho other two branches today, for a two-day visit. They clat picture le a grave problem but contests In Nebraska—rone a Soi- have to be given by competent haa orders from Lisbon to reelst expect to' have talks here with that it may be poealble to relieve CAU MI-f.9S14 «9» Halil S t , m HI-t-4S«I today with American Navy trans- Tha blaze was discovered . by ate race pitting Republican Gov. any Invasion by aU means poeaibU. of government. He attacked porta to evacuate thousands from witneeaee. We intend to conduct nuns In St. Mary’s Convent. They “■xecutive agreementa” . and com­ Premier Georgt - Malenkov and thia somewhat by opening up new Robert B. Croa^' against six o^ He has about 1,000 Goan police end other Soviet officAls. OieiftilfftituM domain of the Vietmtnh the hearings as a judicial inquiry. were awakened by smoke and tele­ ponants—t.opa part]^balloting In mitments made to foreign natione trade markets to the Japanese and The chargee are rather grave. R lees .then 4,000 Poriuguese troops The , Led>or p w y , 'dei<^tl t recep­ prices. He' eaid.’ however, be did ican transport arrived in Hai­ Salem, Danvers, Manchester, primary, an Arkansas n m o ff^ d a ported today that Portuguese people." phong, North Indochina’s chief keeping, with the dignity o f the Wrenham and Gloucester. Democratic convention in Dela­ Of these, he said: tion tonight at which Malenkov not think IW'would be necessary to m N m s r a Senate.” > authoritlea In Goa bad iseued a 24 and other top Soviet leaders are reahme direct financial aid to tha SPEOIAtt seaport, last night to begin trans­ The three brick blocks, of two ware. These will determine: hmir eviction order to “ eeveral "There haa been a grievous list fer of Vietnamese civUMna seeking Fulbright, who.filed eix o f the stories each, were joined. The 1. 'Whether. Idaho’s “Singing o2 such commitments. They In­ expected to be present. Japaheer. 46 overlapping - chargee against thousand” Indian Nattonals work The Britlshe’w are en route to to escape to South Viet Nam. roofa collapsed and virtually noth­ Cowboy,” former Sen. Glen Taylor, ing in the colony’s port and fac- clude internitiopid agreement WAFFLE ______They came in the wake of Wash- McCarthy, said in an interview he ing was left standing but the outer can resume a political career that which ehackle our economy by Communist (Thins for a three week (Costiased on Page Fosr) tones wlielthput reeidential permits. limiting a free mdrket. stay. OMM BAILY Caama la Ciiaali Ingtim’s announcement that the doem’t .want to’>*‘b6g the com­ walla The blaze broke out at 4:15 faltered after he bolted the Demo­ The announcement eaid th«rln. UNDER Tvem # gigm • eaeam U.S. TOverhment had agreed to mittee doWii’ ’ in lengthy hearings. a.m. (EDT) and waa tmdef control cratic party in 1948 to run for “But more terrible were such AtUee and the others declined South Viet Nam Premier Ngo Dinh The accusations, made by Fur- at 7 am. executive agreements as our re­ to comment upon arrival, saying ATLOWnrN«||UNIMm Vice President on the Progressiva (Oeatiaaed aa Paga Sevaa) CUSHION Diem’s request for help in speed- bright and Srae. FUndcre (R-Vt) Twenty-four firemen were treated ticket. cognition Of Soviet Russia which only they had a ple.isant trip. They VNLil TO WAIL INtTALLATfOMt Ing up' the transfer of more than opened the hsadgateF for a torrent stopped in Helsinki, 4 where they 9’ X 13’ •Y rACTMY and Morse (liul-Ore) during-Sen­ for emoke inhalation. 2. Whether Arkanaaa Gov. Fran, ibo.OIH) refugees from the nerthem ate debate on Flanders’ move to Concerns v burned out weiA: cia Cherry can Win a second term of traitors. Our tacit alliance with boarded the Soviet Army pMne, a Bulletins MKiN. M l tchell 9-4343 areas ceded to the Vietminh under censure McCarthy, cover a wide Beverly National Bank, Beverly in a Democratic runoff. Soviet Russia aproad Communism two engine ILl 2. ‘ from, (he AP Wirmi $ 1 2 . 0 0 M6 MAIN ir« MANcmtm \ the Geneva cease'-fiia agreement. range of conduct' allegedly ’'unbe­ Cooperative Bank, Almy, Bigelow 3. Whether Democratic Sen. J. over the earth;" ; Britiah Ambasaador Sir WUham The U.S. reply, delivered- in Sal- coming in a Senator. They include A Washburn, Inc., Beverly’S larg­ Allen Frear, Jr., of Delaware can Haj^er. greeted Attlee antf the News Tidjiits. B raa^ Liberties of Millions others. Sir Wjlliam Introduced the on yesterday by. Ambassador a number. dealing - * ith the Wis­ est department store, the Cor-Nix win rehominatlon over the opposi­ He aald the agreements at Teh­ JOHN BIAY ^BE FRE88 g>onald Heath, promised American consin Senator’s controversial Co., rubber an^portlng goods, and tion of aome party laadera who Colled froRi AP wire* Soviet government chief of pro­ ran and Yalta ’’extinguished the tocol, the vice mayor of Moscow Berlin, Aug. It iF)—Comma- ‘ help also In “ enabling-the reriigees Red-hunting methods. aeveral second floor offices and contend he’s too *'conaervatlve.” liberties of tens of millions of ' . to resume existence under their Fulbright aald he would be sat- shopa including: Though each state has only two dnd the Ambeskador to the Chi­ ■ista whiMmd up apecMatiea people.” He called these actions nese: People’a Republic. that they win produce Dr. Qtta chosen government” but warned: AFL executive Council rejects “appeaaoment and surrender,” and After posing,-for pictures the John, mteeiog Went Oermaa ee- "The United States will expect (CohUaued ea Fairs Four) (CoBtinued on Page Nine) (Continned ea Page NIm ) 'View that hetton’e ' economy has said another agreement started the the maximum cooperation, of the Britishers drove off with Sir Wil­ ciKity chief, at a aews cai|fer- -but never rides (ipl been staMlized and argee pregram communizatlon of Mongolia, North liam to the British embassy direct­ fSM in East Berlin tomerrew. government o< -Viet Nam. . . o f higher wages aad iacreaaed par- Korea <^and China. ly across the river from the Krem­ Thmy Invited weatera ceSva- The American economic miasion chaalag pewer aa “common goal of “These unrestrained presidential '.In Saigon also haa asked Washing­ lin. ' 'iqMadent* to the meeting nadar labor, industry and government" actions,” Hoover said; “have re- The British ambassador has . in- - lisp or«rlii*s ton for 15. two-engins transport Msvins to a Fateful Croasrod: . . Ptesidont Eisenhower’e addfees clreunaetaacee that led maay. planes and four four-en^ne planes aewsimen to believa they Witt before American Legion Netlonel (Poattaued ea P a^ Thirteen) (Costihukd on Page Thirteen) ■ i«ti CGEHfforliilii# p«E oti« w illi thG ^ ' to swell .the Hsnoi-to-Sslgon air­ Convention in Wasblngtop, D. C. ■ee Joha la pereea. The eea- lift. f to be lelevlaed on AUg. 30. ^ fercMce le apeaeered by the on Dry Cleaning Emboldened by the American Indonesia Jeiaa India sad Geylear Comnwaist “Coasmlttee far promise, of help, the V14t Nam gov­ World Churches AssemhlY Tests In boycott of Western propoecd Gemma Ualty." ernment announced ithatit planned Southeeat Asia Defense Organisa­ 'to evacuate several hundred thous­ tion (8BATO) . . . Thirty persons Ike Aidies See Victory NEW CONGRESS TARGET MAGIC OVAL CROTCH and refugees witliin .30 days in­ drown when rtaref feity eapeiaee Washiagtoa. Aug. 19 (F>—Re- : ^ 5 stead of over a 10-month period 'ians Can Strengthen Ties south of Indore, Indie. publican cengreeelenni Madera am originally . planned. Officials Genevieva.' DeOelerd Terraube, told President Eiaenhewer tedny have grown increasingly alarmed EDrrOR*S NOTE-^A heroic nurse O f' Dlen Bien Phu On New Farm Aid Bill they new hopd te sriad ap. tha. Far Gctrmnf If you’ve awf had a psnde jdvit diated and tfritated; if you've ever worn at the Inroadf which Vietminh meetingothe most comprehensive ChristianAnary and chairman of* the coqncira legialnttve aessjea seme tUm startiag aext Soaday ia Evaastom asaembly ever celled. U. 5. Study committee, described now on tour of T7. JB., awarded an­ a pantic tliaf just wouldn't stay in place, your troubles ate over when propaganda and threats have been IlL, will deteradae wketkar cea- other French aiedali . . . Nether- ne.xt w ee| u They had been trying Moat grucial Hraaion it thia way: Wnabington, -Aug. 10 iF>~ « prevlouely te eiaee ap simp ^ you tty this wonderfid, new"Petnuflitt’'* Pthtle; The soft knitted turtee-oM diviaieaa among CRrie- “ The moat truly ecumenical lands end Indonesia agree te end said to give a farm product a fair (Coaiinoed on Pags. Thlrten) All things considered, said -Dr. naeasy aaloa partnership, cutting 8nppertere ef the aiUilnlstra- price in relation to growers’ costs. Saturdsy. la niuKHmeiag the new tlea rellgloae eaa be aiade emaller Franklin Clark Fry, head of the semblage of . the - followers jof jersey crotch it sdeniiScally dcdtgned to give undreamed of comfort* or nsari grow etlll wider. Here is Met loose ties between HoUand tlon farin proposal* continue 2. A 49-43 vote, that would give target‘rimci Senate Repahltmn M U^niU 111 tm United Lutheran Church and vice Christ who have ever meU :Ui one their victory drive In the 8en- leader Rnewlaad o f CaRferala all day long; Sitting or standing—at ease or at play, tbC exclusive the first ef four arttcl«e‘ea tb« accord in one place' in the 30 cen- and former East Ipdiee colony. Secretary of Agriculture Benson REMEMRER — WE HAVE A NIGHT DEPOSIT AR- chairman o f the council’s central Stock market breake. off four- . ate today by killing mandatory authority to continue price - sup­ . told newsmea there atlU la emne Aeefmfiiy of tJae Werid Coaacil of committee, “ tt la the moat crucial; turiea since Hik Ufa and dmth and doubt whether action oa the leg­ 5JNGEMENT IN OUR FRONT DOOR SO THAT A S LITTLE A S bias cut guafantees that the “ Nbgic Oval Crotch” ** Pantie just 5.30 Inch Rainfall, Ohniobee, w h l^ eome eliarchmeB day docIlHo and advances briskly ■upperta for feed graias aad ports on ' such dairy products as interchurch, meeting in Christian resurrection. aa 'pricn rise amd tradthg activity ■oyboaas. . - butter and cheese st the reduced islative program caa ho eeaa- can't ride up, bind or iiricate your tender skin; Styled o f cool; have called the awet inaportant history.” Although the world council mat pleted aext week. LER AFTER HOURS. RE SURE rellgfeoa eveat eiaee tie Reforma- gains momon£um with ' aircrafts level’ of 75 per cent of parity. This Storm Lash Shore Fundamental theological quea- once previously—at Its founding ADDRESS IS AHACHED TO $0.50 lightweight, controlling FOimr Net with naiy a bone ot stay; tlea. ai.x years ago in Amsterdam—tt ia maintaining the strength. WaXhington, A.ug. lO (F)—Eisen­ waa below the 80 pec cent level, I la fSa Uons, buried through- the years in OfficieM o f CIO United Auto hower administnition, lieutenants effective Sept. 1, voted by the REPORT RIFLE FIRE RUNDLE. you're sleek and smooth.foe any fashion: Try on a New London. Aug. 10 OF) — A the ashes of denominational cleav­ digging for the first time into Berlia. Au|l 1# is^) — -AaMT* PER W EEK By OBORiOB W. ( .'BIX basic and potentially riiattering— Workers of Studebeker Oorp. say clsimed victories on the two ma­ House and the 85 per cent recom­ ''Penna>iift'' Pande with the Magic Ovd Crotch in out cor. suddenT. unpredicted southeast ages and regional aloofness, will several petitleae eircuUted jo r price support issues and mended 8-7' by the Senate Agri­ icoa elficlala reported eeporate* gale-struck the shoreline in the Shraneton. HI., Aug. lu (d>)—^Moet or consolidating—matters of faith. of the world’s clvurciiae ere mov­ be raised in the first such broad at­ membera to. hdd another meeting ■pushed for final Senate aetion to­ culture committee. -■ heavy ontharets ef rifle fire to­ deparaneiR. You'll fed the difference immediatdy: New-^ London ares, beginning early tempt to cement Christia'nity’s Df. Samuel McCrea Cavert, the day at the harden betwoea tha ing toward a fateful crossroad. council’s. American secretary, said to discuss rejected pay cut. day on a controversial new farm "The dair>' provision should be Priem so low yon can afford several last night, contributed to the scattered forces. Seven' heavy-laden rare of U- Aiaerleaa aad FVeaeh eoetor Oir MM day dry tlMihii tarvitaWaifc THIS O M R FOR A tiMITID TIlNB ONLYI ill UR TOOAYI Which way they turn can mean he believes that the churchee, "in­ bill. ' , pleasing to President Eisenhower.” day’s S.SO inches of rainfall and either closer ties or sharper gape “The ■ asaembly will deal with car. }ia w Haven freight train tap- "We’re off to a good start.” Aiken said in an interview.. “He herden of Borlin aad tha 8aela> menaced several large boats in stead o f finding thenuelvea far Zoae. A epoheemaa aaM • ta 18 Pantie illustrated No. 3825 just $5.95. In the centuriae-old division of subjects that go to the very heart apart, vrill discover that they are pie 99 feet onto FaU River, Mem.. said Sen. Aiken. (R-Vt), chairman had expressed very strong opposi­ Long Island sound as well aa Chrietienity. • o f the faith.’ ’ Dr. Fry eaid. "It ,ia Country Club golf courso whon of the Senate Agriculture commit­ tion to any increase that would ■hots were heard la tha ana KNind M m II ajii. nady by S ^ swamping many smaller craft - on common ground to a far great­ waabMit moves trecke IS tnehea .. where tho U. 8.' aaeSor' aseela The enawer hinges on the Ae- a daring thing, to do.. er extent than they have known.” tee, referring th'these Senate de- have provided mlUions o f dollars of Year AppIknea Is Only As Good As Tkd Doolor.YoH Ray The 60-foot schooner, Arbella Fatal Irafflc accident resMlting in Emt Geramay aad 18 oa SSahata ■emMy of the World Cbuncil of “The outcome, can determine the Move to BebulM AJHaaes cialona during a apeslon of more profits to processors.” - COME IN TOMORROW AND SEE M ISSM RM RA SWAIM, out of this port, anchored at Churchee opening here next Sun­ laating strength of the whole move) charges of manslaughter and hit- than 10 hours yeaterday: ot tho Frcach aeiad headw. From. Ruy .With Confidanco A9-- It is such discoveries, on Its run driving againet former actress More than a score of proposed Crescent Beach in Niantic bay, day- ment to bring the churches closer . 1. A 49-44 vote In favor of amendments still were pending as provided a-tbrama for rainsodden ticklish theological matters, that Lynne Baggot foUoWed by three •PLE.A FOR MASS ”Jt will be a critical teat,” aald .together end Increaae their ef- started and spurred on the pires- flexible farm price aupporta be­ .thy Senate was rbcalled to continue PERHA4JFT STYLIST spectators aa her crew struggled fectiveneae." Now Verb. Aag. t* < MANCHESTER Dr. W. A. 'Vlkaer’t Hooft, the coun- ent-day ’’ecumenical movement" tween S2

■l. ■ / . \ A id iiL • r ’ V 4' J •

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10,1964 IfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,. TUESDAY. AUGUST 10,1954 PACK' Man CQmmi|:ted ■III.Ill .. I ■ ..I ...... III d i . ‘------...... I M .i_ ,. I I i „ i ' -v Town Reaches No decision Bull Finds Wbuian N. ' r f . man Commission, French Club X By LocaliBolice A Tough Customer EASTWOOD Susan Biirr and Balling Club. Engaged Women Honored Private Seasions Being Held On Road to Keeney School ’ess Didn’t Forget In 19Sl, Susan’s sister, Mlsk A farmer mental patient, who ON OVR GIANT iOREEN Jane Burr, was chosen to be an DR. RICHARD C. ALTON X Lebanon, ' AUg. 10 (P>—Mrs. attendant on the queen’a court in At Surprise Fete ■and had allegedly' threatened his wife Rose Stegal. 68, visiting hkre from Queen’s Aide that year's Rose Festival, also By the Board pf Finance Three Groups Reluctant EmerKcncy Doctors Vsa HalllB Victor Malar#' and daughter while visiting them New York, fought off a onbrtlng, Farmers in Vote Year held in Tyler, "the Rose Garden of Mrs. Albert Conlon of 26 Trot­ DR. ELIZABETH H. ALTON 1,500-pound bull with her umbrella Balk Bamaa risrr Laoito in'Manchester yesterday after­ To Choose;^ Directors* R'. . . ..mamMmMHBHMMmBi A&erioa.” Jane enters tne B(Hive- ter St. was completely surprised yesterday. "TaMgaBylkB” "DangerooB Local Girl to^H^resent Boston School, which la affiliated Chiropractic Physicians OevWliy^ Aut. 10 (SpecUl) Th^^b* hosUw durtnf a supper here noon, was committed to Norwich Physicians of the Manches­ (NOTE: This Is the seventh In Berty Laat night, 'General Manager eeverel passes and miased, Mra. Festival. Mias Burr, who will be Wingate to Play 1758 Tolland Tpke., Miss Pauline the Board of education on Aug. can Town Committee, 8 p. m., Richard Martin poaed the question Stegal'a brother-in-law caitae to MANC+I ESTER of the huge new tax revision law. no income tax already. Beebe played a wedding march. police and a statewide alarm was of Charles. PonUcbl|l or Henry An­ the rescue. in the queen’s court, will be dress­ ly ROOHNG AND M: and the Board of Selectmen Booth-Dimock' Memorial Library'; broadcast for Vicino, police said. derson, both on Hackmatack concerting the differences in the In poaoing out scores of tax bene- Aside frqm his personal expen­ ed as Hcler. of Troy. The guests, who were all guards CREATE Aug. Si. After these special . aes- setback party, 6 p. m., Nathan Street, should be made'-soon if roof design, but Crabtree said his He jumped into his car and flta, Congress didn't forget the ditures, the law permits a farmer As a duchess from -the New Trinity Carillon and officers of the Sunset Re­ ‘■V SIDING COMPANY lieiMi the board will announce a Hale Community Center. Wethersfield authorities said attdnieys had assured him the only roared at the bull. ^OL-nTN HenCt* to deduct special asaeasments by bekah Lodge, presented the guest this morning Vicino drove to New planning for the school is not to The bull raced into the woods farmer in this congreational elec-' England area, Susan will be one of of honor with two beautiful bona 2 1 0 : STREET—MANCHESTER date probably evly in Septembw The setback party Friday at the be Interf-upli d, according to town requirement involved was whether A : 0 C -Tf: - ^ '^ A soil and water conoervatioo dis- *rhe sixth auanr.ter carillon reidtal when the puMIc will be Invited to n American Legion Home was in Britain, borrowed a second car, officials. ^ " the facilities provided were sub­ and disappeared. tlon year. triCta If they are spent for’ .pur­ china cups and saucers. Mrs. “BURT” LINDSAY, Prop> abandoning the one he was (hiv­ Then Mrs. Stegal fainted. '„ poses which would be deductible .1 will be held at Trinity Cdllege in Conlon.has a hobby of collecting hearing at which time the budget charge of Mrs. Edward S. Frans, However, none of the three town stantially the same, and the mat­ The law permits a farmer to de­ / " WR SPECIALIZE IN figures will be reteasOd. Mrs. Eugene W. Conner and Mrs. ing. New Britain police called ter was not pressed. a TOD’LL NEVER FORGET duct from his Income, on tax re- on the farmer’s Indlyldual return. Hartford tomorrow night at 7:16 cupa and saucers. Simper Planned Mildred C. Judats. Wethersfield and told them the agencies ’ r^resented m the sub* Another question raised con­ THESE THREE OIRLS! ^ « l f |l P tuma, many outlays for toil or A farmer can deduct expenses when Ray "Vt. Wi;-.gate, carillon- After punch, and a large wed­ The First Congregational Church registration of the second vehi­ conunittee appeared willing to as­ water conservation. Even at the HeloM WBchtel ding cake, made hy Mra. Williams, RESIDING YOUR HOME Rrise winners Include the fol­ sume responsiblUty for recom­ cerned the advisability of an eight- '‘Dcllctoas^ecUshMI, 4el*c4bMa” "3 FORIIDDEN ^ starting last Jan. 1. But he must neur at Alfred University will be Woman’s Service Guild will serve lowing: Women's first, Mrs. Edna cle. foot corridor leading from the minimum 30 per cent tuc rate, decide, in the flrst year he. pays the guest artist. was sefved. the gueaU enjoyed AltmilBiiiii Cla pbeardlBg, AabeStos, Plaafio had lasnUtofl a baked bean supper Aug. 30 at € A Wethersfield cruiser picked mending a choic8', although it was Mrs. Siadle Wachtel of 41 Pioneer Dasy of Pleasant Valley. Willi- indicated lost night that the Board Auditorium. Chairman Ray Goslee STORIES" each 3100 in new deductions means for such things, whether he wantk Dr. Wingate’ program will in­ various games. Assisting the hosU SIdliig, IB a wide Variety of color* and styles. p.m. in the church vestry for the mantic; riecond, Mrs. Mary Mott Viciiio up when police saw him of the Sch(x>l Building Committee with Adult Fraakacos! * tax cut of 320. to deduct them or still follow the clude selections by Mendelawohn, Circle announces the engagement ess were Mias Barbara Andei^n, bssK^t of the church. Miss Mary driving down Welles Road. They of Direc^Ot-s might take charge. ^ v a l i A i of her daughter. Helene Wachtel to vice noble grand; Miss Edith Wil­ ' TELEPHONE m-S-3371—dr MI-9-2489 of Pleasant Valley. Willimantic; auggested that the corridor. Which 'Hm dedq,ctiona for that purpose old law. Once he reports his deci­ Youmans, Lefrve.'o, and one by WE FINANCE YOUR DEAL L. Bourn (s general chairman. She third, Mrs. Ida Dupre of Stafford. sqid he gave little trouble and Hahbney SuggeeU Meeting ia a main- artery in the plant, tdM ^ r e v e "DoRgoretis MissioRs" are limited in' any one year to- 28 sion, he can't change his method the artist himae|f. John Daugherty of Watertown, liams. Mias Ruth M a t^ tt and is assist^ by Mrs. Truman O. Ire­ Men's first, Charles. Jacobsen of was arrested quietly. Director Walter Mahoney said ahould be two feet wider, and most Victo r m a t u r e per cent of the taxpayer’s greiks without permission from the H ie public ia cordially invited Maas. The couple will be married Mrs. Ethel Aspinwalt.'''^ land and Mrs. Anton M. Law n. Stafford; second Richard J. Neff; According Jto Wethersfield po­ the Board could call a special Income front farming. Note that^if Oct. 2. The menu will include frankfurts, meeting to discuss the matter so of the subcommittee members ap­ Baal* 4. Faralastoa. Carlala S:4< JANET lEI6H'ini>!i revenue service. to attend the recital, .v guided tour Dougherty, attended Watertown third, Howard A. Richardson. lice, -.Vicino was a native of that peared in agreement, even though WED.: "Well Below Zero” you have an income - aside from Another tax beneflt for farmers of the chapel will follow Dr. Win­ cole slaw, pickles, homemade town and was well known thefe. that it could be recolved and plan­ "THE OIJAB08MAN” u bw rani CLANK •SNCREE NORTH schools and la now employed as a Specials, Forest Grey Of. Mans­ a wider corridor would probably . iiarrias Braaa l.'ll«« aaS Amalia "O U StalUoB’’ farming, you can’t deduct 25 per in the new law provides that pro­ gate’s performance. bread, butter, coffee, and apple field, Mrs.’ Richard J. h(eff and After his arrest, Viclno-evas re­ ning for the school permitted to CO-HIT—"OVERLAND guard at Pratt and Whitney. Miss pie. go ahead. The final decision on the result in increasing Crabtree's SIlTMlri ' cent of your total income. ceeds from sale or' exchange of Wachtel graduated from Manches­ Mrs. Shirley Scarpello. turned to Manchester tinder the estimate of 3326,000 for the TeL Farm. ORchard 7-9118 CHiiUPCN Fiitr PACIFIC’’ '^If you spend more than 2S per Wemaa Bahig HoapHalised custody of Sgt. Milton Stratton site cannot be made -mtil it Is la Color, Ete. diseased livestock are not taxed if ter High 8ch(xil in I960 an(l Is also Batelle Farry of Standlsh Road known which of the two rights school’s construction. N > w f f* q I T .J - . ' • 1 . t 1, q! . . ,1 A • ' 1 ’ cent of your farm income for soil they are reinvested in livestock SMFD ta x Boartl employed by Pratt and Whitney. was admitted to Windham Com­ Maaebhater Evealag Herald Cov- and Patrolman Joseph Sartorr. or water conservation in any’ one within one year. eatry oOrreepeadeat. Mrs. Charles In other police activities, George of way will be purchased. year, you can carry forward the Mies Wachtel, known as Vicki, munity MemdHal Hospital late Sun­ Little, te l^ hoae Pilgrim S-8S61. The diftcrence in value between BAD' HEART Farmers also pay no tiue on pro­ has been active in dramatica, day afternoon after suffering a S. Wilson, Lake Street, was ar- amount over 36 per cent and de­ In Session Today starring Iq O nter Thespian playa reste—A dog collapsed duct it on your, return the next ceeds from sale of land necessary ■avers asthmatic attack requiring at the subcommittee meeting in and died after running up thi^ee to meet acreage liiftitations under and in the Coventry Playerk plays. THE use of the South Coventry Fire De­ carry bis lldense at l a. m, today, FREE! 49c Record Courtesy, of NORMAN’S rear. You can. keep on carrying the Municipal Building last night, flighty of stairs in -an apartment hese expeRdltures forward as reclamation laws, provided they in­ The South Manchester Fire Dis­ Last year she played Rosemary in partment’s rasuscitator. She was Alleged Conn. Reds when he was found asleep in his house here. Dr. Richard T. Gilyard. Given To Every Kiddie Attending Big Kiddie Show li vest the proceeds into more land trict Board of Tax Relief tits to- the Center Thespian V>wluotU>ii Of taken to the hospital in the fire car on Tolland' Turnpike near Gar- is negligible, but there might be many yeara’'aa needed to get your a difference in' price. veterinarian, said the animal’s full deduction—but you still can’t —presumably in another reclama­ nigm front 7 to 9 at Fire Head­ "Abie’s Irish Rood.” She played the company’s ambulance. rity Bros. Inc. ^ death was due to heart failure. quarters on Spruce Street to hear leading role of Mathllde' in “The lire Department News Granted Extension . ^Pontlcelli is Interested in a NO INCREASE deducb more than 26 per cent of tion or irrigation district. Emmet T. Roberts.'-of Nqftford Susan Burr complaints and to - make adjust­ Necklace” by the Coventry Players EXPANSION The local company answered a was arrested on a warindt itaued sWap — his land in return for the S T A T E O fa m Income in any one year. ments in tax bills of property over W n c at the beginning of this mutual aid call at the Colby home New Haven, Aug. 10 11»e by, the prosecutor on a (Charge of right to hook sewers on his three IN PRI0E--2Se ^ i l and water conservation ex- 40 colleire girls who have been owners in the district, according year., O F THE on Carpenter Road in North CoV- seven alleged Connecticut Oom- non-support. Roberts, who was ar­ properties in the area into the y^naea involve moving or treating Deaths Last Night chosen as duchesses. She will ride to district officials. antry Sunday to put out a fire muntet leaders now under indict­ rested by Sgt. Milton W. Stratton, towri line, without being assessed, dirt They can include aucH thtnga in the throe-mile long vai District taxes become due and started by newspapers stored next ment on charges of violating the a fence around bis land, a five-foot as leveling, grading, terracing, grand list of about 386 million as was picked up at 203 Main St. THURSDikY KIDDIE SHOW By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS rose paradc/on a rone covered float payable on Aug. 18, according Id of April 30, to the furnace in the cellar. Fire federal Smith Act have L-een given yesterday. strip on' the opposite side of the * contour furrowing, construction of especially designed to harmonise Thomas Weir, district tax cjoilec-' Chief Delmar W. Potter later re­ more time to secure lawyers to road the town, would build over the diversion channels, drainage Belvedere, Calif.—E. Forrest Weir will receive tax payments RETAIL SALES ROOM In the only motor vehicle in­ AT* CONDITIONED DOORS OPEN 1:30--SHOW STARTS 2 P.M. with her gown and will be iiitro' tor. Failure to pay the billa which at Hose Co. 4 on School' Street quested that drivers enroute to a defend them. fraction yesterday, John L Hood. right of way, and the respning of ditches, controlling and protecting Mitchell, 84, secretary to three gov duced at the queen’s tea, the have been sent to property owners 'Tuesdays and Thursday! from 7 to fire give right of way to fire Tbe accused wen to have filed Coventry, was arrested at 11:60 his properties A A residential. VSB H rnia Victor Malar* watercourses, ponds, earthen ernors and state official over a quc(>n’s ball. Fiesta Night and flghtlM equipment- their answers to the rbarces oi "TANOAN- ‘DANCKBOrn A MG ! 116! FEATURE dams, ellmtnation of brush or 40-year period. Died Monday. in the district before Sept. 18 9 p. m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. p. m., charged with passing a « BequMt Tamed Down YIKA" .MI8SION" other events of the Festival. makes the tax delinquent. to 8 p. m. beginning Aug. 17 con­ A\ANCHESTER Hie local Oompany took part in conspiring to teach and advocate red traffic light at W. Middle The Town-Planning Commission Trrk. S:IS . Trek. e:S2-t;M planting of windbreaks. Summit, N. J.—Nathan C. Len- Miss Burr will enter IVheaton Interest at^Jthe rate of half of the Civil Defense drill Sunday the overthrow of the government Wve. ‘OABDKN o r EVIL” tinuing to the deadline. Turnpike at Adams Street. * turned down this last request after CtoemaScese In the past, expenditures for festey, 84, executive vice president College in Norton, Mass, this fall one per cent ^ r month froitr Aug. . At other times taxes may be morning for Windham and Tolland by force by this Thu aday but yes­ a public' hearing in March. moat of these things generally and cashier of the National City as a sophomore. While there last 16 will be charged fd^ delinquent paid at Weir’s resldenci. 11 Munty fire companies. Mobile terday U. S. District Court Judge Anderson reportedly. wants EASY FBEE rABKING have been added for tax purposes Bank of ''New York. Born in year she wan a member of the In­ ts-res. The bills are baud on a tax mer St. Monday to Friday from 2 communications and trucks in Robert P. Anderso.i advanced the 36,000 for his land, a price con­ to the original cost of the land Marion, Ind. Died Sunday. KNITTING MILLS convoy were tasted at Stafford, date to Sept. 7. All. have pleaded Wire Tapping Bill JESSIE JAMES ternational Relatioiis (Jlub, Fresh­ rate of two mllla on a district to 7 p, m. sidered exorbitant for the 60-foot line officers later.went to Stur- Innocent and are at liberty under wide, 500-foot-long strip. The bridge. Mass., to look over future baU. town could condemn the land, but / ACTION AND THRILLS X - CD meeting places. The accused men told the court Seen Stalemated ENDS TODAY: '*tHEvWILD ONE" Shown at 3:20, 8:43, 9:38 tbe resulting court proceedings "BAD FOB EACH OTHER" at 2:00, 8:15 Moating dumged they have been having difficulty would result in a long delay. • ------PLUS ------■ • The Good Harvest 4-H Garden finding lawyers to defend them. Washington, Aug. 10 (iP)—Senate \ In'other matters concerning the Club will meet Aug. IS instead of At present .they have three lawyers foe's of an Administration bill to STASTS Wednesday at the home of Nor­ but' they claim they need more school's construction. Superinten­ COLOR CARTOONS GALORE! man Orehotaky.Wayne Clay will for the proper presentation of the authorise use of wire tap evidence dent of schools . Arthur H. Rling lead, a discussion o n ' getting ease. against subversives and kidnapers said he was satisfied with altera­ TOMORROW — e x t r a ------tions made in the plans' by. the readysfor the 4-H town fair of The alleged Cwnnunists said claimed today they have check­ B n . - n a a w B v iTH G u n -B u t t f u r y .. Aug. » . some lawyers have refused to taka mated the hotly disputed measure. architect, Walter Crabtree, Jr., as Best Entries in "Bike Contesf^ To Be Selected Ppmeaal Mention the case because of its "notoriety" A 7-7 party line vote yesterday a result of two meetings with him, T Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. West of and "special nature." kept the Dill bottled up in the Sen­ but several new questions were 09/ Stonebouae Boad announce the en- The government failed to oppose ate Judiciary Committee with time raised last night. Klddlea, enter tha Talent Omteet. Rehearsal* to start aooa for ngsm ent of their daughter, Doris the motion for added time. fast running out in this session of One of them was the question of iMf talent shew epeeeefed by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Gertrude, to Baymond Joseph Congress. i - _ whether the pitched-roof design of MarteU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ HOT FIREMAN Sen. LAnger (R-ND), the com­ Crabtree's plans would be sub­ seph A. Marten of Old Mansfield Ann Arbor, Mich. (P)—Some 300 mittee chairman, refrained from stantially the same as the flat-roof Boad, Windham. A faU^wedding is of Michigan's best fire fighters casting a vote, but he said “I'll do design , in the plans of Arnold planned. Miae West is ' employed were registering for the 24th an­ all I can to beat it” if the bill gets Lawrence, mscharged architect for, ords t a t the American Thread Oompany, nual' state Fire College when to the Senate. . the school.' F I iSsr I ! Wlllimantic. Her fiance works at someone smelled smoke. 'While This seemed unlikely, unless one When Lawrence was replaced by the New Bngland Pants factory In scores of firemen stood around, a of the seven Democratic opponents Crabtree on the project, it was that city. N woman registrar ran Up to Jacob on the committee should decide to pointed out that.one of the prob­ TELEVISKM /B a rb a ra Fowler will entertMn H. Hohmann J r, assistant fire switch to support of the measure, lems involved was whether the ■lx of her friends at u pajanu chief of Bay City Mich., and put urged by Atty. Gen.- Brownell as a new plans would be "substantially parly at her home on Prospect. dqt the fire- Hiii shirt was smdi- key part of his anti-subversive in accordance" with the plans the Street tomorrow night She will dering from a cigarette spark. le^slative program. electors voted on at the referSn- PROGRAMS others Jus! want it! I Video Everyday—All Rights Reserved—H. T. Dickinaon A Co., Inc. • ■ -'N I ; i For top Rotch TV roetp- FORD OUTCLASSES EVERY 1954 COMPETITIVE CAR! tioR lot MS domoRstroto / what wo eoRsidor this ^ DOUBLE - SIZE ^ M n e k host Mt of oN-Motorolo.. ;'i- - • PUJS; A SHOCKING FEATURE • 277 IRO A D iF tm m A R E A Rsisosed Thru a a -9 -im SALES and Unilfd Artiih T t L E V I S I 0 N RADIO SERVICE MANY NEW ItI m S-LARGER SELECTIONS ppeiand - w e 'r e jShej Chaaaal • (lataartr 8) Maw 8:W ( b u t THE UOLOBERG8 V Caaa. (tit MIUWE8»KN H^BIDE- O kaaaal M Maw BiMala, Oaaa. —Willie Thai! i V A s r a W l Was Ctaaa*l H Balnk*. Mats. (Ut ALL XTAB t h e a t e r • a / Chaaaal (S W ataibanr, Caao. -- (U t COCNTERPOIirr Chaaa*l 81 iarla^aM , Maos. • :ll (Ut FILM NYLON - ORLON - WOOL • :U (Mt DANNY THOMA8 8ROW Bora < MI* DANCE PASTY—Kathrra . / / I 4 t ( 11 riNEV LKK 8HOW Murray. Hostmas. .. . (M) BBS M WS8TEBM THU- !H! iMINtTKiaaEASE— For , TEBM THEATEB. "In Old MA8RIIAl*jL—R rd 8dx M ontana" Washlnft ^ tU> CHBISTOPBEBS (Ul WESTERN PLAYBOVSB Trouble! JOLLY OENE a b S'*' *:M I aei> HOWOV DOODY TIME 8 M I St. — Phone MI-S-8U8 FILM ' OLD LEHIGH 4X1AL B:U FILM , With AmaxlBg FOA-5x WIK CISCO BIIK-Duncan Renoldo FOR CLEAN HEAT • SklRTS^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • SHIRTS WINDSOR V 4:U (M) T n BARLT SHOW f- Ford'S new 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 is the only, "Chf^e Chan at tha Clr- FAMILY DRIVE-IN KMa Cader IS t:U (.at MEET MILLIE V-8 in’ the low-pric» field.' And with low- (U) i^TkEBMAX—nil Hai^ (Ut DANNY TBOMA8 SHOW ' • SLACKS ; • HOS^ (Mt COLONEL MABTH dn ■ *■ X '. (Ut I MABEIED JOAN-Joan firiction design and deep-hlock construction, AtR^ CO O LED EY MOTHER ^NATURE Davie V- I •;M ( I t ■I'AFENSB— it’s the most modem in the industry. • JACKETS • BABY SETS "The Iron Cap” Wednesdoy Through Saturday Drivlis iRstmeiioit (Ut FlAYHOl'SE 6 f STABS (Ut TV H ors Highest resale- value FROA VOURr HOME „ (Ut CITY DETECTIVE U:W ( t-Ut TRUTH OR CONBR- FROM OUR MILLS TO YOU SN AcnoNi _ q U E N C E S -Ja c k JMUey BaH~Joittt Suspension An analysis of used car sales statistics shows that \(Mt DANOEB • With laanred Dual Omtrol Cara X "A Handful ot Salt" recent-model Ford cars return a greater portion of .' SatUfoeUea OuaraBteed M :M < t> W ATEEFBONT "Tnnibled Walere" Bfl^-Joini Front Suspension is the moet their Original coet than any competitive maka pf car. (Ml THE BLUE ANGEL important chassis development in 20 years, AT FACTORY PRICES 9*tr A AMbfi (Ut FEATUBE THEATEB ' DrivlM School (Ut TO BE ANNOl-NCED U:M ( U BOBEBT MONTGOMEBY for easier riding and handling. And Ford ia TEL.L. MI-iS07S PBESENTS; "Home Town” s n s ^ r (Mt NEWS—Pete Stoner ' the only low-priced car that has it. (Ul FINAL EDITION Ray Drury Ymi emtUn'l buy of a better time . . . you oouIJn't get a better tialuef VICTOR M ATURE*HKR UURIE 4:ia tW) arORTB-BlU Koatiag U :» (Ul WEATHEB—John QulU « r ] I I 11- p'i'ju'I. I .PI • :M t ■> SrOBTaCOFE-^y^sIfa OMunebile salm ore smashing records, and we’re trading high to keep rh*— tOAt) DEADLINE BDITIOM — U:U (Ul THE LATE SEOW— YOU SAVE BECAUSE..... soaring! Just look at what your dollars buy'.in a flashing ”88”. First, WILLIAM RENDIX*VINCENT RRICE Nrora “The Man Who Cheated m <4t> SPOBTS-Gerry Healy - H lniaelf" yoa get all of Oidsmobile's big-tar beauty','big-ear power, big-tar perferme C:M < t» WEATBEB FOBECABT (•t) ELEVENTH BOUE MOVIE Trend-setting Styling m «linA ST. JORNi • ;M < It TBK NEWS TODAY UsM ( I) MYSTERY THEATER • Our own milU manufacture pioet »f ouf sweaters here 1g t ante. Yod ride in trend-setting'^anty with Oidsmobile’s exciting new ABEA NEWS-APOBT8 "Chan at Treasure Iiland" in New England. ' " ' panoramic whidshield . . , disshing new aweep-ciit styling. You command (Ut LOCAL MEWB—Fred Dwyar Ford’s trend-setting styling has set'the pace • smooth, responsive ^Rocket” Engine power! All this plus the b ig ^ t tesals t i s SUSPENSE PACKED HIT! „ tut WOBLO MEWB TONIGRT Tamsrrlw’s DayUmii Rithlifhts • Odd lots'bf first quality merchandise, factory samples m n 7tM < It WILD BILL HICBOR 11:U I SI STRIKE I t RICH for the industry. It is forward-looking styling and imperfects are sold at reduced prices. vS value of any cor in its price class! IThat more ceuU you wand CM.'C'Ti- -- (XSAtt CAFTAIM VIDEO S:M ( at BOBEBT O. LEWIS IB_ A L-l kA tU ) arBA TRBB BROW >:M (Sir STBAW HAT MOVIE that’s out fi*ont today and will stay attractive • No delivery, gift wrapping or fancy store fronts keep IT • and arrange your "Roidtet” Ride. Once you take the wheel of a ”Rocket'* 1M tut U T T L R BROW 4:U (HI MATINEE If 5* 7iU (Ut JOHN DALY—News for the years ahead, too. our pric,es low. - * - ^ ■V- tD Pr* r n CEE —once yon t ^ the exdtuig "88”—you’ll go UP and OVER TO OLDS! (Ht MAROR AMO JEFF (Ut WORLD WR UVE IN • Every day is sale day when you save up to 30r« by.,,- 7 :U (M> W EATRERVANE — ChtTall KEITH'S VARIETY Jobert buyihg direct. *1 TiM ( M It WORLD OF MR. SWRR- riOKBT* KNOJNK NKV ' s m d NEWS SHOP W. ••. (IM It DODOUU RDWARD8 OBd 1 O L D S ISri O B I L. E th* aewB ' DEPOT SQUARE ■ 1} MEN OF .TOMORROW Daily «ra0 t« sras I t 1:U ( M It N------R W8_CARAVAN^(------^ofek IW!;^ . y%'. .. 'B (huneron Sararae O p M San. SdS to BUB | Sll YOVR NIARIST OLDiMOBILI DIALIR (taAft SUMMER iO U D A T ' You'll get a GREAT DEAL with OPEN UNTII. 9 EVERY NIGHT - * r . / f j V B*' •sfOlmAMaaSal MANCH6STER MOtOR SALES, Ihe., 512 >^E$T CENTER STREET [ w w io w w iij GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. HUITTinC fHIU5 1 ' PHONE ..( ADDED FOR “THE lUDH" C^olo'r Cartoon DILLON SALES ant,ociif** tPici>ti~tiiMfff.1 If r i 0 u i ^i a c r i i i "L V O Sn MB” aad >^THUNOER OVER PLAINS* PHONE MI-2-4571 J ---- •V '■ 'I'' P. 5. YOU'LL feST A GREAT DEAL OH A FORD I^IALER USED CAR, TOO! ' \ r PAq^FOUR MANCME^iiaB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, AUGUST 10,1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,. TUESDAY. AUGUST 10, 1954 -ku> f^groond Soppon Fnlhright Agrees port , la the ahoir OUzhomn at toe DiiUes Airs Ike Aides See Votsr SsEBkB Brt woni->i4i8 Hebron H al B oyle Ellington JV. y.f Canada Launch WDRO->188f Norwich Summer Tfiootre the week Tha weekly picnic supper To Trim Counts V o te ^ iv e s Daily Radio W H A T -g lt of Aug. 29. held on all the nine play­ Farm Bill Win WCXX>—1288 Cltlsans o f Manchester who W n o —IBM Fire DepaHment Several Permits Mr. and Mrz. Gordon Dimock ^ LBAmNa «UKDBi: Secret Talk grounds will be conducted this are not now oUgible to vote but New Teaching Idea have returned home after a vaca­ evening by the ReiiMtloh (Osattaasd fa g s DM ) ^ A m t A i L . n e n o ' ' St, Lawrence Project (Ooauaaed flea rage Om ) who wish to become eUglbla Full Power Busy on Sunday, tion In Maine, 'Vermont and New Dept. The picnic will btart at and whose qualifications are in The following program acheA-^i Issued by Usher Hampehire. 6:15 p .m . 'ied if some o f them were con- ^y—Nswa; Night Watch subject to a compromlse-seakifig order may become qualified Ules are auppUed by the radio^ '1C—Crime and P. Chamberc Mr. and Mrs. David Logan and On Project 'l^ ted , and he added: MiiMiii., Ne Tep A uf. 10 »wiiUf OniftriOp for obssrv- Hebron, Aug. 10 — (SpeCiid) — Old Stuff for Sioux Games for both adults and toink the issue la whether conference with the House. voters by iqn>«st'ibg at the managements and are subject to IRC—Jack Carson Ellington, Aug. 10 (S^iecial)— family visited Mrs. Edwin Finance children will be conducted af­ dynamite blast today touched aaces on the Canadian side, wherie Town Clerk’s office on Wed­ To Mendez WGTH—RM Sox vs. Washinitoh Tha local volunteer fire depart­ at her vocation home in'Vermont McOwthy has shown irresponsi Canada’s Prime Minister LouU St. One big potenUal trouble spot V. change without notice. ariO - ' ■ ' Herman Usher, enforcement of­ (CoaOnwi ter the supper. Everyone is bility 'ahd heedlessness o f estab­ off the long-heralded, 600-mlUlon- nesday, Aug. 18. TIm hours will WHAY—News: Night Watch ment took pert Sunday forenoon in ficer for the Planning -and Zoning Imurcnt was the main qieaker., for the conferees was avoided by be from 5 to 8 p. m. only. 4ttA-.' WTIC—McGee anAMoUy .Pine Ridge, S. D. ()P)—Progrea- men, and their casualties were urged to bring hot dogs and lished cuaRm in his conduct. The doUar St. Lawrence River pdwer tram Fags O m )r WRAY-OIO Polka Hob Oommiasion reports that several Manchester Evening HemM El­ BL Laurent said in hU prepaied Naturalised oitisena must pre­ « WDRC—Mr. Keen a firs drill tor the area. The airen siv'e edifceUon may be a now idea heavy. 4. Said he w u hopeful Oommu- marshmallows to roast over the committee should concentrate on project, as Presideat EUenhower the Senate vote on the major issue WCCC---R«»«I Rovtejv WGTH—Red Sox vs. Washington building permits have been Issued lington correspondent. Mrs. O. F. nlet Chink would acree to free fire. address that the power project, sent naturalUmtion cartiflcatea WSN,*"rSs*^e»il M»Un*« was. sounded at an early hour A number of the tribesmen also JACORSEN m d REO taking evidento of his disregard hailed the project as “another —-rigid vs. liable price supports. not move to let In pnducta from 19:19- to the white men. but it’a old stuff volunteered for action in Korea. during the past quarter year. Bmt, telephone 5-9SI8. American fUen and dvllians atili and the related seaway project, to become eligible and docu­ WTIC—Bark.t.go WUo WHAY—News; Night Watch and only fire dapertment members for the whole Oi^^ly conduct of strand in the stro^ fabric that would contribute to world peace. Since World War n years, other European countriea, then WDRC-Rwio^Sfcop w n c —Heart of News were asked to respond. Some who to the Sioux Indiana. Some 2,000 vetefans now live on or According to Usher 19 permits POWER MOWERS in Red custody. The United States government and thq Senate should mentary evidence must be pre­ their doors will be closed to ’-^^WCTH—Rwl Sox T». WaHiIngton WDRC—Hoods for Romance were.lasued for new dwellings and Pluto, one of the eight major binds the destiny of and Such projects, he said, show prices o f ste “baste” crops have sented in the case of derivativo did not know about this supposed And it’s a matter, of opinion near the reservation. SALES~8ERVfCB-JIBADBS la actively pursuing piis problem vote on that issue. the United SUtes.” French exMrta. WGTH—Red Sox vs. Washington numerous others for additions and planets was discovered in 1930. TEBBIS through Britidi diplomats in Peip­ what can be achieved when na- been supported at 90 per cent of cttlsanShlp. Beconllag a dti- SlU Polka Hop -> U:9a- there was a fire somewhere. whether it hok worked out very Weather Bureau Invitation to The President sent a telegram Uons work together for the com­ Mendes-fYanee declared the aim W ^ -R ecorU Rovlow WHAY—News; Night Watch Fire Cfiief Donald E. Oriffin an­ In the remote sections of the res­ garages for old homes, Copltol ing. parity. O v« Aiken’s objections, sen through marriage would be WKSH—BoMball liaUnes w n c —Stars from Paris well for either the Rednmn or the EcpiipfnMf Co. In this coimectlon, '^ Ib rig h t of cmigratulatlons to offlclaU at mon good. of hla program Is to reston the wrog^MoUa Dallas nounced that the local fire depart­ ervation, some of the older Indians PersoBol Mentio* 88 MaineSL—TeL Ml-S-7868 • S. Declared American support the agriculture eonunittee had an example of derivative citi- health of the French eernomv so WDRC—Meoda for Romance Paleface. Takes New Home said he regards as impoHimt to ceremonies beside the turbulent Dewey hailed the project as an urged an extension. Tobacco will senohip. WDRC--ll«c^ Shop ^^I^GTH—Red fcx vs. Washington ment ia entering the fire preven­ now and then still feast on young Miaa Dorothy Stlverherz of Pin- for Prince Wan of Thailand for the the Inquiry what he called that It can meet Internal and ex­ ^.WGTH-R»t Sox v». Waxhington Some modem parents today ore dog, once highly prized az a-deh- post of president of the forthcom­ uitematlonal Rapids here as New example of intemationsil coopera­ continue to be supported at U»t tion activitiaa contest which 1s ney Street is,^ schtduled to take thy’s "InviUtlon to chaos.” Hi^, terna! competition. ” wUAY—News: Night Watch afraid to curb their offiitirinF for cacy. But, knowing how the white ing fall session of the United Na- York’s Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and tion that will leave the free world level next year, but tjie adminis­ *'WHAtf-91U fisUw Hop w n c —Stars from Paris sponsored by Hartford C oun ty Hartford, Aug. 10 (X) — On this ferred to the Wisconsin Senatoi Prime Minister Leslie H. Frost of “materially stronger, both physi­ The Premier said that 2 to 3 WCXX>-Rooord Ravlew WDRC—Mohda for Romance Mutual' Fire Insurance Oo. fear of giving them a lifelong com- man feela about such a menu, they tlone> General Assembly. Dulles cloudy, overcast day the U. 8 . tration urged a system of flexible per cent o f the nation’s ement administration on the biU, had Obituary WTIC-Ne«a necticut Firemen’s Association SEE I^NtboanTt PW ie FMAdl ford to a one-?oom c^fice on the wrongdoing or subversion in gov­ Mrial bomb arching high in ject In North America and out­ action now, he asserted, On 'eti- WDR(>-Newa meating. Results of county awards ing their children because they dwells among the Indians am^ is CloreBce H. Anderson for that the United States would vote third floor of Murphy Terminal at ernment. McCarthy sayS he is en­ ranked only by Grand Coulee In plugging for an 80-90 per Urely new Impetus could be given WgTH—News s were kind-hearted, end because It well-loved'by them, chanced to ar­ for Wan becaiise he has Shown top the haiy sutuhine over the river W(iCC—Record Ravitv will be given later. ’ SUPERIOR Bradley Field in Windsor Locks. titled to receive such Information, Washington sute, will not be too cent range. Since the Senate okay­ to the country's ocimomy. , WJ^B-Baaeball Ma^^ V ^ Y —Nila Watch was part of their creed to respect rive at a mo|)trnt when a local TI1-EBO/XF4D abiHty in handling Far Eastern gave the^Rgnal for Dewey to set ed the same 83H-90 per cent WTl(>-;Th. Woman Two additional first aid kits -will XLOANS But like all the rest of us, the but Atty. Gen. Brownell and soon outmoded by atomic power These are the geqfral goals of wnc-World New* be purchased for the Town Fire any person’s right to bs on individ­ airedale waa ' the piece de resla- On a^eond nmrtgngea and nnto- problems which may dominate the Weather Bureau men couldn't do off a dynamite explosion on nearby range the House passed earlier, D e a t h s Mtndss-IYarce’s sconomlc pro­ WURC—Record Shop WDRC—Almanac GAS SERVICE others have disputed that conten Barnhart Ii plants. ^ WGTH—Red Sox v*. Waxhington WGTH—Sports Report department, according to Chief. ual. tance. 'The embarrassed Indians mttbUes; AUb lasumace. assembly’s meeting. anything about the weather. “ It tlon. Experts have advised the state this will not be at is m la the con­ gram: U;9a— "Ths Indian parent believed a invited him to Joii. them, figuring ELLINGTON wasn’t such a good day to move,” The blast tiikned the first earth ference. ^'WHAV-Wextem Caravaa Griffin. CONNECTICUT VALLEY install H. yoursefT In talking about the President’s Although some committee mem that, there U a real promise 1. ening the way tor more WHAY-Nile Watch Allen L. Carr of East Hampton,- child should bs taught by exaniple, he wouldn’t know the' difference. said Lawrence Mahar, chief meter- for a power p r^ jt that by 1958 Sen. Young (R-Ind), qrakesman Mrs. George Moody compeatiem within France and W(XC—Record Review wnc-Surllght Seraaada Immediate lastallatton atomic proposal, Dulles declined to bers have indicated, they will vote atomic power for general con­ WprB-Baeeball Maitnee WDRC—Night Owl who is spending a little time at the not by coercion,” a tribal leader Father Bryde Joined them—for one Realty and Investment Co. reveal any o f the details of the iologiat. will be sending ouVmore electricity for a bipartisan group of Sen­ Mrs. Effie Crawford Moody, 68, lowering trade restrictions in WTIO—Juet Plata Bill bite. .^'.14 East Center Street Goa Beyond too Mains against considering It, Fulbright than the Tennersee Velle" Author­ sumption in the future, he said, 11:49- Harvey Llpplncott piece, during sfid. "He felt that if he had taught andSAVEI confldentiM talks which have been And like all moving operations, ators which fought vainly for con­ wife of George W, Moody of 41 E unm . WDRC—Newi; Recordi. the child the right wav of life he -- Tel. MI-9-455S Phono RoekvUle 5-4821 said he - is unwilling to drop a ity — 12,600,000,000 raowatto a but it will not compete with the j ^WGTH—Red Sox vx. Waxhington WHkY-Nlle Watch the owners' absence,'' went on a ”It Uated,” h4 aaid, ’•like a wet going on with the Russians for the Weather Bureau switch was low-cost St. Lawrence power for tinued rigid price supports, Marble S t, Springfield/ Mass., 3. Rs-convsrting snterprlsss with WTIC—Starlight Seranada had done iris duty, and he waa not dog ameUs.” , , charge that McCarthy did not give year, to be shared by ^ e states died at her heme yesterday after­ WDA(>-N.gbrOwl business trip to Boston Monday, nearly seven numths. President quite a ^ o r e for all concerned. "comparable value” for a $10,000 80 years or more. planned one last-ditch fight high production costa to other types WHAY—Wextem Caravan to blame lfment as an­ ■ ere. basic crops “if the flexible sup­ Springfield, where she bad been a 4. Barring houaliM oonatrucUon. WCCC—Record Review there was an agreement with Rus­ from a eorporaton :-.’hlch depended other b6nd between the English- resident for 35 yeara Christopher Rychling, son of Mr. hiva a difficult time convincing Their inability to''absorb the best moving operaUona be had Ltpled with the power project ports fail to get rid of our sur­ Through all those measures, . VnWB—Baxeball Matinee JUST RECEIVED! sia to keep details secret. on the government for capital the parents they should compri white man's attitude toward ma­ seen. He did say it was a lot of speaking naUona at North Amer­ pluses Mid farmers vote for acre­ She was a member of the Eve­ Mendee-France hopes to free J^IC—Front Page Farrell' Doctor Says and Mrs. Victor Rychling have re­ Dulles added wryly that he work though. when McCarthy was a member of ica. is the projected St. Lawrence Sea- WDRC—Memory Lana turned from YMCA Camp at him to attend. terial wealth remalna as a major way to make the river navigable age and marketing controls.” ning GuUd of Christ Church France from dependence on United WGTH—Bobby henxon could say that secret talks with At the new weather station in the Housing subcommittee (of the Dewey said there was no Ukell- ^th edral In Springfield, the 6:40— Swanzey, N. H., where they spe’nt One doctor told of On Indian ■tumbling block in their accep-' Senate Banking commi*teel.' for ocean vessels from the Atlantic Sens. Aiken and Holland (D-Fla) States aid and to rstss ths stand­ the Russisna produce no mors quarters shared with the Civil hood that the St. Lawrence proj­ tortagfield District Republican ard ot living through expansion of WHAY—Hall ol Records Moay Death-DealiBg Brmla a delightful vacation. Nygren’a girl who was visited by iier parents tance -of civilization. agreement than do puMi.c ex­ McCarthy has ssUd that Luitron, to the Great Lakes. C2iaimels at the said they would cqqxxie thla move. W<3CC-^Becord Review Tumora Yield to 8«r(ery in a hospital whers she was under­ The white man invented radio Aeirmautica Oommiasion, work ect’s vast dam would bo outmoded 'It’s Just the 90 per cent sup­ Club, and the Golden Link Cherrio the economy, WKNB—Baxeball Matinee father furnished transportation ■ V - . changes because at a fundunental a iwetobricated housing firm now dam site will be made deep en ou^ Club. homo from the camp. going treatment lor uherculosis. and TV programs 40 dramatize A CARLOAD OF started as soon as the move was by atomic power plants for 80 for ships drawing 27 feet of water, ports all over again that got us WTIC-Pays to Marry dUference In approach to various .oomideted. There was oo break in defunct, ‘^made a profit” out of years or more. ' Besides her husband, she leaves VirDRC—Maxxey. Tlltoa iw 1 Teachers to Meet Homesick, the r .rl pleaded to leave toe plight of people in diatress. sale of the pannphlet.. Fulbright Dtiring its cu m n t session Con- into our present sutplua troubles,” WGTH—Bobby Benson Writtoa tor NEA Servlee • 10 COLORS proMems. He noted some persons, the forecasts supplied tor press and Frost told the crowd, which In­ Aiken said. ^ t ^ sisters. Miss Annie M. There will be a meeting of tne hospital with thtm. The Sioux Indian givea'ivay ayatem th ou ^ t that confidential talks radio. disputes this, contending that ad­ gross passed legiklatlon for a proj­ Hartford Urges About one person oiit o f 100 diea la. Just the reverse. ONLY cluded Indian chiefs, clergymen, ect with Canada to deepen other Young inaisted his camp would Crawford of Springfield, formerly *'??MAY-Newi teachers of the Cliurch School, St. “If you take her home she will •GUARANtED . mig& succeed w h e r e public vertising and other expenses were weex:—Good Evening Good Musie aa a result of a brain tumor. Aa be dead in three months,” warned Even today, in Umes of grief And there was not much differ­ civic leaders and a host of offlcUU sections of the rivek now limited have won on the big test U the » ? “ «*>ester; Mra Foster WKNB-News; Scores Peter's E^ilacopal, Thursday, at 8 sor semi-public talks were sure to ence in .the amount of calls the much more than the company re­ from both sides o f the border, that Worthington o f Springfield, and soon as this danger became fully p.m., to make plans for the the doctor. over the death of a member, an ceived out of t^e sales. to ships with a draft bt 14 feet or original Aiken 80-90 per cent pro­ Fare Hike Delay WTIC—News EASY TO NANOIE Bureau receives dally asking what Canada was “proud to be the leas. \ Mrs. Khrlstian Karlsen; four WDRC%-Newx realised,' the resources of medical coming year. “ But she wonts to come honie,” Indian family sometimes will call Mahogany Rotary Cut Doors Whether the special conunlttee posal had been voted upon. Aiken WGTH-Wewx science were thrown into the bat* the weather nutlook is. Persons master link In Anglo-American countered by voicing regret that brothera William G., Edn^ard and An adjourned parish meeting said the father. in friends and neighbors and dis­ r x A ’ SHBIS would delve into the Luetron ease For 28 irears backers ^ the St. Hartford, Aug. 10 (F)—Acting 6 : 10- tie. As a result, today many brain Sq. Ft. calling the old bureau number were imlty.” L*wrence projects have athiggled the test had no|/taken place.. Robert Crawford, all of Manches­ WHAY—SpoUlgtat Sports will also be held Saturday, at 8 The girl went home. In three tribute. all its possessions among told of the change to a new num- or ally otlwr specific charge ap­ The address followed a parade ter, and Albert Crawford of Bast Mayor James H. Kinsella today W(XC—Good Evening Good Music tumora can be dlacovered early and p.m., in St. Peter’s Eplacopal months she was dead. them. For some reason this makes Rew^i^ Mount peared to depend on the recommen­ to get federal approval. \ Before the key vote on 83^-90 WIU«B—Basebxll Madnee can be audcessfully removed by the ner on the Windsor Locks Ex­ through thU village of approxi- Although bills authorising 'the per cent sutowrU, Sen. McCarthy Hartford; and several nieces and u ra ^ tha postponement of bus WTIC—Strictly Sports Church, Frederick J. Wythe, chair­ everybody feel better, particularly A U SIZES FOR INTERIOR AND. PHONE MI-9-5253 change. The new location now re­ dations of a corps of three lawyer matefy 18,000. The village was nephewa fare increases to be put into ef­ WDRC^-Almanac highly skilled surgical methods Valor played a great role In the toe neighbors. researchers. project had been proposed in e n ­ (R-Wls) trlM to push supports up man of the committee named to In Df^^oisoning quires a toll caU from Hartf oitL de coordination in one part of Thompsonville, end Rockville met Open Dally 7 Al M. 8 P. M. either by meeting every third day 33 DemocraU\and 1 Independent home today from 3 to 5 and from the Connecticut Company, a aub- WGTH—Weather: News end started off for Nlantlc for the War, 2,000 in the seqond. They and one man was straddling toe tern similar ones over t^e weekend dsy ^ a smaU plane for Bridge­ a number of the charges,- even if voted “ no.” \ 7 to 9 p.m. 7:S0- the body or another. He|dache Incliidiag Wed. Aftemoonnto and oldiary of the railroad. make particularly fine infantry­ arm between the benchee. as Sheriff Ed Ryan cAlled upon port, C6((m, by way at Manches­ true, would not. be grounds for or by quitting until a definite date T he State Health Dept, report­ - ’ 'a WHAY—News: Supper Serenade is a fairly common symptom of annuel two weeks summef en­ * Saturdays Until Noon when it could return to vote on On the dairy products test, the WCC<;—Good Evening Good Muxle campment.. Rep. Richard M. Grant, druggists to furnish him with lists ter, N. H>M. unreported, k Maine censure.” He declined to single ed yesterday that one new case of action was siimlar:^ Deputy Mayor Klnaells, serving brain tumor and ad is persistent any McCarthy finding made by in the absence of Mayor DeLucco WKNB—Evening 8erenade captain, )a commanding officer for o f all persona buying poisons since AeronautiesNtommiaaion official out any. Several dairy staLe Senators of­ WTIC—Music With a Beat vomiting. Of course a person can the special committee. poUomyelitis was recorded Ike Against Return who la en route from a alx-week WDRC—Tenn. Ernie the Rockville group, Monday was the first of the year. said today. V. Clroas Atmosphere Manchester last week. fered the House-apptwed proposal have any of these aymptoms from Meanwhile, members of the Sen­ goodwill tour of Europe, requested WGTH—F. Lewis. Jr. some other cause. not a very auspicious day for the Eight of the dogs died Satiuday ' Inspector J oh n ^ ch ols said his Other members said iU^was the However, local health officials to require price suppom at M per 1: and the other 15 wore treated at information is the pilot’s ate Investigations subcommittee the poatponement so that city of­ WHAY—News- Supper Serenade If a brain tumor ia suspected, camp opening, with tu drizzling general dq^erminatlon of the which looked into the controversy could not be contacted for fur­ cent o f parity..It was beaten 48- Of Captured Assets rain. X a small animal hospltaL The 15 name is Seaman, buKno further group to avoid what some of them 44. Then Aiken p rop osed ^ retain ficials could confer, with McGinnis WCCO—Good Evening Good Music the nervous system must be care­ between McCarthy qnd Secretary ther information about the patient relative to encouraging greater WKNB—Evening Serenade fully examined to find out exactly are expected to recover. identification was avi^^ls. described as the “circus atmos­ of the Army Stevens said they who is reported to be suffering 75 per cent supports and Wra 49- W nc—Music With a Best The reward, in amounts o f 1500 Nichols said his office, ^ Civil phere” o f the fecent televised 43. \ ' To West Germany but use in Connecticut. WDRC:—Peter Lind Hayes Show where the tumor ia before an op­ Manchester Ihrenlng Herald He­ may have a report before the week from polio of a non-paralytic na­ WGTU-J. VandercoOk each, is being offered by the Bea­ Aeronautics Adminlstratimi\,aad hearings into the McCarthy-Army ture. In a recent decision o f the eration is even thought about. bron correspondent. Miss Susan end". His , amendment ^ contains^------one State PubUc UtlliUes Commioaion, 1:9;9t— ' Suclr testa include examining the Pendleton, telephone HArrison con W ax Oo., Cambridn, Mass., State PoUce are cheeking various controversy. The Manchester polio cose was new feature: Authority for qie . (Ceetinxed fiw pngs Oba) WHAY—News; Supper Serenade Sen. Dirksen (R-H1), told news­ the Connecticut Company has WCCC—Good Evening Good Muiic muscular strength, the vision and 8-8885. avesgas The Minneapolis Kennel ^ b , Paul Maine airfields to learn whether Ri those hsartnga,, McCarthy among the 18 recorded in Con- S on Wicotion Trip men: "It’s ehtli^y possible that government to support\ prices i f beenygtven permission to boost its WKNB-PIke’s Platter Party hearing, and the nerv,e aeactioiis. Harvey, American Broadcasting the plane may have landed to mSzny “ points of order” but something At least partially con­ necUcut in the week ehdlng Aug. milk and butterfat. PastXsupportA ficlariea of insurance policies and WTIC—News of World cape the storm. Ha said he be­ forei: The concern announced WDRC—Peter Lind Hayes Show Fluid must be removed from the Oo. Newa Oommentator, and the appM ntly Im wUl be denied this crete wiU'develop before the week 7, an increase of 10 over the pre­ nave been llihltild to pt^eeeed inheritances, hope that now, nine spinal canal or the openings in the' Thorobred Co, Inc., of Cinclnna^ lieves Mew Hampshire officials th4* hike would start Thursday. WGTH—G, Heatler privilaM in the censure investiga­ is over/ ceding week. ’This brought to 96 products—butter, cheese and dried after the end of^hostUities, 1:4:4 «- brain and examined. Other fluids CMilo. are doing the same there. tion. Although he or hla attorney the. number o f cases reported this milk. ” Martford, largely through Kin- WHAY—News: Supper Serenade Sen-'Jackson (DAFash), named property wlU be released. may be injected Into the canal The plane, a blue and gray might vuas objoctlona to the na­ with Dirksen as a uubcommlttee yuff as compared with 109 for,the Aiken said the Semite dairy pro­ lUs and Aoot. Corporation Coun­ WCiXr-GooO Evening. Good Mutle sel Alexander A. Ooldforb, fought WKNB—Plke'a Platter Pprty which will ahow up in X-rsys and Piper Cub with registration num­ ture o f teshmony. , to draft suggested findings, said comparable period of 1953. vision should maintain lower retail >ng them are numerous per- , V...... n e-O n e Man's ■ “Famll nlly thus help In locating the tumor. ber N6006H, left Rockland at 8:80 The cominil^ voted unanl he hopes there will Vf" a "biparti­ Of the new cases, six each were prices for butter and cheese, which sons have loet their means pf the proposed fore increase before WDR(T—C Colllngwood 30,000 ROKs Urge the PUC. WGTH—Bacbarach Air can be injected into the a. m. yesterday, Nichols said, and mously againstNUve or recorded san” report. reported in Fairfield and New he said have boosted consumption liveHhi as a consequence of 8:90- . space in the brain—this sounds the pilot reportedly planned to Haven OounUes, three in Hartford since Secretary Benson cut price war. ] It has not been decided definite­ boosts Engine up to 25% television or radidv at hearings, Sen. Potter (R-Mich), who WHAY—Poltih Home FANS aU of them an early/ie- rather fearsome but is not—and LARGE SELECTION FROM Korea Unification stop at a small field near Man­ Watkins said, but tiqwsmsn and criticized both sides at the dose County and one each in Litchfield, supports *05611$ with conventional premium Seoul, Aug. 10 (li-Som a 80,000 or his attorney, but not b o ^ will terest among committee members dispose of some 500 million dollars these nieans.’\ invested this course probably WHAY—Polish Home South Koreans gathered at Seoul WTKC;—It Happens to through the brain ia also of ip^eat AT be permitted to cross-ex^ in getting a tmanimous report." Permit Issued worth o f surplus butter, cheese and Adenauer said an tariy solution would not be followed. WDRiT-PeooTa Are “ Value. ■ • . a t y Stadium today to demonstnta Kiaman Head Sees of the probli "It is an obvious fact,” Mayor WGTH—Mickey SpljJ fplauded loudly when rsUy He added that McCarthy, who would give the G w ean people a fores granted by the (PUC) com­ nign” ; others are rapidly growing TeL M1-9-45S1 mission win substontloiw .drive WGTH—Hi«h Adventure leaders uiouted, “ we cannot live in Bloo^ield, Aug. 10 (SV-Charles met with the group for about 20 The Building Inspector’s Office feeling o f security s ^ increase its a:«a— / , and "malighaiit.’l In spite o f alt minutes in its three-hour dosed »8 Encouraged morale a tr e n ^ , it\ would also away monY passengers, who, in , WHAYe^Blue Serenade these difficulties, however, a great a divided country .. we must H, Kaman, President of the Ka- today issued a permit to the WTI^Barrie Cratg unify dur fatherland by force.” session yesterday, merely Inquired Church of the Nazarene for its Day Cat*e Center make a conriderable TOntributlon turn, will be disposed or compelled WPRC—Suepense many tumora edn be found end suc­ man Aircraft Corp., predicted to-^ to furthering the friendship be cessfully removed^surgicaily. + < The hour long rally passed a day that the com edy woidd wind about the'Hmetable of the inves­ proposed new parsonage, construc­ to avail themselves of ‘^private ^^WGTH—High Adventure Washingtoh,.^Aug. 10 (JP)—Con tween our two peoples, ip promis sources of transportation.” Needless to aey this success, J tigation. resolution to send messages to up 1954 with higher net earnings tion ofi which is to sta^ immedi­ WHAY—News: Night Watch President Ehsenhower add Syng- The Wisconsin Senator has aald great was askedstoday to author­ ately. Progress Report Ingiy begum" ^ WTIC—Dragnet ■even though if ia not yet perfect, than in 1958. represents a tremendous triumph C£f r man Rhee and to Dag Hammarw- he wants Senators who have bem ize rewards of upHp $500,000 for Tto penn'it for the seven-room, In his Aug. f reply, thk Presl- WDRC—Jnhnnv Dollar Kaman, in a report to stock­ WGTH—Mickey Splllane for the nerve specialist and the Jold, secretary general pf the Unit­ holders, said an anticipated in­ critical of him. his Ck>mmuniat- tips on illegal afomiVweapons. IH -story building, which will be John >—Some 4,000 reports, the Congressional Record This, raised' the quesUon of members o t ■ the Atomic tkiergy ney Bros. The draperies will be de­ it was necessary to take into ac­ Tokyo physicians today staged a and other such sources in m a k l^ Commission, the .attorney general count "legltinKte claims on the whether the U.S.S.R. would sup­ 24-hour ’’suspension of business” PERU COUP FAS jB- his charges. ‘ signed and made by the women of port Finnish membership on an Lima, Peru, Aug. 10 (dV’-A and the secretary of defense. About Town the association. . part of American citizens arising to protest a proposed cut in gov­ Watkins said the hearings were • 4 ' out of the war for vhich sonic pro­ in'dlvidusl basis. Prevloi^y the DOUBU conununlque from the Director Any federal oftidU taking pdrt Cash contributlona have been ernment health insurance fees.- put off until Aug, SO to give Sen­ of such a reward, directly br in­ vision should be made” if the Russians insisted on a general Kyodo News Service said govern­ General of. Inform ation''an­ ators a btoather after the Senate Miss Ann Alvord o f 8 Oakland received from Mrs. Helen Wllkoe, assets are restored. package - deal which would bring nounced the failure oPa coup by directly, would be subject to a Grace Wlckstead, the Connecticut ment-employed health officers took winds up iU legislitive work. irison term o f five years and SL, win enter lOddlebury College Eisenhower aeaured Adenauer Into the' U.N. such countries ss elemento of an Army'Artillery Sen. Knowland o f Canfpmia. the In Mlddlebury, V t, thU faU as a Power Co. and Southern New Eng­ over emergency cases. Patients group at dawn today. The com- 10,000 fine. that he shares “your sympathy Romania jud Outer Mongolia , as with routine aches and pains were Republican leader, told reporters freehmsa. land Telephone Ck>. An assortment with {ndividuals in straitened cir­ Wen ait Flniond. Nothing specific m nique aald Brig. Emeeto Rae if'the Senate can complete its Work of toys, has been received from G. asked to come back tomorrow. “ •d been, plaoed under arrest. cumstances in Germany for Whom 'Slang these lines, however, ..was this week he expects it to pass a The Regina D*ItaUa Society and Fox A Co., a metal gate for the the operation of the vesting apparently discussed. Public Records the Italian American Auxiliary driveway has b ^ contributed by (seizure) program in this country Fagcrholm said the Soviet offi­ POWBRSD will meet at 8 o’clock tomorrow Mr. Ostrinsky, and Ubles and created parUcUhur hardzhipa” be cial displaying Russian interest in WITH night at the W. P- Qulsh Funeral chairs have*, arrived, mdiney for added: Finnish membership was L. F. . which was appropriated by the Warrantee Deeds homo to pay last renects to Mrs. ”I am hopeful that it may lie Palmarchuk, Ukrainian foreign' A REMINDEI TO USERS OF Town Board of Directors. Ronald George F. Mosher, Jr., ahd Martha Loweyse, empee .mother, possible to take some remedial ac­ nilnlstor. Fkgerholm has been Dorothy E. Mosher to Glenn Mrs. T. A,- Mannise Witherall, U Daigle Mid Victor Gallo, o f this tion in such casea and at the same town, have donated their time to here aa head of a Finnish* psu-lia- Everett Thuipton, pK^>erty on a member. Ume provide, some measure' of mentory delegation. M e b ilP e w e r Woodland Street. do a considerable amount of elec­ compensation to Utewe American Thomas A. Murdock to WUbur W. Joseph StanlsUo, 111 W. Middle trical work. ’The association has nationals who inevrred losses aris’^ HERALD ADVERTISING lOlls and Ruth D. HiUs, property T^ke., was arrestol this morning used a portion o f the many con­ ing out o f the war, with resultant IMPLE AS A-B-C! on Camp Meeting Woods Road. and charged by police with the im­ tributions that have been received hardship in m m y casea” Steele Candidate C o m p o u n d proper use of registration plates, to purchase an electric floor wax- if Yen Whs Te Harold T. and Margaret D. You wouldn’t sejp your house for less money HUGIUUn most 4raw*rfvl combination of chomicol odditivnt nvnr ' 1 Tenr Ad Muet Be to Keseler to Pasquale Marino and driving - an unre^tered vehicle, er, a coffee urn, dishes and cut­ For Justice Post -.than you knew it was worth. Yet chance.4 'iKieerttee On f The Hsenld OfBoe U icy Marino, property Deep- and operating a motor' vehicle le ry .. ihto aAy sazolino.to corroct nngino troublnz... Oralg announced today that Mr. are it’s insured for far I6ss than you could MONDAY > FRIDAY 1 P. M. wood Drive. without a UcensA Patrolman Gor­ L o^l Automotive Qiiltclalm Deed don Meadows was. the arresting and Mrs. Ernest McNeill have been Justice o t the Peace Frank sell it for. It’s as simple as A-B-G . . . you AirtonalicllMMr If You Wleh r a '] Alan R. Berman to Jack O. Nash officer. appointed co-chairmen of the com­ Sales Tabulated Steele hoe declared his intention should increase your Fire Insurance tP meet Tour Ad Mnet Be to mittee to’ handle the activities of Advertlee On The HeenM OfBee and Dorothy Nash, property The Hetnid Offlee $1,850. Lake Pocotapatig in Jk«t Hamp­ aioaer RTlUam'F. CboneUy 'tn a the Town CSsric yesterday. •hat ma WEDNESDAY To Edward Gsehan, Jr., for al­ ton have been sued for $350,000 by The only other candidatea for TUESDAY 1 P. M. terations and addltlona to dwelling the administratrix of the estate of Arrests for July Bales information report issued to­ ow, New Mobilgas IPCCIAL uniqiw de-icing additive. day. town office to file ao far ore Mrs. . **Before Los$e$ Happen^ r ’ v DEADLINE at U5 Whits St,, $200. a man who drowned at the camp Jane Stuek and C3iriatie McCor­ N brings now on-tbo-rond bene­ U Yon Wleh Te i Tenr Ad ilnet Be to ' To G; B. Willis and Son for An­ Sales figures by towns and cities fits to every |notorist: Now atMMvo, IT 300. reduom Advertlee On last Aug. 11. Theresa E. Schweit- Increase to 152 mick, both Republicans snd both Insure With happen** The HetnId'Offlee tonio SalvadoA for alteraUons and aer of New York City charged in ahow that Hartford again leads engine-formed gum—cuts waste of with annual taxable automotive seeking nomination for Board at Bnnsts gowor u* te 25%->im - fuel. FOR THURSDAY - ) WEDNESDAY 1 P. M. additions to'mrelling at 52 Engle­ her suit that William J. Schweit­ Education posts. wood Dr., $ 1^ . zer Jr., drowned ki lake after The Manchester Police Dept, Bales of $44,040,888, New Haven la provM every car’s petformanos! next with $88,458,980 and Bridge­ Combining top octoiie and. Mobil , If Yen WMi t a To Silas Deiane .Woodworking and a large raft, or floid broke loose made a total of 152 arrests during Cbochs am -i««itten gint with Tour Ad Mget Be to the month of July, according to port third with $38,372,064. RUG WORKERS STRIKE Power Compound - New Mobil­ Advertfee On Supply Oo., for EmUe LeBlanc for from its moorings and drifted into Mobil Power Compound’s amaz­ The BeraM OfiQM the monthly report released today. T a x R ^ automotive sales in Man- ThompsonvUle, Aug. 10 (ff) — gas vnciAL givaa the gieates^ pro­ DISPLAY alterations and additions to dwell- the lake with him aboard. The John H. f . ing additive, RT 135. . FRIDAY ) Thla figurs was 21 above the 121 chesten. amounted to $7,884,761.34, Striking Jacquare department em- tection against engine troubles THURSDAY 1 P. M. ing^at 75 Wadgewood Or., $li688. suit also charged the camp own­ ployee of tke Bigelow-Sanford To lion sl f . Menara for altera­ ers with maintaining a nuisance. totsl for June snd includes 40 a ccord te to the report. Cnrroctz ipork olwg misfiring over offered in ony gasoline. V T e n W M iT b ) tions and additions to dwelling at speeding arrests ss comparsd to The Oommlaeibner pifinted out O a ^ t Oo. have voted to oontlnue haearpt -Tm '^lN ilU eto their walkout against the company lappen due to combustion depoaitii — in- COPY diveettee On ] 81 Avondale Rd., $400. only 15 in Juns, 40 violations of that the net taxaU# aalea of all ersnaes life of spark plugs. up to i shsfstsry csotrsibd tsdx Is penss- The herald OMee ' CatABB KnSJB TO O things abtomottve. - Including which staztad last Friday to pro­ . WW LOW MUCH To R. M. Alexutder for H. O. DalmMitb, M ^ Asg. Ig (4>— the rules of tbs rosd. xrltb 89 In ^ M S U B A M C g torw timoo: es« lar xselsw stowed lettesixi Is SATURDAY ) PRIDAY 1 P.M. Belanger, alterations and addl- June, and lO brsach of peace cu n , usM ca n , parU, acceasorioa, test what the unloa terms unfair eowex'seleat up Is 39% wtos Mrs. m aces Cimme. 68, tertaer dtaotpHiissjr action taken by the -, <,;•<' Uons to dwetltag at 86 High S t, arrests, oobopared to 5 for June. - motor cila and.the ligs, but exclndk Controls stalling due to:icing of th4 ' etle* New Mebilees SteCIAl ■ esisewed wtte of the late ten Maaaiyk, ing motor fUala aot-taxabie aadir eeamany figaiiist a veteran wsav-. $29975 $675.*“ torelgB asialstsr a t Caeehoalo- The number of accidents re- carburetor, toziiki to eLYMONAYB, te xe— eetieeel exee^htei kexegeeu To Alexander Jarvis for Jarvis the sales tax, amounted to $$54,666,- er. neaident Theodore Mielasiek vakia, ass ber fiMmekeeper Bum niainsd alxmt the same, ths July o f lodal 2188, Textile Workers SACSffMMCBVH Realty Oo.. ffx-roora, one-story figure standing at 19 witp 20 for 56a in 1961, more than 16 per cent tOCONT-VAONIMiOll COB9ANY. INC f —los. Mia,i iaU et Welle. 81, of total taxable sales in the state. Union a t Americn (CTO) baa called 154 Eosf Cootor St. MI-9-9251 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING dwelling on HoUUter Rt, $18fi00. the previoua monthl Parking viola­ To M fa EmU BotU for EmU “ In 1963 total taxaUe sales of the etrike unsancUoned and - has Kemp’s Jm m tions were up to 882 troaa tbk June autos and auto aqulpment account­ urged the atrikera to return. The »AV OS nnucAiioN i i x c b t $ * t . ♦ a . m :> Bottl, 6-room, 1-story dwelling ^•■dwteh Bead, IalBnd*lB the figim of 6841 Opoo Hundoy Ivooioy Uotl 9:00 and attached garage on Bush Hill ed for Just over 16 per .cent of total president said the atrikera rssent oeUteioa . were' twp atrmaa. . Pollcemeh secured 86 buildinga taxatfie sales In that year, so the action taksn against the weav- sAiesoMim^E R ^ . , $13,000. i ■ Bsbert B | h y , 24. at OMsfiridge, found open, found 96 w indow 1 AattfIrfBUf IfyraUi TO Victor J. Dubmdo, fivA-room, automotlTe salsa have shown a er'“and are afraid of what may . sad W U b irb . EMbrit fit. e f Jep. open, and watched 1 56 vacant zurked battanneiff of position tela, oome next” He decUnad to Mabor-; ons-etory dwelling on Homestead* Ha. Mo, They were la the see- bomea They aacorted H^tunerals 753 Moiu St^-4M^3-5500 Street $IL700. five to total aaloc la 1968,*' OonnM; at*. About 450 workers on three • -dutlag the pact wwnth. ly said. T \ aWfta are attaetad W the strtki| | ^ m tiM twaatldUi oantury only to She ptaepeellvo tough gays who do suffer overmuch when un­ its own disastor. *nis twantlsUi the oeoilag aanpalgn. .Efiroodles toward happenings come into ouLwaighed say daiaaga that may century implement and organisa- Connecticut It to Just possible, of course, that their Jives, because they feel tgzt Recent Rains have been done. Wo Bavn Tea m Aht there wen’t be any tough guys in their troublea are peculiar to IMAGINE! Gaining meat from the wet Low Coot 2b4 llo rtM t Etmtitig 9 ^ 1 tiott we have at hand is the United the campaign, that Ribicoff and By ROfUBB PBICB. themselves. But on the other hand Skytvatch Schedule weather have been dairy termers, Nations. We should use it, not Lodge will actually succeed not it does help when we realize that Investigation Links Youth EUidtt eayi. Their pasture crops merely when it seems easy and Yankee only in burying the axe them­ wa are not isolated in our sor­ Goa Probe Find Welcome have benefited from the rain LOANS t, Wedzszday.y. Aug._ i i n o BSOKBBAQB FB B B ^ advantageous for us to do so, but By A. H. O. selves, but in having their cam­ rows and that there are others in Midnight-2 a.m. epetla while this week’s abowera paign cohorts refrain from digging * 1 5 ...... Vainteara Naeded have not bedn particularly helpful We Otter BQ; EavfoRi even in those instances when some, the same situation even as war. .X' To Br^ak at Gessay Home a.m.'ri a.m. .. •. -...... Vekrateera Needed \ Farmers, Ckmnty Agents, If the high , level gubernatorial it up when they are supposedly not Secondly, there to Always an­ m ars a u vod p a y ajn.-d sjn...... Velnateere Needed to the vegetable and tobacco CHARLES HEESHMAN other course of action seems more campaign develops its low level looking. other day. The message of God’s By Neutrals I a.in.-1-a.m. . ., ...... Volanteera Needed W aler Officials Say crops. expedient And this is not simply niio would ,te sad for the pro-, Word Jrom Genesis to Revelation fo r th s Dtw **STREAM alnm inum eoRi- ’Clerk on Monday and taxpayara EUtott says too potato crop In MORTOAOE CO. hatchet men on the side, in order IS yaar-old boy has cdnfsSssd to 9 a.m.-Noon ...... BHl Evans, Lucy Burke idealism, or theory, but the realis­ to engage the attentiorf of the fessional politicians, who would be is, "Tho morning cometh.” There binstioD, sslf-BtoriBg wfaiihw with the FINGER TOUCH . . . .. wishing copiss may ssetirs thsm (Cm trum rage Gas) Norin-8 p.m. .;, • Katherine Ruttgers. Jefm Stark­ kainfall Is Beneficial ’raiand County ia a li^ doing ex­ vary sure, on both sides, that they is benefleent sleep bringing physi­ X local pollca that he is partially re- at the offica. For the flrat time in ceptionally well this acaaon as a PHONE CH-4-4M3 tic truth about our times. The public, pep up the ward heelers co n tro l y 't aponalUe for the . break at the weather and make them think they are were losing the election for lack cal restoration and mental re­ some yearn, the report carries the diaa coasulaU in Goa had baon in­ p.m.-d p.m...... Mrs, HaroM Xjord. dive' Chaftier Agricultural agents, farmers result of the recent rains. Lzst United Nations is tho only true of eompalgn vigor, but it would, freshment. The unsasR hut guia. home of Stephen Geaaay on Sun- amounts of aalariea paid to school week’s rains were partlctilarly winning, and satisfy the high level Vdomc hojiiif h^ils os |wis on ths ssTings to TOUI . aet Avenua. structed to protaat against tot 8 p.m.-8 p.m...... > • ■ William Simpson. Barbara Wallett and waterx department offlciala hope for the survival of anybody. participants that the strategic we are sure, be Just as well for the ing and protecting hand of God is admlnetratora and taacha'ra. order. 3 p.m.-lO p.m. Mrs. Virginia Llegi, Marion Cullen welcomed in Vernon, where many state. made evident throifgh tho shad­ 8 ss n s tm -ii foil Uns of Alaminum Awninfs, / Tha home waa entered while the The report contains several are in accord^ welcoming the re­ of the earlier showers on both *>!•! poison is being properly dissemin­ family waa vacationing and be­ 10' a.m.-Mldnight------, ...... m a tt SutHffe ated, the duty of being the hatchet ows. The light of a now day will CanopiSKTcnstian Blinds recommendationa made by the BRAZIL UNREST OROWINO Vo'nwaiMebtewaw’okw tem maysesaay register a «vat CMlv-nvia Deftnse Hesdquartem, MUlUCIpNIMuniclpel cent rainy apeha. although some ■ides of the town Had left no rain •••••^•••••«*******« ^2 bring new and vital "Faith and tween S400 and $500 Ih old cotna auditors Luta anjl Keller in con­ Rio de Janeiro, Braail, Aug. 10 tobacco growers say that too in the area, too agent said. k Eisenhower Says It Too men will devolve, first, upon and bUlS wera reported mleaing. BulkUng. Msneheeter on Mondays. Wsdneadays. sad Fridays >om established party officials. E U i n g j ^ Courage” to you, if you wiU but nection with Grove Hill Cemetery. — President Oetulio Vargaa 1-5 p.m. Civil Defenst tslsphione Numt>er X g-sogg. mucm of a good thing can te a Fred Thrall, 'assistant auparin- Op09 ••••••••*•*****■*****.* *9 Because the American Assembly bring ail of your problems to our ^ALL BILL TUNSKY During the inveatigatlon yesterday A . r umber of other recommenda­ moved to quail mounting political hindrance. n, \ tteident of toe Water DepL pR. IRWIN REZNICK Thys, on the Democratic side, it Heavenly Father. an alert merchant remembered he tiona were made In connection finally said It, President Elsen­ will rather automatically be Dem­ "KENTUCKY DERBY WINNER < c-0 GREAT EASTERN — 24 OAK STREET unrest todM In toe wake of polled Russell S. Anderson, Hertford ported .89 inches of rain fell diiring Codeof Ethici AS SECn b y LOSER” Thomaa Maxwell had Bwsq>ped f j l in biUa for |U in with the Board of Education and reports Mamiag a Secret' Service Ihrk. N. Y., and Oieeie Fariera, County agricultural agent said yesterday’s ihowers. bringing tha e«ehiihrel3 hower was able to say it too. That ocratic State Chairman John Bai­ Indian pennies about a week ago. many hava already been put Ipto Rockville 18. of Boston. HARRESUMED ley who will say the things Ribi- I don’t show this Droodle to Sponsored by Tho Manchester TEL. Ba-S-8271 or MI-9-9095 agent aisigned to hie palace for today the rains have been par­ total to 2.69 inebes for the first gathering of American leadersr- Council of Churches , The merchant said the young- effect by toe various departo>eata toe ncent attempt to aaaaasinate Folice reported that SchmalU ten days of August. The S^yea^ ffl^^aSjasS gafTg g eoff will be too noble to say. Bailey To'Be Enforced many people because when I do of the town. was booked on a charge of <^rat- ticularly beneficial to toe late ‘to­ an annual event founded by the has an unashamed and superb tal­ a tor who offered him. the penniea ■n bppoelUoB poliUdan-edltor. Funeral Services bacco crop but any extended average for the ten-day period ia OFFIcfe HOURS President himself when he headed certain Wise Acres feel called aaid he had saved them.-The mer- ^ Potato Orewera Air Force MaJ. Rubens Floren- ine to ea to cause low of life and dampness and rain could te 3.91 iqchea. However,' last year AU rtcMs ej rtpdbUeulca oAm«eU> ent for straight political warfare, chanta also rememMred fhe boy's A meeting of potato growtra tino was kiHed in the attempt last reiel*eaed* on hia own recognisance — Iwrtia aiitfiorM em c. Columbia University—came up arid la not limited to the use of Ellington, Aug. 10 (Special)— upon to make remarks they think Thursday for pending a riormer’a inquest harmful to the early crop that haa riqly 1,82 Inches fell during the the hatchet. Often, in a prelimi­ An eight-year old ordinance limit­ are humorous which contain a re­ nams and thu led the police* to will be held this svsning at 8>at Thunday on the life of Carlos la already been harvested' and ia cur­ whole month, Tlu-all said. AS USUAL X>iU ■»r»lo« cilMt e< N. >. A. this week opposing tlie seating of ing the power of motor brats on hto home, a conaiderable diatahee ths ElUhgton Town Hall at which Cerda, editor of an antl-govern- Tha deceased, woman warn bom ing in the sheds. '* - 'The water Supply in the town let. f nary way, be will use the needle, ference to the Droodle and to me. June 22. 1910, Y daughter of Emil FublfiAara XtprtMBtaUTft;__ Th« Chinese Communist representa- moet expertly, to bring his victim Crystal Lake was repealed at a I challenged two of these smart- from tha Oeeaay reeidence time the growara will report on mont nowspapor and anti-Vargaa Mrs. Slihmaltz A few clear, aunny days would reservoirs is holding Its own, the Uves in the United Nations now, largely attended town meeting Police <3apt. Peter Dowgewica the number df. workers they will candidata for Congress. La Cerda and Rose Schanz Hallchcr and re-, te valuable now. he said to help water dept, official said. The rain ftIM RMRChL in position for a final use of the last night. In a two hour discus­ alecks to a fist-fight but they ■aid this morning that, the boy, in nedd for harvesting, ths dStos snd waa shot in the foot. aided In this irity all pf her life. BinuEAu o r but deploring what seemed a fixed axe. chickened out Made some excuse Rockville, Aug. 10 (Special)— growing tobacco mature and to thle summer haa been evenly dis­ sion it was finally decided to adopt hto cbnfeaaion, eald he found a length of time of toe hatrvMting. FoUca said they were pressing Bhe waa active in the Ladies Aid prevent pole rot in tobacco that ia tributed with no protracted dry American attitude to bar them . And, on tlw Republican aide, a code of ethics for boat owners. about having to S«t home to their rear door to the Geaeay home open William Clajrk of th e Jiu ta Em­ a search for CUmerio Eurldes dt Funeral arrangements for Mrs. Bociety of toe Trinity Lutheran that mlideet of oharacters, Re- husbands. This Droodle was given Church. already in the sheds. * spells, therffora leasanlng the dan­ 91m H anidPrlatlag____ Compamr, Ibc., permanently and forever. The repealed law included a and that the home had been ran- ployment Servlet will .tegprssent Almsids, tot Sscret Strvlce man Rou rtsUcher Schmslts, 44, who "In general,” Anderson said, ger of any ahortage, ha added. ■o fliMnclalnaiietal rMponatratr tor pubUcah State Chairman Oappy maximum fine of f50 for persona to me by a Bookie. Bookies are they named as masterminding the Baaides her husband and parents •non AppMriiic tai ad> So the President, at his press Baldwin, who Is never very mad misunderstood men (like me). Backed pefbre he arrived. He con­ Today’s Eveata K was killed yesterday in an auto­ "the tobacco crop looks good this operating Inboard or outteard HALF tinues to refuse to tell police about A special Town Meating Wiil-te shooting. she leaves one eon, Frederick, two season. Other crops are also faring The Roman Ooloeseum, the conference Wednesday, was asked at anybody, will be one of those motors of more than four horse­ They’ve been described aS "pick­ Polin said they are holding a mobile accident, wera completed brotoOre, Clarence and Frederick pockets who let you use your own misaing bills Saying thay were held tonight at 8 in the Towto Hall well, especially the fruit crops, ruined akeieton of which still what he thought of the American wdio has to go out breathing raw power of the waters of Crystal taken by other persone. to decide the use of ’Suiy money Uxi driver who said he drove today. all oif this city. Dtoplmr AdrarUdac political fire, like some artlflcial hands.” This is Unfair as they’re apples and peaches.” ■tande, was built between 72 and rkr MOBdAT—1 f, m. Assembly attitude. As the tran­ lAke within this town. The police Sure still conducting tost should be received from the Eurldea de Almaida and an imiden- Servicaa will be held Thureday The rain has delayed the second 80 A. D. draigon. Kenneth Herman of West Hart­ the backbone of the racing busi­ UOed-man t o a spot near La Cer­ HAIL BREAKS WINDOWS ------^— -1 pi. n. script of the press conference There is perhaps some question ness. They’re also illegal. People the investigation. When the in Federal Government for education­ at 2:30 p. m. from toe Trinity cutUng of hay and ie bolding up f-4 p. m. ford in a prepared speech moved A H O U SE vestlgatlon is completed the young­ al purposes. -y da’s brims. The ehooting occurred Lutoerait Church 'with toe Rev. Staunton, Va. (dV-Mrs. R. L. the tobacco haivest somewhat in -1 p. - paraphrases his reply. It- was as whether he will get a nunnal as­ to haVe'a five and one. half horse­ who bet with a Bookie arer-erim- ss toe editof snd ths air force of­ Farley, 71, said the hail storm waa sist, in this department, from Re­ inals. People who b e t ^ a track ster will be turned over to the weather permitting, the Tolland Karl Blake of Oiaatmibury of- Tolland County, according to John follows; power ordinance adopted. The mo­ t Juvenile authoritlee. County Art Assn, will hold lU ficer steppod from their car. toe worst she had seen. Carl Huff- Elliott, agricultural agent there. PtnCfcd Stwars Fraod d*A ^»! 10;W_A. la. aAdi publican National Committeeman tion was rejected. are Sportsmen (If your have any postponed pot-luck supper and pic­ A govemmant conununlque last flclating. Burial will te in tha irian could believe it. Fifteen win- an appropriation of $8,500 waa because toe guard had come under the- winter of ’44-’46, when we This, if i t , happens will be in Identical with the one in affect at A Tho^glit for Today voted to^ alterations to the Supe­ night at 8.30 p. m. rain.or ahina Mrs. Schmalts died from a frac­ response to. two circumstances. Columbia Lake. ----- ■ ■____—-...... ■ at the home of Harry Liebman, eueptcion ss a result of ths mur­ tured skull Incurrsd whan tha M V S r v i BTpaMiiig Tho U. N. were engaged in the Battle of the You would hovo o hard .fimo finding o buysr for only rior Court and Bar Library facili- der. * First, Alcorn himself knows the All other articles of tho warning tlss. Plnncy Street, Ellington, automobile In which she waa rid­ ANDERSON and As la his right and his duty, Bulge, could have seen the time price an individual pays fog being were adopted without incident. ^ Two Thought* OB Prableias At the meeting m the Women The military police took over re- ing went out of control on the They concerned the acceptance of half o houss. Yot if your homo should burn thot's Chairman of the Board of Com- eponalbility for the President’s se­ Merritt PsrkWsy in NorWallc and Sag Haaimarakjold, Secretary when we were looking upon Ger- a hatchet man. Second, the most ' We come to the close of each misaioners, Francis "'J. Prichard, of the Mooeie tonight at 8 Mooes 1. NanoN-wiai caiaiL.Over 800 JOHNSON i '. important thing the Lodge ad­ new roads In town. . " day 'with a multitude of. our. prob­ heart Alumni Chapter night will curity. resulted ii. a three-car accidert. IflHTmrlm Quiiin's nnany and then, applying the seme about all your Firs Inturancs might rsplacs at today's called the meeting to Order, and Replaces Police Chief ■AUated o«$cee ia U. 8. anO.CMwda. PLUMBINO an« BEATXNO General of the United Nations, ministration has to do in- this cam­ lems. some new and Some/ild and Edwin O. Smith was eleqted tjialr. be observed. ’The driver of the car, William 2. ai$ioM -nma mans, lo^ speaks up for the prestige and Im' standard to Japan, and Japan, as paign is to teU its own positive WBAIHBB BY BALLDClN yet unsolved and diffiemt. To you. Weather permitting, the Kos- Seeking to avert a crisis, ths Schmaltz, 44, husband of the de­ TTW 18$ HIGHLAND STREET |i man for the meeting. Before toe President also obtained the resig­ to needs and incoao. Atk ffar e r"^ptep ^ portance of that ofganliatlon in people we sought to reach under­ story. Plttsflold, ni. un—Glenn Sch- my sojourner, I present two costs! Bsttsr 1st us chock your covsrags now. appropriation waa approvtd, botbotii ciusako team play toe Elks at 8 ceased waa not injrited. Others in­ 19,25 Guide” te redudag aMinthly paysMOIe. ia-$-$i$4. $-TBa Alcorn was the Republican nepf, a farmer, untangled a 200- thoughts. p. m. at ths Recreation Field in a nation of Police Ctoief Gen. Arman­ volved received only minor cuts a. VA$9 $Mma to omployod peapls. his annual report to its General standings with and to make close Commissioner Prichard and CHerk do Ancora Morace and named Col. and bruises. They were: Marion. i erf-0$42 ground troops, a whole battalion of foot diameter plastlo^halloon. His First, your problems, what­ John Yeomans explained the de­ uittto ■ ■League game. A IMS •• tIM trnm m.M «kM «. smou-vmr ioan. pimm fim. Aaeembly. associates. neighbor eight mitos away, N. E. Paulo Torres to replace him. Ooelho, 25, of Boston and James SMiMNr nmM la l> ...... them, in the 1948 campaign, when ever they are, often bring dis­ tails in regard to the Improve- ■MWl, laeiWoMa al |ie.i Oet meee with tho Big fe The Secretary General is con' “Now, remember, China was i he himself was candidate for Baughman, foupd a parachute and couragement and are such as are mente. Commissioner Prichard All Toltoad and Veraoa aewa A epeakef on the government- N. Htrsch, 44, of the GlenvUie sec­ write, COMO in todeyf r great mass of human beings, hun Instrument bok. items are neivteuMlIed through The run national radio suggested Sun- , tion of Greenwich, drivers of the a a earned, and rightly so, witH the lieutenant governor. And whether common .to the human race. You ■aid that the plans had been day night that Vargaa might de- 818 te $$00 or not the services of such an axe The diredtlons printed on the are not alone, we have plenty of changed considerably from those Mancheeter Eveateg Herald Rock­ other cars involved; and two pas- wmingaasB of nations to by'-pass dreds of millions. Those of tl.em ville bureau tooatetTiat One Market Clare a state of siege in.order to ■engere in Mrs. Coelho’s car. Mrs. who had traveled through China man are good for the party cause, box askad the Under to mail it to company. This at a quick glanqe obert originally considered, and ahowed the united Nations, to use other which is debatable, thefe to little Navy. Officials at Bedford, Mass. may not be of any particular con­ R J. S m iYh Street, tolepkoae RoeWtoe 8-8188. have a "climate of imiNirtiality” Minnie GilmeCe, 45, of Floral he knew had been as aatonislied ■ketches of the present bar libra­ during the investigation of the aa- I N A N C I C O Instruments for their polidea, and debate over the conclusion that a It contained weather dsita. solation, but there are so many I N C O R P O R A T E D ry being divided Into two rooms. ■asiination attempt. teiso nJ v to lit such other instruments In- as he had that so many people candidate who Serves in this role ^"Itohnepf kept the balloon and Yeomane informed the group It was felt, however, tost the 3 >hdiL dCsiaL fHnge oti what should bo clear could live in such a space. They usually harms his owm political mughman has the parachute. that there would be 25 per cent President would have difficulty m MAIN STh 2imI n , Ovor Woolworth’a, MANCHEtTER f t fortunes. Even if the iise of the ^ REAL ESTATE — in s u r a n c e more book apace in the new iibra- LET US PILL YOUR united Nations Jurisdiction. had a government of which we getting congressional approval of ll|9riieN I^IIM • OMi far llw YIS M O N ^ axe works, the people shy >Way FRACnCAL AWARDS SM MAIN ST., QBOUND FLOOR — TEL. MI-t-S341 . ry which they felt- would be ade­ such action. Military and news- OHN TNUt$OAT tVIMNOS UNTIl • PAL WORLD'S ECONOMY He is very tactful and 'diplo- viq^U y disapproved and we were from the particular individual Cheawick, Pa. (P)—Prises were quate for apme gears to come. It iMM nsSi M niMiin (I 011 not going to accept,them in any TOYS toper circles, in particular, hsfe matle in phrasing his criticism who uses it. Even Bailey," for that awarded for the growers of the t FOR THE KIDDIES *TNSURANSM1XHS 8INOE 1S14” waa also explained that at the Men angered ^ the elsying snd CHAMPION and his plea. organism in which we had any matter, fills the role '^'th some fanciest beards during the Ches- iM tf Aaeortmeat Town meeting in Vernon there ths failure so far to round up those say under present conditions. sense of self sac^ce. For, al­ wick Golden Jubilee celebration were no objections to toe renova- responsible. “Developments outside the oT'> though this brand of political war­ tlona. J^ '^ t for h lm ^ say to them and the winners promptly put Air, Minister Nero Moura and • WALL-FLAME — PR I»U R B BURNERS-^ ganlsatlonal framework, of the fare comes easify to him, since he them to use. They were presented The question was raissd as to Bid ABkad his ganeral staff iaaued a note United Nations, but insids its hiete that he knW what tho con­ loves the Und of strategy involved, electric razors. whether or not . the county and Flnt Natioaai Baafe CsUdd for sod .dtUYtrod • COMPLETE HBATINO UNITS of Manchastar ... 84 yesterday expraesing confidence sphere of interest,” wrote the Sec­ ditions five years from now were and enjqyi himself thoroughly town had a lease. Prichard ex­ thak toe criminals woitld be Bought promptljr at bo oztrs e INSTALLED BY FAOTOBY TRAINED MlOt going to be, well, they would know when he pinks an opponent or plained that it was a genilemsn'S Hartford Nattonal out and punished without special chirfo. , • FORGED WARM AIR — arrmeaq . aOX WATER retary General, "do give rise to provokes an answer^ he also knows agreement made after the Memo­ Bank and Trust . 81 S3 favor. This wan considersd a warn­ certain problems which require that he was a little bit off his t ^ 't h l s sort of tlimF keeps build­ rial Building was erected Ih 1888 Conn. Bank and Trust Co...... ing to toe goverririent to get on setious consideration. In the short rocker. And so he was not going ing up a bar against another kind nd the court was moved to this 75 7# with an **n|iartial investigation. PINE PHARIMOY of role he would like to visualize elEy from Tolland. As food hfif Manchester Trust . 80 88 view, Aher approachoa than those to try. F in "So the Assembly, as far as ^e himself taking some day — the Other thoutot, it was brought out t l ^ Oeaipipaalaa Picks New Premier C A U M M - f t U provided by the United Nations role of a candidate for major of­ tho 'Tbinporary Home for Chil­ Aetna Fire 79 82 lima. Peru, Au;;. lO (S’)—Presi­ FOGARTY BROTHERS machinery may seem more saw it—and he hadn’t seen that fice in his owm right. get the best of these big 4 low-iwiced c m dren in Y m on O nter might be Hartford Fire ---- 175 180 dent Manue' Odria today named "THE WILD ONE" National Fire ....101 108 ' Aathorixod Dealer pedlent and convenient, but in the quotatloai—they were inefely say­ Normally, in addition to the a logical plaM to house the coun­ Adm. Roque Saldias, former Navy ing, of course, we werii not going don't c^fer ty activities some future date. Phoenix ...... 134 142 mlnieter, to serve as premier fol­ THEMES m O M THE M O TIO N PICTUEE , 254 CENTER STREET / ' r long view they may yet bo Inad­ figures of official party leadership, However, this euggestion did not U faaad ilty laa. Oaa. to admit them U yri could hdip It there are state ticket members Aetna L ife ___ ...152 167 lowing a major cabinet ritakcup. X^Opba Thee, n ^ Ihurs. UntU 9:00 FJ«__Wed. Until 8t$0. visable. available for varying degrees of theoe ndYontagCi. affect the deristairip proceed Urlth The new government chief re- BIANCHESTiR TEL. lfl*94fiS9 ‘To fail to .use the United Na­ at this time— he thought we the . alterations which., ere to be Aetna^ CSaualty ...189 178 placee Qen. Xenon Norisga, who duty with the axe. But, to tell started at once. \ Conm'Gen...... 365 380 24 HOUR SERVICE tions machinery on those matters could help K—but v;e- Wei's al­ the truth, neither state ticket this Chevrolet does! resigned yeeterday. Seven of the ways re a ^ to see whether the It was voted to t r a n s ^ $5,000 Hartford Steam B6il. . 75 80 12 men in Noriega’s cabinet were for which Governments have given year has outstanding natural tal­ from the contingency fund so the Travelers ...... I480 1500 Potterton's sinner.reformed and came into the ents in this regard. O' Do .you wsnt livelier, smoother performance oh leu g u K rea^inted. i e to the organization a spedal or ligpitlwhas BupenorSuperior courtCourt fund, and thatHhethar-the FnMIe OMUIae New ca-inet members included 180 CENTER ST.--(Corner of Chorch) fold. That was the way he felt In their legislative leadership, Then be sure your new car hu modem hith-comprestion ' remaining $1,500 be taken frote Power .. 17% COAL-COKE-FUEL OIL primary responsibiUty under the i Dsvld Aguilar as foreign minister Caldldates Jewett'and Dempaey, power. That’s just whsi Chevrolet gives you-the highest- Smoother, safer slops any,A M . . surplue in_ any______partA of^ the. . ^ 1 > e t« e rm w Charter, or to improvise other ar­ atiout it.” BOW la the second place slot on snd Gen CSsrloe Minano ss war compression power of any leading low-priced car. with less , budget. mlniatsr. , rangements without overridhig By this pronouncement on the tteir respective state tkdMts, pedal pressure! Commissioner P ilc h ard an­ practical and political reiundia— part of the President, our policy - both had a decent. Instinct to deal That's what Chevrolet nounced toatjhe priolic hearing on is now not very different from with flacta rather than per- the county Imdget would be held to act thus' may tend to Weaken aonatltlee. They don’t look nmeh gives you with ■ that of Prime Minister Churchill, at the Superior Court room on the .position of the organization the largest brakes Mondavrivening. Aug. 23. and that Allied Thermal Itchy Pimples and to reduce its influence and ef- who is not vary anxious to seat in the low-price field. the meeting to adopt the budget Am. Hardware ... Chinese Communist representa­ would take place toe second week Arrow, Hart, Heg- Kill Romance fecUvenaas, oven when the ulU- Asso. Spring ...... mato purpoaf'Whieh it U intended tives In the United Nations either, in Septeipber. Many shattered romances may but who has lived too many world Rady Benomlaated Bristol Brass te traced direcUy to scratching X' to serve liTnlted Nations pur­ Thomas F. Rady waa renomi­ Cheney Broc. of akin blemlehu. Why tolerate pose. yesterdays to make final,' lasting nated for Judge of probate at the Collins ...... 106 itching of pimples, ecssms, angry pronouncements about anything. You get finer Ellington District convention Em-Hart ...... 39 red blotches and other irritations "The balance to be struck here fliRConomonino performance—and Fafnir Bearing...... 38 , mtist be atnek with care. By this pronoimeement, further, Monday evening by the Demo­ when you can get fast relief with we (lave a policy we can maintain important gasoline crat!.; Rady has served for six Landers, Frary, Clk. , 28% soothing Peterson’s Ointment? 45c M PIATT STIIIT ‘Tor example, the importance of years ss Judge of probate. N. B. Mach. Co...... 27% all druggista. One application de­ and defend im rational, a word sa\Hngs, too—with the North and Judd .... 25% HARTFORD regional arrangements in the . highesl-conipression The convention was called to or­ lights or money refunded. Also for that cannot be appUed to what der by Charles Willie, and William Russell Mfg...... 10% tired cracked feet. OPEN TinTBSDAT EYpNINGS maintenance of^ peace la fully power of any leading Stanley Works 49; ^recognized in the Charter and the Senator Knowland would prescribe WILLIAMS Dunlap presided. Rsdy’a.nsme waa / I for lu. low-priced car! placed in nomination by John Terry Steam ...... 103" appropriate use of such arrange­ dlL SERVICE Mriran of tolq city and there was Torrington ,..,.....’25 27 U. S. Envelope com. . 83 88 ments is encouraged. But in those 341 BROAD STREET t- i— »-j.. A—It.- no contest. A prolate committee cases udiere resort to such ar­ was named to Include Roger Pin- U. S. Envelope pfd. .. 83 ■ 08 Farm Policy Victory MI-9^548 ^You get smarter, ney of Ellington, John Jorari and Veeder-Root ...... 84 37 rangements is chosen in the first John Kramer of this city. Rady The above quoutiona ate >wt te Instance, that choice should not be By Monday’s votes, in the Sen­ smoother styling- thanked the delegates for the be eonatrued ea actual markata. permitted to cast any doubt on the ate, the Bisenhower administra­ greater comfort, safety honor snd later entertained them AMESITT DJtIVES ultimate responsibility of the tion seems to have won its battle and quOfity-with this at his home. , PUTNAM MtLL TO CLOSE only low-priced car Senatorial Convention Putnam, Aug. 40 riP)—Directors United NatiOna Similarly, a policy to bring into actual effect the No Monojr Down • 36 Months p r i e e with world-famous The Democratic Senatorial con­ of the Putnam Chamber of Com­ giving full scope to the proper role kind of farm policy Congress vention for the 3Sth District will merce say they have learned that to Pay o Pavinz^ o Drivoways voted in theory years ago, but has Body by Fisher. be held tonight at 8 in the Hicks Putnam Mills Corp. plans to sus­ • Parkinr Areas ve of regional agencies ,can and Take a look at what you psy and what you get You’ll tee School in . Tolland.' ’Three candi­ pend operations here, * . should a t the o same time fuDy never before allowed to operate.* that Chevrolet has more /or you and asks less from you. It’s Since the compromise involved Saistf Wata daw . dates for the nomination have Sidney Kaptan of New York MANCHlSTiR preserve the right 6f a member priced below all other lihes of cars. Chevrolet builds the most, been announced, Mrs. Mary Bren­ City, president of the rayon goods in the administration victory ap­ , M ItGlM l f .5 2 2 4 nation to a hearing under the cars-and can build them bettor to sell for leu! :—'r-'- No other low-priced car nan of Somere, Richard Brown of producing firm, was not immt- Charter . . . plies only to the initial range of gives you the Stafford, Springs and Lawrence distely ayail'sbie to comment. , “ lA the day-to-day development flexible prips supports, but not to finet' Visibility of Moe of Andover. The chamber directors yestsr- N r tha Rost ki Drivaw«y CorntmefioH— ’Cdi Town Re|w>1e Btedy . ’ day reportsd operations are ex­ , of politics, this conception may re­ the principle. It is an important safety p\sAb gUmS The town remrts for the yeeir pected to terminate about Nov.; 1. quire number nations to - ri^ victory which has been m oh. ' in windshield ending Aug. 31. 1954 ‘were 're­ The mill amploya about 250 above immediate interests.'.’^ Bitter-enders among the farm and alt windows ceived at' the office of toe Town workers. THOMAS COLLA CONST. OO. In this discussion, the Secretary- bloc, are saying, today, that this k c o n o m if of sedans and coupeit General was poindngr a finger at victory ■ for a new farm policy I- What’s it going to cost'to keep diat new car in gasoline? In both past fmd future events and means a loss of seats in Congress oil? What about service and rqwirs? Check into ttand you'll Igmad Kaaa fisHaa HI policies. He was noting^ discreetly, for the Republican ^ r ty this fall. find , that Chevrolet has the greatest name of all for keeping Chevrolet gives ^ that the,Berlin and Geneva con­ That we refuse to believe. upkeep costs down over sU the miles you drive. the only VnitUtd Tha iim l you hovo to pay, that h. fy ferences were held with scant at- Wehelieve ihat the business of Knee-ActionyN«ck or Crow Stylot will sooner or later to cut down -m some benefit for SIzM k to 12— 3.fS lip ; LAUNDRY 1 DRY CLEANING jWt pf n zystom of then.!,elves. V NORTH RRANCH OPEN THUESOAY BVEWNOS 4 to • > eC ito«»r into a zyatem " 12 to 20— 4.f 5 op I' \ OUH DlUVIltY NOW inKNDS TO V We believe there are occaslonaj Alalp flioeneians Style. 1$ Na. Maui S t, Ootner Oakland luivai^ international mote fteqtMt-than moeti bb- BOLTON p COLUMBIA S t—Next te YMCA ood SATURDAY M O RW N O S 9 to 12. mrvers woul^ admit, when doing ANDOVER # COVENTRY., r * ONE STOP lANKINO • PEEE PAEKINa AT ROTH OFFICES the world eau: the rikht thteg to the test brand CEBSiliS K S O B i Pe^CH STORI314 M/UN $7— NIAR AMAdRY asMtoy d iplM »^ of pdUilitl^ *r 111 MAIN S T ip r nurifO N I M-V.SSM -.i-."- 4'. ' k'. V .y/ ■ ■ ■ . 1 ■, '■ ■< i*40E EIGHT : ■» - /■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAlf, AUGUST 10, 1954 X-:. MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1954 TUONBRVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE POX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE z Loss at Million, Assembly to Test 5.30 inch Rainfall, THfRTY YEARft Afto C l e m W o r t i-e's w i f e m p h im to Court Rules Vnifed Aircraft Seven'' SeeMug * fto A O LU A h o o p !*N o w h e o i v e s exhibitions . Answer to Previous Sense and Nonseni Christian Divisions Stonin 'Lash Shore GBNitBAXr^UBCnU^ Scrten Actof TW------Ai^on Seen in Must Pay State Sales Tax B (Coattaned freai Rage Oae) Nebraska Vot^ SANGES — REnUGESATOSS •<> WASHERS Louie K Anapadiar, dranobtiat, reada a algn httng ovar the en­ (Osattaoeff troB Fag* Dm ) ACSCkU lORslnbow on d ia etob___.rking a" from ' the ’ EeiVf-i- ~ trance * 0 hia iriiop by a merchant Bay State Fire NO SALESMEN^-YERY LOW OVERHEAD garia^ tri New York tdked about two days after he wna married. confermce-la 1910 at Hartford, Aug. 10 (ff) —- The-athat ' the'' federal' g«>venureat to For Senate Job 'li '.\ ■ IScrcM actor, Scotland. i-r Cofmeeticut SupreaM Court said constaatly searching, in these trou­ Coast- Guard reported ''Diat when OPEN 8 to 9—SATURDAY 8 to 5 ISCraftamao * aitroii) tr^ g nationa that attadc weak (Oonttnued from Page One) their patrol IjoAt arrived jit about TUichad-— ------ipaa. 't(^ay that the federafederal government bled times, for the improvement ALL DAY SUNDAY 8 to 8 (aufBx) Oo-ed—We had a votlrg contest It was dreamed, discussed and 3 a. m., the schooner was no long (Coattaned from Page One) T Ra Ja in the wte^utlng not aa retail con- of (aircraft) enL'inaa in order to lYade-In ADow m ccs— ^No Cash Down IS Bom "Here and there you will find to decide who was tha pratUest „ Tiue— baauty ahops, a barber designed at succeeding meetings sumw but as a punpurchaser of en­ attain jlerfonnance in the air at 4t- in trouble. 21 UnkeeM people tha; admire such conduct,” glt'l in o'lr chuei rf 110. .' '■ , Crews on docks on the New Senators, Nebraska/ will name n iiiten fiM he said, ■which la like the jtory: Boy Friend—How did K turn h w , the dlatriet office of the Bute of Christian Isaders iq Stockholm gineering skill in order to main- least comparable to that of friend­ 23CotMpau point I PuWto ViTorka Dept., the Beverly in 1925, in lAusanne, Switserland, taia air equality or superiority in ly or hostile countries. London harbor's w«at w o re work- candidates for three Senate seats 14 BibUcal 33 Parent ‘Tva no Sympathy for the man out 7. mounUlii in 1927, af Oxford and Edinburgh 1847-48 dealings with United "This policy requires continual «iT throughout the nighbUo keep RRUNNER'S <2> . f j ; ♦ 24 lYifhtcna that heata hla ivlfe,” a burly chap Oo-ed—It couldn't be decided. Cham b^ of Commerce and real —a rare circumstance caused by 15 Raapa u u r j aaid on a train. aatate and Inaurance officea. in 1937. In 1948 at Amsterdam it Alncraft Oorp. of E a t Hartford. vigilance and the -as o f the best damage- to pleasure' b o s t A ^ t Aeroea From Garrity'*—Next To VtttMi's 25 Meaatiie of Ttaeie were 140 different girla minimum. The famous racing the deaths earlier this year of ROCKVILLE ROAD, T A L lX IR iT U ^ It Min Dared "H a!" piped another chc*', ■who voted for. Officlalas^ both banka aaid ^1 culminated in the World Council. Tho court’s ruling rejtcUd an Inventive po\7ers of tfur people. paper iminutivc o( 47 Dcmolj The council does not seek to be­ There can bd no doubt that, in schooner, Barlovento, o w n e o ^ y GOF Sena I^ ig h t Griswold and 17 East (Fr.) 26 Otherwise 'V waa little end*^A.Tawny and pale, TMorda weha Intact In heat proof apptel by . United Airciirtt whch Hugh Butler. dward 4SI lUi* vaulU, EtortohsH. Phillips, presir come a world church, or even to iought to avoid paying 839,887.41 -entering into the five contracts, Pierre duFont, had to be to w ^ IS c.ConcluaJon . » 27 Paint fruit "A man who rian Ifat hia wife Two Romla to Henven The feature race is for the regu- ' 38 Horacmen doeen’t need any Byr.paOd',’' dent of the, BeVerly Nationu, di­ arrange mergers, viewing that as la Btate salsa tax on materials it the government was pursuing this out from one dock to escape a bad 301 V/ith ateering whCela and gna to pounding. 6-year term Starting next 21 remale aaint SOBkecplng atep on,. rected removal df. recorda and the task of individual denomina­ purchased in connection with the policy. It waa looking,- for designs SO German river (ab. ) furniture (pi.) money aa firem en^tlli poured tions. . perflurmance of five federal con- for engines better than any exist­ The Coast Guard, ktoo reported jary, when Griswold's term The entiro water a.ipply for the Why do we need a hydrogen woukkJhave expli^ . Gov. Ooaby H !J?J1*®5***®I* 31 Gainsay 42Asiau!i 81 Winglike part 28,000 people In Boulder, Oolo., water on the amolderi^ruina. . But it does seek, said Dr. Vis tractg. ing. It sought to attain *that end towing into New London a 42-foot weapon 7 and R e ^ Carl T. Curtis are in a S2 Number ia obtained from a which Tioreaa E. Black He eald he would Set^p an of- serit Hooft, "to be’ an instrument United Aircraft contended thf by utUixing the sl:ill o f the re- Stontngton fishing dragger, the minimum' 44 Donate 84 Age the city owna. lice to do' bualnesa aerate the of the H(dy Spirit for hteling our teareh and engineering depart­ Private Frank E. Kessler, which field of >even seeking the GOP materials it bought to produce nomination^. Ct/jL O ffsA ,:- "SIS;?. <■>■•> «■»' SSSoooM Charloc Zych, Chicago. "We know a girii” aaya aoma street In the First Pariah U i^ ria n divtsiona." experimental engines and other ment of the plalntlfTs (United had developed engine trouble. Church. He declined to esuW te Except for the Roman Catholic, Aircraft) plant. At other points along the shore Three Denibcirats are competing 34 Italian dty one, ”ao indi»''.rioiis thkt when aha items under the contracts were for tlieir party’^ om inatioh to the SSDranfeatblraa ' ‘ » W 17 IT Bank Btatement has nothing else to do she Bits and the amount of money In the v a i^ nearly every major Christian purchased for resale to the gov­ Biflewed in their broadest as­ exposed to the southeast wing, sail­ Their Joint account'a retarded but firemen earlier had aaid it con^ church will te represented. pect, the Contracts wereAlearly for boats were capsised and small out­ 6-year term, though Nebraeka nor­ SSGreetera I'nlto her bronva.” jnn, ■ ernment and thus Aot subject to mally is strongly Rapublicsn. By one persistent n:lW^ > tabled a quarter-million doUara Although Roman Catholic the salea tax. the rendition o f >killed engineer­ boards wore flooded at their moor­ Manchester Trust Co. 40 Gay ing seryjcea, and. the delivery of ings. A total of 31 Cidiii^dates—24 41 Redactora He’s fast on 'ho deposit Said he—Matil( y trying to stuff -jne. loalon - punctuated fire raged Evanstmtv u n d e r a ruling by most, only incidental to the serv­ Hillagrove, R. I., Aug. 10 (E—The tests. The present NebraskAN^ens- _____ g-w 47 Chest bone Strough a downtown bualneaa and lacking in factors' whi^h \wouId ices rendersd. The delivery o f such Federal Weather Bureau at the tors, serving by appointmenUNire STOCK SO Freebooter Once tiiera wan a deipartment She waa too rjge for him. i Samuel {Cbnlinal Stritch of the partaln to agreements merely to store floor walker who wai effici­ apartment block for five houra yes­ property ia not a- sale at retaU State airport here recorded a total not seeking election. \ ■ IrfMMi - / e - j # “It’t th« only way my lifo inturtneo amnt will lot ‘ S3 Lecislative Chicago arcmUoceae. manufacture and tell a' specific ar­ rainfaU of 4.17 inches in the 34 SUIJECT TO PRIOR SALE ent, but extremely bow-legged. terday, caualng damage eatimated 'Diere have, n ^ e v e n been arti­ under the- (state salea tax) act if The other Senate posts to ba mo •wim!” body O f 7 Newspaper Item—Out of those unofficially at Hoo.ooo. ticle;-' ' \ iCIs merely incidenta’ to a special hours ending at 7:30 a.m. today. One day a ;jretty girl called and In­ fifty guests moi'e than thirty had cles and studies ^ Roman Catholic filled In November are for the last 8S Wickeder Eight firefighters were injured, The' opinion added: service performed for the purthas- It was not a record. three months of - Gi*ls\vold's term OUT OUR WAY !7 quired for a certain department been married *o ths aume r,an for leaders on the assembly's theme '’'‘74dr can we ove^cok the facti The downpour, which hit its peak BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDU^G HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB 57 Expunfed where Hie wtahed to m.or iralker Los A:.g' lea Times UcaUon, tho Pilot: Butler’s term. 89 Small candles Portsmouth and Albert Lessard of the two houra ending at 5:15 a.m., Both parties also will name X INCORPORATED promptly responded to ahorv hir Wide Field of UnoertUatlM in^ rooms, including 17 ViaiU to caused widespread flooding of cel­ ,COMC , „ DOWN the way, aaylng; "Walk this way, Someraworth suffered alight In­ Man Wielding Rifle nominees for governor. Two of the. INVESTMENT SECURITIES HERE/ IlH E i *rui51$ KiHD>c{Vyai s a v v &u r -w First Old Maid—\Vhat kind of juries when, debris fell on them "N o true Christian at any rate the University of Pennaylvanie, 18 lars, especially in the Warwick, R. ___ 'G o r u . ' ~ 1 Storm pleaae.” time did jt)^j have in New York 7 wilt look with Indifference at the to Franklin and Marshall College I.; area, and the stalling'of count­ state's four house members face r ■Olvinir him the once over, she during the gas exploaiona. primary fights. 541 MAIN STREET TM.. MI-3^31 HAVE PEOPLE ®V5,THATlg THE 5PlRlT/-i-*\ ■ 2 Makes Second Old Maid—na^'light Sav­ Dover Fire Ckpt. Ovid Taylor hopes that are set in Evanston." Holds Five Captive at Lancaster, Pa., and 25 to Lehigh less automobiles te low spots on AROUMPHERE miatokaa said: "Not on your life; I wtxililn't ing Time. Whether thoao hopes find root— University at Bethlehem, Pa.. highways were inundated at many Balloting is expected to follow IrO PITCH Ihl Atto HELP > to 0 V y ?^ ‘i 'T walk that way if yo.i paid n;e a and firefighter Robert Carroll, 24, 3 Tidy were overcome by leaking gas and and spring into new harveaU of Devlin said that Gilsaon, on hla locations. « tho pattern of previous years, with D isiw e REAR T ^ BUT FCWf big aalary to do It." An o4d f 'jiilQned girl i o^e who Washington, Aug'. 10 IE—A man trips to country clubs, posed as a a turnout of up to 225.000 forecast “ - *- *LOBOEKW^R A 4NeMtlveword ST B had to be treated at Wentworth harmony—depends on a wide field S IsMnd (IT.) ----- =— iw, never has been klased and admlto of uncertaintiea wielding a rifle and a meat cleaver guest o f a member, or as a caddy, LOW PRESSURE BLAMED by Secretory of State Frank "Under new management''' no Hospital. Four others were treated S Comforted it. at the acene. There will be varying ohades of held a family of five captive for until he managed to obtain a few Boston, Aug. 10 (E -The Weather Marsh. '> minutes alone in the locker room. 7 Drive insane The Harvey Bakery, where, 6f- interpretation on terminology, the IS hours yssterday in their farm Bureau aaid today that a small low A light vote ia predicted in freehn Bf Healiag 8 Mineral rock -differences of theological empha­ Then he would go through lockers, pressure system was responsibla Idaho, where Sen. Henry C. Dwor- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ficiala aaid, the Are .apparently home at nearby Beat Pleasant, Md. taking money, jewelry or ,6th*r 9 Mover's truck started, was destroyed. Damaged sis accuinulated through long iso­ for the heavy rain which paas^ shak did not campaign' against his 6ATTLEOF ^ W l \ The man, armed with a sawed- valuables. System Pays' were Ray's Clothing Stor^ the lation* from each other, cultural off .32 calibre rifle, was quoted by through southern New England last lone challenger in the Republican at Ikis TIau SPlOH kOP— Iv ^ U and -national prejudices, and diffi­ A t colleges, hia trick was to pose night. primary. Almost all the interest HAR-, Arlen Style Shop and the victor police as telling his prisoners, " I ’m Shoe Store. - culties o f languags translation. aa a member o f the -vliuting team, Rain amounts up to 8:30 a. m. centers in the race for tho Dem­ Did you know that smoke tor peak heirtfait 6fl}« RomPH'' wanted for murder and I won’t gain access to the dressing room B U G S B U N N Y About 15 occupants of the There will be various perspec­ heaitate to kill any of you." measured: Boston, 1.17 inches; ocratic Senate nomination. ’ En­ or soot in your heating unit cieniiynext aeoaon. and help himself when he was Nantucket, 1.65;,Providence, R. 1.. MMi'tmentA above tha stores were tives of liberal and conservative Police gave this account of the trants are Taylor, State Sen. can steal money out of your For ca^l^ree haat, awiteh to churches, of old, dominant church­ alone. 3;95; 9uonset Point, R. I„ 4.58; Claude Burtenahaw. a college pro­ drlVaRout. incident: pocket? A H' soot deposit can SheU Furtiacs OU with FOA< es and young, struggling churches Entering the farm abqut 7 a.m., Block laUnd, R. I., 3.47; Province- fessor. and Alrin McCormack of OiON'T I AIN'T in hostile surrounolhga, of town, 1.41; Falmouth, Maas., 3.38; Lewiston. increase your heating oil con­ 5 X . (FOA^ heaps filter BSINS ANV SHARIN' the man stayed until- early eve­ sumption 10% . . . sends |1 in churches in lands that are free end ning when he forced one of the five Brother Missing, Portland, Maihe, 1.57; Bridgeport, Idaho's two house members are acreena in y(MI^bumer clean LUNCH A6MN.HIV' r r .s o Jelke, Sylvia Eder, lands that are not free. Conn., 1.60; Augusta, Maine, 1.20, without primary opposition. In the every $10 up the chimney. all winter long eliminatoa WILL, DON'T TWV to drive him into Washington, OOMT Due to doctrinal differences, all where he fled on foot. and Salem, Mass:, .94. governor races, three Republicans We’ D inspect your heating MOOCHIN' NONC BonvieR Bristol Man Held a major cause of sendee callo.) A*» Reported Married the delegates wll)- not even take She prisoners were Harold E. and four Democrats .are entered. system at no charge. Then, if Coats no more a s k in '* part In the same Communion 2.08 tNOHES IN N. T; Gov. Cherry of Arkansas led Grimm, 82, his 47-year-old wifov you need it, our low cost 'vaeu- than ordinary services. But they will pray to­ two eons, Harold, Jr., 20, and Wil­ Bristol, Aug, 10 iE—Adam Ko- New York, Aug. 10 (E) — Rain­ three opponents In the. Democratic New York, Aug. 10 (>P)—Minot gether, talk together and hope to­ fall in New York City yesterday primary July 27 but lacked si yin cleaning and burner main- heating oils. liam, 16, and a brother-in-law, Cku-1 lanek, 38, who had reported the F. (Mickey) Jelke. has reportedly gether—to find a truer way.- W. MUler, 61. and last night measured 2-.08 majority. Hia second. term bid is tetiane* aerviee can get you Call uaYoday./ married And settled down to a "Something is going to happen Police and the FBI are Inveeti- myeterioas disappearance of his inches. challenged In the runoff by Orvsl domestic .Hfe in the Bronx while at Evanston this summer,” said, gatlng. brother, wte arrasted and held im- The weather bureau said the Faubus, publisher of a weekly 24.HOUR SERVICE awatlngi outcome o f the state's the Episcopal weekly, the Living The hoetagu reported that vriien der $10,000 bond last night Police rain, which aUrted at 5:10 a. m. newspaper at Huntsville. JR wilua^ efforts to make hia vice conviction Church. i'But just what is going they asked the man why he was in Chief Edmund S, Crowley said. and ended at 10:40 p. m. (EDT), A record vote was expected to ‘Uh e v «eeM, Ji// Ti stick. to happen is anybody's guess.’’ Crowley, who declined to elabor­ brought the total for August thus climax the runoff campaign,' one WHV MaTTHEBft dET OEAV _ 9m. hiding, he answered, "Don't expect NIATINO 7 -^ HAMS HIS The bride is identified op Sylvia me to tell you Chat." ate on the investigation, said Ko- far to 3.16 inches. This is 1.90 of the wildest in recent Arkansas M & M OIL SERVICE Eder, 25, the blonde model who William Grimm, th 16-year-old, lanek had been booked on a techni­ inches more than normal for the history. Nomination is equivalent TEL. MI-9-7540 or MI-9-5569 OIU A L L E Y OOF was in JeUds’s apartment two was accosted by the man when he cal charge of breach of the peace. first nine days of August. to election in the Democratic bal­ Out Of Line BY V.T. HAMLIN Ike Makes Good years ago when he was arrested Went to a bora to milk a cow. Kolanek repotted Sunday that hie Today’s forecast for the city loting: WE GIVE CONSUMER S'TAMPS ______. o u T E s a . NONE...THE \HFW IT DOtfT FIGURE' ' there and held for trial on com­ Ordered back into the houte, Wil­ brother, John, ^ failed to return and vicinity was for partly cloudy In Delaware’s Democratic con­ pulsory prostitution charges. .The On This Promise home Saturday night after borrow­ and warmer weather, with a vention, Frear is opposed for re- '^OTHEg/ WE’D BETTER SCREEN'S 7SEEM9 OOP HAS SOME liam called the rest of the family ing his car. . couple a^e said to have m arri^ in together and, at the gunman’s or­ chance pf showers or thunder­ nomination to a second Senate JSCAR. I O0NCEI4TRATE BLANK /HOW BEEN MOVED A Police quoted Kolanek as saying Georgia six. weeks ago. der, prepared breakfast with his storms late in the day or tonight. term by State Supreme Court DOING AU.V ON ALLEVL THERE! AGAIMV DEGREE OR SO OL"‘ New York newspapers quoted Washington, Auf. 10 (>P)—Presi­ that when he got up Sunday morn­ Justice James - M. Tunnell, RIGHr,___ WHATliW dent Eisenhower had promised hie older 'brother. ing he found the car parked in its E WITWTHE friends as saying the newlyweds Two more meals were eaten be­ Jr. Supportica of Tunnell predict­ NOW? ■MACHINE were living a quiet life in a four- grandchildren a boat rt-le. usual parking place but there were ed victory today after one o f the Kids nevte forget a promise like fore the man left with the elder bloodstains on the seats. Police State Health Dept. room Bronx apartment. Grimm. Before leaving, he ordered 60 delegates from Frear’a home AMESITE that,' and they held him to it. said there ■frere also bloodstains on county announced he’d vole for Their luidress waa not given,, the prisonere to bind each other however, and neither Jelke, his So last night he took them on the back porch of the bachelor Tunnell. The challenger is en­ a 4 -hour cruise, down the Po­ with cord tom from Venetian brothers’ house, ^ Studies Cancef reported bride nor her, parents blinds. dorsed by the state d O and AFL. tomac 'River to George Washing­ Adam also reported that a pair Also to be nominated are candi- DRIVEWAYS could be reached for'coTWhent. ton's *-htotoric home at Mount Leaving Grirnm's auto in an .’Jelke, 2S-year^ld' hd4 to an of trouaera and a shirt were mi**- Hartford, Aug. 10 (E)—The na­ ^ t e a for Congritos'.and four state Vernon. alley near 15th and Q Streets on ing from the clotheeline, police tion’s first (cport on . the cancer offices. . ■ oleomargarine fortune, was con­ the northwest side, he took $13 said. . EXPERTLY IPOTALLED victed of pandering after a sensa­ When the return trip ended at problem of an entire state over a DelawsrI Republicans ■will hold 10 p.m. grinning Grandfather Ei­ from Grimm. - tional trial, part of,^ which was Police leid Sunday- they Had long period of time will be pub­ their - nominating Convention a' T-aa,»aaeM.ea senhower-led the three sm alf and The group at' the farm had learned that John had . borrowedN closed '-0 the press and i>i:bUc. The lished by the Connecticut Health week from tomorrow.. laMGradtHg^L-MaeMMSpiwd — '•-•oi O, wMiysasstwefcS^ sleepy children ateore, looking frete themselves, meanwhile, and $30'from S’,friend Saturday and Department ______Appellate Division of the State Fenm S«t — Powtr Roltd "Ed Bsnnis, Frank Barton, Charlit Phalan— all tha man Sbprerte Court later upset this every bit as though he Led as much caUed police about lO p.m. made the rmuids of local bars and The report, preparation of C«p» «>— >>«>* >w. T. «a-> 4 - » A P * — fun as they did.- T h f man Wfs described as about taverns. He was last seen, they which was announced yesterday Use: Porliiiig Lets — Tcmiis Ceerts — W ela > AND HER BUDDIES I know hava automatic dlahwashar$r conviction, sayirg the judgo erred said, in a bar with an unidentified Health H6ur in cloelng the trial during presen­ Flve-year-oId Bar'uara Anne 30 years old, short and stocky. by the department, will cover 75.- RY EDGAR MARTEN walked acroes the gan.^iplank at- With brown hklr and eyes and woman and later waa seen- walking 556 cases of cancer occurring be­ tation of the.'proeccvtion'a case. In the vicinity of hia home. Just Opened! 10«/o FOR CASH TRANSACTIONS F*KO 9 0 BU Z S A W Y E R Jelke is now' .'rca on bail while t'.ie Naval Gun Fa-’tory pier wear­ swarthy complexion. He waa wear­ tween 1935 and 1951. «av.MR.WXT.l HNftO^V W«r BY ROY CRANE ing a nightgown 1 nder a robe. A ing. an Army Jacket and green Adam was quoted by police aa The total will include 56,898 Terms tho- state carrfM the case to the saying John came to him about if desirecl. TOLKM r ------I yoji VJiStt, UKIDUt Oburt. o f appeals . In an attempt maid carried tired httle Susan. pants. cases reported to the', esnper She's 2. /- 11:30 Saturday night and asked to registry which the health depart­ CAL. ; I ORCUMSTWNCIS •tXCV>S'EO TROM to have- this reversal ruled out. borrow the car. Adam said that A U INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED lY Twt wvism>oo»4 •wiNasK h d o r *.* If the reveraal stands, Jelke will David, 6, had more spark left / ment established in 1936, and 18,- JET was the last he saw of hia brother. AM M be entitled' to a new trial.- than his sisters. When the 04-foot 658 rases reported by death cer­ Na'vy cabin cr- 'str pulled to tlie Ex-Pro Admits to tificates only. NS Miss Eder was, Strested with WELDING GO. Jeike'.ahd K The party had dinner aboard.- Hospital for. psychlatrilv.examina- pared with treatment' in small t ^ . He has been a patient there Mfg. Co. In Stratford. hospitala ^MELUim!on,m^Y-Ya) , As the craft cast off, the Presi­ Some normals for the period are previously, and has a police re­ Dr. George J. Molnar, medical It SOGUPyOUOULEP# MIESE? aa follows. Boston 72, Provide^c dent—a big smile on hia face— liie Health Depa.rttrient said T cord of arreits for burglary. examiner, said he would make s' also that there art indications 70, Nantucket 67, New Haven Tb, was 'seated on the open fantall, -IMASJUSTGOWGA F-WHyf He once played football at the further investigOion of Pelton’a that tha cancer problem, differs HOME OU JKfKM ID/tSK/AANT TIMES iMlST. ■ JOCAIDOO!, ConcortL N. H., 68, Burlington 69, his family around him. He held Susan oh his lap and David aat University of Miami and with the death today before filing a report between rural ana urban areas, «WJWMaUOOTA ITHl)0U?7!Wl Portland'67, Eastport 63, Green­ defunct Bos'ton Yankees of the ivlth the coroner. . . . ville 63 and Presque Isle 65. alongside with a life preserver and. that its report will be used in miLHNSTB^iJFJtSnMOSSEilUTAAKE All-American Pro Football Con­ an effort to learn the reason for rot£Wi1MMMi(^^ . At Boston Hit normal maximum aropnd his shoulders. Barbara ference. FINANCING temperature (tauing this period, i^ Anne scanned the horizon through MINIATURE FIRE TRUCK such a difference, if it exists. - KKRSff ^ AW — Glisson Was arrested July 27 at Kalamazoo, Mich. (E) — A man- 4 0 and; the normal minimum' a pair of binoculara T O H T > his room in nearby Phoenixville, ufacturhg plant here has made a DO IT YOURSELF temperature is 64, "All right children,'' their grand­ Sgt. Thpinas V. Devlin of the Rain during this neriod-will bn father called, "Here we go." small, three-wheeled fire truck fer Lynn, Mass. (E)r—Sewcrs'‘ 8upier- JW. State Police aaid. indoor use. The truck, -the com- the average total over Vx inch oc­ irftendent Edward F. CartoU says A Fro^ could win ' -The-President first promised the The defendant's own list ot rob­ painy says, is small enough to pass ;Fi^ when it comes He'll still be on curring in showers and scattered boat ride when hit -grandchildren a number of l^nvy gratings 'from „no, prizes beries included Just about every through’ a standard doorway and YOUB NEEDS For his beauty vacation thunderstorms early Wednesday arrived for a White House visit crtch basins have ))cen disappear­ — me and, in more general rain late country club in the Philadelphia squeese thrpugh narrow aisles. It ing. One o f them was found bn a n his private „ three weeks ago. 'hiey had been area, ahd more than a dozen col­ Carries a 210-gallon, water tank or his Voice, - tool Thursday'and Friday.- after him ever since to make good. homemade barbecue' set-up in ' a swlmminp poed?^ X lege football and basketball tyess-: and Your firemen. nearby backyard.’ CAPTAIN EASY ’ An Old Friend . BY LESLIE TURNER See Manchester Savings and Loap As- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIEND! .IT • ' rOTTBiCa SORB SECkUM ^ T ir i d r T gsEMftO 1 GUB5A 3M " Scratched BY MERRILU C BLOS8ER 1 NSlOTeO ME MOVE HIS SHELSV.. SWWN U p '------REAENTED ttIfiO sociation first, for your home loan and CAR IH» AWP, L6T THIS Alt Of A &UPPEKI ! % I'LL SHOW TOO- . ■Si.. SEUr 70“MBeT •# ALLYA ) I MUSTA LAOy OOT MV TaAlN. THATIg eOTTA DO 6 STAND> WHH y you’ll be satisfied. Over 62 years experi­ Y'SAY tmat^ '/ ,A . DONC WHVHeWA5 5i) / TbUR BACKTO trf 1^1 R)MB?M(A automatic b a c k r ence in arranging home financing has QUlCK-TEMPEItED! scratcmek >iouve I' WaOHCb PIOWROMe/ •NVENTYOTHOW LARP/ Does F ‘ given this institution the ability to help .you in every way. Come in at your con­

venience for a confidential discussion.

CemptotD coop*ro||oR to buiMors qimI roflitors. V IC F L IN T ,) /l f T » - Important Errand T.'a Sig. a a. eM aa BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHAWAYNl Looking Back ’’ TMOMtKrMOUVpBaDBWgrfi F ^ ) NOTAWIVPE UieVL. BY WII,SON SCRUGGS M seili AO HOW VetflUi VMSt" 4laAAIIVHIA,nUATMI^lAWVBfliifSlT»HMCW iHslnott Hours: I H g R d U . It’s a M Msier to see ibe brighW aide of G Mooday, Tuesday, Friday— /r^THUNT'-nOIC gW^MAler -^^AfMARfVTBk ^CAuaeweAeet/ Ihisgs—when jreM're ckewisf a slick ef Opsa 8 A. M. to .8 P. M. I reirtsMsg Wriflej's Sfeantenl Gaaa See T G T b u r s E la y G ^ •* kew ekevtat H frtekeaa jreer etoeik. Esiey; Opsa 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. .tkal N«c|]r seewMtoi flater~ah>ays pleteiag.' seliaiyiag. ETsrjr day, treat yoeraelf to a teck'>. I a Wedaeadaya aod i8atordayan> if age eg de)iriMis Wrigley's Secartniel Gnn. Opea t A.* M. la 12 Naoa I

m M u % IN E X m SlV B )a v ih g 9 & 7: HI ( BATISTYING Miithsstsr Ssslsts $ Lsm Ato^sMss-tllTIliiiSt. m n I i ^ 1. ^ 4-1 . \ / ■ii:, , ! •:

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:£ANCHESTER SVENING H^ALP. ijANCHESTERs conk, TT^DAy Ta UGUST 10. 1954 Cole Paces Legion .Hitters, M cD onoiigli Leading PAGE \ Stretch o a o n First National Bank Sees Action Heir Apparent [Oaini Landy^s Shortstop Boosts .475 Honors G>urt / Foot Injured Sports Rriundup Tag-Team Go-Features In State Alumni League Tourney Mark; Myles Wins Six Nominates 52 I Dream Miler Had Deep By JACK HAND '^^nated tha five-man infield on the (dash with Bridgeport Gagh on Foot Before (Ear Gaaie TUbet) bunt eitiMfion. We used it againat Weekly Wrestling Card Bank Shortstop Branch Rickey Reveals Fprtinmen .Posted 11*2 Elect 40 Griddcri^ 12 Ooopentown,*m. KN. . T., Aug. 10 UP) At Thompsonville in Plight of the Pirates Running, Says Doctor Robust Averagti CoachcB to ’ Prapoied —H ie wKbaU. outlaared in the the GianU\m Cincinnati arith a First Test Tomorrow Record; Johnson Close majors many yaara ago. atiU pops man on eacMd base. The left Local wnnUtng Cane w81 ba What has happened to Vancouver, B. C.. Aug. 10 (Jf)— Grid Hail of Fame up In the dUgouU aa a topic of fielder come i^ t o play third and treated to a real tbrllle • toaigM In Three Departments; , Wrefitliiig Idol at Mt. Nebo when Gypsy Jae Iqasea, paced Manchester's club to Universitjr. where the fiMt inter- then rubs the baU In i t He rube Joe Bradis of the AP’s Pitts­ circumstancea. eblleglate game was plagred with the sweat off hie brow, rubi a wot hitters, men like Gus Bell end Jim at ML Nebo tonithL Field. The locals will face Brldge- a fine 11 and 2 season’s record. V Oo-feeturlng the card arm he a p ^ . which downed Thompsonville burgh bureau has written a Princeton 85 jrears age. spot on his pants. i- Grefhgreae, haven’t been coming But Dr. Ken Young of the Uni­ Mac Superb \ /• through. The left-handed pitching, team match between Jeeee Sunday, 5 to. series of three storie.s, with ex­ versity of British Columbia Health -:^7>lrd sacker Gene Johnson, Ihe selaetions were announced "He is a young fellow with great tensive and revealing quotes Bill Cunningham ef Boston, possibilities. He Is going to be supposedly the strength of the JansGt mnd Aat*inio L doiig qii oho Bankers Draw B.ve Service said a meipber of his staff whose big bat helped' keep the team against FVaiUt James, the The Banker* drew a bye. In the from Rickey, tcilihg uiiat has irman of the Honors Oburt, around a long ttma aad 1 hate to R ^ ’ staff, hasn’t measUreprts editor for the Csnadlin earned run average. \ I. has startled some of base- Birdie sees the National League dict two weelu ego when he ahip in tha Alumni League, win­ Press. " 4 T^e runs acored, hits, and RBI aration sraa glvon Oqiy to coaches purtaU with his Btrategic Daiuy Renn .who had r a tlm from aetlva aanrlea as a three-team race right down meaeed up the hereto un(jeeten ning their Brat eight games, drop­ Bahnister won the "Miracle AJaa Cole leader^ip all went to Cole. The He came Up with a four- to the wire with New York and Ooigeoua George. The perfiu^ ping a thriller in their ninth test, Mile" in. 3.58.8 with a final apiirt ■lick-nelding shortstop crossed the .A, for five yeue. outfield one day in 8t. Louie Iha new liat raises to 105 the' Brooklyn in the favored spots. HoU]Wood. Honey araa ae much and than wrapping up the title that put him acroas the finish line dish 16 times, collected 19 hiU, aijd end a five-man infield in a bunt "I don’t know whether Milwau­ ■urprlacd ea anyone when Z o a a Heavy Schedule some five yards ahead of Landy, number of players and coachae with a IS to 0 slauiditer of the Local Sport With Maureen (^nnolly sidelined by an Injury sustained In a knocked in 12 n(iu. Johnson plsMd eituatlon. He defends both moves kee can catch two boll clubs or made exceUent use o f his feet Xlks. Since that time Daigle haa who had led most of the way.i second In these same depairbi^nta. hohorad. In tha Hall of Fame’s fbet as entirely logical. (iding accident, Mrs. Beverly Baker Fleitz, above, another southern _ - * departrtu election in 1901, 58 players and not," he eoid. "The Giants are a Md lege as decoys end succeeded uasd h}a regulars sparingly in On Tap Tonight Landy was timed in 3:59.6. scoring 12 times, b s n g iii^ u t 15 "W o used tha fourth man in the good ball club, better than all of in out-emertlng Ceorge. Califomian, is expected to subceed the San Diego miss as the women's O'Brien , broke the story in a hits, and collecting coaohea ware chosen. Icagua games, glviiig his aubsti Chatter national singles champion at Forest Hills, Aug. 28-Sept. 6. (N EA). I f n i ’s. outfield against Stan Mualal In S t us thought in the eprihg, end Gonsalce, the ameUlng vaga- tutaa a chance to get. some ex copyrighted arUcle in the Star Cunningham aaM future alac' Louis. There were taro out end, tions win be Umitad *6 a few who Brooklyn has the echedule going LonA Ukee to play It without the partcnce for next year. Rain yesterday washed out a yesterday. He said Landy suffered . onjy three home runs if Muaiel had doubled, he arould for it. They eUII have 10 games book. Bums haa Us own taetirt heavy sports schedule last night, the cut when he stepped from a can equal tha grpetaees of thoaa FttoUng Big Asset INTERMEDIATE League **'*'*•“ «"• on* e»ch haveYepiasanted the tying run. He left, I think, with Pittsburgh al­ to compeneata for thia type arreet- Pitching haa been the big asset but. weather permitting, a full cal- games, including tonight's Man­ shower and onto a photographer’s by Ed W^(5tk. Ken Irish, and Steve already selactad. atruck ou t So It didn’t make any Mng. Icndar of sporting events should be flash bulb. , The players, drere oonsklarad In though that may he no bargain with the champs th^ year, and chester Tlre-Roy Motors gamei Giants Falter, Still **.''*" rattled off difference that I had my ahortstop the way the Pirates have blten Yha tag team affair hM the ^ s o tha ability to get the hits on tap tonight. will start at 6 o’clock Instead of Dealea Report the I c o n ’s bats with Moe Mor- two groupa: B) ware chosen from playhig left center. Two games will be play< tha Walter Camp Era (1889-1924) roughing up Eddie Stanky’s vaklnge of a rougband tumbla when they counted>'most. Four-of play^ at at 6:15 as in the past. The Montreal reporter said ****** Escavich leading . "Braiich Rickey actually origl-' boys" match. Jaeaa .Jamca and Leone ere tha beys on the team own .300 or Charter Oak Field tonightt starting Landy told him of the Injury to YEaTEBnavs e e b c l t b 4 .Mat department with two each. and 20 from tha Post-Oamp Era NsUm sI food wreatleiv—and dean. They better batting averages. Bob Carl at 6 o’clock. Nasaiff Aiinns and hia foot but swore him to secreijy Johnson atood alone in the two- (1925-1945.) Brown and Beaupre of the Alumni MIKE REARDON, commission­ Lead Limping Dodgery No games scheduled. Walter Oaiap Era m ^ have their troubles with Von aon (4-0), and Dana.Cannon, (3-1, er of the National Little League, "because it would sound like an . Aaurleaa bsM-hits column, hammering four, Eric. PVank James, the men with are the leaffing hurlers writh the League meet as the Almunl sched­ alibi” and “I can’t let the crowd No games echeduled. X Players choaan from tha Walter ule draws to a close. After tonight haa rescheduled the remainder of STAMOINOS X ..J **** *"*•* bases, five, Camp Bra: the hard head f’ho uaea, it ae a Ztenkers. Pete BeckwlU and Bob the league's games as follows: Braves on Move, Giants i behind his 1953 toUl in runs batted down." Mallaaal x- with Johnson and Rick Paquette Deci’s, Talcotts Meet battering ram. is cunning. only three games remain to be „ Pct;GBL following with four apiece. __ ... 4A/0 Twev Joseph Alexander, Syracuse, By BEANS REABOON Reynolds each have one' win aiid Aug. 11, Fairfield's vs. Legion; V I I •nd more than 100 points below I ^ n d y proipromptly denied <^af Black' lUwi: and Bolo am no loeses, while Joe Dyer and Dan played in league competition. On New "york ...... « 41 * ‘ Only one no-hit, no-run game oeiNGr roK cso TO guard (’21); Stanley K. Barnes, 24 Yean la National Leagae the softball field tbe National Soft- Aug. 13, Auto Parts vs. Legion; And BuniS Fail, Yanks jhia^battlng average of lastiyear. Brooklyn ...... TU& WITH THB making return ppevaacaa here. McKaever have seen limited It is utterly . and vdmpletely Milwaukee v ;.. S« was hurled during the seaaon./fiiat Callfronla, tackle (’U ); Bert Bos­ Written for NEA Service ball Congress Tournament con­ Aug. 16, Auto Parts vs. Fair- But C^mpy mainly was just an­ OAMB BULK ON ton. Minnesota, and (’17); Gordon Q.—Did BUI Stewart, the Na­ acnrice on the hill for the champs. field's; Aug. 18, Fairfield's vs. Try Second Division other gun in what already was the silly to think that. I or anybody Philadelphia .,,< ..... 64 by right hander McDonoughs l& n - In Softball Tourney Patrolling the outer gardens for tinues with Deci’a Drive-In facing could run with four stitches in the 8t.- Louis ..... ,62 cheater plUhera allowed 37 runs OPPEN6BAOK im U O M S f F. Brown, Yale, guard. (’01); John ■ J . tional Laague usnplre, play baee- Tam to Feature the East Hartford Talcotts. Morlarty's;' Aug. 20, Auto Parts Clubs on Home Stand mbat powerful attack . In the Clnclnn*lL<...... 82 R. Dewitt, Princeton, guard (’04); baUT—Andy Frechoni. the Bank will probably be In the vs. Moriarty’s. league, , and his cohort^—Duke foot. There is absolutely nothing Chicago X...... 44 ®,PP®**Uon in 11 gamea A t'M t. Kebo St. James’ CYO to i t ” Pltls^ilufgh ...... 39 while the local stickers drove home Hamilton Ftah, Harvard, tackle A .—Btowart >ad played hands of Alan Oates, (.364), Bob tangles with the league-leading Snider, Doak Walker Harold H. Weakaa, Columbia, back ted baU strikes the pitcher's foot batting mark for the first 11 league-leading St. Bridget's crew crew and the third sacker for St. first-place Giants. After their June (15-8) vs. (iarver (9-7). again (and they’ve been frustrated <’02), and D. Belford West, Col­ to 2, ahd| the Talcotts dropping, a Uie Bret time tide year, with gamaa played this season. “ Salnst first division'blubs.j doctored the cut early Friday, said _Philadelphia at’ New York (night) —„ Omper, OF 10 33 9 .273 and Bob HoCriisehemeyert still and ricochets into the etande be­ ■laMes match ploy. in a Church Softball League game. surge the New Yorkers have rock­ 1 7 . Milt liotfA 4rv ______1 ¥ 1___ a ^ ____ . since 1950), this year is it. Cyril’s of Hartford; played Sun­ more Landy had four stitches on his Pracano (4-8) vs. Orlm (14-4). * Morhardt. QF 12 41 11 ramble behind the front wail. Against Lions gate, tackle (’31). 8 to 0 decision to Hamilton Stand­ tween home plate and fin t base. A large contingent of local fans This contest gets underway at day against the Westover Field ed along at a 19-16 clip since the Baltimore at Chicago (night) —Krel- .269 The charity extravaganza, Fost-Camp Em . m two-degr eocnpetltiaB pre­ la expected to make the trip to w-ithWith St.ct !....■Louis------and- ....th^ Cardinala . I right fool, "just in front of the Irish, P-OF 6 15 4 .267 Good Quarterbacking ard. Foul or fair and if the letter how' 6:15. At the West Side Oval, Boy Flyers in Massachusetts: The lo­ traditional. July 4 turning-point. low (2-7) vs. Ksegsn (14-6). scheduled for tho night of Aug. 13 Players elected from'' the Poat- cedes the $105,000 "worid** flaide ThompsonvlUe to watch the game. always have, been tough for Mit- heel." The assistant refused to al­ Washington at Boston (day-nighi) — Wojclk, C 12 42 10 .238 The All-Stars, coining In from Bem ly Betoru many bases can the batter take? to promoter Deorge May’s two- Mqjtors and Manchester Tire meet cal 16-year-old youth played with But the Dodgers, who trailed by wauker. ■ Marrsro (8-4)) and Pnrtsrfisid " (11-8) in mammoth Soldier Field before See Outcome of Oassic Camp Bha; s. Tha lu t two years in a row Man­ low; the use of his name. Sweet, 2B 12 46 10 .217 an intensive three-weSk girding Despite a eeneatlonal pitching —RufUs Raymond. w ^ axtravagauxa at Tahi and in an Intermediate League contest the Hartford Collegians, com­ 3',i on Independence Day, still are vs. Brswsr (7-8) and Parnsll (0.8). Hohenthal, 1>B 12 100,000 and a few million. TV sets, period under Jim Tatum and. s ti^ James Bauach, Kansas, back chester fans have been disappoint­ at 6 o’clock. 3 full games behind. They’ve won Nine games remain between the 38 7 .185 is tjllted toward the collegians be­ Depending on Aerials; performance by Wee Willie Bev­ A . (A ) FooL (B ) Fair and aen- foUowa the AU'>Acerieaa Tounley, posed of outstanding college play- Giants and^odgers, six of them in McDondtigh, P 10 24 3 .125 at Lafayette, Ind., aren’t exkcily (’81); Jay Berwangar, Chicago, erly, who struck out 15 Vet bet­ aUy two bases, the Utter depead- ed with our representatives' play, With a bteak from'the weather­ era in the area. 20 and lost 16 while the Braves cause .of a new wrinkle in the back (’36); ChrisUan K. Cagle, won^Buaday by Jerry Barirtr ef la s t year Brown and Beaupre Brooklyn. The Giants also have Hedluihl, P 1 2 0. .000 puny or talen't-shy, either. Pros Lead in Series ters in six Innings while holding lag on the greuad rules. La Oeaada, CSQlf. ~ man Manchester’s sportln;g fans have como with a rush, winning rules. Army, back (’30); Frank CarlSio, won its opening game and then 12. left ’ with fourth-place Phila g Records i • For one, tht mediocre quarter- the Hardware City nine to a pair Q.—The umpire-ln-chief la In a A fleM o f about 90 men n n h — will have a large num ber'of ath­ The average Elaatem League 24 and losing 10, to pull within 4Vj Pitcher The defending champion Detroit backing. Which plagued them in Notre Dame, back (’31); Gerald dropped the second round contest. letic events to pick from tonight. ■ games of Brooklyn and 7‘ i-Of the deljphia and five with Milwaulcee. Hhody, N. Y. Complete W L Pet. BY CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN of hits, Decl’e lost and now have kneeling posiUon on the third baas 40 nemptad pU :^. 82 fofalgn umpire is 31 years old. The Giants atop off for a single McDonough 6 0 1.000 Lions prefer to call it a full- the 24-10 loss to the Lions last Chicago, Aug. 10 (/P)—There is Daltymple, Tulane, end (’32); Mor- line, atMut five feat from the pUte. Manchester wa.s the scene of the Giants. ley Drury, Southern California, their becks againat the wall. Tom­ «* *»hpe and the 25 low ecortce tn tourney last year. The same team ganle in Pittsburgh tonight and Simmons 1 0 fledged curve. Under . colle^ate year, has been remedied by Bobby my Kelley, the Drlye-In’s regular A runner etteeDpttng .to score ruru the AU-Amaricen-^-hegaa etiortiwg I Q. How many times ha« Willie Calls on Podres x ' 1.000' growing belief that the College ba<* (’28) ; Wesley E. Peslar, Ohio represented Manchester the year The St. Louis Cardinals operate the Braves open a three-game set Irish 3 2 .600 regulations,- they’ve got to discard OaiTett of Stanford and Zeke receiver, wee out Mrith a sore around the urniUre only to he in the rich "world’* touni^ Thurs­ Miranda, the Yankee shortstop, 22 5iinor lekgue- clubs In 15 states, Brookljm hopes to get tfie an­ their platoon system, teitch the- All Stars might meet with success State, end (’81); Thomas D. Har­ before last and also won th,lir firat in St. Louis. Legion Tourney Field Bratkowski of Georgia, probably Friday night agaiiist the Profes­ throat Thursdey end two .out­ tagged out by the‘catcher. The day. First prise U worth WMO been involved in trades T^Ralph (Canada■ and nil Mexico.Me swer to its-vital starring pitcher boys on offense how to tackle, the the finest passing tandem to come mon, Michigan, back (’41); Mel untpire rules Interference on hie contest and dropped the second. Cuomo. * In the American L e ^ e the New sional Champion. fielders had to split the catching 6 Hippo Oerreutl in cash end------a 350,000$ " ‘ ' exhtUtlim problem tonight in J^hiladelphia. boys on defense how to block. out of the colleges in the past Hein, W ash in ^ n State, center pert and aeiida the runner back to A. WiUle started out with the with a passing attack, equalling (’31); James Hitchock, Auburn,* duties during the game. Beverly's contract. \ <1. Were there ever any left; Q — A claims Hank Bauer of Manager, Walt AJslbn haa picked So rather than risk' injury to a decadf. third base. U this crrrect?-rXolm Senators, was traded to the White Johnny Podresopen a two-game baTk, oT a^ vV ianH------iirT'astring ^ 1 Providen ce Post N o. 89 , Last Nights Fights valuable piece of bric-a-brac like anything ever seen in the lost 20 back (’S3); Herbert Joasting, Dfin- ■tuff was just too fast for them Siimdtaneoiady, wooMn pttie and BhiKlad second basemen, short­ the Yankees was once a pitcher. B Batting Leaders For' running diversion they can Ftrrerl, Jr. awn and women amateuia will be Sox in 1952, was strapped to the says he’s crasy. Who is right? series again^'the Phils. or 15 games against second-divi­ quarterback by sub­ years of the football classic. ; neaota. fullhack ( ’23); John C. and through passed balla and er­ Former Gridder s t o p or third basemen in the ma­ sion foes by entertaining the Staten Island to Play call on John Lattner and Neil A crowd of about 90,000 WlU rors the winners eeored five un­ A--4Boet certainly aoL TMa la aimotlng for th*j" epecial crowna Browns and back again before the A — A. Bauer played the out-' This will be the second start for By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS jecting him to 60 minutes of pun­ Wofden of Notre Dome, Paul Kimbrough, Texaa A. A M..,full- a cnee e f mlaeraMe aagrirtag. Oal^ jor 1 ^ guca? —Lair(ence Smith. season started. Hi 1953 he was field and Infield anil pitched for the little southpaw since an appen­ Phtiladelphia Athletics. (Cleveland In Regionals; Teains Still Hold Edge Brooklyn- Walter Cartier, 182, ishment. they’ve got someone- pack into huge Soldier Field to ^ k (’41): Eugene T. McEvar, earned runs to win the game. Each-of today’s and tomorrow's A—4i d Chase played a few Cameron of UCLA, Cfiiet Hanulak watch the graduated collegians Confesses Thefts whea aa umpire Interferes with a intemationri-matoh playere traded to the Browns again and Oshkosh of the Wisconsin State dix operaUon. He liKmldn’t make it 52** fo Detroit and third-place New York drew with Ted Olia, named at quarter­ -nf Maryland and Veryl Switzer of Taimassaa, back (’30); A. J. Ober- Deci’a sport, some of the best gamea at sMood bMe for the Yan­ Chicago will be at home against Arriving Here Friday X . attempt to grab their first victory' softball players In the area. Hippo catcher attemptiBg to thtow Is the celvee------3500------for Ms affoiforts. T h m then the Yankees grabbed him. League In 1941, his first year in the first time, lasting only 3 2/3 162, Milwaukee, 10. back on two separate (inits. Kansas State. landcr, Dartmouth, back (’26); ball dead. Ia asqr ether eltaathw kee# e f ISlSsSad the R ^ s of 1916. Baltimore. New York,' Aug. 10 (P)—Duke over the Oorrentl, Red GavcUb, Beverly, Norrletown, Pa., Aug. 10 Ufi— A U no winning priae. Q — How long did John Niggel- organized baseball. i Innings against St. Louis last week. Snider of the B rook ly n ___ New York—Danny ,Jo Pefez, ■ Five Full Teams The line roster is’’ spotted with BangihUn G, Ooatarbaan, Michigan, iBvelvIag aa anpire It le aSve. Eld Mohler, ashortstop, got into ing,. formerly with the Browns and In other action (Chicago will be (Champions o f Rhode Island dnd Dodgers 139, New York, stop’ped Dickie "So,” cays a Lion spokesman, champions since 1950 and their end (’23);O aorge H. Sauer, Neb­ Benny Paguii, and Joe Thompson former University of Miami and Flayers wars chosen on the Q.—Exactly how big is Nellie Dodger supporters are quick to and Irv Noren of the New 'York All-Americas—ends. Don Dohoney seventhr in the series. The game Q. How many years did recently bqsU of their showing in the AH- three gamee with the Waahlngton Senators, pitch? Fox ? point out the bad year Roy (?ampa- at,,__ Cincinnati_ , tonight Ih the Na 1 New York State were crowned over Wong. 138 >4, Honolulu, 2. "the All-Stars have five full teams of Michigan State ' and Carlton raska, fullback (’34); Frank Sink- all are experienced players. With Boston Tanks football player bee NaUoiiSla of ISMk' Yankees continue to hold com­ will be televised (Dumont) and retired Eddie Stanky jUay. la the American. A — 19 years, minor and major. A— 5-10, 160. nella is having. TKe big catcher New Orleans—Willie Pastrano. to throw against our. two. Our men Massey , of Texas, tackles Art wich, Georgia, back (’43); Ben­ catchsr KsUy back in action, they confessed btoaling $25,318 in a major leagues?. bo. , 4 m s manding leads in the major league broadcast (Mutual). nationally ■erlea of 635/ burglaries, State Po­ troubled by an injured hand, is 100 T , ' * I" 161 >4, New Orleans, stopped are older an;r take longer to get in Hunter of Notre Danie and Stan jamin Tlcknor, Harvard, canter present a formidable lineup. A . Staaky aaw 11 yearn e f aercr nightaaiewu* doublebeader. ^ | R«gionRl Amertcaii Lsgtosi batting race# .today, although both starting at 8:30 p. m. EST. . . — — Talcotts Tough - ■ . lice Sgt, . Tom Devlin said last Latin reached its height ae a slumped last week. Tommy Bazsaho, 152, Hartford, shape, which grives the All-Stars Jones of Maryjohd and guard (^31): B yitar (W btnarT White; lee with five Nathmal Leagae No games were scheduled Junior Baseball (3)apit>ionahips be­ Conn., 8. The pros bave woft 12 times and Colorado, back (’33); Edwlii Wld- The Talcotts could not take ad.- night. I betwrea 80 B. C. end 17 in Snider tops'the National League ah edgeJA stamina, too. Crawford Mims of kfississippi. two games were .tied. either league yesterday. ginning at Mt. 'Veb9 Saturday Oakland, Calif.-C asey Jones, " W e ^ wasting a lot of time The All-Stars haye grabbed only set, Minnesota, Tackla (’37). vantage o f the . breaka In thejr He said Gemge T. (JUsson, S3, of rr^* with a .354 Average and is 15 Borne experts concede the All . Coaches U i^ r Merlon, suburban Philadel­ Remaining Games afternoon. points ahead of runnerup Stan' 119, San Francisco, stopped John­ teachjiig our .veterans- phases 6f one of - the last six encounters— game with the Props. Twice they lUmalning games for the thfree Providence Fox ,'oet 89 will ny Ortega, 113, Alameda. CMlf.. 9., the.2;amc they don’t need during Stars a 50-50 chance, mainly b(H Coaches elected (firat college loaded the-aacke only to go doom phia had confessed the thefts at Musial of the Cardinals. The when llttls Choo-(^oo Justice and cause the Lions, whh romped to a THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT IN CAR leading pennant Contenders in the repreaent the amalleat state in the L4>s -Angeles—Manny 'llenteria. the sehson. '^ e ’re neglecting our spialler Ekidie LeBaron romped bated is alma mater, bated la wlthbu; scoring. Wimpy Wilson country club locker rooms and National League: Brooklyn outfielder lost four points 24-10 triumph last year, will be re­ school and college dressing rooms union . Huttner-Pasqr.alini Poet in going 6-for-21 In last week’s 1354, Los Angeles, outpointed pkies. About the. only one who around the complacent Phlladbl- parenthesaa are principal collages and Joe Gleason, both local play­ New York—home (21): Brook 1367 o4 Staten lalcnd defeated the Freddie (Babe) Herman, 143, Los quired to abandon their two- where aelectaa. coached): ers, art leiding stickers with the during the past three years. PAINTING SINCE THE SPRAY METHOD game# figures to break' in the game is phia Eagles, 17-7, in 1950. platoon system and operate under lyn 3, Cincinnati 2, (Chicago 2 Henry P. Smith Poet 24 of Rome Angeles, 10. Bill Stlts, Ot'halfback from UCLA, The full tally for 20 games Hugo Bezdek, Chicago (Oregon, Best Hartford entry. The teem is Police said that most of the Milwaukee 3, Philadelphia 6 at Oneonta in he Erapire State Noren’s average dwindled 11 collegiate riiles of limited substi­ Arkansas, Penn State); Frank W. burglaries were committed in (NKE A YEAR ONLY on the seront^iinlt.” reads: Pros 12, AU-Stars 6, 2 ties- leading the East Hartford Recrea­ Pittsburgh 3, St. Louis 2. Away finals. , , ^ poinU to .339, but he is 12 points in Ralph H. Young, Michigan tution. This, of course, does away Cavanaugh, Dartmouth (Dart­ Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Gao-gantuan Les Bingaman, the with specialists— the backbone of tion Softball League. (M): Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 1, front of Minnie Minoso of the C3ii- SUte’s Director of Athletics, led impenetrable bulk in the middle'oj^ Largest freNi-water soimd In mouth, Fordham, Boston Cbl- counties in Southeastern Pennsyl- DEMONSTRATORS a ii FLOOR SAMFLES With ♦he field coniple(e, Ted cago White Sox, hia closest pur­ professiontd teams. Fine crowds have turned but for vanib.^ School dressing rooms en­ (Chicago 3. Milwaukee 2. Philadel­ Fairbanks, general chgl^uan, an­ the -East in football scoring in the- defensive lihe. is learning to the United State<. is Albemarle lege): Harbart O. (Fritz) Crlaler. the first two tourney games end phia 6. Pittsburgh 1, St. Louis 4. suer. The Yankees’ outfielder went 1912. He played fullback for Wash'- Sound, in North- (Carolina. Great Passers Chicago (Chicago, Minnesota,' tered .included those of the Uni FACTORY METHOD PAINTINC nounced today (hat Ctonhy SbUlane 5-for-24. ■ ■ shovel the ball bqck on offense. The All Stars always have been tonight ehould be no exception. versity of Pennsylvania, Pehn CHECK THESE PRICES! ington and JSfferson. - Princeton, Michigan); Charles E. *24): Clncln- of Brockton, Juaar., will serve aa "You should have seen my snap- their best against the pros when Fans at the opening game are stilt State, Princeton, Rutgers, Temple, natl 3, (nileago 2. Milwaukee 2, tournament directoy. Lou Briaaie, Musial, seeking his seventh bat­ backs tile other day," he chuckles, The word "sai Jine” Coe len from (Gus) Dorais, Notre Dame (De­ talking about the n^lbition piit on J- ting crowm, remains in contention their s(]uads were led by great troit, Gonzaga): Richard C. Har­ ViUanova.^, The thefts were spread New York 6. I^lladelphla 4, PitU- rormer major league pitcher and "when Jim Martin was-prlactlclhg the f#ct4^iat this fish first was passcrii by BevSrly who.let only two bells almost throughout the entire year. burgh-6, St. Lotds 2. Away (20): now head M the Le ion Baceball for National League hitting honors placekicka. The ball looked like a caught off the island o f Sardinia, low, Penn State (Penn State, Ool'^ go out of the infield all night but TWO ONLY— MASTERCRAFT EOAT TRAILEIIS IN OUR INFRA-RED BAKING TUNNEL Cincinnati 2, (Chicago 2. Milwau- with .339. The slender Cardinal Quarterbacks Zek4 Bratkowski gate, Western Maryland, Har­ Police said GUsson had a record Program, appointed Sptllane. wounded duck floundering along." near Ital^ of Georgia; Bobby Garrett; Stan- ■till lost the game. o f ' petty thievery and had been £«« <• N«w York 8. PhllB(lelphla 2, Stamford rvon the CTonnecticut gained one point writh ll-for-31 as vard): John W. Hfisman, Brown Modal S1-2S0. 12* baaiii. Ro«. Pika if 4 .f 5 Plttabu^h 5, St. Louis 2. ha moved from fourth to second. fprd; Oottofi Davidson, Baylor; and Pennsylvania (Oberbn, Akron, treated at a mental hospital. crown, eltminating Willlmantic. Lam ar' McHan, Arkansas, and NOW IN OPERATION Milwaukee—h6me (25): Brook­ Brooklawn, N. X, ninner-up laat Don Mueller o f the Giants lost / Auburn, Clemson. Georgia Tech, five points and fell from seconcl to ■Vince Dooley, Auburn, are the Pennsylvania, Rica); Robert A. bdults is between 250 and 860 lyn 4, Cincinnati 4, Chicago 5 year, defeated the defer* ling kings words S' minute. v\ third at .338. best passers aa a group ever to Higgins. Penn SUU (W . Ve Wes­ SPECIAL COLLISION SEE US SOON FOR A New York 2. Philadelphia 3, PItU- from Elisabeth. repreaent the All Stars. Sports in Brief Dfte and Place of the birth ot no ^^Kt r a c o s t burgh 1,. St. Louis 6. Away (22): Pairings for Opener Minoso actually picked up leyan, Washington of St. Louis, None, however, U .accustomM to Penn SU te); L. McC. (Biff) John ^Alden, the Mayflower FU- Because O f Increased Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati 4. Ciiiciigo The dbuble e'imination tourna­ ground on Noren, even though the split T work. Jim ’^tum, the col- 'grrim,''. re not known WORK Efflclvnry speedy Sox outlh^der d ra p )^ Jones, Army (Army. LBU. Ne­ IE ONLY-wMARTIN ”200" 20 H.P. FREE ESTIMATE A New York '3. Philadelphia 3. ment 'wtll get underway. Saturday legion’s head" c08u;h ch frqm ‘ Mary­ iV e i ^ , Indochina consists Of About 500 Danes live In Green­ Pittsburgh I, St. Louis. 6. aftei;Qoon' at 1:30 with a double- three points with five hits in 19 at braska); Bemie K Moore, Carson land, and one of his No.' 1 aides. Newman (Louisiana State); Ray three etatea;! Viet Nam Republic, land. , SILVER STREAK OUtROARD MOTOR header. StaLiford will meet. Staten bats. His teammate, Kellie Fox, CeMbodrt, imd Lace. The 200-tnoh telesco|)e '‘ TeL MltchcD S-5S21 A PrdiacLif F . C. Rm m II Co.. devetaBd -iso-ua FB^Rl. qg.. MAM( **A Daead* of i f ■jF- .. V T ' '-'

H^AOB TWELVE MANCnlfes^R EVENING HEBALD, MANCHESTER, OQNN^ TUESDAY, AUGUST 10,1964 M A K C ^IE R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, JUESDAY. AUGUST 10. 1954 H« For Sale 72 AatoaulUlM for Stflo V SnbnrlNUi For Salt ■ 7i Motorcgrclo*—BlejrclM 11 HcdUiigUi4*hnaUac Hoosoiiold Goods 6: Wantod To Rant 68 Houses For Ssis 72 SOUTH, XCASf ST. area, 4 room TOLLAND—Interesting comp— TO Soviet Leadiers U. S. Ships ‘Aid 1940 CHEVKOUCT d* lnx« Fordor. BICTCUBS, new, UMd, bou(ht and LJ3mox riTRirACni and n oinfle, 3-car garage, older home, LaBelle Nomination h S^n Repairinf and rebuUdinc. TRB miW MANCHESTER Repoeeaaaed From FOUR ROOM Apartment unfur­ acres with brook. Main lodKa has Democrat Policies R adio, heater. P*?®« Bold. air haatinc. Bari Van Oarapi. MX. Oentar, 906 Main S t. Inyitea large^lot, near spools and riiop-hop­ apaeloua Uvlng room with fire­ €lttNTml ' DoufTae can't be Mat for v ^ e. Manchester Cycle Shop, 10$ West MOM. ^ FINANCE CQMPANT nished. Young couple. CaU MI- MANCHESTER—For a diaertmi- ping ' araa, $4S80. G eorge L. to Tlalt pats ol aU idads. don- 6-67^ or RockvUla 6-4477. nating home seeker desiring the place and balcony. Kitehen dining Hail Attlee on In Evacuation As State Senate Candidate D o i«U a M otora, 839 Main. M iddle Turnpike. M I. O-aoso or nectlcut btad Parakasts. ML Reliable Pferaon Grasladio, Realtor. Tel. XO. 4-887S. B-S003. OUARAimCBD Plumbing and beet. Just listed this beautiful six room, two bedrooms. Additional 9-4378. H ours M onday Oirough W ho’s Skiiing H ouaakseping ADULTS want four-five tenkhouse and other attractions. AdvertisMiwiits heating. Jobbing , and new~ To Take Over rooin Colonial, built in 1940. Large c o u n t r y l i v i n g in town. Six Lashed by Hoover Ion of Bristol to beln_ IMO FORD FOUR door. CaU ML •=*>. * « t « « t o y 9 to apartment, unfumiahed. $9000 with furniture. Terms, Tal­ V isit to M oscow Of Vietnamese Joseph Skally.■ Jy. in . 9-8014. UNPAID BALANCE living room with fireplace, dining room home on large lot with gar­ Little Support Seen for the Fifth Dtotrlet’a CLASSIRED AOVT. O-SISO. Buriness Servlcss Offered 131 •1 Wwtoaaday closed at 3 p.m. B. M anchester. Call MI. S-74M be­ den apace, two-car garu t. Made­ bot Agaucy. Pi. 34600. A H. Oraan stampa. M ONTHLY p a y m e n t s room and attracUye kitchen on which will he nrade at tha Botva- DEPT. HOURS tween 10 a.m. -13 noon. line Sm ith, R ealtor. XO. 4-1643. (Oeattawed tnm Pag# Oaa) . tfaae Paga Oa») in ths world that the end result Of irriffith; G ry k M ay. 1049 CHEVROLET Sedans — two FURlR^rultB RaOnlalilng. aattqM 819J6 / 6rat floor. Second floor has three- (O aatlaw d r a g e 9) dera Inn la PlalaviUe, and Btato 8:16 A. BL to 4:30 P. H. MoTtof—Traddng XO. 4-1144. Socialism CM be bloody commu­ beadtlful four-doors, radio and tumltura a apa^ty, ch m n n a n a d TURTLES, Hamsters and Mexican Can Have All Or Part. ^ FOUR OR FIVE room rent, lovely bedrooms and bath.' Located JTuitod—Real EiUta 77 Propo$e NomintUion Rep. Philip Lolng of Wladaor to Storsfs 20 on approximately acre of land, vited Foreign Xttiilstcr V. M. Molo­ Bultod In a EirinUng of humM nism . . . they furiahed the board­ heaters, extra nice througout. and ruBNd. Anson F . H io fp . Jumping beans. Tropical fish and BEDROOM SUITE / adults and tiim year old M SPACIOUS fiva room older home, making in the ranks of prayfoudly the Hkely choice in the Senmlh s u i t e nicely landscapM. WANTED TO buy diroct from' own tov, Deputy Minister Andrei Vleh. freedom over the whole wwld. ing ladders by which the Oom- Dtotrict, which WlU hold its een- COPT CLOSING TIME Douglas M otors, 388 Main St. Phona Mltdiall 94788. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO. Mceasotles. Kelly’s Aquarium, 39 UVINO ROOM Write Box A, Herald. all on ona flopr. Largs screenad, Mtl-Oomnantot VIetnamoM in the A tty . John D. LaBelle, who Sunset S t S-Pc. DINNSr^E SET er, 3, 3 or 4 family house. Within inaky and .other top men of the "fVom theu ectione ceme the munists captured the Ship of vehtion at Rosewood Roatouraat,- FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. locai and long dlatanoa moaing^ Delay may . mean dtoappoint- glasaed porch, bay window wslkliw diatonce to Cheney XClUa. Jeopardies of the cold war. Aa a S tate." ■ north. Mrved two terms as MMchester’s I960 BUICK Sedanette. Jet black WIRINO IMSTAUJiTION oT all -4- "PhiJoo” Elec. Refrtg^ TEACHER AND.wifa desire 8 or Soviet foreign mtniatry to a Brittoh in Simsbury. and beautiful. Original 38,000 pad^g. jtorage._Can ML 84117. room, unfumished apartment on ment See this unuauol .offer to­ Youngstown kitchen, oil steam Call XO. 9-70S9. No agents. by-product, thau actions have Ae a etarter, the Saigon go‘V- State Repreeentativc, to expected MON. THRU FRL tirpaa. No Job too small. Pater H sitfdrn , "Calorie’’ Com l^tlon Range He described as a "gimmick’ to be nominated to run for State 'Democrato in three air New miles. Seeing is believing.. Doug­ C H ^ 7-1488. or before Sept. 1. Please ca ll MI. day. heat, garage, paved drive, Iraea, embassy dinner in the vlsltore' ahrunk our freedoms by crushing' erhment said it 'oped to move Haven’s four senatorial diaMcto 10:30 A. M. Pantaluk, 40 Foatar straat Phone U t9 Stod:— Vdiides 42 "Maytag" wStow nice yard near bus and shoppiiig the crKile - to - grave philosophy Senator by Fourth District Demo­ las M otors, 833 Main. 9-7601. HOUSE LISTINOS needed In nU honor tomorrow night. • tu M . huge defsnre oosto Md com ­ noipinated their taadidatoo last SATURDAY 9 A. M. MIteheU 9-7808. MANCHESTE R - P ack age Daitvw "Ememoar Television Set JUICE CLAXCPET, Realtor center. Very reaaonahly pric^ categories for activa clients. Coll which he said the Socialists advo­ 140,000 clvUiane—120,000 from crats at their convention in East WE BUT COWS, cahres and beef Obeervers in the Soviet csqiital pulsory military aarvlcc.’’ cate Md said: night. aiy. Local lliglit tmckiiE and |M«M.„Aiao boraaa. Plata Bros. "WeaUiighouae" Vacuum MIDDLE-AOED couple desire 8 or Coritoa W. Hutchins, XO 44133, Wm. McBride, xn. 3-4814. J. Wat­ Hm o I anfl the rest from Haighong Hartford tonight. COMPLETE Hand and power lawn package daMvaty. Reflrtgaratova. Phone Xa-9-4543 were certain the Ruaoians in tiieir Speaking from a prepared tu t. "It to solely the initiative Md -by Aug. 15. Senator Jamas Foley was TOUR COOPERATION WILL HENRY 9. 1963. ExceUent condi­ T a t M L 8-7409. Alao includes Sealy Innerepring room modem unfurnished [ / • 6-4494. son Beach A Co., Raaltora, Ap- Hoover aunimattaad hla betiafS LnBUle was defeated tw o years mower sales and oarvioa. Motora washers and stova movtoi talks with the Britons would stress the labor of the phyiiically able in lUiliabte lf sources In Saigon said unanimously renOmlnatod la the BE appreciated tion, low mileage, MM. ML 84709. Mattreaa and Box Spring. "Mo­ amulment. Best references. CaU BEAUTIFUL T h r e e bedroom pralaert. distilled from his yoanz in goysm- a g o ' when he gave up 'kis lower tuned ar overhauled. Pickup and specialty. ML 94781 m o d e r n four room home, plas­ their constant theme of peaceful the prime of life that c m support the French also had sAsd for Eighth District. hawk’’ Ruga, Lamps, TaWee, Kltch- n o . 94879. 9 ■ ranch house with attached garage. naent, and u m Obasrver of gov* houM Mat to run for the state 1947 FORD cteiverflble, new motor. deUvary servlea^ Olbaon'a Oarage. tered waps, Timken oil heat WANTED—Singla and multi-fam­ coexlotence between the Communist the aged, the young, the sick- asolstance In moving Atty. Arthur H. Healay waa ML 84013. Poultry and Snpirilia 43 m ^^lnet. Inlaid and a few other Tile bath fireplace plastered srnmsnt. Hs raagsd wMsIy over AmcricM senate, but has agreed to make chosen in tha 10th Dtotrict to run Dial MI-l-5121 Can be seen at E ^as Service Sta- WANTED—3 or 4 room unfumished walls, radiant heat. ComUtiation aiuminunh atorm windows, clean ily homes for raady cash buyers. and non-Cbmmunlst worlds and M d the bucMUcracy. , , French and 'V/ietnaiLwos troops Paintlnv—PaRurinf 21 M ortgages . arranged. CaU ACB their desire for increased East-West the development at both domeatlc ".And this active eani'-ng ^oup.. the 'race again at the request of in placa of Senator John Murphy,, tlon. 947 Center St.. M anchester. apartment for school teachsr and windows and screens. Venetian and naat fenced yard, noor ftom the north pd that this woidd Including GONDER’S T.V. Sarvtoa, avallabis ochool, atoroa and but. Only $9,- Realty Oo. MI t-3StS. trade. and foreign poUey. " . .requires the prossuroe of competi­ pdrty leaders State who has moved out of the dtotrict. any tlma. Antamw oonveraioas. sicx -U N K p u l l e t i k " R eady to i R e e s t o r a g e t i l w a n t e d wife in Manchester or clos«f Vi­ blinds. Front terrace with iron be supplied. ChoirmM Johii Bailey, he said to­ 1946 INTERNA'nONAL K-B7 dump WILUAM DICKSON ft SON lay. Cell MI. 9-08I1. cinity. TU. HA. 8-6611, 8 a^m. 500. Carlton W. Hutchlna, MI The Soviets also were sure to "Oiw people at om tim e w ere tion, the rewards of snterprlse W illiam M . Detullio waa aoBOin- 3>hilco factory auporviaed a eiv lco. Phone Me Immediately roU. Covered pine paneled patio IF READY to boy, aaU, sxchanga dour to the goals of humM wM- Aa the government rsMtUement day. . sled in the llUi Dtotrict for the truck. Five apaed transmlselon. p.m. collect.. * 94132, 9-4694. dwell at length' on their post- Md new adventure to keep it on program stepped up, leaders of the Lost and Pound Tel. ML 9-1481 HARTFORD CH-743M in rear. Plenty of shade trees. n al eatato, mortgagaa arranged. Geneva diplomatic line that more fare Ui m M y othe. otvtUaation Tbs only othsr nqme being men­ seat now held by Senator Horaca Good condition. M I. 9-7906 after 6 Painting and' Decora^g the job. Even If security from the Philippine Junior . Chambers of -After 7 P. M.—CH-3-4096 Near new school. .'Priced to sell MANCHESTER—Lovely six room Consult Howard R. Hastings, East-West conferences con solve In aH history," he said. tioned for tbs Fourth District F. Trotta. Trotta declined to run FOUND-3 faUows who will wax, p jn . MANCHESTBUt T.V. Service, radio Articled For Sale 4li cradle to the gtteve could ellminr.te Commerce pushed a private s m Time Paymenta See It Day Or Night quickly. Moving to CaUfomia. Sea colonial, In good condition. Lnrge Agancy, ML 4-U07. more of the world’s problems If Cbscka and itolaacu “A I nomination Is tiUt of State Rep: again because of hla appolntmeat wash and claan out your car for and T .V . apeclaliaU ainc# 1984. Houses For Sale 72 the owner at 66.Conatance Drive. tha rleka of life, it would be a dead Aid to Aaiaiu” campaign to line COMB m-«rawsa _ Tha If you hava no mean.e of trans- living room, dining rooni and only ’’the obstinacy ot the United Hs dascrilwd tbs origins of the hMd on’ the apirit of our-people." John M. Griffith of East Hartford. as. Special AsaistMt Corporatioo only 88. For aarvloa telephona ML DECORMIER MOTORS House sendee call M.60. ML WoodRied, U Main St, porUtiMi,” I’ll send my auto for LOmNOS WANT*® ~ Btogla. States CM be circumvented.” up medical supplies, doctors, Oiunsel in New Haven. 94751. - . 94660 or MI. 84607. Call MI-9-0920 JARV/IS ROAD, aix room, two un-. kitchen on first floor. Three good- aSparatlon of powsrs m ths Amsr- He Mid EnglMd under iU pre- M official of the International tar, Oouh. Good ussd fisiiittura you. No obligation. FOR BETTER HOMES sized bedrooms and tile bath on twb-faihUy, tbrsa-Runily.Jirsa4ainUy. . tmUk . Attlee’s group, in addition to ioan govarnmant, Md ths system cloth in g Md housing aid for the Asan. of Machinists, AFL. How­ New Haven's Ninth Dtotrict c« b - finished. Cape Cod. Tile bath, oU ntas proparty. Hava many cash vlaoa "Sociellit government” wea evacuees. SAYS: ‘There are cars and ANTIQUES Refinished. Rmairing A iytiiue b o ^ and sold. TaL ML 64184. second floor, oil heat, combination BevM, Includes party secretary of chocks-and balMuss, an object example. ever, Griffith does not appear to ventlon will be held Aug. 17. FOUND—Pair o< chUd’s clear Opsa ’tU 7 p.m. A—L—B—E—R- -T — 8 Dial MI-3-4U3^ heat, amealte drive and garage. huyars. htortgagas arran^tod. . The three Hartford state aana- rimmed glasses. Owner may have there are cars, these are in the done on any fumltora. 'naman, Aaking $12,900. Cheetnut St., older aluminum windows and recreation MOrgM Phillips, Mine Workers’ "Theu asparaUons of powar bs-( Britala la Retreat T w o Aslan Jayeee leaders, hqva much support, Md LaBelle's INTERIOR AND Blxterior painting. 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD Piaasa eaU Georgs L. Grasladio, leader Sam Watson, former X{a- came seriously confused, corroded Rainon del Rosario'. Md Oacar tore—Patrick J. Ward, HanM same ...... by inquiring at..... Mari- W dad’s, best of condition. Priced to 189 SouthI Main St. ‘ “Pboiia ML AU work guaranteed, war esti­ New mortgage terms srs avail­ 8 rooms, furiiace, steam heat, room. Amealte drive, garage. "Ito result woe a level of pover­ nomination ntiay. be by acclama­ Lovely landscaped lot 176 ft. deep. Raaltor. la tch oU . 9-5878L X09 Uonol Insurance Minister Edith Md weakened during the 20 years ArellMo of M m IIs, arrived in tion. Borden and Joseph A. Bonaquisto, 691 Main Street. 84648. mates — 17 M aple S t , 88 par Agency, Ed. Dupre, MI. 94297 or Owner, moving out of state. Ex­ READY BUYERS waiting. For im- master General Wilfrid Burke, said. ’auatority,’ Britain la now In re­ namese government. They said The Fourth District' nominating German Shapberd male. CaU Bol­ house caU. AU wurk.fuUy guaran­ POWER M OW ERS lid , U"Uke new—fo r 8376.00. P otter- Manchester. Four bedroom Cape "These confusions fcava Included at a c(xivention three months agw THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL EXTERIOR PAINTINO ONLY. Xd. Cod, fireplace; oil heat, garage a i f f Burdick. Xcg Warden. MI. 94648. teed. CaU ML 948» fra ^tilck No Money Down—88 W eek ly ton 's. 180 Center St. R ealtor. XU. 94028. Franklin. ' uecutiva encroachment on tha 9-18U. BUDGET C E in ’EK and paved driveway. F^iU base With tha Albert J. Gatto Co.,lo.. R eal- Hoover talked aarcasticelly support from the busineesmen’e held throughout the state tonight honest sarvlca. WHITE Combination oil and i tors. CH, 9-4489, avenings The party will leave here to legijdative and judicial bnuiobu. about what he said was Mother groups in Formosa, Pakistan Md will be held at the HockMum I k LOST AT BUton LAke, gold crosa, -- - • 91 Center Street ment, nicely landscaped lot. Aluml MANCHESTER — Owner trans­ XO. TTiere h u been judicial encroach- 1954 BUICK SUPER M I-8-4164 range. Good condiUon, $38 num aiding (eiimlnetes need for WOODfiRIDGE STREET 34944, JA. S-S9S4. morrow night for Peiping. They Socalist preoccupation— "the com­ Hong Kong Md expected atmUar School. It to-scheduled to start at Local and State Insert i on J. M. S. 1968. rBawasd. FURNITURE Repairing, feflnish- Prlvito Instrocthms 28 ferred out of state, must sacrifice plan to spend about three weeks mant on the Statu’ Righto. There mon mM.” TU. 9-0467. RIVIERA HARDTOP Ing; used furniture and antiques quick sale. Phona after 6 p. painting). Short, safe walk to h4w support from JayesM In TTiallMd, 8 o ’clock . M I. 94114. lovely six room Cape Cod. ML BUILDINO LOT, direct from own­ in Red Chins. En roiite'homs they h u been eongrean’ooel encroach­ He called this "a vote-getting JapM , South Korea, CSylon, bought and sold. Furniture Repair grammar school. A fair value at Pre-war Cape Cod, four down 9-3856. D em ocratic lV>wn CTialrmiin ’Tu-tone grey. Loaded and gor­ KUZ|AL AND Bmlth-Oorona port- er; At least 100 ft. frontsge. CaU will visit Hong Kong, Singapore, ment on the neoutire H m federal apparatus . . . Mother cousin ol Singapore, Malaya, Burma, India Wesley C. Gryk, who in the past J6^ Claims Drop S ervice, T alcottvflle. M I. 8-7449. ACCORDION and piano taught in ^ and ataadard typowritom HOT POINT do liixe automatic 813,500. And tw o unfinished up. EMtra lerge x n . 4431$. 6-10 p.m . goyernment h u grooped manor of the Soviet proletariat . . . the Annoancettients geous. Only 8790 down. Zlgmund Goads, P r^ „ formerly your homo. ML 94144. GOOD HOME, fine lot, good nei|A'- Australis, New Zealand and Cm - Md Indoneria. has bMn at odds adth LaBelle Md AU makoB of adding washer. SlxceUent condition. See thia custom buUt 6ve room kitchen. Has a fire;Uace and Tim­ the ftmetions of state. Md local negation of individual dignity Md Del RoMrio said he would visit of Watkins Brbthsrs. ken oil burner. Nice grounds. Im­ bora, six rooms, oil hot water who waged a bitter battle with M a n c h e Ater’s unemployment aold or rentad. Rapatrs on aU Priced for quick aale. WlU finance ranch, in the Bowers School 'dis­ heat, attached garage. Liberal fi­ Departing from London airport govenuaent.". a slogM of mediocrity. Md uni­ the United StatM this fall to enlist him for control of the toam organ!. YOU’VE HEARD about Uis Dahl- 1953 WILLYS 4-DR. makao. Uarlow*& if .necessary. CaU Norman mediate occupancy. Selling for Some of thesa "oonrosioM," ha formity.’* claims drop'petf from a .total at ' beig Rearing Aid. Now hear wltk GUARANTEED Top quaUty tale- Bonds-^toefcs trict today. Th}k is a value seldom nancing. Move right in! Madeline yesterday, Attlee emphoaisid that the aid of AmsricM Jayeees. Mtion two years ago. may fnoke AERO ACE CUSTOM Chase. RockvlUe 5-9802. 812,800. said, resulted from war, others Tlien he said; 706 to 411 during last week’a stats* 1L Come in for free examinatibn vision aervlco.e. Calia rocalvad MortgsfM ALL ALUMINUM combination win­ found !{} thia area. All Of the de Smith, R ealtor. XO. 4-1443 - ML C hildren Camp the party were not official reprs ths nominating speech for him to­ fora 9 p.m. wlU ba aorvlced asms luxe features, including ceramic 4-1144. senUtlves of Prime Minister from what he called "the various "The humor of it la that wh^- wide drop in claims from 46,334 t* g. Only 889.60. Why J>air ly -to n e rred ind black. Fully dows asid doors, soH-atoring, savo infectioM of Socialiam.’’ night, LaBelle said. NCompIeto stock of bat- n igh t i a . 9-1847. FIRST AND soooad mortgagaa Mlsdiliierjr and Tools 62 tUa bath, basement garagO. screen­ Churchill’s government. The group wa get sick, we WMt m uncom ­ The Toam chairmM made the 43,500. Most ot the increase In em ­ ^eqiped. 13,000 actual milea. Only hast, comfort, convonlanco, last a T. J. CROCKETT XIANCHBSTER— Move right in. ■aid their, mission was to improve They were particularly evident, mon doctor. When we go to war, Girl Rodeo Driver teriea, c»rds, npain fo r aU m akes 8 ^ 5 down. tor our own aoeount Fast, lifstims. Frea demonstration. CM ed in porch, aluminum storm and At Coventry harmony gesture yMterday, but. ployment was attributable to ftsr^ of aids. PaiMnal H«mng Serv­ WmmO INSTALLATION and ra- atlal aarvlca. Manchostor GARDEN TRACTOR with wheel acreen windows. Loads and loads B roker Excelletat repair. . Large living relations with Red Chins. he continued. In ths field of Amer- we 3TMrn fo r aa unSommon gen­ palr of amaU electric ai^ances anytimo. Bill Timifty. ML 9-9096. weight, disc harrow, spike harrow, room, fireplace. Two bedrooms, IcM foreign policy.. Gryk eaid today, a final decision er vacation layoffs, accoifding to ice . 808 M a ln ^ . J a rR s S a g . ML Invastmant Ooep.^ 844 Main straat of sliding door closet apace on Office: xn-3-5414 Attlee said he saw lio reason eral or admiral. When we choose Defends Fair Sex on who is to deliver the nominat­ state Employment 8ecurity\Xm- 94881. <. and fixtures, darance O. Smith,' ML 3-6U9. FLAGSTONE. Stone tor walls, land plow,, and snow plow, $336. step saver kitchen, tile bath, first for Myone in the United States New Type ef Oommitinent the president of a university. We 1952 WILLYS 6 CYL. M I. 94091 shaded coriier lot with all city Residence: MI-9-7751 Kiwanis*Backed Group ing speech probably won’t be made Sion Officials. -\ 31 Knox St. Phona M l. S-643S. HIM tranta..flroplaoaa, ate. Boi- faciUties. Qualified buyer cito i floor. Two bedrooms, lavatory Mtlcipatlng that the trip would "During the lu t wu, we wit- W M t.M unc(tinmon educator. STATION WAGON second floor. Garage. Convenient nueed a apeclal encroachment of until ehortly before the conven­ New claims, made when paopto / DR. R. BIBHEIt Optonieteiet, and ton Notoil. Quiuiy. M*. 9-0817. cany maximum'-GI or FHA mort- have "M y effect on the. Labor par­ "The imperative need of this na­ Washington, Aug. 10 (9V-The tion Opens. Jules Upnar, Optician, foimerly BULLDOZER AND Loader wofk. m Moncheater. Good value for two To Have Twelve-Day the uecutive upon the legislative only girl to make the finals of a are first out of a job. aro a sa i^ Bnsiiiess Opportiuiitles 32 Mnslcai tostfim isilts 53 I^ge. selling below replacement XfANCHESTER GREEN — Excel- ty’s feelings toward America." tion at all times is the iMdership Fourth District Republicans ft the Same levels of a yoar ago ' at RUsa-Sml&’a Optical D ^ Veiv original throughout 18J)00 Landscaping and grading. R e a d ­ 2 H- P , 8 PH ASE R obbins and u i- - - • tent six room ranch home, at­ G.Ia. 44 duplex, large rooms, branch. 'This hu been through a naUonwlda teenage driving con­ actiuaf miles. Only $395 down. able rates, no. Job too araaU. CaU ^ ------— —^ 816.600. Stay at Hale' Camp BevM-told newsmen the visiting o f the Uncommon men or women.” have already nominated incum­ with this year’s figure of 0A90 - mant ar» itow located at 64 ihwti BODY MAN—Space with astab- Myers sisctric motor. Rsasonable USED CHK3CERING ujMlght piano. tached garage, tiled bath, encloaed Youngstown kitchens, excellent re­ Laborites ’’hope' to keep the C3ii- new type of commitment at the Gnat Amerlcu Doeameats test said today it Isn’t fair to poke MI. t-OtSO after 5 p.m. Small siss, Maks an ^ er, bent Elmer Watoon, at W ethers­ comparing with 4,194 last year at Street. Hartford, sac»nd Uoor. Tel. UahSd ca r dealer fo r rent. G ood RockviU s 5-8783. ’ ‘ Tel. J^V IS REALTY CO. porch, attic- storage, amealte pair, lot 90’ X 190’ , residential Twenty one local youngsters left nese revolution from being driven United States to other nations,*’ he He Mid the grMt documents of fun at women drivers. CH. 7-9167. M I. 8-444$. neighborhood, C(Mivenlent. Man­ field, who defMtcd LaBelle in the this same time. About the aa| M 51 WILLYS 4-GYL. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart location in Mancheatar. CaU MI. $54 Center St:, Manchester drive, storm windows and doors. yesterday morning at 9 o’clock for into isolation, as the RussIm rev­ u id . American heritage are not to be "Some men are good drivers State Senate race two years -gga 8-8867. PARAMOUNT Heavy extruded Fenced in lot. Owner leaving Man­ chester. A nice home needing re­ number of vacation Iqyuff ATION WAGON R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ a 12 day stay at the Nathan Hale olution was." Such isolation of “I am pot going to ugue legal- found In the writinge of Marx. Md some aren’t. Soma woman aro LaBelle, who to also a former were also made last year. SUMMER CLEARAlfCE of Swan­ aluminum windows, doors and WesriipF Anwrel->PiirB 61 Tel. MI-3-4113 chester, $15,600 fo r quick sole, decorating. Colonial, center hall, toms, for they do not go to the ’s hand taUored tlea, 76c each. matic washing maemnea, vacuum Camp til South. Coventry, where the C3iineae Reds might come "They aro the Bible, the Decla­ good drivers Md some aren’t.” town counsel, served in the loa-er Bridgeport still leate in unem­ .GLASS MAN---4paca with eatalUiah- awnings. For frss estimsts esU Howard R. Hostings Agency, Man­ large living room, fireplace, din­ center of the iuuc. The real toeue said Mary Liou Crum, A 17-;year- Center S t Solid grei^^color. Heater, di- cleaners, motors, small appli­ ed car dealer for rent. Good lo­ M l. 9-7937 any tlm a. they will enjoy camp activities about, he asserted, because Of ele­ ration of Independenoe and the houM of the General Assembly ployment with /6.781 while tha ances. W sldlng. 180 Main S treet TWO OIRLB’ coats, siss 13, one chester. M I. .9-1107 any tim e, ing room, large kitchen, three ments in the United States "who is whather the President, through Constitution of the United States,’’ old bride from Boat Paleatine, rectional signals, ^overdrive. Only cation in Manchester. CaU MI. winter and one ^ring. In good bedrooms, bath, garage, nice lot. under the supervleion of Salva­ from 1949 to 1953, M d w as m inor­ Hartford area is aecmid with 5,616. 8295 down. \ ' Phone Ml 94678. S-8567. tion Army personnel. This summer don’t understand the situatioh.” declaration or impUcatlOn or by he Mid. "These aro the Mfeguards Ohio. ' She will compete agalnat ity leader during hie second term. New Haven and Waterbary were condiUon. MI. 3-8738. WEST SIDE— $14,500 LARGE SIX Room Capo Cod, fire­ R easonably priced, $12,000. Man­ appeosemint, dr by joint atato' Personals USED CANNING Jars, in good con- place, oil heat, beautifully land­ camping for Manchester boys and of the nation. SO boya for tha $1,250 top prise To Support letiBelle . the next two highest areas atlaetad DOORS OPENED, kayo" fitted, chester. Quiet country living near m eats 'With foreign offielala, c m dltion. Call M l. S-$$S4 after 4 p.m. SmaUxplaCe, 6 rooms-3 and 3. scaped, ciiBtom built, convenient girls la made possible by the local " I f MyOne rises to My that all in the contMt the apoasoring Jun­ Manchester is sending 23 dele- by joblesdneae. THE PROSPECT Rttl School tor 1949 STUDEBAKER 2^R . copied, vacuum cleaners, Irons, R ocnbui Without Bosrd 69 Center. Seven room house, lot 120’ commit the AmericM people to Help Wsnted—^Femals 8 Oil stoanihoat. New 2 car garage. to bus and school, exceptional buy. X 420’ . Only $13,800. H. B. Grady, Klwonis C8ub, which has sponsored this is reactionary, you rosy cUm ior Chamber of Commerce calls gatM to the convention tonight Layoffs In tha hardware Indus­ youw children will re-open Sept CHAMPION DE LUXE" guns, ate., rapalrad. Sboars, REMINGTON M odel - 733 - 387 Convicted Bookie foreign natlou without the apa him as either fussy-minded or on the "Roadeo.” The final competi­ Md all of them, according to try were highest during the 8th. nansportatlan ftimianeiL Mra. s i n g l e AND DOUBLE bedrooms. AU Utilities^^d on bus line. Lot For ap^lntment coll A. R. Wilkie Broker. Xu. 34009. the program. Joilvas, mowara site,, put Into con- SALES WOMAN, fuU time. Ae Roberto caUber with case — used A Co. cific consent of the elected repre- ignorant enemy of free men.” tion atarto tomorrow. Gryk, adll support LulBella. week with 180 on e wM Lela TTbur, director. Phone ML SoUd black, lo, cllm ltizer, once. CaU MI. 8-6688. P a V k’l n g available. Businees 78.45 X 333. A lso extra lot 60 x 0-4349 and MI. 8-8365. The /camp, which has eight, m fta for oomiag nosda. Braith- office, a^cond Uoor. J. W. H 123. \ $1,000 DOWN, T m tE E bedroom Listed as Missing sentativu of tha people." The fonder President closed on She explained her reasoning Besides Gryk Md LaBelle, the week-off bssia: in tsatlim 115 94747. new white waU til A fine car. 53 Pearl straat M ock. See M r. Keith, 198 No. cabins, a dining hall, a rocreation R e characterised u "un­ Corp: Main Street. CAPE COD—Six finished roOms, oil ranch, fireplace, large rooms, pic-' hall, and an infirmary, accom­ a. strong note of optinnlsm. this way: "How tall you aro Md XfMchester dclegatoa are State wera laid off: ediUe 1 Only 8195 down, A T lic FAN Kite. Aaasmble them heat, combination windows. Park- restrained preeldential actiou" the WANTBD-Ridar* to Pratt A Whit- CAR WASH and polish Jobs, yourself and save. 34” , 80” 84", ture window, high elevation, fuU modates 180 youngsters at a time. ” We are not at the bedside of a how strong you aro—thay count Central CommitteemM WlUiofti M d electrical sppUaitos industtiss^ PLEASANT, Clean rooms at the NEW COLONIAL—$16,000 Hke yard. A very good buy at ceUar, garage, one sore,, trees, Springfield, M us., Aug. 10 (P)— recqgnitton o f. Ruaala Md "ou r nation in death agony," he Mid. a lot in who gets to the finals.’" D sH m , Paaquale Maatrangelo, nay, second ablft'. Stop at all Genuine otf soap and turtle wax starting at $14.80 (without m’otor). ‘The childron, from the age of dve laid off 100 aaeh. Oalraa threoipi- HAND CUTTER wanted. Apply Center. Single or double. Gentle­ $12,200. M adellbe Smith, Realtor. suburban. Carlton W. Hutchlna. John H. Carlson,*convicted Boston acquiescence" in Russian poUcies "As the ehadows lengthen over Mary Lou said a glri may be Harold t . KMting; Philip. Bayer. gates on WiUow Street. MI. 9-4344. 1948 PLYMOUTH CLUB used, com pleto^^, $10. Slmonis, K aklar T oy C o., 60 HlUlard St^ Blank A Lawaon Elsctric -(Motor to twelve, come from all over out tha Btato for part-UnM naan- men preferred. 16 Wadsworth St. Six room brick and frame. Tfle WJ. 9-1642 . M I, 9-1146. x n . 94132, 9-4494. bookie, was still Hated u missing In Europe Md A sia. my years, my confidence, my hopes just as good a driver as a boy XIae M. Vennard, Hciward L ployment reached 1.84A of whIoB COUPE $30. P ick-up and deUvery eervice. Co., 614 Asylum St., Hartforil. JA. bath, oil heat, fireplace, la^tory Connecticut and ore usually spon­ 6-8604. “We must make such mlsuM of Md dreams for my countrymen but: "Girls aren’t as strong. It Smith, Wilbur T. Garrison. An­ the Hartford area had only 11% Ml. 9-8088, between 5 gnd 7 p.m. WANTED—Two shirt prasa opera­ LARGE ROOM next to bath, vi­ down, close to stores and achopl. MANCHESTER GREEN Section.— sored by som« eervice club, lion- today, although his father spent power forovu Imposoible," Hoover Autonlobiles for Sale' 4 Solid blue and grey. Radio, heat­ tors, experience not necessary. cheater Rotary Club and Kiwania 10 minutes chatting with Joseph are undimmed. Thie confidence Is takes more effort for them to re­ thony ^J. Gryk, 'Alphonse Reale, RUG WOOL and ramnanto. In- cinity East Center sad Summit Special For Dates Largs fix room ranch, fireplace, said, adding: that with advMcing knowledge, Leo O. Blanchette, E- Mae Holden, BEFORE YOU Boy a er. An immaculate eharp car. Only Must apply in person. New Modal Sts. Private family. Parking three twin size bedrooms, 15 foot Club have helped pay for the rec­ (Specs) O’Keefe about his son’s turn the wheeL They're not tall MASON—Fleldetone a apeoial^.. E. ■ 78 Si atructioas In ttaking beautiful JAMES J. ROHAN and SON whereabouts in Hampden County H u Ne Fears from Ika toll will grow leaa exacting; that enough, either. They CM’t see Olive N. Chartler, Raymond Kie- . .Baa Oorman Motqr Sales. Biilck $195 down. lA u n d ty, 73 Summit St. space. Gentleman preferred. kitchen, cellar, amesite „ drive, reation and dining halls, which are "And let. me say that I havs no Toth. Phone MI. 4-8307. braided ruga that add distinction Realtors named Rotary Hall and Klwonis Jail yesterday. . faar, hatred, pain and tears may out of the window as well. And colt, Richard Botond, Abe N u m - Salas and Servibai. SW liam EXPERIENCED Hairdresser to to any home. Gen’a Rug Shop, 56 Phone M I. 9-3434. nicely terraced. Close to . bus, feus from Preaidsnt Biunhower, subside; that the rogenerating oun dorf, Alfred Vennard. Xfary Ace- street MltdieU 9-457L Open ava- 517 Hartford Road school'and shopping. No develop­ Hall respectively. (torloon, an associate of O’Keefe, they don’t let you use pillows In 1951 WILLYS 4-WHEFL LAWN WORK, rotoUUing, retaining manage shop while owner to vaca­ Talcott Ave., Rockville. Phone disappeared lu t week, about the but he WlU not Slways be Prui of creatiVa ability and rellglOua de­ the roadeo.” to, Mary. C. Dannaher, Helen Fitz­ nlnga. walls and patioa. Free estimates TWO LARGE, fumlohed, front, Telephone Mitchell 3-7433 ment. Only $14,800. Carlton W, The campers enjoy craft .work, dent.’’ tioning. JA. 8-6584. 64704. / . . light housekeeping rooms for time that O’Keefe w u sentenced votion will refresh each morning .^ ry Lou doesn’t need a pillow patrick, Raymond J. MullMsy, DRIVE JEEP given. MI. 94375. Hutchlna. XO. 9-5133, 9-4084. sports, movies, and swimming. He Mid Commiiniem conatitutw Md Roger Negro. ONLY DOUGLAS wUl saU you adults. Inquire 10 Deiepot Square, 'They also have Bible classes and to 27 months for parole violation the strength and progress of my ttfse e through tl ...... ths window M d she Excellent throughout Mounting YOUNG WOMAN 31 to 30, for CAMP T R A IL E It 100’ ol new w ire and placed in the Spring&eld jail a "gigM tlc evil’’ dangerous to the country.” EtoOwhera in the state. John Mel- ia to m odal ca r a s low as $146 CONCHETE Work by experienced sales and clerical work. 40 hour fencing. CaU Ml. 44411 between apartment 4. MANCHESTER — Four • room MANCHESTER, 18 Weaver Road. attend chapel held every Sunday in lopks perfectly capable of taking a powef scoop. A landscaper’s himia nice condition. A buy at Vacant. A-1 condition. Three bed­ so he would be under maximum United States Md Went on to u y: down. We do not ask you to taka workmen, and engineers. Founda­ five day week. Paid vacations and 8 am . and 13 noon. Rotary Hall. A 27-inch television care of heraelr. She’s a pretty five dream. Only $295 down. FRONT ROOM, centraUy located. $9,900. Four-room house plus room ranch, attached garage, security. •'AU of the peace agencies we feet five. a loan from a bank or financa tions, swimming . pools, wiOks, other benefits. Apply Singer Sew­ set has also been donated to the have created Md all the confer- company to complsta your down floors, etc. Free estimatea. Low BUY DIRECT and save valuable Continuous hot' water. Parking, garage, near Wilbur Crosa High patio, fireplace, ceramic tile bath­ Arvid Carlson, father of the She said shs’s not scared of ing M achine C o., 483 Main St. GenUemon preferred. M I. 9-7129. camp by the Greater Hki’tford e n c u we have held have faUed to Mother and Son payment. Itokltlyely . only gllB Bee These Fine Values Today At cost .i ^ surprise you. Call Went­ dollara on nationaUy advertised way. A beauty. Sole price, room, large living room, dinette Solvation Army Advisory Board missing man, talked privately with challenging the SO hoys, -but: "I $10,500. a Coventry Lake, nice and kitchen. Near schools, shop­ O’Keefe, but the elder Carlson hod And even a whisper of ryal with there was at least ons mors d o m Mwe a 1949 ca r, 8196 buys a DeCORMIER MOTOR worth or Gardner at Rockville aluminum windows, doors, Jolau- FURNISHED ROOM at Center. members and friends. peace.” PligftR Stwirt 1960,0, 8396 buys a 1963. No addition- 6 -m 9 . FOR TOWN OF ■ies, porch encloourea Visit our email home, all conveniences. ping and bus line,. 160’ frontage, The camp superintendent is Mrs. said earlier he w/inted to talk with Bitten by Dogs girl .here." SALES, Inc. Gentleman preferred. Mrs. Rol- Year 'round. FuU price, $4,200. city sewer, water, sidewalks and the Boston gangster about his son’s He said he had dtoagreed with, Mery Lou didn’t even know bow ‘ AND al aids notes or loons. We guaran- MANCHESTER showroom. Winter Seal of, Con­ ston, 29 Haael<8t. Tel. MI. 84707.' Lt. Col. David D. COy and Mrs. Md protuted what he considered tea to aeU under the abovevs termslerm s ^.24 Maple Street, Manchester H A 1 RADIO-TV Service. Service necticut, 448 Main St., Manches­ 8600 down. Many other colonisis, curbs. See any time. Price re­ possible whereabouts. to shift gears a yMr ago. But she A Franchlsqd' New Car Dealer charge 88.00. Tel. Ml. 44486. Gary duced to $14,800. G eorge L. Sr. MoJ. Edgar Kuns'to the resi­ Jail ofllcialS'Said no one gt the the most dangerous of Americen A. m other Md her 7-year-old son with aotea aa tow as $14 monthly^monthl; ter. M I. 9-4588.- PLEASANT ROOM for couple. ranches and Cape Cods sensibly \ dent director. enrolled In a driver training course Siftif Tiikt Good credit to our only lamoakcp. \, CLERK TYPIST priced. The Ellsworth Mitten G roziodio, R ealtor. Xfl. 9-5878. institution'Overheard what the two foreign policies during the 20 were kitten by two dogs near their at high school and with the coach­ rem tif^ Kitchen privileges. Atoo sii^la years ih which Roosevelt T ru- mant. D ouglas Motora, 833 Agency, ReoltorO. MI 3-6930. men said. Md Keeney Straet home Sunday after- ing of James Nesbitt, her teacher, M h I i I m CHEVROLETS, 1947-1968, two-do6re STONE, BRICK, fireplace and ce­ ' gnd room. 64 High Street. MI. 94126. THREE BEDROOMS, Uvihg room, mon were In office. GImTim I BaUdioff Matciiab ^47 It w u the younger Carlson who on, when they attempted to trounced all opposition la county 2949 <9aBVROUn’ fi sedan. and-four-doora, de lux# and stand­ ment w ork. Call M I 9-6461 o r MI cabinet kitchen and large sun- conhrmed KMrta, in a talk with T opposed and proteated every Septic Tanks, Drain ard models, most with equipment. 8-8042. NICE, CLEAN, comfortaUe room, Search Widened break Up a dog fight. Md statewide driving teati. Good tlraa, clean :caUent CLERK-'TYPIST Fram ing .per M 8 99.50 very central, bathroom floor. Protact Your Hands porch. Large lot. MI,j94706. police: that O'Keefe w u wounded step In the paliciu which led ue That earned her a $75 war bond Fields; Dry Wells and running conditii Bob Oliver h u a good clean guar­ Flush Clear Stain into the Second World War," he According to Lee Fracchia, dog Douglas R easonable. T el. M I. 9-7837. MODERN 9 ROOM house, five bed­ in a w4d shooting affray outside g Md a trip to-WaabingtOfn to taco Sehrer Lines Installed Motors. 888 M ^ anteed used car to suit your bud­ CASHIER D oors ...... -e s 8 7.50 For Jersey Girl said. warden, Robert O'Qrady, son of get. Bank financing. Many WASHING MACHINES repaired. rooms lip, located at 109 Adams Boston housing project early one the winners from . the other 47 and Repaired, o are Redwood V Joint ROOM FOR RENT — Near Cen­ morning lu t June. A s M examiris, ha reCSUed the M r. Md Mrs. Edward 'O’Grady of states, Hawaii, Canada Md the 19tt-1940, ^CLOER Chovroleto, loca l one owner cars at Ceiniter Phone M I. 9-0849 after 6 p.m . 82,275 to 82,748 per year. St. Bus service in front of house summer of 1941 when Hitler's P M e U h g ...... per, M $175.00 ter. Gentleman preferred. 37 .Nprth Bergen, N. J., Aug. 10 OR Carlson also told police that he 72 Keeney St, saw a strange dog District of Columbia. Fords, ipther good transportation. M otor Salea, 441 Main. Thirty-five hour week, paid Foster St. 2Q 3-5331. for Manchester and Hartford. Also armies launched the attack on approaching his own .dor. 'IThe boy ftUBBISH and ashes removed. Cen- holldayi, paid sick leave* and aaar Pine Casing . .per M | 6.90 cloa4 to school. This property can —Police "working on several complied with a requut by' '.^If Mary Lou wins t«d;> honoro, Wm. F. Good-cndit ensMea us to accept Windows, complete ..from $ 12.00 O’Keefe that he take the wounded Russia. Hs Mid they should hava went over to restrain hTs dog but She plana to use the money logic­ 86 (tokm. D ouglss M otors, 883 Main 1947 CHEVROLET AERO. I believe eral cleomng of attics, cellars and vacatioiu, pension and social TWIN BEDROOM. Ontral. Kitch­ be used for both residential and leads” widened their search today this to be the nicest '47 Chevolet yards. Call M and M Rubbish re­ Plain L a t h ...... per M 8 35.00 man to a hiding' place, presumably been aUowed to destroy each woa too late to avoid a fight. ally enough: $Uie’U bujr a car. secu rity taeneOto. •- en privilegea. Gentiemeh. Park­ buainesa purposea. This home con for 3-year-oId Sharon Yacko, ether. -. . in town. 1947 Chrysler business m oval. M I. 9-9757, • . We Carry A Complete Line Of be purchased with a small down to escape further gangland at­ In the process of attempting to Steele & Sob YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ing. M I. 3-4724. . missing ftom 'm orphanage for tempts on hU life. Onatost Jest ef AB Hiatory coupe. If you want a car with Applications received through Building Materials payment. Mortgage will be ar­ more than throe days. separate the animals, he received SALES TOTAL 8M MIIXION O’Keefe w u picked up obdut a *il urged, that the gargMtuM IF YOU GO RIGHT TO plenty of trunk apace, oee this August 11, 1964 at the office . Our New ..Warehouse FURNISHED LIVING room and ranged for a responslUe buyer. The disappearMoe of the blonde* nor lacerations to his hgild. West Hartfoitl/'Aug. .10 (dV- M 3 VERNON ST. one fo r only 8276. 1947 M ercury HonsehoM Services ' o f y ' / f month later in Leicester. jM t of all history would be our Mrs. O’Grsdy told th'e dog war­ Nilea-Beihent-Poiid Co. reports net. NA’nONAL BUILDERS’ bedroom. Kitchen lb there. Clean, For further Information contact child has been tagged by Police'; giving aid to the Sovist govern­ Td. MI.94531 or CHORCHES MOTORS sedan, a good snappy car. Oak­ cheerful. Call M I. 3-6937. Stuart H. B. Carlson. XO. 9-4550 Both O’Keefe and Carlson had den ^ e went to aee i f ' she could consolidated aalee. Including thoM Offered IS-A SU PPLIE S / > V / / f ; H Commissioner Patrick SuUivM as been questioned in connection with ment,” he said. “1 urged we should land M otor Sales, 347 Oakland St. -General Manager ' or your peal estate agent. a definite case of kidnaping. help k e r b oy Mparate the dogs Md of Potter A JohnatOn Co., a oub- Ml-t.7«42 SERVICE ON all makes ' 381 SUto StiWt NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully the $1,219,000 Brink’s robbery, allow thOM two dictators to u - she too was bitten. Fracchia said sidiary, totaled $34 million for the ■81 FORD TUDOR V-8—Two tone T el. M I. 9-0448. Open evenings. Municipal Building ’’It seems apparent the kidnap­ macblnea. Also electrltoing Worl North Haven, Conn. fumiahad and apaeloua room. Tha which' ia still unsolved. The PHI haust each other.T stated that the the womM told him she thought first aix months at thia year. ;nie blue. Radio, heater. Very er took the first available child clean. 8896 1968 FORD F ordor, custom line, done in youv home. Slchel, ML Manchester ' Telephones CHestnut 8-2147-8-9 moot completeB hiht housekeeptag once listed O’Keefe u a-q>rinclpal result of our aaaistMce would be it was her own dog who bit her. report, in a letter to stockholden ra d io ,. heater, F ordom atic, 18,000 9-9419. D ay phone M l. 34171. fadUtlas avaUabie In XCanchastofl ' A^ ' A *, Lots For Sale 78 in the most accessible room" of .suspect in the fabiilous rcdibery. to epreed Oommimtam Over the Mrs. O’Grsdy, who, along With of the machinh tool mMufacturing ’61 CHEVROLET BEL AIR m iles. 81760. M I. 9-8847. 6 p.m v4 the Barbara Givernaud Orphanage whole world. I urged that if we HOUSEWIVES. Anxious to'asm , $1 You wlU marvel at the cleanllneae LOT 80 X 100, near Coventry Lake. her son. was treated at Manchester firm. Mys the volume was off about ^ HARDTOP—Two tone grey. p.m . FLAT FINISH Holland window to 83 per hour without canvassing. Diaitaonds— Watchi of this buUdtng. ChUdren accepted. early Saturday. S uUIv m said. . stood aside tl^ time would come Memorial Hospital, received a 25 per cent from the first six Beautiful throughout ..81096 - ahadea, made to measure. AU Good location. < Shore privUeges. Without- elaborating, SuIUv m when we could bring lasting peace Wrlta P. O. Bo»; 681, Hartford, Jawdry-^ 48 Central. Priced so raaacnabla Reasonable for quick aale. Tel. wound Which required four stitches months of last year Md o ff about metal Venetian blinds at a new OpHn. I you’d gasp! Ba sura and aee this said yesterday that police were Hospital Notes to the world." j to close. Both the mother Md eOn 17 - per , cent from the last . six ’81 PLYMOUTH FORDOR—Radio UDONARO W. YOST, Jawtier, ra- Coventry P l. 2-6058. . "worjting on several leads" in the Hoover then told his audience: and heater,' powder Mue. Very Aato Accessories—Tires 6 low priiw. Keys made while you ). Mrs. Dorsay, 14 Arch St were released ftom the hosplUl months ot 1953. No profit figure ARE YOU DOUBTFUL wait Marlow’a , STEADY, d e p e n d a b l e Incom e laira,. adjusts watohts axpattly. 'case. ' • ’ T have no ngreta. The cenM- after treatment. was given in the letter. clean. A real Wy...... 8895 TWO PRACTICALLY new 600'X 16 ''ANDOVER—Approximately three 1 Patients Today: 117 for women who can contact Avon Uoaonabla prieos. ins, your name, address, sise de­ St.; Roger Pitkin, 56 Pitkin S t fusxy.-mlnded Intellectuals Md la­ ultra drive'. w ater and heat. XO. 8-7303: ware questioned again yester^y d i s c h a r g e d YESTERDAY: Try A pUloh Guaranteed ^ CAR BURN OIL? ; STOCK BOY to laam shoe R^CSCBKRRlBS-^Plck your own. sired, and the Pattern i4umber to in the hope of shedding some bor Italers.” i ' CUSTOM BUIL7 homes, general VERNON — Lot 100 x 310, Nice Horry Dimlow, 274 Oak iSt.;, •47 P O N T IA C DE LUXE neaa—high school graduate pra- Bring containers. A. R. Talcott, SUE BU^BTT MANCHESTER light on the case. One of the H e touched on the questions of STREAMLINER CLUB m tracU gg, remodeling, repairing. EVENING HERALD. 1154 AVE. brook, $1,500. Call XO. 9-3937. Carol Weatherly, 33 Lewis St.; the‘F ifth Amendment, the F B I and Economy overhsut, most sU ferred--4aso hag and hosiery oales- Route 80, Vamon. Tel. RockviUe Btudnean LocatloM youngsters told police a "large Arthur Schmidt, E ut Hartford; Used Car , ! COUP?:—Gray, fully equipped Flnandiig arranged. Free oati- 6-79a- . AXIBRIOA8, NEW YORK 84, N.V. congrsMional committees in con­ cars. Parts and labor $49.95. Biates. voncour Construction Co., lady. N o phone calls. A m ly 776 r For Rent 6 4 nun" took Sharon from the dor­ Joseph Halliday, 9 Griswold St. One owner. Save. Main St. '' Send 25 cento today fo*" your L o ir 100 x 110 on Essex St., near mitory in which they were sleep­ nection with exposing such people. No money down. $4.90 month­ 173 Highland S t T el, XO. 34884. Mrs. Paul Gormu, 140 Union St., "XCMy of theM spiM Md trait- Q7 STUDEBAKER copy of our pattern catalog. Boaic school. B Bone. Coll'XO. 94313. ing. CHAMPION ly. All work guanuiteed. ^ Hopagfarfd G oods, SI Faahion. The fall and winter '54 Rockville; Xtrs. Horn/ Gibbon, 10 ore," he Mid, "when exposed CLUB COUPE—Oreyi $175 CABINET XIAKINO—Wi atoo do WANTED—CapaMe young men for XfANCHESTER, I^IAIN Street Sullivan said Investigation Hosel St.; John MiUer, Coventry; 1f52 CHEVROUET CONVERTIRLE COUPE outside woik. Ve^ good pay. In- store. 13’ x '48’'. xa. 94144. toeue is flUed with attractive, easy TWO LOTS. Second lake Bolton. sought iMCtuary. for, their tii- Fewer gBde, radie Md heater. MOTOR SA L E aU types of carpentry work. i4- FRANK’S IS buying and selling showed the kidnaper had "no kpe- Edward F. Kelleher, 41 Phelps Rd. fsmiM In the Fifth Amendment. teresUng work. E ngl^tliig Serv- to sew -ityles for all ages. Ideal reerMtion. Full beach privi­ clfic child In mind” when Sharon Many Other To Choose .From Ford, Chevrolet, etc...... |124.9S modeling, alterations, 'ate. Good Icee, Inc. XO. 9-4664, o r RockvlUa •ood used furniture and ahtiques, 2303 leges. Reasonable. Easy terms. DISCHARGED TODAY: Law­ Such a plea of immunity le on Itii- Pontiac, OldomobUe, ate. ..8174.96 workmanohlp, and raaaonahia ‘ *1.. except stoves and electric re- was taken from the room she rence Allen. South Coventry; Mra. E -Z Term s 5-6440. AIROONDmONED offices, cen­ XO. 9-737S. pllcation of guilt. Surely, these No Money Down, $3.00 Weakly. rates. EStimataa gladly given. Z arators. 430 Lake St. O ] ^ 0 traUy located. Phone x a . 9-4774. Protect your bands with a oat of - f shared with three othe): glrla h> Richard Moseley, 13 Ford St.; :;teople should not have the right CADILLAC *47 PONTIAC 1952 FORD RANCH WAGON New Motor Guarantee. CaU D ick at PL 3-4698 o r J w n at $54 P E R WEB-K, part tim e, 8 hours to 8, XO. 44860. " these 'JiMt and pan” holders. 86 Public Notice WILL SWAP four lots at Coventry, Searchers beat through the William Greene, 18 Auburn Rd.; Lo vote pr to hold office, for there­ 4-Door^ ^5^5 CHORCHES MOTORS X a. 8-6769. daily, a.m. or eveininga and oU FOUR ROOM bualneee imit. Btocel- easy to crochet and to nice to have. lake privileges, for 1947 or Ister neighboring meadowlMd again Bruno Liszewskl, 36 OrMt St., by they use thsM privileges of free • egrl. Badle and beater, aU etoel body. COLET MOTORS day Saturdays. Wa wUl hire BARGAINS in new ahd used appU' lent location. Center at. Suitable An ideal donation for that basaar m odel sm all ca r. 1X0. 9-9370. yeaterday in hoavy rain, but found Rockville; James PTtxgci^d, Stoat $445 so Oakland street GENERAL OonotructUm, altara- Water Trench Excavation men against the safeguards ef 436 Centhr Strest men who wluit earn extra in­ ances. Terms and triidee. Jamas for attomey’a office, etc. Rent table or the "Bride-to-be." no trace of the child. Police said H artford ; XUm Olive Swain,- 88 freedom. ttona, ramodaUng, ptoatle tile, to W oods An^Uancas, 883 Center Pattern No. 3303 contaiito crochet Sealed bids for the excavation Phone MI-8-9483 come. Profit ahariiqr baato. (Man­ reasonable. CaU XO. 9^1480. they would resume their search Lilac St.; George Armstrong. 48 Despite the clamor of ferreting 't S F P R O ' '42 CHEVROLET Ml-9-0980 counter work, garage, etc. No Job St. XO 4-1418.^ inatructiona; material require­ and bp.ckfiU of about 410 lineal V to to r i. chester area). Ap^y in person. feet of trench for the lej^ng of an Sobarban For Sale 75 today Md spread out over a i^der L3mdale St.; .Mrs. Ellubeth ^ b - out these persons, you must not be 1951 PLYMOUTH CLUR COUPE OAKLAND MOTOR Sales; Always too omau; Bugana Olranlla. 19 Personnel Division, Martin-Parry 1800.8Q. FT. INDUSinUAL space, ments and stitch illustrations. area. , bins. Green Lodge; Antonio Blaie, Radio sod heater. A real beauty. Trotter St. XIL 94600. 8 inch water main on Greenwood meXORY HILLS Homes- Rt. 4, led Into the mistake that Moscow a good selection at good used cars. Aato Driving School 7-A Corp., 186 Albany Ave., Hartford. suitable for amaU monufActuring Sehd 3Sc in (toins, your name, Mrs. Ann Yacko, 39, of Kearny, 87 Spruce St. ' haa closed down its recruiting of- $125 Limited number of « A 8 or warehouse. Vicinity Manches­ address 'and the Pattern Number to Drive will be receive' at .the of­ Andover, Conn. Where svery home Wo buy, sell, trad« and arrange 'Thuraday, 7:80 .p.m. sharp. the missing child’s mother, has BIRTlfS YESTERDAY: A does for AmericM agents. Or tbat *13 MERCURY flnanciiig.yOakland Motor Sales, AUTO DRIVINO tnstructkm from rsiqires. Clearsiu» at half ter. XO. 94346. ANNE CABOT, THE XIANCHE8- fice of the (Senersl Manage^', 41 is different. 4 Md 8 room ranch Center Street, Manchester, (Con­ been questioned by police. Sbe is daughter tp Mi‘. Md Mra. Howard continued: action of the FBI and '5 2 U N C O L N 84? Oakland St. Tel. ML 94446 your home. Insured dual contral Iloofilijl—Sldiag 16 price. TER EVENINO HEBALD. 1U» types. % to 3 acre. lots. Drilled, Bugbee, T(>lland Ave., Rockville. 1951 FORD FORDOR .V necticut up to 4:00 P.M. E.D.S.T. wells, ploMer, full finiaheci base­ separated fropi her husband, who congressional committees Is not Metoemalie. Capri- 4-Doer. Open evaninga. car. Larson Driving SthooL ML Snborbnn Fur Rent 66 AVE. AMERICAS. New Y ork 34, is reported to be in, the m idwest. BIRTHS, TODAY: A son to Mr. equally Imperativf." $2095 FOR THE BiBST to Bonded teiin Saliamtn Wauted S6-A Y. Auguat 13, 1954. ments. H. W. baseboard radiation. Overdrive, radio aod beater. Maay extras. 9-6076. CHAMBERS FURNITURE Police-said Sharon's father is not and M rs. I Richard Coughlin, The former President said he UNUSUALLY Nice 1940 Chsvrolst. up roolB, ihlngle rooCa, gutters, FOR SALE or lease. Andover Lake, The .colorful 1454 Needlework Al­ Details and speciflesUona may F.H .A. Md V.A. mortgage avail­ Aleet. ’«9-’66-'5l sad ’•g serviced here. SAVE! W AN TEIl—Salesm an, fuU o r part SALES involved til the esse at present. Brookfield, Mass.; a daughter to to not afraid that the Oommunlsto Hereurye priced right Qsan, well preserved. kCany other DRIVINO instruottona from your eooduotors and rod repafre eaU six rooin Capo Ood. OU heat, fire­ bum contains 86 pages of lovsly de-/ be hod at the office of the Town able. Buy direct Md save, H. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ford, 234 o ld e r carat 1941 Chevnriet clu b home, Duol-coatror inoureo car, Coughlin, MitcheU 6-770L . time. Aluminum comUnaUon win­ place. electric hot water heater, of Manchester Water Department Hartley, Builder. XO. 44476. SuUivM has said he notified the CM (lestroy Amerlc*: At The Green . signs, "how-to" sections on nsedle- Main' St. . Greater concern, he said, should o o i^ . Douglas Motors. 888 Main. standard on automattc. Call Man> dows, doors. Oommlooion. CaU electric range outlet, weU water. work, hqlprul room Ulustrations and Richard Martin FBI of Sharon’s disappearance '5 3 D c S O T O '50 STUPEIAKERI D E I i 1954 FORD 1-TON EXPRESS RAY’S ROOFINO Oo. BuUt" up •venings BU. 9-1471 H artford o r MI-3-5187 VERNON—T w o fsm ll^ duplex, 4 be reserved for the Socialists, chaotai Ortvina AeaCamy. PL Referaacea. Box 3, Manchester. directions for 8 gift |>attems. 35 General Manager A Supt of but the bureau said it h u not en­ 2-D(ter. 2846 Ch e v r o l e t aedan. Haatar, roofa, gutter work, roof, chimney RockvlUe 6-7S33. and 4, copper plumbing, hot water tered the case officially. . COUPU9.BE8CUED IN SOUND whom he listed among "ths other $695 8-7344, ToU Hours: Id to 5 Conn. cento. W ater D ep t Fairfield, Aug. 10 (D— Mr. Md 4-D eer. $2395 CIc m ! rajUo, 1946 O ldsm oblle six coups, repairs. Fraa aatlmatca. Ray 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. oil heat, atorm Irindowa, large lot, P olice' Mid Sharon w u plaited varietiea of the Karl 'Xfarx 'vlrua.” ^AydramaOc, new rings. No down AUTO DRIVINO tnstrucuca. i Hagenbw, XO. 4-8314. R ay Jack- full price, $11,000.'CaU A.C.B. in the Orphanage by the Harrison Mrs. Sgnfore ZnaselmM of Ma- The Soclaltoto, ha said: 14.90 w eekly. Oole leaacsis on Insured dual control son. XO. S 4 3 » . Sitoatioiis W anted^ FOUR ROOM house with enclosed R oalty C o. XO. 0-3343. maroneck, N. Y., clung to a Promote the centralised federal ICAOIC CHEF gas range. Siiitabla BrMch of The Associated Cathp- awamped dinghy on rainswept Long w . Oapahla sKparlancad instruo- F e a u d a 8 8 for amaU apartment or cottage. Iporch fo r rant, 846. P I. 3-7804. He ChAritioa. government with its huge burMue- tor. Ooedner Auto School. ML ROOFINO, Siding oiod carpontry. CaU xa. 34444. ■ SOUTH WINDSOR-Ultra modern lalMd Sound for two hours yester­ •. •; • • TBADBS BUICK 'SPECIAL da Uixa four SEPTIC TANKS day after their 34-foot aail^t racy. 64010, JA. 74860. Atteratlona and additions. OeO- „ R O eX V IU JB . 34 rove St., HUl- iornls redwood nuich home LISTS LOAN riOURB "D rive to absorb the Income of iHhmaadas.' RRadio, a dio, imiimator, dafroot. toga. Workmanship guaraataad. WILL CARE for chUdran days la 9 X IS ORIENTAL Rug. Plain da- aide House, twp I fUmiohad AND three bedrooms. Large living "Windaong" rM aground aorae'dis- . . . (to,' wtiidNilsld waohers,. standard Haltfoid, Aug. 10 (P) — The Unce off shore. ZuuelmM, 31, Md the p e ^ e by imnedeaaary gov­ Md|50 OHwrs $5^.00 mp MORTLOCK’S DRIVING School. A. A. Dion. Inc., 399 AUtumB my home. CaU XO. 94401. sign on gold background. Almost apartment. Alao light houaa- room, unpsuml fireplace: Conven- ne)vly-formed Connecticut Devel­ ' ' * BxcoUaat machanl- straat xatehaU 8-4860. kSapliig rooma,^8l0 PLUeCEB SEWERS his wife, Devida, 34, wer rescued ernm ent ^tending Md exorbltMt Low confldeiioe quickly rsstorad new. CaU XC. 94813 after 6 p.m. up. On Mia SECRETARY? lent kitchen, loige aU ' putpou opment Credit Corp. uys it hu taxes. DILLON Prtoa 8886. M ay ba Ito a skiUad, courtaous'lnaltuctor. line. OtUdren acc ' n Inquire room, 3 acru of land. StoteMent after a shore ruident spotted Real Vaxaeo lorvlce Sta- Situationa Waateid— FOUXINO BABY carriage, 836; made iU loau to buaUiaasA aince them In his field idAsec* and Have pushed our goveramant Uoanaa toelud^, inaurad, due} first floor. Apt 4. fthanclng. Wgrran E. Howland, February. The loana totaled 8809,- deep Into entirprisee qdilch com­ eornsr Brood and Middle cootroUad standard and hydramA R ooflnf Is-S . Male baby basket, pad and Ualng. $4. MACHINE CLEANER . R ^ to r-In s u re r, 448 ' Woddhridge manned ah outboard motor boat MORIARTY BR0THER$ SALES Rod SERVICE tie ears. XO. 9-7144.1 if CaU x a 9 4377 or 94 Hlidsoa' ira ;St. , ; HER^ I m U K !; 000, said Frederic E. Hudson, with thru others. The coupls w u pete with the righto of froe'men." St. y . 84409. x n . 1-6711.. treasurer of the leading; - cofpora- The net zoault their pro­ ROOFING—rSpadaitolas In repair- ODUJBGE STUDENT. waaU work, S n m n y tr H i m m s Vdr Rent 67 Septfe TAaks, Dry Sowar treated for immersion Md u - at ^NCOLN-M^RCURY DEALERS •VKK saa'kteoEn BALLARD'S CEUVINO SCHOOL - Jtoeawe .^juataiy to( BastolM — Cellar Watotw BOLTON—Flva room ranch on tion. yuterday. Hie firm If owned grams. Hoover qeld. ia to stultify ll9 MAIN STREET MANCME9RSI Ins rooto. of aU Idads. Also now available at once ' through Sapt eeatlva^ A "Mtoobesler’e oldaat" c . OwDor- ^ roofs. (Sottar work. Chimneys 18th. AU types considarsd. Phone WRINOIER WASHER,, in excaUant COVENTRY LAKE- Four largs lot. OU ment ga- by"54 stockholders with 678'shares. freedoms, incentivea, tha courage, 301-815 CENTER s t r e e t TEL. BU-S-SISS . - v - l O n W a d by Aa a and Board of cendltio o . $30. CaU $-ap0t. . cottagaa, watorfreot,. fum tohad, rage. AhundM' ITure are '28 member'benka with and the erahtlve e f pulakp ef Um replug 36 yaamr ea- XfL 4-786|7 OPEN DA|llYV i ^ M, to » P. M. The Home Of Tine Used Can ^ Wa jfto r trainiiig. ox- privato sandy aai beach, alactric ra- POirttiMIe c in n e y Madaling Raeltor. e total coantoltnMnt to the pra- att fo r alMre f|rom g roin d a d OaU COUCH, GAS range, ndaeaSaitoaua frigarstor M K ito s. XfL and firMlaca, porch, KM48. gnuto ed ll.lliBOO. . : ■ a EdA '3 . Itoiaa. Goad ceadWIaa. ~ hoSto. Children Ct ancayad. PL \ CALLt^MI-f-4214 •EWSRAOE DISPOSAL O a £ 9-536L Read Hendd Adrs. iM a . 9469C u e - in r ------m IR A A jR A AiR. AAh s \ The Mlsesq Joan M. Strickland and Helen Lee Harmon are amSng u tT o .w n the guests at the Seadar Inn in Harwichport by the Sea, Cape Cod, umlMra of Kin? David Ijodffa Maas. Miss Harman is om pl^ed at PUnhy Roy Retalls-,-- K o. SI and Snnaet Rebekah tiodca the Manchester Lumber Co. and No. S4 and friends within? to at­ Miss Strickland at Watkins Bna. tend the aervlcet Saturday at the TIm United StatM A ir Force has Cathedral of the Pinee in Rin?e. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Slater 'of announead that a recruiting ser­ N . H. are requested to ?et in SI Avondale Rd., and Victoria geant haa been permanently locat­ touch with the Noble Orand, M ri. Wallace of Hartford, have returned A l b ^ Conlon of 26 Trotter St., honoe from Miami Beach, Fla. ed in the Manchester Poet, Offlee. before Iburaday ao the chartered While there they visited .Mrs. Jdm Rockville’s our 8. Sgt. Ronald Doucette, who boa can be fUled.----- .- hi Bout, formerly o f Hartford. - will be on duty nt the new location, MANCHESTER from 8:80 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. Mon­ MILLWORK CO. B u s F a re s Alan ]l o f Mr. and Mrs. Dilworth-Cornell<<)uey Boat No. -SSL. day to Friday each week, said to­ 2M Broad S t —TeL 80-8.4288 Rhiwrt Jjyona of 88 Ooodwin St., 102, American Legion will hold a By JOSEPH A. OWENS going to pitch in RockviUe that Ike Denies U. S. Benefit Bert W aite paid Christy, H it day ha haa complete vdetalls con­ baa been awarded a acholarthto to monthly meeting tonight at 8 The data it August IS, 1904, truth is that he got $127.50. the Star Lake Muaic Camp(in But- o'clock. Menri>ers working on the ter it was learned that nearly cerning tha new Air Force poHey jffike Starts Exuberant Teddy Roosevelt is "M atty cams to town on the that makes high achool graduates WE HAVE WHAT John Claims U. S. ler, N. by the SalvaUon Army baseball committee are urged to a hundred train tirtcets to Rock­ Dr. train, dressed at the Rockville now eUglble fo r pilot and observer Coipa. Lyons, who won the award attend. in the White House, theater pa­ ville were sold within a few hours. House Hotel and after the game YOU WANT IN training with the Air Force. lor ahowln? most progress in trons give birth to the “Colonial But Plinny is the man to tell the Frank Regan, who had one of the muaioal ability this yedr, wUl at­ ovie T o m o rro w The Golden A ge Club hue ride Clap’’ forerunner of the “Bronx truth of the epochal event ' few automobtlea at the time, drove tend the camp fropi Aug. 2S to to Rivenride Park tomorrow will “ Myself, Frank Weber and John Cheer,” handsome Jim Jefferies him back to the hotel and I saw i n i Sept. 6. He playejtne cornet leave Orange Hall at 8:80 a.m. Jackaon sold Uckets on the Or­ him gat paid. ' is king of the fisticuffers and an HartfoTd, Aug. 11 (fl’)— Members are reminded to bring a chard Street side of the field that “Some of .the money was for Personal Notices The higher bus rates on all the NortJv^elho- box Itmch. overgrown orphan wearing should­ day and, so help me, 2,800 fans train expenses and the reat for Open 8 AJK. tn 8 FJS. Daily The Down and Out 10,000 Feet Connecticut Co. lines in the diet w ill hold u i all day er strap overalls plays with the paid and hundreda mors sneaked pitching.' That rida back to the Says W est ares looting at fhe church Ahy member o f the WJ3.A. ndio In. other boys at a Baltimore orphan hotel was like a parade. He rode state become effective with :30 a. m. unUI 4 p. m. to- wishes to attend the outdoor sup­ Curd of Thuiks age. His name. Babe Ruth. “ Cauirley Squares was In charge in the front seat in his Giants’, the start of operations« to­ Chairmen/for the booths per to be held Aug. 17 at the home suit and kids ran alongside cheer­ In baseball, Hans Wagner, Cy of the ducats and after the game morrow morning. the fall bazaar w ill furnish of M rs Irene Vincek of 148 Lydall ing and waving.”. - ,1 Th. familr of lb. let. John C. ahtn- Toung, Nap Lajoie and Christy he announced the gross was bet­ Can Block ___ ides to be Worked on. Coffee St., should call Mrs. Russell Smith The Poor Cop wini to .xpr.w ih.lr Uianhi To^ Richard J. Bennett, general man­ Mathewson are the idols of fandom. ter than $700. all UioM who esanod th«m in Uisn ager the company, aaid this Herber^Ylpover W«v«s to Crowd will be Served hnd ladlai are asked of 118 Greenwood Dr., if they have .“Yessir, the hottest baseball Continuing Plinny relivea tha roe.nt borraTmimt. .ipoclallr th« roi- i to bring t ^ r own lunches and hot already done so. Members are Locally, baseball is in a romantic day. "That was quite an afternoon. l^yea of a % s l d u e ^ r v.-asn’t the mu».,ral on his back, I t rather annoyed Christy and TEL. Ml 9-7906 bolted the Bfimbcratic party in 1948 to campaign for Vice provide profits. way I cay in Republican poliucal toc(fiy to havo decided ..to shunt their inquir>’ behind cibsed tcribed\as .the only lanim. h* V y .Farm—the President congratu­ Irihcrittd fcors because uniforms weren’t num­ he replied, "McGraw knows Tm P iw id en t^ the ProfPe8iaVfe"party ticket headed by Henry But virith the anticipated con­ ^ doors if it ohowe signs of becoming unruly. Members said the could find to warn the world th* lated Senate leaders on pushing to bered in those days. M atty be<^me' here. He’ll ask me one question DEPINDAltl ^ COMFORTABLE K Wallace, is over the first hurdle in a political comeback try. tinuance of fewer paseengefe and ,United fitatea is using Britain, dcspittthd the “ Big Six” w’hen a New York Monday, ‘Did you'win?' When 1 BOB W R IG H T approval a farm bill based on the to study »sm ove to censure MC' Taylor won the Democratic nomi-*8 higher costs, both the commission visits In his native Iowa today. France, and th* Bonn regime as sports writer compared him to tell him ‘yes’ he'll give me thb Administration’s call for .'a shift Garthy had agreed lirformatly to tveight attained^ nation for U. S. Senator in yes­ and the company admit (hat high- They began yesterday in his “tooik^V for another war w h | .ch the city’s largest fire-engine house glad hand.” from the present rigid price sul>- do all It can to avoid what many Epidemic Hits would deftrop Germany. trt program to flexible supports. terday’s primary in Idaho. er rates' alone cannot assure T the l birthplace at the nearby village of b t| oiri of the period, number six. A s that Roy atates, “ There are a lot of “ It looks like the left wing has survival of the state’s largest biu Senators described as the “circus” Hold Opeclal Centoreneea stories about how much money Read Herald Adva. Sa said he wanted to make one^ Senate Accepts West Branch, whera more than station dwarfed ita contemporaries, ■» \ taken over the party,commented company for long. atmosphere of the McCarthy-Army In Bonn, allied and Weat Ger­ so did the big ch ecker with the thing very clear—that the Admin­ 10,000 people gathered to honor Two Hospitals; State Rep; Claude Burtenshaw, They poirft to the experience of bearings. man officiato plunged into apertal B c c o u m pale blue eyes. istration 'victories reheeted in the him on his 80th birthday. A fter Deiipenfia On McCarthy bill passed by the Senate and Taylor’s'cloaeat ojwnent, in con­ House Idea oii other tranoit companies through- the “birthday party," he flew to conferences to ebnaider the im­ Jack Scanlon was' the catcher ' The group’s Bucqesa along this mental im prt»4 House were in no sense political ceding victory to 'Taylor. , lout the country which are in the Mason City and was scheduled p6 15 Babies Dead pact o f John’a own 'Statement he for the nine from the City o f Hills In Nebraska, Rsp.. Carl T. Cur­ 'same situation. Many Ifitve gone line appears to depend somewhat had voluntarily deserted to the ^slons formed and pledged “ I f I can’t hold him. ONE DAY SPECIALS victories. ] dedicate a school there and an­ Eisenhower called them ateps tis defeated Gov. Robert Crosby Immunity out of private'Operation. and are on McCarthy’s attitude at the E ast ' I’ll stop the pitchu with rjy legs other in Cedar Rapids before flying hearings now scheduled to open V ^ oyer thousands^ LOOK! i r s CUPCKRE WEEK! toward a stable . nconomy and in the feature Republican Senate being run by states or municipal­ to New York this afternoon. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' .Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’a dnd arms.” WEDNESDAY ONLY Aug. 30. government and the U. 8. High race. Washington, Aug. 11 (4’)—The ities — with the taxpayers making The nature o f his H>e*ch at West Epidemics of contageoua diar­ o f (| e c ^ cannot be corrected overnight; thert^ Before the game Charley Greer McCarthy is known ta have told commission had contended Jelm (Continued on Page T n elve) 'And In Arkanaas, Gov. Francis up tha losses. Branch aro))sed Considerable rhea has taken the lives ot 15 new­ hurried to Hartford and posted CUPCAKES AT THEIR BEST AT BRIDGWAY MILLS Senate today passed and sent to friends he intende to cooperate was lured or tricked into East rare still mong tivorshlpers a t the shrines of the Cherry apparently lost his bid to f ■peculation aeTto whether it was born babies—eight in St. Mary’s WANDELL- a sign in the railroad station to the White House a. bill to allow with the committee, doing all he Germany by the Communists. renomination. an opening gun in the OOP politi­ Hospital, Troy, N. Y., ani seven foccult; the mgstcriousk and the supemoturaL the effect that Mathewson was Tempting—Nmnrislibig—IM icloaa can . to ge. an early Senate vote. in ^ s to n 'C ity Hoei>ltal. (In Washington, CIA Chief Al­ Dworahak Renominated the granting of Immunity from cal cannonading. He blasted the MEN^S Ag The Wlsconeln Senator told news­ The maternity division o f St. len Dulles' on ly' Sbmmeitt was: iNonetheless.credulitti Is one of the moste ANDERSOH Sen. Henry C. Dworshak easil.v federal prosecution to witnesses Seven Nations Democrats for presidential “misue* SPECIAL A U WEEK! Vargas Ouster men his. cross-examination of w it­ Mary’s was cloaSd .yesterday to “ It’s the straight Communist won renomlnatlon in the Republi­ whose testimony is desired in in- of power'’ in both domestic and p&Mrming characteristics of the human ro ceji nesses— which be may conduct any new patients bccai-ae o f the party line^ It’s sheer propaganda.’^ can primary in Idaho. vestig’ations o f subversive .activity. foreign policies during the 20yeari' Building SPCRT SHIRTS ^ Urged to Clear By voice vote, after a three min­ May Join U. S. personally— "w ill be kept at a epidemic. In Boston, a four-way N a ttily ‘ dresaed, nervous fo r a ; Unfortunoteiif, neoriii two>thlrdk of all dfu gsv In' the race for the Democratic they were in office. very minimum'-” investigation '.vas under way to while but finally a t .ease. John S, M, L, XL. VahM* to 82aI. a nomination' for governor of Ar- ute explanation of its terms by Before he left his hometown, :a Contractors r Sen. Meparran (D -N ev), the Sen^ McCarthy said yesterday he has determloe if any blame should be and medicines consumed onnuolkf ore tfAenB kanaaa, which is equivalent, to reporter asked him if he intende asked the Library of Congress to assessed in tie deaths o f the seven (C^finoed *■ Bags Nlsetoea) Plot in Brazil election. Cherry apparently lost ate accepted a House-passed ver­ In Asia Treaty RMidtRfial-Camm«reial : •' . - T—^ sion o f the measure. to make any campaign speeches look up precedents as to whether infants. , without a p^qsiclan’sdircctions. If you need J fay less than 5,000 votes to Orval thia fall. Only Sen. Lehman (D -Lib-N Y) the Senate should pay for a law­ At'Troy, Dr. Andrev' C. Flpck, AIrtratiem-RmiocMIag W s f o r 3 9 ' ' i Fabus, a weekly newspaper pub­ “I have no specific plans,” he medical attention. See yOur physician first; LADIES' • ' X . Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 11 voiced objections. He aaid he want­ Wsshington, Aug. 11 (>P)— Seven yer to represent him during the Rensselaer County heolti'* commis­ lisher. -. . . said, “ but I ’ll ‘ be glad to help in “Business Built On . (IF— Demands, for the ouster of ed the record to show that he was countries were reported ready to­ hearing a. He may not hire one, if sioner,' said that it was impomibte. Consider us your prescriptiohlsts. 1 . 0 0 Curtis won Nebraska’s GOP day to Join the ITnited States in any way I can.” he haa to pay the coat himself, he Customer Sfatisfaction** Brazilian President Getuiio Vargas voting “no” on the bill—“hot be-^ to pinpoint the caure of llie epi­ Bulletins nomination to a' 6-year Senate cause I necessarily object to the drafting an alliance they hope will He added be could ‘ make no ■aid. demic but that overcrowding and Full Insurance Coverage SUNURESSES ; mounted today as more entployes ter)n ." while Arkanaas publisher bill but because o f the w ay in qlieck' further Red aggression in commitments becaus* o f the pres­ The committee ha* said specta- .underataffing'contrib;'.'ted. from the 4P Wires TeL MI-9-3033 of \ ▼ SWISS”SS at the presidential residence were Orval Fabus led Cherry tn their which it 'Was handled.”' ^. southeast Asia. sure o f his other duties. He la tors and reporters may. attend its On th e . recommenoation of the 188 NO. MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER hearings. - Cloeed Mondays Implicated in an assassination at­ Democratic runoff for governor. “Immunity Baths” Simultaneous announcement chairman of a commission study­ State and County Health Depts., TeL MI-3-6651 . ^ , • ■ . ^ Barring major upaets. nomtna- from all eight capitals is expected ing means of streamlining govern­ Radla TV Protest Open 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. TEL. MI-9-2660 tempt on an oppositlon'''edltor thjtt He said it should have had more Dr. Fleclt ordered the section not ANTl-VARGAS RlOY . After 5:00 P. M.’ tionsfin both conteata are tanta­ consideration before the vote. late this week. The various for­ ment. A new protest was oent to mem­ to accept ne'.v patlentji until the Tuesday' TbnroiMh • INFANTE* • BOYS’ • GIRLS' w m ^ riisulted in the killing of an A ir Rio D* Jaactra T (Former Loeatlou of Kay’s Pastry mount to election. • The measure is a new version eign ministers reportedly will Hoover’s appearance, on his bers lis t night against the cen- nursery was expanded. It .Wa-: ap>- J 82 Baldwin Road Suqday Force oillcer. 11 (SV-Rioting by per _ Shop) ' • LADIES' ^ n n Delaware Democrats also named o f one which the Senate had passed meet Sept. 6 at Baguio, summer 80th birthday, deeply surprised ■ure study committee’s decision to prdved in 1950 for 21 bassinets In the Chamber o f Deputies posed t* PreeideBt Getiilto Var» Manchester, Conn. November candMates yesterday. last year over objections of the capital of J|he Philippines, to weld ban radio and televialon c'overage. but has been overcrowded 30 per Aliomar Balseior, spokeaman for gas Oared in the Biasiliaa ehpto., The party convention renominated late Sen. Robert A. T aft (R-Ohid), the p a c t." (Continued on P ag* TChirteen) Harold E. Fellows, president. of o nt of the time. Dr. FlecL said. PCLO SHIRTS 3 U the oppoaition National Demo­ tol today. Haadrdea et pel Sen. J. Allen Freer Jr. over the the then Republican floor leader. Jlations said to be ready t-j at­ the National Aysn. of Radio and The order followed dieco\ ery cratic Union (UDN), called for demonstrated in leant *f tend are Britain, France the Unit­ Television Broadcasters, an- that eight babies died of diarrhea Vargaa’ removal so no ’’auapicion newepnper O Baacnl, which *ap> (Conttaned *n Page Nlaeteen) : (Continai^ on Page Three) ed States, . Australia, New'Stoaland, 'notmecd h r had telegraphed, the in June and July, that 10 other • I ^ ~ 1 o f partiality” could be directed at ports Vargas, than aMicked t * the Philippines, TTtailand and six Senators: infanta had been etrickeit and that the investigation into the shooting the locnl *aic«a of Vargas’ Bm- Pakistan—the latter two the only ’T h e'great public interest in the 23 cases 'were Su0i:*ci.ea, SUNSaiTS ' ^ ^ of editor Carlos Lacerda, a critic News Tidbit! tiUsB Labor pnrty and oat 8m independent Asiatic mainland .fseel of^the government and’opposition subject of your Inquiry /coupled to an aatomoMl* they aiispeet* 1 0 0 membera iii the group. One of ^*ie pouible cases was • Uwfkstco$t candidate for congress;''' - - Culled froHi AP Wtrea with th* fundamenUlN concept of ed ot being used in poUttcnl cnak* . WEDNESDAY ONLY HALTIK5 3 f o r r The Big Questiam U. S. diplomatic officials equal-acceea to all media of public d*i*cted Monday night, ’The latest pnign work. Laoerda identified Jo m Antonio acknowledged there appears to be ^ R u s t p r o o f S H O m J r i reporting should override any ob­ esta'.iliahed case develo|>ed last Soares, described ae an employe at no chance tl)at such. AsiaUe icoun- jections baaed on le ^ relevant oon- Friday, . OPEN ALL DAY I:;'' bies ae India, Burma, Indonesia, farm er Jtiie* to sell CITED FOB C O N TE M PT’ Vargas' pslsee, ss the msn who ■iderationa... I most urgently re­ As of Monday, when the epi­ • Non-stainlng fired the shots which wounded him and Ceylon—all o f which have Ini- opinro. because drought ruined his Wnshington. Ang. i t tP>—-Ths quest that you reconsider this de­ demic became piitalic knowledge, Senate today cited Harvard pro- SHOE DEPT. slightly and killed MsJ. Ruben Vsz Christians Achieve portanf statee'in southeast Asia--- 160-acre pasture . . . Thirty-year- cision.” seven deaths were listed, 'rae feasor Weadeil H. Fnrry and MOTHERS last Thursdsy.* would. agree ei'yter to attend the old Leroy Reddick, aentenced to • Ntvtr uMd point life imprisonment for truck-explo­ From his viewpoint, th* earlier eighth had not been reported to Hanard rMeafcher Leoa J. Esrlier, a taxi driver had identi­ meeting or to associate . them­ CUBE STEAK DON’T MISS THIS SPECTACULAR SALE ON sion murder th 1M2 n*w mental McCarthy gets a showdown Sen­ the Rensselaer County- Health Ramin for contempt. The volcn EVERY WEDNESDAY.. selves indirectly with the miliUry • Easily tesfoi/td' fied Climerio de Almeida, a Secret ate vote . the qxdcker he will be vote notion enme without **GOOD THINGS Justice in This World? objectives of the alliance. patient at Norwich State Hospital. Dept, because th* child’s home ad­ Service agent assigned to the Chinese Nationalist A ir Force able to get at bis self-aasigned dress was Cohoes, ..In Albany Coun­ debnto after a brief exptoaatioa prtiilace, aa one o f two men he aaid American officials, however,, are clinging to some hope that India headquarters announces that ,Na- task of campaigning for Republi­ ty. ■■ . _ by Son. .McCarthy (R>Wia). TO EAT" GIRLS' SHOES he drove to a s]spoi >t near Lacerda'a EDITOR’S NOTE — Can. Chrle-^question is the theme of the two- chairman Sf the Sennto Inveetl- Phone inquirim indicate eome confusion about our hepe to achiev*achie universal Jus- and other “ neutzalist” natipns in tionaiistisJt 7F-42 filte - r elMt - down - -by cans b* would Uke to ae* returiied In Boston, a four-way investiga­ S A V I on first cert ond • AVONITE 2 STRAP home Just before the ahootinfi week assembly o f the world coun­ tion was underway today to de­ gations Mhcommlttoe which sad goodneae cil of churches, opening here Sun­ Asia will J(to in the economic Chii Oommaiiet MIGa Jul; 16 to CongrcM. Wednesday atore schedule. ' there. McCarthy said he had received termine if any bjame should be qucstloaed both men at a poblto cove on future mainte­ v « SPONGE SOLE OXFORD R ’s Um eeatral qneatlen delegate* day. , . piiasea o f Uie proposed' pact. over Red-held China -mainland Both de Almeida and Soarea are south o f Shknghsi . . . Philippines ee**ieB la Bset*a Jaa. 15; bAng aought. to the AeaentUy o t the Werid“ pridCoi “The theme has stirred a great­ Members pt the proposed alli­ nance with thau beauti­ cU of ChurclM* will be diacueeing sralttag , for seuthweet monsoon (Contlnned em Pag* tw a ) (Continued oa Page Nlaeteen) W * wM k9 OPM ON llay WodiMsday. August TenUttvely Identified - er response than an.vthing in the ance, it 'was. skid, would Iptedge to TH E FT ON YACH T PROBED AH to 12 nest week. Rere’e a report' on rains to broak over drought- STORE SCHEOVLE: ful, nan*rtalninf § uttere. .7 9 tneerda also tentatively identi­ world council's brief history,” said cooperate to improve economic Napl**, Italy, Aug. 11 Ift—Pollen IlHi, amd wu art opuu oR 4ajf tv« 7 Wtd- 12'/| to 8 pototo they’re likely to cover, *ec- ■tricken ricelands of Laisoh lelan'd. Reg. 88.88 fied two. m em bers'of the palace the Rev. Robert S. Bilheimer, the conditions in the region. Ooopero- reported today that they are In- Opea^Oaliy Including end ef four article* oa the bigge*f council’s associate general secre­ Two Korean War paraplegice, MsdoythtyMrorauuR. . . . ‘ arreided while on passes from vcstlgatiag the euapectod robbery Wednesdays (Oantinaad an T o f Etoven) Christian eenvenUon ever held hi tary. (CoaUaned on Pag* TMrtocn) t 1 America, Kingslnidg* Veterans Hoepital in Senate^s 62 28 Vote Assures aboard a yacht chartored by thia Y O U C A N A t the heart of the question is 8 AM . to 6 P.M. We have Just been rsadiag la a trade paper about a stora ■'f Bronx, held 'In $1,009' bail each for Duke and Duchem ml WIndeer o f whether Chrietians can hopefully an American gneal, dim* ate Open Friday Nights which received fresh cera 12 hours after it was picked oa AffORD PfRMANiNl LADIES’ By GEORGE W. CORNELL fight for Justice and goodness in Illegal peeseeslsa of weapons.-Bay VntU 8:80 the farm. . > . We do evea better thaa that . . . the Indochinese Calm State hwuranoe broker killed when Ike of Flexible Farm Prices heir James (Jimmy) Doqaha*. RUSTPROOF GUITFK' Malenkov Accepts Evanstqn,' Hi., Aug. 11 OP)— this virorld, or whether those goals Yellow C^ra we receive from Frieiid of Olastoabary, le FOR THOSE WHO MISKD IT THE LAST TIME ranted plana he was piloting strikes One o f Jiunianity's oldest riddles— are deenied attainable only in a HURT IN AUTO CRASH picked early each meralag aad delivered to ue-Just tao to whether man’s first duty is to the klM dom of God to come, On Final Cease-fire tall tree and crashes into Lake m i«e hours later. ToiMtoes, too, are picked ^ r l y each SPORT SHOES iittlee Banquet Bid Sherman. Washington, Aug. 11 (P)—AuApoint* o t difference wMch must Moatvili*. Aug. 11 (PV-Aa Como in or < all HERE IT IS AGAIN here or the heroafter— today poses u there I any real hope for his- b* ironed out. Then approval of elderly Nenrlagtoa maa aad adfi* day. rarefuUy graded for quality, thea brought la to ua a sharpened ^question for churches toricai progress, hov'ever slow or Joaa M aria Da Areilsa, count of administration plan for farm price TODAY Motrico and prominent economist the compromise by both branches wete hespilaUscd to Norwtoh fresh from tha farm. . Moacow, Aug. 11 (JV-The Brit­ around the globe. faltering, towar i a godly rer-lm. or Saigon, Aug. 11 MR— ^Th* fifth eupf>orte which < Id move up or • Oxfords and final cease-fir* in Indochina and Induatrtal engineer ia Spain’s is neectod to send the measure to today after their ear- left $ 1 -4 9 ish smbaasy polished up lU best It ie being! preached on, etudied, must man simply rv.alt a “ Second down as stocks on bWMt vary was the White House. road oa tho Norwich-New OPEN WEDNESDAYS DURINB SUMMER china, silver and glaae today for argued over, read about, analysed Coming” ? took effect today, officially .anding now amhaaahder to United State*.. OoBM la Wedaesday aad hoy Bome of this f reah cora . , , • Loafers Oratoaqu* a** craatur* four feet certain of enaefinent Into law to­ “Our toughest'job will be ac­ doa Highway, howled ever 8fi a dinner gueat who’s never broken and interpreted. the world'e last active war. But we have Hmas aad shell hesns If y A i waat to malce,succ»> • Play iUioea “ We -are living 'In an age in long with two Hvo-tood foet found day foilowint 62-23 Senate passage ceptance of the Senate version c - feet ef highway feae* and tarasfi RHONE Ml-9e5253 bread in a weatern houeehold be- It ia being discuseed in Sunday the peace stirred no fanfare' ia thia which many rash hopes are being an baneh on Caavey Island, Eng­ last night at a big new farm bill. supports on dairy produeU/' aaid epd s^er-ead aaother 188 feat; -•S ii lY t o 10. Values to 14.98. for*—Soviet Premier Oeorgi Ma­ capital city of South Viet Nam. Air-Conditioned achoola and meetings and dealt proposed,” said Dr. Marc Boegner, land by a minister. President Eisenhower earlier Sen. Aiken (R -V t), chair.*r.an of "You r Store of Friendly Servloe” lenkov. with in achoiarly papers and .mil­ a council co-prealdent and }-ead Commanders - of the Fronrt> described a* a jweep*ng ' ictory a th* Senate Agriculture committee POLICE CLUB BAVARIANS S^e^I Wednesday and Thursday only. 69e Lean Union troops and the Oomntunlat- ' AngUeans have membership of ■f The N a 1 Russian makes his un- lions of words in th* reli^ops of the Reformed Ch nkes of llvo por cent of Ih* gtobal church House vote in favor of flexible and head o f ita conferees. Fraaktott, Oaraamy. .Aag. I I Ground 59c lb. 39c Halnburg 35c lb. precedentsd appearance tonight at press. France. led Vietmljah ordered their op­ ■upporta to range between 82>; Redweed t* 7 S « (P>—Waat. qeiama itot 974 posing forces to lay down th'^ po|wiatton, Archbiabop.iof Canter-, an embaaay tanquet honoring for­ “If ths churohts can speak on ?It is tj) alMMriute necessity for bury tella World Anglican Congress and 80 ^ r cent -of parity, even After a hard-fo'ii.bt Senate • • • arms in South Viet Nam at fi ajo. mer Britiah Prime Miniatar Cie- this with .one mind, it is possible tha . Christian cfaiu^cs to cut in Minneapolis ... Mrs. D o^d tbough he had asked originally floor figiit, Aiken won approval break apart haoMa « • ( M A IN ST. mant Attic* and six other Lqter for them to bring guidance—and ti)rough these bbUew faiths, .and (7 p.m. ED T Tuesday). Lagay, arifo o f first- Mow England for a 75-80 per cant rang*- fTie of th* order of Secretary Agrl- striking RIDGWAY MILLS party leaders viaitlar Moscow an f aauiae hope—to a bcwildarod dad o a er a new coanctAscq and * true The ^ order was mbstly a' (br- aoan ralaaaed in prisonar aachange Senate on Monday night okayed cultqr* Benson for a reduction to 8Se No. Main St., Maacbester 188 W. m i d d l e t u r n p i k e TEL. MI-9-6404 touts to a throo-wook stay in Oon- menaeed world.” aqid Rlahopr J. value—that Christ the only mality. Fighting had tapered oC in Koras, ghrw MI r lh to a in Val- th* aam*L83i4-80 p*r cent rang* 75 per cent of parity in go v^ - FREE Waakom Pickett, head ef ladU’e ■Inc* the eeaae-llr* became affec­ 3(12 Maid St. muaiat China. ----- hope— both for man and his cora- lay F m o Arm y Hoapltal. Phoonix- ' by the House, eo that will ment supports/bh butter, &eeae Open DaUy 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. OPEN DAILY 9:00-9:00 Malenkov aad othor top Soviot MetbodM^^^h. MUfiity.' tive two weeks ago in Nqrtji Viet vlUo,». Pa. not belpn iss>ic tn the conference and dried milk, TIk order took W ber Nann the main 'war th em r, iBCtadlag Wed. After PARKING , ALL DAY WEDNESDAY r ^ —*— ' aot tho pneo for'A tU oS ’s' ira that- Jvope aad effort ' •a rh a ih ot Cahforala atoao comasictiw haaigus to resolve d if'■ feet laat Xprl& 1, and th* House taaochad in th n jp k n M ^ “ Christ ■ a to r^ UatU Ni Mrtlaa M th adation o fS a iL .M c- feroaeea in th* two (< <• Pogn Trtu) —Uto hope cH t h i nrocld," the (CoaUawi aa Pagn XUHma) (Ooatfaiaafi aa. Figu/TMl“L OarUiy tha"do not OMusa’^ list Ttaj^ara a ,iaaqtier a t otln r an Pogn ^h^SeeRag , f - ' • ■ ’ ' , A, ^ ■ ■ r ^