Box Office / Swyddfa Docynnau 0300 365 6677 / www.gwynhall.com Gwyn Hall for All Neuadd Gwyn i Bawb

Gwyn Hall is pleased to accept the following schemes: Mae’n bleser gan Neuadd Gwyn dderbyn y cynlluniau canlynol:

Cinema Exhibitors Association Card Hynt Card Cerdyn Cymdeithas Arddangoswyr a Cherdyn Hynt Sinema (CEA) www.ceacard.co.uk www.hynt.co.uk

Ticket Levy Accessibility / Hygyrchedd There is a 10% ticket levy included on all Event ticket sales. There is a 50p ticket levy included on all Cinema ticket sales. Mae yna ardoll o 10% ar bob gwerthiant tocyn digwyddiadau. Mae yna ardoll o 50 ceiniog ar bob gwerthiant tocyn sinema.

Cinema / Sinema Make Gwyn Hall your first choice for Cinema! The Gwyn Hall can offer you an affordable treat for all the family, for considerably less than the multiplexes. Our cinemas are fully licenced for alcohol for films starting after 7pm.

Gwnewch Neuadd Gwyn eich dewis cyntaf ar gyfer sinema!. Gall y Neuadd Gwyn gynning fwynhad I’r holl deulu, yn llai na gost sinemau aml-sgrîn. Mae pob sinema wedi’u trwyddedu’n llawn i werthu alcohol ar gyfer ffilmiau sy’n dechrau ar ôl 7pm.

2 Friday 24 September at 7.30pm Nos Wener 24 Medi am 7.30yp

ELO AGAIN are back with their stunning ‘Re-Discovery Tour’ celebrating the truly universal music of Jeff Lynne and the Electric Light Orchestra. Now in their 8th year ELO AGAIN really give you a dramatic taste of what a legendary ELO concert would have been like back in their heyday, the whole experience is professionally re-enacted with a great sound reproduction, light show and visual effects. Mae ELO AGAIN yn ôl gyda ‘Re-Discovery Tour’ i ddathlu cerddoriaeth hollfydol Jeff Lynne a’r Electric Light Orchestra. Nawr yn eu 8fed blwyddyn, mae ELO AGAIN yn cynnig blas dramatig o’r hyn fu gyngerdd ELO ‘nôl yn ei ddydd. Gyda sioe goleuadau ac effeithiau gweledol proffesiynol, fe fydd fel bod yno yn y croen.

£23 3 Mike Doyle: Rocking with Laughter Thursday 30 September at 7.30pm Nos Iau 30 Medi am 7.30yp

Come and join Mike Doyle and his fabulous live band for a sensational evening of his unique brand of comedy and music, guaranteed to delight and entertain in equal measure. Since appearing on the final of Bob says Opportunity Knocks in 1988, Mike has forged a career on stage and television including starring roles in the West End, three of his own entertainment series for the BBC and to date 26 pantomimes, alongside over 30 years of headlining cruise line performances on some of the Worlds largest cruiselines.

Ymunwch â Mike Doyle â’i fand arbennig am noson gyffroes, wrth iddo gyfuno’i gomedi a’i gerddoriaeth unigryw. Ers ei ymddangosiad ar Bob says Opportunity Knocks yn 1988, dechreuodd Mike gyrfa ar lwyfan a theledu yn serennu ar y West End, tair cyfres adloniant ar y BBC ac, hyd heddiw,26 pantomeim: heb son am dros 30 mlynedd yn perfformio ar rhai o fordeithiau fwyaf y byd. £17.70

4 Friday 8 October at 7.30pm Nos Wener 8 Hydref am 7.30yp

Bowie Experience is a spectacular concert celebrating the sound and vision of David Bowie. A must see for all Bowie fans, the latest production features all the hits from A to Ziggy and continues to amaze audiences with an astounding attention to detail, bringing the golden years of David Bowie to the stage.

Mae Bowie Experience yn gyngerdd ysblennydd sy’n dathlu’r sain a gweledigaeth David Bowie. Rhaid i bob cefnogwyr Bowie weld, mae’r cynhyrchiad diweddaraf yn cynnwys yr holl hits o A i Ziggy ac yn parhau i syfrdanu cynulleidfaoedd gyda sylw syfrdanol i fanylion, gan ddod â blynyddoedd euraidd David Bowie i’r llwyfan.

£25.30 5 Thursday 14 October at 7.30pm Nos Iau 14 Hydref am 7.30yp Totally Tina… from Nutbush to Wembley Stadium with The Queen of Rock’n’Roll Come shake a tail feather with the UK’s official No1 Tina. . . Justine Riddoch and her talented cast. She’s got the looks, she’s got the moves, but most of all, she’s got THE voice. Join an army of loyal fans for a truly authentic, fun-packed musical spectacular! Totally Tina… Nutbush i Stadiwm Wembley gyda’r Frenhines Roc a Rôl. Dewch am noson gyffroes a bythgofiadwy gyda phrif Tina y DU… Justine Riddoch a’i chast talentog.


6 Ignacio Lopez: Spain’s Best Export Friday 22 October at 7.30pm Nos Wener 22 Hydref am 7.30yp Spain’s best export, Ignacio Lopez (as seen on BBC Sesh),slams Spanish and British culture in a relentlessly funny show about holidays,food and childhood. An armada of sarcasm, silliness and songs!

Ignacio was born in Mallorca to a Spanish father and a Welshmother, he spent his summer holidays in rain soaked Pontardawe, trying his bestto fit in; learning Welsh, stuffing his face with chips and underage drinking.

Mae allforio gorau Sbaen, Ignacio Lopez (fel y gwelir ar BBC Sesh), yn slamio diwyl- liant Sbaen a Phrydain mewn sioe ddoniol am wyliau, bwyd a phlentyndod. Armada o goegni, llonyddwch a chaneuon! Ganwyd Ignacio ym Mallorca i dad o Sbaen a Chym- rawd, treuliodd ei wyliau’r haf mewn glaw socian Pontardawe, gan geisio ei orau i ffitio i mewn; dysgu Cymraeg, stwffio’i wyneb â sglodion ac yfed dan oed. £11 7 Saturday 30 October at 7.30pm Nos Sadwrn 30 Hydref am 7.30yp

‘The Greatest Rock & Roll Band In The World’ is a bold statement but Showaddywaddy has lived up to that title for the last 4 decades! Their live show is dynamic and uplifting featuring all of their biggest hits, many of which reached number one in the pop charts of Europe.

Mae ‘band roc a rôl gorau’r byd’ yn ddatganiad beiddgar, ond mae Showaddywaddy wedi yfiawnhau’r teitl hwnnw ers y 4 degawd diwethaf! Mae eu sioe’n fywiog ac yn codi’r hwyliau ac mae’n cynnwys pob un o’u caneuon mwyaf poblogaidd, yr oedd sawl un ohonynt wedi cyrraedd brig siartiau pop Ewrop

£26.40 8 Friday 19 November at 7.30pm Nos Wener 19 Tachwedd am 7.30yp

‘Money for Nothing’ was formed in 2000 as a tribute to one of the world’s premier rock bands – Dire Straits. The abundant energy and the excellence and musicality of their performance makes Money for Nothing a “must see” for any rock enthusiast or Dire Straits fan.

Sefydlodd ‘Money for Nothing’ yn 2000 fel teyrnged i un o fandiau roc gorau’r byd - Dire Straits. Gyda digonedd o egni a rhagoriaeth eu perfformiad, mae ‘Money for Nothing’ yn sioe mae’n rhaid i unrhyw ffan roc neu Dire Straits i’w gweld.


9 Thursday 25 November at 7.30pm Noa Iau 25 Tachwedd am 7.30yp The Drifters are back on tour in the UK with a brand-new show performing all their classic hits from the last six decades. The legendary group have previously been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, listed among the Greatest Artists of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine and have produced an incredible list of hits – including; Saturday Night at the Movies, Come on Over to My Place, Stand By Me, Under the Boardwalk and many, many more!

Mae’r The Drifters yn nol ar daith yn y DU gyda sioe hollol newydd llawn o’u caneuon enwog o’r chwe degawd diwethaf.

£29.70 10 A Beautiful Noise Thursday 2 December at 7.30pm Nos Iau 2 Rhagfyr am 7.30yp From London’s West End, led by Fisher Stevens with his full live band, the internationally acclaimed production celebrates the music of Neil Diamond.

Teyrnged yn dathlu cerddoriaeth Neil Diamond O’r West End yn Llundain, Fisher Stevens a’i fand sy’n arwain y cynhyrchiad gwych hwn gan ddathlu cerddoriaeth Neil Diamond.

£28.60 & £26.40 concession

11 Wednesday 8 Deceber at 7.30pm Nos Wener 8 Rhagfyr am 7.30yp Join resting actor Alfred St John Merrimoon once again, as he regales his audience with more unsettling tales of seasonal spooks, winter wraiths and Christmastime horrors. Huddle closer to the fireplace and keep away from the shadows, for who knows what might be lurking just out of sight? An amusingly chilling way to see in this special time of year!

Ymunwch â’r actor gorffwys Alfred St John Merrimoon unwaith eto, wrth iddo ail- adrodd ei gynulleidfa â straeon mwy cythryblus o spooks tymhorol ac erchyllterau Nadolig. Cwtchwch yn agosach at y man tân a chadw draw o’r cysgodion, oherwydd pwy a ŵyr beth allai fod yn llechu ychydig o’r golwg? Ffordd ddoniol o iasol i’w gweld yn yr amser arbennig hwn o’r flwyddyn!


12 Friday 10 December at 7.30pm Nos Wener 10 Rhagfyr am 7.30yp

It is just over 40 years since ABBA won Eurovision and now it’s your chance to thank ABBA for the music! ABBA MANIA brings ABBA fans old and new a night not to be missed. If you’re looking for an excuse to party, reminisce or simply be entertained by the best music ever, then ABBA MANIA is for you! So dig out those platforms, dust down those flares, join in and enjoy all of your favourites including: ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Voulez Vous’, ‘’, ‘Winner Takes It All’, ‘Super Trouper’ and many more.

Mae ychydig dros 40 mlynedd ers i ABBA ennill Eurovision ac nawr dyma’ch cyfle i ddiolch i ABBA am y gerddoriaeth!Mae ABBA MANIA yn cyflwyno noson rhaid ei gweld i edmygwyr hen ac ifanc ABBA. Os ydych yn chwilio am esgus i gael parti, hel atgofion neu gael eich diddanu gan y gerddoriaeth orau erioed, yna ABBA MANIA yw’r ateb i chi! Felly chwiliwch am eich hen sgidiau platfform, brwsiwch y llwch oddi ar y fflêrs ‘na a dewch i fwynhau eich holl ffefrynnau, gan gynnwys ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Voulez-Vous’, ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Winner Takes It All’, ‘Super Trouper’ a llawer mwy. £26.40, £24.20 Concession

13 Suitable for Ages 2 - 7

Thursday 16 December at 1pm & 4pm Dydd Iau 16 Rhagfyr am 1yp & 4yp The show where every child gets a present from Santa! Join Father Christmas and friends in this brand new,festive, musical, interactive adventureto make 2021 Santa’s Best Ever Christmas! Y sioe ble mae pob plentyn yn cael anrheg oddi wrth Siôn Corn! Ymunwch a Siôn Corn a’i ffrindiau mewn sioe hwyl a sbri, llawn o gerddoriaeth ac antur i wneud 2021 y Nadolig fwya hwylus am Siôn Corn! 14 £8 The West End at Christmas

Saturday 18 Decebember at 7.30pm Dydd Sadwrn 18 Rhagfyr am 7.30yp

The West End at Christmas are back!

Stars from the West End present a magical evening of entertainment featuring hits from the musicals and the best of Christmas song.

The exceptionally talented cast have starred in many West End productions and national tours including Les Miserables, We Will Rock You, South Pacific, Starlight Express, Phantom Of The Opera, Wicked, Legally Blonde, Joseph and Cats... to name but a few!

Mae’r West End at Christmas yn ôl!

Mae sêr y West End yn cyflwyno noson hudolus o adloniant yn cynnwys hits o’r sioeau cerdd a ganeuon gorau y Nadolig.

Mae’r cast eithriadol o dalentog wedi serennu mewn nifer o gynyrchiadau West End a theithiau cenedlaethol gan gynnwys Les Miserables, We Will Rock You, South Pacific, Starlight Express, Phantom Of The Opera, Wicked, Legally Blonde, Joseph a Cats ... i enwi ond ychydig!

£16.50, Con £14

15 January 7 - 16 / Ionawr 7 - 16 The most magical pantomime of all comes to Gwyn Hall from January 7th – 16th 2022 The classic rags to riches tale Cinderella will be transformed into a breath-taking family extravaganza with glittering sets, gorgeous costumes and the latest hits that you know and love.

Mae’r pantomeim mwyaf hudolus yn dod i’r Neuadd Gwyn o Ionawr 7fed i’r 16eg 2022. Bydd y stori adnabyddus hon yn dod yn fwy gyda setiau disglair, gwisgoedd ysblennydd a’ch hoff ganeuon diweddaraf. £14.50, Con £11.75, Family/Teulu £45

16 Coming Soon / Yn Dod Yn Fuan

American Four Tops Ultimate Classic Rock Friday 11 February at 7.30pm Show Nos Wener 11 Chwerfor am 7.30yp Friday 8 April at 7.30pm Andy Fairweather Low Nos Wener 8 Ebrill am 7.30yp Friday 18 February at 7.30pm The Fureys Nos Wener 18 Chwerfor am 7.30yp For booking information, Wednesday 27 April at 7.30pm directions, accessibility Twirlywoos Live Nos fercher 27 Ebrill am 7.30yp Saturday 26 February at 1pm and our full terms and Dom Joly Dydd Sadwrn 26 Chwerfor am 1yp conditions please visit Saturday 30 April at 7.30pm our website. Mal Pope Nos Sadwrn 30 Ebrill am 7.30yp Friday 11 March at 7.30pm The Carpenters I gael gwybodaeth am Nos Wener 11 Mawrth am 7.30yp Friday 13 May at 7.30pm archebu tocynnau, Oh What a Night! Nos Wener 13 Mai am 7.30yp cyrafwyddiadau, Saturday 26 March at 7.30pm Royalty in Concert hydyrchedd a’n Nos Sadwrn 26 Mawrth am 7.30yp Friday 20 May at 7.30pm hamodau a’n telerau Max Boyce Nos Wener 20 Mai am 7.30yp llawn, ewch i’n gwefan. Friday 18 March at 7.30pm Psychic Sally Nos Wener 18 Mawrth am 7.30yp Thursday 16 June at 7.30pm www.gwynhall.com Comedy Roast - Nos Iau 16 Mehefin am 7.30yp Visit our website Rugby Special Richard & Adam! and join our FREE Friday 1 April at 7.30pm Saturday 25 June at 7.30pm Email List! Nos Wener 1 Ebrill am 7.30yp Nos Sadwrn 25 Mehefin am 7.30yp Bronwen Lewis Genesis Connected! Ymuno a’n rhestr Saturday 2 April at 7.30pm Saturday 2 July at 7.30pm e-bostio AM Nos Sadwrn 2 Ebrill am 7.30yp Nos Sadwrn 2 Gorffennaf am 7.30yp DDIM

Princess Royal Theatre Box Office 01639 763214 www.princessroyaltheatre.com Civic Centre, Port Talbot, SA13 1PJ

September Thursday 30th, 7.30pm Monday 18th, 7.30pm Thursday 9th, 7.30pm Amanda Owen ‘Adventures of Jim Davidson An Evening with the Yorkshire Shepherdess’ Thursday 21st, 7.30pm Merrill Osmond October Totally Tina Friday 10th, 7.30pm Friday 1st, 8pm November Adele – The Journey So Far Bon Giovi Thursday 11th, 8pm starring Stacey Lee Sunday 10th, 8pm The South Thursday 16th, 8pm Joel Dommett Thursday 18th, 7.30pm The Animals Wednesday 13th, 7.30pm Steve Steinman’s Anything Monday 20th, 7.30pm NAVI King of Pop For Love, The Meatloaf Story Psychic Sally Friday 15th, 7.30pm Friday 19th, 7.30pm Thursday 23rd, 7.30pm Forbidden Nights Jack Dee Roy Chubby Brown All information is correct at time of printing. However, Gwyn Hall & Celtic Leisure reserves the right to amend the programme in certain circumstances Event Listings / Digwynddiad

SEPTEMBER / MEDI Friday 24th September at 7.30pm ELO Again

Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm Mike Doyle: Rocking with Laughter OCTOBER / CHWERFOR Friday 8th October at 7.30pm Bowie Experience

Thursday 14th October at 7.30pm Totally Tina

Friday 22nd October at 7.30pm Ignacio Lopez: Spain’s Best Export

Saturday 30th October at 7.30pm Showaddywaddy NOVEMBER / MAWRTH Friday 19th November at 7.30pm Money for Nothing

Thursday 25th November at 7.30pm The Drifters

Saturday 27th November at 7.30pm Stars & Legends Tribute Concert DECEMBER / EBRILL Thursday 2nd December at 7.30pm A Beautiful Noise

Wednesday 8th December at 7.30pm DGITC: More Ghost Stories for Christmas

Friday 10th December at 7.30pm ABBAMANIA

Thursday 16th December at 1pm & 4pm Santa’s Best Ever Christmas

Saturday 18th December at 7.30pm West End at Christmas JANUARY / MAI Friday 7th - Sunday 16th January Cinderella

Friday 14th January at 7.30pm & Cinderella (Adult Panto) Saturday15th January at 8pm Autumn / Winter I Hydref / Gaeaf 2021 Winter I Hydref Autumn / Swyddfa Docynnau / Box Office: 0300 365 6677 / www.gwynhall.com Office: Docynnau / Box Swyddfa

Designed by Gareth Jones