The Killer Angels Rationale Book: The Killer Angels Author: Grade Level: 8th and up Audience: 8th grade —lit circles (small group, optional text)

Plot Summary: The book looks at the from multiple perspectives as they rest, , fight, and retreat. The book is a novelized work of creative non-fiction that brings the battle to life while including the kind of intense detail that history-lovers can take joy in. This book is recommended for strong readers and those with particular interest in history— particularly the history of war.

Theoretical Support and Redeeming Values  The book is a well-researched piece of that shows how life was for the people of the Civil War.  The book also provides an excellent jumping-off point to discuss the time period in both Mr. Baron’s English class and Ms. Shafer’s American history course.

Literary Qualities and Summary of Reviews  1975 Pulitzer Prize

Sensitive Subjects in the Text/Possible Objections  Violence and injury – While the mentions are fairly tame, the book goes into great detail about the overall battle and occasionally stops to show the balls from cannons and rifles make contact.

How Sensitive Subjects and Possible Objections Will Be Handled in Class  Violence and injury- While it appears very briefly, the violence of the period can be disturbing. We will continue to discuss the era and share feelings about being presented with violence and injury—particularly when treated by such primitive medicine.

Teaching Objectives  Students will understand what life was like for people who lived during the era.  Students will use advanced reading skills to draw inferences, make connections, summarize narrative content, and will enrich their understanding of the human experience of history.

Teaching Methods  The book will be handed out to lit-circle groups. The groups will assign readings, roles, read the selected reading, and then discuss the book and its content based on roles they were given. Students will use a variety of skills when discussing, including generating clarifying/discussion questions, summarizing the text, researching connections, and identifying key historical details from the text.

Assignments  Lit circle packets and discussion  Historical time period presentations

Alternative Texts to This One  N/A – optional text. Students may choose an alternate text if they are not comfortable with all material.